Cranial Ultrasound by Neonatologists
Cranial Ultrasound by Neonatologists
Cranial Ultrasound by Neonatologists
field of neonatology. present in viable preterm infants, one can predict that the
The brain of the newborn is not an organ where treatment location and extent of matrix hemorrhage will correlate with
options are actually abundant. Cooling has opened the box of specific dysfunctions. If we can predict such specificity, we will
possibilities, and several neuroprotective strategies are under also find ways of mitigating dysfunction in survivors. MRI and
investigation: the following decades will introduce strategies CUS will be complementary in this topic.
aiming at prevention and treatment of acquired brain lesions. Since we realized—by scanning via het mastoid fontanelle—that
To change management means we have to follow strict extremely low birthweight infants are at risk of cerebellar
diagnostic rules both for inclusion in clinical trials and for hemorrhage, “Ultrasound of acquired posterior fossa abnormalities
individual care. That is one goal of this seminar. The second is to in the newborn”4 became very actual. High-frequency linear probes
offer suggestions for research by challenging some outdated provide access to many relevant lesions in the cerebellar hemi-
views on CUS. Throughout the work we carefully point to spheres, but also to understanding transverse sinus thrombosis, the
concepts that need validation. Cutting-edge technical opportu- thrombotic heel of Achilles in preterms. Measurement of cerebellar
nities are not included, because the aim was to summarize state- size will be an important item in the prospective analysis of
of-the-art CUS for common types of perinatal brain injury. This imperfect postnatal brain growth with CUS; this may define a subset
does not mean we do not hunger for attention by ultrasound of preterm infants’ candidate for targeted neuroprotection in a
vendors for the brain of the newborn. When appropriate, distant future. Not surprisingly, several other posterior fossa findings
statements on CUS are compared with postmortem and MR have caught our attention and are compared with MR findings.
findings of the disease at hand. These papers are produced in Next to injury of germinal matrix (by germinolysis or hemor-
the regular fashion with a first author and co-authors, but rhage) a prevalent type of injury is to white matter, both in preterm
members of eurUS.brain have contributed to all papers by final and term infants. “Preterm white matter injury: ultrasound diagnosis
reading and correcting. and classification”5 tackles the grading of white matter injury by
CUS is relatively complex because several windows to the CUS. As a group we felt this was perhaps the biggest challenge,
brain can be used and different probes with variable settings are because for years the acclaim has been that MRI was in fact the only
in vogue. The technical aspects of scanning, the natural part of reliable tool to study preterm white matter injury. In this chapter we
training of radiologists, need to be brought under the attention demonstrate how specific injury types can be ascertained with CUS,
of clinicians and this is done in the paper by Dudink et al.1. A and when combined with measurement of brain growth, how CUS
complete careful scan in a fragile preterm infant is a piece of studies can be planned that will offer prognostic insight, even in the
medical art, the action itself takes time and the report must be absence of MR correlation. The periventricular white matter is
carefully written. Clinicians tend to conclude what diagnosis is also, because it is near the anterior fontanel, the area where
most likely and what further diagnostic actions are potentially we may expect improved diagnostic accuracy by technical
useful. Redirection of care is in their hands, often only upon advances of CUS, especially by the study of microvascular behavior.
careful evaluation of the extent of damage. A witticism of use This is where vendors should embrace clinical research and offer
here is that any CUS image or video framed should be of such bedside tools for objective measurement of tissue alteration with
quality to be usable in publications. Standard planes are CUS. White matter perfusion monitoring with CUS is a direct
indicated, avoiding to curtail the sonographer to so-called research goal.
standard imaging, but encouraging exploration of additional The original paper, “The development and validation of a cranial
views of any lesion or structure of interest. Routine scanning of a ultrasound scoring system for infants with hypoxic-ischemic
few sectional planes, as performed by lay people because it is encephalopathy”,6 concludes this seminar. It reviews the limited
part of the standard scheme, should become obsolete. yet essential role of CUS in the diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia and
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APPENDIX: MEMBERS OF EURUS.BRAIN material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless
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Fernando Cabañas,
Nuria Carreras,
Olivier Claris © The Author(s) 2020
Jeroen Dudink,