FHM Us Dec23
FHM Us Dec23
FHM Us Dec23
8 + 10 DOPE
Dayana Ellis
The Elon Musk Story p50 On the cover | Dayana Ellis p40 Charlotte Fantelli p88
and their
influence on
cinema today
Sylvester Stallone, the drooping mouth. Despite for “Rocky” unless he
iconic star of the “Rocky” this physical setback, could star in the film
and “Rambo” franchises, Stallone never let it hold himself. His persistence
is known for his intense him back. In fact, he paid off when the movie
on-screen presence used his unique voice became a massive
and rugged masculinity. and facial expression to success, earning him
But behind the scenes, his advantage, creating a critical acclaim and
Stallone’s journey to distinct and memorable launching his career to
Hollywood stardom on-screen persona. new heights.
was far from easy. Stallone’s early Despite facing
Born in New York City career was marked by numerous setbacks and
in 1946, Stallone faced countless rejections and challenges, Stallone
numerous challenges financial struggles. Before never gave up on his
before achieving his “Rocky” became a box dreams. His underdog
breakthrough success. office hit, Stallone was story resonated with
One little-known fact living in poverty and even audiences around the
about Stallone is that had to sell his beloved world and cemented
he was actually born dog for $50 to make his status as a true
with a facial paralysis ends meet. However, Hollywood legend.
origin story
Arnold Schwarzenegger, world of bodybuilding. “Predator,” and “Total
the Austrian-born But Schwarzenegger’s Recall.” His unique blend
bodybuilder turned ambitions didn’t of charm, humor, and
Hollywood megastar, is stop there. He set his physicality endeared
a true embodiment of sights on conquering him to audiences
the American dream. Hollywood and worldwide, making
Born in Thal, Austria in becoming a movie him one of the biggest
1947, Schwarzenegger’s star. Despite facing action stars of the 80s
journey to fame and initial skepticism due and 90s.
fortune is a testament to his thick accent Beyond his acting
to his relentless drive and unconventional career, Schwarzenegger
and unwavering physique, has also made a name
determination. Schwarzenegger never for himself in politics. He
Schwarzenegger’s let the naysayers deter served as the Governor
passion for bodybuilding him. He worked tirelessly of California from
began at a young age, to improve his acting 2003 to 2011, using his
and he quickly rose to skills and eventually platform to advocate
prominence in the sport. landed his breakout role for environmental
He won the Mr. Universe as Conan the Barbarian issues and promote
Bruce Willis, known for life and shaped his gritty Despite his action hero
his tough-guy persona and down-to-earth on- image, Willis has also
and charismatic screen persona. showcased his versatility
performances, has Willis’s breakthrough as an actor in a variety
become a household role came in the form of genres, including
name in the world of of John McClane in the comedy and drama. His
action movies. But blockbuster film “Die performances in films
there’s more to Willis Hard” in 1988. The film’s such as “Pulp Fiction”
than meets the eye. Born success catapulted and “The Sixth Sense”
in Idar-Oberstein, West Willis to stardom and earned him critical
Germany in 1955, Willis established him as acclaim and further
had a humble upbringing an action movie icon. cemented his place in
and faced numerous Interestingly, Willis wasn’t Hollywood.
challenges before finding the first choice for Off-screen, Willis
his place in Hollywood. the role. It was initially is known for his
Before becoming an offered to several philanthropic efforts
actor, Willis worked a other actors, including and involvement in
variety of odd jobs to Sylvester Stallone and various charitable
make ends meet. He Arnold Schwarzenegger. causes. He has shown
Steven Seagal, known presence, caught the peace and harmony.
for his martial arts attention of Hollywood He has served as a
prowess and tough-guy producers and paved reserve deputy sheriff
persona, is a unique the way for his acting in several states and
figure in the world of career. has been recognized
action movies. Born in Seagal’s on-screen for his efforts in
Lansing, Michigan in debut came in the form promoting aikido and
1952, Seagal’s journey of the 1988 film “Above fostering cross-cultural
to Hollywood stardom the Law.” His unique understanding.
began long before he blend of martial arts Despite his success,
set foot on a movie set. skills and natural acting Seagal has faced
Seagal’s passion for talent set him apart controversy throughout
martial arts started at from other action stars his career. Allegations of
a young age. He trained of the time. He went sexual misconduct and
in various disciplines, on to star in a string strained relationships
including karate, of successful films, with fellow actors have
judo, and aikido. His including “Under Siege,” tarnished his reputation.
dedication to aikido, “Hard to Kill,” and “Out However, his impact on
in particular, led him for Justice.” the action movie genre
culture phenomenon winning numerous fame. The show, which action movies.
Dolph Lundgren, the in the United States. black belt in karate
Swedish actor known for Lundgren’s intellect and has competed
his imposing physique and academic in various martial
and intense on-screen accomplishments set arts tournaments. His
presence, is a true him apart from other disciplined approach
Renaissance man. Born action stars of his time. to training and his
in Stockholm, Sweden in Lundgren’s acting dedication to physical
1957, Lundgren’s journey career began in the 1985 fitness have been
to becoming an action film “A View to a Kill,” evident throughout his
star is as diverse as his where he played the career.
talents. iconic villain Ivan Drago. Lundgren’s
Before entering His towering height multifaceted
the world of acting, and chiseled physique background and
Lundgren pursued a made him a formidable unique combination of
career in academia. on-screen presence. intellectual prowess and
He earned a degree in He went on to star in a physicality have made
chemical engineering variety of action-packed him a standout figure
from the Royal films, including “Rocky in the world of action
Institute of Technology IV,” “Universal Soldier,” movies. He continues to
academic background
Jackie Chan, the Hong Early in his career, audiences an authentic
Kong-born actor and he faced numerous and adrenaline-pumping
martial artist, is a true rejections and struggled experience has solidified
international superstar. to find his breakout his status as a true
Born in Victoria Peak, role. It wasn’t until he action legend.
Hong Kong in 1954, starred in the 1978 film Off-screen, Chan
Chan’s journey to “Drunken Master” that is also known for his
becoming one of the he achieved mainstream philanthropy and
biggest action stars of all success in Hong Kong. humanitarian efforts.
time is nothing short of From there, Chan’s He has been involved
extraordinary. career took off, and in various charitable
Chan’s passion for he went on to star in a causes and has used
performing arts started multitude of successful his platform to promote
at a young age. He films, including the peace and harmony.
trained rigorously in “Police Story” series, Conclusion
martial arts, acrobatics, “Rush Hour,” and The 80s and 90s were
and dance, honing his “Shanghai Noon.” a golden age for action
skills and developing his What sets Chan movies, and the stars of
unique style. His blend apart from other action that era became larger-
10 DECEMBER 2023
Model @iamnikkichapman
DECEMBER 2023 11
12 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 13
14 DECEMBER 2023
How did you get started in the modeling a long-term commitment. and staying connected with fellow
industry? I got started in the modeling fashion enthusiasts.
industry by building my portfolio, What advice do you have for aspiring
attending events, and networking with models trying to break into the Do you have a dream project or campaign
industry professionals. It took time and industry? Believe in yourself, build a strong you’d love to be a part of one day? My
dedication, but I’m grateful for the portfolio, network, take care of yourself, dream project would be to create a
opportunities that came my way. and stay determined. With hard work campaign that promotes mental health
and a positive mindset, you can break and fitness, emphasizing the importance
Can you tell us about your first modeling into the modeling industry. of taking care of both aspects. The
gig? My first modeling gig was amazing. goal would be to destigmatize mental
I was featured in Onesie Giant and I Are there any models or fashion icons who health issues and encourage individuals
walked the LA Fashion Week. The team inspire you? I find inspiration in the style to prioritize self-care and stress
was supportive, and the experience and impact of fashion icons like Coco management.
gave me the confidence to pursue my Chanel, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, and
modeling career further. others. How do you balance your professional
career with your personal life and
What’s your secret to staying in great How do you stay up-to-date with the relationships? Balancing my professional
shape and maintaining a healthy latest fashion trends and industry career with my personal life and
lifestyle? Consistency is key. Find developments? I stay up-to-date with relationships is a top priority for me. I
activities you enjoy, prioritize physical the latest fashion trends and industry set clear boundaries, prioritize my time
activity, eat nutritious foods, and listen to developments by following fashion effectively, and communicate openly
your body. Embrace a healthy lifestyle as magazines, influencers, attending shows, with my loved ones to achieve harmony.
DECEMBER 2023 15
What is the most valuable lesson you’ve supportive team, prioritize self-care, set their comments and messages. It has
learned in your career as a model? The boundaries, and focus on the positive revolutionized the industry and enabled
most valuable lesson I’ve learned as impact. a more personal connection with
a model is to embrace and celebrate everyone.
my unique qualities, cultivating self- What are your go-to fashion
confidence and self-acceptance. True staples or must-have items in your What are your long-term goals and
beauty comes from within, and being wardrobe? When it comes to fashion, aspirations in the modeling industry? My
authentic in front of the camera has my must-haves include a classic skinny- long-term goals in the modeling industry
helped me succeed both professionally fit dress with a fitness style, a little are to continuously grow, work with
and personally. black dress, eye-catching statement renowned professionals, and become a
accessories, and shoes that are both role model for aspiring models. I also aim
Can you share some of your favorite comfortable and stylish. to advocate for diversity, inclusivity, and
beauty and fashion tips? Here are a few body positivity.
of my favorite beauty and fashion tips. What role has social media played in
Embrace your personal style, Take care your modeling career, and how do you Thanks so much for your time, Where can
of your skin, Dress for your body type, engage with your followers? Social our readers follow you on social to stay
Accessorize wisely and confidence is key. media has been instrumental in my updated on what you’re up to? You can
career, allowing me to showcase my follow me on social media platforms
How do you handle the pressure of work and connect with a broader to stay updated with my work. I also
constantly being in the spotlight? To audience. I engage with my followers participate in interviews, charity events,
handle the pressure of being in the by sharing updates, and behind-the- and red-carpet appearances where I
spotlight, I would surround myself with a scenes content, and interacting with share insights about my experiences.
16 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 17
TITANS PlayStation 5
Xbox Series X vs
Are you a gaming enthusiast look-
ing to buy the latest console? Well,
you’re in luck! In this article, we will
be comparing the two heavyweights
of the gaming world: Playstation 5
and Xbox Series X. We’ll dive into
various aspects, including costs, user
reviews, market share, and gamer
preferences to help you make an in-
formed decision.
18 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 19
PlayStation 5
The PlayStation 5, or PS5, is the latest offering from Sony
Interactive Entertainment. Released in November 2020,
the PS5 has taken the gaming world by storm with its
cutting-edge technology and impressive performance.
Sporting a sleek design and a powerful hardware setup,
the PS5 is a true powerhouse.
One of the standout features of the PS5 is its lightning-
fast loading times, thanks to its custom SSD (Solid State
Drive). This allows gamers to jump into their favorite
games almost instantly, without having to endure long
loading screens. The PS5 also supports ray tracing, a
rendering technique that produces stunning visuals and
lifelike graphics.
In terms of game library, the PS5 offers an extensive
range of exclusive titles, including popular franchises like
“God of War,” “Spider-Man,” and “Uncharted.” These
exclusive games, coupled with backward compatibility
with most PS4 titles, make the PS5 an attractive choice
for gamers who want to experience the latest and
greatest gaming experiences.
Xbox Series X
On the other side of the ring, we have the Xbox Series
X, Microsoft’s flagship gaming console. Also released
in November 2020, the Xbox Series X aims to deliver
unparalleled performance and gaming experiences to
its users. With its sleek, tower-like design and powerful
hardware, the Xbox Series X is a force to be reckoned
Similar to the PS5, the Xbox Series X boasts impressive
loading times thanks to its custom SSD. Additionally, it
supports ray tracing, enabling breathtaking visuals and
immersive gameplay. One unique feature of the Xbox
Series X is its compatibility with Xbox Game Pass, a
subscription service that grants access to a vast library of
games, including first-party exclusives.
The Xbox Series X also offers backward compatibility,
allowing gamers to play a wide range of Xbox One
games on the new console. This feature is a significant
advantage for players who have invested heavily in Xbox
games and want to continue enjoying them on the latest
20 DECEMBER 2023
Comparing Features
When it comes to specifications, both consoles have power, which may result in better graphical performance in
impressive hardware that can handle the latest games with certain games. However, the difference in performance is
ease. The PS5 is powered by a custom AMD Zen 2 CPU and minimal and may not be noticeable to the average gamer.
a powerful GPU, which supports 4K gaming at 120Hz. It also In terms of features, both consoles support backward
boasts 16GB of GDDR6 RAM, ensuring smooth multitasking compatibility, allowing users to play previous generation
and seamless gameplay. games. The PS5 also offers an innovative DualSense controller,
On the other hand, the Xbox Series X also features a custom which features haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, providing
AMD Zen 2 CPU and a powerful GPU, capable of delivering 4K a more immersive gaming experience. The Xbox Series X, on
gaming at 120Hz. It packs 16GB of GDDR6 RAM, just like the the other hand, boasts Quick Resume, a feature that allows
PS5, ensuring high performance and responsiveness. players to seamlessly switch between multiple games without
While both consoles offer similar specifications, it’s worth losing progress.
noting that the PS5 has a slight edge in terms of raw GPU
Price Comparison
When it comes to pricing, both consoles come with different It’s important to note that both consoles have a disc drive-less
options and bundles, making it essential to analyze which one version available at a lower price point. The PS5 Digital Edition
fits your budget and gaming requirements. The standard edition is priced at $399, while the Xbox Series S, a more affordable
of the PS5 is priced at $499, while the Xbox Series X is also alternative to the Series X, is priced at $299.
priced at $499.
User Reviews
Understanding what gamers have to say about each console and Quick Resume for the Xbox Series X, have also been widely
can provide insights into performance, features, reliability, and praised.
overall satisfaction. After all, who better to trust than the people However, it’s important to note that there have been some
who are actually using the consoles? reports of hardware issues with both consoles. Some users
User reviews for both the PS5 and Xbox Series X have been have experienced crashes, system freezes, and other technical
overwhelmingly positive. Gamers praise the fast loading times, glitches. While these issues seem to be relatively rare, it’s crucial
stunning graphics, and smooth gameplay on both consoles. The to consider them when making a purchasing decision.
innovative features, such as the DualSense controller for the PS5
DECEMBER 2023 21
PlayStation Xbox X-Series
22 DECEMBER 2023
Pros & Cons
Both the PS5 and Xbox Series X have their strengths and compatibility with older PlayStation games.
weaknesses, so let’s summarize the pros and cons of each
console to help you make an informed decision. Xbox Series X
Pros: - Powerful hardware and impressive performance -
PlayStation 5 Xbox Game Pass subscription service with access to a wide
Pros: - Cutting-edge technology and impressive range of games - Quick Resume feature for seamless game
performance - Extensive range of exclusive titles - Innovative switching - Strong online gaming ecosystem with Xbox Live
DualSense controller for enhanced immersion - Fast loading Cons: - Limited number of exclusive titles compared to
times and stunning visuals PlayStation - Reports of hardware issues.
Cons: - Reports of hardware issues - Limited backward
The Results
In conclusion, both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series online gaming ecosystem and access to a vast library of
X are formidable gaming consoles that offer impressive games, the Xbox Series X could be the better choice.
performance, stunning graphics, and a wide range of Ultimately, no matter which console you choose, you can
gaming experiences. The choice between the two ultimately rest assured that both the PS5 and Xbox Series X will provide
comes down to personal preference, budget, and gaming an immersive and enjoyable gaming experience. So, go ahead
requirements. and pick the console that suits your gaming needs and get
If you’re a fan of exclusive games and want to experience ready to embark on unforgettable gaming adventures. Happy
the latest and greatest titles, the PlayStation 5 may be the gaming!
console for you. On the other hand, if you value a strong
DECEMBER 2023 23
Their Origin
Stories, and Actual
Evidence They May
Have Existed
Step into a realm where magic and imagination
collide, as we venture into the world of mythi-
cal creatures. These captivating creatures have
existed in human folklore for centuries, capti-
vating the hearts and minds of people across cultures and
generations. From the majestic and noble unicorn to the
fearsome and elusive dragon, these mythical beings have
taken on an iconic status in our collective imagination.
But have you ever wondered where these fantastical
creatures originated from? In this article, we will explore
the origin stories of some of the most popular mythical
creatures ever known. We will dive into the ancient leg-
ends and folklore that brought these creatures to life, trac-
ing their roots across different cultures and civilizations.
24 DECEMBER 2023
Origin Stories of Popular Mythical Creatures
Mythical creatures have been a part of are seen as symbols of luck, power, and unicorn has been depicted in various
human storytelling since ancient times. wisdom. The Western world, on the other cultures throughout history. In ancient
These creatures often embody human hand, often portrays dragons as fear- Greek mythology, the unicorn was said
fears, desires, and mysteries, reflecting some beasts guarding hoards of treasure. to be a creature of purity and grace,
the beliefs and values of the cultures that These divergent interpretations highlight while in medieval European folklore, it
created them. the cultural differences in how dragons was believed to possess healing powers.
One such creature is the dragon, a have been perceived and revered. The unicorn’s origins can be traced back
majestic and powerful being that has ap- Another mythical creature with a rich to ancient India, where it was described
peared in myths and legends across the origin story is the unicorn. Known for as a fierce and powerful animal.
globe. In Chinese mythology, dragons its single horn and ethereal beauty, the
DECEMBER 2023 25
Historical and Cultural Significance
of Mythical Creatures
Mythical creatures hold a significant the sphinx is a mythical creature with the tures, including giants, dwarves, and
place in human history and culture. body of a lion and the head of a human. elves. These creatures played a crucial
These creatures often represent the It was often depicted as a guardian, pro- role in the Norse cosmology, shaping the
hopes, fears, and aspirations of a soci- tecting sacred places and secrets. The destinies of gods and mortals alike. The
ety. They can be found in ancient texts, Great Sphinx of Giza is one of the most presence of these creatures in Norse
artwork, and even architectural designs, famous examples, standing as a testa- mythology reflects the Norse people’s
leaving behind a lasting legacy. ment to the cultural and architectural deep connection to nature and their be-
One example of the historical sig- achievements of the ancient Egyptians. lief in the interconnectedness of all be-
nificance of mythical creatures is the In Norse mythology, the nine realms ings.
sphinx. Originating from ancient Egypt, were inhabited by various mythical crea-
26 DECEMBER 2023
The Loch
Ness Monster
Legend or Reality?
DECEMBER 2023 27
Myth or Undiscovered Species?
28 DECEMBER 2023
Mythical Beasts or
Ancient Reptiles?
DECEMBER 2023 29
Mythical Creatures or Real-life
30 DECEMBER 2023
Fictional Beings or
Marine Life?
DECEMBER 2023 31
Here is a closer look at some other
popular mythical creatures that have
captured our imagination
The griffin, a mythical creature with The Enduring Fascination
the head and talons of an eagle and with Mythical Creatures
the body of a lion, combines the Mythical creatures have captured
strength and majesty of two pow- the imagination and fascination of
erful animals. Its fierce appearance people throughout history. These
and sharp claws represent power, captivating and often mysterious
courage, and protection. The grif- beings continue to be celebrated in
fin’s association with treasure and art, literature, and popular culture.
32 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 33
5 Apps to keep you
on track!
34 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 35
To know, we first need to understand the origins of the concept of New Year’s Resolutions
The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions is thought to have originated in ancient Babylon,
where people would make promises to the gods in the hope of ensuring a prosperous new year.
The Babylonians celebrated Akitu, a new year festival that began in mid-March, during which
they would crown a new king and make promises to pay debts and return borrowed items. These
promises are considered to be the forerunners of our New Year’s resolutions.
36 DECEMBER 2023
Start Your Journey Why People Struggle to Keep Their
As the new year approaches, many individuals start contem-
plating their resolutions. These goals can vary widely, but There are several psychological factors that contribute to the
there are a few common themes that tend to emerge year difficulty people face in keeping their resolutions. One com-
after year. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popu- mon issue is the phenomenon known as the “fresh start ef-
lar New Year’s resolutions that people make and why they fect.” This effect refers to the belief that the start of a new
choose them. year (or any other significant event, such as a birthday or the
One of the most prevalent resolutions is to get in shape or beginning of a new week) provides a clean slate and a fresh
lose weight. After indulging in holiday treats and festivities, opportunity for change. While this can be a powerful motiva-
it’s no surprise that many individuals feel motivated to prior- tor initially, it can also create unrealistic expectations and lead
itize their health and fitness in the new year. This resolution to disappointment when progress is not immediate.
often involves joining a gym, starting a new workout routine, Another psychological factor that comes into play is the
or committing to a specific diet plan. temptation to revert to old habits. Habits are deeply ingrained
Another common resolution revolves around personal de- behaviors that have been reinforced over time. Breaking these
velopment and self-improvement. This can include goals such habits and forming new ones requires consistent effort and
as reading more books, learning a new skill, or attending per- dedication. When faced with temptation or stress, it’s easier
sonal growth workshops. As people reflect on the past year to fall back into old patterns rather than sticking to the new
and consider areas they would like to improve, setting goals behaviors associated with the resolution.
for personal development becomes a natural next step. Additionally, people often struggle with self-discipline and
Financial resolutions are also popular, with many individu- willpower. It can be challenging to resist immediate gratifi-
als aiming to save more money, pay off debt, or create a budg- cation or to make choices that align with long-term goals.
et. The start of a new year offers an opportunity to reassess Overcoming these challenges requires a combination of self-
financial habits and set goals for better financial management. awareness, self-control, and the ability to delay gratification.
Other common resolutions include spending more time In the next sections, we will explore practical strategies to help
with loved ones, traveling more, quitting smoking, and reduc- you set achievable resolutions and stay on track throughout
ing stress. The specific resolutions individuals make often re- the year. By understanding common pitfalls and implement-
flect their personal priorities and areas they feel they need to ing proven techniques, you can increase your chances of suc-
work on. cessfully achieving your New Year’s resolutions and making
positive changes in your life.
DECEMBER 2023 37
Habitica Streaks
This gamified app allows you This app helps you track
to create and track habits, your progress on any habit
goals, and to-do lists. You or goal. Simply enter your
can earn rewards for com- goal, and then check in each
pleting tasks, and you can day to see if you’ve complet-
also join a guild to help you ed it. Streaks will keep track
stay motivated. of your progress and show
you how long you’ve been on
a streak.
Goalify Life365
This app helps you set and This app is a comprehensive
achieve goals by breaking life planning tool that can
them down into smaller steps. help you track your goals,
You can also set deadlines habits, and finances. It also
for each step, and Goalify will includes a journal, a to-do
track your progress and send list, and a mood tracker.
you reminders.
This app is designed to help you overcome procrasti-
nation by breaking down tasks into smaller steps and
providing you with motivational quotes and tips.
38 DECEMBER 2023
Stickk Beeminder
This website is a commitment contract website This website is similar to Stickk, but it uses be-
where you can set a goal and make a public com- havioral economics principles to help you stay
mitment to achieve it. You can also choose to add motivated. You can set a goal and then choose a
financial stakes to your commitment, meaning that consequence for not achieving it, such as donat-
you will lose money if you don’t achieve your goal. ing money to a charity you don’t like.
James Clear
This website is a blog that offers advice on habits,
behavior change, and personal development. It can
be a great resource for information on how to make
lasting changes in your life.
DECEMBER 2023 39
40 DECEMBER 2023
Model @dayaellis
DECEMBER 2023 41
Photographer Alexandra Viter | @by_viter
Stylist Sophie Nesterenko | @sophiians
Make up and Hair Iryna Veshchytska | @ivi.muartist
42 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 43
44 DECEMBER 2023
Live without judgment
In modern society, where each person is unique, where the
diversity of cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles converge into a single
diversity, the ability to understand and accept others without
prejudice or criticism is becoming increasingly important.
Condemnation often acts as a barrier to harmony. This text
will immerse you in a world of understanding where judgment
gives way to acceptance and respect for the wishes and
characteristics of others. We’ll consider how this principle can
be applied in everyday life, relationships, and work. The Live
Without Judgment interview is an exploration of how we can
work together to create a world where every person can be
themselves without fear of judgment, and where diversity is
recognized and valued. Let’s dive into this journey together with
the screenwriter, marketer, and entrepreneur, Diana Sheveiko.
DECEMBER 2023 45
46 DECEMBER 2023
Diana, if you don’t mind, let’s start from fairly as I give honesty and loyalty. But of others, regardless of differences,
the beginning. Tell us briefly about the mistake is that we expect a lot from allows us to create a more cohesive and
yourself, your childhood and your others and get the opposite. I have been tolerant society? Despite the fact that
growing up as an adult. I was born in a searching for a long time for who I am each human being carries his or her
small town, in a family of believers Dad and what I want out of life. Have I found own culture, we must be open to the
worked as a priest, and Grandma as a it? Not yet to the end. But I did realize perception of other peoples and their
deacon. Until I was 18, I went to church it’s important to always do what you values, if they aren’t a threat. The world
four times a week on a regular basis. like. You should choose those people for is so diverse and we have so many
At the same time I lived in total control whom you don’t need to change, and opportunities on the Internet to learn
and prohibitions it was impossible to you can be yourself and not be afraid other people’s customs and traditions.
communicate with unbelievers, it wasn’t of getting a blowback. And if something This gives us the opportunity to be open
right to celebrate the graduation of the like this happens and is unpleasant, it’s and bring our culture to the world.
school, and to become an actress and not you, it’s others, and there’s nothing
enter the theater - far from even thinking. you can do about it. The only thing you Do you think the theory that goes like
From an early age, I was taught the love can do is to avoid communicating with a this: Don’t expect “love at first sight”
of church service and God. Already at certain person and avoid love or unloved is true? Love at first sight in a personal
my conscious age, I was engaged in work if it doesn’t bring you joy, comfort, relationship is like quenching your thirst
volunteer work, mainly working with with a glass of water. But to drink this
children with Down syndrome or from glass of water, it must be filled and it
low-income families. takes time. True love comes with time.
In a way, I was glad I had been given But the love for work comes when you
such good qualities as honesty, loyalty, work and understand that you are
and kindness. But sometimes there useful to others, not to mention the
were situations when I just hated these fact that in a good case, it’s necessary
qualities, as people often used and to receive moral and material rewards
did not appreciate what I radiated to from this. What about love for yourself?
them. As I got older, I ran away from my The truth is if you don’t love yourself, the
parents, and fell in love with a guy, and environment won’t love you either. Even
my life took on a whole different color, in early childhood, we form complexes
sometimes dark, because that guy that we carry through life and we must
broke my heart and I was emotionally fight this at once, changing ourselves
abused, I didn’t understand this world and perhaps the environment. It’s
and these people. Besides, I thought quite a hard work, and not everyone
my upbringing was all my fault. But in can handle it. But only those who love
time, I realized there would be someone themselves sincerely (don’t confuse
who would understand me, because it it with narcissism), who accept
wasn’t my fault, it was my advantage. themselves and change the bad for the
And I was right. Life took on a brighter good, will succeed in all spheres of life.
tone when I met Ania, my future wife,
the kind and honest girl I saw myself What inspires you today and makes
in. And then, as I say, there was a and inner peace. Diana Sheveiko who she is? At the
convergence of palettes called “you How to feel free - not trying to find out moment I am an entrepreneur in
are not living your life” in the process of what others think of us? To understand the beauty salon industry, and I
our living together I realized that I didn’t and accept that each personality is also additionally conduct the entire
want that, I wanted a family and to individual. Then it’s necessary to define advertising process in the same field.
see a worthy man with me. What am I the values to which we aspire to consider I combine my main work with writing
saying? Sometimes it happens that we all our surroundings only from the point scripts for children in kindergartens,
fear the condemnation of our family, of these beliefs, without paying attention and orphanages, and for all kinds of
acquaintances, and society as a whole. to criticism or immersing ourselves in it. events. In my free time, I write poetry,
And if you add to that the naivety and To choose your path, build plans, and enjoy drawing, and do volunteer work.
the harsh reality, the whole will lead to surround yourself with people who carry I’m developing in different directions:
you trying to be someone. In the end, the same golden truths is to feel free. sports, vocals, dancing, etc. This most
everything that happens to you will likely makes me who I am. Such an active
hurt you and you will complain about Can we say that our ability to see and and fulfilling life gives me emotions and a
injustice. Yeah, I’d like to be treated accept the true motives and values taste for every day I live.
DECEMBER 2023 47
48 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 49
The Elon
Musk Story
Elon Musk is a name synonymous ference in the world. His journey
with innovation, ambition, and the from a small town in South Africa
pursuit of the extraordinary. Born to the forefront of technological
in Pretoria, South Africa, Musk’s advancement is a testament to his
early life was marked by a fas- unwavering determination and his
cination with technology and a ability to turn seemingly impos-
relentless drive to make a dif- sible dreams into reality.
50 DECEMBER 2023
Childhood Dreams hospitalized. These experiences prominent entrepreneurs is a tale of
Filled with Innovation & Curiosity have had a lasting impact on Musk, remarkable determination,
Elon Musk was born on June 28, shaping his personality and unwavering ambition, and the
1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. His influencing his approach to ability to overcome significant
mother, Maye Musk (née leadership and innovation. challenges. His early life was
Haldeman), is a Canadian model Musk’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, marked by both remarkable
and dietitian who was born in has explored these experiences in successes and personal struggles,
Saskatchewan and raised in South his book “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, shaping the individual he would
Africa. His father, Errol Musk, is a and the Quest for a Fantastic become.
South African electromechanical Future.” Isaacson describes how
engineer, pilot, sailor, consultant, Musk was “regularly picked on” by Budding Interests
and property developer. He partly bullies, who targeted him for being in Technology & Space Exploration
owned a Zambian emerald mine “the youngest and smallest student From an early age, Musk
near Lake Tanganyika, as well as a in his class” and for his “lack of demonstrated an insatiable
rental lodge at the Timbavati empathy” and “inability to make curiosity for science and
Private Nature Reserve. friends.” technology. He showed exceptional
Elon Musk has one sibling, One particularly brutal incident aptitude for mathematics and
Kimbal Musk, who is a South occurred at Bryanston High School, physics, often spending hours
African restaurateur, entrepreneur, where Musk was physically poring over books and learning
and philanthropist. He is the assaulted and hospitalized for two about the world around him. His
co-founder of the kitchen appliance weeks. This incident reportedly had fascination with computers led him
company The Kitchen Restaurant a profound impact on Musk, leading to teach himself programming at
Group and the non-profit him to develop a “warrior the age of 10, and a year later, he
organization Big Green. Kimbal mentality” and a sense of resilience wrote his first video game.
Musk is also a partner with Elon that has shaped his career Musk’s interest in space
Musk in the venture capital firm trajectory. exploration began at a young age,
FutureCorp. Musk has acknowledged the inspired by the 1969 Apollo 11
From a young age, Musk negative impact of bullying on his moon landing. He devoured books
displayed a remarkable aptitude for childhood, but he has also credited about space travel and was
science and technology. He taught it with contributing to his success. captivated by the idea of humanity’s
himself to program at the age of 10 He has stated that these potential to explore the cosmos.
and wrote his first video game a experiences forced him to develop This fascination would later fuel his
year later. His fascination with “mental toughness” and a “thick endeavors with SpaceX, a private
computers led him to develop a skin,” qualities that have been aerospace company dedicated to
strong interest in artificial essential for his entrepreneurial making space travel more affordable
intelligence, and he even considered endeavors. and accessible.
pursuing a Ph.D. in the field before While Musk’s experiences with
ultimately deciding to focus on his bullying have been widely reported, Academic Excellence
entrepreneurial endeavors. there have been some conflicting & Early Business Ventures
accounts, particularly regarding the Musk attended Pretoria Boys High
Elon’s Early Life severity and frequency of the School, where he excelled in
A Path Paved with Determination & bullying. However, there is no doubt academics, particularly in the
Adversity that Musk faced significant sciences. He was also a skilled
According to various biographies adversity during his school years, debater and participated in the
and reports, Elon Musk experienced and these experiences have Model United Nations program. His
extensive bullying during his school undoubtedly shaped his personality academic achievements earned him
years in South Africa. His younger and approach to life. a full scholarship to the University
brother, Kimbal Musk, has Elon Musk’s journey from a of Pretoria, where he studied
confirmed that Elon was once young boy in South Africa to physics and economics.
beaten so severely that he had to be becoming one of the world’s most Despite his academic success, Musk
DECEMBER 2023 51
struggled to fit in at school due to his praised for its performance and network of fast-charging stations
introverted nature and his interest in efficiency, and the company has strategically placed across the globe. It
unconventional subjects. He was often continued to introduce innovative provides convenient and rapid
bullied by his peers, which instilled in electric vehicles that are challenging charging for Tesla owners, eliminating
him a sense of resilience and the the dominance of traditional range anxiety and making
determination to prove himself. automakers. long-distance travel a breeze. The
Musk’s entrepreneurial spirit Elon Musk is a visionary Supercharger network has been
emerged early on. In his teens, he entrepreneur with ambitious plans for instrumental in driving EV adoption
started a company called Zip2, which the future, spanning a wide range of and enabling mass usage of electric
provided online maps and business industries, including electric vehicles, vehicles.
directories. The company was later renewable energy, space exploration,
acquired by Compaq Computers for and artificial intelligence. His Autopilot and Full Self-Driving
$307 million in 1999, netting Musk a overarching goal is to accelerate the (FSD) Beta
significant fortune. development of technologies that can Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving
address humanity’s most pressing (FSD) Beta technologies have been at
Personal Struggles challenges and create a more the forefront of autonomous driving
& the Path to Self-Discovery sustainable, interconnected, and development. Autopilot offers
While Musk’s professional prosperous future. semi-autonomous driving capabilities,
accomplishments were impressive, his while FSD Beta aims to enable fully
personal life was marked by Electric Vehicles autonomous driving on major
challenges and setbacks. He Musk’s flagship company, Tesla, is at highways and city streets. These
experienced difficulties with the forefront of the electric vehicle advancements are shaping the future
relationships and struggled with (EV) revolution. The company has of transportation and raising the bar
emotional issues. These experiences consistently pushed the boundaries of for autonomous driving technology.
shaped his understanding of human EV technology, developing
connection and the importance of increasingly efficient and affordable Vertical Integration
mental health. vehicles with advanced self-driving Tesla embraces a vertical integration
In 1995, Musk moved to California capabilities. Musk envisions a future approach, designing and
to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams. where EVs become the dominant manufacturing most components of
He founded X.com, an online financial mode of transportation, helping to its vehicles in-house. This strategy
services company that merged with reduce air pollution and mitigate allows for greater control over quality,
Confinity to form PayPal. PayPal climate change. performance, and innovation. It also
became one of the most popular Tesla has revolutionized the enables Tesla to optimize its vehicles
online payment platforms and was automotive industry with its and reduce reliance on external
acquired by eBay in 2002 for $1.5 innovative electric vehicles, suppliers.
billion. cutting-edge technology, and
Musk’s success in the business commitment to sustainability. OTA Updates
world allowed him to focus on his true Tesla stands out with its over-the-air
passions: space exploration, Model 3 (OTA) software updates, which can
sustainable energy, and the future of The launch of the Tesla Model 3 in be wirelessly delivered to its vehicles.
transportation. He founded SpaceX in 2017 marked a turning point in the These updates can enhance features,
2002 with the ambitious goal of electric vehicle industry. The fix bugs, and add new capabilities
making space travel more affordable affordable sedan became the without requiring owners to visit a
and accessible. The company has best-selling electric car of all time, service center. This approach keeps
made significant strides in rocket surpassing a million units sold in just Tesla vehicles at the forefront of
technology, developing reusable two years. Its success paved the way technology and ensures they remain
rockets that have the potential to for broader adoption of electric competitive over time.
revolutionize space exploration. vehicles and transformed Tesla into a
In 2004, Musk co-founded Tesla mainstream automaker. Self-Driving Hardware 3.0
Motors, an electric vehicle company Tesla’s Self-Driving Hardware 3.0 is a
that has disrupted the auto industry. Supercharger Network powerful computer system designed
Tesla’s Model S sedan has been Tesla’s Supercharger network is a vast specifically for autonomous driving. It
DECEMBER 2023 53
features eight cameras, 12 ultrasonic employees to challenge the status quo. audience.
sensors, and a forward-facing radar This approach has led to
that provide a comprehensive view of groundbreaking advancements in Renewable Energy
the surrounding environment. This electric vehicles and autonomous Musk is also passionate about
hardware is crucial for enabling driving. promoting renewable energy sources,
Tesla’s advanced autonomous driving such as solar and wind power.
features. Elon Musk’s Leadership Through his companies SolarCity and
Elon Musk’s charismatic and visionary Tesla Energy, he is working to make
Innovation and Rapid Prototyping leadership has been instrumental in renewable energy more accessible and
Tesla is known for its rapid innovation Tesla’s success. His unwavering affordable for consumers and
cycle and ability to quickly bring new commitment to innovation, businesses. His goal is to transition
products and features to market. The sustainability, and disrupting the the world’s energy grid away from
company embraces a culture of status quo has inspired the company’s fossil fuels and towards a sustainable
experimentation and encourages its employees and captivated a global future powered by clean energy
54 DECEMBER 2023
accessible option for homeowners Hyperloop systems to transport
seeking clean energy solutions. energy-dense liquid fuels such as
hydrogen or ammonia, potentially
Megapack Battery Storage enabling efficient and sustainable
To address the intermittency of energy distribution across vast
renewable energy sources like solar distances.
and wind power, Tesla has developed
Megapack, a modular, scalable battery Tesla Energy
storage system capable of storing vast Tesla has established a dedicated
amounts of energy. These batteries business unit called Tesla Energy,
can be deployed in conjunction with encompassing its solar, battery
solar installations to provide reliable storage, and energy management
power even during periods of low or solutions. This strategic move
no renewable energy generation. highlights the company’s commitment
to becoming a comprehensive energy
Solar Gigafactories provider, moving beyond electric
Tesla operates several Gigafactories, vehicles into the wider renewable
large-scale manufacturing plants, energy domain.
dedicated to producing solar panels
and Megapack battery systems. These These renewable energy projects
factories play a crucial role in scaling represent a significant portion of Elon
up production and driving down costs, Musk’s endeavors, demonstrating his
making renewable energy solutions unwavering dedication to addressing
more affordable and accessible to a climate change and promoting
wider audience. sustainable practices. As these
initiatives continue to evolve, they
Solar City Acquisition have the potential to play a
Tesla acquired Solar City, a pioneering transformative role in shaping a
solar energy provider in 2016, merging cleaner, more energy-efficient future.
their expertise to expand the
company’s solar offerings and reach a Space Exploration
broader customer base. This Musk’s aerospace company, SpaceX, is
acquisition enabled Tesla to offer revolutionizing space travel and
comprehensive solar energy solutions, exploration. The company has
from panel installation to energy developed reusable rockets and
storage and financing options. spacecraft that are significantly more
cost-effective than traditional rockets,
Greenhouse Gas Removal paving the way for more frequent and
Elon Musk has expressed concern affordable space travel. Musk has
about the potential impact of climate ambitious plans to establish a human
sources. change and has committed to colony on Mars, believing that
Elon Musk is a prominent advocate investing in technologies that remove humanity’s long-term survival
for sustainable energy and is actively greenhouse gases from the depends on becoming a
involved in several renewable energy atmosphere. Tesla has been exploring multi-planetary species.
projects. various approaches, including carbon SpaceX, the aerospace company
capture and storage (CCS) and direct founded by Elon Musk, has made
Tesla Solar Roof air capture (DAC) technologies. remarkable advancements in space
This innovative product integrates exploration, pushing the boundaries
solar panels seamlessly into Hyperloop of what’s possible in the cosmos.
residential roofing, offering both While primarily focused on
aesthetic appeal and energy high-speed transportation, the First Privately Funded Rocket to
generation capabilities. Tesla has been Hyperloop concept also has potential Reach Orbit
steadily expanding its Solar Roof applications in renewable energy In 2008, SpaceX’s Falcon 1 rocket
installations, making it a more transportation. Musk envisions using became the first privately funded
DECEMBER 2023 55
liquid-propellant rocket to reach orbit, a
significant milestone in the
commercialization of spaceflight.
56 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 57
affordable era of space exploration. AI’s potential for understanding the The company is developing the Starship, a
universe all align with Musk’s vision for a fully reusable spacecraft that is designed
Artificial Intelligence positive impact of AI on humanity. to carry humans to Mars. Musk has set a
Musk is also a strong advocate for goal of sending the first humans to Mars
responsible AI development. Through his While Musk’s AI initiatives are still in their by 2026 and establishing a self-sustaining
company OpenAI, he promotes the early stages, they hold the potential to colony on the Red Planet by 2050.
development of AI for the benefit of revolutionize various aspects of our lives, Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, has
humanity, while also raising concerns from transportation and healthcare to ambitious plans to send humans to Mars
about the potential risks of artificial communication and scientific research. As and establish a permanent human
superintelligence. Musk believes that AI these projects continue to evolve, we can settlement there. Here’s a breakdown of
has the potential to solve some of expect to see even more groundbreaking his proposed timeframes for the Mars
humanity’s most pressing problems, but it advancements in the field of AI, driven by colonization project:
must be developed and used responsibly to Elon Musk’s bold vision and unwavering
avoid unintended consequences. dedication to innovation. First Starship to Mars (2029)
Musk has revised his earlier estimates and
Elon Musk has been involved in several Business Facts now expects the first crewed SpaceX
artificial intelligence (AI) projects Beyond these ambitious visions, Musk is Starship mission to Mars to launch as early
throughout his career, with a focus on also a shrewd businessman with a knack as 2029. This would mark a significant
developing safe, beneficial, and ethical AI. for building successful companies. He has milestone in human space exploration,
demonstrated a remarkable ability to representing the first time humans have
OpenAI attract top talent, identify and execute on set foot on another planet.
Musk co-founded OpenAI in 2015, a market opportunities, and navigate
non-profit research company dedicated to complex business challenges. His Establishment of Mars Base Alpha
promoting friendly AI. OpenAI has made companies have achieved significant (2028)
significant contributions to the field, milestones and generated substantial Following the initial Starship mission,
including developing the DALL-E AI image revenue, solidifying his position as one of Musk envisions the construction of a
generation tool and PyTorch, an the most influential entrepreneurs of our small, initial settlement on Mars called
open-source deep learning library. time. Mars Base Alpha. This would serve as a
Musk’s plans for the future are stepping stone towards a more permanent
Neuralink ambitious but not without their human presence on the Red Planet.
Musk founded Neuralink in 2016, a challenges. The transition to sustainable
neurotechnology company developing energy and electric vehicles will require Massive Starship Deployment (2030s)
brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that aim significant investment and infrastructure Musk aims to rapidly increase the number
to connect the human brain with development. Space exploration and of Starship missions to Mars, sending
machines. Neuralink has made progress in colonization remain highly ambitious thousands of Starships to the Red Planet
developing implantable devices and has endeavors with significant technical and over the course of the 2030s. This
demonstrated the ability to record brain logistical hurdles. And the development of ambitious plan would enable the
activity and stimulate neurons in animals. AI raises profound ethical and societal establishment of a self-sustaining human
questions that require careful colony on Mars.
XAI consideration.
In 2023, Musk announced the formation of Despite these challenges, Musk’s vision Million Martians (2050)
xAI, an AI company focused on for the future is inspiring and his In his long-term vision, Musk aspires to
understanding the true nature of the companies are making significant progress establish a million people living on Mars
universe. The company’s goals and plans in their respective fields. His leadership by the year 2050. This would represent a
remain largely undisclosed, but it indicates and ambition are driving innovation and significant expansion of the human
Musk’s continued interest in exploring the pushing the boundaries of what is possible, population beyond Earth and a profound
potential of AI. making him a driving force for positive step towards humanity’s future in space.
These AI projects demonstrate Elon change in the world. It’s important to note that these are just
Musk’s commitment to advancing AI while Musk’s ambitious goals, and there are
addressing potential risks and ethical Mars many challenges and uncertainties that
concerns. OpenAI’s focus on friendly AI, The Next Frontier could impact the timeline. However,
Neuralink’s efforts to develop safe and Musk’s most ambitious undertaking to SpaceX’s rapid progress in developing
beneficial BCIs, and xAI’s exploration of date is SpaceX’s Mars colonization project. Starship and other technologies involved
58 DECEMBER 2023
in the Mars colonization project has raised not afraid to challenge the status quo and and ability to overcome adversity have
expectations and captured the imagination push the boundaries of what is possible. allowed him to achieve incredible success
of many people. Only time will tell whether His achievements to date have already in the business world and to make
Musk’s vision for a Martian civilization will made a significant impact on the world, significant contributions to the fields of
become a reality. and his work is likely to continue shaping space exploration, sustainable energy, and
the future for generations to come. transportation. His story serves as an
A Vision for the Future inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and
Musk’s vision for the future is one of The Story Continues individuals who dare to dream big and
sustainable energy, affordable Elon Musk’s early life was marked by both challenge the status quo.
transportation, and human exploration of remarkable achievements and personal
the cosmos. He is a true visionary who is struggles. His determination, ambition,
DECEMBER 2023 59
60 DECEMBER 2023
and how to score the
perfect partner in 2024
DECEMBER 2023 61
The Swipe Right Revolution
Origins The couple met on Tinder in
Tinder is a location-based social networking 2012 and began dating shortly
app that allows users to swipe right or left on thereafter. They got married
profiles of other users to indicate their interest. in 2015 and have two children
If two users swipe right on each other, they are together.
matched and can start chatting. The app was
founded in 2012 by Sean Rad, Justin Mateen, Impact on Society
Jonathan Badeen, and Whitney Wolfe Herd, Tinder has had a significant impact
and it quickly became one of the most popular on society. The app has been
dating apps in the world. credited with making it easier for
people to meet new people and has
Success Story helped to normalize online dating.
Tinder has been credited with revolutionizing However, Tinder has also been
the way people date. The app’s simple interface criticized for promoting a culture
and gamified approach to dating made it easy of hookups and superficiality.
for users to meet new people, and it quickly Tinder is currently the most
became a popular choice for singles looking for popular dating app in the partners. However, it is important to use
casual hookups or potential partners. world, with over 50 million users in over 190 the app responsibly and to be aware of the
countries. The app continues to evolve and potential risks. With the right approach, Tinder
Biggest Known Successful Relationship innovate, and it is likely to remain a major force can be a great way to find love or simply have
One of the most famous success stories to in the dating world for years to come. some fun.
come out of Tinder is the relationship between Tinder is a powerful tool that can be used to Tinder is one of the most popular dating
actress Mila Kunis and actor Ashton Kutcher. meet new people and connect with potential apps worldwide, known for its swiping feature.
Where Women Make the First Move
app was founded in 2014 by Whitney 2018 and got married just a few weeks later.
Wolfe Herd, the co-founder of Tinder. They have one child together.
Bumble was created to address some
of the issues with Tinder, such as the Impact on Society
prevalence of unwanted messages and Bumble has had a positive impact on society by
the pressure to make the first move. promoting gender equality and creating a more
respectful dating environment. The app has
Success Story also been credited with helping to break down
Bumble has quickly become one of the gender stereotypes and empower women to
most popular dating apps in the world, take control of their dating lives.
with over 75 million users in over 150 Bumble is currently one of the most popular
countries. The app’s unique feature dating apps in the world, and it continues to
of giving women the power to start grow rapidly. The app is constantly innovating
conversations has been praised by and adding new features, and it is likely to
many users, and it has helped to create remain a major force in the dating world for
Origins a more respectful and equitable dating years to come.
Bumble is a location-based social networking environment. Bumble is a powerful tool that can be used to
app that allows users to swipe right or left on meet new people and connect with potential
profiles of other users to indicate their interest. Biggest Known Successful Relationship partners. The app’s unique feature of giving
If two users swipe right on each other, they are One of the most famous success stories to women the power to start conversations
matched, and the woman has 24 hours to start a come out of Bumble is the relationship between has helped to create a more respectful and
conversation. If she doesn’t start a conversation model Emily Ratajkowski and actor Sebastian equitable dating environment.
within 24 hours, the match disappears. The Bear-McClard. The couple met on Bumble in
62 DECEMBER 2023
Where Compatibility Meets Conversation
Origins with them on a deeper level.
OkCupid is a free online dating and social
networking service that allows users to search for Biggest Known Successful
matches based on a variety of criteria, including Relationship
interests, lifestyle, and personality traits. Users One of the most famous success
can create profiles, answer questions about stories to come out of OkCupid is
themselves, and view profiles of other users. If the relationship between actor Aziz
two users are interested in each other, they can Ansari and actress Rashida Jones.
start chatting. OkCupid was founded in 2004 by The couple met on OkCupid in 2013
Chris Carter, Sam Yagan, and Michael Ward. The and dated for two years.
app was created to provide a more comprehensive
and personalized dating experience than other Impact on Society
dating sites at the time. OkCupid has had a positive impact
on society by helping people to find
Success Story compatible partners and creating a
OkCupid has quickly become one of the most more meaningful dating experience. major force in the dating world for years to come.
popular dating apps in the world, with over 50 The app has also been credited with helping OkCupid is a powerful tool that can be used
million users in over 110 countries. The app’s to break down social barriers and promote to meet new people and connect with potential
unique feature of allowing users to answer interracial and same-sex couples. partners. The app’s unique features of allowing
questions about themselves and view profiles of OkCupid is currently one of the most popular users to answer questions about themselves and
other users who have answered similar questions dating apps in the world, and it continues to grow view profiles of other users who have answered
has been praised by many users. This feature rapidly. The app is constantly innovating and similar questions have helped to create a more
allows users to find matches who are compatible adding new features, and it is likely to remain a meaningful and successful dating experience.
The Dating App Designed to Be Deleted
other, they can start chatting. Hinge Emilia Clarke and actor Jason Momoa. The
was founded in 2012 by Justin McLeod couple met on Hinge in 2016 and dated for two
and Jonathan Mateen. The app was years.
created to address some of the issues
with Tinder, such as the prevalence of Impact on Society
unwanted messages and the focus on Hinge has had a positive impact on society by
physical appearance. promoting more meaningful and authentic
connections. The app has also been credited
Success Story with helping to break down social barriers and
Hinge has quickly become one of the promote interracial and same-sex couples.
most popular dating apps in the world, Hinge is currently one of the most popular
with over 60 million users in over 150 dating apps in the world, and it continues to grow
countries. The app’s unique feature rapidly. The app is constantly innovating and
of using a unique algorithm to match adding new features, and it is likely to remain a
users based on their interests and values major force in the dating world for years to come.
Origins has been praised by many users. This Hinge is a powerful tool that can be used to
Hinge is a mobile dating app that focuses on feature helps users to find matches who are more meet new people and connect with potential
personal connections rather than physical likely to be compatible with them on a deeper partners. The app’s unique features of using a
attraction. The app uses a unique algorithm that level. unique algorithm to match users based on their
matches users based on their interests, values, interests and values, and focusing on personal
and lifestyle. Users can create profiles, answer Biggest Known Successful Relationship connections rather than physical attraction
questions about themselves, and view profiles of One of the most famous success stories to come have helped to create a more meaningful and
other users. If two users are interested in each out of Hinge is the relationship between actress successful dating experience.
DECEMBER 2023 63
Success Stories from
Online Dating
Despite the potential pitfalls, online dating has led to countless success
stories. Many couples have found love and built meaningful relationships
through dating apps. These success stories serve as a reminder that love
can be found in unexpected ways, and dating apps can be a valuable tool in
the journey of finding a partner.
Some of the
Shift from Traditional Dating Norms
Dating apps have disrupted traditional dating norms and expectations.
In the past, people often met potential partners through mutual friends,
family introductions, or chance encounters. Dating apps have replaced
these traditional methods with a more direct and curated approach.
64 DECEMBER 2023
Final Thoughts
Social media has undeniably transformed the dating landscape, making it easier than ever to connect with
potential partners. Dating apps have become a popular choice for those seeking love, offering unique features
and functionalities. However, it’s important to approach online dating with caution and prioritize safety.
When engaging in online conversations, focus on being genuine, showing interest, and maintaining a
positive attitude. Once a connection is established, plan a memorable first date, considering the location,
activity, and appropriate attire. Remember to prioritize safety and trust your instincts when meeting
someone for the first time.
While online dating can lead to success stories, it’s important to find a balance between online and
offline dating. Use dating apps as a tool, but also engage in real-life activities to meet potential partners. By
embracing both online and offline opportunities, you increase your chances of finding a meaningful and
lasting connection.
DECEMBER 2023 65
66 DECEMBER 2023
Ménesi Model @chernaya_vdova_
DECEMBER 2023 67
68 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 69
How did you get started in the How do you balance your
modeling industry? I started professional career with
modeling when I was 14. It your personal life and
was my big dream to be relationships? Many times it
among the beautiful women I is difficult to know..Many men
saw in the magazines. do not understand this work,
especially nude modeling.
Can you tell us about your After all, they complain
first modeling gig? First, I that “I am naked and there
was with an agency in my must be something in the
country, who did not give background”. It never was.
me suitable jobs. Due to my My friends, family, and lovers
physical features, runway sometimes watch me work
modeling was out of the and I like to vlog it to the
question. So I started looking general public like YouTube.
for photographers who
would be happy to work What is the most valuable
with me so that I could start lesson you’ve learned in your
with a sufficient portfolio. My career as a model? Humility
favorite to this day, is when and self-knowledge.
I can see in the end result
what the photographer sees Can you share some of your
me as beautiful. favorite beauty and fashion
tips? I have a routine in the
What is the most exciting evening every day. I wash my
project you’ve worked on so far? Every me with a TV series. I saw the beautiful face with cold water, then tone it with
project is exciting for me. If only because models and I wanted to be like that. In vitamin C serum, retinol, and hyaluronic
of the people! I love working with new practice, not a single model inspired cream! Retinol is a miracle! Aesthetics is
people. I travel a lot for modeling. Maybe me, but I wholeheartedly acknowledge important to me in clothes. Mom always
I would list Iceland, Zanzibar, and Cannes everyone’s work. But if I can mention one says, “Klaudia, you’re pretty when you
here. thing: Gigi Hadid looks great. I learned wear the garbage bag as if it were a
as a fashion designer. Coco Chanel’s normal dress.”
What’s your secret to staying in great historical role among women inspired me.
shape and maintaining a healthy I also have a tattoo of her. How do you handle the pressure of
lifestyle? oh, I wasn’t always pretty and constantly being in the spotlight? It’s a
has good shape! Until the beginning of How do you stay up-to-date with the little secret. I have panic disorder and
my career, I was 106kg. I exercised a latest fashion trends and industry social anxiety. I chose the best job, didn’t
lot and went on a diet. It took a lot of developments? Social media is more I? When they take photos, the world
willpower! To this day, I still follow this, up-to-date than I am. lol. Joking aside, stops. It is a great pleasure for me. I can’t
only pilates and yoga have replaced I like to create my own style, even if it even describe it. But then the mentioned
the strenuous exercise and my diet is sometimes deviates from the norm! problem will disappear.
Do you have a dream project or campaign What are your go-to fashion staples or
What advice do you have for aspiring you’d love to be a part of one day? I am must-have items in your wardrobe? Black
models trying to break into the an ambitious businesswoman. In addition and white pieces. I like it when the
industry? Willpower, humility, proper self- to modeling, I also successfully ran my clothes are tight and smooth on my body
image, and a beautiful smile! own business. Maybe the cosmetics so that my lines are visible. I wear a lot of
company would be ideal for me. But if I’m warmers - it’s funny - and a lot of dressier
Are there any models or fashion icons interested in my real dream, I want to be pieces. Appropriate for the occasion,
who inspire you? Models, It all started for a mother. of course! But what is important: well-
70 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 71
groomed hands, good shoes, and a bag. It is very important to me that they see Can you share some upcoming projects or
Let them go together! me as their friend and not just another ventures that your fans can look forward
big-breasted woman on the internet. to? Secret. We’re not talking about secrets,
What role has social media played in hello?! But I can tell you that it will be a
your modeling career, and how do you What are your long-term goals and blast!
engage with your followers? I’ve been aspirations in the modeling industry? To
streaming video games for a long time. create something lasting and to entertain Thanks so much for your time, Where can
Live broadcast or in contact with more the community interested in it for as long our readers follow you on social to stay
than 100 or even 1000 people. Imagine as possible. I know it’s silly, but one day I updated on what you’re up to? Instagram
that I can remember the names of most want to be in the public eye like Marilyn (chernaya_vdova_) & Youtube (Diary Of
of them, or the particular story they told. Monroe. Although less dramatically. Klaudia).
DECEMBER 2023 73
AMG spares
no technology
to claw back
its insane
74 DECEMBER 2023
which is an area where AMG’s much from a fast hatchback.
Formula One involvement is Engine noise is still loud and
often credited. present but leans on some
synthesized tricks to amplify
It’s an immensely capable an engine that has dropped
thing to pilot. You’d think four cylinders from its
that a total of eight driving previous orchestra.
modes would be too It also feels more nimble
overwhelming but in Sport through corners which in turn
mode for instance the allows you to carry more
drivetrain adapts effortlessly; speed through them, and link
vacillating between quiet up a sequence of apexes with
cruising and alert more finesse, rather than
performance, while charging trying to hammer them into
batteries and holding small sections of straight-line,
everything on a taut line. For before piling on the brakes.
instance, you’d never know Despite having the electric
that the e-motor has its own motor planted on the rear
2-speed gearbox or that there axle, it can still transfer
are four stages of power forward, creating an
regen-braking. That all-wheel drive system that’s
regen-braking is so efficient vastly intelligent. The It’s a high-end Mercedes-AMG smallest displays still look cutting-
that it mimics the one-pedal adaptive suspension and so multiple lighting edge and cool.
driving sensation and electronic anti-roll bars work configurations, flat-bottom wheel,
feedback that one would silently in the background to punchy vibrant graphics and Both the BMW X3 M and Alfa
expect from a fully electric provide a handling balance splashes of exotic material are all Stelvio QV have their strengths –
vehicle, like the Mercedes that feels like an A45 AMG tied together in a way that shows the BMW’s engine and the Alfa’s
EQB. On batteries alone, the after tucking into Eisbein. methodical refinement. If its deft chassis - but the GLC 63 S E
GLC 63 S E Performance is interior isn’t hugging and Performance feels and behaves
able to complete nine miles The rear-end is playful but supporting then, then its like an SUV at the very zenith of
before switching over to the not alarmingly so, and not technology definitely feels like it’s where petrol and hybrid systems
engine. without some prior tweaking listening and learning thanks to converge. Despite possessing a
of the stability systems, but its latest MBUX system and voice different character to the car it
Wrapped up in tech that’s not the fact that it’ll add in some command system. As you’d expect replaces, its evolution brings a few
intrusive but rather angle from the rear adds buttons hang off the steering new and interesting surprises to
self-managing, the breadth of another dimension to the wheel for added shortcuts and the performance SUV genre.
its talents can be explored level of involvement and personalisation on the move and
without needing to change rewards those who care to even today the level of graphics
your driving style all that push its limits. that are crammed into the Pawan Dhingara
DECEMBER 2023 75
New EX30 launches
during an EV slump,
but makes a strong
case for itself
76 DECEMBER 2023
Bulky, cute, and yet minimalist, the EX30 is diluted. If anything the space feels
a good compromise between traditional and liberating; the antithesis to a busy
new styling. It looks clean and efficient, cityscape, a place of simplicity and superb
with enough high-quality additions to help lightweight, unobtrusive ergonomics.
justify its pricing which is around $42 000. There’s just very little not to like about it
The interior is very Swedish. Light, open which is obviously important as people are
spaces, airy and with fabrics that cause less already overcoming some level of fear and
harm to the environment, or the animals resistance as they consider an electric
that inhabit it. Almost every piece of the vehicle for the first time.
interior’s fabric comes from recyclable
waste (the carpet for instance is made out Most markets will get the option between
of plastic bottles) but the incredible result two powertrains; a single motor and a twin
is how premium and modern it looks and motor. As expected, the drawback of less
feels – notwithstanding the warm, fuzzy power becomes an advantage when it comes
feeling it gives you on the inside. And at the to range, although the lithium-ion 60kW/h
end of its life, whenever that may be, Volvo battery is exactly the same in both
claims that 95% of the car is recyclable. derivatives. The single motor features a
This four-seater, high-riding cabin 268-hp electric motor mounted on the rear
borders on being sparse but the axle and a claimed range of 275 miles. It’s
centrally-mounted portrait touchscreen offered in three trims: Core, Plus, and Ultra
ensures that the level of technology is not The EX30 Twin Motor adds a motor on the
DECEMBER 2023 77
front axle for a combined output of 422 horsepower and 265 miles of knife through butter.
range, and it comes in the two higher trims.
A few minutes behind the wheel is enough of a reminder of how Oh you thought those performance figures were for the twin motor
well-suited these vehicles are to city centers. They whizz off the line did you? So did we, at first but the twin motor chops that 0-60mph
with a ferocity that is, at first, slightly unsettling and snatches your time down to 3.4 seconds – the same time it takes an Aston Martin
breath, but it doesn’t take long for you to realize how archaic a One-77 or a Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera but for about 20% of
combustion engine can be in this setting. A firm amount of the starting price. Think about how absolutely bonkers that is! It
regenerative braking allows you to basically drive the EX30 on one achieves this by sending 422 horsepower and 400 pound-feet through
pedal which is more fun than it sounds and with 0-60mph in just over all 4-wheels and barely sacrifices any range in the process.
5 seconds and a top speed of 112mph, it cuts through traffic like a hot Volvos, with a more traditional petrol or diesel mill under the
78 DECEMBER 2023
hood, have never been this exciting, there are myriad systems running in grab your attention. But it’s something
and it’s worth noting that few brands the background that will ensure any of a driver’s car; both sensationally
have redefined their driver enjoyment over-zealous driving is quickly and fast, and effortless and soothing – an
under electrification to the extent that quietly dealt with in a safe manner. odd paradox with the whole greeny bit
Volvo has. Not that these comparisons thrown in too for good measure.
are all too likely; Volvo says around 80 The EX30 might just be all the car you While EV sales are tanking, the EX30
percent of its EV customers have ever need, which is not what you’d say should not be overlooked.
never driven a Volvo before. by looking at it, or even by glancing
With all the weight sitting low, it through the window. It looks simple
also corners well and being a Volvo and tranquil that it hardly manages to Pawan Dhingara
DECEMBER 2023 79
From Suits to Sneakers,
We’ve Got You Covered
When it comes to a well-rounded and versa-
tile wardrobe, there are certain key pieces that
no man should be without. From sharp tailored
suits to comfortable yet stylish sneakers, these
essentials form the foundation of every man’s
style. Whether you’re heading to the office,
a casual outing, or a special occasion, having
these items in your closet ensures that you’re
always prepared to make a lasting impression.
80 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 81
Building a
versatile wardrobe
A perfectly fitted suit is a staple that exudes confidence and sophistication. With its timeless appeal, it can effortlessly
transition from boardroom meetings to formal events. A well-tailored suit not only enhances your appearance but also
reflects your attention to detail and professionalism. Whether you opt for a classic navy or charcoal gray, investing in a high-
quality suit is an essential step towards building a versatile wardrobe.
When it comes to suits, it’s important to consider the fit. A suit should complement your body shape and accentuate your
best features. Whether you prefer a slim or a more relaxed fit, make sure to visit a reputable tailor who can help you find the
perfect fit. Remember, a well-fitted suit can make all the difference in how you look and feel.
For a more relaxed yet stylish look, a selection of well-fitted jeans and classic button-down shirts is a must. Denim is a
timeless fabric that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Opt for a dark wash for a more formal look or a
lighter wash for a casual vibe. Paired with a crisp button-down shirt, this combination is perfect for a night out or a weekend
brunch. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and patterns to add some personality to your outfits.
82 DECEMBER 2023
Our first suggestion is to look
around at retailers to find a look
and style that best sutis you and
your needs. Don’t worry though,
to help you get started, we’ve
provided a comprehensive list of
our preferred retailers below, take
a look!
Uniqlo known for its trendy and affordable fashion, but they also
Uniqlo is a Japanese clothing retailer known for its affordable, offer a variety of higher-end pieces. Zara is a great place to find
high-quality basics. Their LifeWear philosophy emphasizes unique and trendy fashion that you won’t find anywhere else.
creating timeless and functional clothing that can be worn by
anyone, regardless of age or style. Uniqlo’s collections feature ASOS
a wide range of basics, including t-shirts, jeans, sweaters, and ASOS is a British online clothing retailer known for its wide
outerwear. They also offer a variety of innovative fabrics, such variety of brands and styles. They offer clothing for men,
as HEATTECH, which keeps you warm in cold weather, and women, and children, including jeans, dresses, sweaters, and
AIRism, which keeps you cool in hot weather. Uniqlo is a great outerwear. ASOS has a reputation for being ahead of the curve
place to find stylish and affordable basics that will last. on the latest trends and they offer a wide variety of unique
and exclusive pieces. ASOS is a great place to find unique and
H&M trendy fashion that will express your individuality.
H&M is a Swedish clothing retailer known for its on-trend
fashion at affordable prices. Their collections are inspired by Mr Porter
the latest trends and feature a wide variety of clothing for men, Mr Porter is an online retailer of luxury menswear. They offer
women, and children. H&M is committed to sustainability and a wide variety of brands and styles, including suits, shirts, jeans,
uses recycled materials in many of their products. They also and outerwear. Mr Porter is known for its curated selection
have a Conscious Choice line of clothing that is made from of high-quality and stylish menswear. They also offer a variety
organic and sustainable materials. H&M is a great place to find of exclusive collaborations with designer labels. Mr Porter is a
trendy and affordable fashion that will keep you up-to-date great place to find high-quality and stylish menswear that will
with the latest trends. make you look your best.
Zara is a Spanish clothing retailer known for its fast fashion. SSENSE is an online retailer of avant-garde menswear. They
They release new collections every week, which means there’s offer a wide variety of brands and styles, including designer
always something new to discover. Zara’s collections feature labels, streetwear brands, and up-and-coming designers.
a wide variety of clothing for men, women, and children, SSENSE is known for its cutting-edge selection of fashion that
including jeans, dresses, sweaters, and outerwear. Zara is is often not available anywhere else. They also offer a variety
DECEMBER 2023 83
of exclusive collaborations York is known for its
with designer labels.
Nordstrom curated selection of fashion
Nordstrom is a luxury
SSENSE is a great place that is often not available Essential suits
department store known
to find unique and trendy anywhere else. They also for every man
for its wide variety of high-
menswear that will make offer a variety of exclusive No wardrobe is complete without a range
end brands. They offer
you stand out from the collaborations with of suits to suit every occasion. While a
clothing for men, women,
crowd. designer labels. Barneys classic navy suit is a timeless option, it’s
and children, as well as
New York is a great place also worth investing in a charcoal gray
home goods, jewelry,
Urban to find unique and trendy suit for its versatility. This shade of gray
and beauty products.
fashion that will make you works well for both formal and semi-
Outfitters Nordstrom is known for its
stand out from the crowd.
Urban Outfitters is a excellent customer service formal events and can easily be dressed up
clothing retailer known and its commitment to or down with different accessories. For
for its edgy and trendy providing a luxurious J.Crew a more fashion-forward look, consider
fashion. They offer a wide shopping experience. J.Crew is a clothing retailer a patterned suit such as pinstripes or
variety of clothing for Nordstrom is a great place known for its classic and checks. These patterns add a touch of
men, women, and children, to find high-quality and preppy style. They offer a personality and can make a statement
including jeans, dresses, stylish fashion that will wide variety of clothing for without being too overpowering.
sweaters, and outerwear. make you feel your best. men, women, and children, When it comes to choosing the right
Urban Outfitters is known including jeans, dresses, suit, pay attention to the fabric. Opt
sweaters, and outerwear. for natural materials such as wool or a
for its unique and eclectic Barneys New J.Crew is known for its wool-blend, as they drape better and are
selection of fashion. They
also offer a variety of
York high-quality materials more breathable compared to synthetic
Barneys New York is a and its attention to detail. fabrics. Additionally, consider the suit’s
vintage and secondhand
luxury department store They also offer a variety construction and details such as the
clothing. Urban Outfitters
known for its avant-garde of made-to-measure and lapel style, button stance, and pocket
is a great place to find
fashion. They offer a custom clothing options. placement. These subtle elements can
unique and trendy fashion
wide variety of high-end J.Crew is a great place to elevate the overall look and feel of the suit.
that will express your
brands, as well as home find timeless and stylish
goods, jewelry, and beauty fashion that will never go
products. Barneys New out of style.
84 DECEMBER 2023
Indochino stylish suits.
Indochino is a Canadian-
based online retailer that Brooks Brothers
specializes in made-to- Brooks Brothers is an
measure suits. They offer a American retailer that
wide variety of fabrics and has been in business
styles to choose from, and since 1818. They offer
their suits are made to fit a wide variety of
your exact measurements. suits, from classic to
Indochino is a great option contemporary styles.
for men who want a high- Brooks Brothers
quality, custom-made suit at is known for their
an affordable price. high-quality fabrics
and their impeccable
Suit Supply tailoring.
Suit Supply is a Dutch-
based retailer with stores Hickey Freeman
in the USA and Europe. Hickey Freeman is an
They offer a wide variety American retailer that
of suits, from classic to has been in business
contemporary styles. Suit since 1895. They offer
Supply is known for its a wide variety of
high-quality fabrics and its suits, from classic to
attention to detail. contemporary styles.
Hickey Freeman
Spier & Mackay is known for their
Spier & Mackay is a high-quality fabrics
Canadian-based online and their attention to
retailer that specializes in detail.
affordable, high-quality
suits. They offer a variety Ralph Lauren
of fabrics and styles to Ralph Lauren is an
choose from, and their suits American retailer that
are made to fit your exact offers a wide variety
measurements. Spier & of clothing, including
Mackay is a great option for suits. Ralph Lauren and their suits are a great
men who want a well-made is known for its classic and option for men who want a
suit without breaking the preppy style, and their suits fashion-forward look.
bank. are a great option for men
who want a polished look. Armani
Bonobos Armani is an Italian retailer
Bonobos is an American Hugo Boss that offers a wide variety
retailer that specializes in Hugo Boss is a German of clothing, including suits.
tailored clothing for men. retailer that offers a Armani is known for its
They offer a variety of suits, wide variety of clothing, luxurious and high-end
from slim-fit to relaxed-fit including suits. Hugo Boss style, and their suits are a
styles. Bonobos is known is known for its modern great option for men who
for their comfortable and and sophisticated style, want the best of the best.
DECEMBER 2023 85
jeans. Opt for a belt in
Why the right shirts & a neutral shade such as
ties matter black or brown that can
A collection of high-quality dress shirts be paired with a variety
and ties adds a touch of sartorial elegance of outfits.
to any ensemble. When selecting dress Another essential
shirts, opt for classic colors such as white, accessory is a quality
light blue, and pale pink. These neutral watch. A well-crafted
shades can be easily paired with different timepiece not only
suits and ties, allowing for endless outfit helps you stay punctual
combinations. Look for shirts made from but also adds a touch of
breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen elegance to your wrist.
to ensure maximum comfort throughout Consider investing in
the day. a classic stainless steel
When it comes to ties, consider both or leather strap watch
color and pattern. Solid-colored ties in that can be easily paired
classic shades such as navy, burgundy, with both formal and
and forest green are versatile options casual outfits.
that can be paired with a variety of shirts.
For a more daring look, experiment with
patterns such as stripes, dots, or paisley.
Just make sure to balance the pattern of outerwear
your tie with the rest of your outfit to avoid for the colder
clashing. months
As the weather gets
Must-have shoes for colder, having the right
any occasion outerwear becomes
No wardrobe is complete without a range essential. A classic wool
of shoes to suit every occasion. Sneakers overcoat is a timeless
have become a go-to option for modern option that can be
gents, providing both comfort and style. worn over suits or more
Opt for a clean and minimalist pair in casual outfits. Opt for a button-down shirt or a polo for a smart-
white or black that can be paired with neutral color such as navy, black, or camel casual look that is both comfortable and
jeans, chinos, or even a suit for a more for maximum versatility. Additionally, stylish.
contemporary look. Consider investing consider investing in a quality leather
in a high-quality leather pair for a more jacket for a more rugged and edgy look. A Stockpiling that sneaker
polished and versatile option. leather jacket adds a touch of rebellion to
any outfit and can be dressed up or down
And let’s not forget about the ever- Sneakers have become an integral part
versatile pair of loafers, perfect for both depending on the occasion.
of every man’s wardrobe. They provide
work and play. Loafers are a timeless shoe comfort, versatility, and a touch of
style that can be worn with both casual The perfect pair of jeans contemporary style. When building a
and formal outfits. Opt for a classic penny & casual pants sneaker collection, it’s important to have
loafer or a tassel loafer in brown or black Denim jeans are a wardrobe staple that a variety of styles that can suit different
leather. These shoes can effortlessly elevate can be worn in a variety of settings. Opt occasions. A clean white pair of sneakers is
your style and add a touch of sophistication for a slim or straight-leg fit that flatters a must-have as it can be paired with almost
to any ensemble. your body type. Dark wash jeans are anything, from jeans to suits. Additionally,
more versatile and can be easily dressed consider investing in a pair of minimalist
A collection of classic up with a blazer or down with a casual low-top sneakers in a neutral color such as
accessories shirt or sweater. Consider investing in a black or gray for a more understated look.
Accessories play a crucial role in high-quality pair that will last for years and For a more casual and sporty vibe,
completing your look and adding a develop a unique patina over time. consider adding a pair of retro-style
personal touch to your outfit. A classic When it comes to casual pants, chinos sneakers or a trendy pair of chunky
leather belt is a must-have accessory that are a classic choice that can be worn in sneakers to your collection. These styles
not only serves a practical purpose but both formal and informal settings. Opt for add a touch of personality and can be
also adds a polished touch to your pants or a slim or straight fit in neutral colors such paired with jeans or joggers for a laid-back
as khaki, navy, or olive. Pair them with a yet stylish look.
86 DECEMBER 2023
a wide selection of sneakers from a variety of
Uniqlo Undefeated brands, including Nike, Air Jordan, and adidas.
Uniqlo is a Japanese clothing retailer known for Undefeated is a Los Angeles-based retailer
They also offer a variety of services, including
its affordable, Flight Club that specializes in streetwear and sneakers.
sneaker cleaning and restoration.
Flight Club is a New York City-based retailer They were founded in 1995 and have since
that specializes in rare and limited-edition become a cult favorite among sneakerheads and
sneakers. They were founded in 1989 and have streetwear enthusiasts. Undefeated has a wide GOAT
since become a premier destination for sneaker selection of sneakers from a variety of brands, GOAT is an online marketplace that specializes
enthusiasts from around the world. Flight Club including Nike, adidas, and Converse. They also in authentication and resale of sneakers and
has a wide selection of sneakers from a variety offer a variety of apparel and accessories. streetwear. They were founded in 2015 and have
of brands, including Nike, Air Jordan, adidas, since become one of the most popular sneaker
and Yeezy. They also offer a variety of services, reselling platforms in the world. GOAT has a
Kith wide selection of sneakers from a variety of
including sneaker authentication, cleaning, and Kith is a New York City-based retailer that
restoration. brands, including Nike, Air Jordan, and adidas.
specializes in streetwear and sneakers. They
They also offer a variety of services, including
were founded in 2011 and have since become a
sneaker cleaning and restoration.
Extra Butter global brand with stores in New York City, Los
Extra Butter is a New York City-based retailer Angeles, and Tokyo. Kith has a curated selection
that specializes in high-end sneakers and of sneakers from a variety of brands, including Sotheby’s
streetwear. They were founded in 2007 and Nike, adidas, and New Balance. They also offer a Sotheby’s is an auction house that specializes
have since become a go-to destination for variety of apparel and accessories. in the sale of luxury goods, including sneakers.
sneakerheads and fashionistas alike. Extra They were founded in 1744 and are one of the
Butter has a curated selection of sneakers from oldest and most prestigious auction houses in
Stadium Goods the world. Sotheby’s has a wide selection of
a variety of brands, including Nike, adidas, and Stadium Goods is a New York City-based
Converse. They also offer a variety of apparel sneakers from a variety of brands, including
retailer that specializes in authentication
and accessories. Nike, Air Jordan, and adidas. They also
and resale of sneakers. They were founded in
offer a variety of services, including sneaker
2012 and have since become a trusted source
authentication and valuation.
Concepts for authentic sneakers. Stadium Goods has a
Concepts is a Boston-based retailer that wide selection of sneakers from a variety of
specializes in limited-edition sneakers and brands, including Nike, Air Jordan, and adidas. Christie’s
streetwear. They were founded in 1996 They also offer a variety of services, including Christie’s is an auction house that specializes
and have since become known for their sneaker cleaning and restoration. in the sale of luxury goods, including sneakers.
collaborations with brands on exclusive They were founded in 1766 and are one of the
sneaker releases. Concepts has a long history oldest and most prestigious auction houses in
StockX the world. Christie’s has a wide selection of
of working with Nike, and they have also StockX is an online marketplace that specializes
collaborated with brands such as adidas, New sneakers from a variety of brands, including
in authentication and resale of sneakers. They
Balance, and Converse. Concepts also offers a Nike, Air Jordan, and adidas. They also
were founded in 2016 and have since become a
variety of apparel and accessories. offer a variety of services, including sneaker
major player in the sneaker market. StockX has
authentication and valuation.
DECEMBER 2023 87
88 DECEMBER 2023
Model @cfantelli
DECEMBER 2023 89
90 DECEMBER 2023
DECEMBER 2023 91
92 DECEMBER 2023
How did you get started in the film and then I can have some occasional Eventually, too I want to get into
industry? I have written all my life and indulgence without worry. I am actually drama.
it is from this passion to create and tell a farm girl at heart and I have fresh
stories that my production company eggs and veg out in the garden every How do you balance your professional
Branded Studios was born. In 2013 I day. Exercise-wise I do yoga 6-7 times career with your personal life and
was lucky enough, or crazy enough, I a week, I walk a lot, and mountain bike. relationships? Ha, I don’t have a great
am not sure which, to make my first I used to be a gymnast and then got deal of balance! I do have a wonderful
film Journey to Le Mans. I had no heavily into martial arts so I think that family I adore, but I also work a lot on
industry knowledge when I started but muscle memory also helps. I still always my business! My circle is very small but
the tenacity, drive, and resilience you think I could do more, but I work crazy I’d do anything for those who are close
need to survive in the cutthroat world hours, and building a business and to me.
of film. The same traits that mean I am looking after my family takes priority.
still in the industry all these years later. What is the most valuable lesson
What advice do you have for aspiring you've learned in your career? To sniff
How does modeling fit into this? To filmmakers trying to break into the out bullshit. If I can say that!? In this
be honest modeling to me is more industry? Have a damn thick skin industry more than most everyone
of a hobby, I find it lots of fun and it and an enormous work ethic. Outside wants to take from you. They want
provides a great platform to talk about of that just do it, don’t talk about it, fame, money, or a shortcut and they
my latest films. I just feel very blessed just do it. You will make mistakes but would sell their grandmother (and
and happy that I get the opportunity those ultimately will turn out to be certainly me) to get it. That may sound
to work with publications like FHM and your biggest teachers. Just start, take harsh but it is accurate. I have learned
of course, being in the top 100 list is by your phone, and go tell stories, prove I am never going to tame the sharks
far the highlight of this. your skills in doing it, there is no excuse but I have become strong enough to
nowadays with platforms such as swim with them.
And how does it feel to be named as YouTube available to everyone, anyone
one of FHM’s top 100? I used to read can prove what they are capable of, Can you share some of your favorite
FHM when I was younger and really and I do believe talent and hard work beauty and fashion tips? I am the least
admired the beautiful women on your will rise to the top. girly girl there is, I suppose my only tip
pages and lists! It really is incredibly would be to be authentic. Be yourself,
cool to see myself among them. Thank What films inspire you? Good question. the sexiest thing you can wear is
you so much for the honor! The most recent documentary that confidence, so if you feel good you will
has inspired me was the Robbie project that.
What is the most exciting project you've Williams documentary from Ridley
worked on so far? The next one… I like Scott’s company Directed by Joe How do you handle the pressure of
to keep myself hungry by focusing on Pearlman, it really got under the skin constantly being in the spotlight? I
the best being yet to come. Although of the subject and had a ridiculously wouldn’t say I am in the spotlight really,
to be fair I have found every one of rich archive any filmmaker would drool as a Director and Producer it is my job
my films involves a lot of excitement, at! It was also absolutely slated by the to make the best spotlight I can for
fun, and challenges, usually in equal Guardian - like many of my films have everyone else. Maybe that’s why I love
measure. Of course the first will always been! Outside of the genre I work in, I these photoshoots so much! I enjoy the
have a special place in my heart - like things that make you think, I loved attention of course, but equally, it is
walking into Leicester Square and The Black List, The Night Watchman, nice I can pick and choose when and
seeing my name on the big screen for and any 80’s action movie has a place where I receive it.
the first time, I suppose just like with in my heart!
love, you’ll never forget the intensity of What role has social media played in
the first time. Do you have a dream film you'd love your filmmaking career, and how do
to be a part of one day? I absolutely you engage with your followers? Social
What's your secret to staying in great love working on automotive films, media has made it easier to reach
shape and maintaining a healthy having worked with the likes of Ferrari, people in the industry it really has,
lifestyle? I think it was Julia Roberts Abarth, and racing teams, I would networking is easier when people can
who said ‘I am 80% good 80% of the love to continue down this vein. I love see you are working on cool projects. I
time’ and that sums me up really, I telling life stories too and I would adore try to engage with people who engage
eat three very healthy meals a day, getting my hands on Johnnie Depp’s! with me publicly (not in DMs!)
DECEMBER 2023 93
94 DECEMBER 2023
If someone is kind enough to comment or encourage me Can you share some upcoming projects or ventures that
that’s really lovely and I try to respond - when I am not your fans can look forward to? I am working with the
filming cars up mountains or the like. biggest car brands in the world right now and while I
would LOVE to say more I really can’t just follow me and
What are your long-term goals and aspirations? I am Branded on social media and be the first to find out.
quite a dreamer so I have many. I like to have a lot of
goals on the go; business, life, personal, and physical. Thanks so much for your time, where can our readers
Long term I have been offered a book deal and I’d love follow you on social to stay updated on what you're up
to find the time to see that through. Also going from to? Instagram @cfantelli and @Brandedstudios please
one-off films and docs to returnable series, brands, and also check out the photographer of this shoot
franchises, taking the step into drama! And of course, @libertyphotographyuk.
building Branded Studios.