6 - Pharmacotherapy of Coccidiosis in Cattle, Goat And-2
6 - Pharmacotherapy of Coccidiosis in Cattle, Goat And-2
6 - Pharmacotherapy of Coccidiosis in Cattle, Goat And-2
• Describe dose, dosage and course of drugs used to treat Coccidiosis in Cattle, Goat and Pigs
• List contraindications of drugs used to treat Coccidiosis in Cattle. Goat and Pig
• List common side effects and adverse effects of drugs used to treat Coccidiosis in Cattle, Goat and Pigs
What is Coccidiosis?
• Supportive therapy
o Fluids (Most effective treatment for the already sick animal)
28 October 2019 Pharmacotherapy of Coccidiosis 6
Contraindications in Treatment of Coccidiosis
in Cattle
• Sulfamethazine
o Allergy and hypersensitivity
• Decoquinate
o Do not use in cases of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the
• Monensin
o Hypersensitivity to Monensin
• The most effective treatment for the already sick cattle is supportive
therapy (fluids) and antibiotics to ward off secondary infections