Ceus Testic
Ceus Testic
Ceus Testic
DOI: 10.1111/andr.13057
Marta Tenuta Franz Sesti Ilaria Bonaventura Paola Mazzotta Riccardo Pofi
Daniele Gianfrilli Carlotta Pozza
Carlotta Pozza, Department of Experimental Abstract
Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Viale
Regina Elena 324, 00161 Rome, Italy.
Background: Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a sonographic technique that
Email: carlotta.pozza@uniroma1.it increases the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound and color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS)
when studying testicular abnormalities. However, its role in clinical practice is still
debatable because there are no accepted standards regarding how and when this tech-
nique should be used for patients with testicular disease.
Objectives: To perform a nonsystematic review of the current literature to highlight
the strength and flaws of performing CEUS and to provide a critical overview of current
research evidence on this topic.
Materials and methods: A thorough search of published peer-reviewed studies in
PubMed was performed using proper keywords.
Results: Strong enhancement of neoplastic lesions (both benign and malignant) dur-
ing CEUS aids in differential diagnosis with non-neoplastic lesions, which usually
appears either nonenhanced or enhanced in a manner similar to that of the surround-
ing parenchyma. CEUS enhancement has a high predictive value in the identification
of neoplastic lesions, whereas a similar or complete absence of enhancement may
be interpreted as strong evidence of benignity, although there are exceptions. Liter-
ature on quantitative analysis is still scarce, though promising, particularly in distin-
guishing benign from malignant neoplasms. Furthermore, CEUS may be useful in many
emergency situations, such as acute scrotum, blunt scrotal trauma, and focal infarc-
tion of the testis. Finally, CEUS can help increase the probability of sperm recovery in
azoospermic males.
Discussion and conclusion: CEUS is a safe, easy-to-perform, and cost-effective diag-
nostic tool that can provide a more accurate diagnosis in testicular lesions and acute
scrotal disease. However, further studies with larger cohorts are required to refine the
differential diagnosis between benign and malignant neoplasms. Finally, these prelim-
inary results can instigate the development of innovative research on pre-testicular
sperm extraction to increase the chances of sperm recovery.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Andrology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology
acute scrotum, CEUS, infertility, testicular tumor, testis
1 INTRODUCTION the number of allergic reactions reported is lower than those arising
with CT and MRI contrast medium.21–23 The overall reporting rate
Testicular ultrasound (US) currently represents a routine and manda- for all adverse events is 0.125% (only 0.0086% for serious ones)23
tory investigation for patients with scrotal symptoms and is considered including itching, mild dizziness, moderate hypotension, headache, and
the first-line imaging modality in the evaluation of the testis and adja- nausea which resolved spontaneously. Second, CEUS is neither car-
cent structures, in addition to physical examination. Since its introduc- diotoxic nor nephrotoxic and can be safely administered in patients
tion, US has become an integral diagnostic tool in clinical settings that with renal insufficiency because the contrast medium is not excreted
has been further enhanced by continuous developments to improve the via the kidney, but it is cleared by the lungs.20,24 Consequently, and
resolution of US machines and probes.1–3 due to all the other advantages offered, this diagnostic tool can
Although grayscale US, color Doppler US (CDUS), and power also be used on children.25,26 Finally, compared to MRI, CEUS offers
Doppler US (PDUS) demonstrate high diagnostic accuracy for detect- higher spatial resolution (especially using new high frequency probes,
ing most testicular pathologies, interpretation of the acquired images up to 18 MHz), allowing for a dynamic assessment even of smaller
is not well standardized and may rely on the operators’ expertise. lesions.
Recently, the use of certain techniques such as tissue elastography and Over the last years, CEUS has proved to be particularly useful in tes-
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)4–10 has been explored in terms of ticular setting: microbubbles trace normal parenchymal microcircula-
overcoming this limitation, as well as superb microvascular imaging tion and are able to highlight intraparenchymal abnormalities within
(SMI), which specifically aims to visualize low velocity and small diame- the testicle. This is particularly useful in the characterization of tes-
ter blood vessel flow.11–13 However, their strength is still debatable. ticular lesions7–10,27–33 and acute scrotum.34–36 Recent studies have
In the last few decades, the use of intravascular contrast-enhanced also focused on the utility of CEUS in evaluating testicular perfusions
US (CEUS) has grown considerably and has proved to be a useful tool in prior to testicular sperm extraction (TESE) in infertile men.37,38 How-
many diagnostic fields.14–18 ever, to date, there are no well-established and accepted standards
US contrast medium consists of US-detectable microbubbles, which with respect to how and when this technique should be used when
are very small-sized (<10 μm) organic shells that are filled with gas. dealing with patients suffering from testicular disease.
Over the years, many US contrast agents have been approved for clin- The purpose of this study was to perform a comprehensive, up-
ical use,17,19 such as sulfur hexafluoride (SonoVue® , Bracco, Milan, to-date review of the current literature to highlight the strength and
Italy), octafluoropropane, (Definity® , Lantheus Medical Imaging, North flaws of performing CEUS, and to provide a critical overview of current
Billerica, MA, USA), perfluorobutane (Sonazoid™, GE Healthcare, Oslo, research evidence on this topic to inform and guide clinicians’ choices
Norway), and perflutren protein-type A microsphere (Optison™, GE of performing CEUS in certain conditions, and to provide them support
Health care, Oslo, Norway). in the interpretation of the exam.
A dedicated machine-setting with a low mechanical index (0.05– A computerized literature search was performed using the follow-
0.08) is needed to avoid early microbubble destruction.20 The local- ing keywords: “CEUS,” “testicle,” “testicular tumor,” “testicular lesion”,
ization of microbubbles is exclusively intravascular because they are “seminoma”, “Leydig cell tumor”, “scrotal trauma,” “testicular torsion”,
small enough to pass through the lumina of capillaries, yet large enough and “infertility”. Keywords were properly combined with Boolean oper-
to prevent extravasation from vessels. Due to their high impedance, ators to optimize the search strategy.
they reflect the majority of US waves with a higher echo than the
parenchyma. In fact, unlike CDUS and PDUS, CEUS provides a reliable
representation of blood perfusion and parenchymal microcirculation 2 TESTICULAR CEUS TECHNIQUE
in various organs, using intravascular blood tracers. After injection of
the contrast medium, two phases are described in organs with a single CEUS can depict parenchymal disorders on the basis of vascularity,
arterial blood supply20 : the first is the arterial phase (10–40 s), which thus mostly helping in the differential diagnosis of traumatic changes
shows a progressive enhancement; the second one is the venous phase and scrotal lesions. For testicular studies, the most frequently used
(30–45 s), which starts after injection and exhibits a plateau followed contrast agent in Europe is sulfur hexafluoride (SonoVue® ). SonoVue
by a progressive decrease, until the microbubble signal completely dis- is injected as two intravenous boluses of 2.4 mL (for a total of 4.8 mL)
appears. in an antecubital vein. The second dose should be injected 5–10 min
CEUS offers a number of advantages: it is easy to perform, cost- after the first injection, and both should be followed immediately
effective, safe, and does not have any harmful effects compared to by 10 mL of 0.9% saline solution. After contrast medium and saline
other complementary imaging methods such as CT and MRI. First, solution flush, microbubbles are usually observed within the testicle
F I G U R E 1 Qualitative analysis of CEUS. B-mode US demonstrates a small hypoechoic lesion, with hyperechoic and well-defined margins,
resulted a Leydig cell tumor at histology. Color Doppler US demonstrates vascularity within the lesion. With contrast-enhanced US, the lesion
demonstrates marked hyperenhancement, a characteristic that has the potential to differentiate neoplastic from nonneoplastic lesions
after a mean time of 20 s,20 thus enabling clinicians to draw an exact uptake phase of the contrast medium (wash-in) up to the maxi-
vascular map of the examined testis. The enhancement of testicular mum peak of intensity, and a subsequent release phase (washout)
and epididymal arteries occurs rapidly, followed by a subsequent (Figure 2).
parenchymal enhancement. Wash-in and washout of the contrast agent can be quantified by cal-
Typically, the contrast medium is no longer visible after an aver- culating intensity and temporal parameters (quantitative parameters).
age of 3–5 min.20 The entire examination needs to be recorded for Normal testicular parenchyma time-intensity curve values are lacking
subsequent analyses. Recording should be initiated at the end of each in literature, and existing studies focus on focal lesion kinetics. How-
contrast-enhancement injection and should be concluded after at least ever, depending on the software used, the parameters obtained may be
90 s. The first evaluation that can be performed involves a qualita- different, and different units of measurement could also be employed,
tive analysis: after each injection, it is possible to observe whether particularly for intensity data. In general, it is possible to identify cer-
the contrast medium enhances the area of interest, and subsequently tain standard values, which are essential for the subsequent quantita-
evaluate the intensity and timing of the uptake (wash-in), and release tive analysis7,28,29,31,38,39 (Figure 3):
(washout) of microbubbles compared with parenchyma. The area of
interest can be defined as hyper-enhancing (Figure 1), hypo-enhancing, 1. Wash-in time (W-in): the time when testicular enhancement occurs
or non-enhancing compared with the surrounding parenchyma, and the first, measured in seconds
wash-in and washout can be defined as faster, similar, or slower than 2. Time to peak (TTP): the time needed to reach the peak intensity,
parenchyma.7,9,27–29,31 However, qualitative analysis is subjective and measured in seconds
operator-dependent. In contrast, quantitative analysis using appropri- 3. Mean transit time (MTT) or rise time (RT): the difference between
ate software generally integrated in the US machine is a significantly the time needed to reach the peak intensity and the time since the
less biased approach. beginning of ROI enhancement, measured in seconds
Time-intensity curves can be obtained by manually placing a 4. Peak intensity (PI) or peak enhancement (PE): the maximum ROI
region of interest (ROI) to entirely cover the area to be examined. enhancement, measured in decibel (dB) or acoustic units (au)
Another identical ROI should be placed on the adjacent parenchyma 5. Washout time (T-out): the time difference between the 50% PI val-
for comparison.28 Within the ROI, the mean intensity of contrast ues in the washout and PI value, measured in seconds. Several stud-
enhancement can be described as a function of time with time- ies also consider T-out as the time needed for the descending slope
intensity curves: they are bell-shaped curves that describe an initial to reach a contrast signal intensity of zero
F I G U R E 2 Time intensity curves (TIC). They are bell-shaped curves that describe an initial uptake phase of the contrast medium (wash-in) up
to the maximum peak of intensity, and a subsequent release phase (washout). Lesion and parenchyma kinetics can be measured, and the resulting
curves can be compared. In the figure the blue curve describes the wash-in and wash-out phases of a Leydig cell tumor, the orange curve describes
the phases of the adjacent, normal parenchyma
adequate to perform a differential diagnosis, because the majority of The first study in this field dates back to 2011.27 The authors
non-neoplastic testicular lesions are nonvascular, with the exception of prospectively described the feasibility of CEUS in the differential diag-
focal orchitis, sarcoidosis, and adrenal rest tumors (TART).42,43 How- nosis of testicular masses. Findings revealed that in 50 out of the
ever, particularly in the case of small lesions, CDUS alone can often 51 patients examined, focal lesions demonstrated a different contrast
fail to depict internal vascularization. Blood flow, indeed, cannot be enhancement compared to the surrounding testicular tissue. In detail,
detected if the transducer is not positioned at a right angle to the testicular lesions in 39 (76.5%) patients revealed hyperenhancement,
vessels, or in case of very small vessels with low volume blood flow. of which 38 (97.4%) were diagnosed histologically as neoplasms. It is
CEUS can overcome these limitations, thus providing a reliable rep- noteworthy that early arterial hyperenhancement was predictive of a
resentation of lesion’s microcirculation. This is because US contrast neoplastic lesion, with a sensitivity of 88.4% (95% CI: 74.1–95.6%) and
medium can reach even smaller vessels,10 therefore confirming the a positive predictive value of 97.4% (95% CI: 84.9–99.9%).27 Hyper-
presence of vascularity or the nonenhancement of a lesion.44 enhancement was not found in 7/8 lesions, which proved to be non-
According to several published studies, neoplastic lesions (both neoplastic. These results were confirmed by a subsequent prospective
benign and malignant) tend to be strongly enhanced during CEUS, study on 67 patients in which hyperenhancement in CEUS showed a
thus facilitating the differential diagnosis with non-neoplastic lesions, sensitivity of 93% and a predictive positive value of 96% for detect-
which, in general, are either nonenhanced or enhanced in a similar man- ing testicular neoplasms.8 Subsequent retrospective studies confirmed
ner to that of the surrounding parenchyma (Figure 4). the high sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of CEUS in
F I G U R E 5 Epidermoid cyst. B-mode US demonstrates a well-circumscribed, solid, mixed-reflectivity lesion with high-reflectivity “onion-skin”
peripheral rims. Contrast-enhanced US demonstrates a clear lack of enhancement within the lesion
similar on nonenhanced US.61,62 Performing an accurate and careful were distinctive characteristics of malignant lesions (77% vs. 25%,
differential diagnosis is imperative because both benign and malignant p < 0.001), whereas similar or delayed wash-in (compared with the
tumors have a very different clinical course. Patients suspected of parenchyma) were appropriate signs of benign lesions (both neoplas-
benign lesions can be addressed to tissue-sparing surgery enucle- tic and non-neoplastic) (61% vs. 20.5%, p < 0.001). Subsequent quanti-
ation or, in selected cases, to clinical and US strict surveillance, thus tative analysis revealed that TTP, MTT, and T-out were all significantly
preserving the testicle instead of performing total orchiectomy,63,64 shorter in malignant tumors than in benign ones, as wash-out time
which is suggested in case of malignancies. appeared to be slower in benign lesions.
In this perspective, CEUS could represent as an additional and effec- The authors also performed a comparison between the two largest
tive tool. To date, there have been only a few prospective studies that histologically proved homogeneous groups (malignant seminomas and
tried to evaluate whether the use of CEUS could help in the differen- stromal tumors) obtaining similar results28 (Figure 6). In this prospec-
tial diagnosis between benign and malignant TTs.7,28,29,31 Results are tive study, CEUS application supported the authors in selecting the
promising, however, the available data are not always in agreement, appropriate patient intervention, since 25 of 115 patients underwent
and the majority of reports are based on qualitative rather than a more US strict surveillance with serial investigations every 3 months for a
objective quantitative assessment. minimum of 18 months, instead of surgery, without any disease pro-
As reported earlier, hyperenhancement is the most common fea- gression at the final follow-up. The same was described in the study by
ture observed in TT on CEUS.28,29,31 The current literature underlines Pozza et al., where 32 of 83 patients did not undergo surgery because
that benign lesions are characterized by lower enhancement; how- CEUS, ES, MRI and clinical findings were suggestive for LCTs, therefore
ever, in these reports, both neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions are US strict surveillance was performed. All patients were disease-free
included in the benign group.7,10,32 It must be considered, though, that at the final visit, thus suggesting that in compliant patients, active
some malignant lesions have an architecture that does not allow the surveillance through clinical and radiological follow-up could be a safe
uptake of the contrast medium. In fact, this is the case in BOT, where alternative option for small nonpalpable lesions suspicious for LCTs
malignant cells are rapidly replaced by fibrotic tissue.28,31,51 Luzurier at CEUS.40
et al. demonstrated how CEUS could help differentiate BOT from vas- More recently, Drudi et al. performed a comparative analysis on
cularized TTs.31 Similarly, some malignant tumors with large intrale- seminoma and LCT.29 Interestingly, LCT showed a faster TTP and
sional necrotic areas or embryonal carcinoma with calcific margins may greater PI and WiR. Similar findings have been previously reported in
demonstrate hypo-enhancing features.3,28,65 a series of 13 LCTs9 and in one case report.66 The authors attributed
As already pointed out, qualitative analysis can guide the clinician’s these results to the vascular architecture of LCT, which is charac-
evaluation. However, this process is based heavily upon the operator’s terized by a wider and more regular vascular bed and a greater
experience; thus, the subjective interpretation of US images can be microvessel density compared to seminomas. In fact, according to
biased. In contrast, quantitative analysis can provide more objective Samson et al., LCT has a vessel density that is 3.2-fold higher than
data, yet research in this field is still substantially limited, and studies seminoma. This could be explained by the expression of endocrine
performed have used small sample sizes and have results that are not gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF), which
reproducible and/or not always comparable because of the use of dif- is strongly expressed in Leydig cells, and specifically in LCT, as
ferent measurement units.33 opposed to germ-cell tumors which do not express this angiogenic
Isidori et al. were the first to compare the kinetic parameters factor.67
between malignant and benign lesions (both neoplastic and non- According to Schwarze et al., PI was greater in malignant tumors,
neoplastic). According to the authors, rapid wash-in and washout whereas wash-in was found to be faster in benign lesions. However,
it should be emphasized that the authors of this study included both size of this work remained significantly small (out of 31 lesions, 15 were
neoplastic and non-neoplastic among benign lesions.7 Finally, accord- malignant and 13 were benign).31
ing to Luzurier et al., CEUS failed in providing an effective differen- The results are hardly comparable due to the heterogeneity of the
tial diagnosis between benign and malignant tumors, as no differences examined lesions (even within the same subgroup) and to the software
were found in any parameter during the quantitative analysis. How- used to obtain kinetic parameters, which produced results that were
ever, when excluding BOTs (considered a separate group), the sample expressed in different and noncomparable scales.33
F I G U R E 6 Quantitative analysis comparison of a seminoma and a Leydig cell tumor. A rapid wash-in and wash-out are distinctive
characteristics of seminomas, as demonstrated by the blue curve in panel (a) that shows a wash-in that begins approximately at 18 s and a
wash-out starting at 30–35 s, whereas a rapid wash-in (20 s) and a delayed wash-out (starting at 38–40 s) are appropriate signs of a Leydig cell
tumor (panel b, blue curve). The orange curves belong to the adjacent normal parenchyma
4 CEUS BEYOND TESTICULAR LESIONS testis with decreased echogenicity and increased vascularity at CD.70
Other lesions such as abscess, hematoma, and infarction appear as
4.1 Acute scrotal pain hypoechoic lesions with absent vascularity (Figure 8),70 and their
differential diagnosis should be done with testicular neoplasm, as
Acute scrotal pain is a common urological emergency that requires previously reported.
a prompt diagnosis to determine the most appropriate treatment Due to its ability to visualize microcirculation, CEUS can be help-
approach. Pain can be due to several causes, including epididymo- ful in various emergency situations. In 2009, Moschouris et al. pub-
orchitis, testicular torsion, testis’ appendix or epididymis torsion, lished a preliminary research study that investigated the use of CEUS
intratesticular abscess, focal infarction, neoplasm, and trauma.36,68 in patients with acute scrotum.71 On the basis of their 19 cases,
At first, diagnosis of clinical and medical history, associated with authors concluded that CEUS had generally no advantages over CDUS
symptoms and biochemical assessment, is mandatory. Indeed, patients and that this method could only be useful in patients with trauma.
with testicular torsion usually present with symptoms of severe acute Recently, in a prospective study that included 50 patients with acute
unilateral scrotal pain, nausea, and vomiting.69 US diagnostic images scrotum, CEUS was found to be more accurate in definitive diagno-
pertaining to testicular torsion are characterized by the absence of sis showing higher sensibility and specificity compared to conven-
intratesticular blood flow at CD evaluation70 (Figure 7). In other cases, tional US.36 Conventional US provided a definitive tumor diagnosis in
symptoms and clinical presentation might be similar among all causes 34/50 patients, whereas CEUS provided the same diagnosis in 48/50
of acute scrotal pain, whereas physical examination and laboratory patients; the sensitivity was 76% for CDUS and 96% for CEUS, respec-
evaluation may often not be exhaustive.36 Thus, CDUS could be helpful tively, whereas the specificity was 45% for CDUS and 100% for CEUS,
in investigating the underlying pain etiology.68,70 Epididymitis and respectively.36
orchitis can be diagnosed by CDUS as a result of their typical clinical Among all causes of acute scrotal pain, CEUS seems to be particu-
features. More specifically, epididymitis appears as an enlarged epi- larly helpful in blunt scrotal trauma.35,71,72 Lobianco et al. examined 40
didymis with distinct inflammatory signs such as increased vascularity consecutive patients for blunt scrotal trauma with CDUS and CEUS.
CD and hydrocele.70 In contrast, orchitis is represented by an enlarged In 24 patients with positive findings (including interruption of the
F I G U R E 7 Testicular torsion. CEUS showed complete lack of enhancement of testis and spermatic cord in a patient with chronic (missed)
torsion. Peri-testicular tissues displayed increased vascularity on CEUS
F I G U R E 8 Intratesticular hematoma. CEUS appearances of intratesticular hematoma after blunt trauma. Dual-display image showing
contrast-specific (left) and low MI B-mode image (right). B-mode image shows an intratesticular bilobated hypoechoic, avascular lesion. CEUS
confirmed the absence of internal vascularity. Note the peri-lesional hyperemia and the presence of internal echoes, representing artifact from
echogenic content
tunica albuginea, testicular fracture, lacerocontusion, total testicular identification and recognition of ischemic lobules.34 Moreover, a per-
ischemia, incomplete ischemia, hamartomatosis, arteriovenous mal- ilesional rim enhancement was also identified by CEUS, which may rep-
formation, and hematocele), CEUS demonstrated a greater sensitivity resent a specific sign of subacute segmental testicular infarction.34,75
toward the detection of testicular lesions caused by blunt scrotal The ability of CEUS in assessing the complete absence of vasculariza-
trauma. This was particularly true for small lesions.35 Also, CEUS could tion with a rim enhancement has been used to distinguish a testicu-
efficiently help depict fracture lines which could usually not be seen lar hematoma76 or segmental testicular infarction77–79 from a tumor,
using grayscale US.16 in asymptomatic patients. Out of all the causes of scrotal pain, the use
Another interesting field of application of CEUS in acute scrotal of CEUS has also been described in the diagnosis of spontaneous sper-
pain involves focal testicular infarction. In CDUS examination, testic- matic vein thrombosis, a rare condition which can lead to testicular pain
ular infarction typically appears as an avascular wedge-shaped hypoe- and testicular swelling.80
choic lesion.73 However, segmental testicular infarction can be round
and resembling a TT,74 and sometimes presents a rim enhancement,
probably due to granulation tissue in response to ischemic processes.34 4.2 Infertility
In such cases, the patient’s clinical history can help the clinician in the
differential diagnosis process (Figure 9). Nowadays, approximately 10% of infertile males are affected by
In a retrospective study, 20 men with acute scrotal pain, suspected nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA), which is characterized by a com-
of testicular infarction, were examined with CEUS. Compared with plete absence of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid due to minimal or no
CDUS, CEUS facilitated improved lesion conspicuity, leading to the spermatogenesis.81 In some cases, the only therapeutic option in these
F I G U R E 9 Focal ischemia. CEUS appearances of focal ischemia, confirmed at definitive histology. Dual-display image showing
contrast-specific (left) and low MI B-mode image (right). B-mode image shows an intratesticular, well-defined markedly hypoechoic, avascular
lesion. CEUS confirmed the complete absence of internal vascularity and the patient, monorchid, underwent tissue sparing surgery
patients is TESE. Unfortunately, sperm retrieval using conventional titative CEUS features could have a negative predictive value on sperm
TESE has only proved to be successful in a subset of patients, approx- retrieval.38
imately 50%, regardless of the cause of azoospermia (obstructive or
nonobstructive).39,82–84 Spermatogenesis is not equally distributed
throughout the testis, and it would appear that sperm quality is better 5 CONCLUSIONS
in areas with high tissue perfusion.85 The high accuracy of CEUS in
assessing blood perfusion and microvascular architecture of the testes In conclusion, the literature underlines that CEUS is a safe, easy-to-
may suggest that this technique could help increase the probability of perform, and cost-effective diagnostic tool that is able to provide an
sperm retrieval. accurate diagnosis in testicular lesions and in acute scrotal diseases
To the best of our knowledge, a case report described for the first when US findings are unclear. CEUS can increase diagnostic confidence
time that sperm quality and quantity depend on tissue perfusion within levels, particularly in less experienced investigators. Therefore, CEUS
the testis.86 Since then, only two recent studies have focused on deter- should be proposed in every case where US diagnosis remains incon-
mining the usefulness of CEUS in infertility, by investigating whether it clusive, namely in the differential diagnosis of small testicular lesions
could be used to predict the success rate of testicular sperm retrieval to facilitate greater confidence in terms of selecting the appropriate
techniques in infertile men.37,38 Zhang et al. evaluated whether CEUS patient intervention. Lesion enhancement indeed seems to have a high
could be considered as a noninvasive approach for detecting the testic- predictive value in the identification of neoplastic lesions. Similarly, the
ular area where spermatogenesis is most likely to be found in nonob- complete absence of enhancement can be interpreted as strong evi-
structive azoospermic testes. Among the 187 testes that underwent dence for benignity, although some exceptions must be carefully con-
microdissection TESE, the sperm retrieval rates of the best perfusion sidered. Literature on quantitative analysis is still scanty, particularly
area over the maximal longitudinal section were higher than those with when distinguishing benign from malignant neoplasms. Further stud-
the poorest perfusion area and conventional area where TESE is usu- ies with larger cohorts are definitively required to refine the differen-
ally performed (63.1% vs. 34.7% and 47.1% respectively, p < 0.05). tial diagnosis between benign and malignant neoplasms. CEUS can also
These findings suggest that spermatogenesis is not uniformly dis- play an essential role in cases of acute scrotum, by excluding infarction
tributed throughout the testis because sperm quality is better in areas and trauma, when testicular torsion cannot be defined. Finally, these
with high tissue perfusion. Moreover, the subsequent ROC analysis interesting preliminary results can instigate the development of inno-
showed that W-in ≤27 s, TTP ≤45 s, and PI ≥11 dB in the selected vative research studies on pre-TESE testicular perfusion to increase the
area could be considered the best cut-off values for predicting positive chances of sperm recovery.
sperm retrieval.37
In contrast, Xue et al. did not observe significant differences in the CONFLICT OF INTEREST
success rates of SR between the major and minor perfused areas in The authors declare no conflict of interest regarding the publication of
the 46 nonobstructive azoospermic patients examined. However, TESA this article.
had a very little chance of success in patients with NOA in case of:
decreased intensity of the main perfusion area (defined as decreased AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION
intensity within 30 s after reaching the peak for both the main perfu- All authors contributed to the conception and design of the review.
sion area and whole testis) with values < 8.6 dB; TTP of the whole testis Marta Tenuta, Franz Sesti, Ilaria Bonaventura, and Paola Mazzotta
> 9.0 s; slope-in of the whole testis < 1.7 dB/s. Therefore, these quan- revised the literature and acquired the respective data. Marta Tenuta,
Franz Sesti, and Ilaria Bonaventura wrote the first draft and designed 14. Faccioli N, Dietrich CF, Foti G, Santi E, Comai A, D’Onofrio M. Activity-
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Franz Sesti https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3850-627X 18. Puliani G, Sesti F, Feola T, et al. Natural history and management of
Daniele Gianfrilli https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2682-8266 familial paraganglioma syndrome type 1: long-term data from a large
Carlotta Pozza https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1147-6114 family. J Clin Med. 2020;9(2).
19. Zhai HY, Liang P, Yu J, et al. Comparison of Sonazoid and SonoVue in
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