Stockist Form - Dated 23-12-21
Stockist Form - Dated 23-12-21
Stockist Form - Dated 23-12-21
7. Whether you are availing any credit limit facility of Bank (if yes how much)_______________________
2. ______________________________________3.___________________________________________
9.3 1st Partner/ Proprietor Name_____________________________________________________________
Father’s Name_________________________________________________________________________
Residence of __________________________________________________________________________
Father’s Name_________________________________________________________________________
Residence of __________________________________________________________________________
10. Total No. of family members looking a er wholesale business(other than employees)______________
13.1 Qualifica on & Work Experience of Partners/ Proprietor______________________________________
17. Number of Salesman going for booking. Please men on names and contact number of Salesmen :
1. _________________ M.No_________________ 2. _________________ M.No_________________
18. Supply Arrangements (Conveyance, Vehicle & Units for Supply)_________________________________
19.1 Provide list of retail Chemists to whom you are supplying goods________________________________
19.2 Provide list of General Merchant Shops to whom you are supplying goods________________________
19.3 Provide list of Doctors / Nursing Home to whom you are supplying goods_________________________
24.1 Name of preferred Transport for receiving goods from Depot__________________________________
25.1 Are you selling range of Suncare products Presently Yes/ No___________________________________
25.2 If Yes from which Party/ Place you are buying presently?______________________________________
I here by declare that the enclose informa on is true to my knowledge and believe
Terms and Condi ons for Supply to Stockist
1. All Supplies will be made only if order is accompanied by Current Dated Cheque or
PDC (AT PAR)/ DD subject to confirma on of payment.
2. Stockist will be given specified territory for working. you shall sell the goods in the
specified territory only. An average li ing per month should be maintained as
decided from me to me.
3. Goods are being dispatched and documents sent to you directly on AMANAT basis.
The tle of the goods shall lie with us ll we receive the payment.
4. We have a policy of Appoin ng Stockist against Advance payment term only. Unless
specified The appointment shall be treated to be against Advance payments only.
5. Company reserves its right to cancel this appointment or appoint fresh/ as many
stockist as required in the territory without any no ce.
6. All goods above Rs.50,000 will be supplied on F.O.R. basis up to the transport in
Stockist Town/ Nearest Railway Sta on from C&F/ CSA/ Distributors, else half of the
freight shall be payable by the stockist.
7. DD/ Cheques to be given in favour of the Distributors or
M/s. SUNCARE FORMULATIONS PVT. LTD. payable at par or as advised.
8. In case cheque of any stockist bounces, bank charges @ 500/- per cheque bounced,
service charges of Bank @ 0.2% of Cheque Amount and Postage Expense of Rs. 50/-
& interest is to be paid by stockists. Minimum next 3 supplies will be given against
advance DD only.
9. The stockist is required to supply order of retail outlets/ dispensing doctors and
others booked by field force of company at the earliest.
10. A sufficient inventory of all the products marketed by the company is to be maintained.
11. The stockist will provide Sales & stock statement monthly on the prescribed form
and any other informa on required by the company me to me along with details
of slow moving, dumped stock or Near expiry ( at least six months prior to expiry date)
12. Stockist will help field force in distribu on of adver sement material, support material
sent by company to retail outlets.
13. Any payment made by stockist to the company will be the payment against the
goods supplied by C&F/ CSA/ Distributors to the stockist. The
stockist in future cannot claim any refund of payment made to company in this way.
14. Don't pay in cash to our Field staff, Representa ves, C&F/CSA/ Distributors.
15. You will not give goods, medicines, cash or enter into any transac on of SUNCARE or
any other company, to marke ng staff of our company.
16. You will not give any guarantee or any cash on personal basis to any marke ng
staff of the company.
17. If term no. 14, 15 & 16 are violated & some monetary loss occurs to you, for that
COMPANY/ C&F/ CSA/ Distributers will not be responsible at all and any viola on
detected shall cancel the stockist ship.
18. Our marke ng staff shall give you order from market whenever they will visit your
area or over phone, mail, whatsapp or any other medium as prevalent.
19. If quan es supplied in Invoice is more/ different than ordered, the stockist should
send le er and inform immediately by phone and fax to C&F/CSA/ Distributors and
copy of le er should be sent to SUNCARE FORMULATIONS PVT. LTD. Delhi office to
prevent dumping.
20. NO VERBAL COMMITMENT is done by the company. No commitment of Discount,
Compensa on, Replacement , Scheme, Incen ve or any kind of assurance is valid
un l it is provided in wri ng on le er pad of company signed by Director received
through C&F/CSA/Distributers or directly company. OUR SALES STAFF ARE NOT
21. Invoices remaining unpaid for over 21 days shall become payable along with
interest @24% per annum from invoice date ll date of payment.
22 Our packaging is tamper proof and unbreakable materials are used in packaging. S ll
if you receive any damage stock it should be returned back Immediately. You shall
send all breakage with label on the bo le/ tube or Strip intact along with neck during
the month at the end of every month on your expenses. A replacement/ credit note
shall be sent to you upon confirma on. No replacement/ credit note for breakage
etc. returned a er two months of invoice date.
23. We don't accept expiry goods. Only goods Six months prior to expiry are
replaceable. Also goods of OTC, Dispensing, Fast Track group and other goods
supplied free or under scheme or under non returnable basis are not
replaceable/ taken back. Expired goods from the market should not be taken back.
No such claim shall be entertained. The stock statement provided monthly by you
shall be taken in account for jus fying expiry at your end in case of OTC division only.
24. The stockist can be appointed for any one or all the divisions. All ma ers regarding
claim, se lement, dispute shall be dealt separately for each division.
25. You shall be responsible for any supplies/ debts/ claim/ outstandings/ li ga ons
from your end whether independently or in consulta on or acceptance of our field
staff. Company/ C&F/ CSA/ Distributors shall not be responsible.
26. Any expenses on part of local associa ons or any other for your smooth
appointment/ opera on shall be bourn by you.
27. You shall abide by all the policy decisions taken by company me to me. Any
disagreement shall automa cally cancel your stockistship.
28. Decision of the Company shall be final. All disputes subject to
We have read and understood all these terms and condi ons carefully & We agree on the same.
Appointed Stockist Name:_________________________________ HQ:_____________________
Appointed as Stockist for Market: ___________________________ For : OTC, Fas rack, Sani zer
Credit Limit Approved:_____________________________________________________________
Any Special Remark:_______________________________________________________________
received one copy of this Stockist Appointment Form with Terms & Condi ons.
Signature with Date & Stamp of the Suncare Signature with Date & Stamp of the Stockist
Signature with Date & Stamp of the Witness Signature with Date & Stamp of the Witness
Why Is Stockist Needed?_________________________________________________________________
1) Enquiry Report of RSM/ ASM about stockist’s nature, financial posi on, dealing with retailer & dealing
2) Enquiry Report of ZSM about stockist’s nature, financial posi on, dealing with other companies and
facts of the SAP based on telephone talk with stockist and Distributor and RSM/ASM______________
3) Enquiry Report of C&F / CSA/ Distributers about stockist through his sources
Market Feedback from Retailers and Doctors