Annual Personal Review Template
Annual Personal Review Template
Annual Personal Review Template
2023 - 2024
^ if this works for you, you can safely ignore the rest of this document
Step 1 - Rate your current satisfaction with each part of your life on a scale
of 1-10. Don't overthink this. The first answer is usually closer to the truth.
Step 2 - Set what score you want against each when you do the same
exercise at the end of 2024.
Step 3 - Write down 3 reasons for each part of your life where you are not
happy with your current score. Why were you unable to score higher?
Use the next page >
Step 4 - Write down 3 things you can do in each category to get to your
desired goal. Use the next page >
PRO TIP! - Use colour to fill in the chart. You can then put it up somewhere
you can see it every day.
Write down 3 reasons for each part of your life where you are not happy with your
current score. Why were you unable to score higher?
Health & Fitness
Desired Score
Fun & Recreation
Desired Score
Environment *
Desired Score
Community *
Desired Score
Family & Friends
Desired Score
Partner & Love
Desired Score
Personal Growth *
& Learning *
Desired Score *
Wheel Of Life
Spirituality *
Desired Score
Money & Finances
Desired Score *
Write down 3 things you can do in each category to get to your desired goal.
Health & Fitness
Desired Score
Fun & Recreation
Desired Score
Environment *
Desired Score
Community *
Desired Score
Family & Friends
Desired Score
Partner & Love
Desired Score
Personal Growth *
& Learning *
Desired Score *
Wheel Of Life
Spirituality *
Desired Score
Money & Finances
Desired Score *
Things, Energy & Me
Pain + Reflection = Progress
‘A moment’s insight is often worth a life’s experience.” Oliver Wendell Holmes
“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.” –John Dewey
“Don’t tell me that
worry doesn’t do any
good. I know better. The
things I worry about
don’t happen,”
for 2024
your 1 thing for 2024
STEP 1 Choose the three that will
Make a list of 10 things that will make you make you the happiest. Add
very, very happy if they happen in 2024 why
1 1
Step 3: Choose one that you
will make happen!
The three most powerful motives are curiosity, delight, and the
desire to do something impressive. - Paul Graham
your 1 thing for 2024
If you have enough reasons, you can do incredible things. Write your 1 thing in the circle.
Then around it write as many reasons as you can for why this simply must come true in 2024.
your 1 thing for 2024
now that you are committed to your 1 thing,
let's create the habits you need to make it happen.
core from
your 1 thing for 2024
This is mine. Testing another concept, make a public commitment!
I need to be a writer. The identity I need to have to make this 1 thing happen is 'Writer'
I also need to read, learn, to understand concepts, models, and frameworks. I need to
be a 'Curious Reader'
The two identities I need are 'Writer' & 'Curious Reader'
I will
I won't
I may
I may not
I want to
I could
I should
“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” – Buddha
A hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) test is a blood test that shows
what your average blood sugar (glucose) level was over the
past two to three months. The test is a pretty good measure
of everything that you are doing to maintain your sugar
levels. Imp if you are diabetic. If not, then it is the wrong
measure for you.
What is that one thing, that if you measure, you will be that
much closer to living the life you want to live.
A North Star metric is a measure that becomes both a goal
and a direction.
It should help you take decisions, chart your course and stay
on course.
Some examples:
- Number of words written (for writers)
- Number of clients served (for solopreneurs)
- Number of team members trained (for leaders)
- Number of revenue producing assets (for wealth creators)