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CPHIMS Candidate Handbook

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Certified Professional in Healthcare

Information & Management Systems

Candidate Handbook

Effective September 1, 2023


CPHIMS Candidate Handbook

Table of Contents

CPHIMS Candidate Handbook and Reporting for the CPHIMS Examination.........20

Application........................................................................3 On-Site Security..........................................................20
About HIMSS...........................................................................3 Identity Verification....................................................20
HIMSS Vision...................................................................3 Use of Calculators........................................................21
HIMSS Mission................................................................3 Inclement Weather or Emergency.......................21
HIMSS Certification Program Examinations............ 4 Failing to Report for the CPHIMS
CPHIMS Certification Program..................................... 4 Examination.............................................................21
CPHIMS Eligibility Requirements......................... 5 Rules for CPHIMS Examination...........................22
CPHIMS Examination......................................................... 5 Copyrighted Examination Questions................23
CPHIMS Examination Preparation.............................10 Testing Experience......................................................23
Review the Content Outline and Following the CPHIMS Examination.........................25
Competency Gap Assessment....................10 Score Reports................................................................25
Develop a Learning Plan..........................................10 How the CPHIMS Passing Score is Set............25
Complete the CPHIMS Practice Exam...........10 Passing the CPHIMS Examination.....................25
The CPHIMS Review Guide, 4th Edition........10 Failing the CPHIMS Examination.......................26
HIMSS Dictionary of Healthcare Scores Cancelled by HIMSS..................................26
Information Technology Terms, Acronyms Score Confidentiality.................................................26
and Organizations, Fifth Edition.................... 11 Administrative Matters.............................................26
CPHIMS Examination Administration.......................12 Name and Address Change..................................26
Computer Administration at Pearson Failing to Renew........................................................... 27
VUE Assessment Centers...............................12 Appeals.....................................................................................28
Testing Outside of the United States.................12 Request for Accommodations.......................................29
Special Arrangements for Candidates Documentation of Disability Related Needs..........30
with Disabilities......................................................13 Checklist for Becoming Certified..................................31
Adhering to Professional Standards of Conduct Contacting HIMSS Certification..................................31
and Terms of Confidentiality...........................................15
CPHIMS Examination Application and
Scheduling Process...............................................................17
Online Application and Scheduling.....................17
Special Accommodations........................................ 18
English as a Second Language.............................. 18
 Re-Scheduling or Cancelling a CPHIMS
Examination............................................................ 19
On the Day of the CPHIMS Examination...............20


CPHIMS Candidate Handbook committed to transforming the health ecosystem.

As a mission-driven non-profit, HIMSS offers a
and Application unique depth and breadth of expertise in health
This Candidate Handbook provides information innovation, public policy, workforce development,
about the Certified Professional in Healthcare research, and analytics to advise leaders,
Information and Management Systems stakeholders, and influencers from across the
(CPHIMSSM) program, including CPHIMS ecosystem on best practices. With a community-
Examination administration policy and process centric approach, our innovation engine delivers
as well as the CPHIMS Examination Application. key insights, education and engaging events
Keep this Candidate Handbook until after the to healthcare providers, payers, governments,
examination is completed. startups, life sciences and other health services
organizations, ensuring they have the right
Additional copies of this Candidate Handbook information at the point of decision. HIMSS has
may be obtained by downloading a copy online. served the global health community for more than
The most current version of the Candidate 60 years, with focused operations across North
Handbook is posted here and supersedes any America, Europe, the United Kingdom, the Middle
other version. East, and Asia-Pacific.

Statement of Nondiscrimination
The Healthcare Information and Management HIMSS does not discriminate among candidates
Systems Society (HIMSS) is a global advisor, based on age, gender, race, color, religion, national
thought leader and member association origin, disability, or marital status.

Vision Mission
To realize Reform the global
the full health health ecosystem
potential of through the power
every human, of information
everywhere. and technology.


HIMSS Certification Program Testing Agency

Examinations HIMSS contracts with Pearson VUE, Inc. to
HIMSS conducts certification examinations assist in the development, administration, scoring,
for programs in healthcare information and score reporting and analysis of the CPHIMS
management systems: Examination. You can learn more here.

• C
 AHIMS (Certified Associate in Healthcare
Information and Management Systems) CPHIMS Certification Program
• C
 PHIMS (Certified Professional in Healthcare The CPHIMS certification program promotes the
Information and Management Systems) healthcare information and management systems
• C
 PDHTS (Certified Professional in Digital field through certification of qualified individuals
Health Transformation Strategy) and the following program elements:

Each certification examination is designed to test a • Recognizing formally those individuals who meet
well-defined body of knowledge representative of the eligibility requirements of CPHIMS and pass
professional practice in healthcare information and the examination
management systems. Successful completion of a • Requiring certification renewal through
certification examination is an indicator of broad- continued personal and professional growth
based knowledge in healthcare information and in the practice of healthcare information and
management systems. Certification examinations management systems
conducted by HIMSS are independent of each • Providing an international standard of requisite
other. Each lead to a certification credential in knowledge for certification; thereby assisting
healthcare information and management systems. employers, the public and members of health
professions in assessing healthcare information
Content of each examination was defined by an and management systems professionals
international or national role delineation study. The
study involved surveying practitioners in the field
to identify tasks that are performed routinely and
considered important to competent practice. Each
edition of a certification examination is developed
through a combined effort of qualified subject-
matter experts and testing professionals, who
construct the examination in accordance with the
Outline of Examination Topics.


CPHIMS Eligibility Requirements • B

 accalaureate degree from an accredited
college or university plus five (5) years of
Candidates who meet eligibility requirements information and management systems
and pass the CPHIMS Examination attain the hands-on work experience. Information and
CPHIMS designation. HIMSS reserves the right, management systems experience refers to work
but is not obligated to, accuracy of information experience in systems analysis; design; selection,
supplied by or on behalf of a candidate. implementation, support, and maintenance;
testing and evaluation; privacy and security;
Eligibility for the CPHIMS Examination requires information systems; clinical informatics;
fulfilling one (1) of the following requirements: management engineering. Of those five (5)
years of experience, at least three (3) of
those years must be in a healthcare setting.
• T
 en (10) years of information and A healthcare setting is defined to include
management systems experience. experience with a provider of health services or
Information and management systems products to a healthcare facility (e.g., hospital;
experience refers to work experience in systems healthcare consulting firm; vendor; federal,
analysis; design; selection, implementation, state, or local government office; academic
support, and maintenance; testing and institution; payer; public health, etc.).
evaluation; privacy and security; information
systems; clinical informatics; management
engineering. Of those ten (10) years of • G
 raduate degree or higher from an
experience, at least eight (8) of those years accredited college or university plus three
must be in a healthcare setting. A healthcare (3) years of information and management
setting is defined to include experience with systems experience. Information and
a provider of health services or products to management systems experience refers to work
a healthcare facility (e.g., hospital; healthcare experience in systems analysis; design; selection,
consulting firm; vendor; federal, state, or local implementation, support, and maintenance;
government office; academic institution; payer; testing and evaluation; privacy and security;
public health, etc. information systems; clinical informatics;
management engineering. Of those three
(3) years of experience, at least two (2) of
those years must be in a healthcare setting.
A healthcare setting is defined to include
experience with a provider of health services or
products to a healthcare facility (e.g., hospital;
healthcare consulting firm; vendor; federal,
state, or local government office; academic
institution; payer; public health, etc.).


CPHIMS Examination
The CPHIMS Examination is structured as follows:
• Composed of 100 multiple-choice questions. A candidate’s score is based on 100 of these questions.
• A candidate is allowed two (2) hours in which to complete the CPHIMS Examination.
• T
 he CPHIMS Examination is based on the four (4) major content areas listed in the Outline of Exam
• CPHIMS Examination questions are categorized by the following cognitive levels:
– Recall (RE): ability to recall or recognize specific information
– Application (AP): ability to comprehend, relate or apply knowledge to new or changing
– Analysis (AN): ability to analyze and synthesize information, determine solutions or evaluate
the solutions.

CPHIMS Outline of Examination Topics


A. Healthcare Environment
 .1 Articulate characteristics and services of different types of healthcare organizations (e.g.,
hospitals, clinics, ambulatory centers, community health organizations, healthcare payers,
regulators, research and academic)
 .2. Articulate characteristics of interrelationships within and across healthcare organizations
(e.g., health information exchange, public, private, continuity of care)
 .3. Describe the roles and responsibilities of healthcare information and management systems
professionals within the organizational structures in which they work
 .4. R
A  ecognize the impact of commonly accepted laws, regulations, accreditation and other
state and local rules that govern critical healthcare information and systems management
services, including privacy, safety and security (e.g., privacy regulations, pharmacy, envi-
ronments of care, patient rights) on the healthcare industry
 .5. Evaluate trends in healthcare technology and implement strategies to improve patient
outcomes (e.g., telemedicine, patient portals, wearable devices, population health)
B. Technology Environment
B.1. Articulate characteristics of applications commonly used in healthcare (e.g., clinical, admi-
nistrative, financial, consumer, business intelligence)
B.2. Articulate characteristics of technology infrastructure that support the healthcare environ-
ment (e.g., network, communications, data integration, privacy and security)



A. Clinical Informatics
A.1. Identify basic clinical vocabulary/terms frequently represented in healthcare informatics
(e.g. dosage frequency, dosage routes, body systems)
A.2. Identify basic healthcare IT vocabulary/terms frequently represented in healthcare infor-
A.3. Identify basic clinical metrics frequently represented in informatics (e.g., average daily
census, turnaround time, adherence, barcode medication administration)
A.4. D  evelop and implement system functionality to optimize clinical effectiveness and effi-
A.5. Interpret clinical and operational outcomes through the use of various data analytics tools
(e.g., reports, tables, graphs, charts, predictive models)
A.6. Develop mechanisms to facilitate ongoing clinical content and decision-support tools


A. Analysis
A.1. Apply appropriate concepts of systems development (e.g., systems development lifecycle
or SDLC)
A.2. A pply and utilize project management methodology components (e.g., needs analysis,
gap analysis, defining and prioritizing requirements)
A.3. Apply appropriate concepts of process improvement (e.g., DMAIC, PDCA)
A.4. U tilize standard visualization tools to analyze and improve current business and clinical
processes (e.g., process mapping, flow diagramming, gap analysis)
A.5. Interpret and analyze disparate data sets
A.6. Formulate alternate processes and potential solutions for new or improved applications
and/or systems
A.7. Evaluate if a proposed solution aligns with the organization‘s strategic and operational
A.8. P erform cost-benefit analysis to evaluate impact on issues related to healthcare systems
(e.g., customer satisfaction, patient care quality, economics, access to care, business pro-
cess improvement)
A.9. D evelop proposals that include recommended approaches and solutions, and plans for
realizing benefits
A.10. Analyze and interpret business documentation to promote system changes and/or imple-
mentations (e.g., RFPs, RFIs, SLAs, SOWs, NDAs, etc.)


B. Design
B.1. Ensure interoperability of software, hardware, network components and medical devices
B.2. Ensure compliance with applicable industry, regulatory and organizational standards
B.3. Ensure a process exists to incorporate industry, technology, infrastructure, legal and regula-
tory environment trends
B.4. Design an information infrastructure that supports current and anticipated business needs
(e.g., business continuity, disaster recovery)
B.5. Evaluate existing and emerging technologies to support organization‘s future growth and
B.6. Employ and implement effective data management using an established data governance
C. Selection, Implementation, Support and Maintenance
C.1. Conduct solution selection activities (e.g., identify organizational stakeholders, demonstra-
tions, site visits, reference
C.2. Employ effective technical change management practices checks)
C.3. Identify and execute effective training and support methods (e.g., computer-based lear-
ning, classroom training, train the trainer, at-the-elbow support from superusers)
C.4. Implement solutions while managing scope, schedule, budget, and quality
C.5. Maintain healthcare information systems (e.g., operate, upgrade)
C.6. Analyze data for problems and trends (e.g., error reports, help desk logs, surveys, perfor-
mance metrics, network monitoring)
D. Testing and Evaluation
D.1. Administer a formal testing methodology (e.g., unit test, integrated test, stress test, accep-
tance test)
D.2. Implement and monitor compliance with internal controls to protect resources and ensure
availability, confidentiality and integrity during testing (e.g., security audits, versioning con-
trol, change control)
D.3. Validate implementations against contractual terms and design specifications
D.4. E valuate that expected benefits are achieved and report metrics (e.g., return on invest-
ment, benchmarks, user satisfaction)
E. Privacy and Security
E.1. D
 efine and implement organizational policies and procedures to ensure confidentiality,
privacy, security, availability, and integrity of data
E.2. Assess and mitigate privacy and security vulnerabilities
E.3. D efine and implement user access controls according to established policies and
E.4. A ssess and implement physical, technical, and administrative controls to ensure safeguards
are in place to protect assets (e.g., servers secured, unattended computers, two-factor
E.5. D efine organizational roles responsible for managing vulnerabilities (e.g., information
security, physical security, compliance)
E.6. D evelop and implement data management controls (e.g., data ownership, criticality, secu-
rity levels, protection controls, retention and destruction requirements, access controls)
E.7. Validate on an ongoing basis the security features of existing systems



A. Management and Leadership

A.1. Contribute to organizational strategic planning (e.g., measure performance against orga-
nizational goals)
A.2. Assess the organizational environment (e.g., corporate culture, values and drivers)
A.3. Forecast technical and information needs of an organization by linking resources to busi-
ness needs
A.4. D  evelop and implement an IT strategic plan and departmental objectives that align and
support organizational strategies and goals
A.5. Evaluate performance (e.g., SLAs, goal/performance indicators, systems effectiveness)
A.6. Evaluate effectiveness and user satisfaction of systems and services being provided
A.7. Promote stakeholder understanding of information technology opportunities and cons-
traints (e.g., business and IT resources, budget, project prioritization)
A.8. Develop policies and procedures for information and systems management
A.10. Understand and comply with the organization‘s ethical business principles A.9. Comply
with legal and regulatory standards
A.11. Employ comparative analytics (e.g., indicators, benchmarks)
A.12. Prepare and deliver business communications (e.g., presentations, reports, project plans)
A.13. Facilitate group discussions and meetings (e.g., consensus building, conflict resolution)
A.14. Provide consultative technology services to the organization
A.15. Develop educational strategies for the information and management systems function
A.16. Maintain organizational competencies on current IT technologies and trends
A.17. Apply effective risk management to internal and external processes (e.g., risk assessment,
risk mitigation)
A.18. Maintain effective and ethical working relationships with internal and external stakehol-
ders (e.g., clinicians, vendors, partners)
A.19. Present interpretations and recommendations of data analyses to decision makers
A.20.Employ organizational change management techniques in support of solution implemen-
A.21. Define roles, responsibilities and job descriptions for healthcare IT functions
A.22. Evaluate staff competency in information and management systems skills
A.23. Manage projects and portfolios of projects
A.24. Manage contractual agreements with vendors and partner (e.g., contract cost, schedule,
support, maintenance, performance)
A.25. Manage budget and financial risks


CPHIMS Examination to dedicate time to study or review. Time each

week can be used to shadow a colleague in an
Preparation area where you have less experience or to meet
The method of preparation and amount of time up with colleagues who are also preparing for
spent preparing for the CPHIMS Examination the CPHIMS exam. HIMSS has developed a
can be driven by a variety of factors, including suggested checklist to assist you in pacing your
the candidate’s preferred study style, level of preparation and to keep you on track.
professional experience, or academic background.
Some methods of preparation may include but Complete the CPHIMS Practice Exam
are not limited to the following methods: A practice exam for the CPHIMS Examination
is an online tool created by HIMSS to familiarize
Review the Content Outline and you with the format of the CPHIMS Examination.
Competency Gap Assessment This tool is available for purchase on the HIMSS
Candidates should begin by reviewing the Marketplace. The 50-question online practice
CPHIMS Examination Content Outline. Review examination was developed using the same
the content categories and related tasks. Identify procedures as the CPHIMS Examination, and
and focus review on tasks that you do not perform conforms to examination specifications in content,
regularly or with which you are not familiar. cognitive levels, format, and difficulty. It should be
Remember that all questions in the CPHIMS used to familiarize yourself with format and type
Examination are job-related/experience- of questions you will find on the actual CPHIMS
based and test the application and analysis of exam. This set of practice questions is not
information, not just the recollection of isolated designed to be a predictor of performance on the
facts. The best way to conduct this review is to actual exam. Feedback during the practice exam
use Competency Gap Assessment which will may assist you in self-identifying areas for further
help you identify areas where additional study or review or study. The questions presented in the
review may be most needed. practice exam are different from the questions
contained on the CPHIMS Exam. Performance
Once you have identified topics where you would on the practice exam should not be considered
like to learn more or focus your review, you can predictive of final performance on the actual
identify the best sources to fill those gaps. The CPHIMS exam.
certification reference reading list can be found in
Addendum B of the CPHIMS Learning Plan. The CPHIMS Review Guide,
4th Edition
Develop a Learning Plan Available in paperback, hardback, and eBook
Preparation for an exam takes commitment and versions. Whether you’re taking the CPHIMS
planning. To prepare your individualized learning examination, or simply want the most current
plan, HIMSS has suggested a comprehensive and comprehensive overview in healthcare
approach that you can build upon available here. information and management systems today, this
The certification reference reading list can be updated publication has it all. For those preparing
found in Addendum B of the CPHIMS Learning for the CPHIMS examination, this review guide
Plan. Take this plan, review it and augment it with is an ideal study partner. The content reflects
your ideas, and then identify when you would the CPHIMS outline of exam topics including
like to test and work a study plan back from healthcare and technology environments; clinical
that date. Set a weekly schedule with yourself


informatics; healthcare information and systems Participate in a Review Course

management; and management and leadership. The CPHIMS exam is designed to test not only
While no single source can fully prepare a your knowledge of health IT topics, but your
candidate for the exam, this tool may be helpful ability to apply that knowledge in actual on-the-
in learning or reviewing concepts you may job scenarios. While no single course is designed
find on the exam. Candidates can assess their to prepare you for the exam, and HIMSS courses
learning progress with multiple choice questions do not “teach to the test”, there are review courses
included as part of this resource. Visit the HIMSS available to support you in preparing for the
Bookstore to purchase the CPHIMS Review exam.
Guide, 4th Edition. For more information regarding courses, please
contact us at certification@himss.org.
HIMSS Dictionary of Healthcare
Information Technology Terms, Use Other Study Resources
Acronyms and Organizations, HIMSS recommends that study for the CPHIMS
Fifth Edition Examination focus on references and programs
This dictionary was developed and extensively that cover the information summarized in the
reviewed by more than 50 industry experts CPHIMS Examination Content Outline. It
and serves as a quick reference for students, should not be inferred that questions in the
health information technology professionals and CPHIMS Examination are selected from any
healthcare executives to better navigate the ever- single reference or set of references, or that study
growing health IT field. The resource includes: from specific references guarantees a passing
score on the examination. For information about
• 3 ,400+ definitions, organizations, credentials, references, study guides and review sessions
acronyms and references offered by HIMSS, visit our website.
• Acronyms list with cross-references to current
health IT definitions

For more information and to order a copy, visit

the HIMSS Store.


CPHIMS Examination A candidate who meets eligibility requirements

for the CPHIMS Examination may submit an
Administration application and fee at any time via the HIMSS
There are three ways to take a HIMSS website. Once an application is submitted, it is
certification exam via computer. Candidates have reviewed. If approved, within 3-5 business days,
the option to take the exam: candidates are sent an Authorization to Test
• In person at a brick-and-mortar Exam Center (ATT) email. The ATT email has instructions
(with locally compliant social distancing and for a candidate to make his/her personal testing
sanitizing protocols in place), using the Exam appointment at any worldwide Pearson VUE
Center’s computer equipment and internet testing center or arrange to take the exam
connection; or through OnVue.
• At the candidate’s home or office (or any
qualifying location of the candidate’s choice) A candidate must make an appointment for
through a remotely proctored internet-based testing and take the CPHIMS Examination within
testing platform, using the candidate’s own ninety (90) days from confirmation of eligibility
computer, webcam, microphone, and internet from HIMSS. The CPHIMS Examination is
connection administered by appointment only. Most, but not
• During special administrations at conferences, all, Pearson VUE testing centers are open six (6)
meetings or other specially arranged sessions. days a week from 8AM – 8PM, with the exception
of holidays. Remotely-proctored examination
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities options are also available. Candidates are
Act (ADA), special accommodations can be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
made for candidates with a documented disability.
Candidates are encouraged to make their
Computer Administration at Pearson appointment soon after receiving their ATT email
VUE Assessment Centers to ensure the first choice of testing dates and
The primary mode of delivery of the CPHIMS locations.
Examination is by computer at Pearson VUE
Testing Centers geographically distributed Testing Outside of the United States
throughout the world. Testing Center locations, Candidates who are eligible for the CPHIMS
detailed maps, and directions are available on Examination can take the exam at any one of
the HIMSS page of the Pearson VUE website. Pearson VUE’s global testing centers. Click here
OnVUE is a feature of Pearson VUE that allows find the testing center closest to you.
the examination to be administered with online
proctoring conveniently in your home or office.


Special Arrangements for Candidates Reasonable Accommodation

with Disabilities Reasonable accommodations provide a candidate
In compliance with the provisions of the with a disability a fair and equal opportunity to
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) and Title demonstrate his/her knowledge and skill in the
VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended (42 essential duties being measured by the exam.
USCG 2000e, et.seq.), the HIMSS Professional Reasonable accommodations are decided
Certification Board provides qualified candidates upon based on the individual’s specific request,
with a disability, who supply appropriate disability and documentation submitted as well as
documentation, reasonable and appropriate the appropriateness of the request. Reasonable
accommodations in order for the candidate to accommodations do not include steps that
take the CAHIMS, CPHIMS, or CPDHTS exam. fundamentally alter the purpose or nature of the
The HIMSS Professional Certification Board exam.
follows the Principles of Fairness set forth by the
Institute for Credentialing Excellence. Proper Documentation
The candidate must submit documentation
Under the ADA, a disability is defined as provided by an appropriate licensed professional
“a physical or mental impairment that substantially or certified specialist who diagnosed the
limits one or more major life activities.” disability and is recommending reasonable
Examples of major life activities include: accommodations. The documentation must
• Caring for oneself be submitted on the professional’s letterhead.
• Performing manual tasks The documentation must provide a diagnosis of
• Walking the disability and the test(s) used to determine
• Seeing the disability. The professional must also
• Breathing recommend specific accommodations. These
• Learning recommendations should be based on testing
• Working that is not older than four (4) years prior to
the application. The confidentiality of all
Qualified Candidates with a Disability documentation submitted by the candidate is
A “qualified individual with a disability” is protected.
one who has a disability and satisfies all the
requisite skill, experience, education and other
requirements for certification and, with or without
accommodations, can perform the essential
duties required of his/her job role. A person must
be a “qualified individual with a disability” to be
protected under the ADA.


Procedure • E valuation of the candidate’s disability, to be

A candidate requesting special accommodations completed by the healthcare professional.
must do so in writing by completing the Request Note: The healthcare professional must be
for Special Accommodations Form. Candidates a licensed or otherwise qualified practitioner
must first declare they will be requesting whose credentials are appropriate to diagnose
Special Accommodations as part of their and evaluate the specific disability. Candidates
online application for certification. Candidates requesting accommodations for learning
should then submit a completed Request for disorders or mental disabilities must be
Special Accommodations. The request must diagnosed by a psychiatrist, psychologist,
include proper documentation from a licensed or other professional with a minimum of a
professional or certified specialist who diagnosed Master’s degree, with credentials recognized
the disability condition AND the specific testing as competent to diagnose a mental disorder or
aids or modifications being requested. learning disability.
• If the candidate did not receive special
Accommodations, if approved, will be provided at accommodations during his/her years of
no additional charge. higher education, a written explanation of why
accommodations are being requested now is
HIMSS Certification Staff will review the request required. This is completed by the healthcare
and provide a response in writing to the candidate professional.
along with his/her eligibility determination.
If the candidate has been deemed eligible to For either a computer or a special administration
take the exam, the Authorization to Test Notice of the CPHIMS Examination, complete
will include the accommodations that have been the Request for Special Examination
approved. Accommodations form included in this Candidate
Handbook and submit to certification@himss.org
All special accommodation forms and related once you have submitted a CPHIMS Examination
documentation are confidential and will not application and fee. Once your application and
be released without the written consent of the Special Accommodations request is reviewed,
candidate. you will receive an ATT email with instructions on
how to schedule your exam.
Documentation Requirements
It is the responsibility of the candidate to
ensure that all required forms and supporting
documentation are submitted to the HIMSS
Certification Staff. A request for special
testing accommodations will not be reviewed
until all documentation is received. Required
documentation includes:
• A completed Request for Special
Accommodations form. This form consists
of two sections—one to be completed by the
candidate, and one to be completed by the
healthcare professional.


Adhering to Professional • R efrain from offering or accepting payments

or other forms of compensation or tangible
Standards of Conduct and benefits, which do not conform with applicable
Terms of Confidentiality laws and which may provide unfair advantage
Those holding HIMSS’ Certified Associate for themselves or others they may represent;
in Healthcare Information and Management • Conduct professional activities in a manner that
Systems (CAHIMS), the Certified Professional is fair, honest, accurate, unbiased, and otherwise
in Healthcare Information and Management appropriate;
Systems (CPHIMS), or the Certified Professional • Respect and protect the intellectual property
in Digital Health Transformation Strategy rights of others, and properly disclose and
(CPDHTS) designation represent, through recognize the professional and intellectual
knowledge and conduct, the highest professional contributions of others;
standards expected of a healthcare information • Strive to enhance professional capabilities, skills
and management systems leader. Those and knowledge; and accurately and truthfully
seeking and holding the CAHIMS, CPHIMS, represent professional qualifications;
or CPDHTS agree to abide by the HIMSS’ • Not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
Certification Candidate and Certificant religion, national origin, age, sex, disability,
Code of Conduct and Terms of Confidentiality family status, or any other local, state, or
set forth below. federally protected class;
• Not obtain or attempt to obtain certification or
Certified Associate in Healthcare Information re-certification by misrepresentation, bribery,
and Management Systems (CAHIMS), Certified fraud, or deception.
Professional in Healthcare Information and
Management Systems (CPHIMS), or Certified Terms of Confidentiality
Professional in Digital Health Transformation Those seeking or holding the CAHIMS,
Strategy (CPDHTS) Code of Conduct: CPHIMS, or CPDHTS certification agree as
Those seeking or holding the CAHIMS, • The questions and answers on the CAHIMS,
CPHIMS, or CPDHTS certification agree to: CPHIMS, or CPDHTS exam are the exclusive
• Comply with all local, state, and federal laws, and confidential property of HIMSS, are
regulations, and statutes applicable to the field copyrighted, and are protected by HIMSS’
of healthcare information and management intellectual property rights.
systems, including the HIMSS Business • Not to disclose the exam questions or answers
Conduct Guidelines for Healthcare IT; or discuss any of the content of the exam
• Demonstrate the highest standards of integrity materials with any person without prior written
and professional conduct; approval of HIMSS.
• Encourage others in the profession to act in an • Not to remove from the examination room
ethical and professional manner; any exam materials of any kind provided to
• Fully and accurately disclose any professional or you, or any other material related to the exam,
business-related conflicts or potential conflicts including, without limitation, any notes or
of interest in a timely manner; calculations.


• N ot to memorize, copy, or attempt to make Infraction of these Professional Standards

copies (written, photocopied, digitally, of Conduct or Terms of Confidentiality is
electronically, or otherwise) of any exam misconduct for which granting of a certification
materials, including, without limitation, any or renewal of a certification may be delayed
exam questions or answers. or denied, or for which a certification may be
• Not to sell, license, publish, reproduce, transmit, revoked by HIMSS.
distribute, give away, or obtain from any other
source other than HIMSS the exam materials, Reporting Violations. To protect the
including, without limitation, any exam international credential and to ensure responsible
questions or answers without the prior written practice by its holders, HIMSS depends upon its
approval of HIMSS. candidates, professionals, employers, regulatory
• That obligations under the Terms of agencies and the public to report incidents
Confidentiality will continue in effect after the that may be in violation of these Professional
examination and, if applicable, after termination Standards of Conduct. A certified individual who
of your certification, regardless of the reason has violated these Standards should voluntarily
or reasons for termination and whether such surrender his/her certification.
termination is voluntary or involuntary.
Written reports of infraction of these Standards
By applying for certification or recertification, may be sent to HIMSS, Director of Professional
I agree that I have read the HIMSS Code of Certification Products, 350 N. Orleans Street,
Conduct and Terms of Confidentiality, and I Suite S10000, Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA. Only
agree to uphold and abide by its terms. signed, written communication will be considered.
I understand that a violation of the HIMSS Code
of Conduct and/or the Terms of Confidentiality HIMSS will become involved only in matters
may be grounds for disciplinary action, including that can be factually determined and commits to
cancellation of exam scores, denial or revocation handling any situation as fairly and expeditiously
of certified status, and/or disqualification as possible. During its investigation and decision,
from future examinations and programs. I also HIMSS will protect the confidentiality of those
understand that the Code of Conduct and/or the who provide information to every possible
Terms of Confidentiality Policy may be revised by extent. The named individual will be afforded
HIMSS at any time. a reasonable opportunity to respond in a
professional and legally defensible manner, in
accordance with policies established by HIMSS.


CPHIMS Examination • P ayment may be made by credit card (VISA,

MasterCard, American Express or Discover)
Application and Scheduling • Examination-related fees are non-refundable
Process and non-transferable.
After fulfilling the CPHIMS eligibility • Candidates may reschedule their exam 30 days
requirements, a candidate may apply for the or more before their scheduled date and incur
CPHIMS Examination on the HIMSS website. $0 in fees.
Please use the first and last name on your • If rescheduling 5-29 days before the exam
government issued ID on your application. date, a candidate will incur a $35 cancellation/
rescheduling fee paid directly to Pearson VUE.
Documentation of eligibility does not need Candidates may not reschedule the exam less
to be submitted with a CPHIMS Examination than 5 days before the exam date.
Application. HIMSS reserves the right, but is • A candidate fails to report for their exam
not obligated, to verify accuracy of information forfeits the application and all fees paid to take
supplied by or on behalf of a candidate. If the CPHIMS Examination. They may apply
selected for an audit, the candidate will be asked again as a reexamination candidate, if eligible.
to submit documentation as proof of meeting the Otherwise, a new, complete application and
eligibility requirements. full CPHIMS Examination fee are required to
To apply for the CPHIMS Examination, an • A candidate who does not schedule an
eligible candidate must submit the appropriate appointment during the 90-day eligibility
fee (see below) when completing their online period or who cancels an appointment but
application for it to be considered. Once an does not reschedule it during the 90-day
application is approved, a candidate must test period may apply for an extension of eligibility
within ninety (90) days. as listed below.

Online Application and Scheduling

HIMSS Individual $449 Once a candidate has applied for the CPHIMS
Organizational U.S. exam, the application will be reviewed. If
Affiliate Member approved, the candidate will be sent an
Authorization to Test (ATT) email. The ATT
HIMSS Regular, $499 email will include the Pearson website and
Corporate or U.S. additional details needed for the candidate to
Student Member make his or her personal testing reservation. A
candidate cannot make a testing appointment
Non-Member $599 U.S. until the ATT email has been received.
Candidates will use the ATT email details to log
CPHIMS Retake Fee $289 U.S. in to the website and enter the city in which the
candidate wishes to test. The website will return
CPHIMS Extension Fee $119 U.S. the closest testing center. A candidate selects
the center at which to make an appointment.
(Chapter Only and Online Only Members are not A calendar is then provided with available
eligible for the Member rate)


testing dates. Once a date is selected, available After you have 100% passed (all green
appointment times will be displayed. A candidate checkmarks) the system test, you can proceed to
selects the preferred time and then confirms the schedule your remotely proctored, internet-based
appointment. A confirmation email is then sent to exam.
the candidate.
If you are unable to 100% pass the system test
A candidate is allowed to take only the CPHIMS and you had attempted to check your system
Examination for which application is made, through a VDI or VPN connection, please try
eligibility from HIMSS is received, and the directly from the computer rather than through
candidate has received confirmation of a testing the VDI or VPN; most candidates are unable
appointment from Pearson VUE. Unscheduled to use the OnVUE™ platform through a VDI or
candidates (walk-ins) are not allowed to take the VPN.
CPHIMS Examination.
Also, check to ensure that your microphone and
To schedule your remotely-proctored, webcam are enabled (and correctly connected,
internet-based exam at your home, office, or if external).
other location of your choosing, using your own
computer, webcam, microphone, and internet If you are still unable to pass the 100% system
connection, FIRST confirm your computer’s test, or if you will not have the necessary
compatibility with the remote proctoring platform permissions to install the OnVUE app on your
(“OnVUE”). exam date, please schedule your exam at a
brick-and-mortar Exam Center, instead.
You must supply the computer that you will use
for the certification exam. The computer must Special Accommodations
have a webcam (internal or external), microphone If special accommodations are required, complete
(internal or external), speakers (internal or and submit to HIMSS the Request for Special
external), and a stable internet connection, Examination Accommodations form included
and you must be able to install the Pearson in this Candidate Handbook and submit it to
VUE OnVUE app on your computer on the certification@himss.org after the online CPHIMS
day of your exam appointment. Examination application and fee have been
Click here to verify that your computer and
internet network will allow testing through

Please ensure that you have application

installation (e.g., Admin) privileges on the
computer you will be using for the certification


English as a Second Language Re-Scheduling or Cancelling a

HIMSS certification exams are provided in the CPHIMS Examination
English language. Although examination application fees are non-
refundable, the following options to re-schedule a
Exam candidates whose first language is not CPHIMS Examination are available. Please note,
English may bring into the testing center an CPHIMS exam fees are non-refundable and non-
English - German/Spanish/Dutch/Italian/etc. transferable to another person.
strict translation (word-to-word) dictionary to • Candidates may reschedule their exam 30 days
the exam. The dictionary will be inspected by the or more before their scheduled date and incur
proctor prior to and after the exam is completed. $0 in fees.
Any attempt to compromise the exam will be • If rescheduling 5-29 days before the exam
grounds for immediate dismissal from the site, date, a candidate will incur a $35 cancellation/
invalidation of the exam score, and possible rescheduling fee paid directly to Pearson VUE.
legal action. Candidates may not reschedule the exam less
than 5 days before the exam date.
Candidates must supply their own dictionary • A candidate who fails to report for their exam
which must conform to the following: forfeits the application and all fees paid to take
1. Must be in paper format (non-electronic) the CPHIMS Examination. They may apply
2. Must provide only word-to-word translation. again as a reexamination candidate, if eligible.
3. Must not provide any definitions, pictures, or Otherwise, a new, complete application and
thesaurus for the word entries. full CPHIMS Examination fee are required
to re-apply.
The dictionary will be inspected on-site by the • A candidate who does not schedule an
proctor. The proctor has final determination appointment during the 90-day eligibility
as to whether the dictionary conforms to the period or who cancels an appointment but
requirements above. does not reschedule it during the 90-day
period may apply for an extension of eligibility
as listed below.


On the Day of the CPHIMS Identity Verification

Examination To gain admission to the Pearson VUE Testing
Center or a testing room, the candidate must
present two (2) forms of identification. The
Reporting for the CPHIMS primary form must be government issued,
Examination current (valid), and include the candidate’s name,
Bring with you the confirmation notice provided by signature, and photograph. No form of temporary
Pearson VUE. It contains the unique identification identification will be accepted. The candidate will
number required to take the test and is required also be required to sign a roster for verification
for admission to the testing room. of identity. You may also be asked to complete a
scan of your palm.
Report to the Pearson VUE Testing Center • Examples of valid primary forms of
no later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the identification are current driver’s license with
scheduled testing time. After entering the testing photograph, current identification card with
location, follow the signs to the Pearson VUE photograph, current passport, or current
Testing Center. military identification card with photograph.
• The secondary form of identification must
A candidate who arrives more than fifteen (15) display the candidate’s name and signature
minutes after the scheduled testing time will not for the candidate’s signature verification.
be admitted. A candidate who does not show up (e.g., credit card with signature, social security
for a scheduled examination appointment forfeits care with signature, employment/student ID
all fees paid to HIMSS and must reapply, paying card with signature, etc.)
the full examination fee. • If the candidate’s name on the registration
list must match the name as it appears on the
On-Site Security forms of identification.
HIMSS and Pearson VUE maintain examination
administration and security standards are Candidates must have proper identification
designed to assure that all candidates are to gain admission to the Testing Center.
provided the same opportunity to demonstrate Failure to provide appropriate identification
their abilities. The testing environment at Pearson at the time of the examination is considered a
VUE Testing Centers is continuously monitored missed appointment. There will be no refund of
by audio and video surveillance equipment or examination fees.
examination personnel. You are encouraged to
familiarize yourself with what to expect regarding
security procedures, and their ID Policy prior to
your testing date. Although lockers are available
on-site, candidates are encouraged to leave
personal belongings at home. Candidates will
NOT be permitted to bring ANY belongings into
the secure testing area.


Use of Calculators Failing to Report for the CPHIMS

Some examination questions may require Examination
calculations. An on-screen calculator is made A candidate fails to report for their exam forfeits
available to you during the test. Candidates may the application and all fees paid to take the
not bring their own calculators. CPHIMS Examination. They may apply again as
a reexamination candidate, if eligible. Otherwise,
Inclement Weather or Emergency a new, complete application and full CPHIMS
In the event of inclement weather or unforeseen Examination fee are required to re-apply.
emergencies on the day of examination, HIMSS,
in concert with Pearson VUE, will determine Extension of Eligibility
whether circumstances warrant the cancellation A candidate who does not schedule an
and subsequent re-scheduling of a CPHIMS appointment during the ninety (90) day eligibility
Examination. If testing personnel can conduct period or who cancels an appointment but does
business, the examination usually proceeds as not reschedule it during the initial ninety (90)-
scheduled. day period may extend this period once for an
additional 90 days by paying an extension fee
Every attempt is made to administer a CPHIMS within 1 (one) year of their initial application. After
Examination as scheduled; however, should 1 year has passed, a new, complete application,
a CPHIMS Examination be canceled, the and full CPHIMS Examination fee are required to
scheduled candidate will receive notification re-apply for the examination.
following the examination regarding a
re-scheduled examination date or re-application Taking the CPHIMS Examination
procedures. In the case of cancellation, After identity of the CPHIMS candidate has been
no additional fee is required to test. verified, the candidate is directed to a testing
station. Candidates are provided one sheet of
In the event of a personal emergency on the scratch that must be returned to the examination
day of examination, a candidate may request proctor at the completion of testing. Failure to
consideration of re-scheduling the examination do so will result in the test score report not being
without additional fee by contacting HIMSS released.
in writing within ten (10) days of the scheduled
testing session. A description of the emergency The CPHIMS candidate is provided instructions
and supporting documentation are required. on-screen. Prior to attempting the CPHIMS
Re-scheduling without an additional fee being Examination, the candidate is provided a
imposed will be considered on a case-by-case short tutorial on using the software to take
basis and is typically restricted to occurrences the examination. Tutorial time is NOT
such as serious illness, death, medical emergency. counted as part of the two (2) hours allowed
Work schedules, childcare issues, and other for the examination. Only after a candidate is
similar instances typically do not constitute comfortable with the software and chooses to
circumstances that would permit rescheduling start the Examination does the examination time
without additional fees. begin.


The computer monitors the time spent on Rules for CPHIMS Examination
the examination. The CPHIMS Examination All CPHIMS Examination candidates must
terminates at the two (2)-hour mark. There is a comply with the following rules during the
countdown timer on each screen that indicates CPHIMS Examination administration
the time remaining. 1. N
 o personal items (including watches, hats and
coats), valuables or weapons should be brought
Only one CPHIMS Examination question into the testing room. Only keys, wallets and
is presented at a time. The question number items required for medical needs are permitted.
appears along the left-hand side of the screen Books, computers, or other reference materials
in an “arrow” format. The entire CPHIMS are strictly prohibited. If personal items are
Examination question appears on-screen observed or heard (e.g., cellular/smart phone,
(question and four options.) Candidates select an alarm) in the testing room after the examination
answer by using the mouse to “click” the selected is started, the examination administration will be
option, highlighting it. To change an answer, forfeited. Pearson VUE is not responsible for
the candidate simply selects another option. An items left in the reception area.
answer may be changed multiple times. 2. CPHIMS Examinations are proprietary.
CPHIMS Examination questions may not be
To move to the next question,click on the “Next” recorded or shared with any individual in any
button in the lower right corner of the screen. manner. No cameras, notes, tape recorders,
This action allows the candidate to move forward pagers or cellular/smart phones or other
through the CPHIMS Examination question by recording devices are allowed in the testing
question. To review a question, click the question room. Possession of a cellular/smart phone or
number on the left side of the screen. other electronic devices is strictly prohibited
and will result in dismissal from the CPHIMS
A CPHIMS Examination question may be Examination.
left unanswered for return later in the testing 3. Eating, drinking and smoking will not be
session. Questions may also be “flagged” for permitted in the testing room.
later review by clicking on the “Flag” icon at the 4. N o documents or notes of any kind may be
bottom center of the screen. removed from the testing room. Candidates
are provided one sheet of scratch paper for
When the CPHIMS Examination is completed, calculations that must be returned to the
the number of CPHIMS Examination questions examination proctor at the completion of
answered is reported. testing. Failure to do so will result in the test
score report not being released.
If fewer than 100 questions were answered and 5. No questions concerning the content of the
time remains, return to the CPHIMS Examination CPHIMS Examination may be asked of anyone
and answer the remaining questions. Be sure to during the CPHIMS Examination.
answer each examination question before ending 6. P ermission from the CPHIMS Examination
the examination. There is no penalty for guessing. proctor is required to leave the testing room
during the examination. No additional time is
granted to compensate for time lost.
7. No guests, visitors or family members are
allowed in the testing room or reception areas.


Candidates observed engaging in any of Copyrighted Examination Questions

the following conduct during the CPHIMS All CPHIMS Examination questions are the
Examination may be dismissed from the copyrighted property of HIMSS. It is forbidden
CPHIMS Examination session, their score on under federal copyright law to copy, reproduce,
the CPHIMS Examination voided and the record, distribute or display these CPHIMS
CPHIMS Examination fees forfeited. Evidence of Examination questions by any means, in whole
misconduct is reviewed by HIMSS to determine or in part. Doing so may result in severe civil and
whether the CPHIMS candidate will be allowed criminal penalties.
to re-apply for the CPHIMS Examination. If
re-examination is granted, a complete CPHIMS Testing Experience
Examination application and full CPHIMS CBT centers are administered by HIMSS’
Examination fee are required. contracted testing partner and administer a wide
• Gaining unauthorized admission to the variety of tests. Very rarely do any issues arise at
CPHIMS Examination the test center that may be perceived as having
• Creating a disturbance, being abusive or a negative effect on a candidate’s performance.
otherwise uncooperative However, the HIMSS Certification staff takes
• Displaying and/or using electronic these issues very seriously.
communications equipment including but not
limited to pagers and cellular/smart phones For HIMSS Certification staff to be able
• Talking or participating in conversation with to investigate any problems thoroughly, all
other CPHIMS Examination candidates issues must be reported to the Testing Center
• Giving or receiving help or being suspected of Administrator (TCA) before leaving the test
doing so center. Issues can be reported on the exam exit
• Leaving the Pearson VUE Testing Center survey but must be brought to the attention of
during the CPHIMS Examination the TCA during the exam/before leaving the test
• Attempting to record CPHIMS Examination center. Problems reported later than the day of
questions in any manner or making notes testing will not be considered.
• Attempting to take the CPHIMS Examination
for someone else
• Having possession of personal belongings
• Using notes, books or other aids without it being
noted on the roster
• Attempting to remove CPHIMS Examination
materials or notes from the Pearson VUE
Testing Center or the testing room


Technical Issues inform the TCA of the reason. The candidate

• The HIMSS Certification staff expects a must also report the issue to the HIMSS
candidate to be responsible for immediately Certification staff the same day. If it is over a
notifying the proctor at the testing center weekend, a voice mail or email message must be
should the candidate believe there to be sent to the HIMSS Certification Staff on same
a technical problem with the computer or day the candidate tested.
related equipment during their exam. It may be
possible for the TCA to resolve the program The HIMSS Certification staff will investigate all
and restart the candidate’s exam or reschedule reported disruption issues and report back to the
the candidate for later the same day. candidate within two (2) weeks of receiving the
• Any complaints regarding technical issues report. Based on the results of the investigation
should be reported immediately and must be of the reported issue, the HIMSS Certification
reported to the Testing Center Administrator staff may choose to offer a subsequent
(TCA) before leaving the testing center. The opportunity to retest.
candidate must also report the issue to the
HIMSS Certification staff the same day. If it is Candidate requests for a review of the fairness
over a weekend, a voice mail or email message or accuracy of an exam due to equipment
must be sent to the PCB on same day the or software failure, or disruptive conditions
candidate tested. in a testing center, shall result in the HIMSS
• The HIMSS Certification staff will investigate Certification staff working with its testing vendor
all reported technical issues and report back to review relevant incident or discrepancy reports,
to the candidate within two (2) weeks of technical data and analyses.
receiving the report. Based on the results of
the investigation of the reported issue, the Exam Content
HIMSS Certification staff may choose to offer Candidates who have an issue with a particular
a subsequent opportunity to retest. test question are welcome to put their concerns
in writing to the HIMSS Certification staff. Such
Disruptive Issues information will be shared with the appropriate
Candidates should expect an environment exam committee. However, given the security
suitable to testing but should also understand that of the exam, the candidate will not receive any
they will be testing with other individuals who may response regarding the content of the question,
be taking exams of varying length or requiring the correct answer, or the rationale for the item.
use of the keyboard. Noise cancelling headphones
are available to each candidate, upon request, Candidates are permitted to appeal the
at the testing center. appropriateness of content on the exam through
its Policy on Appeals but cannot be granted access
Should there be a disruption that the candidate to test questions or an answer key.
believes is affecting his or her performance on
the exam, the situation should be reported to the
TCA immediately. Should the candidate believe
that his or her performance is hindered by the
disruption, they may choose to end the test and


Following the CPHIMS of candidates. The passing standard is applied

consistently across the CPHIMS candidates who
Examination take the same form of the CPHIMS Examination.

Score Reports When new forms of the CPHIMS Examination

Score reports are issued by Pearson VUE, on are introduced, a certain number of CPHIMS
behalf of HIMSS, at the Testing Center. Scores Examination questions in the various content
are displayed on the screen when a candidate areas are replaced by new CPHIMS Examination
completes the exam and provided in printed form questions. These changes may cause one form
before leaving the Testing Center. Scores are not of the CPHIMS Examination to be slightly
reported over the telephone, by electronic mail, easier or harder than another form. To adjust
or by facsimile. for these differences in difficulty, a procedure
The score report indicates a “Pass” or “Fail,” which called “equating” is used. For equated CPHIMS
is determined by the score on the total CPHIMS Examinations that have different passing scores,
Examination. Scores are represented on a scale the equating process helps ensure that the levels
from 200 to 800, with a 600 required to pass. of CPHIMS examinee knowledge are equivalent
The score report also includes a diagnostic scale, on the various CPHIMS Examination forms.
in the form of a bar graph, for each of the content This is why a scaled score is used, with the same
area of the CPHIMS Examination Content passing point of 600 required for each candidate,
Outline. The farther to the RIGHT on the bar regardless of which form of the exam a candidate
graph a candidate’s performance is indicated, the took.
more proficient a candidate is in that category.
Responses to individual CPHIMS Examination Passing the CPHIMS Examination
questions will not be disclosed to a candidate. An eligible candidate who passes the CPHIMS
Examination is awarded the Certified Professional
Recognition of CPHIMS certification and in Healthcare Information and Management
information about CPHIMS certification Systems (CPHIMS) credential. Approximately
renewal is issued from HIMSS in about eight (8) eight (8) weeks after the candidate passes the
weeks of successfully completing the CPHIMS CPHIMS Examination, HIMSS mails to the
Examination. This package is mailed to the candidate a certificate of recognition. Information
address provided on the CPHIMS Examination about CPHIMS certification renewal can be
application. found in the Recertification section of the
HIMSS website. The name on the certificate
How the CPHIMS Passing Score is Set and the address to which the package is mailed
The methodology used to set the initial minimum is based on information in the candidate’s
passing score is the Angoff method in which HIMSS membership record. It is the candidate’s
expert judges estimate the passing probability responsibility to keep this information current.
of each question on the CPHIMS Examination.
These ratings are averaged to determine the HIMSS reserves the right to recognize publicly
preliminary minimum passing score (i.e., the any candidate who has successfully completed the
number correctly answered questions required CPHIMS Examination. Scores are never reported
to pass the examination). This method takes over the phone.
into account the difficulty of the CPHIMS
Examination. The preliminary minimum
passing score is validated by the performance


Failing the CPHIMS Examination Demographic information about a candidate is

If a candidate does not pass the CPHIMS shared only when beneficial to the candidate.
Examination, the score report includes diagnostic Scores are never reported to anyone other than
information which may assist a candidate in the candidate, unless the candidate directs such a
determining in which content areas of the exam request in writing.
he or she did not perform as well.
• Candidates who are unsuccessful on the Administrative Matters
CPHIMS Examination must wait sixty Name and Address Change
(60) days before testing again. They may Candidates are responsible for keeping current
retake the exam up to 2 (two) times at a lower all contact information. HIMSS is not responsible
retake rate within 1 (one) year of their initial for communication not received due to incorrect
application. A new 90-day eligibility period is contact information. To update any contact
awarded 5-7 days after the retake fee is paid. information, the candidate should login to the
• If a candidate fails the exam three (3) times, HIMSS Member Center or contact HIMSS
they are required to submit a new CPHIMS Individual Member Services at membersupport@
Examination application, meet current himss.org.
application requirements, and pay the full
CPHIMS Examination fee. The sixty (60) day Renewal of CPHIMS Certification
waiting period will still apply. Achieving CPHIMS certification is an indication
of mastery of a well-defined body of knowledge
Scores Cancelled by HIMSS at a point in time. Periodic renewal of the
HIMSS and Pearson VUE are responsible for CPHIMS certification is required to maintain
maintaining the integrity of the scores reported. certified status and to demonstrate ongoing
On occasion, occurrences such as computer commitment to remain current in the field. Initial
malfunction or misconduct by a candidate may certification or renewal of certification is valid for
cause a score to be suspect. HIMSS is committed three (3) years.
to rectifying such discrepancies as expeditiously
as possible. HIMSS may void CPHIMS Eligible candidates who successfully complete
Examination results if, upon investigation, the CPHIMS Examination are provided
violation of CPHIMS regulations is discovered. information about CPHIMS certification renewal
requirements in a certification package sent by
Score Confidentiality HIMSS. Information about the CPHIMS renewal
Information about a candidate for testing or 26 requirements can be obtained on the HIMSS
renewal of certification and examination results is website here. There is also a recertification
considered confidential; however, HIMSS reserves page on the HIMSS website, with additional
the right to use information supplied by or on information including a description of continuing
behalf of a candidate in the conduct of research. education activities as well as a step-by-step
Studies and reports concerning candidates guide for entering continuing education (CE)
contain no information identifiable with any hours into the CE transcript. All applications
candidate, unless authorized by the candidate. for recertification must be completed online on
the HIMSS website. The CPHIMS Renewal
Application may be submitted up to six (6)
months in advance but no later than 30 days
prior to the expiration date listed on the


Certificants are responsible for monitoring Beginning with recertification applications

their own recertification dates. As a courtesy, submitted after January 1, 2022 or later,
HIMSS e-mails notices to candidates of their certificants must have a minimum of two (2) hours
pending certification expiration. Candidates of continuing education that is related to ethics or
are responsible for keeping their contact conflicts of interest.
information accurate. HIMSS is not responsible
for communications not received due to incorrect CPHIMS Renewal Application processing
contact information in a candidate’s record. requires eight (8) weeks. Candidates who
meet the renewal requirements can print a
Candidates may renew the CPHIMS credential new certificate of recognition listing the new
through one (1) of the following ways: certification expiration date from their online
HIMSS record. Candidates are responsible
Successful re-examination. To renew this way, for keeping current contact information in their
successfully pass the CPHIMS Examination membership record.
no more than six (6) months prior to expiration
of your CPHIMS certification (subject to Renewal Fees
usual fees and provisions for testing). An
additional CPHIMS Renewal fee is not required
if a candidate selects this way to renew the HIMSS Member $289 U.S.
Non-Member $389 U.S.
Completion of 45 clock hours of continuing
professional education over the three (3)-year Failing to Renew
renewal period and payment of the renewal fee. A candidate who fails to renew his/her CPHIMS
To renew this way, submit a complete CPHIMS certification is no longer considered certified
Renewal Application via their online HIMSS and may not use the CPHIMS credential in
record with the appropriate fee and report professional communications including but not
all eligible continuing professional education limited to letterhead, stationery, business cards,
activities that you completed during your renewal directory listings and signatures. To regain
period. Eligible activities include attending certification, the individual must retake and pass
professional organization conferences, completing the CPHIMS Examination (subject to the usual
on-line courses, and attending or teaching fees and provisions for testing.)
academic courses, among other activities. There
is no limitation on the maximum allowable
hours. Refer to the current CPHIMS Renewal
Requirements for a description of eligible
activities and other provisions for renewing your


Appeals security and item banking, neither exam forms nor

The HIMSS Certification Staff makes every answer keys will be disclosed or made available for
attempt to make fair and accurate decisions based review by candidates or any other unauthorized
on the information provided by the applicants and third party.
certificants. An appeal procedure is available to
those who wish to contest any adverse decision Appeal Process
affecting his or her application or certification Upon receipt of the notice of an adverse decision,
status. Any individual who does not file a request the applicant or certificant has the option to
for an appeal within the required time limit shall submit a written notice of appeal to the HIMSS
waive the right to appeal. PCB Appeals Committee no more than fifteen
(15) days following notice of the adverse decision.
The HIMSS Professional Certification Board
(“PCB“) will review appeals of adverse In the written appeal, the applicant or certificants
certification decisions from HIMSS certified shall detail the nature of the request for appeal
individuals (“certificants”) and applicants for and the specific facts and circumstances
HIMSS certification (“applicants”). supporting the request, and all reasons why
the action or decision should be changed or
Candidates are permitted to appeal an adverse modified. The applicant or certificant must
certification decision on the grounds that provide additional written, factual documentation
HIMSS Certification Staff did not properly to support his/her appeal. The applicant shall
apply specified certification eligibility criteria or bear the burden of proving the adverse decision
the decision was based on a factual error that was based on erroneous factual determination.
affected the outcome. Adverse certification There is no appeal on the basis of an incomplete
decisions include: denial of eligibility for initial application.
certification, denial of recertification, suspension
of certification or revocation of certification. Applicants or certificants submitting a request
for review to the HIMSS PCB shall receive
No appeal may be taken from an adverse decision notification of the results within fifteen (15) days
based on an individual’s receipt of a failing of receipt of the request. Should the candidate
score on a CAHIMS or CPHIMS certification not be satisfied with the decision rendered, the
examination, absent extraordinary circumstances, candidate may submit a written appeal to the full
as determined solely by the PCB. HIMSS PCB within fourteen (14) days.

Individuals cannot appeal (1) the passing score The full HIMSS PCB will review the appeal
or actions taken in setting a passing score; (2) submission and accompanying documents and
establishment of eligibility criteria; (3) individual make a determination. Candidates will be notified
test items; and (4) test content validity. of the HIIMSS PCB decision within forty-five
days (45) of receipt of the request. The HIMSS
Privileged Information, including the nature, PCB’s decision is final.
format, content and results of examinations
administered by HIMSS are considered privileged
information. Due to the importance of exam


Request for Accommodations

If you have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please complete this form and
the Documentation of Disability-Related Needs on the reverse side so your accommodations for
testing can be processed efficiently. The information you provide and any documentation regarding
your disability and your need for accommodation in testing will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Please return this form to HIMSS at certification@himss.org within 45 days of the desired testing date.


Name (Last or Family Name, First, Middle Initial, Former Name)

Mailing Address

City State/Province Zip Code/Postal Code and Country

Daytime Telephone Number with country code if outside of North America Email Address


I request special accommodations for the examination.

Please provide (check all that apply):

 R eader
 E xtended examination time (time and a half)
 R educed distraction environment
 L arge print examination (paper and pencil administration only)
 C
 ircle answers in examination booklet (paper and pencil administration only)
 O
 ther special accommodations (Please specify.)



I give my permission for my diagnosing professional to discuss with AMP staff my records and history as they relate to the requested

Signature: Date:

Return this form to HIMSS Certification: certification@himss.org 29


Documentation of Disability Related Needs

Please have this section completed by an appropriate professional (education professional,
physician, psychologist, psychiatrist) to ensure that HIMSS is able to provide the required
examination accommodations.


I have known since / / in my capacity as a

Candidate Name Date (month/date/year)

Professional Title

The candidate discussed with me the nature of the examination to be administered. It is my opinion that, because of this candidate’s
disability described below, he/she should be accommodated by providing the special arrangements listed on the reverse side.

Description of Disability:


Printed Name:


Telephone Number:

Date: License # (If applicable):

Return this form to HIMSS Certification: certification@himss.org 30


Checklist for Becoming Certified

 R
 ead the CPHIMS Candidate Handbook. Use the Learning Plan, Competency Gap Assessment,
and Outline of Exam Topicss to focus study efforts.

 A
 pply and pay for the CPHIMS Examination via the HIMSS website.

 M
 ake a personal testing appoint via the Pearson VUE website.

 A
 ppear on time for the examination on the date and at the time and location confirmed. Bring the
confirmation notice, identification as described in your Authorization to Test email.

 T
 ake and pass the CPHIMS examination.

Contacting HIMSS Certification

Candidates should direct all questions, concerns and correspondence related to the certification
process or exam to the HIMSS Certification Department as indicated below:

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

350 N. Orleans Street, Suite S10000 Chicago, IL 60654
Phone: 312.664.4467
Email: certification@himss.org

Produced by

Copyright 2023 by Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. All rights reserved. Any duplication or
reproduction of all or any of these materials without the express written permission of HIMSS is prohibited.

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