Womens Health Diabetes Mellitus
Womens Health Diabetes Mellitus
Womens Health Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus
and Pregnancy:
Clinical Guideline
This Clinical Guideline was developed by the Directorate of Women’s Health, Ministry of Health, Trinidad and Tobago.
The Directorate is a unit in the office of the Chief Medical Officer. This guideline seeks to standardize the delivery of
Obstetric services at both public and private health care facilities. It was developed based on the Ministry’s principles of
accessibility, equity, affordability, efficiency, effectiveness and safety.
This Guideline provides updated information which supersedes the advice provided under the heading “Laboratory
Investigations- OGTT” in the Ministry of Health’s Maternal and Child Health Manual (2015), Page 4.
The senior management including the Chief Executive Officers of the RHAs, Executive Medical Directors, Medical
Directors, County Medical Officers of Health, Medical Chiefs of Staff, General Managers of Nursing, Primary Care
Managers, and Heads of Departments have the overall responsibility for the dissemination, staff education, implementation
of and compliance with this guideline.
The guideline is to be distributed to all relevant health facilities where obstetric and midwifery services are provided.
Review Cycle
The Guideline will be reviewed on a three-year cycle and updated where necessary, including at earlier intervals if warranted.
Unless recalled by the Ministry of Health, the Guideline will remain in force however.
Earlier versions
Any earlier version of this document should be archived for use by the health facility as a reference document.
Clinical disclaimer
The recommendations in this guideline were arrived at after consideration of the existing evidence available. When
exercising their clinical judgement, professionals are expected to take this guideline fully into account, along with the
individual needs, preferences and values of their patients or service users. The application of the recommendations in this
guideline do not dictate an exclusive course of action as we recognize that individual clinical circumstances may require
an individualized approach at times. Major deviations from these recommendations however, are to be documented in the
patient’s case records including the reason(s) for doing so.
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The Directorate of Women’s Health has been charged with providing a co-ordinated national health team response to
issues related to women’s health. A standardized clinical management strategy that is based on our experiences and clinical
context, is one area that needs further development.
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in Trinidad and Tobago. This is linked
directly to high rates of obesity in our resident population. Obesity also predisposes to Hyperglycaemia in Pregnancy (HIP)
and it is estimated as high as 1 in 5 in the pregnant populace. Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy increases risks to both fetus
and mother in short as well as long term.
Early diagnosis and interventions are anticipated to result in significant improvement in these outcomes. Additional benefits
include reduced hospitalization, early recognition of chronic diseases and management strategies to reduce complications,
less neonatal admissions, greater population awareness of the need for lifestyle modification, and significant economic
benefits as the burden of the disease reduces.
New evidence-based guidelines and definitions have been produced based on immediate maternal and fetal outcomes. As
new data emerge, criteria for diagnosis and treatment may yet change. This document aims to capture present international
All routine antenatal care management guidelines apply including the Maternal and Child Health Manual (MoH,
2015) and the SOP Obstetric and Midwifery Services (MoH, 2011) unless specifically updated in this guideline.
These areas are not repeated in this guideline.
The Directorate wishes to recognise the work on this document done by the Obstetrics and Gynaecology team at the Sangre
Grande Hospital, Eastern Regional Health Authority. The work of Dr. Rukiya Livan in drafting the first version of this
guideline is acknowledged.
The contribution and recommendations from all the other stakeholders are also recognised as well as the professional staff
of the Corporate Communications Department of the Ministry of Health.
1.0 Introduction 1
6.0 Antenatal 7
7.0 Intra-partum 8
8.0 Post-partum 9
1.0 Introduction
Hyperglycaemia is likely the most common medical condition women encounter during pregnancy in Trinidad and Tobago.
Worldwide, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that one in six live births (16.8%) are to women with
some form of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy. The majority (84%) is due to gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) with 16% of
these cases due to diabetes in pregnancy (either pre-existing diabetes—type 1 or type 2—which antedates pregnancy or is
first identified during testing in the index pregnancy). Estimates of GDM in Trinidad and Tobago are expected to be even
higher given the high prevalence of obesity and other susceptibility characteristics of our population.
GDM is associated with a higher incidence of maternal morbidity including caesarean deliveries, shoulder dystocia, birth
trauma, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (including preeclampsia) in the short term as well as development of T2DM
and cardiovascular disease for mother in later life. In like manner, perinatal and neonatal morbidities (e.g. macrosomia,
birth injury, hypoglycaemia, polycythaemia, and hyperbilirubinemia) also increase. Long-term sequelae in offspring
include higher risks for obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life.
Medical litigation adds to the economic burden faced by the management of the complications that can arise from DM and
This clinical guideline has been developed as many women are either not screened or improperly screened for diabetes
during pregnancy. The Ministry of Health seeks to formalize universal screening for hyperglycaemia in pregnancy as a
routine component of the current panel of investigations that is currently offered to our population. The MoH also seeks to
introduce screening at the first opportunity regardless of gestation, rather than in the late second trimester based on risk
factors, as is currently the practice.
2.0 Summary of recommendations
2.2 Universal testing: All pregnant women should be tested for hyperglycaemia during pregnancy
using a one-step procedure.
2.3 Criteria for diagnosis: The WHO criteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy [1]
and the WHO and the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG)
criteria for diagnosis of GDM [1,2] should be used.
2.4 Diagnosis of GDM: Diagnosis should ideally be based on laboratory results of venous serum
or plasma samples that are properly collected, transported, and tested. Though plasma calibrated
handheld glucometers offer results that are less accurate and precise than those from quality-controlled
laboratories, it is acceptable to use such devices for the diagnosis of glucose intolerance in pregnancy
in locations only where laboratory support is either unavailable or at a site remote to the point of care.
2.5 Management of GDM: Management should be in accordance with our available national
resources and infrastructure.
2.6 Lifestyle management: Nutrition counselling and physical activity should be the primary
tools in the management of GDM. Women with GDM must receive practical nutritional education
and counselling that will empower them to choose the right quantity and quality of food and level of
physical activity. They should be advised repeatedly during pregnancy to continue the same healthy
lifestyle after delivery to reduce the risk of future obesity, T2DM, and cardiovascular diseases.
2.9 Audit and research: There is need for locally based research on the effects of DM
in pregnancy and its short and long term sequelae. The MoH recommends the strengthening of
Audit and Research teams at the RHAs and at the Tertiary institutions. Students in these areas
should place this area of research on the forefront of their activities. Primary and Secondary Care
teams should be actively involved in audit of their clinical practice.
3.0 Preconception care
At every opportunity (e.g. Primary Health Care, Family Planning Clinic, Chronic Disease Clinic) potentially at-risk women
should be screened for diabetes, offered contraceptive options and if a known diabetic, women should be counselled
as follows:
3.1 The need for good glycaemic control prior to conceiving to reduce maternal and fetal complications (though
this does not eliminate the chances of these occurring) e.g. miscarriage, congenital malformation, stillbirth,
neonatal death.
3.2 Provide education for women and their family members, as well as the public, about diabetes and
pregnancy e.g.
o Advise weight loss especially in patients with BMI of above 27 kg/m² before conception
o Risks for large babies, birth trauma, shoulder dystocia and caesarean section
o Recommend diabetic retinopathy assessment before and during pregnancy (see below)
o The importance of maternal blood glucose control during labour and birth and early feeding of the baby,
to reduce the risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia
o The possibility of temporary health problems in the baby during the neonatal period, which may require
admission to the neonatal unit
o The risk of the baby developing obesity and/or diabetes in later life
o Recommend the use of safer medications pre-conception or early conversion to alternatives (e.g. insulin)
in the first trimester
o Recommend folic acid 5 mg/daily before conceiving and continuing until 12 weeks’ gestation
o Use the Medical Eligibility Criteria (2018 Update), for Contraceptive use including the oral contraceptive pill
3.4 Blood sugar control advice:
o Defer rapid optimisation of blood glucose control until after the retinal assessment
3.6 All women should be offered sexual and reproductive health care counselling e.g. contraceptive options,
Pap smears, consider HPV vaccine if eligible, postpartum LARC
4.0 Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy
• Screening should NOT be based on risk factors (can miss 50% of cases)
• Screening should be considered at first opportunity (e.g. first trimester when booking blood tests are
being done) and repeated at 24-28 weeks if initially normal
• FIGO/IADPSG/WHO/IDF support a one-step approach to test for hyperglycaemia rather than a separate
screening test followed by a diagnostic test
• There are accepted alternative screening strategies worldwide including a Fasting Blood sugar in the
first trimester, or a full 75 g-OGTT for patients who can tolerate the glucose challenge. Research is ongoing
on this topic.
• The table below shows the reference values for the diagnosis of Diabetes in Pregnancy (DIP) and for
Gestational Diabetes (GDM). Once one result is abnormal, the diagnosis can be made.
Table. OGTT criteria for diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus (WHO, FIGO, IADPSG)
• The role of a multi-disciplinary team approach including the dietitian, diabetes educator, pharmacist and
others is recognised where available to assist with management and compliance
• Admit to the Ward if severely elevated blood sugars and /or ketoacidosis symptoms
• Patients suspected of having ketoacidosis should be managed by both medical and obstetric teams
o Referral to dietitian
o Women should be advised to choose where possible carbohydrates from low glycaemic index sources,
lean protein and polyunsaturated fats
o Women who are diagnosed with GDM who have pre-pregnancy BMI of >27 kg/m² should be advised on
moderate exercise. (NICE, 2015)
o Advise that regular exercise (e.g. walking for 30 minutes, after meals) helps improve glucose control
• T1DM and T2DM- baseline HBA1c, and repeat every three months
• T1DM and T2DM- Renal assessment should be done on first contact, once not done in the preceding
12 months, checking creatinine levels/ e-GFR
• Patients are encouraged to chart their meals and blood sugars and share the results and concerns with
the healthcare team
o Metformin can be considered as first-line medical therapy prior to or in conjunction with insulin
(see below)
• There are a variety of insulin options available: choose that which will suit the patient’s ability and resources
• Embark on insulin therapy under the supervision of the physician. This can be at the primary care level
depending on the patient and the resources available
• Educate family members about treatment and monitor for hypoglycaemia symptoms
The starting dose of insulin is measured based on the patient’s pre-pregnant weight.
Pre-pregnant weight x 0.6 -0.8 =insulin requirement for that person
5.0 Target blood glucose levels
• T1DM should be advised on the risk of hypoglycaemia particularly in the first trimester
6.0 Antenatal
• All routine antenatal care guidelines also apply including the Maternal and Child Health Manual (MoH, 2015) and the
SOP Obstetric and Midwifery Services (MoH, 2011) unless specifically updated in this guideline
• Diabetic patients should be managed in conjunction with the Specialist Medical Officer
• Unless contraindicated, T1DM and T2DM should be started on low dose aspirin from 12 weeks e.g. 81 mg daily.
Other women with risk factors for development of pre-eclampsia can also be prescribed ASA
• Women with diabetes should be offered a first trimester scan and second trimester anomaly (see USS in Pregnancy
Clinical Guideline, MoH draft 2017)
• Include Sexual and Reproductive Health discussion during antenatal period including contraception
• Discuss issues of caesarean section and shoulder dystocia in the antenatal period
• Consider blood sugar profiling. This can be done by a combination of in-patient and out-patient testing
• Women with T1DM are advised to test their blood glucose daily during pregnancy e.g. fasting, pre-meals, 1-hour post
meal and bedtime as directed by their healthcare professional
• Diabetic patients can be advised to speak with antenatal nurse or midwife to obtain blood sugar monitor if available
through loan program or the CDAP
• Women with T1DM and T2DM should be offered retinal assessment if no assessment is done within the last 12 months.
One should be done at first contact with patient during the pregnancy, then at 28 weeks, once normal. If any diabetic
retinopathy, repeat assessment should be done at 16-20 weeks
• Diabetic retinopathy should not be considered a contraindication for rapid optimisation of glycaemic control in clinical
DM with high HbA1c in early pregnancy
• If creatinine is abnormal (>120 mmol/l) or if total protein is >2 g/day, patient should be referred to a nephrologist
• Thromboprophylaxis should be considered in a patient with macro albuminemia (Proteinuria > 5 g/dl)
• Monitor fetal growth and wellbeing. Consider ultrasound for growth in third trimester.
• Consider caesarean section in diabetics with history of shoulder dystocia in previous delivery
• All obstetric teams should be well versed in the management of shoulder dystocia
• Documented team-drills should be conducted at all maternity units every three months
• Consider early delivery in a controlled manner versus allowing to go into spontaneous labour
• Neonatal consultation is recommended during the antenatal period especially if neonatal admission is anticipated
• The use of antenatal steroids, if clinically indicated, is appropriate. This will likely lead to hyperglycaemia, so intensive
blood glucose monitoring is required as well as adjustment of medication/insulin dose
• Early delivery may be warranted if clinically indicated but there is an increased risk of respiratory complications
7.0 Intra-partum
• Adequate hydration
• Be alert for the potential risk of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) e.g. polyhydramnios, fetal macrosomia
8.0 Post-partum
• Reduced need for medication, to be done on a phased basis depending on blood sugar monitoring
[1] World Health Organization. Diagnostic criteria and classification of hyperglycaemia first detected in pregnancy.
WHO/NMH/MND/13.2. Geneva: WHO; 2013. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/85975/1/WHO_NMH
[2] International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Consensus Panel, Metzger BE, Gabbe SG, Persson
B, Buchanan TA, Catalano PA, et al. International association of diabetes and pregnancy study groups recommendations
on the diagnosis and classification of hyperglycemia in pregnancy. Diabetes Care 2010;33(3):676–82.
[3] The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Initiative on gestational diabetes mellitus:
A pragmatic guide for diagnosis, management, and care Moshe Hod, Anil Kapur, David A. Sacks, Eran Hadar,
Mukesh Agarwal, Gian Carlo Di Renzo, Luis Cabero Roura, Harold David McIntyre, Jessica L. Morris, Hema
Divakar. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 131 S3 (2015) S173–S211
[4] Diabetes in Pregnancy: management from preconception to the postnatal period. NICE guideline [NG3], Updated
August 2015. Available from https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng3 , retrieved July 15, 2018.
[5] Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use: A Global Handbook for Providers 2018 Update. Joint Publication
of The USAID, johns Hopkins and the WHO. Available from http://fphandbook.org/sites/default/files/global
handbook-2018-full-web_0.pdf, retrieved September 9, 2018.
[6] Final Evidence Summary: Other Supporting Document for Low-Dose Aspirin Use for the Prevention of Morbidity and
Mortality From Preeclampsia: Preventive Medication. US Preventive Services Task Force. June 30, 2017 update.
Available from https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/SupportingDoc/low-dose-aspirin-use-for-the
retrieved July 21, 2017.