CCB Batch Server Administration Guide v2 4 0 2
CCB Batch Server Administration Guide v2 4 0 2
CCB Batch Server Administration Guide v2 4 0 2
April 2014
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version
Batch Server Administration Guide, Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version (OUAF
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Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Updates to this documentation .................................................................................................................... 6
Other Documentation ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Concepts ................................................................................................................................... 9
Process Types ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Process What’s Ready Processes ....................................................................................................................... 9
Extract Processes ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Ad-hoc Processes ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Monitor Processes .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Conversion Processes ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Object Validation Processes ............................................................................................................................... 10
To Do Processes .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Archive and Purge Processes............................................................................................................................. 11
Configuration Lab Processes .............................................................................................................................. 11
Interface Processes .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Batch Controls ...............................................................................................................................................11
Viewing Batch Controls Using the Application Viewer .................................................................................... 14
Adding your own batch controls.......................................................................................................................... 15
Standard parameters .....................................................................................................................................16
Explanation of Timeout and Commit Interval .................................................................................................... 17
Explanation of Thread Limit and Thread Number ............................................................................................ 18
Explanation of Restart and Rerun ...................................................................................................................... 19
Timed Batch Processes ................................................................................................................................19
Common Configuration Files .......................................................................................................................20 21 – Product configuration settings ................................................................................................ 22 – Database connectivity properties................................................................................ 23 – Logging Configuration........................................................................................................... 26
coherence-cache-config.xml ............................................................................................................................... 26
tangasol-coherence-override.xml ....................................................................................................................... 26
Configuration Process ..................................................................................................................................29
Submission Methods.....................................................................................................................................30
Welcome to the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Batch Server Administration
Guide. This guide outlines the concepts applicable to operating and configuration of the
batch component of the product on its platforms in association with the operations and
configuration steps outlined in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Server
Administration Guide. It is highly recommended that readers of this guide familiarize
themselves with that guide before reading this guide.
Note: All examples and screen captures are used for publishing purposes only and may vary from the
actual values seen at your site.
Note: This document covers Oracle Utilities Application Framework V4.
Note: The Batch component of the may not be applicable to all products. Refer to the provided product
user and framework documentation for clarification.
Note: For publishing purposes, Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing will be referred to as
Other Documentation
This document is part of the product technical documentation. There are groups of manuals
that should also be read for additional specific advice and information:
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Installation Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Quick Installation Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing DBA Guide
These documents are available from
Batch Architecture
The product is known for its online (or foreground) processing (a.k.a. online processing) but
one of the major features of the product is its set of background processes. Background
processing is a major part of the product with numerous background processes supplied as
The easiest way to understand the concept behind background processing is to think that
background processing is like a super efficient user that operates on a batch of objects. That is
why background processing is commonly called Batch.
Note: For publishing purpose the term "batch" will be used to denote background processing in this
Online typically operates on one object at a time, initiated by an online user or a Web Service
call, where batch can operate on one or more objects (also known as a set of objects) at a time,
initiated using a number of technologies.
Foreground Processing
Application Service
(Single Object)
Object Object
Background Processing
Initiating technology
Object Object
The main reasoning behind the super efficient user is that each background process consists of
a driver object that identifies the set of valid objects to process and then processes each object
through the same business objects that the online uses. For example, the BILLING driver
determines which accounts are eligible to be billed according to business calendar and then
passes each account to the rate object to produce a bill. Contrast this with online bill
generation, where the user identifies the account manually, and then that single account is
passed to the same rate object to be billed. The background process can call more than one
object during the duration of the background process.
For the batch process, all of the database access and object access (including access to
business objects, algorithms, user exits (server side only) etc is done through the Oracle
Utilities Application Framework.
Before you attempt to configure or operate the product, there are important concepts that
you should understand. These concepts are addressed in this document as a basis for the
other documents in the Technical Documentation set.
Process Types
The product ships with a set of predefined background processes that are grouped into
process types.
Some background processes create and update records that are ready for processing. The
definition of ready differs for every process. Processes of this type tend to use a business date
in their determination of what's ready. For example, the bill cycle process creates bills for all
bill cycles whose bill window is open (i.e., where the business date is between the bill cycle's
start and end date). If the requester of the process does not supply a specific business date,
the system assumes that the current system date should be used. If you need to use a date
other than the current date, supply the desired date when you request the batch process.
Extract Processes
Some background processes extract a batch of information (to be interfaced OUT of the
system). Processes of this type extract records marked with a specific batch number. If the
requester of the process does not supply a specific batch number, the system assumes that
the latest batch number should be extracted. If you need to re-extract an historical batch, you
can supply the respective batch number when you request the batch process.
To rerun extracts it may be possible to simply rerun using a rerun number (if rerun number
re-runable) or by running the staging process that is associated with the extract then running
the extract again. Refer to individual processes for more details.
Note: Default file formats for all supplied extracts are documented in the relevant business process
documentation supplied with the product.
Note: The FILE-PATH and FILE-DIR additional parameters used in all extract processes are
limited to two hundred and fifty-four (254) characters each fully expanded.
Ad-hoc Processes
There is a specific background process that doesn't fit into the any other categories. This
process backs out bills that were created during the bill cycle process. You must supply
specific parameters to this process in order to tell it which batch of bills to remove.
Monitor Processes
This is a new type of process where an object, which has a status, needs to have some
processing done at a particular status, in the background. The monitor process detects a
9 - Batch Server Administration Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version
specific condition that can be triggered by data, status or combinations of data and status
values. Once that condition has been reached the batch process automatically executes the
instructions that have been configured on the batch process parameters and the object
definition itself.
Conversion Processes
Note: Not all Oracle Utilities Application Framework based products include conversion. Refer to the
relevant product documentation to check the validity of this group of processes.
A number of processes are available when converting or migrating data from external
applications into the product. These processes may or may not be used as part of an
implementation depending on your conversion strategy.
Refer to the Conversion Toolkit Utilities documentation for further information about
Note: Not all Oracle Utilities Application Framework based products include object validation
processes. Refer to the relevant product documentation to check the validity of this group of processes.
A number of processes are available to perform general validation for conversion or upgrade
purposes. Each of the major objects in the database must be validated using the respective
object validation program.
We strongly recommend validating each object in the following steps:
• Execute each object's validation program in random-sample mode to highlight
pervasive errors. When you execute a validation in random-sample mode, you are
actually telling it to validate every X records (where X is a parameter that you supply to
the batch process).
• View errors highlighted by validation programs using the Conversion Error Summary
• Correct the errors using SQL. Note, you can use the base package's transactions (e.g.,
Person Maintenance, Premise Maintenance, etc.) to correct an error if the error isn't so
egregious that it prevents the object from being displayed on the browser.
• After all pervasive errors have been corrected; re-execute each object's validation
program in all-instances mode to highlight elusive, one-off errors.
In addition to validating your objects after conversion or an upgrade, the validation
programs have another use. For example, you may want to experiment with changing the
validation of a person and want to determine the impact of this new validation on your
existing persons. You could change the validation and then run the person validation object -
it will produce errors for each person that fails the new validation.
Refer to the Conversion Toolkit Utilities documentation for further information about
To Do Processes
To Do processes are processes that feed off all the other processes in the system and create,
update or delete To Do as defined in the system tables for the product. The number of
records created will depend on the values in the system tables and the number of records
satisfying those criteria.
If the To Do functionality is not used at this site then the To Do batch processes are not
required to be run and should be removed from the schedules.
Refer to the Defining General Options and To Do Business Process documentation for further
Note: Not all Oracle Utilities Application Framework based products include archiving. Refer to the
relevant product documentation to check the validity of this group of processes.
During the life of a product implementation at your site the data in the database will build
up. Historical records will remain in the product until they are archived and/or purged.
There are a set of background processes that execute the necessary components of the
archiving engine to archive and/or purge data from an environment. They are usually
scheduled in accordance with business requirements. Configuration of the archive engine
must be performed before executing these processes.
Refer to the Archiving Engine documentation for further information.
Note: Not all Oracle Utilities Application Framework based products include archiving. Refer to the
relevant product documentation to check the validity of this group of processes.
To migrate or synchronize data between environments a set of processes must be executed to
initiate components of the Configuration Lab component of the product. These background
processes are run only when synchronizing or comparing/apply changes between two
Refer to the Configuration Lab Utilities documentation for further information.
Interface Processes
Some of the processes implemented by the product are in fact interfaces that may need to be
updated during an implementation. Refer to the individual process register in the IT
Supplemental Background Process Register for details of each process.
Batch Controls
In the product the concept of Batch controls are implemented to act as control points for a
background process and have the following purposes:
• For those processes that extract information, the product batch control record defines
the next batch number to be assigned to new records that are eligible for extraction. For
example, the batch control record associated with the process that extracts bill print
information defines the next batch number to be assigned to recently completed bill
routings. When this bill print extract process next runs, it extracts all bill routings
marked with the current batch number (and increments the next batch number).
11 - Batch Server Administration Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version
• Each background process' batch control record organizes audit information about the
historical execution of the background process. The system uses this information to
control the restart of failed processes. You can use this information to view error
messages associated with failed runs.
• Many processes have been designed to run in parallel in order to speed execution. For
example, the Payment Process can be executed so that payments are processed in
multiple "threads" (and multiple threads can execute at the same time). Batch control
records associated with this type of process organize audit information about each
thread in every execution. The system uses this information to control the restart of
failed threads.
An example of the batch control dialog is shown in the figure below:
Parameter Usage
Batch code Code that is the unique identifier of the background process
Description Short description for Batch process. Used for Batch Run Tree
Detailed Description Details of the execution of the batch process.
Batch Control Type Whether this batch process is timed or not timed (see Timed
Batch Processes for more details of this functionality).
Time Interval The number of seconds between timed batch processes. This field
only appears for and is only applicable to Batch Control Type of
Timed only (see Timed Batch Processes for more details of this
Timer Active Whether the timer is active for this timed batch process or not.
This field only appears for and is only applicable to Batch Control
Parameter Usage
Type of Timed only (see Timed Batch Processes for more details
of this functionality).
Userid Default userid used for security for this batch process. This field
only appears for and is only applicable to Batch Control Type of
Timed only (see Timed Batch Processes for more details of this
Batch Language Default language for messages for this batch process. This field
only appears for and is only applicable to Batch Control Type of
Timed only (see Timed Batch Processes for more details of this
Email Address Default notification email or email group when batch process
completes, is cancelled or errors. This field is optional and
requires. This field only appears for and is only applicable to
Batch Control Type of Timed only (see Timed Batch Processes for
more details of this functionality).
Batch Category Category of batch process (see Process Types for valid values).
Program Type What technology (programming language) the program is
written in. Currently only Java and COBOL1 are supported.
Program Name Name of the program or java class to execute for batch
Last Update Timestamp The Last date and time the batch control was updated. Used for
update purposes.
Last Update Instance The Last Update number the batch control was updated. Used for
update purposes.
Next Batch Nbr The rerun number allocated to this batch control to be used by
the next execution (if the batch process supports rerun numbers).
This value is maintained regardless of whether it is actually used
by the batch run for implementation use.
Accumulate All Accumulate statistics at the batch process level as well as the
Instances individual thread level
Thread Count Default maximum number of Threads to be used by this batch
process. This parameter is actively used for Timed batch processs
only (see Timed Batch Processes for more details of this
functionality). For Non-timed batch processes this Thread Count is
used for documentation purposes only. Refer to Explanation of
Thread Limit and Thread Number for an explanation of the
concept of threading.
Override Nbr Of Default override commit interval to be used by all executions of
Records to Commit this batch process. This parameter is actively used for Timed
Parameter Usage
batch processs only (see Timed Batch Processes for more details
of this functionality). For Non-timed batch processes this Commit
Interval is used for documentation purposes only. Refer to
Explanation of Timeout and Commit Interval for an explanation
of the concept of commit interval.
Trace Program Start Default value of trace flag to track start of execution to be used by
all executions of this batch process. Used for development and
debug purposes only.
Trace Program Exit Default value of trace flag to track end of execution to be used by
all executions of this batch process. Used for development and
debug purposes only.
Trace SQL Default value of trace flag to track all SQL statement issued by
the batch process to be used by all executions of this batch
process. Used for development and debug purposes only.
Trace Output Default value of trace flag to track internal debug information to
be used by all executions of this batch process. Used for
development and debug purposes only.
Batch Parameters The list of valid parameters for this batch process including the
names of the parameters, description, whether the parameter is
mandatory or not and what is the default values. These values
are maintained by the developers only.
Note: The system is delivered with all necessary batch controls for the supplied base background
While the Batch Controls can be viewed using the online system it is possible to view batch
control information from the Application Viewer application supplied with your product. It
can be accessed from the menu Admin → A → Application Viewer → Batch Control. A sample
of the output that can be seen is shown on the following diagram:
This information is only available in the AppViewer application if the F1-AVBT background
process has been executed or the genappviewitems[.sh] command is executed.
In any implementation Batch Controls may need to be added for new custom processes. This
needs to be done in a manner so that they are consistent with the base product as well as be
supported for upgrades. The following guidelines can assist in ensuring that Batch Controls
are implemented correctly:
• Every custom process should have its own batch control. While it is possible to share
batch controls, there may be concurrency and restart issues if the multiple processes are
executed at the same time.
• Every instance of a particular process needs to have its own batch control. If you need
to run an interface multiple times, once for each supplier for example, then a batch
control records needs to be assigned to each instance so that they can be tracked and
managed individually. This is also important because in an environment running
multiple instances of a process, there is a far more likely chance the instances will be
executing at the same time according to your schedule (see point above).
• All custom batch controls should be prefixed by CM to avoid conflicts with possible
future processes introduced into the batch schedule. If this rule is not obeyed then there
is a risk that when an upgrade is introduced it may cause concurrency and restart
• Avoid using batch controls with any special characters (i.e. characters other than letters
and numbers) as it may cause intermittent or operational errors. Avoid embedded
blanks and characters such as !@#$%^|\?><,.~`"’{}[]&*()/:;.
Standard parameters
To standardize all the batch processes, the product uses a number of common standard
parameters to uniformly provide functionality across all processes. The table below lists all
the standard parameters:
Parameter Usage
Batch code Code is the unique identifier of the background process
Batch thread number Thread number is only used for background processes that can
be run in multiple parallel threads. It contains the relative thread
number of the process. For example, if the billing process has
been set up to run in 20 parallel threads, each of the 20 instances
receives its relative thread number (1 through 20).
Batch thread count Thread count is only used for background processes that can be
run in multiple parallel threads. It contains the total number of
parallel threads that have been scheduled. For example, if the
billing process has been set up to run in 20 parallel threads, each
of the 20 instances receives a thread count of 20.
Batch rerun number Rerun number is only used for background processes that
download information that belongs to given run number. It
should only be supplied if you need to download an historical
run (rather than the latest run).
Batch business date Business date is only used for background processes that use the
current date in their processing. For example, billing using the
business date to determine which bill cycles should be
downloaded. If this parameter is left blank, the system date is
Commit Interval Override maximum records between commits. This parameter
represents the number of transactions that are committed in each
unit of work. This parameter is optional and overrides the
background process's Standard Commit between records (each
background process's Standard Commit between records is
documented in the product documentation). You would reduce
these values, for example, if you were submitting a batch process
during the day and you wanted more frequent commits to release
held resources. You might want to increase these values when a
background process is executed at night (or weekends) and you
have a lot of memory on your servers.
Timeout Override maximum minutes between cursor re-initiation (also
known as Cursor Reinitialization). This parameter is optional and
override each background process's Standard Commit Records
and Standard Cursor Re-Initiation Minutes (each background
process's Standard Commit Records / Standard Cursor Re-
Initiation Minutes is documented in individual process registers
Parameter Usage
in the product documentation). You would reduce these values,
for example, if you were submitting a batch process during the
day and you wanted more frequent commits to release held
resources (or more frequent cursor initiations). You might want
to increase these values when a background process is executed
at night (or weekends) and you have a lot of memory on your
Note: The Maximum minutes between cursor re-initiation is for Oracle
implementations only and only applies to COBOL based processes.
User ID This is the userid that is used to access objects. It must be defined
to the security component of the product.
Password This parameter is not applicable (it is provided for backward
Language This is the language code used to retrieve messages and format
output from background processes.
Traces Trace program at start (Y/N), trace program exit (Y/N), trace SQL
(Y/N) and trace output.
If trace program start is set to Y, a message is displayed
whenever a program is started.
If trace program at exit is set to Y, a message is displayed
whenever a program is exited.
If trace SQL is set to Y, a message is displayed whenever an SQL
statement is executed.
If trace out is set to Y, message are output from the program at
execution points.
This facility should only be used in testing and benchmarking.
issued to the database. This number is the Commit Interval. The larger the commit
interval the larger the amount of work that the database has to keep track of between
commit points.
• The Timeout parameter is used to minimize issues in Oracle where the unit of work is
so large it causes a Snapshot too old. Oracle stores undo information on the Rollback
Segment and the read consistent information for the current open cursor is no longer
available. This is primarily caused when Oracle recycles the Rollback Segment storage
regularly. The product is prevented by reinitializing the cursor on a regular basis to
prevent an error. When this timeout, known as the Cursor Reinitialization, is exceeded
then at the end of the current transaction a commit will be issued.
• At any time in a process a commit for objects processed may be caused by the reaching
the Commit Interval or the time limit set on Timeout, whichever comes first.
One of the features of the Oracle Utilities Application Framework is the ability to run
background processes using multiple threads.
The threading concept in the product is simple. Each thread takes a predetermined slice of
the data to work on. The last thread checks if all other threads are finished and updates the
status of the batch control records. For example, if you have 10 threads, then each thread
takes 1/10th of the work. As each thread is executing it processes its workload and then
completes, the last thread executing is responsible for updating the overall process status to
indicate completion.
Implementing threading means you have to execute a number of batch processes with an
ascending thread number up to the thread limit. For example, if you have a batch process
with 10 threads, you must run 10 batch processes each with a unique thread number
between 1 and 10 to complete the batch process. Threads can be located on the same machine
or different machines. For example, you can run threads 1 to 5 on one machine and threads 6
– 10 on another.
Note: If there is limited data skew in the data then the threads should finish around the same time. If
there is some data skew then some threads may finish later than others.
To implement multi-threading when you submit a process:
• Specify a thread limit greater than 1 as a parameter.
• Execute a process for every thread with a sequential thread number up to an including
the thread limit. There are a couple of implementation guidelines with threading:
• Make sure the number of threads is not excessive. You do not want to flood the CPU’s.
• You must submit a process per thread. In some submission methods this is done
automatically and in some it is done manually.
• Threading will increase throughout BUT it will cause higher than usual resource usage
(CPU, Disk etc) as well as higher contention. Excessive threading can in fact cause
performance degradation in online as well as background processing. Therefore the
number of threads should not be excessive.
Almost all background processes within the product support multiple threads (the only
processes typically single streamed are extracts and data loads as they involve sequential
The product allows all background processes to be restarted or rerun as required. During the
execution of the background process, restart information per thread is stored within
framework, like a checkpoint. This checkpoint is performed at the last commit point as
dictated by the Commit Interval and/or Timeout value (Time out only applied to Oracle
implementations only). When a commit is performed, the last commit point is recorded for
the execution. If a thread of a background process fails, the database automatically rolls back
to the last commit point. The thread can then be restarted from that point automatically or
from the start of the data. To indicate the restart, the thread is executed with the same
parameters as the original.
Additionally, processes are re-runable. Re-run able means that a specific run number can be
re-run as required or a process at a specific date. Using a rerun number or a previously used
business date are all that is required to rerun a process.
Note: Not all background processes use Run number as a run indicator. Refer to the online
documentation for which batch processes are re-runable.
Note: The Email adapter must be enabled for this functionality to be enabled.
The figure below illustrates the additional entries:
Additionally the following additional attributes should be specified for timed batch
Thread Count
Override Nbr of Records to Commit (optional)
Once the Batch Control Type is defined the submission method then implements the logic to
keep the background process continuously:
For sites using the online submission facility with the online daemon, the batch
controls which are timed are executed automatically once the daemon starts and is
routed to a defined batch server. If the daemon or batch server crashes then the batch
process will fail and automatically restart upon restart of the daemon or batch server.
For sites using the external scheduler, the timed batch process will commence the
first time the batch process is initiated. If the threadpoolworker or submitjob
fails, for any reason, and there is no clustering configured then the batch process
must be restarted manually (or using a scheduler) to initiate the continuous process
once again.
To stop the continuous batch process at any time the following techniques can be used:
Set the Timer Active flag to No on the Batch Control record for the batch process. At
the next Timer Interval, the timed batch process will stop and complete. Remember to
change the Timer Active back to Yes again to re-instate the batch process as a
continuous process.
Cancel the batch process using the JMX interface (JMX console or jmxbatchclient)
Kill the submitjob process that initiated the batch process. This should be the last
The following configuration files (along with their templates) are listed below:
The subsequent subsections will outline the contents of the configuration files.
The configuration file defines the environmental settings for the
batch component. Typically this configuration file is generated and never altered.
The configuration contains two settings:
Parameter Context
Parameter Context
SPLOUTPUT Location of the output directory for logs and temporary files.
standalone.dir Home location of the batch component. This is a relative path to the
location of this configuration file.
For example:
Note: This configuration file should not be altered unless instructed to by Oracle Support.
The configuration file is the configuration file that contains product
behavior settings for the batch component. This configuration file also exists in the online
and web application server so a common configuration standard was adopted.
For the batch component the uses the following settings:
Parameter Context The time, in seconds, when the Xpath
cache is automatically cleared. A zero (0)
value indicates never auto-flush cache and
a positive value indicates the number of
seconds. Maximum number of XPath queries to
hold in cache across all threads. A zero (0)
value indicates no caching, minus one (-1)
value indicates unlimited or other positive
values indicate number of queries stored
in cache. Cache is managed on a Least
Reused basis.
com.splwg.batch.cluster.jvmName (Optional) Unique Name for JVM. Name
must not include embedded blanks.
com.splwg.schema.newValidations.F1 Internal use only
spl.runtime.cobol.cobrcall If COBOL is used, whether remote calls
are supported. (true or false). Defaults to
spl.runtime.cobol.encoding If COBOL is used, the character set
supported by the Business Application
spl.runtime.cobol.sql.cache.maxTotalEntries Number of SQL statement entries stored
in the cache. Defaults to 1000.
spl.runtime.cobol.sql.cursoredCache.maxRows If COBOL used, number of cursors cached.
Parameter Context
Defaults to 10.
spl.runtime.cobol.sql.disableQueryCache If COBOL used, whether the query cache
is disabled. Defaults to false.
spl.runtime.cobol.sql.fetchSize If COBOL used, size of fetch buffers for
SQL statements. Defaults to 150.
spl.runtime.environ.init.dir Location of the base configuration files.
spl.runtime.environ.SPLEBASE Location of SPLEBASE
spl.runtime.options.isFCFenabled Whether Oracle RAC Fast Connection
Failover support is enabled. This value is
set to true when ONSCONFIG is specified.
spl.runtime.options.onsserver ONS Configuration string used for Oracle
RAC Support. This value is set to the value
of ONSCONFIG. The SQL cache size allocation for SQL
statements. Defaults to 300.
spl.runtime.service.extraInstallationServices Name of Application service used for
installation defaults.
spl.runtime.sql.highValue High Value used for processing
spl.runtime.utf8Database Whether the database supports the UTF8
characterset. (true or false). List of applications installed. Values are
typically base,xxx,cm where xxx is the
product code.
Note: Unlike the online and web services layer, it is not possible to use JNDI based JDBC connections.
Batch must use UCP for connection pooling.
Opening a connection to a database is generally much less expensive than executing an SQL
statement. A connection pool is used to minimize the number of connections opened
between application and database. It serves as a librarian, checking out connections to
application code as needed. Much like a library, your application code needs to be strict
about returning connections to the pool when complete, for if it does not do so, your
application will run out of available connections. Hence, the need for having a connection
pooling mechanism such as Hibernate using Universal Connection Pool (UCP) connection
Hibernate is a powerful Object Relational Mapping (ORM) technology that makes it easy to
work with relational databases. Hibernate makes it seem as if the database contains plain
Java objects, without having to worry about how to get them out of (or back into) database
tables. Coupled with the UCP connection pooling, it provides a comprehensive connectivity
tool for the java (or COBOL, if used) to operate effectively against the database.
The product uses the Hibernate and UCP libraries to create a connection pool and connect
the java (or COBOL, if used) objects to the database to store, update, delete and retrieve data.
It is used for all the database access for online as well as batch.
Refer to and for more
information on the technology aspects of Hibernate and UCP.
The product has a configuration file for the database connectivity and pooling called the configuration file. This file contains the configuration settings for the
database connections and the connection pool to be used by any of the SQL statements
accessing the database.
The configuration settings contained in the file are summarized in the
following table:
Setting Usage
hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache May be used to completely disable the
second level cache, which is enabled by
default for classes which specifies a cache
mapping. Defaults to false
hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer Enables use of CGLIB instead of runtime
reflection (System-level property).
Reflection can sometimes be useful when
troubleshooting, note that Hibernate always
requires CGLIB even if you turn off the
optimizer. Tends to make Hibernate load
faster if value is false. Defaults to false.
hibernate.connection.databaseName Database name used for SQL Server
hibernate.connection.driver_class This is the JDBC driver class used by
hibernate.connection.password This is the user IDused to connect to the
database. This value is sourced from the
DBPASS parameter from the ENVIRON.INI.
If the value is prefixed by "ENC" then the
password is encrypted.
hibernate.connection.provider_class The classname of a custom Connection
Provider which provides JDBC connections
to Hibernate. The product uses the UCP
Connection provider. Other providers are
not supported.
hibernate.connection.release_mode This parameter controls when a connection
is released to the pool. By default the value
is set to auto. If you wish to view the
module executing in the MODULE column on
the v$session table, then this value must
24 - Batch Server Administration Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version
Setting Usage
be set to on_close. Using auto in this
example may lead to incorrect values in
hibernate.connection.url This is the connection string used to connect
to the database. The URL is built using the
protocol outlined by the JDBC driver and
uses the values from the ENVIRON.INI. It
will either contain the standard JDBC
connection string or the value of
hibernate.connection.username This is the user ID used to connect to the
database. This value is sourced from the
DBUSER parameter from the ENVIRON.INI
hibernate.dialect This is the SQL dialect (database type) for
the database being used. Any valid
Hibernate dialect may be used. Refer to
summary.html for a full list. This value is
sourced from the DIALECT parameter from
hibernate.jdbc.batch_size A non-zero value enables use of JDBC2
batch updates by Hibernate. Defaults to 30
hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size Determines a hint to the JDBC driver on the
number of rows to return in any SQL
statement. Defaults to 100
hibernate.jmx_enabled Enable or disable JMX Mbeans for
hibernate.max_fetch_depth Sets a maximum "depth" for the outer join
fetch tree for single-ended associations
(one-to-one, many-to-one). A 0 disables
default outer join fetching. Defaults to 2
hibernate.query.factory_class Chooses the HQL parser implementation.
hibernate.query.substitutions Mapping from tokens in Hibernate queries
to SQL tokens (tokens might be function or
literal names, for example). The product
uses true 'Y', false 'N'
hibernate.show_sql Write all SQL statements to console.
Defaults to false.
hibernate.transaction.factory_class The classname of a Transaction Factory to
Setting Usage
use with Hibernate Transaction API.
hibernate.ucp.connection_wait_timeout Specifies how long, in seconds, an
application request waits to obtain a
connection if there are no longer any
connections in the pool
hibernate.ucp.inactive_connection_timeout Specifies how long, in seconds, an available
connection can remain idle before it is
closed and removed from the pool.
hibernate.ucp.max_idle_time Not used
hibernate.ucp.max_size Maximum Pool Size
hibernate.ucp.max_statements SQL Buffer size
hibernate.ucp.min_size Minimum Pool Size
For a more indepth description of these parameters and others not included with the product
see and
edition/downloads/ucp-112010-099129.html .
Note: This log file should not be altered unless specified. The generated configuration file has all the
recommended settings for all sites.
The product uses the log4j Java classes to centralize all log formats into a standard format.
The details of the configuration settings and log4j itself are available at or This log file is
primarily used for the daemon and THIN execution modes.
Note: This configuration file replaces the tangasol parameters in various configuration files in
previous versions of the product.
The tangasol-coherence-override.xml file is used to specify cache parameters for
CLUSTERED mode batch.
The following settings apply to the settings provided by the configuration of CLUSTERED
For details of the contents of this file and additional parameters refer to the Oracle Coherence
Developers Guide and the external scheduler section of this document.
For example:
<port> 7810</port>
The example above assumes multi-cast use of the CLUSTERED mode, refer to Oracle
Coherence Developers Guide and the external scheduler section of this document for
alternative examples.
Note: If using Coherence Cluster Address and Coherence Cluster port then they form a multicast
address unique to the environment/cluster. All worker and submitter JVMs that want to join this
cluster must have the same cluster name, cluster address and cluster port.
The first worker JVM that starts for a particular combination of cluster/address/port establishes that
cluster. Other JVMs with this same combination will then join this cluster.
The framework guards against the submission of batch processes to the wrong cluster in two ways.
Firstly, if the address/port matches an existing cluster’s address/port, but the cluster name is different,
the JVM will exit with this error message:
This member could not join the cluster because of a configuration mismatch between this member and
the configuration being used by the rest of the cluster.
Secondly, if a JVM’s cluster name references an existing cluster, but the database to which the existing
cluster is connected is not the same as the joining JVM’s, it will exit with this message:
Error validating cluster membership. Terminating...
In either case it is a configuration issue that needs to be corrected.
Configuration Process
To configure the batch component during the installation process and post-installation then
the following process should be used:
etc splapp/standalone/config
configureEnv initialSetup -t
Install Configure
• The configureEnv utility is used during installation time and can be used post
implementation to set parameters in the ENVIRON.INI.
Note: The configureEnv utility should be used to make any changes to the ENVIRON.INI.
Manual changes to this configuration file are not recommended.
• After the ENVIRON.INI has been set or altered, the settings must be reflected in the
relevant configuration files used by the batch component using the initialSetup utility.
The initialSetup utility takes the relevant templates, builds the configuration files and
deposits them in the $SPLEBASE\splapp\standalone\config directory (or
%SPLEBASE%/splapp/standalone/config directory in Windows).
The configuration files are now ready to be used for the batch component.
29 - Batch Server Administration Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version
Submission Methods
There are a number of ways of submitting batch processes within the Oracle Utilities
Application Framework. The various ways reflect the different uses for the product at a site.
The figure below summarizes the various submission methods:
Object Object
Database Server
• It is possible to submit the batch process in a basic interactive mode where the batch
object executed in a single JVM. This mode is known as THIN mode and is primarily
designed for developers to test their code in isolation from the rest of the system. The
mode is not efficient enough to be recommended for any activity other than developer
testing. Refer to Interactive Submission section for details on how to use this method.
• The product browser user interface allows the registration and execution of batch
processes within the JVM used online. This mode allows part of the resources of online
be devoted to registering and executing of batch processes. This method is primarily
designed for use for testing purposes. Refer to the Online Submission section for
details on how to use this method.
• Typically at a site, a batch scheduling tool is used to schedule and manage all of the
background tasks required at a site. This can include running product batch processes
and any related maintenance process such as transferring interface files to and from
other systems, backup and other maintenance activities. This method is designed for
production use and has a number of variations to support flexible scheduling options.
Refer to the External Scheduler Submission section for details on how to use this
• A batch search window will appear to allow select of the individual execution of the
process. It is possible to search on batch number, batch Control Id or rerun number. A
sample is illustrated below.
• Select the appropriate batch run to monitor. This will then open a portal with the
appropriate run information (for example):
• In the case of the sample the process ended successfully. Additionally the following
additional elements may be displayed:
If the processed ended with any errors then the error message would be
Note: Technical Errors (e.g. SQL Errors) are indicated using this method.
Business errors that are generated as To Do's are indicated separately.
If the program was restarted, each restart would be displayed in the tree
• To get more information about the error click on the error message on the tree.
The Batch Run tree is available to any valid user and is a method to communicate the
execution information to the relevant business representatives.
Jconsole is a GUI application provided with the Java JDK installed. It can be invoked with
the connection information configured with the product as a parameter, for example:
jconsole service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<host>:<port>/spl/fw/jmxConnector
The <server>, <port> and the "/spl/fw/jmxConnector" string correspond with the
property values specified for the batch node. These values are specified in configuration files
outlined in the relevant subsection of the "Submission Methods" section of this document.
Refer to for
more information on using jconsole.
Note: While jconsole is used in the examples shown in this document, other JMX consoles and JMX
browsers (JSR160) can be used.
The JMX interface exposes a number of MBeans to manage the Batch cluster from any node
on the cluster. The Mbeans expose a hierarchical set of information for the cluster. The JMX
API has a number of levels:
The BatchCluster MBean holds attributes and operations at the cluster level. The MBean has
a series of Threadpools. Each Threadpool has one or more Members which represent the
nodes the threadpool is executing across. Nodes can be present for the same machine or
multiple machines (one node per instance).
BatchCluster MBean
Attribute Comments
Address Cluster address as specified in
Name Name of Cluster as specified in COHERENCE_CLUSTER_NAME
Port Port number assigned to Cluster as specified in
Attribute Comments
Operation Comments
flushAllCaches Flush the data reuse cache across the batch cluster. Invoke
this operation to reload configuration data changes for
batch jobs.
registerClusterMBeans Register the Mbeans for lower level tracking. This needs to
be invoked to allow threadpool and batch thread level
unregisterClusterMBeans Disable lower level tracking. This stops low level tracking.
Threadpools Mbean
Attribute Comments
Name Name of Threadpool
AvailableThreads Number of spare threads for batch processes. The value of
zero (0) indicates the threadpool is at capacity.
NumberOfMembers Number of members/hosts defined to the threadpool
Members MBean
Attribute Comments
HostName Name of Host hosting this threadpool instance
JVMName Name of JVM assigned at runtime
PID Unique OS Process Id for JVM
Attribute Comments
MemberId Member Number. This number of unique across the cluster
and is used to track the member internally by the
Info Parameters used to start threadpool instance in free format.
Operation Comments
flushAllCaches Flush the cache for this instance
stopNode Stop this member. This allows members to be dropped off
after execution.
displayClusterCache Raw mode cluster information. Used for development only.
ClusterNode Mbean
Attribute Comments
JVMName Name of JVM assigned at runtime. This
Info Information string for Threadpool
PID OS Process Id for JVM
Operation Comments
flushAllCaches Flush the cache across the batch cluster
Operation Comments
stopNode Stop online batch threadpool.
displayClusterCache Raw mode cluster information. Used for development only.
BatchThread Mbeans
Mbeans associated with BatchThread are created once the getJobWork method for a Java
program has successfully completed. Each thread, as requested by the threadCount
parameter for the batch process, will have its own MBean. A BatchThread MBean for a
thread is alive for as long as it takes for the thread to complete, and automatically destroyed
when the thread ends.
The batch thread number, as indicated in the MBean name, will be the current thread’s
thread number.
• In the case of Java, these MBeans expose the running values for a thread. The
records/units processed, in-error and remaining, are provided as the thread runs and
updates the MBean internally.
• For a COBOL thread, if COBOL used, the values are not as detailed, since COBOL does
not work in terms of work units, but some valuable information can still be obtained
(e.g. elapsed time).
The Java BatchThread example below shows two threads running for batch process
ZZQABAT1. The MBean name contains the thread number and count, and they show to be
running in Java threads 39 and 35 respectively. The Java thread number is for uniqueness
The MBeans that expose the batch processes are divided into categories. The name of the
MBean is constructed to indicate the type of batch process, the name of the batch process,
and the thread number and count. For sake of uniqueness, the name also includes the Java
thread number.
The name therefore is constructed as follows:
CCC The type of MBean. This can be either BatchJob or BatchThread.
BBB The Batch code from the Batch Control.
t_of_c The batch thread number and count. For BatchJob types, this will just be
"0". For BatchThread types, the t is the thread number, and c the thread
jjj The Java thread number, which will be unique within a batch node.
Attribute Comments
BatchNumber The current batch number.
CancelRequested True if the thread has been asked to stop running. See
CancelRequestedBy If CancelRequested=true, this will be a string indicating the
workstation from where the cancellation was requested.
This value will also be logged to the Batch Run Tree.
DateTimeStarted The date and time the batch process was started.
DistThreadPool The thread pool to which this batch process belongs.
ElapsedTime How long the batch process has been running.
ExecutionStrategyClass This indicates the commit strategy followed by the program
ProgramName The program name executed.
ProgramType The program type: Java or COBOL.
RecordsCommitted The number of record updates that have been committed to
the database. See note below.
RecordsInError The number of records so far in error. This is what will be
Attribute Comments
logged to the Batch Run Tree. See note below.
RecordsProcessed The number of records processed so far. This is what will be
logged to the Batch Run Tree. See note below.
RunType The type of run: New Run, Restart or Rerun.
Status Current status of the thread. Valid values are: Initializing"
(very briefly in the beginning – prior to the call to
getJobWork in the application class); Getting Work means it
is currently in the process of selecting the work units for the
batch process; Got Work means it is has successfully selected
the work and is in the process of initiating the threads.
WorkUnitSize The total number of work units for this batch process. For
new and restarted runs, this will always contain the total
number of work units as selected in the getJobWork
method when the batch process was originally started.
WorkUnitSizeThisRun This is the number of work units for this particular run. For
a restarted run, this value will typically be less than the
above value; otherwise they will be the same.
WorkUnitsCommitted The number of work units that have had their work
WorkUnitsInError The work units that have been found to be in error so far.
WorkUnitsProcessed The work units that have been processed so far.
Note: The "Records…" numbers are what will be used to log to the Batch Run Tree, and they are
usually in step with the "WorkUnits…" values. The reason they are shown separately is because
some Java batch programs manually manipulate the record counts for the Batch Run Tree. The true
progress status of a thread is reflected in the "WorkUnits…" counts.
The JMX API allows individual background processes to add custom JMX properties to
expose additional information as necessary. This feature is designed to allow developers of
custom background processes to add additional information to the JMX facilities.
The custom background process can access the API using the following call:
addJMXInfo("<parameter>", "<value>");
Refer to the Oracle Utilities Software Development Kit for more information about this API.
While JMX can be used to obtain monitoring information it is possible to cancel threads of
batch processes using the operations component of JMX. To cancel a thread the following
process must be performed:
• Start the JMX console of your choice and connect to the relevant JMX port configured
for the batch.
• Select the thread and batch process to be cancelled from the JMX console.
• Select the Cancel operation from the operations component of the console. The console
may recognize the operations of the JMX classes and allow the actions to be processed.
For example, jconsole will generate cancelThread button. Issue the action.
Note: Depending on the JMX console used, a confirmation dialog may NOT be displayed and
cannot be undone once issued. Ensure that the correct thread for the batch process is selected. To
cancel a batch process, ALL threads must be cancelled.
• The batch process will be marked as cancelled and stopped. The IP address of the
requestor is logged in the Batch Run Tree for auditing purposes.
While the JMX client interface provided allows real time information to be displayed in a
JMX browser, if a JMX browser is not used then the JMX interface may be interfaced using a
command line utility. This utility is useful to allow third party products (such as batch
schedulers) or other systems to control and monitor the state of the system.
This JMX batch command line allows the following to be performed:
• Identify what thread pools are defined in a threadpoolworker
• See what active batch processes or threads are currently running
• Be able to cancel a particular thread or a batch process
• Gracefully shutdown a threadpoolworker
• The command line utility is in the following format:
To execute the command line, the administrator must:
• Logon to the machine running the product (any tier where the product software exists).
• Attach to the environment using the splenviron[.sh] command. This sets the
appropriate environment settings for the script.
• Execute the JMX Batch command line utility:
jmxbatchclient[.sh] –j [URL] [options]
Where [options] are:
-c Specifies that active threads should be cancelled. Can be used with –f option
to cancel only batch processes matching the regular expression provided. For
Note: Cancelled threads are marked with the date, time, userid and IP address of the
user who initiated the cancel command.
-d Display the details of the currently active threads.
-f If a large number of threads are currently active, a filter can be supplied to
only display or cancel threads that match the regex based pattern.
For example the threadpool be filtered to show only the BAT1 with the option:
-f .*BAT1.* as follows: -j
-f .*BAT1.*
would yield:
Options: -j
-f .*BAT1.*
Connecting to
-h Display the available options and their descriptions.
-j JMX URL to perform the action against (Required).
This should match the property
specified in the
-k Specifying this option will result in the cancellation of all currently running
threads and the stoppage of the threadpoolworker process.
Note: Active threads within a cancelled threadpoolworker are marked with the
date, time, userid and IP address of the user who initiated the kill command
-l By default, all logging information is displayed and logged using log4j.
Supplying this option will result in only select information being displayed to
the system output.
-s Display the summary of the currently active threads is a listing format.
Windows) configuration file. Please refer to the Server Administration Guide for an
explanation of the configuration settings.
• The parameters for the background process are prompted. For example:
• The program indicated on the batch control of the Batch Code specified is executed. For
each execution the following information is output:
SCHEDULER ID Internal number allocated to instance of process
execution. All messages are associated with this
Scheduler Id.
BATCH CD Batch Code submitted.
BATCH THREAD NBR Batch Thread number submitted
BATCH THREAD CNT Thread Limit used for submission
BATCH NBR Batch Number allocated to this execution. Value of 0
indicates that the program does not support batch
numbers or current batch number is used.
BATCH BUSINESS DT Batch Business date used for execution in YYYY-MM-
DD format.
• The execution of the batch submission is also written to $SPLOUTOUT (or
%SPLOUTPUT% on Windows) in a log file named
<batch_cd>.<datetime>.THRD<threadnumber>.stdout and
<batch_cd>.<datetime>.THRD<threadnumber>.stderr where <batch_cd> is
the batch code submitted, <datetime> is the date and time of the execution (in format
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.S format) and <threadnumber> is the thread number
Return Codes
The following return codes apply to the processing using this method:
Online Submission
One of the most important useful testing/demonstration facilities of the product is the ability
to submit batch processes from the online component of the product. An authorized user can
submit any batch process using an online batch submission page.
The on-line batch submission page enables you to request a specific background process to
be run. When submitting a background process on-line, you may override standard system
parameters and you may be required to supply additional parameters for your specific
background process. After submitting your background process, you may use this page to
review the status of the submission.
Basically the following process is used to submit background processes using the online
submission method:
• The process to be executed is registered online as to be submitted (or queued). This
marks the process execution as Pending. When you request a batch process to be
submitted from on-line, the execution of the desired background process will result in
the creation of a batch run. Just as with background processes executed through your
scheduler, you may use the Batch Run Tree page to view the status of the run, the
status of each thread, the run-instances of each thread, and any messages that might
have occurred during the run.
Note: Your online submission record is assigned a status value so that you may know whether
your batch process has been submitted and whether or not it has ended; however, it will not
contain any information about the results of the background process itself. You must navigate
to the Batch Run Tree page to view this detail.
• A background process is scheduled (using a submitbatch script (run in cron) or using
the submission daemon) that will pickup any Pending background process executions
and execute them. When you save a record on the batch process submission page, the
batch process does not get submitted automatically. Rather, it saves a record in the
batch process table. A special background process will periodically check this table for
pending records and will execute the batch process. This background process will
update the status of the batch process submission record so that a user can determine
when their batch process is complete.
Note: At installation time, your system administrator will set up this special background process or
configure the scheduler daemon to periodically check for pending records in the batch process
submission table. Your administrator will define how often the system will look for pending records
in this table.
It should be noted that this special background process only submits one pending batch
process submission record at a time. It submits a batch process and waits for it to end before
submitting the next pending batch process.
Note: If you request a batch process to be run multi-threaded, the special background process will
submit the batch process as requested. It will wait for all threads to complete before marking the batch
process submission record as ended.
During execution the status of the execution in the batch run tree is updated as well as the
original submission screen. If you wish the system to inform you when the background
process completes, you may supply your email address. The email you receive will contain
details related to the batch process’s output; similar to the batch process results you would
see from the batch run tree.
Note: This assumes that during the installation process, your system administrator configured the
system to enable email notification. Your administrator may also override the amount of detail
included in the email notification.
• Find the batch control you wish to submit. You can use the Batch Code or the
Description of the batch process to find it. It is possible to submit any valid batch
process in the list.
Prompt Comments
Batch Job Id The Batch Job ID is a system generated random number that
identifies a particular submission.
Batch Code To submit a batch process, choose the Batch Code for the
process you wish to submit.
Batch Thread Thread number is used to control whether a background
Number processes is run single threaded or in multiple parallel threads.
It contains the relative thread number of the process. For
example, if the process X has been set up to run in 20 parallel
threads, each of the 20 instances receives its relative thread
number (1 through 20).
Note: Not all processes may be run multi-threaded.
Many of the system background processes may be run multi-
threaded. When submitting a background process on-line, you
may also run a multi-threaded process or run a single thread of
a multi-threaded process. The fields Thread Count and Thread
Number on the batch submission page control the multi-
threaded process requests:
• To run a multi-threaded process, indicate the number of
threads in Thread Count and enter 0 in the Thread
Number. For example, to run the batch process XXX with
10 threads, enter Thread Count = 10 and Thread Number =
0. This will execute all 10 threads of batch process XXX.
• To run a single thread in a multi-threaded process, indicate
the number of threads in Thread Count and indicate the
Thread Number you would like to run. For example, to
run only thread 1 out of 10 threads for batch process XXX,
49 - Batch Server Administration Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version
Prompt Comments
enter Thread Count = 10 and Thread Number = 1. This will
execute thread 1 out of 10 for XXX.
• To run a process as a single thread, enter Thread Count = 1
and Thread Number = 1. This will execute the background
process single-threaded.
Note: When running a multi-threaded process, the completion of the
last of the threads will "mark" the batch process submission record as
Desired Execution The Desired Execution Date/Time defaults to the current date
Date/Time and time. Override this information if you wish the
background process to be executed at some future date and
time. If you wish to request a batch process to be submitted in
Prompt Comments
the future, you may do so when creating your batch process
submission record by entering a future submission date. The
special background process, which looks for pending records in
the batch process submission table, will only submit batch
processs that do not have a future submission date.
Batch Job Status This indicates the current status of the batch process.
Program Name The Program Name associated with the batch control code is
displayed. This is used for tracking purposes
Trace Program Toggle this switch on if you wish a message to be written
Start whenever a program is started.
Trace Program Exit Toggle this switch on if you wish a message to be written
whenever a program is exited.
Trace SQL Turn on this switch if you wish a message to be written
whenever an SQL statement is executed.
Trace Output Turn on this switch if you wish a message to be displayed for
special information logged by the background process.
Note: The trace parameters are typically only used during QA and benchmarking.
Note: The information displayed when the trace output switch is turned on depends on each
background process. It is possible that a background process displays no special information for this
Note: The location of the output of this trace information is defined by your system administrator at
installation time.
• If additional parameters have been defined for this background process on the Batch
Control page, the Parameter Name, Description and an indicator of whether or not the
parameter is Required are displayed. Enter the desired Parameter Value for each
Each of the batch processes has, as part of its run parameters, a preset constant that
determines how many errors that batch process may encounter before it is required to
abort the run. You can override this constant with an optional additional parameter
(MAX-ERRORS). The input value must be an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.
The maximum valid value for this parameter is 999,999,999,999,999.
• Press the Save key. Once you have entered all the desired values, Save the record in
order to include it in the queue for background processes.
• If you wish to duplicate an existing batch process submission record, including all its
parameter settings, display the submission record you wish to duplicate and use the
Duplicate and Queue button. This will create a new Batch Job Submission entry in
pending status. The new submission entry will be displayed.
• If you wish to cancel a Pending batch process submission record, use the Cancel
button. The button is disabled for all other status values.
Note: Saving a record on this page does not submit the batch process immediately. A special
background process will run periodically to find pending records and submit them. Depending on
how often the special process checks for pending records and depending on how many other pending
records are in the ‘queue’, there may be a slight lag in submission time. If the desired execution
date/time is close to midnight, it is possible that your batch process will run on the day after you
submit it. If you have left the business date blank in this case, keep in mind that your business date
would be set to the day after you submit the batch process.
After saving the process in the batch submission screen the following process is performed:
• The execution of the process is registered within a batch run table in Pending status.
Prior to execution the user may cancel the batch process by pressing the cancel button.
This updates the process status to Canceled.
• At installation time, the product administrator sets up an additional process, the online
daemon (or submitbatch[.sh] cron utility see submitbatch) which polls the batch
run table every x minutes (where x is the parameter used on the command line).
• It processes each Pending process in sequence, using FIFO and at process start updates
the batch run table with a status of Started. This indicates the process is executing. The
user cannot cancel the process after it has been Started. At this time the batch run tree is
populated with the run information as it is executing, including restart information and
• If the process is successful or errored, the batch runs information with an Ended status.
You must check the Batch Run tree to see if has been successful.
This figure illustrates the process:
threads that can be executed. The following diagram illustrates this process:
Thread Thread
Thread Thread
Database Server
At installation time the installer asks additional questions to disable/enable the batch
Batch Server Enabled: false
Batch Threads Number: 5
Batch Scheduler Daemon: false
The three settings used can be configured using the following guidelines:
• Batch Server Enabled – Enable batch to be run within the JVM.
• Batch Threads Number – Maximum number of threads to limit background processes
to within the JVM if Batch Server Enabled is set to Yes. This number of threads represents
the number of threads surrendered from the main JVM thread pool and allocated to
running batch exclusively. The default is 5.
• Batch Scheduler Daemon – Enable the daemon to check for pending batch processes in
the Batch Submission or inbuilt batch process scheduler2. If a pending batch process is
found it is passed to the Batch Server for execution.
The valid combinations of these settings are as follows:
2The inbuilt batch process scheduler is NOT covered in this guide. Refer to the online documentation
provided with your product for details of this facility (if provided with your product).
This facility is not applicable to all environments and all situations at a site, the following
guidelines will assist in the appropriate use of the facility:
• If the environment is going to use the online submission (or inbuilt scheduler) then the
Batch Server and Batch Scheduler Daemon should be enabled for Business Application
Server allocated to the environment. If multiple Business Application Servers are
allocated to the same environment, then there should only be one server with the Batch
Server enabled set to Yes and only one server with the Batch Scheduler Daemon set to Yes
(they can be the same server or different servers). This setting is common for non-
production environments.
• If the environment is not going to use the online submission, then both Batch Server
Enabled and Batch Scheduler Daemon should set to No. This is a common setting for
Production as online submission is usually disabled in production.
• Online submission and scheduling (if the product includes the inbuilt scheduler) are
not recommended for use in Production environments.
The execution of any batch submission is also written to $SPLOUTOUT (or %SPLOUTPUT% on
Windows) in a log file named
<batch_cd>.<datetime>.THRD<threadnumber>.stdout and
<batch_cd>.<datetime>.THRD<threadnumber>.stderr where <batch_cd> is the
batch code submitted, <datetime> is the date and time of the execution (in format
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.S format) and <threadnumber> is the thread number submitted.
The executing threads Batch Server can be monitored using the JMX adapter by adding the
following lines to the $SPLEBASE/etc/conf/root/WEB-
INF/classes/ (or %SPLEBASE%\etc\conf\root\WEB-
INF\classes\ on Windows) file:<port>
<server> Name of the host (or IP address) where the Business Application Server
is located.
<port> A unique port allocated for the JMX agent to broadcast on. This port
must be unique to the host it is located upon.
To implement the change the initialSetup[.sh] commands must be executed.
Additionally on platforms when a WAR/EAR file is used, the WAR/EAR file must be
redeployed. Refer to the Server Administration Guide for details.
At a site implementing the product, the batch processes to be executed to support the
business as well as perform expected maintenance on the system needs to be scheduled,
managed and executed from a central point. In most sites, this is done by using a third party
batch process scheduler that controls the scheduling and execution of any batch processes
across a site.
To support the use of such a scheduler with any Oracle Utilities Application Framework
based product(s) a number of scripts and related configuration files have been provided to
allow the scheduler to execute the process batch processes.
The scripts and configuration files allows for three fundamental facilities that can be used by
external scheduling tools:
• The interface is command line based (it can also be invoked using a java based API see the
product javadocs within AppViewer for a description of the interface) which most external
scheduling tools support.
• The command based utilities return a standard return code to indicate the batch process
has been successful or has been unsuccessful. Actions dependent on return code within
the scheduler can then be configured.
• The logs within the utilities provided are in a common format that can be interrogated
by the external scheduler to provide finer grained actions (especially for unsuccessful
For additional advice about interfacing external schedulers with the product refer to the
Batch Best Practices whitepaper at KB Id 836362.1 on My Oracle Support.
threadpoolworker[.sh] Utility
This script starts a long-lived worker node (JVM) in a distributed batch grid environment.
Once successfully started, this process will accept submissions from lightweight submitter
nodes and execute the batch processes as requested by the submitters. A worker JVM may
also host a scheduler daemon, which, if activated inside a worker, will poll for batch process
submission requests from the web application that were done via the Batch Job Submission
There are three modes to execute background processes using this facility CLUSTERED,
• In THIN mode, the batch program is executed in a stand-alone JVM. This means that a
57 - Batch Server Administration Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version
full application context is established before the application program is invoked, and
destroyed when the execution ends. If a batch process is submitted in multiple threads,
each thread requires its own context, in its own separate JVM. THIN mode is typically
used by developers to isolate their tests from other developers and is not recommended
for production use.
• In DISTRIBUTED mode, at least one worker JVM must be started and left running to
poll for work requests from submitter JVMs. Worker JVMs are also known as grid nodes,
because multiple workers can be started to load-balance batch. DISTRIBUTED mode is
the existing, classic way that customers have been running their batch processes in past
releases of the Oracle Utilities Application Framework. In this mode, one or more batch
workers are started and left to run as long-running, background tasks. Each worker
can be individually configured to process n number of threads concurrently, and this
can further be grouped into thread pools. The workers also have the option to host a
batch process scheduler daemon, whose role is to listen for and execute online batch
process submissions (via the Batch Job Submission page for example).
• In CLUSTERED mode, as with DISTRIBUTED at least one worker JVM must be started.
These worker JVM's may be standalone or clustered with appropriate batch. The
difference between CLUSTERED and DISTRIBUTED is that in a CLUSTERED setup,
worker and submitter JVMs (members) are more tightly joined in a Coherence based
cluster, resulting in better management of various events, such as workers abruptly
stopping (because of program crashes for example), batch processes getting cancelled,
etc. As long as at least one member is active in a cluster, batch processes can be
appropriately handled in the case of unexpected interruptions.
It is highly recommended that customers use the CLUSTERED mode.
The figure below summarizes the approaches of different execution modes:
Batch Thread
Batch Thread
(Batch Only)
If only THIN submissions are ever used, script threadpoolworker[.sh] does not have to
be executed. If this is the case, batch processes can be submitted in THIN mode from the
command-line using script submitjob[.sh].
This script may be executed more than once if multiple workers are required. This may be
for performance or load-balancing purposes, or to simply provide separate thread pool
configurations in a distributed grid. Worker JVMs in a grid can be started on different
machines (even if the platforms differ), provided they all access the same database and
contain the runtime appropriate for the architecture. If the web application is also batch-
enabled, the worker hosted by the web application then becomes one node among the nodes
that were started as described above.
If multiple worker nodes, including the web application, are configured to host a scheduler
daemon, only one of those will be the active daemon. The others are dormant until the
active one becomes unavailable for some reason, for example if the JVM is killed, in which
case one of the dormant ones will automatically become active.
Note: A single product environment can be either CLUSTERED or DISTRIBUTED. Mixing JVMs
that start up in CLUSTERED and DISTRIBUTED mode will have unpredictable results.
The DISTRIBUTED and CLUSTERED approaches use a database tuple space table
F1_TSPACE_ENTRY for operations and management. The role of this table varies differently
depending on the execution mode of the worker or submitter.
In DISTRIBUTED mode, whenever a threadpoolworker or submitjob starts an entry is
created in the F1_SPACE_ENTRY table. This is used by the threadpoolworker to advertise
that it is ready to accept work (known as a THREAD_OFFER) using a lease (to indicate when
it is to check back with F1_TSPACE_ENTRY). If the threadpoolworker finds work in the
F1_TSPACE_ENTRY it issues a GRID_WORK record grabbing the submitters work and
executes the indicated batch process. After the batch process has ended it issues a
WORK_ENDED against the submitter record in the F1_TSPACE_ENTRY table and updates
the threadpoolworker entry to THREAD_OFFER again to accept more work. The
submitter process creates an F1_TSPACE_ENTRY table of WORK_OWNER to indicate it
waiting to be executed and waits. When the threadpoolworker accepts the submitters
work it has marked the submitters records as GRID_WORK indicating it is processing the
task. At this time, the submitted polls regulars waiting for the WORK_ENDED message to
indicate the work has been completed.
The issues with this type of processing are when there are issues with the
threadpoolworker or submitter. If these processes fail, then the F1_TSPACE_ENTRY
does not adequately reflect the state of the processes. This may cause internal
synchronization issues in some cases. A common technique used by sites when this happens
is to clear the offending F1_TSPACE_ENTRY entries manually or truncating the table
altogether and reissue the work. The latter is dangerous if there is work still running in the
The CLUSTERED mode was created to address this issue. It uses F1_TSPACE_ENTRY for
some persistence but each threadpoolworker in the cluster is aware of the other nodes
and the work that is allocated to it. Any node can be used in execution of processes and in
the case of submitter failure the node will communicate to the appropriate process to keep
the relevant parties informed. This also occurs when a threadpoolworker failure where
the other nodes inform the relevant parties involved of the failure.
To use the threadpoolworker utility a configuration file must be created to specify the
attributes of the JVM. The file should be placed in the
$SPLEBASE/etc directory (or %SPLEBASE%\etc directory on Windows).
The properties file contains the default properties for threadpoolworker. The following
sample illustrates the values:
The following table describes the parameters:
Parameter Comments
com.splwg.grid.distThreadPool.threads.<poolname> Number of Threads for pool
com.splwg.batch.scheduler.daemon Whether the node will act as a scheduler
com.splwg.grid.executionMode Mode of the threadpoolworker. Valid
values are: THIN, DISTRIBUTED or
CLUSTERED JMX RMI Port to use. If omitted, JMX is
disabled. Default JMX service. Required if rmi.port
is specified. In the example, above the
URL format is shown. Substitute {host}
for hostname of machine and {port} for
unique RMI port.
com.splwg.batch.submitter.maxExecutionAttempts This specifies how many times the
worker(s) in the grid should attempt
execution of the work submitted by this
submitter. If the application program
crashes and brings down the worker JVM
with it, this parameter is designed to
prevent any other worker nodes in the
grid from picking up this same bad work
request and thereby spreading the "poison
work" around the grid, crashing JVMs
along the way and ultimately bringing the
batch grid down completely. The default
is set to 1 and should be left like that
Parameter Comments
unless there is a good reason to change it
This file should be modified for site-specific values. For example, the scheduler daemon
may not be required to be activated by default, in which case property
com.splwg.batch.scheduler.daemon should be changed to false (or removed entirely
to use the system default).
Multi-cast or Uni-cast
The CLUSTERED mode can use multi-cast or uni-cast to communicate across the
threadpoolworker nodes in a cluster. By default CLUSTERED mode uses a multicast
protocol to discover other nodes when forming a cluster. For information about multi-cast
and uni-cast see the following sites:
• Discussion of protocols -
• Advanced Configuration of the multi-cast listener -
• Advanced Configuration of the uni-cast listener -
The default option at installation is use of multicast, if multicast is not an option; the well-
known-addresses feature may be used. It requires manual edits of the tangosol-
coherence-override.xml configuration file.
The WKA properties specify one or more "well-known" nodes (JVMs) that are used to start a
cluster and are likely to be available for other nodes to join. These well-known nodes are
used by the other nodes to find their way into the cluster without the use of multicast. Note
that only one of these nodes is required to be up; they don’t all have to be up at the same
The following example shows a WKA configuration.
tangosol-coherence-override.xml on server test1 and test2
<socket-address id="1">
<socket-address id="2">
Note: that the appropriate environment has to be attached to before this script can be executed (i.e.
splenviron[.sh] -e <environment> has to be run), unless the script is directly invoked
from the Windows explorer by double-clicking on it. In that case it will automatically attempt to
attach to the environment that owns the bin directory in which it is located and then prompt for
The following options can be specified when executing script threadpoolworker.
threadpoolworker[.sh] [-d] [-e][-h][-i][-J][-p][-Q][-R][-s]
Where command line options are:
-d <Y|N> Whether the node is acting as a scheduler daemon.
Specify N for No and Y for Yes. If you are already
using a scheduler daemon in the online system or are
not using online submission then set this to N. Default
is N.
-e <DISTRIBUTED|CLUSTERED> Execution mode for this threadpool. If CLUSTERED is
the threadpool will join the cluster specified in the file.
When threadpoolworker is invoked, the command-line options will alter its default
configuration. The default configuration options come from either internal system defaults
or the file described above.
The properties are overridden in the following order:
1. The supersedes the internal system defaults.
2. The command-line options supersede the defaults in and the internal system defaults.
Example 1
Assuming we have the above set of properties in and
script threadpoolworker is invoked as follows:
threadpoolworker[.sh] –d Y
This will replace the default "daemon" property to "N" (i.e. false) so that the properties now
look as follows:
Note: This log file should not be altered unless specified. The generated configuration file has all the
recommended settings for all sites.
The threadpoolworker utility logs information to
$SPLOUTPUT/threadpoolworker.<datetime>.log (or
%SPLOUTPUT%\threadpoolworker.<datetime>.log) where <datetime> is the date
and time in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format of the start of the node. This configuration file is
provided in the $SPLEBASE/etc directory (or %SPLEBASE%\etc directory on Windows).
This is a standard log4j properties file, but declares two appenders specifically for
Return Codes
The following return codes apply to the processing using this method:
The submitjob[.sh] utility provides a means for the scheduler to submit a batch process.
It can be invoked from a command prompt, Windows explorer (on Windows platforms) or a
3rd party scheduler. This script can be used to submit the batch process to an active
threadpoolworker process, or to run it in a full-context standalone JVM.
To use the submitjob[.sh] utility a configuration file must be created to specify the global
attributes of all the batch processes. The file should be placed
in the $SPLEBASE/etc directory (or %SPLEBASE%\etc directory on Windows).
The properties file contains the default properties for threadpoolworker. The following
sample illustrates the values:
The following table describes the parameters:
Parameter Comments
com.splwg.batch.submitter.distThreadPool Name of pool to be used for batch process.
If threadpoolworker not used then
LOCAL must be specified.
com.splwg.batch.submitter.languageCd Default Language code used for messages.
Relevant language pack must be installed.
com.splwg.batch.submitter.maximumCommitRecords Default commit interval.
com.splwg.batch.submitter.promptForValues Whether interactive mode is to be used.
Specify true for Yes (development use
only) and false for No. Default is false.
com.splwg.batch.submitter.rerunNumber Default run number. Default 0
com.splwg.batch.submitter.threadCount Default thread limit. Default: 1
com.splwg.batch.submitter.threadNumber Default thread number. Default: 0
com.splwg.batch.submitter.userId Default userid used for all batch processes
com.splwg.grid.executionMode Mode of execution. Valid values: THIN,
This file can be modified for site-specific values. For example, the user Id will need to be
changed from "AUSER", so property com.splwg.batch.submitter.userId should be
modified to specify the appropriate user id allocated to batch. The user id property could
also be removed so that there is no default, forcing every batch process submission to specify
its own user id.
The configuration file defines the log format and logging
level used by the submitjob utility.
Note: Not ALL batch processes require a batch process specific parameter file. It is recommended that
ONLY batch processes that require any of the additional parameters listed below should have a batch
process specific parameter file.
For individual batch processes it is possible to create a specific file to handle the batch
process specific parameters. These parameters can override existing parameters or add
additional parameters.
To configure individual batch process specific parameters configuration file named
<batchcode>.properties or <batchcode>.properties.xml must existing in the
$SPLEBASE/scripts/cm directory (or %SPLEBASE%\scripts\cm directory on
Windows). In the vast majority of cases the standard text based properties file will be
adequate, but if UTF-8 formatted soft parameter values have to be specified (e.g. Cyrillic
characters), it is recommended the xml file format be used.
The format of the batch process specific parameter file is similar to the file with the following additional parameters:
Parameter Comments
com.splwg.batch.submitter.batchCd Batch Code this batch process is associated
com.splwg.batch.submitter.distThreadPool Name of pool to be used for batch process.
If threadpoolworker not used then LOCAL
must be specified.
com.splwg.batch.submitter.maximumTimeoutMinutes Specifies the number of minutes the
thread(s) can run between database
Only COBOL programs, if used, use this
value to avoid "snapshot too old" errors on
Oracle databases. Java batch classes
completely ignore this parameter.
com.splwg.batch.submitter.processDate Business Date. This may be omitted.
Typically, it is specified on the command
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Parameter Comments
com.splwg.batch.submitter.softParameter.<parmname> For any program-specific parameters, use
this form of property specification. The
<parmname> denotes the name of the
parameter. For example, to specify a
"number of rows to skip" when submitting a
validation program:
Note: that the appropriate environment has to be attached to before this script can be executed (i.e.
splenviron[.sh] -e <environment> has to be run), unless the script is directly invoked
from the Windows explorer by double-clicking on it. In that case it will automatically attempt to
attach to the environment that owns the bin directory in which it is located and then prompt for
The following options can be specified when executing utility submitjob[.sh]:
submitjob[.sh] [-B][-b][-c][-d][-e][-f][-g][-h][-i][-J][-l][-L][-m] [-n]
where command line options are:
-B <COBOL program name> Batch "helper" COBOL program to perform
scheduling activity.
-b <batch code> Batch code of the batch process to submit. When
submitting a batch process, a batch code is
-p <threadpool name> Distributed thread pool in which to run the
batch process. This option and -L are mutually
-P Issue console prompts for the standard batch
process parameters. When submitting a batch
process, a batch code is always required. Either
this option or –b may be specified, not both. If –
P is specified, the submitter JVM will prompt for
the batch code and other run parameters. If a
batch-specific properties file exists for the batch
code entered at the prompt, it will NOT be used;
the only defaults in effect would be the ones
specified in
-Q Preview the properties that would be in use for
the run without actually running the application.
Specify other options along with this option to
show how they would override or substitute the
default properties. The information is not
-R Do not start a local RMI registry. As far as
submitjob is concerned, options –i, -R and –
J are only applicable to batch processes
submitted in THIN mode, or DISTRIBUTED or
CLUSTERED mode to the LOCAL thread pool. If
property is
defined as a default property (e.g. in the file), the batch
framework will attempt to start an RMI registry
on the given port number.
This option can be used to suppress the
automatic RMI registry startup. It may be
required if an externally started RMI registry is
already running. Note that if this option is used,
the RMI port number supplied through the –i
option is only used for substitution in the JMX
Connector URLs.
-r <run number> Run number of batch process to rerun.
-s <space name> Space name for "hard partition" of workers.
Default is MAIN. Used for development only.
-t <thread number> Number of individual thread for this
submission. Specify 0 to automatically submit
all threads.
Note: that in this case, the special substitution string "{host}" will also be replaced by the name of the
host machine. Therefore, assuming the host name is "localhost", the properties will therefore be
modified to look as follows:
For batch processes that have multiple soft parameters, this option controls how the soft
parameter properties are managed. For example, assume the following soft parameter
properties are defined for batch process XXXX in its file:
These soft parameters are therefore the defaults for this batch process if it is submitted with
no command-line options.
The following command will submit the batch process with a new FILE-NAME, but leave the
FILE-PATH as the default:
submitjob[.sh] –b XXXX –x FILE-NAME=newfile.dat
In other words, only the specified soft parameter (FILE-NAME) has been overridden.
It may be necessary in some cases to replace ALL the soft parameters with the ones specified,
particularly where there are many soft parameters and only one or two are required. This
command will submit the above batch process with a new FILE-NAME, but remove the
FILE-PATH property for this execution:
submitjob[.sh] –b XXXX –X FILE-NAME=newfile.dat
Return Codes
The following return codes apply to the processing using this method:
73 - Batch Server Administration Guide
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, Version
The BatchEdit utility allows the configuration files be built with simple instructions rather
than editing files in the product an editor which can be error prone. The following concepts
apply to BatchEdit to achieve this:
The BatchEdit utility uses a set of templates for each configuration file that have been
pre-optimized for production settings and best practices.
The BatchEdit utility tracks user preferences to reduce editing effort. For example, if
your site uses a particular type of configuration, then this is applied whenever
appropriate. These preferences can be reset at anytime.
The BatchEdit utility allows manipulation of configuration settings using simple
commands including adding new sections without the need for physical editing.
The BatchEdit utility includes comprehensive help to assist in the manipulation of the
configuration files and explain each setting.
The preferences (located in $SPLEBASE/splapp/standalone/config) and templates
(located in $SPLEBASE/templates) are used by the BatchEdit utility to generate the
necessary configuration files as outlined in the figure below:
threadpoolworker submitbatch
coherence templates
templates templates
bedit[.sh] submitjob
Oracle Coherence
Note: that the appropriate environment has to be attached to before this script can be executed (i.e.
splenviron[.sh] -e <environment> has to be run), unless the script is directly invoked
from the Windows explorer by double-clicking on it. In that case it will automatically attempt to
attach to the environment that owns the bin directory in which it is located and then prompt for
The following options can be specified when executing utility bedit[.sh]:
bedit[.sh] [-h] [ [-g] [-t <template>] [-b <batchcode>|-e <mode>|-l
<label>|-c|-s|-w] <file> ] | [-A]
where command line options are:
-h Show command help. All other options specified are ignored.
--h Show extended command help. All other options specified are ignored.
-g Generate the configuration file from template and exit immediately.
The configuration file name may be specified explicitly or implicitly as
described under Mutually Exclusive Arguments below.
-t <template> The template type to use if multiple templates are available.
wka for Well-Known-Addresses;
mc for Multicast;
ss for single server.
This is optional. The default is determined from be.prefs, or, in that order.
One of the most important aspects of the batch configuration is the configuration of the
cluster. The cluster configuration is essentially configuring Oracle Coherence with details of
the nodes in the cluster, the networking to be used within the nodes and tolerances between
those nodes for performance and communication.
To use the cluster configuration features of the BatchEdit utility use the following variations
on the command:
bedit[.sh] -c -t <type> Create to cluster of type
<type>. Also cane used to
switch types.
Note: Refer to the Cluster Properties section for details of properties available.
For example:
set cluster SPLADM.DEMO
set address
set loglevel 0
$ -c -t ss
Current Settings
cluster (SPLADM.DEMO)
address (
port (42020)
loglevel (5)
mode (dev)
$ -c -t wka
Editing file /spl/OUAF/splapp/standalone/config/tangosol-coherence-
override.xml using template /spl/OUAF/etc/tangosol-coherence-override.
Current Settings
cluster (SPLADM.DEMO)
address (
port (42020)
loglevel (5)
mode (dev)
wkaaddress (
wkaport (42020)
The following guidelines apply for use of defining the cluster using this method:
Use ss type clusters for single server environments such as demonstration, training
or development.
For wka implementations each node in the cluster must defined as a socket with the
wkaaddress and wkaport as outlined in Well Known Addresses.
For mc implementations the address must be in the multicast range outlined in Batch
Server Configuration Files.
Threadpoolworker Configuration
Once the cluster is defined the next important configuration process is to define the
threadpoolworkers to be used in that cluster. Threadpoolworkers are the JVM's that are
workers that actually execute the jobs that are submitted to the cluster.
ThreadpoolWorker Concepts
To use the threadpool configuration features of the BatchEdit utility use the following
variations on the command:
bedit[.sh] -l <label> Create/Edit to threadpoolworker configuration
of label <label>. Also cane used to switch
Two labels are supplied by default:
job - threadpoolworker optimized to run
batch jobs
cache - threadpoolworker optimized to run
<other> - Generic threadpoolworker
bedit[.sh] -w Edit the base threadpool settings
bedit[.sh] Edit the
Once the threadpool configuration file is created the available properties for that
configuration are available and can be changed using the following commands:
set [<poolname>] <propertyvalue> Set the <propertyvalue> to <value>
Save Save and apply the changes
add <poolname> Add section for <poolname>
del <poolname> Delete section for <poolname>
Note: Refer to the Threadpool Properties section for details of properties available.
For example:
set minheap 1024m
set daemon false
set invocthds 4
$ -w
Batch Configuration Editor 1.0 []
Current Settings
minheap (1024m)
maxheap (1024m)
maxperm (256m)
daemon (true)
rmiport (6550)
dkidisabled (false)
storage (true)
distthds (4)
invocthds (4)
role (OUAF_Base_TPW)
poolname (DEFAULT)
threads (5)
poolname (LOCAL)
threads (0)
$ -l cache
does not exist - create? (y/n) y
Editing file /spl/DEMO/splapp/standalone/config/threadpoolworker.cache.
properties using template /oracle/OUAFDEMO/etc/
Current Settings
poolname (cache)
minheap (768m)
maxheap (768m)
maxperm (256m)
distthds (4)
invocthds (4)
role (OUAF_Cache_TPW)
Submitter Configuration
To execute a job in a threadpoolwork uses the submitjob.[sh] utility to initiate and wait for
the job to end. The submitjob.[sh] command can accept options for the job on the command
line but also read a configuration file for the parameters.
To use the submitter configuration features of the BatchEdit utility use the following
variations on the command:
bedit[.sh] -s -e <mode> -b <batchcode> Create/Edit to submitter configuration of batch
job <batchcode> using execution mode
<mode>. Also cane used to switch types.
The following modes are supported:
LOCAL - Execute job in threadpoolworker.
THIN - Execute single threaded job in
submitter JVM rather than threadpoolworker.
Used for development purposes only.
bedit[.sh] Edit the file.
Once the submitter configuration file is created the available properties for that configuration
are available and can be changed using the following commands:
set <propertyvalue> <value> Set the <propertyvalue> to <value>
save Save and apply the changes
add soft Add section for <parameters>
del <soft.x> Delete section for <paremeters>
what Display the configuration filename that is being
help <propertyvalue> Detailed help for <propertyvalue>
exit Exit the editor. If changes have been made a prompt
will ask the next action:
y - Apply changes
Note: Refer to the SubmitJob Properties section for details of properties available.
For example:
$ -s
Editing file /spl/DEMO/splapp/standalone/config/
using template /spl/DEMO/etc/
Current Settings
poolname (DEFAULT)
threads (1)
commit (200)
user (AUSER)
lang (ENG)
storage (false)
role ({batchCode})
File /spl/DEMO/splapp/standalone/config/ does not
exist - create? (y/n) y
Editing file /spl/DEMO/splapp/standalone/config/
using template /spl/DEMO/etc/
Current Settings
poolname (DEFAULT)
threads (1)
commit (10)
user (SYSUSER)
lang (ENG)
parm (maxErrors)
value (500)
Current Settings
poolname (DEFAULT)
threads (1)
commit (10)
user (SYSUSER)
lang (ENG)
parm (maxErrors)
value (0)
Miscellaneous Operations
There are a number of common operations that are applicable to the background processing
component of the product.
Error Processing
When a background process detects an error, the error may or may not be related to a
specific object that is being processed. For example, if the program finds an error during
batch parameter validation, this error is not object-specific. However, if the program finds
an error while processing a specific bill, this error is object-specific. The system reports
errors in one of the following ways:
• Errors that are not object-specific are written to the error message log in the Batch Run
• Some batch processes create entries in an exception table for certain object-specific errors.
For example, an error detected in the creation of a bill may be written to the bill
exception table. If an error is written to an exception table, it does not appear in the
batch run tree. For each exception table, there is an associated ToDo Entry Process that
creates a To Do Entry for each error to allow a user to correct the problem on-line.
• For some background processes, errors that do not result in the creation of an exception
record may instead generate a To Do entry directly. For these processes, if you wish
the system to directly create a To Do entry, you must configure the To Do type
appropriately. Refer to To Do entry for object-specific errors for information about
configuring the To Do type. If the background process detects an object specific error
AND you have configured the system to create a To Do entry, the error is not written to
the batch run tree. If you have configured your To Do type to not create To Do entries
for certain errors, these errors are written to the batch run tree. Each process that may
be configured in this way is indicated in the following sections in the Error May
Generate To Do column. Note that not all tables below include this column. If the table
does not include the column, then the creation of a ToDo for an object-specific error is
not applicable for the types of processes documented in the table.
Some processes create exceptions and To Do entries. It is possible for a background process
to create entries in an exception table AND create To Do entries directly, depending on the
error. Consider batch billing; any conditions that cause a bill or bill segment to be created in
error status result in a record added to the bill exception table or the bill segment exception
table. However, any object-specific error that is not related to a specific bill or bill segment
or any error that prevents a bill or bill segment from being created may result in a To Do
entry for the object-specific error.
submitjob[.sh] command.
The email address can be an individual person or a valid mail group (the latter requires
additional configuration in your email system).
To use email notification the email server must be configure using one of the following
1. The mail server can be defined through the default XAI Sender (see XAI Options in
the XAI documentation)with the appropriate SMTP settings on the Context tab.
2. Alternatively the properties can be supplied in the form of JVM properties as follows:
# Host whose mail services will be used
# (Default value : localhost)<your mail server>
# Return address to appear on emails
# (Default value : username@host)
Template Overrides
By default, some of the configuration files outlined in this document are generated from
product templates. The scripts provided with the product for use during installation,
patching and configuration regularly rebuild the configuration files from templates. This can
cause any manual changes to configuration files to be reset to the base templates, which may
mean loss of customizations if backups of the configuration files are not taken.
The Oracle Utilities Application Framework now features a facility where a site may
substitute their own templates, based upon the product templates. This allows sites to
customize their copies of the custom templates to suit their site standards and retain their
settings across upgrades and patches.
The process to use this facility is as follows:
• Make a copy of the template used for the relevant configuration file and prefix the copy
with cm.. Use the table below to identify the template used for the relevant
configuration file (templates are stored in the etc directory of the product environment):
• Make the site specific changes necessary for your site. Remember to use the structure
and the environment variables in the template as a guide for the format.
• Save the template.
Once this is done, if the configuration files are ever generated manually or as part of a patch
then they will use the custom template instead of the base template.
Note: If this facility is used, then it is the site's responsibility to maintain the custom template in line
with the product template. If future fixes add additional facilities to base templates then those changes
must be manually applied to any custom templates. Check any custom templates against the base
templates on a regular basis
Whilst the product supports custom templates it is now possible to only supply fragments of
a customization rather than whole configuration templates, known as user exit include files.
This allows you to specify additional settings to be included in the templates provided in
stream when the product templates are used to generate the configuration files when using
the initialSetup command.
When initialSetup is executed the templates are applied with the following order of
Base framework templates (no prefix). These templates should not be altered.
If a product specific template exists (prefixed by the product code) then the product
template is used instead of the base Framework template for the configuration file.
These templates should not be altered.
If a template is prefixed with "cm_" then this is a custom template to be used instead
of the product specific and base framework template.
These templates should live in $SPLEBASE/templates (or %SPLEBASE%\templates on
Note: When creating custom templates please use the base framework and any related product
templates as the basis for the content of the custom template.
Whilst this facility is flexible it means that any updates to the base or product templates
MUST be reflected in any custom templates. A new option is to use user exits that are placed
strategically in the most common configuration files that need change. When
initialSetup is executed the existence of user exit files are checked (when an
#ouaf_user_exit directive exists in the template) and the contents included in the
generated configuration file. The figure illustrates the process for a typical configuration
#ouaf_user_exit …
initialSetup -t
As with the custom templates user exits have preferences depending on the ownership of the
user exit include file. Custom includes will override any product specific includes. There are
no base includes as they are already included in the template files. The figure below
illustrates the preferences for both templates and includes:
initialSetup -t
cm includes cm Template
FW Template
The table below outlines the currently available user exits in the available templates:
To use these user exits create the user exit include file with the prefix "cm_" in the
$SPLEBASE/templates (or %SPLEBASE%\templates) directory. To reflect the user exits
in the configuration files you must execute the initialSetup utility. Refer to the Custom
JMS Configuration section for an example of this process.
The product behavior is controlled at a technical level by the values in the properties files.
Whilst most of the settings are defaulted to their correct settings in the file, additional
parameters may be added to the properties files to add new behavior. User exits are used to
set these additional parameters in the properties files.
From the table above there are more than one user exit available in each properties file
template to use. This is designed to maximize the reusability of configuration settings. There
are a number of specialized user exits that may need to be used:
Common Settings3 – The configuration files used by each channel of execution
(online, Web Services and batch) has a common user exit. This user exit is used to
house all the setting you want to implement regardless of the channel used. For
example the common setting user exits are:
Batch specific Settings – To implement custom settings for batch there is a separate
user exit to hold those parameters for those channels. The specific user exits are:
3These settings are shared across all channels. Batch specific settings should be set in the Batch
Specific user exits.
By default the submitjob and threadpoolworker utilities will create logs in a specific
location. For example:
{batchCode} Batch Control used for job
{sysDateTime} System Date and Time in YYYYMMDDHHmmSSSSS format
{pid} Process Id
If your implementation wishes to implement custom log file names then this may be
achieved using user exits which allow custom setting of the file name pattern. In the utilities
an environment variable is set to the name and location of the log file. The user exit may be
used to set this environment variable to an alternative. The user exit contains the script code
fragment used to set the log file environment file name.
The table below lists the user exit, environment variable name and the platform:
Additionally internal session variables are available for use in the user exits:
Variable submitjob threadpoolworker Comments
Note: Other environment variables in the session can be used and determined in the user exit script
Note: When setting the log file name the location and file name MUST be valid for the security and
operating system used for the product. The directory should be writable by the OS user used to execute
the job.
Cluster Properties
The Batch Edit facility allows for configuration of the batch cluster using the -c option.
For example:
bedit[.sh] [-t [ss|mc|wka]] -c
bedit[.sh] tangasol-coherence-override.xml
The table below lists the available configuration properties and their scope. For more
detailed information it is recommended to use the help <propertyvalue> command
where <propertyvalue> corresponds to the parameter to get more information upon.
To set the values of these parameter use the set <propertyvalue> <value> command
where <propertyvalue> corresponds to the parameter to set.
Note: Remember to use the save command to commit the changes.
Legend: all - applies to all modes, mc - applies to multi-cast implementations only, wka -
apples to uni-cast implementations only or ss - applies to single server implementations
Threadpool Properties
The Batch Edit facility allows for configuration of the batch threadpools using the -l option.
For example:
bedit[.sh] -l <label>
bedit[.sh] -w
The table below lists the available configuration properties. For more detailed information it
is recommended to use the help <propertyvalue> command where <propertyvalue>
corresponds to the parameter to get more information upon.
To set the values of these parameter use the set <propertyvalue> <value> command
where <propertyvalue> corresponds to the parameter to set.
Note: Remember to use the save command to commit the changes.
Property Usage
daemon Whether the online submission daemon is enabled or not. Valid values are
true or false. Used for environments where online submission is used
disthds Defines the maximum number of threads used internally by the Oracle
Coherence cache services. Refer to the help distthds command for
more information.
dkdisabled Used to control deferred key inserts in particular products. Refer to the
product documentation and the help dkidisabled command for more
Property Usage
invocthds Defines the maximum number of threads used internally by the Oracle
Coherence invocation services. Refer to the help invocthds command
for more information.
maxheap Maximum heap size for JVM within each threadpool. Valid values
correspond to the java Xmx option.
maxperm Maximum heap size for JVM within each threadpool. Valid values
correspond to the java XXMaxPermSize option (if supported by the JVM
minheap Minimum heap size for JVM within each threadpool. Valid values
correspond to the java Xms option.
pool Section for each threadpool defined within the cluster. A section exists for
each individual threadpool.
poolname Name of threadpool. Names such as default and cache are reserved.
rmiport Port used for JMX configuration for batch monitoring across threadpools.
role Informational name assigned to the threadpools for adding clarity in
storage Enables or disables local partition storage on the cluster. This setting is set
in conjunction with the use or non-use of cache servers. Refer to the help
storage command for more information.
threads Maximum number of concurrent batch threads supported per instance of
the threadpool named by poolname.
SubmitJob Properties
The Batch Edit facility allows for configuration of the batch submitter using the -b option.
For example:
bedit[.sh] -b <batchcode>
bedit[.sh] -s
The table below lists the available configuration properties. For more detailed information it
is recommended to use the help <propertyvalue> command where <propertyvalue>
corresponds to the parameter to get more information upon.
To set the values of these parameter use the set <propertyvalue> <value> command
where <propertyvalue> corresponds to the parameter to set.
Note: Remember to use the save command to commit the changes.
Property Usage
commit The commit interval (in objects) for this batch job
lang The default language code used for this batch job
parm Individual soft parameter name for this job. Valid values are available
from the batch control record for this batch job.
poolname The poolname to be used for this batch job (or the default)
role Default role for the submitter JVM. This is used for monitoring purposes.
This defaults to the batch job code {batchcode}.
soft Soft parameters section. One section per individual parameter.
storage Enables or disables local partition storage for this job. This setting is set in
conjunction with the use or non-use of cache servers. Refer to the help
storage command for more information.
threads Maximum Number of threads for this batch job
user The product user to use for authorization purposes for this batch job
value Value of the soft parameter designated by parm.