Adjudication Order in The Matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst
Adjudication Order in The Matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst
Adjudication Order in The Matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst
Under section 15-I of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992
read with rule 5 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Procedure for
Holding Inquiry & Imposing Penalties) Rules, 1995
In respect of:
Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst
(SEBI Registration No- INH200005753)
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 1 of 23
Table No. 1
Alleged Violation Statutory Provisions
1 Non–Compliance with SEBI Circular on Publishing of investor charter and Regulation 24(2) of RA
disclosures on investor charter- Regulations 2014 read with
RA-Harinder did not publish investor charter and disclose the details of investor clause 7 of code of conduct
complaints on his website - specified in Schedule III to the
SEBI (Research Analysts)
Regulations, 2014.
SEBI circular no.
CIS/P/2021/0685 dated
December 13, 2021
2 Compliance with Qualification and Certification requirements- RA-Harinder did Regulation 7(2) read with
not hold required NISM Certification during the period April 02,2022 to November Clause 7 of Code of Conduct
10,2022. for Research Analyst read
with Regulation 24(2) of SEBI
(Research Analysts)
Regulations, 2014.
3 Discrepancies in contents of the Website- RA-Harinder did not mentioned full Regulation 24(2) of RA
address of his business place as well as adequate data was not available to Regulations read with clause
support his claim about past performance on his website: - 2 of code of conduct specified in Schedule Ill of SEBI
(Research Analysts)
Regulations, 2014.
4 Establishing internal policies and procedure- Regulation 15 of SEBI
Harinder did not established internal policy and control procedures to address (Research Analysts)
potential conflicts of interests arising from his trading activities and research Regulations, 2014.
analyst activities.
5 Limitation on trading by research analyst- Harinder had been trading in the Regulation 16 (2) of SEBI
securities recommended by the Research Analyst during the window of 30 days (Research Analysts)
prior and 5 days after publishing research report Regulations, 2014.
6 Disclosure of all material information in research report and while making public Regulation 19 and 21 of SEBI
appearance- Harinder did not disclose his SEBI registration details business (Research Analysts)
activities and his interest /beneficial ownership in securities that being Regulations, 2014.
reviewed/recommended in research report/video uploaded on public media
7 Compliance with General Responsibilities- RA-Harinder had made unrealistic Clauses 2 and 6 of Code of
and misleading disclosure on its YouTube channel and also induce visitor on his Conduct for Research
website to open DMAT account by sharing link of various stock Brokers. Analyst read with Regulation
24(2) and Regulation 13(i) of
SEBI (Research Analysts)
Regulations, 2014.
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 2 of 23
2. Vide communiqué dated August 21, 2023, it has been informed that the competent
authority in SEBI is satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to inquire into the
affairs and adjudicate upon the alleged violations as specified above w.r.t. Noticee
and appointed the undersigned as Adjudicating Officer under Section 15I (1) of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (“SEBI Act”) read with Rule 3
of SEBI (Procedure for Holding Inquiry and Imposing Penalties) Rules, 1995
(hereinafter referred to as “Adjudication Rules”) to inquire into and adjudge:
A. Under section 15EB of SEBI Act, the alleged violation of:
i. Regulation 24(2) of RA Regulations 2014 read with clause 7 of code of
conduct specified in Schedule III to the SEBI (Research Analysts)
Regulations, 2014.
ii. SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II CIS/P/2021/0685 dated
December 13, 2021
iii. Regulation 7(2) read with Clause 7 of Code of Conduct for Research
Analyst read with Regulation 24(2) of SEBI (Research Analysts)
Regulations, 2014.
iv. Regulation 24(2) of RA Regulations read with clause 2 of code of conduct
specified in Schedule Ill of SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014.
v. Regulation 15 of SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014.
vi. Regulation 16 (2) of SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014.
vii. Regulation 19 and 21 of SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014.
viii. Clauses 2 and 6 of Code of Conduct for Research Analyst read with
Regulation 24(2) and Regulation 13(i) of SEBI (Research Analysts)
Regulations, 2014 by Noticee;
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 3 of 23
read with section 12A (c) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
Act, 1992 (“SEBI Act”) by Noticee.
4. The aforesaid SCN was sent to Noticee through Speed Post AD (“SPAD”) at the
following address of Noticee- Plot No. 21, Green Hills Colony, Street No. 8,
Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana-500007 and the same returned undelivered.
Accordingly, the SCN was affixed at the last known address of Noticee. The proof
of affixture is on record. Subsequently, in the interest of natural justice, a
newspaper publication was made in 3 newspapers as mentioned below on October
26, 2023. Vide aforesaid publications, Noticee was also advised to collect the SCN
dated September 21, 2023 from the Office of Adjudicating Officer or download it
from SEBI website under the section: - Enforcement: - Unserved
Summons/Noticee. Through aforesaid publication, Noticee was also granted an
opportunity of personal hearing before the undersigned on November 06, 2023. I
note that Noticee neither appeared for the hearing on November 06, 2023 nor
submitted any reply to the SCN till date of this order. The whole process of the
present enquiry proceeding with respect to Noticee is mentioned below in tabular
Table No 2
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 4 of 23
5. I am of the view that the principles of natural justice have been adhered to, as the
SCN and the Hearing Notice was duly served upon Noticee, which is on record
and sufficient opportunity was granted to Noticee to reply to the SCN and appear
for the personal hearing. Considering the fact that Noticee has neither filed any
reply nor has availed the opportunity of personal hearing despite service of notices
upon it, I am of the view that Noticee has nothing to submit and accordingly, the
matter is now being proceeded on the basis of material available on record.
6. At this juncture, it is pertinent to note that the Hon’ble Securities Appellate Tribunal
(“SAT”) in the matter of Classic Credit Ltd. vs. SEBI (Appeal No. 68 of 2003
decided on December 08, 2006) has, inter-alia, held that, "...the appellants did not
file any reply to the second show-cause notice. This being so, it has to be presumed
that the charges alleged against them in the show cause notice were admitted by
7. Further, the Hon’ble SAT in the matter of Sanjay Kumar Tayal & Others vs SEBI
(Appeal No. 68 of 2013 decided on February 11, 2014), has also, inter- alia, held
that: “.... appellants have neither filed reply to show cause notices issued to them
nor availed opportunity of personal hearing offered to them in the adjudication
proceedings and, therefore, appellants are presumed to have admitted charges
levelled against them in the show cause notices...”
8. Additionally, the same position has been reiterated by the Hon’ble SAT in the
matter of Dave Harihar Kirti bhai vs SEBI (Appeal No. 181 of 214 dated
December 19, 2014), wherein it has been held that:
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 5 of 23
concerned and should be eschewed, to say the least. Hence, this case is being decided
on basis of material before this Tribunal...”.
9. Hon’ble SAT in its order dated May 12, 2017 in the matter of Shri. B. Ramalinga
Raju vs. SEBI (Appeal no. 286 of 2014), held that- “even though the Noticees
remained ex-parte, I find it relevant that I should be guided by the documents
available on record”.
10. In view of the observations made by the Hon’ble SAT in the aforesaid judgment, I
find no reason to take a different view and accordingly, I deem it appropriate to
proceed against Noticee ex-parte, based on the material available on record, I
hereby, proceed with the matter, based on the material available on record before
11. I have carefully perused the charges levelled against Noticee in the SCN and the
material available on record. I note that the issues that arise for consideration in
the present case are:
Issue No. I. Whether Noticee has violated the provisions as mentioned in
paragraph 2 of the order?
Issue No. II If yes, whether the failure, on the part of the Noticee would attract
monetary penalty under Sections 15EB and 15HA of the SEBI Act?
Issue No. III If yes, what would be the monetary penalty that can be imposed
upon the Noticee taking into consideration the factors stipulated in Section 15J
of the SEBI Act read with rule 5(2) of the Adjudication Rules?
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 6 of 23
13. Non–Compliance with SEBI Circular on Publishing of investor charter and
disclosures on investor charter
13.1. It has been observed that Noticee has failed to publish investor charter on
their website. Further, Noticee did not disclose the details of investor
complaints on its website.
13.2. Thus, in view of above, it is alleged that Noticee has not complied with the
SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II CIS/P/2021/0685 dated December
13, 2021 and allegedly violated the provisions of Regulation 24(2) of RA
Regulations read with clause 7 of code of conduct specified in Schedule Ill
to the RA Regulations.
13.3. I note that Clause 2 and clause 3 of SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II
CIS/P/2021/0685 dated December 13, 2021 state as follow: -
2. All registered Research Analysts are advised to bring to the notice of their clients the
Investor Charter as provided at Annexure- A by prominently displaying on their websites and
mobile applications. Research Analysts not having websites/mobile applications shall, as a
one-time measure, send Investor Charter to the investors on their registered e-mail address.
13.4. In the instant case, on examination of the website of Noticee on July 11,
2023, and thereafter on November 10, 2023, I find that Investor charter and
investor complaints had not been published by Noticee on its website. Thus,
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 7 of 23
I find that Noticee has failed to disclose information regarding investor
charter and investor complaints as stipulated by the aforesaid circular.
13.5. Thus, in view of above, I find that Noticee is liable for violation of SEBI circular
no. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II CIS/P/2021/0685 dated December 13, 2021.
Considering aforesaid, I note that Noticee failed to comply with all the
regulatory requirements applicable to the conduct of its business activities
and thus, I find that Noticee has also violated Regulation 24(2) of RA
Regulations read with clause 7 of Code of Conduct specified in Schedule Ill
to the RA Regulations.
14.2. I note that Regulation 7(2) of RA Regulations states that individuals
registered as research analysts, individuals employed as research analysts,
and partners of research analysts must hold a certification specified by SEBI
or another certification recognized by SEBI. It has also been categorically
mentioned that fresh certification must be obtained before expiry of the
validity of the existing certification to ensure continuity in compliance with
certification requirements. In the present case, I note from records available
before me that Noticee failed to fulfil the aforesaid requirement of NISM
certification for the period April 02, 2022 to November 10, 2022. Thus, I find
that by not holding the required certification, Noticee is in violation of
Regulation 7(2) of RA Regulations. Further, Clause 7 of Code of Conduct for
Research Analyst as mentioned in Schedule III of RA Regulations read with
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 8 of 23
Regulation 24(2) provides that Research analyst or research entity shall
comply with all regulatory requirements applicable to the conduct of its
business activities. Thus, considering that Noticee did not have the required
NISM certificate in terms of Regulation 7(2) of RA Regulations, I find that
Noticee failed to comply with all regulatory requirements applicable to the
conduct of its business activities and thereby, Noticee is liable for violation of
Clause 7 of Code of Conduct for Research Analyst (as mentioned in
Schedule III of RA Regulations) read with Regulation 24(2) of RA
14.3. In view of above, I find the allegation that Noticee is in violation of the
provisions of Regulation 7(2) of RA Regulations read with Clause 7 of Code
of Conduct for Research Analyst (as mentioned in Schedule III of RA
Regulations) read with Regulation 24(2) of RA regulations stands
15.2. I note that Regulation 24(2) of RA Regulations read with clause 2 of Code of
conduct specified in Schedule Ill of RA Regulations provides that Research
analyst or research entity shall act with due skill, care and diligence and shall
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 9 of 23
ensure that the research report is prepared after thorough analysis. In the
present case, I find from the available records that Noticee did not mention
the full registered address of the business place from where he was doing
RA activities. Further, Noticee claimed that there is 80%/90% accuracy under
various products viz. HNI Future Plan, HNI option services etc. However, I
note from material before me that there is no data/evidence to support such
claim. The screenshot of the aforesaid address and claims have been given
in the below table-
S.N. Screenshot of website of Noticee
1 Noticee failed
to mention the
full registered
address of the
business place
2. Noticee
claimed on its
website that
there was 90%
under various
15.3. In view of above, and considering the aforesaid facts and circumstances, I
find that allegation with respect to the Noticee for violation of Regulation
24(2) of RA Regulations read with Clause 2 of Code of Conduct specified in
Schedule Ill of RA Regulations is established.
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 10 of 23
16. Establishing internal policies and procedure and Limitation on trading by
research analyst
16.1. It has been observed that Noticee has not established internal policy and
control procedures to address potential conflicts of interests arising from his
trading activities and research analyst activities. It has also been observed
that Noticee was trading in the securities recommended by it during the
window period of 30 days prior and 5 days after publishing research report.
Further, on checking the recommendation made by Noticee on Telegram
channel operated by him and the transaction statement of his personal
trading account, it was observed that Noticee was trading in the securities
recommended by him through Telegram channels operated by him. Thus, it
is alleged that Noticee has violated Regulations 15 and 16(2) of RA
16.2. I note that Noticee, being an individual research analyst, is solely responsible
for complying with the trading /dealing restrictions imposed on him. In the
instant case, I note from records that Noticee has furnished the following as
his internal policy in terms of regulation 15 of RA Regulations:
“Personal trading activities of the research analyst shall be monitored,
recorded and wherever necessary, shall be subject to a formal approval
process like approval from the Compliance department;
(a) Research Analyst shall not deal / trade in securities recommended /
followed by the research analyst to the clients for a reasonable time period;
(b) deal / trade in securities that the research analyst reviews in a manner
contrary to his given recommendation;
(c) purchase or receive securities of the issuer before the issuer's initial
public offering, if the issuer is principally engaged in the same types of
business as companies that the research analyst follows or recommends.”
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 11 of 23
failed to provide any safeguard or controls to prevent/address the conflict of
interest arising out of his trading in securities he is reviewing or
recommending as a research analyst. Thus, it is clear that Noticee failed to
frame internal policies and procedure as required under Regulation 15 of RA
16.4. The SCN also alleges that Noticee has violated Regulation 16(2) of RA
regulations. The aforesaid regulation states as under:
16(2) Independent research analysts, individuals employed as research
analyst by research entity or their associates shall not deal or trade in
securities that the research analyst recommends or follows within thirty
days before and five days after the publication of a research report.
16.5. In the instant case, I note from records that Noticee has been trading on the
securities recommended by him in the Telegram channels operated by him.
For the purpose of illustration, details of the some of the recommendations
as given by the Noticee in its Telegram channel are stated below:
Free Telegram Channel Calls
Table No 3
S.N. Date of publishing Security Name Recommendation Trigger price (Rs)
1 02/09/2022 HAL Buy 2344
2 05/09/2022 INDHOTEL Buy 302
3 06/09/2022 Apollo-tyre Sell 263
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 12 of 23
Str R Trig
Buy Sell
Option Expiry ike Buy Sell A ger
Date Symbol Traded Traded
Type Date Pri Value Value Ca Pric
Qty Qty
ce ll e
05- 29- B
Sep- CE Sep- 0 0 0 0 U 302
EL 0
2022 2022 Y
05- 29- B
INDHOT 31 12548
Sep- CE Sep- 16088 0 0 U 302
EL 0 6
2022 2022 Y
06- 29-
APOLL 26 7052 Se
Sep- CE Sep- 0 0 7000 263
OTYRE 5 5 ll
2022 2022
06- 29-
APOLL 26 8260 Se
Sep- CE Sep- 0 0 7000 263
OTYRE 5 0 ll
2022 2022
06- 29-
APOLL 26 21630 7770 Se
Sep- CE Sep- 21000 7000 263
OTYRE 5 0 0 ll
2022 2022
12- 29- S
25 43265 245
Sep- CE HAL Sep- 2375 0 0 EL
00 4 6
2022 2022 L
12- 29- S
25 245
Sep- CE HAL Sep- 0 0 0 0 EL
00 6
2022 2022 L
12- 29- S
25 245
Sep- CE HAL Sep- 0 0 0 0 EL
00 6
2022 2022 L
16.7. The above table demonstrates that Noticee was trading in the very securities
in which it had published report or recommended through Telegram channel
to public. Further, it is also observed that in most of the instances, trading by
Noticee in those securities was either on the same day or within five days of
the recommendation published by Noticee on its Telegram channel. Thus,
considering the aforementioned facts and circumstances and in absence of
any statement from Noticee disputing the above, I find that by trading in the
securities recommended by the Research Analyst during the window of 30
days prior and 5 days after publishing research report, Noticee is in violation
of regulation 16(2) of RA Regulations.
16.8. In view of above, I find the allegation that Noticee has violated Regulations
15 and 16(2) of RA Regulations stands established.
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 13 of 23
17. Disclosure of all material information in research report and while making
public appearance
17.1. It has been observed that disclaimer page submitted by Noticee shows
general disclaimer about the stock market and mentioned that “this video is
only for education purpose” but do not contain SEBI registration details, his
business activities as RA and any financial interest of Noticee or its
associates in the securities being recommended in video. Thus, it is alleged
that by not disclosing the material disclosures including SEBI registration
number, details about his business activities in research reports, financial
interest/beneficial ownership of it and its associates in securities that are
being reviewed/recommended by him in research reports/videos uploaded in
public media, Noticee is in violation of regulation 19 and 21 of RA
17.2. I note that Regulations 19 and 21 of RA Regulations make it obligatory on
the part of research analyst, including its director or employee, to disclose
the registration status and details of financial interest in the subject company,
if he/she makes any public appearance. In the instant case, I note from the
records that the disclaimer page submitted by Noticee shows general
disclaimer about the stock market but does not contain SEBI registration
details, his business activities as RA and any financial interest of Noticee or
its associates in the securities being recommended in video as required in
the aforesaid regulation. Further, Noticee has failed to submit anything to
dispute aforementioned facts Thus, I find that Noticee is liable for violation of
Regulations 19 and 21 of RA Regulations.
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 14 of 23
“No Loss strategy, 90% accuracy ,100% accuracy, 500% profit etc. in the
descriptions to his video on YouTube which is misleading and likely harm to
gullible investors.
18.2. Further, it has been observed that Noticee was sharing link of Demat account
opening of various stock broker on its website under “Demat account” tab
and inducing visitor on the website to open Demat account with link on the
website to access algo-premium membership and to reveal his own intraday
and positional stock picks. Moreover, it was observed that Noticee has
induced the viewers of its YouTube channel by promising access to his
premium stock recommendations by opening the Demat account by clicking
on the link of shared by it.
18.3. Thus, it is alleged that Noticee was making wrong disclosure with respect to
offering trading/demat services and was not disclosing the referral income
earnable from the links mentioned in the description of YouTube videos of
Noticee in King Research Academy channel.
18.4. In view of above, it is alleged that Noticee did not act with due skill, care,
diligence and high professional standard while arriving at research
recommendation and thereby, violated the provisions of Clauses 2 and 6 of
Code of Conduct for Research Analyst read with Regulation 24(2) and
Regulation 13(i) of RA regulations and Regulation 4(2) (k), (o) and (s) of SEBI
(Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices relating to Securities
Market) Regulations, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as “PFUTP Regulations”)
read with section 12A (c) of the SEBI Act.
18.5. I note that as per the Regulations 24 of RA Regulations, Research Analyst
shall maintain an arms-length relationship between its research activity and
other activities. Further, Research analyst or research entity shall abide by
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 15 of 23
Code of Conduct as specified in Third Schedule. In the present case, I find
from the records that-
a) Noticee failed to submit any reason for using phrase like “No Loss
strategy, 90% accuracy ,100% accuracy, 500% profit etc.” in the
descriptions to his video on YouTube which is misleading and likely to
harm gullible investors.
18.6. In view of above, I find that Noticee, by showing description like “No Loss
strategy, 90% accuracy ,100% accuracy, 500% profit etc.” promised its client
assured profits. Further, I note that there was no disclosure informing the
investors that their investments in the securities market were subject to
market risk, where there is possibility of loss of capital. Thus, it shows that
Noticee failed to conduct its operations with honesty and did not take due
care in its dealings with its clients and failed to act in a fiduciary capacity
towards its clients and thereby, Noticee failed to act with honesty, good faith,
and failed to exhibit due skill, care, diligence and high professional standard
while arriving at research recommendations. Therefore, I find that the
allegation that Noticee has violated the provisions of Clauses 2 and 6 of Code
of Conduct for Research Analyst read with Regulation 24(2) and Regulation
13(i) of RA Regulations stands established.
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 16 of 23
18.7. It has also been alleged that Noticee has violated 4(2)(k), (o) and (s) of
PFUTP Regulations. The relevant extract of the aforesaid regulations is
given below-
a) Regulation 4(2)(o) of PFUTP Regulations states that dealing in securities
shall be deemed to be a fraudulent or an unfair trade practice if it involves
any act or omission which affects or tends to affect the price of securities
including spreading of rumours, which may induce the sale or purchase
of securities by any person.
18.8. On perusal of material before me, I find that Noticee promised assured
returns to its clients by using phrases like “No Loss Strategy, 90% accuracy,
100% accuracy, 500% profit” etc. in the description of its YouTube video. I
further find that Noticee failed to provide any research or data to back this
claim. I am of the view that Noticee, being a SEBI registered intermediary, is
an integral part of securities market as it provides research report to the
investors in the securities market i.e. to its clients or other persons or group
of persons. Therefore, to repose faith in securities market, it is important that
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 17 of 23
a “research analyst” should act in a professional manner and should make
all the relevant due disclosure to its clients while providing its research
reports to them. Thus, I note that the onus of due disclosure of correct
information is higher on intermediaries such as Noticee. In the instance case,
Noticee had made such claims while being fully aware that return in the
securities market are subject to market risks and are not guaranteed.
Considering the facts and circumstances of the present case, I find that
Noticee made misleading representation in a reckless manner in its Youtube
18.9. Noticee, in its reply to the inspection findings, had submitted that these were
provided only for information and educational purpose and to guide the
clients about the best services providers. However, I am of the view that the
nature of taglines like “No Loss options strategy! 500% profitable strategy”
cannot be taken as being educational in nature, instead such representations
can potentially mislead investors into believing in the assured nature of
returns from such recommendation. Therefore, I am of the view that by
making such unrealistic and misleading disclosures, Noticee induced gullible
investors and such conduct of Noticee is likely to influence the decision of
investors dealing in securities. Thus, I find that allegation against Noticee for
violation of Regulation 4(2) (k), (o) and (s) of SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent
and Unfair Trade Practices relating to Securities Market) Regulations, 2003
(hereinafter referred to as “PFUTP Regulations”) read with Section 12A (c)
of the SEBI Act stands established.
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but the veracity of the same could not be verified as the records were not
digitally signed or maintained in CRM or enterprise management system.
Further, compliance audit report for FY 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 was also
not submitted during inspection. Thus, it is alleged that Noticee has violated
provisions of Regulation 25(3) of RA Regulations.
19.2. I note that Regulation 25(3) of RA Regulations mandates that Research
analyst or research entity shall conduct annual audit in respect of compliance
with these regulations from a member of Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India or Institute of Company Secretaries of India. In the instant case, I
find that during inspection, Noticee failed to submit or produce any
compliance audit report for the Financial Years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. I
also note that Noticee, in its reply to the inspection findings, had stated that
“We are in process of completing the compliance audit for FY 2020-21 and
2021-22.” Thus, on account of its own admission, I find that allegation against
the Noticee with respect to the violation of provisions of regulation 25(3) of
RA Regulations stands established.
19.3. Further, from perusal of material on record, I find that Noticee failed to submit
digitally signed records /documents related to research recommendations
given through various medium such as WhatsApp, Telegram etc. to the
inspection authority. In absence of any response from Noticee in this regard,
I find no reason to take a different view and thus, I find that allegation against
Noticee for the violation of Regulations 25(2) and 25(3) of RA Regulations
stands established.
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Issue No. II If yes, whether the failure, on the part of the Noticee would attract
monetary penalty under Section 15EB and Section 15HA of the SEBI Act?
20. Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of SEBI vs. Shri Ram Mutual Fund
[2006] 68 SCL 216 (SC) which held that- “In our considered opinion, penalty is
attracted as soon as the contravention of the statutory obligation as contemplated
by the Act and the Regulations is established...”
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22. The aforesaid provisions of the SEBI Act are reproduced as under:
Issue No. III. If yes, what would be the monetary penalty that can be imposed
upon the Noticee taking into consideration the factors stipulated in Section
15J of the SEBI Act read with rule 5(2) of the Adjudication rules?
23. While determining the quantum of penalty under sections 15EB of SEBI Act, factors
listed in section 15J of SEBI Act read with Rule 5(2) of the Adjudication Rules are
to be considered, which are as under:
(a) the amount of disproportionate gain or unfair advantage, wherever
quantifiable, made as a result of the default;
(b) the amount of loss caused to an investor or group of investors as a result of
the default;
(c) the repetitive nature of the default.
24. Further, Hon’ble Supreme Court, in its judgment SEBI vs Bhavesh Pabari (2019)
18 SCC 246, held that “We, therefore, hold and take the view that conditions
stipulated in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of Section 15J are not exhaustive and in the
given facts of a case, there can be circumstances beyond those enumerated by
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 21 of 23
clauses (a), (b) and (c) of Section 15J which can be taken note of by the
Adjudicating Officer while determining the quantum of penalty.”
25. I note that Noticee has still not taken any corrective action viz Investor charter and
investor complaints have yet not been published by Noticee on its website. Noticee
has also not stated the full registered address of the business place. From a
perusal of its website, I observe that website of Noticee still claim that there is 90%
accuracy under various products, but such claims are not backed by any data or
26. Therefore, in the light of the Bhavesh Pabri (Supra) judgment and from the
aforesaid observations, I find it relevant to consider the continuing violations of
Noticee while determining the penalty under Sections 15EB and 15HA of SEBI Act,
in addition to the factors enumerated under Section 15J of SEBI Act.
27. After taking into consideration the nature and gravity of the violations established
in the preceding paragraphs as well as considering the aforementioned continuous
violations by Noticee, I, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me under section
15-I of the SEBI Act read with rule 5 of the Adjudication Rules, hereby impose
following monetary penalty on Noticee i.e. Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research
Analyst, under Sections 15EB and 15HA of SEBI Act:
Adjudication Order in the matter of Harinder Kumar Sahu, Research Analyst Page 22 of 23
28. I find that aforementioned penalty is commensurate with the violation committed
by the Noticee as mentioned in the above paras to meet the ends of justice in the
present matter.
29. The Noticee shall remit / pay the said amount of penalty within 45 days of receipt
of this order through online payment facility available on the SEBI website on the following path by clicking on the payment link.
30. In the event of failure to pay the said amount of penalty within 45 days of the receipt
of this Order, SEBI may initiate consequential actions including but not limited to
recovery proceedings under section 28A of the SEBI Act for realization of the said
amount of penalty along with interest thereon, inter alia, by attachment and sale of
movable and immovable properties.
31. In terms of the provisions of Rule 6 of the Adjudication Rules, a copy of this order
is being sent to the Noticee and also to the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
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