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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, wabihi nasta’in ‘ala umuriddunyawaddin, ashsholatu wassalamu’ala

asrofil ambiyaa iwal mursalin wa’ala alihi washohbihi ajma’in. Robbisrohlisodri, wayassrili amri,
wahlul uqdatammilisani yafqohu qouli, amma ba’du

Good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to our workshop today, with the title "Are You Ready
To Be A Public Speaker"

First of all, let’s say thanks to Allah SWT who has give us guidance, happiness, healthy, and mercy so
that we can attend and participate in this special workshop without any obstacles.

Praise and salutation upon our prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought us to the path of light
from the darkness in this life.

We would like to welcome :

The Honorable, Dr. Mrs. Arjulayana, M.pd as a lecture in Education faculty of Muhammadiyah
Tangerang University

The Honorable, Mrs. Husna Khofifah Mulyadi M.Pd from Muhammadiyah Tangerang University as
our speaker

Well, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Nanda Faradilla Anwar and it is a wonderful and precious
chance for me, to be your Master of Ceremony in this great event on Friday, 18 Desember 2023

Ladies and gentlemen, on this special morning we have several agendas so allow me to read our
workshop agendas today,

1. The first is opening and reading of the holy verses of the Qur'an.

2. The second event is singing Indonesian national song.

4. Welcoming speech remarks

5. The Main Agenda is the presentation of the material by the speakers followed by question
and answer session.

6. And the last Closing.

Ladies and gentleman, To shorten the time before we begin this event, let us say basmalah together
(Bismillahirrahmairrahiim) may Allah SWT make this event beneficial for all of us, an this event can
run smoothly and conducively.

Well, ladies and gentlemen

Our first agenda is reading of the holy verses of the Qur'an by Aulia Aulia, the stage is yours. Well,
thank you very much, Aulia for reading the Qur'an for us.

Now, ladies and gentlemen

Our second event is singing Indonesian national song, which will be led by sister Risa.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen

And now, the next agenda is welcoming speech remarks that would be delivered by Mrs. Arjulayana,
M.Pd as a lecture in Education faculty of Muhammadiyah Tangerang University. To Mrs. Arjulayana,
the stage is yours. Thank you very much, to Mrs. Arjulayana for the welcoming speech remarks.

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen

We come to the main agenda, that is the presentation of our topic today, that will be guided by
Tarum Ningsih as our moderator. To Tarum Ningsih, the stage is yours.

Well, thank you Tarum Ningsih for led the presentation nicely. And that was a very perfect
performance from our speakers today.

Alhamdulillah, we have reached the end of the event. Let’s close this event by saying ‘hamdalah’

Thank you all for joining our workshop today, this is not our last meeting because there are still other
events that we can attend

Ladies and gentlemen

Don’t forget to stay healthy, happy, keep smiling, always strong, and enjoy your day.

I'm Alvita Farha Aini as the master of ceremony of the workshop representing the entire commitee,
apologize for every single mistake from our deep hearts.

The last don’t forget to start with bismillah and finish with hamdallah Nice to see you

See you at the next time


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