Summer Training Project (SIP) Report
Summer Training Project (SIP) Report
Summer Training Project (SIP) Report
(Preparation Guidelines)
Presentation Evaluation Details:
The presentation/demonstration given by student will be evaluated on the basis of
following criteria:
S. No Criteria
1. Project type and Level of Project
2. Understanding about Project *
3. Thoroughness in skill set **
4. Communication Skill and Confidence Level
5. Query Handling
* Thoroughness in Skill set of students means whether he/she has thorough knowledge
of the skill sets used in developing his/her project.
Project Evaluation & Viva Voce:
At the end of the training period, students are required to present the project
done, during the training period in front of the panel.
Submission of Report:
1. Each student will make at least two copies of project report in the recommended
format. It should be typed on one side. The students will keep one copy of the project
with themselves for their further reference in future and one copy to the organization
where they have done their summer training (if required) and submit one copy to the
concerned guide (internal) of the Mgt Dept.
3. Each student is required to take prior approval from the faculty mentor. Therefore
they are suggested to get their soft copy approved before getting it print.
4. The cover page must be hard bound in black color with golden embossing. The size
of the report would depend on the project undertaken. However it must be 100 to 150
(approx) typed pages on A4 size paper. All the students are required to use the
uniform font and format (except in heading and subheadings) throughout the text of
the report. For example, if anybody uses “times new roman” of font size 12 in the
text, then he/she will be using the same throughout the report
5. The project report must accompany two certificates (one from organization where
you have done your summer training and another from the department of
management) authenticating the originality of the work done in the prescribed format.
6. If any material in the report is picked up from any source and the source name is not
referred in the bibliography section then it will be treated as a case of plagiarism.
7. If the student uses any table/graph/ Figure, then it is to be numbered and source of
information from which it is collected, is to be mentioned under each.
8. Please do not include any header or footer in any page of the report. Only page
numbers should be mentioned at the bottom center of each page.
Typing Instructions:
Paper A4 Size
Font (Times New Roman) - 12 Points
Spacing between two lines 2
Margins Left = 1.5 inch, Right = 1 inch
Spacing within a sentence:-
Do not copy and paste information from other documents. Always write in your own
If you need to include information from other sources, properly quote or paraphrase, and
give citations.
Be consistent with the use of your abbreviations and state their long form when they are
used for the first time.
Be correct, consistent, and complete.
Make sure you cite any ideas that you borrow from other sources.
For clarification on any point, student can feel free to contact to the faculty mentor.
Note- There should not be any page no. on these pages (it can be put in roman like i,
ii, iii, iv, v and so on.)
You are required to attach three certificate two certificates will be provided by the
Well it’s a project report and you have to write the acknowledgement and attach it as per
sequencing. It’ll contain the names of the people you want to thank who helped you in
this project (usually your supervisor, parents, friends, teacher etc.)
Chapter I- Introduction
Have an introductory section that will make a smooth beginning to the document.
Chapter- I should contain introduction of the topic and company (The name of the
company and department where you have done your summer training, the main focus
area of the company, and your motivation for choosing this company as the place for
your summer training), Need of the study, Scope the study etc.
Are the Figures numbered properly? (Figure Numbers and Figure titles at
(ii). Yes / No
the bottom of the figures)
Are the Tables numbered properly? (Table Numbers and Table Titles
(iii). Yes / No
at the top of the tables)
(iv). Are the Captions for the Figures and Tables proper? Yes / No
Designation 2021-23
(College logo)
I <Name of student> hereby declare that the project report entitled “………(Topic of the
Report)……” submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
MBA is my original work and the Project Report has not formed the basis for the award
of any degree, diploma, associateship, or other similar titles.
Place Signature
(On College Letter Head)
I appreciate that he has put in lot of efforts and delivered good results on his research.
I, on behalf of Institute, wish him success always.
Sequence of Content pages in the Report
The following sequence may be followed in the preparation of the Manuscript as well as
the final report. (Chapter Scheme)
1. Introduction –
i) This will cover the description and rationale to select the topic.
ii) Objectives of research
iii)Significance of project (this will cover the importance of the research
iv) Limitations of project
2. i) Industry profile – a summary of industry to which your company belongs..
ii) Company profile – a summary of company and its contribution in the
3. Review of literature (if any)- will include previous studies related to your
research work.
4. Research methodology –
i) Research design
ii) Hypothesis (if any)
iii) Sample design
iv) Methods of data collection
v) Tools used for analysis (if any)
5. Analysis of data – with the help of different tools
6. Findings and recommendations
7. Bibliography – (standard format, APA 6 style)
8. Annexure – all material not included above i.e. questionnaire, different tables,
charts, pictures etc.
i) Certificate from the college will be attached in the project report to be submitted in the
college. You can submit report without certificate of the college in the company.
ii) Please do not include any header or footer in any page of the report. Only page numbers
should be mentioned at the bottom center of each page. For guidelines regarding preparation of
the report, please consult your textbook for Technical Report Writing / Technical