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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

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Reliability Engineering and System Safety

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Precursors and startling lessons: Statistical analysis of 1250 events with

safety significance from the civil nuclear sector
Ali Ayoub a, b, 1, *, Andrej Stankovski a, 1, Wolfgang Kröger a, b, Didier Sornette a, b, c
Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks, D-MTEC, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
ETH Risk Center, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Institute of Risk Analysis, Prediction and Management (Risks-X), Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China


Keywords: We analyze the ETH Zurich open curated database of 1250 worldwide nuclear events focused on safety signif­
Nuclear accidents icance with potentials for precursors, presented in the companion paper. We find that major accidents always
Nuclear safety trigger a wave of “reactive” reporting as well as changes in regulatory or corporate management that last 5 to 6
years, mostly due to increased alertness, improved transparency, uncovering latent design errors, and heightened
Operational experience
public pressure. The leading causes for multi-unit events are found to be external triggers and design issues,
Risk confirming the need to adapt PSAs to cover multi-unit events accordingly. Common-cause failures (CCF) are
Statistical analysis found to occur fairly frequently, at different levels, and can significantly erode the safety of the plant. From the
lessons learned from this analysis, we suggest that frequent review of components design and operating pro­
cedures, employing different teams for testing and maintenance activities on redundant trains, and sharing
operational experience between plants of similar designs, are some of the steps that should be taken in order to
limit future occurrences of CCFs and beyond that further improve plant safety. We identify some quantitative
signs of aging for plants after the age of 25. Our findings stress the need for larger recording, reliance, and
sharing of operational data to support learning from experience and avoid reoccurrence of accidents and events.

1. Introduction operation, and maintenance. Additionally, a nuclear power plant is not

an independent entity that can be modeled in isolation from its site and
Evolving large-scale engineered systems that our societies depend operational environment. On the one hand, a nuclear plant heavily relies
on, and which are inherently hazardous, call for predictive analysis of on its external environment during its normal operation (offsite power
potential risks. As statistical information of direct use is limited by na­ grid, water intake). On the other hand, the external environment can be
ture, analytical methods incorporating data and “lessons learned from an extremely perturbing factor for the safe operation of a plant (earth­
the past” are needed to model the behavior of systems. The latter is quakes, floods, grid disturbances, power losses, water conditions). All
based on compiling and evaluating data of experienced failures and these inherent complications, dependencies, man-machine interactions,
events at different levels of abstraction. When dealing with interde­ external factors, and above all, the cultural and organizational aspects
pendent critical infrastructure systems and their involved complexity, that shape many actions and consequences, make it extremely hard for
traditional risk modeling usually turns out to be insufficient to cover all mathematical models – especially ones aiming at assessing risks – to
their aspects and mechanisms [1]. A vivid example of less complex, but capture adequately the behavior of the plant. Nevertheless, traditional
complicated, systems are nuclear power plants, made of thousands of methods based on decomposition and causality, as well as human reli­
components, systems, and structures, connected through diligent ability analysis, appear to remain very useful and well suited.
mechanisms. The corresponding high levels of redundancy and diver­ As an illustrative example, probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) is a
sification, as well as separation, ensure utmost safety for their operation. prominent risk framework that is extensively used in the nuclear power
Despite their high level of sophistication, nuclear power plants are not industry to identify design weaknesses and check whether the safety
autonomous, as they require uninterrupted human surveillance, concept is balanced [2]. In particular, PSA models aim at quantifying

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: aayoub@ethz.ch (A. Ayoub).
These authors had equal contribution to this work.

Received 21 January 2021; Received in revised form 5 May 2021; Accepted 22 May 2021
Available online 28 May 2021
0951-8320/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

nuclear power plants risks by: are the USNRC licensee event reports [20] and Accident Sequence Pre­
cursor program (ASP) [21,22]. At the international level, different ef­
1- postulating and analyzing what could go wrong from within the forts exist – with different scopes and aims – to collect operational
plant and from the outside; experience; major examples include: World Association of Nuclear Op­
2- how likely is it to happen, and if it happens; erators [23], International Atomic Energy Agency Reporting System
3- what are the consequences. [24], European Clearinghouse on Operating Experience Feedback for
Nuclear Power Plants [25]. However, these efforts in general are either
With more than 40 years of utilization, PSAs have reached high levels not publicly available, actor-oriented, lack homogeneity (different
of advancement that make them very robust and reliable in assessing reporting styles), and lack practical annotations and searchability
risk. PSAs have even become part of the licensing process. However, due (usually in the form of static reports).
to the aforementioned complexities in nuclear power plants, PSAs still Realizing these limitations, we have compiled a unique database,
suffer major limitations, with completeness being a very prominent one namely, the ETHZ Curated Nuclear Events Database [16], with more
[3,4], i.e. it is mathematically impossible to prove that PSA models can than 1250 safety significant events around the world, covering the
cover all conceivable accident scenarios and scopes. whole time-period of civil nuclear power operation. The events in the
Operational experience appears to be very useful in these situations, database have been systematically analyzed by multiple nuclear-safety
as it can provide a rich information source supporting risk models [5]. In experts, providing a curated intermediate-level description, and
addition to helping in the initial development of the models, lessons coherent breakdown of features such as origin of the event, causes and
learned from operational experience often trigger amendments and contributors, type of failure, operating mode, failure sequence, signifi­
improvements to the models. Besides, operational experience provides cance, and many others. A detailed explanation of the database features,
an empirical basis for the estimation of components reliability param­ classification criteria, and definitions, can be found in the companion
eters and initiating events frequencies [6]. Furthermore, as many paper [26]. The database along with its custom-made graphical
intrinsic features and system characteristics manifest themselves in user-interface, provide an open access, user-friendly, and
empirical events, operational experience can be very useful to assess and information-rich asset for the scientific community, industrial analysts,
validate mathematical models. Apart from modeling support, opera­ as well as the public.
tional experience has been used to aid improvements and post-design
modifications. For example, major accidents in the nuclear power in­ 3. Statistical analyses
dustry have triggered industry-wide retrofits and stress tests [7], with
the most prominent being the post TMI control room changes, post The analyses, statistics, and interpretations presented in this paper
Chernobyl RBMK design changes, and the post Fukushima “Diverse and are based on the data contained in our database. They are related to
Flexible Coping Strategies FLEX” backfits [8]. several different topics that we believe might give significant and novel
Realizing the potential stemming from operational data, industries insights for researchers and the industry, including the occurrence rate
and researchers started paying increased attention to observe, record, of events, the analysis of single and multi-unit sites, common cause
and utilize real incidents and inadequacies to learn from mistakes and failures (CCFs), quantitative aging signs, and the reliability of safety
prevent their reoccurrence [9–12]. In this regards, Moura et al. [13] functions and systems.
have compiled a dataset of 238 major accidents from different heavy
industries, and developed a new approach to test and validate risk 3.1. Occurrence rate of events over time
models, study causal interactions, and improve systems designs and
robustness. Zhang and Mahadevan [5] utilized a database of historical In order to study the likelihood of occurrence of accidents and pre­
aviation accidents and developed a Bayesian network to model causal cursors, we examine the evolution of their rate over time. We define λt ,
relationships and facilitate probabilistic inference to support accidents the rate of occurrence of events per reactor in year t. Given that events
investigation and risk analysis. Wheatley et al. [14] utilized a dataset of are rare and are sparsely spread in time, we take the simplest assumption
about 200 nuclear accidents and incidents, with several severity anno­ that their temporal distribution is Poissonian, in other words there is no
tations, to empirically study the safety performance of nuclear power correlation between successive events, and the distribution of waiting
plants, and estimate the financial risks and likelihoods of major times between one event and the next one is exponential with rate λt .
Then, the statistical estimate of λt is simply ̂ λ t = Nt , where Nt is the
Worldwide civil nuclear operations have accumulated more than
number of observed events in year t, and rt is the number of operating
18′ 000 reactor-years [15] of experience, providing substantial amounts
nuclear reactors in year t. Under this assumption, the variance of
of data, a subset of which we try to utilize in this paper. Specifically, we
are using the ETHZ Curated Nuclear Events Database [16,17], to extract λt is Var(λt ) = λt , which can be calculated using the estimate ̂
rt λ t to
important lessons and identify potential precursory signals. The data­ evaluate confidence intervals in a standard way. Fig. 1 shows the
base currently contains more than 1250 safety important events from calculated rates, ̂
λ t (solid dots), along with their Poisson standard errors
around the world, making it by far the largest open-source, compre­ (represented by the error bars) defined as the square-root of Var(λt ).
hensive, and academically driven initiative in the world. It serves all Furthermore, the number of operating reactors over time, rt , is also
communities, from nuclear operators, regulatory agencies, scientists, shown in Fig. 1 (continuous solid line).
and the public. It is used to provide various input for precursor analysis It should be noted that only reactors which have event entries in the
and other statistical analyses [18,19], with the aim to properly assess the database are taken into account in this analysis in order to maintain
safety of modern nuclear power plants, and identify trends and patterns consistency.
of associated risks. With this amount of such high quality data, sup­ Four distinctive periods can be observed based on the occurrence
ported by its detailed and rich analyses and features, we aim at rate of events:
extracting reliable statistics leading to insights that can help averting
future disasters or costly precursors. • Early period (1965–1985) – early days of nuclear power defined by
limited knowledge, insignificant operating experience, and lack of
2. Data structure and description transparency. This period has a pronounced volatile nature with
large variances in the rates of events, mainly due to the low reporting
Operational data in the civil nuclear industry is well recorded at and low number of operating reactors. The average rate of events per
national levels, mandated by regulatory requirements (a vivid example reactor year, λ, of that period is quite high with λ = 0.16. During this

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

Fig. 1. Occurrence rate of events per reactor-year (solid dots with error bars, left axis) and the number of operating reactors appearing in our database (continuous
solid line, right axis).

period, the Three Mile Island accident occurred (March 1979), which operators’ response should constantly be challenged with postulated
triggered a swarm of events afterwards, most probably due to accident scenarios and simulations, in analogy to war drills. The regu­
increased safety awareness and design changes. lators must also have an overview of whether all changes stemming from
• Chernobyl cluster (1986–1992) – sudden increase in reported events lessons learned are properly and efficiently implemented by the
triggered by the Chernobyl accident, with λ = 0.13 events per licensees.
reactor year. This period is characterized by reactive reporting, in­
crease of transparency, safety reviews and major changes, general
negative public perception of nuclear power, as well as related public 3.2. Analysis of events at single- and multi-unit sites
pressure on policy makers.
• Calm periods (1993 – 2010; 2017 – 2020) – largely “uneventful” Historically, PSAs and risk models have principally been single-unit
periods where the implementation of lessons learned from the pre­ oriented, where the focus was the specific reactor under analysis, in­
vious accidents, frequent inspections and the slightly diminishing dependent from other reactors on site. In recent years, advancements
public pressure might have led to a decrease in witnessed and re­ have been made to adapt the classical PSA models to cover multi-units at
ported events. A decline of attentiveness by plant operators and the same site [29,30]. Studying the nature of events in the database, we
regulatory bodies might also contribute to this trend. The average observed several instances of multi-unit occurrence, which can be
rate of events per reactor year for these two periods is λ = 0.07 and λ attributed to one or more of the following reasons:
= 0.06, respectively.
• Fukushima cluster (2011–2016) – in the wake of the Fukushima Dai- 1 External events originating outside of the plant boundary that can
ichi nuclear accident, new waves of reactive reporting, uncovering of indiscriminately target one or multiple units on the site.
latent design deficits and vulnerabilities (e.g. by stress-tests), and 2 Shared components between units of the same site. The components
regulatory changes were triggered, leading to a new spike in events can be part of safety-related systems (emergency power, essential
with a λ = 0.14 events per reactor-year. service water), or belong to systems necessary for normal operation
of the plant (offsite power, normal service water, condenser water
The effects of the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents are evident, intake, etc.). Failure of these shared components would trigger a
with pronounced periods of heightened awareness (characterized by an simultaneous response from all affected units (e.g. failure of a cross-
increase of events rates) lasting for 5 to 6 years. As discussed, a possible tied emergency diesel generator).
explanation for this trend appears to be the increase in transparency, 3 Acute or potential failures of non-shared components that, never­
public pressure and sudden uncovering of latent errors. A contributing theless, share the same design flaws, inadequate operating proced­
factor could also be the typical duration of executives’ terms and man­ ures, or safety culture deficiencies (e.g. identifying a design problem
dates in office of 5–6 years, who tend to enforce a strict safety culture in the high-pressure injection pump of one unit that is inherent to
following major accidents, which in turn trickles down to employees and other pumps of other units on the site).
subordinates and allow for increased – intra and inter – reporting habits
and transparency [27,28]. Following this 5–6-year period of alertness, The database contains events which have occurred in 352 reactors
we observe a calm period of low event rates, likely due to the effects of across 143 nuclear sites. Of these sites, 97 (68%) are multi-unit sites that
implemented safety and regulatory improvements. A concerning factor contain 306 reactors. Moreover, around 71% of the 1256 events
possibly contributing to this trend can be “lowering of the guard” of occurred at multi-unit sites (897 events), with 84% out of these events
operators and regulators, on account of the diminishing public pressure affecting only one unit on the site, and 14% impacting multiple units
over time. Therefore, in order to avoid another major accident after a simultaneously (Fig. 2). The figure also shows a breakdown of the type
calm period, licensees must retain good communication and trans­ of trigger which led to the event, i.e. whether it was an initiating event or
parency habits both internally and with the regulators. Similar to war a pure system failure; the latter refers to events where no initiating event
drills performed by militaries to maintain combat readiness in times of was observed. The share of the individual initiating events is also dis­
peace, top management and regulators must demand a high level of played. The most common type of trigger affecting multi-units is pure
attentiveness during “calm periods”. Furthermore, the plant and system failures (68%), with the remaining being initiating events (32%).
On the other hand, initiating events and pure system failures have equal

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

Fig. 2. Fraction of affected units at multi-unit sites (left), and analysis of the type of trigger (right): pure system failures (green) and initiating events (yellow). Used
abbreviations: LOOP – loss of offsite power; LOCHS – loss of condenser heat sink; IE – initiating event; LOMFW – loss of main feedwater; SBLOCA – small break loss-
of-coolant accident; SGTR – steam generator tube rupture.

shares when one unit is affected on the site. What can be immediately 3.3. Analysis of common cause failures (CCFs)
observed is that loss of offsite power (LOOP) events dominate the
initiating events affecting multiple units, while on the other hand, Common cause failures (CCFs) are a subset of dependent failures that
transients and small break loss-of-coolant accidents (SBLOCA) are more concurrently result in the unavailability of two or more redundant
tied to a single unit at the site. components/trains of a safety system or function due to the same reason.
When analyzing the origins of the events (Fig. 3), the majority of They can be acute, prompting immediate response from the plant, or
initiating events affecting multiple units had external origins (66%), potential (latent).2 CCFs usually dominate the unreliability/unavail­
while external events affecting only one unit are at 9%. The share of ability of safety systems and challenge the effective redundancy. They
initiating events originating in the secondary part is also fairly high can be due to one or more of the following reasons:
(27%), which is expected as these include systems shared between
multi-units. Finally, we can infer that initiating events originating in the • Technical factor – redundant trains very often have the same design
nuclear island are less likely to affect more than one unit (44% for single and operating conditions. This means that, if there is a design
affected units compared to 7% for multi-units). This breakdown is in line problem in one, or some harsh operating conditions, the other trains
with the aforementioned reasons 1 and 2 (external origins, and shared will have the same problem.
components respectively). • Human factor – the same maintenance teams in some plants perform
Shifting our focus to events containing pure system failures on multi- their activities on multiple redundant trains, implying that the team
unit sites, only 86 events affected multiple units. Up to 41% of these is very likely to commit identical errors that threaten the system and
failures were related to the emergency power and service water systems, lead to a CCF. Additionally, some operator errors have the potential
which commonly have shared components between units, while the to affect multiple trains.
remaining 59% were related to systems usually contained in a single • Organizational factor – inadequate maintenance and operating pro­
unit. Identifying the contributing factors for failures affecting one or cedures usually affect multiple trains. Moreover safety culture de­
multiple units (Fig 4.), we can infer that the vast majority of system ficiencies can affect redundant trains, but even more, a bad safety
failures affecting multiple units had causes rooted in design flaws (62%), culture have the potential to affect the whole plant.
followed by procedural deficiencies (10.5%). These results confirm our
previously identified reasons 2 and 3 for multi-unit occurrences, namely In the database, 218 common cause failure occurrences were
having shared components between the units, or having identical design observed, of which 126 (58%) were acute and 92 (42%) were potential.
issues in similar components at multiple units. Regarding single affected It should be noted that only failures that were explicitly specified in the
units at multi-unit sites, design problems and testing and maintenance events reports to affect multiple redundant trains were counted in this
(T&M) related errors were the most prominent with 24% each. analysis. A breakdown of the detailed contributing factors for these CCF
The outlined observations can help in the development process of events are presented in Fig. 5. Multiple factors can simultaneously
multi-unit PSAs:

1 knowing their minor share, this questions the “substantial” need for 2
Potential CCF: conditional on the occurrence of an event, all redundant
multi-unit considerations and the assumed interdependencies, and trains of a system would have failed, e.g. non-conforming seismic dampers
2 the results can orient the focus of multi-unit PSAs towards important would cause all emergency diesel generators to fail in case of a seismic event.
initiating events, triggers, origins, systems, and contributors.

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

Fig. 3. Origin of the initiating event affecting: a) multiple units; b) one unit.

Fig. 4. Factors contributing to system failures which have affected multiple units (black), and only one unit (orange), at multi-unit sites.

Fig. 5. Contributing factors to common cause failures (CCF).

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

contribute to the occurrence of a failure, therefore, in this regard, the events count vs reactor age exhibits a very interesting behavior (solid
factors are not mutually exclusive. Design residuals3 contributed to the dots in Fig. 6). Although not like the classic bathtub curve due to the
majority of CCF events, both acute and potential. Their presence is rather “shy” infant mortality period, the results show an increase in
especially pronounced in potential CCFs with a staggering 70% share of observed events as the reactors age, especially pronounced after the age
all latent failures. Inadequate procedures were also a very frequent of 25 years. Reactors past this age appear to be more likely to suffer
contributor and equally impacting both types of CCFs, while testing and component failures, or have latent design problems due to technological
maintenance (T&M) errors4 were surprisingly quite common in acute limits, which also coincides with the usual lifespan of some major
CCFs. components in a nuclear power plant, such as emergency diesel gener­
This analysis reaffirms the importance of verification and scrutiny of ators, motor-driven pumps, transformers, etc. In conclusion, this anal­
the design of components, as well as operating procedures. Frequent ysis shows some traces of aging signs in nuclear power plants after 25
reviews, inspections, and sharing of operational experience between years of operation. Therefore, frequent testing, inspections, and pre­
plants of similar designs – and plants having similar suppliers and ventive maintenance of components, as well as design reviews and up­
manufactures – is necessary in order to limit the future occurrence of dates must be performed to maintain safe and sustainable operations.
CCFs. Additionally, if possible, different teams should be deployed for
performing T&M activities on components in redundant trains, to insure 4. Insights and lessons learned from operating experience
some diversification and avoid the occurrence of identical errors due to
inadequate knowledge, or failure to follow instructions. Learning from operating experience, efficiently implementing
changes, and objectively identifying problems in operating reactors, are
3.4. Quantitative aging signs very effective when it comes to preventing accidents. After the
Chernobyl-4 and the Fukushima Dai-ichi accidents, substantial efforts
Component aging implications have been a growing concern for have been made to increase communication, transparency, and infor­
regulators, plant operators and component manufacturers. Quantita­ mation sharing between countries and regulators in order to continu­
tively, in reliability analysis, one of the most common aging demon­ ously increase the level of safety of nuclear power plants. Different
strations is depicted by the bathtub curve of the failure rate of a countries have different strategies when it comes to identifying prob­
component [31], which shows high component failure rates during the lems and implementing changes. An illustrious example is France, where
early periods (infant mortality), a constant rate during the majority of nearly all reactor lines have a similar design and are managed by one
the lifespan, and finally, increased rates at the end of its lifetime operator - Électricité de France (EDF). This is a double-edged sword, as
(wear-out/aging phase). We anticipate that the cumulative aging of uncovered design issues can plague multiple reactors by default, but on
components and their interactions should reveal themselves at a plant the other hand, addressing them inherently increases the safety of the
level by resulting in signs and more frequent occurrences of events. For whole fleet. In the database, at least 15 events can be identified where a
this analysis, the following adaptations were performed on the dataset: problem occurred at one reactor, only for EDF to realize that many re­
actors in the fleet were affected by the same problem. The majority of
• Only events exhibiting contributing factors of technical nature that these events were related to post-Fukushima safety measures, such as
are likely to be related to aging were taken into account. These resilience of important safety systems and components to flooding and
include events that contain design-related issues and failures of main earthquakes.
and support components. Events that exclusively had failures of Addressing known problems in a timely manner can be invaluable in
human and organizational nature were discarded. preventing serious accidents. One shining example from the database is
• Events that have simultaneously affected multiple reactors were split the Fort Calhoun event of January 2010, when external flooding barriers
into separate events if the reactors were at a different age. The age of were upgraded after being deemed insufficient. The following year,
the reactor was calculated based on the time of occurrence of the waves exceeding the height of the initial barriers struck the plant and
event. would have probably caused serious flooding damage if the new barriers
had not been installed the previous year. Unfortunately, such nice
Additionally, a postulated reactor survival rate was calculated based outcome is not always the rule, as often plants are slow to implement
on the experience of 80 permanently shut down reactors that have event needed changes due to economic considerations, or if the threatening
entries in the database. Although reactors can be shut down due to events are deemed unlikely (Fukushima and the TEPCO story serve as an
multiple reasons (aging, reduced safety, political pressure, financial infamous example).
viability, etc.), this rate calculates the fraction of remaining operating In the following Sections 4.1 to 4.3, we will discuss multiple topics
reactors beyond a certain age. Our data shows that around 50% of all with one common goal – to put emphasis on the importance of learning
reactors are expected to shut down after the age of 30, while less than from operating experience to predict and avoid accidents by imple­
10% of reactor are expected to remain operational after the age of 45 menting changes and exchanging insights with operating peers.
(orange curve in Fig. 6).
After calculating the age of a reactor at which an event occurred, the 4.1. Precursors to major accidents
events count per reactor age are plotted in Fig. 6, normalized by the
reactor survival rate values. This normalization is necessary in order to In this section, we try to highlight some of the forerunners of the
get a correct estimate of events counts for every age, by correcting for three major nuclear accidents and we discuss how they could have been
shut down reactors, and taking into account the survival of reactors utilized to foresee and prevent the accidents. We confirm the fact that
beyond a certain age. In other words, the normalization corrects for the failing to learn from previous accidents and precursors, and failing to
fact that a reduced number of operating reactors after a certain age is implement respective changes, are the main reasons behind the occur­
expected to also yield a reduced number of events. The distribution of rence of the major accidents [32].

4.1.1. Forerunners and lessons learned from the Three Mile Island 2
Design residual CCF example: components (e.g. pumps, valves, etc.) from accident
redundant trains having the same design or manufacturing flaw. One of the most defining moments in nuclear power history is the
Testing and maintenance team CCF example: wrong servicing of pumps in Three Mile Island (TMI) 2 accident. The accident started at 4 a.m. on
redundant trains of a system due to failure in following maintenance March 28, 1979 when loss of main feedwater occurred due to a technical
instructions. failure. The auxiliary feedwater system was inoperable due to a

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

Fig. 6. Effects of aging in nuclear power plants. Number of events (solid dots) normalized by the postulated reactor survival rate (orange curve).

maintenance error, when all valves were inadvertently left in a closed PORV, and the ambiguous PORV position indicators prevented the op­
position. The pilot-operated relief valve (PORV) opened to relieve erators from correctly identifying the condition. In both of these in­
reactor pressure, but failed to reclose, effectively causing a small break cidents, the vigilance of the operators prevented further escalation, as
loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA). Due to poorly designed instrumen­ they noticed signs of a SBLOCA and acted on their intuition. It is also
tation, the PORV position indicators were ambiguous, causing the op­ jarring to see that, one year before the TMI-2 accident, another event
erators to believe that there was no leak, and hence, to trip the occurred at TMI-2, which involved a stuck open PORV and accordingly,
automatically activated high-pressure injection (HPI) system that pro­ a SBLOCA. This event occurred 1 month before the plant was commis­
vided water makeup to the core, effectively leading to a core dry out and sioned, presumably during hot functional testing of the reactor. Both
a subsequent meltdown. Fortunately, the next operator shift identified Beznau-1 and Davis Besse were designed by American companies,
the problem and reactivated the HPI, preventing further core melting. Westinghouse Electric and Babcock & Wilcox (B&W), respectively. The
The release of radioactive isotopes was contained within the building. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) failed to identify that the
This event had a widespread impact on the industry as a whole, trig­ ambiguous PORV position indicator is a serious problem that can plague
gering massive design revisions of the plants (primarily control room many plants of similar design. More specifically, B&W failed to learn
designs), and discussions about the importance of safety culture, proper from the Davis Besse incident and failed to implement changes or pro­
training of operating and maintenance personnel, as well as communi­ vide appropriate operator training to other plants sharing their design,
cation between different teams. including TMI-2.
In hindsight, there were many instances of similar occurrences In addition to the above qualitative discussion, a quantitative anal­
(forerunners) around the world which led to less severe outcomes, and ysis have been performed in Fig. 7, showing the cumulative number of
lessons stemming from these events were, unfortunately, not well events when a SBLOCA was caused by a stuck-open PORV over time in
learned and implemented, until the aftermath of the TMI-2 accident. At our database. The clear sharp increase in the cumulative number of
least three clear forerunners to TMI-2 have been identified, with two of forerunners before the 1979 TMI-2 accident could be seen as a very good
them following a completely identical failure sequence: both Beznau-1, sign of the predictability of the TMI-2 accident (resembling a bubble
1974 and Davis Besse, 1977 incidents occurred due to a stuck-open with an accelerating price in financial markets [33].

Fig. 7. Cumulative number of events where failed (stuck-open) pilot-operated relief valves (PORVs) resulted in a small break loss-of-coolant accident. Highlighted
are the Three Mile Island 2 accident of 1979 (red) and its major forerunners (orange).

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

Following the TMI-2 accident, we can observe a change of regime, 4.1.3. Forerunners and lessons learned from the Fukushima Dai-ichi
demonstrated with the reduced number of events (plateauing) related to accident
stuck-open PORVs SBLOCA incidents; only 4 events have occurred in the The Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident of March 11, 2011 was a
40 years following the accident (0.1 events/year). This is a decrease by a grim reminder of the devastating potential of beyond design-basis ac­
factor of 10 when compared with the pre TMI-2 period, where 8 events cidents. The accident occurred as an aftermath of a tsunami triggered by
occurred in only 9 years (~1 event/year). This encouraging quantitative the magnitude 9 Tohoku Earthquake. Before the event, units 1, 2 and 3
finding can be attributed to the post TMI corrective design changes, were in normal power operation, unit 4 was refueling with unloaded
frequent inspections, increased communication levels (with regulators fuel, and units 5 and 6 were under cold shutdown. The earthquake
and between countries), and improved training. caused a loss of offsite power to all units, and reactors 1, 2 and 3 were
tripped. Emergency diesel generators (EDGs) started and provided
4.1.2. Forerunners and lessons learned from the Chernobyl 4 accident emergency power to all units. Units 2 and 3 were cooled using the
The Chernobyl-4 accident of 1986 was the most severe nuclear ac­ reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system, while the unit 1 used the
cident in the history of civil nuclear power. The RBMK light water isolation condenser, which was cyclically operated to cool down the
graphite reactor (LWGR) design was inherently flawed in multiple as­ reactor. The isolation condenser tripped when the tsunami occurred,
pects: a positive void coefficient; a positive scram effect where control and stayed isolated due to lack of any power. The tsunami hit shortly
rods had a graphite tip, which, although useful for normal operation for afterwards, with waves exceeding the protection of the plant,
smoothing out the neutron flux, inadvertently aided in neutron moder­ completely flooding the EDGs and service water systems and resulting in
ation thus increasing reactivity; the core was massive, with uneven flux a station blackout. The RCIC continued operating in units 2 and 3 but
distribution and physical conditions that were difficult to model; was tripped eventually due to loss of DC power control, and units 1, 2
instrumentation for reactivity measurement were unavailable for values and 3 started overheating. Units 5 and 6 were newer, having higher
below 10% of rated power; there was no containment to prevent radi­ flood barriers, therefore, one EDG in unit 6 managed to survive and
ation release in case of an accident. Additionally, Soviet plants at the provided power to the cooling systems of both units through a cross-tie.
time had a seriously deficient safety culture, organizational procedures, The plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO)
and personnel training: lack of transparency and censoring of outspoken failed to bring external EDGs to the site on time, resulting in a core melt
critics of the design led to a false belief of “imperviousness” of the re­ in units 1, 2 and 3. Hydrogen build up resulted in an explosion and
actors; unavailability of decent modeling software led to a poor under­ breach of containment, and radioactive isotopes were released in the
standing of phenomena such as fuel burnup; the staff rarely questioned surrounding area. Thousands of people were ultimately displaced,
supervisors due to fear of consequences. although no casualties have been reported as a direct consequence of the
The accident started around 1 a.m. with a turbo-generator rundown accident thus far. Three other plants in Japan were also affected by the
test, one of the important emergency operating modes. After the start of Tohoku Earthquake and the tsunami (see Fig. 8), meaning that a larger
the test, the reactor power suddenly dropped, prompting the operators catastrophe could have occurred, but fortunately, the EDGs in these
to raise completely some of the control rods in order to increase the plants were not completely flooded.
power. Unbeknownst to them, the low power operation and high fuel Despite the beyond design-basis nature of the trigger of the
burnup led to a build-up of the neutron poison Xenon-135, which was Fukushima Dai-ichi accident, steps could have been taken to avoid or at
the reason why the power was unresponsive to the lifting of control rods. least mitigate the effects of such a devastating natural phenomenon. In
After the power increased, the test commenced at 1:22 a.m. and our database, we have mapped out several events that can be considered
rundown was performed on 4 main feedwater pumps, which reduced the forerunners to the Fukushima accident, where lessons were not well
coolant flow. This resulted in a sudden power increase (positive void learned and implemented. Two events are considered to be flooding-
coefficient), prompting the operators to drop the control rods (having a related forerunners, while we would also like to put emphasis on two
positive scram deficit), which led to an instantaneous power excursion. additional events that can be seen as forerunners in a station blackout
The uncontrollable reactivity and the drastically increasing temperature sense (Fig. 8). The flooding events are the Blayais incident of 1999, and
and pressure ultimately led to core meltdown and a large steam explo­ Madras-2, 2004. In both events, the flooding protection of the plants was
sion, which destroyed the reactor core and the building, followed by insufficient, leading to multi-component failures and threatening the
graphite burning that contributed to a wide-spread release of radioac­ cooling capabilities of the reactors. In Blayais, the offsite power supply
tive isotopes. was lost but, fortunately, the EDGs were unaffected by the flooding.
Due to the lack of transparency, the exact number of Chernobyl-4 Madras suffered an identical scenario as Fukushima, with a 9.1 earth­
forerunners is unknown. In our database, we have 2 events that quake triggering a tsunami that overwhelmed the protection of the
appear to meet the criteria, although information about them is also plant. Fortunately, only the condenser and seawater pumps were lost,
limited. These events are Leningrad-1, 1975 and Beloyarsk-2, 1977, both while the EDGs and service water system remained operational. These
of which suffered a melting of fuel channels (one channel at Leningrad, serious precursor events should have triggered an industry-wide debate
and approximately half of the core at Beloyarsk), due to a loss of coolant, regarding the integrity of coastline nuclear plants and the threats of
presumably aggravated by the positive void coefficient issue of the beyond design tsunamis, as well as the proper protection of vital
RBMK design. One of the hypothesized reasons for the event at equipment. Additionally, knowing that the newer units on the Fukush­
Beloyarsk is testing of a new cooling water purification system, although ima site – namely units 5 and 6 that managed to avoid core damage – had
no official explanation was given by the Soviet Union. Needless to say, higher flood barriers, raises the question if the plant operator and reg­
the design and organizational issues brought up before were well known ulators were aware of the potential flooding vulnerability of older units,
by the regulatory body, however, they failed to act in time to avoid the knowing that the vital equipment were not properly protected in the
occurrence of more serious accidents. This further stresses the impor­ event of any flooding exceeding the design basis.
tance of transparent reporting, communication between plant operators Furthermore, the station blackout events of Kola 1–2, 1993 and
and regulators, and generally learning from operating experience. The Maanshan 1–2, 2001 are emphasized because both of these plants
effects of the Chernobyl accident were far-reaching in the nuclear world, avoided core damage thanks to attaching external (swing) power sour­
spawning a period of heightened awareness, panic reporting, increase of ces (EDGs, reversible motor-generators) after a station blackout occur­
transparency, and major organizational and design changes for RBMKs. rence. These events demonstrated the importance of having available,
and easy to deploy, power sources in the near vicinity of the plant, but
still far enough to not be affected by the same external initiators.
Fukushima Dai-ichi, unfortunately, did not have such power sources

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

Fig. 8. Forerunners to the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident. Events shown in the figure: Tohoku Earthquake events of March 11, 2011 are Fukushima Dai-ichi 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6; Fukushima Dai-ini 1, 2, 3, 4; Tokai 2; and two events at Onagawa-2. Station blackout events are the Kola 1, 2, 1993; and Maanshan 1, 2, 2001.

available, and the lack of communication/transparency between TEPCO The root cause for all these PWSCC clusters was the usage of material
and the government resulted in a failure to bring additional EDGs to the that was susceptible to stress corrosion (due to lack of knowledge),
site on time. although their implications varied significantly.
The effects of the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident and its lessons had a The PWR main feedwater events cluster mostly included acute oc­
major impact on the nuclear industry. Multiple design changes related to currences, defined with rupture of pipes in the heat extraction and re-
natural hazards were implemented around the world, such as the stress heater lines causing immediate plant shutdowns. Only the last event
tests within Europe and the external power sources retrofits. Work has (Trojan, 1987) was prevented before it occurred, as the maintenance
also been done in improving transparency and communication between team identified signs of accelerated corrosion on the main feedwater
companies and regulatory bodies, as well as with the general public. pipes and immediately took action. This is a good indication of learning
from experience, as Trojan already suffered a similar problem in 1982,
so the maintenance team was aware of the problem and worked on
4.2. Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) events
preventing its reoccurrence. It is unknown if these phenomena extended
beyond the three affected plants shown in Fig. 9 (Trojan, Oconee, Zion).
Component failures rooted in the design, choice of materials, and
The BWR recirculation piping degradation events were first identi­
manufacturing process, always have the potential to affect multiple
fied in Monticello and Nine Mile Point plants in 1982. In Nine Mile
plants. This was the case with the clustering of primary water stress
Point-1, leaks were observed from the piping, so the plant operators
corrosion cracking (PWSCC) events identified in the 80′ s and early
immediately shut down the reactor and opted to replace the pipes. This
2000′ s in the United States. The three major clusters that can be
prompted a series of investigations across multiple BWR plants where
observed are: PWR main feedwater events, BWR recirculation piping
the same material was used, leading to the later discoveries presented in
events, and PWR reactor pressure vessel (RPV) leakage events (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Clustering of events caused by leakage due to PWSCC. PWR main feedwater events: Oconee-2, 1982; Zion-1, 1982; Trojan, 1982, 1987. BWR recirculation
piping events: Nine Mile Point-1, 1982; Monticello, 1982; Pilgrim, 1983; Browns Ferry-3, 1983; Peach Bottom-2, 1985. PWR RPV events: Oconee-1, 2000; ANO-1,
2001; Crystal River-3, 2001; North Anna-2, 2001; Oconee 2, 3, 2001, Palisades, 2001; Surry-1, 2001; Three Mile Island-1, 2001; Davis Besse, 2002; ST. Lucie-2, 2003.

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

the figure. In total, 5 plants were affected and costly repairs were per­ 4.3.2. Challenge to the Swiss cheese model
formed to remedy the problem. Knowing the potential severity of a The Swiss cheese model has been always used to highlight the
recirculation piping rupture (dangers of LOCA), this cluster of events importance of several layers of defense, and the unlikelihood of acci­
serves as a good example of how transparency and good communication dents in complex and reliable technologies. Although to a large extent,
between plant operators and the regulatory body can trigger reviews, this is a very representative model, nevertheless, accidents and events
and aid in preventing serious incidents. have shown that anomalies can align, even independently, forming a
By far, the most significant of the clusters is the RPV leakage events challenge to the multi-layers model. Here, we give some prominent
in the early 2000′ s. Identified in 11 reactors, this “pandemic” of events examples of interesting events from our database, where multiple fail­
involved leakage from the control rod drive mechanism nozzles due to ures happened independently, questioning the unlikelihood of these
PWSCC. PWRs use borated water for neutron flux control, which can multiple “unlikely occurrences”. Additionally, this brings questions
quickly corrode susceptible material, as was the case in these events. regarding trusting the individual probabilities and numbers, indepen­
This material susceptibility problem could have had disastrous conse­ dence assumptions, validity of reductionism, the role of feedback loops,
quences as the structural integrity of the reactor pressure vessel was and others.
threatened. The most serious of the events, the Davis Besse “near-miss” (Brunswick, April 1975)
of 2002, had immense corrosion damage on the RPV head due to borated At 10-percent power, a safety relief valve (SRV) was stuck open,
water leakage from a cracked control rod drive mechanism – only 9.5 rendering the reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system inoperable.
mm of steel cladding were left, holding the high pressure (17 MPa) Operators failed to scram the reactor according to the emergency
coolant in the vessel. If the vessel had been breached, a large break loss- operating procedures. The high-pressure coolant injection (HPCI) sys­
of-coolant accident (LBLOCA) would have occurred, debris could have tem failed to run as a result of high torus level. Loop B of the residual
clogged the emergency core cooling system, and the ability of the plant heat removal (RHR) system failed due to a failure in its respective ser­
to combat this situation would have been put into question. Fortunately, vice water supply. The reactor scrammed automatically after a manual
this was avoided as the problem was identified during the scheduled closure of the main steam isolation valve (MSIV).
inspections, triggered after several precursory events had occurred in (Davis Besse, September 1987)
early 2001 (Fig. 9). The good communication and transparent approach While the plant was in full power operation, a failure in the main
between regulators and operators of the plants prevented any accident feedwater flow transmitter caused an increased flow to the steam gen­
from occurring. erators, causing reactor overcooling and reactivity increase. The oper­
ators wanted to insert some control rods to reduce and control the
4.3. Interesting events insights based on operating experience power. However, they inadvertently inserted the axial power shaping
rods, causing a power spike; the reactor tripped on the high neutron flux
The information presented so far has been largely based on obser­ signals. During the event, other unrelated anomalies also occurred: a
vations of known accidents, problems, systems, and phenomena. How­ breaker failure caused a loss of power to one safety bus, a service water
ever, the database contains some important events that are interesting, pump failed to automatically start due a maintenance error, an atmo­
strange, unanticipated, or generally difficult to model using the standard spheric dump valve and a turbine bypass valve failed open causing
PSA models. These observations and events have important takeaways excessive cooling, finally, the RHR system was slightly affected due to a
that will be emphasized in this section. void in the discharge piping owed to a nitrogen leakage.

4.3.1. Propagating events 4.3.3. Plant level common cause failures

The importance of redundancy of individual trains was already dis­ Systems reliability is known to be threatened by common-cause
cussed and how steps must be taken to prevent failures to propagate failures, where CCFs dominate the unreliability quantification of a
within the system (dependent and common cause failures). However, redundant system. Nevertheless, thanks to experience, CCFs at compo­
inter-system and inter-unit failure propagations can also occur, and the nents level have been well understood and taken into account in reli­
consequences can be quite serious. This behavior is difficult to model in ability analysis, and systems are designed in a way to minimize the
standard PSAs and, based on our experience, usually occurs due to latent interactions between components and common-cause type of failures
design errors and component failures. Two events will be presented that through the different concepts of diversification. However, some events
have inter-unit propagation, and one intra-unit event having unexpected in the database surprisingly show signs of a more serious type of CCFs, i.
interaction between different systems. e. at a higher level, namely, at system/plant-level. Plant-level CCFs
(Smolensk 2, July 1990) describe failures and interactions between different independent sys­
During testing the automatic activation of a unit 1 emergency power tems, which are not typically taken into account in PSA modeling. In this
source, the maintenance team inadvertently damaged the cable insu­ section, we give some examples of events showing plant-level CCF po­
lation, causing a short circuit and a fire. The fire damaged unit 2 cables tential, which could eventually dominate the core damage sequences.
that were laid nearby, causing a loss of two emergency power buses, loss (COOK, October 1999)
of power to two reactor coolant pumps and a reactor scram. The An evaluation of the high-energy line break (HELB) program iden­
placement of cables in close proximity to each other for both units was tified important equipment that were not qualified for the harsh envi­
considered to be a serious design flaw. ronment resulting from a HELB, or would have been damaged by jet
(Calvert Cliffs-2, February 2010) impingement from the break. Potentially affected systems include:
One reactor coolant pump (RCP) at unit 1 tripped due to a ground auxiliary feedwater (AFW), safety and non-safety-related 600 VAC and
fault. The breakers failed to isolate the ground fault close to the source, lower voltage switchgears, emergency diesel generators (EDGs),
which then propagated and tripped the station auxiliary transformer component cooling water (CCW), auxiliary building ventilation equip­
(SAT). All RCPs and condenser recirculation pumps at unit 2 lost power, ment, cables and conduits inside the containment, and other equipment
resulting in an automatic reactor trip from 99.5% power. The loss of the located near 1- the pressurizer surge line, 2- the chemical volume control
SAT additionally resulted in a loss of the power to one of the safety system (CVCS) letdown, 3- the steam generator blowdown piping, and 4-
buses, prompting one emergency diesel generator (EDG) to start. How­ HELB doors. The cause of this plant-level CCF is the fact that dynamic
ever, it tripped shortly after due to a low lubrication oil pressure. The loads have not been adequately taken into account; the event triggered
reactor was ultimately stabilized. several plant modifications and HELB procedural changes.
(Cooper, June 2007)
Multiple systems potentially affected, specifically, the residual heat

A. Ayoub et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 214 (2021) 107820

removal system and the high-pressure coolant injection, due to inade­ vigilance high requires to constantly challenge the peacefulness of
quate post-fire operating procedures. operation, and to have accident mockups and simulations, which can
keep the plant operators and personnel alert at all times.
4.3.4. Unusual errors during testing and maintenance activities • The leading causes for multi-unit events are external triggers and
Understanding human related failures is difficult due to its complex design issues. These factors must be taken into account the most,
nature, and it is the basis of human reliability analysis. In this paper and when adapting PSAs to cover multi-unit events.
in [26], the contributions of human related failures were discussed, • Common-cause failures (CCFs) occur fairly frequently and can
showing that they very often have a significant, and sometimes a completely erode the safety of the plant. Frequent review of
dominating, share of the contributing factors, especially failures related component design and operating procedures, employing different
to T&M activities. This section presents some completely unusual ex­ teams for T&M activities on redundant trains, and sharing opera­
amples of maintenance errors, where the team could not foresee the tional experience between plants of similar designs, are some of the
consequences of their actions, or the lack of focus or information have steps that should be taken in order to limit future occurrences of
led to bizarre occurrences. CCFs.
(Davis Besse, April 1980) • Quantitative signs of aging can be observed for plants after the age of
During cold shutdown, core cooling was provided by residual heat 25. Therefore, frequent testing, inspections, and design reviews and
removal (RHR) pump 2, with pump 1 being unavailable due to main­ updates should be performed by the licensees.
tenance. Mechanical vibrations due to maintenance work in the • Learning from previous accidents and precursors is essential in pre­
switchgear room suddenly caused a breaker ground relay to actuate, venting the occurrence of new accidents. This calls for a larger
causing two essential buses to trip. The loss of the buses caused problems recording, reliance, and sharing of operational data to support
in the RHR pump 2, as the logic circuit transferred the suction of the learning from experience and avoid reoccurrence of accidents and
pump to the sump, which was empty. This resulted in air being drawn events.
into the suction of the pump, which tripped and resulted in the loss of • Important lessons can be learned from events, as qualitative insights
reactor cooling. The pump was recovered after 2.5 h and reactor cooling can be very beneficial. Raising awareness to these issues can poten­
was re-established. tially bring light to similar vulnerabilities in currently operating
(Brokdorf, July 1995) plants.
While the plant was shut down and the core was unloaded to the
spent fuel pool, the T&M team erroneously started activities on emer­ The ETHZ nuclear events database can be tremendously beneficial to
gency diesel generators (EDGs) 4 and 8 instead of the designated 1 and 5, many interested parties, including researchers, industry partners and the
making them inoperable. This condition did not cause acute distress to general public. We trust that, with increased regulations for operational
any safety system, but a loss of offsite power event would have led to loss monitoring, events recording, increased automation and sensor tech­
of spent fuel cooling. However, the long grace period for manually nology levels, aided by big data and machine learning capacities, we are
starting the EDGs and the additional measures in place would have been reaching a level of unprecedented abilities for learning and predicting.
sufficient to quickly re-establish the spent fuel cooling. The structure and utilization of the database can serve as best practice
(Pickering-5, July 1995) for other areas in industry. The database, along with the access tool and
In a bizarre turn of events, two technicians carried out maintenance user manual, are publicly available at: http://er-nucleardb.ethz.ch/.
work on the fast shutdown system of the wrong reactor (reactor 5
instead of reactor 6), disabling the system for the reactor that was Declaration of Competing Interest
operating at full power at the time.
(Monticello, December 2014) The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
During testing of one emergency diesel generator (EDG), a non- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
licensed operator erroneously adjusted the settings of the governor the work reported in this paper.
belonging to the other EDG. This effectively caused both EDGs to be
declared inoperable. References

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