Aditya Ranjan Free PDF
Aditya Ranjan Free PDF
Aditya Ranjan Free PDF
( Practice Sheet With Solution)
1. The price of rice has increased by 60%. In order 5. In an examination, 30% of the total students
to restore the original price, the new price failed in Hindi, 45% failed in English and 20%
must be reduced by. failed in both subjects. Find the percentage of
pkoy dh dher esa 60» dh o`f¼ gqbZ gSA ewy dher dksthose who passed in both subjects.
iquLFkkZfir djus ds fy,] ubZ dher dks ?kVk;k tkuk pkfg,A,d ijh{kk esa] dqy Nk=kksa esa ls 30» fganh esa] 45» va
1 esa vkSj 20» nksuksa fo"k;ksa esa vuqÙkh.kZ gq,A nks
(a) 33 1 % (b) 37 %
3 2 ikl gksus okyksa dk çfr'kr Kkr dhft,A
(c) 40% (d) 45% (a) 35.7% (b) 35%
2. Three sets of 40, 50 and 60 students appeared (c) 40% (d) 45%
for an examination and the pass percentage
6. Anish spends 25% of his salary on house rent,
was 100, 90 and 80 respectively. The pass
5% on food, 15% on travel, 10% on clothes and
percentage of the whole set is.
an by the remaining amount of Rs. 22500 is saved.
40] 50 vkSj 60 Nk=kksa ds rhu lsV ,d ijh{kk ds fy, What is Anish’s salary?
mifLFkr gq, vkSj mÙkh.kZ çfr'kr Øe'k% 100] 90 vkSj 80
vuh'k vius osru dk 25» ?kj ds fdjk, ij] 5» Hkkstu
FkkA iwjs lsV dk ikl çfr'kr gSA
ij] 15» ;k=kk ij] 10» diM+ksa ij vkSj 'ks"k #- 22500 dh
2 ja 2 cpr gqbZ gSA vuh'k dk osru D;k gS\
R s
(a) 88 % (b) 84 %
3 3
(a) 40,000 (b) 40,500
a th
B, B got 10% less than C and C got 25% more What was the effect on the total revenue ?
than D. If D got 320 marks out of 500, the
tc fdlh mRikn dh dher 10» de gks tkrh gS] rks fcØh
di M
9. In a English examination, the average for the fdlh daiuh ds mRiknu esa gj lky mrkj&p<+ko gksrk gS
entire class was 80 marks. If 10% of the yxkrkj nks o"kks± rd mRiknu esa 15» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS
students scored 95 marks and 20% scored 90
marks. What was the average marks of the rhljs o"kZ esa ;g 10» ?kV tkrh gSA fiQj vxys nks o"kks
remaining students of the class? ;g çR;sd o"kZ 15» c<+ tkrh gS vkSj rhljs o"kZ esa 10» ?k
,d vaxzsth ijh{kk esa] iwjh d{kk dk vkSlr 80 vad FkkA tkrh gSA ;fn ge o"kZ 1994 ls fxuuk 'kq: djsa rks yxHkx
;fn 10» Nk=kksa us 95 vad çkIr fd, vkSj 20» us 90 vad 1998 esa daiuh ds mRiknu ij D;k çHkko iM+sxk\
çkIr fd,A d{kk ds 'ks"k Nk=kksa ds vkSlr vad fdrus Fks\ (a) 37% Increase (b) 47% Increase
(a) 55 (b) 65 (c) 52% Increase (d) 27% Increase
(c) 75 (d) 85 14. In a town the ratio of men, women and children
10. A epidemic broke out in a village in which 5% is 9 : 8 : 3. 80% men are literate and 30%
of the population died. Of the remaining, 20% women are illiterate. If 90% of children are
fled out of panic. If the present population is literate, then the percentage of illiteracy of
4655, then the population of the village that town is-
originally was.
,d dLcs esa iq#"kksa] efgykvksa vkSj cPpksa dk vuqikr 9 %
,d xkao esa egkekjh iQSy xbZ ftlesa 5» vkcknh ej xbZA 3 gSA 80» iq#"k lk{kj gSa vkSj 30» efgyk,a fuj{kj gSaA
'ks"k esa ls 20» ?kcjkgV ls Hkkx x,A ;fn orZeku tula[;k 90» cPps lk{kj gSa] rks ml 'kgj dh fuj{kjrk dk çfr'kr gS&
4655 gS] rks ewy :i ls xk¡o dh tula[;k fdruh FkhA
(a) 6,000 (b) 6,125 1 1
(c) 5,995
an by (d) 5,855
11. A person spends 30% of monthly salary on
(a) 22
(c) 27%
% (b) 25
(d) 30%
rent, 25% on food, 20% on children’s education 15. If the numerator of fraction is increased by
and 12% on electricity and the balance of Rs. 200% and the denominator is increased by
R s
1040 on the remaining items. What is the
yearly salary of the person? 5
350%. The resultant fraction is . What was
a th
(a) 8,000 (b) 12,000 esa 350» dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gSA ifj.kkeh va'kgSA ewy
di M
(a) 25 (b) 30
How many students are there in the college ?
(c) 40 (d) 45
13. The production of a company has ups and ,d dkWyst esa dqy Nk=kksa dk 12» •sy esa #fp j•rs gS
downs every year. The production increases for
two consecutive years consistently by 15% and dqy Nk=kksa esa
ls esa #fp j•rs gSaA dqy Nk=kksa esa
in the third year it decreases by 10%. Again
in the next two years it increases by 15% each 10» xk;u esa #fp j•rs gSa vkSj 'ks"k 15 Nk=k fdlh Hkh
year and decreases by 10% in the third year. xfrfof/ esa #fp ugha j•rs gSaA dkWyst esa fdrus Nk=k gS
If we start counting from the year 1994
(a) 300 (b) 400
approximately what will be the effect on the
production of the Company in 1998? (c) 500 (d) None of these
17. Price of raw material has increased by 25% and ,d iQy foØsrk fdlh xzkgd dks vius ikl ekStwn dqy
the labour cost has gone up from 30% of the larjksa esa ls 45» vkSj ,d larjk csprk gSA fiQj og 'ks"k
cost of raw material to 38% of the cost of the
raw material. What percentage of the larjksa ds 20» vkSj 2 vkSj larjs nwljs xzkgd dks csprk g
consumption of raw material be reduced to fiQj og cps gq, larjksa ds 90» larjs rhljs xzkgd dks csprk
keep the cost the same as that before the gS vkSj mlds ikl vHkh Hkh 5 larjs cps tkrs gSaA iQy foØs
increase? ds ikl vkjaHk esa fdrus larjs Fks\
,d fuekZ.k bdkbZ esa] ;g ns[kk x;k fd dPps eky dh (a) 100 (b) 111
dher esa 25» dh o`f¼ gqbZ gS vkSj Je ykxr dPps eky
(c) 121 (d) 120
dh ykxr ds 30» ls c<+dj dPps eky dh ykxr dk 38»
21. A number X is first increased by 35% and then
gks xbZ gSA dPps eky dh [kir fdrus izfr'kr de dh decreased by 5.55%. The number, so obtained,
tk,] rkfd ykxr dks o`f¼ ls igys dh ykxr ds cjkcj
j[kk tk lds\ is now increased by 23 % . If the number,
(a) 20.7% (b) 25.5%
(c) 30.2% (d) 24.6% has increased by 8806 than original number X,
18. The price of petrol shot up by 5%. Before the 2
hike, the price was Rs 82 per litre. A man then find 14 % of the number X?
travels 3045 km every month and his car gives
a mileage of 15 km per litre. What is the ,d la[;k X dks igys 35» c<+k tkrk gS vkSj fiQj 5-55»
an by
increase in the monthly expenditure (to the
nearest Rs) on the man's travel due to the hike
?kVk;k tkrk gSA bl izdkj] izkIr dh xbZ la[;k dks iqu%
in the petrol prices? 23 % c<+k;k tkrk gSA ;fn la[;k] ewy la[;k
X dh
isVªksy dh dher esa 5» dh c<+ksrjh gqbZ gSA c<+ksrjh ls igys
dher 82 #i;s çfr yhVj FkhA ,d vkneh gj eghus 3045 rqyuk esa 8806 c<+ pqdh gS] rksXla[;k
dk 14 %
R s
fdeh dh ;k=kk djrk gS vkSj mldh dkj 15 fdeh çfr
Kkr dhft,\
a th
(a) 944 (b) 859 22. In an election between two candidates Ravi and
(c) 758 (d) 832 Amit. 13.33% voters didn't participate in
di M
ij fdruk [kpZ vk,xk\ (c) 63 (d) 72
(a) Rs 1,160 (b) Rs 1,167 29. Boman had a certain amount with him. He
(c) Rs 1,276 (d) Rs 1,176 spent 20% of that to buy a new cellphone and
25. Prerna decided to donate 15% of her salary to 15% of the remaining on buying a laptop. Then
an by
an orphanage. On the day of donation she
changed her mind and donated Rs 2,896 which
he donated Rs 160 in a temple. If he is left with
Rs 1,200, how much did he buy the laptop for:
was 90% of what she had decided earlier. How ckseuds ikl ,d fuf'pr jkf'k FkhA mlus mlesa ls 20»
much is Prerna’s salary (approx)?
ja u;k lsyiQksu •jhnus ij vkSj 'ks"k dk 15» ySiVkWi •jhnus
çsj.kk us vius osru dk 15» ,d vukFkky; dks nku djus
R s
ij •pZ fd;kA fiQj mlus ,d eafnj esa 160 #i, nku
dk iQSlyk fd;kA nku ds fnu mlus viuk fopkj cny
fd,A ;fn mlds ikl 1]200 #i;s cps] rks mlus ySiVkWi
a th
(a) 92% (b) 80% the same percentage every year. Find the
(c) 54% (d) 46% percentage if it is known that the company’s
27. According to a survey conducted in a interaction with customers is doubled after two
neighborhood, at least 70% of the people read years.
the Hindu, at least 70% of the people read the
Hindu, at least 75% of the people read the fjyk;al ft;ks gj lky blh çfr'kr ds fglkc ls vius xzkgd
Times of India and at least 80% of the people c<+krk jgkA çfr'kr Kkr dhft, ;fn ;g Kkr gS fd nks o"kZ
read the Deccan Chronicle. What is the ckn xzkgdksa ds lkFk daiuh dk laidZ nqxquk gks tkrk gSA
minimum percentage of people in the
neighborhood, who read exactly two (a) 1002% (b) 100(2+1)%
newspapers? (c) 100(2–1)% (d) 100(3–1)%
(c) 30 (d) 20 jksfgr 'kekZ us vkWLVªsfy;k ds f•ykiQ 16 xsanksa esa
33. In a village, two contestants (A & B) are
dh ikjh •syhA ;fn og dsoy ckmaMªh (pkSds vkSj NDds)
contesting in an election. 70% of the registered
an by
voters cast their votes in the election and A gh cukrk gS] rks pkSds yxkdj mlds }kjk cuk, x, juksa dk
wins the election by 400 votes. If A had vf/dre çfr'kr Kkr dhft,A
received 12.5% less votes, A’s votes would have (a) 23.25% (b) 26.4%
been equal to B’s votes. How many registered (c) 74.5% (d) 28%
voters are there in the village?
ja 37. As per a company policy only 25% of the
R s
,d xkao esa] nks çfr;ksxhA vkSj
( B) pquko yM+ jgs gSaA female employees and 20% of the male
iathÑr ernkrkvksa esa ls 70» us pquko esa viuk er Mkykemployees can hold the positions higher than
a th
(a) 4,500 (b) 4,200 ,d daiuh dh uhfr ds vuqlkj dsoy 25» efgyk deZpkjh
(c) 4,000 (d) 4,800
vkSj 20» iq#"k deZpkjh Lrj 2 ls Åij ds inksa dks /kj.k
di M
(a) 96.5% (b) 86.1% gksrk gSA 90 fdyks rktk xUus ls fdrus fdyks lw•k xUu
(c) 39.6% (d) 96.1% çkIr fd;k tk ldrk gS\
100 (a) 20 (b) 35
35. Out of total students % are in hostel A (c) 47 (d) 50
and remaining are in hostel B. If 20 students 39. Class A has boys to girls in the ratio 2 : 3, Class
from hostel B are shifted to hostel A, then total B has girls to boys in the ratio 5 : 3. If the
students in hostel A becomes 50% of total number of students in Class A is at least twice
students. If 20 students from hostel A are
shifted to hostel B, then the total students in as many as the number of students in Class B,
hostel A becomes what percent of total what is the minimum percentage of boys when
students? both classes are considered together?
651. By how much has the number been reduced?
çfr'kr de gksxkA
48 % ?kVkus ij la[;k 651 gks tkrh gSA la[;k dks fdruk (a) 12% (b) 29%
(c) 18% (d) 33%
?kVk;k x;kA
(a) 609
an by
(b) 638
47. A is X% less than B, A is Y% less than C. C is
K% more than B. express K in the terms of
(c) 600 (d) 631 X & Y.
42. If x% of a is the same as y% of b, then z% of b A, B ls X% de gS] A, C ls Y% de gSAC, B ls K%
ja vf/d gSAX vkSjY ds inks esa
K dks O;Dr djsaA
R s
will be.
;fn a dk x% leku gS b dk y% ds rks b dk z%
a th
(y – x)100 (y – x)100
(a) (b)
gksxkA (100 – y) (100 – x)
xz yz
(a) % of a (b) % of a (y y)100 (y – x)100
ty a
y x (c) (d)
(100 – x) (100 y)
48. A student scored 30% marks and failed by 25
di M
xy y
(c) % of a (d) % of a marks, another student scored 40% marks
z z
which is 25% more than the pass mark. find
43. If 60% of (x – y) = 45% of (x + y) and y = k% of the passing marks.
x Then 21% of k = ?
,d fo|kFkhZ us 30» vad izkIr fd, vkSj og 25 vadksa ls
;fn 60% dk (x – y) = 45% dk (x + y) vkSjy = k% isQy gks x;k nwljs fo|kFkhZ us 40» vad izkIr fd, tks mrh.k
of x rksk dk 21% = ?
gksus ls 25» vf/d gSA rks mrh.kk±d crkvksa
(a) 1 (b) 6 (a) 300 (b) 400
(c) 7 (d) 3 (c) 500 (d) 550
44. There are two numbers. If first number is 49. Class B has 50% more students than class A.
increased by 160% then obtained number is 86 number of girls in class A is equal to number
less than other no. If first number is increased of boys in class B. The perecent of girls is the
by 110 then obtain number is less 200 Then same in both class what % of the student in
other no. find the sum of numbers. group are boys.
nks la[;k,¡ gSaA ;fn igyh la[;k esa 160» dh o`f¼ dh d{kkB esa d{kkA dh rqyuk esa 50» vf/d Nk=k gSaA d{kk
tkrh gS rks çkIr la[;k nwljh la[;k ls 86 de gSA ;fn A esa yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k d{kk
B esa yM+dksa dh la[;k ds
igyh la[;k esa 110 dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gS rks çkIr la[;k cjkcj gSA nksuksa d{kkvksa esa yM+fd;ksa dk çfr'kr le
nwljh la[;k ls 200 de gS la[;kvksa dk ;ksx Kkr dhft,A lewg esa fdrus» Nk=k yM+ds gSa\
(a) 550 (b) 590 (a) 33.33% (b) 40%
(c) 570 (d) 700 (c) 25% (d) 60%
50. Raghu took a bag which contains a total of 600 55. In a constituency, 55% of total voters are male
coins and was assumed to value Rs. 250. some and remain are female. If 40% male are
of the coins were of 25 paisa Denominations illiterate and 40% female are literate. Then
& rest were 50 paisa denomination. If he gave How much percent illiterate male more than
10% of 25 paisa coins & 25% of 50 paise coins illiterate female.
to his friend what is the percentage decrease ,d fuokZpu {ks=k esa] dqy ernkrkvksa esa ls 55» iq#"k
in the amount with him? vkSj 'ks"k efgyk,¡ gSaA ;fn 40» iq#"k fuj{kj gSa vkSj
j?kq us ,d FkSyk fy;k ftlesa dqy 600 flDds Fks vkSj mudhefgyk,¡ lk{kj gSaA rks fuj{kj efgyk dh rqyuk esa fuj{k
dher #- 250 FkhA dqN flDds 25 iSls ewY;oxZ ds Fks vkSj iq#"k fdrus çfr'kr vf/d gSA
ckdh 50 iSls ewY;oxZ ds FksA ;fn mlus 25 iSls ds flDdksa
dk 10» vkSj 50 iSls ds flDdksa dk 25» vius fe=k dks (a) 20% (b) 22 %
fn;k rks mlds ikl jkf'k esa fdrus çfr'kr dh deh gqbZ\
(a) 22% (b) 24% 2 2
(c) 19 % (d) 18 %
9 9
(c) 18% (d) 16%
56. Radius of cylinder is increased by 25% and its
51. A's income is 25% more than B's income and
c's income is 65% of the sum of A & B income. height decreased by 16 2 % . How much percent
How much percent c's income more than A. 3
change in its curved surface Area.
A dh vk; B dh vk; ls 25» vf/d gS vkSj C dh vk; csyu dh f=kT;k esa 25» o`f¼ dh tkrh gSA vkSj mldh
A an by
vkSjB dh dqy vk; dk 65» gSA rks
vk; ls fdrus % vf/d gSA
C dh vk; A dh
16 esa
% dh deh dh tkrh gSA rks csyu ds oØi`"B
(a) 17% (b) 20% {ks=kiQy esa ifjorZu crkvksA
(c) 19% (d) 21%
ja 1 1
R s
52. A number increase by x%. How much percent (a) 5 % (b) 4 %
2 6
have to minimize to obtain original number.
a th
,d la[;k esa x% dh o`f¼ gksrh gSA ewy la[;k çkIr djus (c) 5% (d) 5
ds fy, fdrus çfr'kr dks de djuk gksxkA 3
ty a
(c) – 5% (d) 10% 10%. Then How much percent change in her
54. A's income is 40% more than B. If A's income expenditure.
increase by 25% and B's income increase by 40% uhrw viuh vk; dk 80» •pZ djrh gSaA ;fn mldh vk;
Then How much percent increase in (A + B) esa 20» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj cpr esa 10» dh deh gksrh
A dh vk; B ls 40» vf/d gSA ;fn A dh vk; esa 25» gSA rks mlds O;; esa fdrus çfr'kr dk ifjorZu gksxkA
dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSjB dh vk; esa 40» dh o`f¼ gksrh
1 1
gS] rks
(A + B) esa fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f¼ gksrh gS\ (a) 26 % (b) 27 %
2 2
(a) 28% (b) 24.5%
(c) 25% (d) 30%
(c) 34.5 (d) 31.25%
59. Monika spend 80% of her income. If her (a) 84 (b) 120
(c) 72 (d) 108
income is increased by 16 2 % and saving
3 65. A man spend 5% of his income on travelling,
increased by 15%. Then. How much percent 20% of the remaining spend on food after that
increase in her expenditure (Approx) Rs. 120 donates Now he has remains 1400. his
eksfudk viuh vk; dk 80» •pZ djrh gSA ;fn mldh income is:
,d vkneh viuh vk; dk 5» ;k=kk ij •pZ djrk gS] 'ks"k
vk; esa 16 2 % dh o`f¼ gqbZ gS vkSj cpr esa 15» dh
3 dk 20» Hkkstu ij •pZ djrk gS mlds ckn #- 120 nku
djrk gSA vc mlds ikl 1400 #i;s jg x, gSaA mldh
o`f¼ gqbZ gSA rc mlds O;; esa fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f¼ gqbZ
(yxHkx) vk; gS%
(a) 15% (b) 16% (a) 1800 (b) 2000
(c) 17% (d) 18% (c) 2200 (d) 2500
60. If Income tax is increased by 19% then his 66. An article is marked x% above the cost price.
income decrease 1%. find the income tax rate.
vxj vk;dj esa 19» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS rks mldh vk; esa A discount of x % is on marked price. If the
1» dh deh vkrh gSA vk;dj nj Kkr dhft,A
profits 4% of the cost price and the value of x
(a) 6% (b) 5%
lies between 25 and 50. Then the value of 50%
(c) 4% (d) 7%
of x is.
61. 68% water in fresh fruits and 20% water in dry
an by
fruits. Then How mauch dried fruits obtained
from 100 kg. fresh fruits.
,d oLrq ij x% Ø; ewY; ls vf/d vafdr fd;k tkrk
rkts iQyksa esa 68» vkSj lw•s iQyksa esa 20» ikuh gksrkgSA
gSA vafdr
rks ewY; ij3 x % dh NwV gSA ;fn ykHk ykxr
100 fdxzk rktk iQyksa ls fdrus lw•s iQy çkIr gksaxsA ewY; dk 4» gS vkSj
x dk eku 25 vkSj 50 ds chp gSA rks
(a) 60 kg. ja (b) 20 kg. x ds 50» dk eku gSA
R s
(c) 80 kg. (d) 40 kg.
(a) 12 (b) 16
a th
,d xk¡o dh tula[;k 9800 gSA 1 o"kZ ckn iq#"k esa 8» dh of the students like Cricket, 86% like Football
o`f¼ gqbZ vkSj efgyk esa 5» dh o`f¼ gqbZ vc tula[;kand 57% of the students like Rugby. What is
the maximum percentage of students who like
di M
10458 gks xbZA çkjaHk esa fdrus iq#"k FksA exactly two sports.
(a) 5600 (b) 4410
(c) 6048 (d) 4000 ,d Ldwy esa] çR;sd Nk=k rhu •syksa esa ls ,d&fØdsV] iQqV
63. In a village, 42% are males and 24% are vkSj jXch ilan djrk gS] 65» Nk=k fØdsV ilan djrs gSa]
females of the adult population are married. 86» iQqVckWy ilan djrs gSa vkSj 57» Nk=k jXch ilan dj
Assuming that no man marries more than one gSaA Bhd nks •syksa dks ilan djus okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk vfè
woman. The number of adults who remain
unmarried is what percent of the total population.
çfr'kr fdruk gS\
,d xkao esa] 42» iq#"k vkSj 24» efgyk,a fookfgr gSaA ;g(a) 92% (b) 80%
(c) 54% (d) 46%
ekurs gq, fd dksbZ Hkh iq#"k ,d ls vf/d L=kh ls fookg
68. In a tournament, A team has played 40
ugha djrkA vfookfgr jgus okys o;Ldksa dh la[;k dqy
matches so far and won 30% of them if they
tula[;k dk fdruk çfr'kr gSA
fy;kAA us C dks 18 cxZj ls gjk;kA
A us B dh rqyuk esa than 15% of x.
50» vf/d cxZj •kdj B dks Hkh gjk fn;kA blds vykok ;fn 250 dk (x + 20)%] 220 ds x% ls 25» vf/d gS]
B us C dh rqyuk esa 5» vf/d cxZj •k;k FkkA cxZj dh
rks(x + 50) dk 10»] x ds 15» ls fdruk çfr'kr de gS\
(a) 90
an by
dqy la[;k Kkr dhft;s
(b) 81
(a) 16
% (b) 12
(c) 72 (d) 100 1
71. By mistake, the reciprocal of a positive fraction (c) 33 % (d) 37 %
got typed in place of itself, and there by its 3 2
R s
175 76. When the price of an item was reduced by 20%.
value got reduced by % what was the its sales increase by x%. If there is an increase
a th
value of the fraction? of 25% of the revenue, then the value of x is:
xyrh ls] ,d /ukRed fHkUu dk O;qRØe mlh ds LFkku ij tc fdlh oLrq ds ewY; esa 20» dh deh dh xbZA bldh
Vkbi gks x;k vkSj mlds eku 175
ls % de gks x;k] fcØh esax% dh o`f¼ gks tkrh gSA ;fn jktLo esa 25» dh
4 o`f¼ gksrh gS]xrks
dk eku gS%
ty a
(a) (b)
2 3 77. The difference between a number and its three-
3 1 fifth is 274. What is 20% of the number.
(c) (d)
4 4 ,d la[;k vkSj mlds rhu&ikaposa ds chp dk varj 274 gSA
72. Ram saves y% of his income. If his income la[;k dk 20» D;k gS\
increase by 28% and the expenditure increase
(a) 144 (b) 165
by 20% then his savings increase by 40% what
(c) 150 (d) 137
is the value of y?
78. In an examination of 180 marks of a subject,
jke viuh vk; dk y% cpkrk gSA ;fn mldh vk; esa 75% marks allocated for theory and remain for
28» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj O;; esa 20» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS
Project work. Rahul scored 60% in theory
rks mldh cpr esa 40» dh o`f¼ gksrhygS]
dk eku D;k gS\ What percentage of marks he score in project
(a) 35 (b) 40 to achieve an overall 62% marks in. These
Answer Key
1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(d) 6.(d) 7.(d) 8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(b)
11.(d) 12.(a) 13.(a) 14.(a) 15.(b) 16.(c) 17.(d) 18.(d) 19.(d) 20.(d)
21.(*) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(b) 25.(c) 26.(a) 27.(a) 28.(a) 29.(b) 30.(a)
31.(c) 32.(b) 33.(c) 34.(d) 35.(b) 36.(a) 37.(c) 38.(a) 39.(c) 40.(b)
41.(a) 42.(a) 43.(d) 44.(b) 45.(c) 46.(c) 47.(a) 48.(b) 49.(b) 50.(a)
51.(a) 52.(c) 53.(b) 54.(d) 55.(b) 56.(b) 57.(b) 58.(b) 59.(c) 60.(b)
61.(d) 62.(a) 63.(b) 64.(d) 65.(b) 66.(c) 67.(a) 68.(b) 69.(b) 70.(a)
71.(b) 72.(b) 73.(b) 74.(b) 75.(a) 76.(c) 77.(d) 78.(d)
an by
R s
1. (b) 4. (b)
a th
3 1
60% = 25% =
5 4
5 8 P 4 3
ty a
C 3 4 3kg. 4kg
di M
3 1
Reduction by = 100 = 37 %
8 2 1 unit 1kg
2. (a) 30 1
Reduced rate = =7
% of whole set 4 2
5. (d)
100% of 40 90% of 50 80% of 60
40 50 60
40 45 48
133 2 2
= = 88 %
3 3 AB = A + B – AB
3. (b) A B = 30 + 45 – 20
Let D Got 320
A B = 75 – 20
D C B A A B = 55%
320 400 360 450
%of those who passed in both subjects
So, A Got 450 = 100% – 55% = 45%
6. (d) Remaining = 95 – 19 = 76
Spends = 25% + 5% + 15% + 10% = 55% 76 unit 4655
Rem = 100% – 55% = 45%
100 unit 100 = 6125
45% 22500 76
R 100 117 40% marks 10 questions
17 100% marks 100 = 25
Required% =
an by
× 100 = 17%
13. (a)
100 Let the population bc 100
8. (c)
ja 115 2 90 115
R s
Let the Nr and Dr be x and y. After 4 years = 100
100 100 100
a th
Then the fraction is y 23 23 9 23
= 100
20 20 10 20
ty a
x 115% 15 23 23 23 9 10950
= = = = 136.87
y 92% 16 800 800
di M
9. (c) M W C
15. (b)
Total regular employees = 400 = 350
x 100
Let the fraction be
Male are rgular employees = 92 250 = 230
x 300% 5 100
y 450% 12
Regular female employees = 350 – 230 = 120
x 5 % of Regular female employees
y 8
16. (c) = 100 = 80%
Sports = 12%, Dacne
20. (d)
3 Let the oranges initially be x
= i.e. 75% and singing = 10%
80 10
Remaining = 100 – (12 + 75 + 10) = 3% {[55% of x – 1]} × – 2 =5
100 100
3% 15
1% 5 4
[55% of x – 1] = 52
100% 500
17. (d)
an by 55% of x – 1 = 65
Let the price of raw material be 100 55% of x = 66
P 100 ja
125 6
R s
1% % x =
LP 30 475 5
a th
130 172.5 6
100% of x = × 100 = 120
(172.5 – 130) 5
%Reduction in consumption = 100
172.5 21. (a)
ty a
= 203 × 4.1 = 832.3 ~ 832 Rs 57
19. (d) 1 8806
of × 100 = ~ 2207
400 7 57
Nearest option is (a) 2210
22. (b)
1 2
m f 13.33% = 13 %=
3 15
250 150
65 – (x + 2) + 86 – (x + y) + 57 – (y + 2) + x + y
2 1
16.66% = 16 %= + z = 100% – 2w
3 6
208 – x – z – y – 200 = 100
1 9 x + y + 2 + 2 w = 108
56.25% = 56 % =
4 16
We can put minimum value of w = 8
13 5 2 So, who like exactly two sports max.
x = 5460
15 6 16 = 108 – 2 × 8 = 92%
x = 420 × 3 × 3 × 16 27. (a)
x = 420 × 144
The Hindu Times of India
x = 60480
23. (a) 75–(x+z+w)
65–(x +y+w)
35 65
y z
– 35 –7 7
100 80 – (y+z+w)
– 40
an by
65 – 26
Deccan cronical
8 unit 976 225 – x – y – z – 2w = 100%
1 unit 122
ja x + y + 2 + 2 w = 125%
R s
100 unit 12200
24. (b)
a th
cost = 400 × 1.50 = 600 (for initial 400 cheets)
cost after 400 sheets = 400 × 1.5 × = 567
ty a
10a b 3
Cricket Football
30b + 3a = 80a + 8b
65–(x +2) (86–(x +y)
77a = 22b
a 2
w = put in (I)
z y b 7
57–(y+2) 27 = x
Rugbi x = 45
Marks in geography = 259 – 175 = 84 A 8k = 8 × 5 = 40
31. (c) B 70 – 40 = 30
Let initially its Customers be x. 40 – 30 = 10 unit 400
an by
and increased by k%
1 unit 40
100 unit 4,000
k 34. (d)
after 2 years, Customers = x 1
100 Let the students in 3 batches be 25, 35 and
ja 40 respectively
R s
k 2% of 25 = 0.5
x1 = 2x
a th
4% of 35 = 1.4
5% of 40 = 2
100 k 2 No. of failed students = 100 – (0.5 + 1.4 + 2)
3.9 = 96.1
ty a
100² + k² + 200k = 2 × 100² Required% = 100 = 96.1%
di M
k² + 200k – 10000 = 0
35. (b)
–200 (200)² – 4.1.(–10000) A B
2.1 1 : 2
Let no. of students in A and B be x and 2x
– 200 200 2 +20 –20
2 1
(x + 20) = (x + 2x)
k = – 100 + 1002 = 100 (2–1) 2
32. (b) 1
x + 20 = × 3x
Let initial production of company be 100
2x + 40 = 3x
23 4 5 x = 40
After four years it will be = 100
20 5 4 A = 40 B = 80
100 23 23 – 20 20
= = 132.25
400 20 100
Required% = (132.25 – 100) 100
100 Required% = 20 100 = 16.67%
= 32.25% ~ 32%
3 : 2
z zx
an by 100
b =
% of a
25% 75% 20% 80%
43. (d)
3 75% 2 80% A.T.Q
Required% = ja 5
R s
3 9
225 160 385 (x – y) = (x y)
a th
= = = 77% 5 20
5 5
x = 7y
38. (a)
16% of 90 = 72% of x Also,
ty a
16 × 10 = 8x kx 100y
x = 20kg. y= k=
100 x
di M
39. (c)
Class A 2 : 3 5)×8×2
Class B 3 : 5 8)×5 21 21y 21y
k = = =3
32 48 100 x 7y
15 25 44. (b)
(32 15) 47 100 Let the no. be 100 x and y
Required% = (40 80) 100 = 120
= 39.16% y – 260 x = 86 .......(1)
40. (b) And
5 1 49. (b)
5x – =x
x x
200 300
4x = an by
x² = = 1.5
Girls Boys Girls Boys
x = 1.22 ja x x
R s
x³ : x² A.T.Q
a th
= x : 1 = 1.22 : 1
x 300 – x
0.22 100 = 100
= × 100% = 18% 200 300
3x = 600 – 2x
ty a
47. (a)
A.T.Q x = 120
di M
100 100 100 x = 200 and, 600 – x = 400
x 180 300
1 –
Now, Reduced amt. = = 195
100 x 4 2
y 100
1 –
100 % Decrease = 250 – 195 100
(y – x)100
x= 55
100 – y = 100 = 22%
5 4 9 100
100 80 117
52. (c) 55 45
Let no. be 100.
Increased no. = 100
= 100 + x. an by Illit.
lit. Illit. lit.
x 100x 5 5
Required% = 100 = %
100 x 100 x
ja 22 33 27 18
R s
53. (b)
a th
Original New 33 – 27
Required% = 100
Price 5 6
ty a
Consumption 8 7 6 2
= 100 = 22 %
Expenditure 40 42 27 9
di M
56. (b)
42 – 40 r 4 : 5
% Increase = 100 = 5% Increase
6 5
40 h
C.S.A 24 25
54. (d)
1 1
Old 700 500 Increase% in C.S.A. = 100% = 4 %
24 6
New 700 + 175 500 + 200 57. (b)
875 700
Original New
Required% increase
= = 31.25% 36 – 25
12 = 100 = 44%
22 5 764
= = 5.5 5 = 27.5% Required% = × 100 = 69.45%
4 1100
64. (d)
59. (c)
Old New H – E = 66
Income 600 700 28
E= [H E]
Exp. 480 ? 100
Savings 120 138 E 7
an by
480 562 =
H 18
18 – 7 66
562 – 480
% Increase = 100 17%
480 18 18
ja 11
R s
60. (b)
= 108
Income tax increase = Decrease in net income
a th
65. (b)
19 1 Let, his income be 100
Tax × = Net income
100 100
ty a
Income = 19 + 1 = 20 unit
di M
Total burgers = 18 = 90
z all there 20
71. (b)
x + y + z = 100
Let the original fraction be x
to maximize y
an by
x + 2y + 3z = 208
y + 2z = 108 .........(1) 1 175
x– = x
for max y, x 0 x 400
y + z = 100 ja ........(2)
9 1
R s
From (1) & (2) x=
y = 92% 16 x
a th
68. (b) 4
40 3
72. (b)
ty a
Old New
di M
28 – y
Young Old
5 =1
28 72 100 – y 5
140 – 2y = 100 – y
y = 40
73. (b)
13 4 6 7
lit. ill. ill 100 = 87.36
10 5 5 10
65 11.75 35 – 11.75
Decrease% = 12.64%
5 5 2
= 100 = 55 % x = 274
9 9 5
75. (a) x
= 137
(x 20) 125 x 5
250 = 220
100 100 100 78. (d)
10x + 200 = 11x Total marks = 180
x = 200
Then, 3
Theory = 180 = 135
10 4
(250) = 25
100 Project = 180 – 135 = 45
200 = 30
an by By Allegation:-
60 x
30 – 25 2
100 = 16 %
30 ja 3
R s
76. (c)
a th
Old New
Price 5 4
Sales 100 100 + x
Revenue 4 5
ty a
A.T.Q 62 – x 2
Revenue = price × sales
di M
4 500 62 – x 135
5 625 2 45
400 + 4x = 625 x = 68%
x = 56.25%