P6 Professional Administrator's Guide - Oracle Database PDF
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide - Oracle Database PDF
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide - Oracle Database PDF
May 2011
Oracle Primavera P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Copyright 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. The platform-specific hardware and software requirements included in this document were current when this document was published. However, because new platforms and operating system software versions might be certified after this document is published, review the certification matrix on the My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) Web site for the most up-to-date list of certified hardware platforms and operating system versions. The My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) Web site is available at the following URL: http://metalink.oracle.com/ or http://support.oracle.com/ If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.
Copyright The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. Oracle and Primavera are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party. To view the list of third party technology disclosures related to this product, please see the Commercial Notices and Disclosures document for the release.
Copyright ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Preface............................................................................................................................................ 13 P6 Professional Documentation..................................................................................................... 13 Where to Get Documentation Updates .......................................................................................... 15 Where To Get Training .................................................................................................................... 15 Where to Get Support ..................................................................................................................... 15 Layout of the P6 Professional Administrators Guide ................................................................... 16 Planning Your Implementation ....................................................................................................... 17 Which Components Do I Need?...................................................................................................... 17 Client and Server Requirements .................................................................................................... 18 Supported Platforms for P6 Professional ................................................................................. 18 Supported Configurations for Client Modules .......................................................................... 18 Supported Configurations for Servers ...................................................................................... 19 Supported E-Mail Systems and Network Protocols.................................................................. 19 Security Guidance ........................................................................................................................... 21 Security Guidance Overview ........................................................................................................... 21 Safe Deployment of P6 Professional ............................................................................................. 22 Administrative Privileges Needed for Installation and Operation ........................................... 22 Minimum Client Permissions Needed for P6 Professional...................................................... 22 Physical Security Requirements for P6 Professional ............................................................... 23 Files to Protect after Implementation ....................................................................................... 24 Authentication Options for P6 Professional................................................................................... 24 Authorization for P6 Professional ................................................................................................... 25 Confidentiality for P6 Professional ................................................................................................. 25 Sensitive Data for P6 Professional................................................................................................. 25 Reliability for P6 Professional......................................................................................................... 26 Additional Sources for Security Guidance ..................................................................................... 26 Automatic Database Installation .................................................................................................... 27 Automatic Database Installation Overview .................................................................................... 27 About the Database Wizard ............................................................................................................ 28 Automatically Installing an Oracle Database and Loading Application Data ......................... 28
Creating an Oracle Database............................................................................................. 29 Loading Application Data for Oracle .................................................................................. 30 The Base Currency for Oracle ............................................................................................ 32
Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ................................................................................ 32 Adding Private Database Logins for P6 Professional .............................................................. 33 Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 Professional .......................................................... 33 Deleting Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ............................................................ 34
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Manual Database Configuration ..................................................................................................... 35 Manual Database Configuration Overview .................................................................................... 35 Creating the Database Structure for Oracle and Loading Application Data ................................ 36 Creating the P6 Professional Database Structure for Oracle .................................................. 37
Copying the Script Files to a Local Drive for Oracle.......................................................... 37 Creating the Database Tablespaces for Oracle ................................................................ 38 Creating Users and Tables for Oracle................................................................................ 38 Installing Sample Data for Oracle...................................................................................... 39 Creating Remaining Database Objects for Oracle ............................................................ 39 Initializing Background Jobs and Creating the Background Job User ............................. 40
Dropping P6 Professional Database Objects for Oracle .......................................................... 40 Changing the Database Base Currency ......................................................................................... 41 The Base Currency ..................................................................................................................... 41 Reviewing Currency Choices...................................................................................................... 42 Changing the Base Currency ..................................................................................................... 42 Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ................................................................................ 42 Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm ...................... 43 Adding Private Database Logins for P6 Professional .............................................................. 43 Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 Professional .......................................................... 44 Deleting Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ............................................................ 45 Automatic Database Upgrade......................................................................................................... 47 Database Upgrade Process ............................................................................................................ 47 Convert Methodologies to Projects ........................................................................................... 47 Risks Migration........................................................................................................................... 48 Upgrading an Oracle Database to P6 Professional ....................................................................... 49 Upgrading an Oracle P6 Professional Database ...................................................................... 50 Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ................................................................................ 51 Adding Private Database Logins for P6 Professional .............................................................. 52 Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 Professional .......................................................... 52 Deleting Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ............................................................ 53 Database Administration ................................................................................................................ 55 Background Processes and Clean Up in P6 Professional ............................................................ 55 RDBMS Scheduler Configuration ................................................................................................... 55 Database Settings Table................................................................................................................. 56 Reading Setting Values ................................................................................................................... 57 Using Code to Read Setting Values for Oracle ......................................................................... 57 Writing Setting Values ..................................................................................................................... 57 Using Code to Write Setting Values for Oracle ......................................................................... 57 Tracking Background Job Execution .............................................................................................. 58 High Level Status Settings ......................................................................................................... 58 The BGPLOG Table ..................................................................................................................... 58 SYMON (System Monitor) Procedures ........................................................................................... 59 OBSPROJ_PROCESS_QUEUE Procedure................................................................................... 59 USESSION_CLEANUP_EXPIRED Procedure .............................................................................. 60
Tracking Concurrent Usage of P6 Professional ................................................................ 61
Contents DAMON (Data Monitor) Procedures ............................................................................................... 62 BGPLOG_CLEANUP Procedure .................................................................................................. 63 REFRDEL_CLEANUP Procedure ................................................................................................. 63 CLEANUP_PRMQUEUE Procedure ............................................................................................. 64 USESSION_CLEAR_LOGICAL_DELETES Procedure .................................................................. 65 CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES Procedure ................................................................................. 66 PRMAUDIT_CLEANUP Procedure............................................................................................... 67 CLEANUP_USESSAUD Procedure .............................................................................................. 67 USER_DEFINED_BACKGROUND Procedure ............................................................................. 68 Oracle Database Performance ....................................................................................................... 69 Safe Deletes .................................................................................................................................... 69 Turning Off Safe Deletes ............................................................................................................ 70 Native Database Auditing ............................................................................................................... 70 Auditing Level Configuration...................................................................................................... 70 Simple Configuration ................................................................................................................. 71 Detailed Configuration ............................................................................................................... 72
Auditing Status ................................................................................................................... 72 Options Setting ................................................................................................................... 72 SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING Procedure .............................................................................. 73
The Audit Table........................................................................................................................... 73 Session Auditing ......................................................................................................................... 75 Column Audit Data ..................................................................................................................... 75 Installing P6 Professional ............................................................................................................... 77 Database Client Software ............................................................................................................... 77 Oracle Database Client Software .............................................................................................. 77
Configuring Client Machines for Oracle Instant Client ..................................................... 78
Previous Versions of P6 Professional ............................................................................................ 78 About the P6 Professional Setup Wizard ....................................................................................... 79 Installing P6 Professional ............................................................................................................... 79 Installing the P6 Professional Application for Typical Use ....................................................... 80 Configuring the Database Connection for P6 Professional ..................................................... 80 Set the industry type .................................................................................................................. 81 About the Database Configuration Wizard for P6 Professional ................................................... 82 Changing Database Connection Settings for P6 Professional ................................................ 83 Configuring Client Machines to Transfer Data Between P3 and P6 Professional ...................... 84 Installing the P6 SDK ...................................................................................................................... 84 Installing the P6 SDK Application ............................................................................................. 84 Installing the Job Service ................................................................................................................ 85 Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service ............................................................ 86 Configuring Windows 2008 Server for Job Services ................................................................ 88 Configure the Job Service to Send Jobs Directly to a Printer .................................................. 88 Specify a Different Language for the Job Service .................................................................... 89 Configuring Distributed Job Service ............................................................................................... 89 Distributed Job Service Overview .............................................................................................. 90 Prepare the Controller and DJS Servers for Installation and Configuration ........................... 90
Set the Job Service Log On Account .................................................................................. 88
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Installing the Distributed Job Service ....................................................................................... 90 Disabling the Windows Firewall................................................................................................. 90 Configure Access to the Distributed Job Service...................................................................... 91 Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service ..................................................................... 91 Configure the Controller and DJS Servers ................................................................................ 93 Job Service Registry Settings .................................................................................................... 93 Unattended Setup for P6 Professional ........................................................................................... 99 Unattended Setup ........................................................................................................................... 99 Running Unattended Setup ..........................................................................................................100 Creating Database Connections for Unattended Setup .............................................................100 Users and Security ........................................................................................................................ 103 Security Concepts in P6 Professional ..........................................................................................103 Security Configuration Process in P6 Professional ................................................................107 Useful P6 Professional Terms ......................................................................................................108 Admin superuser ......................................................................................................................109 Defining the OBS ...........................................................................................................................109 Organizational breakdown structure (OBS) overview ............................................................109 Setting up the OBS ...................................................................................................................109 View the OBS ............................................................................................................................109 OBS security .............................................................................................................................110 Add an OBS element ................................................................................................................110 Assign an OBS element to a WBS element ............................................................................111 Edit an OBS element ................................................................................................................111 Copy and paste an OBS element ............................................................................................111 Cut and paste an OBS element ...............................................................................................112 Delete an OBS element ...........................................................................................................112 View the OBS chart display ......................................................................................................112 Change the OBS chart display .................................................................................................112 Move around the OBS chart ....................................................................................................113 Change the OBS chart information .........................................................................................113 Assign responsibility for an issue ............................................................................................113 Assign responsibility for threshold-generated issues ............................................................114 Setting up the EPS ........................................................................................................................114 Enterprise Project Structure overview ....................................................................................114 Defining the Enterprise Project Structure ...............................................................................114 Set up the EPS structure .........................................................................................................115 Add a project to the EPS hierarchy .........................................................................................115 Delete an EPS node or project ................................................................................................116 Copy an EPS node or project ...................................................................................................116 Managing User Security ................................................................................................................116 Setting up user security ...........................................................................................................116 Module access .........................................................................................................................117 Security profiles........................................................................................................................118 Global profiles ..........................................................................................................................118 Project profiles .........................................................................................................................124
Global Privilege Definitions .............................................................................................. 118
Project Privilege Definitions ............................................................................................. 125
Add new users ..........................................................................................................................129 List number of users having access to P6 Professional ........................................................131 Change user security profiles ..................................................................................................132 Change user passwords ..........................................................................................................132 Enable or disable user access to P6 Professional .................................................................133 Remove users...........................................................................................................................133 Create global profiles ...............................................................................................................133 Assign global profiles ...............................................................................................................133 Change global profiles .............................................................................................................134 Delete global profiles ...............................................................................................................134 Create project profiles .............................................................................................................134 Assign project profiles..............................................................................................................135 Change project profiles ............................................................................................................135 Delete project profiles..............................................................................................................135 Managing Resource Security ........................................................................................................136 Introduction to Resource Security ...........................................................................................136 Implementing Resource Security ............................................................................................137 Enable Resource Security ........................................................................................................138 Disable Resource Security .......................................................................................................139 Displaying Resource Access Information ...............................................................................139 Change Resource Security.......................................................................................................140 Application Settings and Global Data ........................................................................................... 141 Defining Administrative Preferences............................................................................................141 Administrative preferences .....................................................................................................141 Change the global code separator ..........................................................................................141 Set the week start day .............................................................................................................141 Set a default activity duration .................................................................................................142 Define maximum hierarchy levels ...........................................................................................142 Define maximum project activity codes ..................................................................................142 Define maximum baselines .....................................................................................................142 Define maximum ID lengths ....................................................................................................142 Set default workhours..............................................................................................................143 Set abbreviations for displaying time .....................................................................................143 Define default earned value settings......................................................................................143 Set global summarization options ..........................................................................................144 Set the industry type ................................................................................................................145 Defining Administrative Categories ..............................................................................................146 Administrative categories ........................................................................................................146 Baseline Types .........................................................................................................................147
Create a baseline type ..................................................................................................... 147 Edit a baseline type .......................................................................................................... 147 Delete a baseline type ..................................................................................................... 147
Expense Categories..................................................................................................................148
Create expense categories .............................................................................................. 148 Rename expense categories ........................................................................................... 148 Delete expense categories .............................................................................................. 148 Edit the WBS category ...................................................................................................... 148
Notebook Topics.......................................................................................................................153
Defining Currencies .......................................................................................................................154 Currencies.................................................................................................................................154 Add a view currency .................................................................................................................155 Define a base currency ............................................................................................................155 Setting User Preferences ..............................................................................................................156 Define user preferences ..........................................................................................................156 Define how to display time information ..................................................................................157 Specify a format for dates .......................................................................................................158 Specify a format for currency ..................................................................................................158 Select a view currency .............................................................................................................158 Enter e-mail settings ................................................................................................................158 Set wizard options ....................................................................................................................158 Change my password ...............................................................................................................159 Set startup options...................................................................................................................159 Create a log of tasks ................................................................................................................160 Define the range of financial periods to display in columns .................................................160 Set resource analysis options .................................................................................................160 Select Startup Filters ...............................................................................................................162 Select calculation options for resource and role assignments .............................................162 Authentication in P6 Professional ................................................................................................ 165 About User Authentication Modes................................................................................................165 Configuring LDAP Servers .............................................................................................................165 Provisioning LDAP User Information for the First Time ...............................................................166 Configuring P6 Professional Internal Plug-ins for Authentication ..............................................167 Login Procedures and Authentication in P6 Professional ..........................................................167
Contents About the Administration Configuration Tool ................................................................................ 168 Installing the Administration Configuration Tool .........................................................................168 Resetting Private User Passwords ...............................................................................................169 Resetting Application User Passwords.........................................................................................169 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 171 Importing Projects from P3 to P6 Professional ...........................................................................173 What Causes the P3 Import Option to Be Grayed Our or Send an Error Message? ............173 Importing Projects from P3 if You Own a Licensed Copy of P3 or SureTrak ........................174 Message when Starting Import or Export ...............................................................................174
Oracle provides comprehensive, multiproject planning and control software, built on Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases for organization-wide project management scalability. P6 Professional provides a client/server connection for planning- and scheduling-focused users.
In This Chapter
P6 Professional Documentation .............................................................................. 13 Where to Get Documentation Updates................................................................ 15 Where To Get Training .............................................................................................. 15 Where to Get Support .............................................................................................. 15 Layout of the P6 Professional Administrators Guide ........................................... 16
P6 Professional Documentation
You can access reference manuals and administrators guides from the P6 Professional Documentation Center, located in the \Documentation\<language> folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download. Most documentation assumes a standard setup of the product, with full access rights to all features and functions. Media packs include all files necessary to install P6 Professional applications, all manuals and technical documents related to the installation, administration, and use of P6 Professional components, and the Quick Install Guide. For information on the contents of the P6 Professional Media Pack, see the P6 Professional Quick Install Guide. The following table describes documentation publications and lists the recommended readers by role. P6 Professional roles are described in the P6 Professional Administrator's Guide.
Title Description
Explains how to set up the P6 Professional database, servers, and components; it also provides an overview of all the components in the P6 Professional solution. The guide describes the procedures required to administer P6 Professional, including setting up security and configuring global preferences. The P6 Professional network administrator/database administrator should read this guide. Lists the configurations that have been tested and
Tested Configurations
verified to work with P6 Professional. The network administrator/database administrator and P6 Professional administrator should read this document. P6 Professional Explains how to install and configure P6 Professional as a Standalone Installation standalone application. and Configuration Guide P6 Professional Help Explains how to use P6 Professional to plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment. If you are new to P6 Professional, use this Help to learn how to use the software effectively to plan and manage projects. The P6 Professional administrator, program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this Help. This guide explains how to plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment. If you are new to P6 Professional, start with this guide to learn how to use the software effectively to plan and manage projects. When you need more detail, refer to the P6 Professional Help. The program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this guide. Describes how to create, modify, and manage Timescaled Logic Diagrams. Timescaled Logic Diagrams condense the project schedule displayed in the Gantt Chart into a more readable, easier to understand format that provides a snapshot of the entire project plan and the chains of activities that drive the project schedule. Describes how to use the P6 SDK to connect to the P6 Professional database. The tables, fields, and stored procedures that you can access through the P6 SDK are described. Examples are also provided to show how you can use the P6 SDK to perform several basic tasks, such as creating a new project or assigning a resource to a project activity. The P6 Professional network administrator/database administrator should read this documentation, which is available in local drive\Program Files\Oracle\Primavera P6 Professional\PMSDK\Doc\ by default. Double-click the INDEX.HTML file to open the Table of Contents.
This guide provides best practices for migrating your P3 data to P6 Professional, and details how P3 functionality maps to P6 Professional functionality.
Distributing Information to the Team You can copy the online documentation to a network drive for access by project participants. Each team member can then view or print those portions that specifically relate to his or her role in the organization. Throughout this documentation, the Security Guidance icon helps you to quickly identify security-related content to consider during the installation and configuration process.
P6 Professional Application Administration Describes how to customize P6 Professional applications, once installed. Specifically, this section covers how to:
Set up users and configure security Modify application settings and global enterprise data Set up authentication and provision users
Tips Throughout this documentation, the Security Guidance icon helps you to quickly identify security-related content to consider during the installation and configuration process. See Security Guidance (on page 21) for more information about security guidelines.
In This Section
Which Components Do I Need? ............................................................................ 17 Client and Server Requirements ............................................................................. 18
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Do some users require the ability to manage their projects in Microsoft Project while utilizing P6 Professional to manage global data? Your organization might currently use Microsoft Project to manage projects. Use P6 Professional import/export functionality to share projects, resources, and roles data with Microsoft Project. For more information, see the P6 Professional Help. Do we want to utilize password security features? When the authentication mode is set to "Native," most of P6 Professional, with the exception of the P6 SDK, offers a strong password policy feature. When enabled, this feature requires that all new and modified passwords be between 8 and 20 characters and contain at least one number and one letter. If using LDAP authentication, the security set on the host authentication server overrides the password security features in P6 Professional.
Microsoft Windows XP sp3 Microsoft Windows Vista sp2 Microsoft Windows 7 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5
Oracle Runtime (only required for Oracle databases and only the 32-bit
version is supported). Oracle 11G R2 is also supported. TCP/IP network protocol
Planning Your Implementation Note: P6 Professional R8.1 is compiled with a /LARGEADDRESSAWARE option (also known as LAA) that can address additional virtual memory above 2GB. Applications like P6 Professional that are compiled with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE option can take advantage of the 3GB switch in 32-bit Windows and can address up to 4GB of virtual memory in 64-bit Windows. For more information on the 3GB switch for the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE option, please contact Microsoft Support.
Oracle Oracle Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sp3 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Security Guidance
This chapter provides guidelines on creating an overall secure environment for P6 Professional. It summarizes security options to consider for each installation and configuration process and details additional security steps that you can perform before and after P6 Professional implementation.
In This Section
Security Guidance Overview .................................................................................. 21 Safe Deployment of P6 Professional....................................................................... 22 Authentication Options for P6 Professional ........................................................... 24 Authorization for P6 Professional ............................................................................. 25 Confidentiality for P6 Professional........................................................................... 25 Sensitive Data for P6 Professional ........................................................................... 25 Reliability for P6 Professional .................................................................................... 26 Additional Sources for Security Guidance ............................................................ 26
Review all security documentation for applications and hardware components that
interact or integrate with P6 Professional. Hardening your environment is recommended. See Additional Sources for Security Guidance (on page 26) for links that can help you to get started. Read through the summary of considerations for P6 Professional included in this document. Areas covered include: safe deployment, authentication options, authorization, confidentiality, sensitive data, reliability, and cookies usage.
helps you to quickly identify security-related content to consider during the installation and configuration process. Once you begin the installation and configuration of your P6 Professional environment, use the Security Guidance icon as a reminder to carefully consider all security options.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Tips As with any software product, be aware that security changes made for third party applications might affect P6 Professional applications. For example, if you configure WebLogic to use only SSL v3.0, you must disable TLS v1.0 for the client JRE for P6 to launch properly. If using an Internet Explorer browser, you must also disable TLS v1.0 in Internet Options.
Security Guidance
READ Note: For the Update Baseline and Schedule Comparison/Claim Digger tools, the key is opened in Read/Write/Delete mode.
Captures processes performed during P6 Professional database installation. Default Location = user home directory (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator) dbconfigpv.cmd (or dbconfig.sh for Linux) Tool used to create the connection between the P6 Professional database and P6. Default location = P6 home directory, as specified during installation p6-emplugin.jar A P6 Professional-specific plug-in used to enable the display of P6 metrics in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Default location = P6 home directory, as specified during installation
Native authentication is the default mode for P6 Professional. In this mode, when a
user attempts to log into a P6 Professional application, authentication is handled directly through the module with the P6 Professional database acting as the authority. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is directory-based authentication and is available for all P6 Professional applications. In this mode, when a user attempts to log into a P6 Professional application, the users identity is confirmed in an LDAP-compliant directory server database. Additionally, P6 Professional supports the use of LDAP referrals with Oracle Internet Directory and Microsoft Windows Active Directory. Referrals chasing allows authentication to extend to another domain. You can also configure multiple LDAP servers to use for authentication. This allows failover support and enables you to search for users in multiple LDAP stores.
Security Guidance The use of LDAP will help you to create the most secure authentication environment available in P6 Professional.
Use Module Access rights to limit access to P6 Professional modules. Use Global profiles to limit privileges to global data. Assign the Admin Superuser
account sparingly. Use Project profiles to limit privileges to project data. Assign the Project Superuser account sparingly. Assign OBS elements to EPS and WBS nodes to limit access to projects. Assign resource access limitations to each user.
Confidentiality for P6 Professional Confidentiality ensures that stored and transmitted information is disclosed only to
authorized users. In addition to the documentation included with other applications and hardware components, follow the P6 Professional-specific guidance below. For data in transit, use SSL/TLS to protect network connections among modules. If LDAP authentication mode is used, ensure that LDAPS is used for the connection to the directory server. For data at rest, refer to the documentation included with the database server for instructions on securing the database.
Sensitive Data for P6 Professional Measures should be taken to protect sensitive data in P6 Professional, such as user
names, passwords, and e-mail addresses. Use the process below as an aid during your security planning: Implement security measures in P6 Professional to carefully grant users access to sensitive data. For example, use a combination of Global Profiles, Project Profiles, and OBS access to limit access to data. Implement security measures for applications that interact with P6 Professional, as detailed in the documentation included with those applications.
Ensure that the latest security patches are installed. Replace the default Admin Superuser (admin) immediately after a manual database
installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier. Ensure that log settings meet the operational needs of the server environment. Refrain from using "Debug" log level in production environments. Document the configuration settings used for servers and create a process for changing them. Protect access to configuration files with physical and file system security.
In This Section
Automatic Database Installation Overview ......................................................... 27 About the Database Wizard ................................................................................... 28 Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ......................................................... 32
When you install the Oracle client, the TNSPING.EXE utility is automatically installed in
the \oracle\ora_home\bin folder. This utility must be present for P6 Professional applications. Do not delete it. Oracle must be run in Dedicated Mode (rather than MTS mode). If you need to use the Euro symbol in any Western European language, you must use codepage WE8MSWIN1252 or UTF8. Please note, if you change the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter from BYTE to CHAR the software will not be affected. Oracle recommends using CHAR if using UTF8 because some characters are two or three bytes. Note: P6 Professional does not support passwords with multi-byte characters. To configure the Oracle database server for SSL: Please see the Advanced Security Administrator's Guide included with the Oracle Database Server Documentation for configuring the Oracle Server and Oracle Client(s) for SSL.
Related Topics
Creating an Oracle Database ............................................................................... 29 Loading Application Data for Oracle ................................................................... 30 The Base Currency for Oracle................................................................................. 32 Creating an Oracle Database To create an Oracle database: 1) Set the JAVA_HOME location: In your Windows system environment. a. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties. b. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables. c. In the Environment Variables dialog box, under System variables, click New. d. In the New System Variable dialog box: 1. In the Variable name: field, enter JAVA_HOME. 2. In the Variable value: field, enter the location where Java is located (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre6). e. Click OK to exit out of the open dialog boxes. For Linux, add the JAVA_HOME Environment variable to the dbsetup.sh (in the Database folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download) file before running it. For example: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.6.0_24/ 2) Run dbsetup.bat (dbsetup.sh for Linux) from the Database folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download. Note: Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step. 3) On the Primavera P6 dialog box: a. Choose Install a new database. b. Choose Oracle as the server type. 4) On the Connection Information dialog box: a. In the DBA user name field, type the Oracle system user name to log on to the database. b. In the DBA password field, type the password to log on to the database. c. In the Database host address field, enter the server machine name or IP address where Oracle is installed. d. In the Database host port field, enter the port number that Oracle is using. The default is 1521. e. In the Database name (SID) field, enter the Oracle service name.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Note:Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^&*()-_|/\~` 5) On the Configure Oracle Tablespaces dialog box: a. Change the estimated tablespace sizes if needed. b. Select the Use existing tablespaces option only if the database server to which you are connecting already has existing tablespaces. For a new database server, do not select this option. If you select this option, skip to step 2 on Loading Application Data for Oracle (on page 30). c. Click Next to accept the name for the Data, Index, and LOB tablespace names and estimated tablespace sizes. 6) On the Specify Oracle Tablespace Locations dialog box: a. Accept the default locations for the Oracle tablespaces (Data, Index, and LOB) or specify different locations. b. Click Create. Clicking Create will begin the initial setup of the P6 Professional database, so you will no longer be able to click Previous to change your prior selections. However, in Loading Application Data for Oracle (on page 30), you will have the option to either click Next or Cancel.
Loading Application Data for Oracle To continue installing the Oracle database and load application data: 1) On the Primavera Database Setup Wizard dialog box, click Next when tablespace creation has completed. 2) On the Create Oracle Users dialog box, specify the Oracle database administrative, privileged, public, and background user names and passwords. Caution: You cannot enter privuser as the administrative user name; doing so will cause conflicts. Notes: P6 Professional does not support passwords with multi-byte characters. Oracle recommends using strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6 Professional are defined as passwords containing between 8 and 20 characters and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters.
Automatic Database Installation Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? !@#$%^&*()-_|/\~ 3) On the Configuration Options dialog box: a. In the Application User section, enter the P6 Professional application administrative user name and password. By default, the application administrative user will be granted Admin Superuser access rights. Note: Oracle recommends using strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6 Professional are defined as passwords containing between 8 and 20 characters and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters. b. Select the Load sample data option if you want to include sample project data in a non-production database. If you do not select the Load sample data option, empty data is loaded in a secure state and includes only the most basic information needed to run the P6 Professional database. Caution: You must choose the base currency in the following step if you do not want the database to use US dollars ($) as the base currency. It is not possible to change the base currency once projects are in progress. See The Base Currency (on page 41) for more information on the base currency. c. If you want to use a currency other than US Dollars as the base currency for the database, select a different base currency in the Currency field. d. Click Install to start the process of loading the database tables with application data. 4) On the Finish dialog box, click Finish to exit the wizard. Notes: If the database creation fails, see PrimaveraDatabaseSetup.log located in the user home directory (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator). Contact Oracle Global Customer Support if you need further assistance. When the installation successfully completes, delete the installation log: DatabaseSetup.log. You can find this under C:\Documents and Settings. The folder name will depend on what you setup during installation.
Once the application data is installed you can begin to install and configure the client module. See Database Administration (on page 55) for information on configuring database settings to optimize performance.
The Base Currency for Oracle The base currency is the monetary unit used to store cost data for all projects in the database and is controlled by a global administrative setting in P6. The default base currency for P6 Professional is US dollars ($). The view currency is the monetary unit used to display cost data in P6 Professional and is controlled by a user preference. The exchange rate for the base currency is always 1.0. When a user selects a different currency than the base currency to view cost data, the base currency value is multiplied times the current exchange rate for the view currency to calculate the values displayed in cost and price fields. For example, if the base currency is U.S. Dollars, the view currency is Euros, and the exchange rate for Euros is .75, a value of $10 stored in the database is displayed as 7.5 Euros in cost and price fields. Similarly, if you enter 7.5 Euros in a cost or price field, it is stored in the database as $10. When data is displayed in a view currency that is different than the base currency, some cost and price values can vary slightly (e.g., due to rounding). As long as the correct base currency is selected during database installation, a user can view completely accurate cost and price data by changing the view currency to match the base currency. See Adding a Currency for information on adding view currencies.
Related Topics
Adding Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ........................................... 33 Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ....................................... 33 Deleting Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ......................................... 34
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database d. Click Next. 3) On the Private Database Logins dialog box: a. Select the private database user name that you wish to modify. b. Enter a new user name. c. Highlight the password, and change it. d. Click the Update Password button. e. To reverse a change, click Undo. Undo will reverse any changes made during the current session. f. Click Save. g. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.
In This Section
Manual Database Configuration Overview ......................................................... 35 Creating the Database Structure for Oracle and Loading Application Data 36 Changing the Database Base Currency .............................................................. 41 Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ......................................................... 42
When you install the Oracle client, the TNSPING.EXE utility is automatically installed in
the \oracle\ora_home\bin folder. This utility must be present for P6 Professional applications. Do not delete it. See Automatic Database Upgrade (on page 47) for instructions on automatically upgrading your databases to the current version if you have manually configured P6 Professional databases for an earlier version. If you want to manually upgrade your databases, refer to the manual database upgrade documents available from the P6 Professional Documentation Center, which you can access from the \Documentation\<language> folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download. _ For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace the default database users' (admuser, privuser, pubuser, and bgjobuser) passwords immediately after a manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier. Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ ` Oracle recommends using strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6 Professional are defined as passwords containing between 8 and 20 characters and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters. See Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 Professional for instructions on how to replace the private database login. For all other database user names and passwords, use the tools included with Oracle Database. The background job user only has to be reset for manual installations.
For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace the default Admin Superuser (admin) immediately after a manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier. To configure the Oracle database server for SSL, please see the Advanced Security Administrator's Guide included with the Oracle Database Server Documentation for configuring the Oracle Server and Oracle Client(s) for SSL.
Creating the Database Structure for Oracle and Loading Application Data
The Oracle database administrator (DBA) creates the P6 Professional database, then runs P6 Professional SQL scripts, which create each databases structure (tables, indexes, relationships, and so on). Notes: Oracle must be run in Dedicated Mode (rather than MTS mode).
Manual Database Configuration If you need to use the Euro symbol in any Western European language, you must use codepage WE8MSWIN1252 or UTF8. Please note, if you change the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter from BYTE to CHAR the software will not be affected. Oracle recommends using CHAR if using UTF8 because some characters are two or three bytes.
These instructions assume you are an Oracle DBA or are familiar with administering Oracle databases. All steps need to be completed in the order specified. If you have any questions about the manual setup process, please contact Oracle Global Customer Support before proceeding. You can also use a wizard that automatically creates the database structures and loads the data for you. See Automatic Database Installation (on page 27) for more information. Oracle recommends that you use SQL Plus to run scripts referenced in the following instructions.
Related Topics
Creating the P6 Professional Database Structure for Oracle ............................. 37 Dropping P6 Professional Database Objects for Oracle ..................................... 40
Related Topics
Copying the Script Files to a Local Drive for Oracle ............................................ 37 Creating the Database Tablespaces for Oracle ................................................. 38 Creating Users and Tables for Oracle .................................................................... 38 Installing Sample Data for Oracle .......................................................................... 39 Creating Remaining Database Objects for Oracle............................................. 39 Initializing Background Jobs and Creating the Background Job User .............. 40 Copying the Script Files to a Local Drive for Oracle To copy the script files: 1) Copy the Database folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download to a local drive. 2) Use the copy on the local drive for all instructions in this section.
Creating the Database Tablespaces for Oracle To create database tablespaces: 1) Log into Oracle as a SYSTEM or other DBA privileged user. 2) Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_08_00_00 and execute the orppm_init_db.sql script. This script creates the following tablespaces: PMDB_DAT1 PMDB_NDX1 PMDB_LOB1 If you want to change those names, you must modify the orppm_init_db.sql script. Notes: Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? !@#$%^&*()-_|/\~` Instead of running the orppm_init_db.sql script, you can manually create a database with system, temporary, and undo tablespaces. Oracle recommends that you create a database with a 500 MB temporary tablespace and a 500 MB undo tablespace. Make sure that the Oracle client can connect to the database. Refer to your Oracle database documentation if you are unfamiliar with this process.
Creating Users and Tables for Oracle The scripts in this task are located in: \database\scripts\install\PPM_08_00_00 To create users and tables: 1) Log into the P6 Professional database as a SYSTEM or other DBA privileged user. 2) Execute the orppm_create_users.sql script. Notes: Running the orpm_create_users.sql script automatically creates database user names: admuser, privuser, pubuser, and PxRptUser. If you have created other user names and wish to use those when running P6 Professional database scripts, make sure to replace the administrative, private, public, and PX reporting user names with your custom user names in all applicable scripts before running them.
Manual Database Configuration Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? !@#$%^&*()-_|/\~` 3) Log into the P6 Professional database as admuser, or use your custom administrative user name if you created one. 4) Execute the orppm_tables.sql script. Notes: If you changed tablespace or user names, you will need to update the orppm_tables.sql script. You will need to update the PMDB_DAT1 tablespace name and the admuser, privuser, and pubuser names. Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user names, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ?!@#$%^&*()-_|/\~`
Installing Sample Data for Oracle To install sample data: 1) Open a command prompt and change your directory to the location of the rundataloader.bat file, which is on the root of the database folder by default. 2) Execute a statement similar to one of the following: Use this command if you want to load sample data into a non-production environment. rundataloader.bat sample:ppmdb_mk.zip admuser/password@oracle:host:port:instance where password is the admuser password, host is the server machine name or IP address where Oracle is installed, port is the port number that Oracle is using (the default is 1521), and instance is the database name or SID (for example, PMDB)
Use this command if you do not want to load sample data. Empty data is loaded in a secure state and includes only the basic information needed to run the P6 Professional database. rundataloader.bat sample:ppmdb_mk_empty.zip admuser/password@oracle:host:port:instance where password is the admuser password, host is the server machine name or IP address where Oracle is installed, port is the port number that Oracle is using (the default is 1521), and instance is the database name or SID (for example, PMDB)
Creating Remaining Database Objects for Oracle The scripts in this task are located in: Install scripts: \database\scripts\install\PPM_08_00_00 Source scripts: \database\scripts\source\PPM_08_00_00
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database To create remaining database objects: 1) Log into the P6 Professional database as admuser, or use your custom administrative user name if you created one. 2) Execute the orppm_querylib.sql install scripts. 3) Execute the orppm_ins_aux.sql install script. Notes: If you changed the default PMDB_NDX1 tablespace and admuser, privuser, and pubuser names, you must update the orppm_ins_aux.sql script with your custom PMDB_NDX1 tablespace and admuser, privuser, and pubuser names.Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ()-_|/\~ 4) Execute the orppm_src.plb source script. 5) Execute the orppm_secpac.sql scriptIf you used a non-default privuser name, you must do the following: a. Log into the databaselogins.bat (on Windows) or databaselogins.sh (on Unix) database as admuser, or use your custom administrative user name if you created one. 6) Update the privuser name and password to match what you used when you created users in Creating Users and Tables for Oracle (on page 38). 7) Execute the orppm_database_version.sql install script as admuser, or use your custom administrative user name if you created one. Initializing Background Jobs and Creating the Background Job User The scripts in this task are located in: Install scripts: \database\scripts\install\PPM_08_00_00 To initialize background jobs and create the background job user: 1) Log into the P6 Professional database as admuser, or use your custom administrative user name if you created one. 2) Execute the orppm_create_bguser.sql. 3) Execute the orppm_grantpriv_bguser.sql. 4) Log into the P6 Professional database as bgjobuser, or use your custom background job user name if you created one. 5) Execute the orppm_init_bgjobs.sql.
Manual Database Configuration 1) Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_08_00_00 and execute the orppm_drop_users.sql script. This will drop admuser, privuser, pubuser, and bgjobuser, and their objects. 2) Start over at Creating Users and Tables for Oracle (on page 38).
Related Topics
The Base Currency .................................................................................................... 41 Reviewing Currency Choices .................................................................................. 42 Changing the Base Currency ................................................................................. 42
Manual Database Configuration P6 Professional R8.1 includes an encryption algorithm that provides enhanced security for private database logins; however, the encryption algorithm is not automatically enforced when you manually configure or upgrade your database. If you manually configure or upgrade your database, Oracle recommends that you use this encryption algorithm. To do so, you must reset the private database login. See Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm (on page 43) for instructions. If automatically installing or upgrading your database, no configuration is needed after the upgrade to use the encryption algorithm. User logins and passwords are not affected.
Related Topics
Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm 43 Adding Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ........................................... 43 Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ....................................... 44 Deleting Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ......................................... 45
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 1) Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux) from the Database folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download. 2) On the Database Connection dialog box: a. Select the database, Oracle. b. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the database. c. Enter the host address, host port, and instance name specific to your Oracle installation. The Port field displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next. 3) On the Private Database Logins dialog box: a. Click Add. b. Enter a user name. c. Enter a password. d. To reverse a change, click Undo. Undo will reverse any changes made during the current session. e. Click Save. f. Click OK to exit.
In This Section
Database Upgrade Process .................................................................................... 47 Upgrading an Oracle Database to P6 Professional............................................. 49 Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ......................................................... 51
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Note: You can create only one project at a time. If you want all of your Methodology Management data moved to projects, contact Oracle Consulting to automate the process. 3) After you have converted all your Methodology Management data to projects, upgrade P6 Professional.
Risks Migration
The following table illustrates the risks data field mapping when upgrading from P6 Professional database (version 6.0 through 7.0 SP3) to P6 Professional R8.1. Risks Fields Migration Table Name P6 Professional database P6 Professional R8.1 Risks Field (version 6.0 through 7.0 SP3) Risks Fields risk_id risk_id Risk Name Risk Description Risk Status risk_name risk_descr status_code risk_id risk_code (PROJRISK appended with risk_id) risk_name risk_desc status_code Open= Open; Closed=Managed (closed) risk_type_id Appended with 'Risk Control' table_name Appended with 'Applies to WBS' <WBS name> rsrc_id Appended with 'Responsible Manager' <OBS name> Appended with 'Priority' <priority_type> proj_id
Risk ID
Applies to WBS wbs_id Applies to Resource Responsible Manager Priority Project ID rsrc_id obs_id priority_type proj_id
P6 Professional database P6 Professional R8.1 Risks Field (version 6.0 through 7.0 SP3) Risks Fields add_date impact_date add_date Appended with 'Impact Date' <add_date in mmm-dd-yyyy format > Appended with 'Probability' <prbly_pct> Appended with 'Impact - Labor Units' <impact_work_qty> - 2 decimals Appended with 'Impact - Nonlabor Units' <impact_equip_qty> - 2 decimals Appended with 'Impact - Material Units' <impact_mat_qty> - 2 decimals Appended with 'Impact - Expenses' <impact_expense_cost> - 2 decimals Appended with 'Risk Control'<risk_control> risk_type seq_num
prbly_pct impact_work_qty
Impact impact_equip_qty Nonlabor Units Impact Material Units Impact Expenses Risk Control Risk Category Risk Category Sequence ID impact_mat_qty
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Oracle Requirements The following should be noted if you are upgrading an Oracle database:
The upgrade will fail if you are using any Oracle version prior to 10.2. Datafiles in the LOB tablespace (e.g., PMDB_LOB1) should be made to autoextend.
The estimated sizing is not exact, and the database conversion might fail if the datafiles are a fixed size. If your existing database uses code page WE8ISO8859P1 and you want to use the Euro symbol, you will need to convert your database to WE8MSWIN1252 using the following statement: ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET WE8MSWIN1252;
If you need to convert your database, be sure to first refer to the note on Oracle Support: Changing the Database Character Set (NLS_CHARACTERSET)[ID 225912.1]. If you will be using SSL protocol, refer to your Oracle database documentation and the My Oracle Support's Knowledge Articles for configuration instructions before running the Database wizard (dbsetup).
Related Topics
Upgrading an Oracle P6 Professional Database ................................................. 50
Automatic Database Upgrade b. In the Administrative Password field, type the password associated with the User Name you entered. c. In the Database Host Address field, enter the server machine name or IP address where Oracle is installed. d. In the Database Host Port field, enter the port number that Oracle is using. The default is 1521. e. In the Database Name (SID) field, enter the Oracle Service Name. It can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file, which was created when you or your DBA set up the Oracle client. 5) On the Upgrade Options dialog box: a. Select your privileged and public user names for the database; for example, privuser and pubuser. b. Enter the user name (for example, bgjobuser) and password for the background job user. 6) On the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data dialog box: a. Verify that the current version of your existing database is listed correctly. b. Choose Yes, upgrade my database. c. Click Upgrade. The upgrade process could take several minutes, depending on its size. 7) On the Primavera Database Setup Wizard dialog box, click Next after the process has completed. Note: If the database upgrade fails, see PrimaveraDatabaseSetup.log located in the user home directory (for example, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator). Contact Oracle Global Customer Support if you need further assistance. 8) On the Finish dialog box, click Finish to exit the wizard. Your database is now ready to use with P6 Professional R8.1.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database P6 Professional R8.1 includes an encryption algorithm that provides enhanced security for private database logins; however, the encryption algorithm is not automatically enforced when you manually configure or upgrade your database. If you manually configure or upgrade your database, Oracle recommends that you use this encryption algorithm. To do so, you must reset the private database login. See Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the New Encryption Algorithm (on page 43) for instructions. If automatically installing or upgrading your database, no configuration is needed after the upgrade to use the encryption algorithm. User logins and passwords are not affected.
Related Topics
Adding Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ........................................... 52 Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ....................................... 52 Deleting Private Database Logins for P6 Professional ......................................... 53
Automatic Database Upgrade 1) Run databaselogins.bat (databaselogins.sh for Linux) from the Database folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download. 2) On the Database Connection dialog box: a. Select the database, Oracle. b. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for example, privuser). This login should have administrative rights on the database. c. Enter the host address, host port, and instance name specific to your Oracle installation. The Port field displays the default port for the database type you selected. d. Click Next. 3) On the Private Database Logins dialog box: a. Select the private database user name that you wish to modify. b. Enter a new user name. c. Highlight the password, and change it. d. Click the Update Password button. e. To reverse a change, click Undo. Undo will reverse any changes made during the current session. f. Click Save. g. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database d. Click Save. e. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.
Database Administration
Read this chapter to learn how to configure the job scheduler supplied by your RDBMS, how to optimize performance of your Oracle and SQL P6 Professional databases, and how to configure the native database auditing feature to monitor edits, deletions, and additions to the databases.
In This Section
Background Processes and Clean Up in P6 Professional .................................... 55 RDBMS Scheduler Configuration ............................................................................ 55 Database Settings Table .......................................................................................... 56 Reading Setting Values ............................................................................................ 57 Writing Setting Values ............................................................................................... 57 Tracking Background Job Execution ..................................................................... 58 SYMON (System Monitor) Procedures .................................................................... 59 DAMON (Data Monitor) Procedures ...................................................................... 62 Oracle Database Performance.............................................................................. 69 Safe Deletes ............................................................................................................... 69 Native Database Auditing....................................................................................... 70
SYMON (System Monitor), responsible for running procedures that take less than a few
seconds to complete. DAMON (Data Monitor), responsible for running procedures that take longer than a few seconds to complete.
Both of these jobs are pre-configured with default settings. Since the default settings are optimal for most environments, you generally do not need to tune them. However, if further optimization is required, you can use the background job processes user to change the settings to tune the behavior of the background jobs for specific environments.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database P6 Professional uses DBMS_SCHEDULER to schedule background jobs in Oracle. No parameter changes are needed for P6 Professional R8.1.
String. The string data type is a free text value. The most common string sub-type is
interval which represents an interval of time by combining a numeric portion with a unit portion as depicted in the table below. Table 1: Interval Subtype
Unit portion Example Meaning
d Numeric portion + h m s
Thirty day interval Two hour interval Ten minute interval Thirty second interval
Numeric. The numeric data type consists of any number. Boolean. The boolean data type can have one of two values: true or false, where
zero represents false and any non-zero number represents true.
Setting Example The following is an example of a setting:
Database Administration
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 2) Run the following statement: SQL > exec SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING ('12h','database.cleanup.Usession','ExpiredSessionTimeout');
Database Administration
Time when log entry was made by background process Program generating log entry Type of message Message from the background process
"system_monitor", "data_monitor" INFORMATION, ELAPSED TIME, ERROR A variable message followed by a number in parenthesis which represents the number of rows that were processed. As an example, the message "Complete BGPLOG (40)" indicates that forty rows were processed.
Processing the PRMQUEUE entries for Project Security by queuing OBSPROJ updates to
the PRMQUEUE table. Marking expired USESSION records as logically deleted. Additionally, you can manually run queries to assist you with tracking concurrent usage of P6 Professional.
The OBSPROJ_PROCESS_QUEUE procedure processes the PRMQUEUE entries for Project Security. It is used to defer processing of OBSPROJ updates by queuing the updates to the PRMQUEUE table. Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the OBSPROJ_PROCESS_QUEUE procedure.
Setting Description: Maximum project-level queue records to process on each run. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.obsproj.queue MaxProjectUpdates 1000 Numeric
Setting Description: Maximum EPS-level queue records to process on each run. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.obsproj.queue MaxEpsUpdate 25 Numeric
Setting Description: Maximum times to re-process a failed entry before marking it as an error. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.obsproj.queue MaxRetries 50 Numeric
The USESSION_CLEANUP_EXPIRED procedure logically deletes USESSION records that have not updated their last_active_time based on the Expired Session settings. Marking expired USESSION records as logically deleted maximizes the number of module access logins that are available. Since it is not cleaning up the underlying data (physically deleting rows), the task completes quickly. The clean up of expired sessions is controlled by a value in the SETTINGS table. By default, although the clean up of expired sessions occurs every two hours, the SETTINGS table does not contain a value for this setting. Use the SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING (value, namespace, setting) stored procedure to change the default clean up value. For example, setting the value to "2d" deletes expired sessions older than two days.
Database Administration Note: Oracle recommends that you set the ExpiredLongSessionTimeout sessions to at least one hour longer than your longest job. For example, if your longest job is a summarizer job that usually takes 12 hours, you should set the value in the SETTINGS table to at least 13. Refer to the table below for information about the USESSION_CLEANUP_EXPIRED Settings.
Setting Description: Time-out period for normal sessions. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Usession ExpiredSessionTimeout 2h Interval
Setting Description: Time-out period for long running sessions based on the function preformed in the application (i.e. Scheduling, Leveling, Summarizing, etc.). Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Usession ExpiredLongSessionTimeout 12h Interval
Tracking Concurrent Usage of P6 Professional As an aid in tracking concurrent usage of P6 Professional, you can run queries against the USESSION and USESSAUD tables to perform self-audits. Example queries are provided below. Note: See DAMON (Data Monitor) Procedures (on page 62) for information on how to set up the USESSAUD procedure; however, to ensure accuracy of these queries, make sure to run them before physically deleting remaining USESSION records and cleaning up the USESSAUD table.
Against the USESSION table, run the following query to determine how many users are
logged in at a given time: select count(*) from usession where delete_session_id is null
Against the USESSION table, run the following query to determine how many users are
logged into a specific P6 Professional product at a given time: select count (*) from usession where delete_session_id is null and app_name='P6 Professional product name' where P6 Professional product name is the application abbreviation. Note: You can view all available application abbreviations by running the following query as an administrative database user: select distinct(db_engine_type) from usereng
Against the USESSAUD table, run a query similar to the following to determine how
many users logged into P6 Professional on a specific date during a specified time range. You can alter the date, time range, and P6 Professional product as needed. The following example will search for all users who logged into P6 Professional on February 17, 2010 between 9am and 10am: select * from usessaud where login_date between to_date('17-FEB-10 09:00:00','DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') and to_date('17-FEB-10 10:00:00','DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') and app_name='Project Management'
Additionally, the functionality of the DAMON process can be dynamically extended via the user-defined procedure, USER_DEFINED_BACKGROUND.
Database Administration
This procedure keeps the BGPLOG table at a reasonable size. The default clean up interval is 5 days which will result in a table size of about 54,000 records. Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the BGPLOG_CLEANUP procedure.
Setting Description: The oldest records to keep in the BGPLOG table. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.BackGroundProcessLog KeepInterval 5d Interval
This procedure physically deletes records from the REFRDEL table based on the value of the KeepInterval setting. The default setting keeps the REFRDEL records from the last five days. Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the REFRDEL_CLEANUP procedure:
Setting Description: The oldest records to keep in the REFRDEL table. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Refrdel KeepInterval 5d Interval
Setting Description: Identifies the maximum number of minutes up to which records are to be deleted from the REFRDEL table. Namespace Setting Name database.cleanup.Refrdel DaysToDelete
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Default Setting Type 1d Interval
Setting Description: Determines the number of minutes for each step interval. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Refrdel IntervalStep 15m Interval
This procedure physically deletes records from the PRMQUEUE table based on the value of the KeepInterval setting. The remaining settings are similar to the REFRDEL_CLEANUP. Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the CLEANUP_PRMQUEUE procedure:
Setting Description: The oldest records to keep in the PRMQUEUE table. Default is five days. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Prmqueue KeepInterval 5d Interval
Setting Description: Determines whether the procedure will delete all of the PRMQUEUE records possible on each pass. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting database.cleanup.Prmqueue DeleteAll 0 (false)
Setting Description: Determines whether all of the records are cleaned up. If the total record count is less than this number then all the records are cleaned up. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Prmqueue DeleteAllThreshold 1,000 Numeric
Setting Description: Percentage of records to delete on each pass. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Prmqueue DeletePercentage 10(%) Numeric
Setting Description: Maximum rows to delete on each pass. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Prmqueue MaxRowsToDelete 10,000 Numeric
This procedure physically deletes all logically deleted USESSION records. There are no settings associated with this procedure: All logically deleted USESSION records are cleared.
This procedure removes logically deleted rows based on the value of the KeepInterval setting. Records in the database can be marked as deleted (logically deleted) by setting the DELETE_SESSION_ID column to a non-null value. By default, records that were deleted more than 5 days ago will be physically deleted by this procedure. Note: The CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES procedure will not physically delete records whose DELETE_SESSION_ID column is set to a negative value. Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES procedure:
Setting Description: The oldest logically deleted records to keep in tables. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.LogicalDelete KeepInterval 5d Interval
Setting Description: Determines whether the procedure will delete all of the logically deleted records possible on each pass. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.LogicalDelete DeleteAll 0 (false) Boolean database.cleanup.LogicalDelete MaxRowsToDelete 10,000 Numeric
Database Administration
If the auditing feature is enabled, this procedure will physically delete records from the table based on the value of the KeepInterval setting. Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the PRMAUDIT_CLEANUP procedure:
Setting Description: Should the procedure attempt to clean up PRMAUDIT records. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.auditing Enabled 1 (true) Boolean
Setting Description: The oldest audit records to keep in PRMAUDIT. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.auditing KeepInterval 30d Interval
This procedure physically deletes records from the USESSAUD table based on the KeepInterval. The remaining settings are similar to the REFRDEL_CLEANUP procedure. Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the CLEANUP_USESSAUD procedure:
Setting Description: The oldest records to keep in the USESSAUD table. Namespace Setting Name database.cleanup.Usessaud KeepInterval
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Default Setting Type 5d Interval
Setting Description: Determines whether the procedure delete all the REFRDEL records possible on each pass. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Usessaud DeleteAll 0 (false) Boolean
Setting Description: Determines whether all of the records are cleaned up. If the total record count is less than this number then all records are cleaned up. Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type Namespace Setting Name Default Setting Type database.cleanup.Usessaud DeleteAllThreshold 1,000 Numeric database.cleanup.Usessaud DeletePercentage 10 (%) Numeric database.cleanup.Usessaud MaxRowsToDelete 10,000 Numeric
This procedure is an optional customer procedure that is run by DAMON. There are no settings associated with this procedure.
Database Administration
Safe Deletes
The P6 Professional database normally handles restoring select deleted data using a safe delete setting. While using P6 Professional, the Undo command (Edit, Undo) allows users to restore certain types of data that have been deleted. Deleted data remains in the P6 Professional database until the CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES procedure clears it (after 5 days, by default). See the P6 Professional Help for more information about using undo.
Database Administration
Auditing Levels
Description No audit. Row-level audit. Audit only the operation without column details Column-level Audit without blobs. Audit changes to the data at the column level but without blob changes Full Audit. Audit changes to the data at the column level. For Oracle, column level changes to blobs are audited.
Simple Configuration
There are two configuration procedures available that provide for the simple control of the auditing feature:
Detailed Configuration
You can configure auditing trigger behavior by changing values in the settings table that enable or disable the following auditing features:
The auditing feature itself The auditing of specific tables The auditing of table insert, update, or delete operations within each table
Auditing Status You can enable or disable the auditing feature itself by using the database.audit.Enable setting. Use the settings_write_bool procedure to enable/disable the overall auditing feature. Oracle Example: To enable the overall auditing feature in Oracle, use the following code: exec settings_write_bool(1,'database.audit','Enabled'); Options Setting Each individual table's auditing settings are controlled by the Options setting in each table's auditing namespace (for example, database.audit.TASK). The Options setting is a three character string with a numeric value in each character position representing the audit level for insert, update, and delete, respectively.
Auditing Level Options Setting by Table Operation
Operation Insert Level 0 1 Update 0 1 Delete 0 1 Description No audit. Row-level audit. Audit only the operation without column details Column-level audit without blobs. Audit changes to the data at the column level but without blob changes
Database Administration 3 3 3 Full Audit. Audit changes to the data at the column level. For Oracle, column level changes to blobs are audited.
The following table provides some example uses of the options setting:
Setting the Auditing Level Options Setting by Table Operation Examples
Namespace database.audit.TASK
Value 330
Description Fully audit any insert and update operations. Do not audit any delete operations. Row-level audit on deletes only. Fully audit.
SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING Procedure Individual table audit settings can be changed using the settings_write_string procedure. Oracle Example: To set the table settings to fully audit insert and update operations but ignore any delete operations, use the following code for Oracle: exec settings_write_string('330','database.audit.TASK','Options'); Note: Changes to auditing settings will not necessarily be reflected immediately in the application. In general the program will need to close the database connection and then reconnect to the database to get the new settings.
Description Date and time of change Table Name Primary key values for audited record I=Insert, U=Update, D=Delete P6 Professional user name if the change was made in P6 Professional applications Column changes up to 4000 characters (Level 2 and 3 only) Blob changes and overflow from audit_info (Level 2 and 3 only) Flag for deletes that are logical (marked) rather that a physical delete Database user name (usually privuser) Operating system user name of connected session Name of program connecting to the database Computer name of connected session Name of application connected to the database IP or MAC address of connected session
audit_info audit_info_extended
String(4000) BLOB
Note: Select privileges should be granted to the administrative user on V_$SESSION to assure correct values for several auditing table values.
Database Administration
Session Auditing
Activity for the USESSION table is audited with its own trigger and table. When an application user logs out of the system they logically delete, or mark, their session record in the USESSION table. One record is written to the USESSAUD table for each logout. The format of the USESSAUD table mirrors that of the USESSION table. This audit can be enabled using the usessaud_enable procedure and disabled using the usessaud_disable procedure.
Installing P6 Professional
Read this chapter to install P6 Professional, the P6 SDK, and Job Service. Run the Setup wizard on the client/desktop computers that will be used by project personnel. Install P6 Professional only after you install and configure the database server. The Setup wizard needs to connect to the database server when installing P6 Professional. To install P6 Professional standalone, see the P6 Professional Standalone Installation and Configuration Guide.
In This Section
Database Client Software ....................................................................................... 77 Previous Versions of P6 Professional ........................................................................ 78 About the P6 Professional Setup Wizard ................................................................ 79 Installing P6 Professional ........................................................................................... 79 About the Database Configuration Wizard for P6 Professional ......................... 82 Configuring Client Machines to Transfer Data Between P3 and P6 Professional84 Installing the P6 SDK .................................................................................................. 84 Installing the Job Service ......................................................................................... 85 Configuring Distributed Job Service ....................................................................... 89
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database During the P6 Professional installation, use the Oracle EZCONNECT string (//server name:listen port/service name) to connect to the P6 Professional database. If you wish to use the TNSNAMES file instead of EZCONNECT, the TNSNAMES file will be in the Oracle home folder on the client machine, not in a shared location. Reference the TNSPING.EXE location in your path environment variable. Ensure that all clients are configured to use TCP/IP as the default network protocol. Configuring Client Machines for Oracle Instant Client To configure a client machine for Oracle Instant Client: 1) Copy Oracle 11g Instant Client to a local drive. For example, C:\instantclient-basic-win32- 2) Go to System Properties, Advanced tab. 3) Click the Environment Variables button. 4) To the Path variable, add the location of the Oracle 11g Instant Client specified in step 1.
Summary-Only projects are not supported in P6 Professional starting with R8. During
the P6 Professional database upgrade, existing Summary-Only projects are converted to standard projects, but will lose all summary data. You can import the summary project from Microsoft Project into the converted blank project, and then summarize the data. See the P6 Professional Help. For security reasons, Oracle strongly recommends that you replace the default Admin Superuser (admin) immediately after a manual database installation or an upgrade from P6 version 7.0 and earlier.
Installing P6 Professional
Installing P6 Professional
Complete the following steps to install P6 Professional.
Related Topics
Installing the P6 Professional Application for Typical Use .................................... 80 Configuring the Database Connection for P6 Professional ................................ 80 Set the industry type ................................................................................................. 81
Installing P6 Professional Type the Oracle EZCONNECT string; for example, //server name:listen port/service name. If using the TNSNAMES file, type the Oracle database name. 3) In the Enter Public Login Information dialog box, enter your public login information that was defined by your administrator. 4) In the Validate Database Connection dialog box, click Next to test the database connection. 5) If the connection was not successful, click Back to revise the database information. If the connection was successful, click Finish to complete the database connection configuration. 6) Click Finish to complete the installation. Tips For instructions on how to configure P6 Compression Server, see the P6 Compression Server Administrator's Guide.
If you set the industry type and later change it, the change will not take effect for
users who have logged in since it was last set until you clear their USERDATA; the new industry setting is immediately effective for new users. The following table lists each industry type and its corresponding terminology and default settings:
Industry Type
Claim Digger
Planned Units Planned Cost Planned Duration Planned Units Planned Cost Planned Duration Budgeted Units Budgeted Cost Original Duration Planned Units Planned Cost Planned Duration
Other Industry
Schedule Comparison
Installing P6 Professional
If you create a new database alias for a module, the modules PrmBootStrap.xml file
is updated to reflect the change. If multiple modules are installed on one client computer, changing the database alias for one module does not affect the other modules. If you change the database connection settings for a database alias and multiple modules share that alias to access the database, your changes affect all the modules that share the alias.
Related Topics
Installing the P6 SDK Application ............................................................................ 84
Click Disk Usage to see disk space requirements for the installation of selected features. 2) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, Windows Installer 4.5, and JRE 1.6.0_24 are required to run P6 Professional. If they are not installed, follow the prompts to install them and then restart your computer when prompted. Allow setup.exe to run when your computer restarts and follow the prompts to complete installation of the required components.
Installing P6 Professional Note: Microsoft Windows Imaging Component is required for .NET 4.0 installation on 64-bit Windows XP SP2 systems. This component can be downloaded from Microsoft at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=F 64654AC-6E26-41D9-A90A-0E7783B864EE 3) On the Welcome dialog box, click Next. 4) On the Setup Type dialog box, choose Custom. Note: These instructions assume that you have not already installed P6 Professional, if you have not, P6 Professional will be installed with this component unless you select Entire feature will be unavailable under P6 Professional. See Installing P6 Professional for instructions on completing P6 Professional installation. 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Click Primavera P6 Professional. Click Other Components. Click Software Development Kit and select Will be installed on local hard drive. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install to begin the installation. On the Select or Create Alias dialog box, select the alias and driver type of the database. If you are changing the alias or database driver, type the new alias (for example, PMSDK) or select the new driver type (Oracle). 10) On the Configure ORACLE Connection dialog box, enter the new database connection settings. Type the Oracle EZCONNECT string; for example, //server name:listen port/service name. If using the TNSNAMES file, type the Oracle database name. Note: For information about the Primavera Compression Server driver type, see the P6 Compression Server Administration Guide. 11) On the Enter Public Login Information dialog box, enter your public login information that was defined by your administrator. 12) On the Validate Database Connection dialog box, review the settings and click Next to test the database connection. 13) Click Finish to exit the Setup Wizard.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database If you are working with more than one project management database, you can run jobs for all of the databases from one Windows 2003/2008 Server machine by installing multiple instances of the Job Service, as described in this section.
Related Topics
Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service ........................................ 86 Configuring Windows 2008 Server for Job Services .............................................. 88 Configure the Job Service to Send Jobs Directly to a Printer............................. 88 Specify a Different Language for the Job Service ............................................... 89
Installing P6 Professional These instructions assume that you have not already installed P6 Professional, if you have not, P6 Professional will be installed with this component unless you select Entire feature will be unavailable under P6 Professional. See Installing P6 Professional for instructions on completing P6 Professional installation. If you want to run Job Service jobs in a language other than English, you must install P6 Professional on the Job Service machine. You can install it along with the Job Service, or you can install it at another time.
6) Click Next then click Install. Setup will verify that the user has administrator rights on the computer. If the user does not have administrator rights, the Setup wizard will end. 7) On the Job Service Alias dialog box: a. Type the database alias in the DB Alias field; for example, JSDB. Do not use dashes as part of the DB alias; otherwise, an error will occur. 8) Enter or select the program folder. 9) Click Install to begin the installation. 10) On the Select Driver Type dialog box, in the Job Services driver type field, choose the database server type. If you are connecting to Oracle, on the Configure ORACLE Connection dialog box, use the Oracle EZCONNECT string (//server name:listen port/service name) to connect to the P6 Professional database. If you wish to use the TNSNAMES file instead of EZCONNECT, the TNSNAMES file will be in the Oracle home folder on the client machine, not in a shared location. Reference the TNSPING.EXE location in your path environment variable. If you are connecting to Microsoft SQL Server, on the Configure SQL Server Connection dialog box, type the database name and specify the server computer name. 11) On the Enter Public Login dialog box, enter your public login information that was defined by your administrator; for example, a user name of pubuser, and a group ID of 1. 12) On the Validate Database Connection dialog box, click Next to validate the database connection. The DB alias that you specified is created. 13) On the Connection Successful dialog box, click Finish. You are prompted to test the Job Service alias. Caution: If you are installing on a SERVER machine in a Distributed Job Services environment, DO NOT click the Test button as described in the following step. 14) Click Yes to test the database connection. If the test fails, you can still continue the installation. 15) Click Finish.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Once the Job Service is installed on your computer and it is able to successfully connect to the database, the service will periodically run any user-defined jobs that are scheduled in P6 Professional. If you are using Windows 2008 Server, refer to required configuration instructions below.
Installing P6 Professional
Related Topics
Distributed Job Service Overview........................................................................... 90 Prepare the Controller and DJS Servers for Installation and Configuration ..... 90 Installing the Distributed Job Service ..................................................................... 90 Disabling the Windows Firewall ............................................................................... 90 Configure Access to the Distributed Job Service................................................. 91 Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service ................................................ 91 Configure the Controller and DJS Servers ............................................................. 93 Job Service Registry Settings ................................................................................... 93
Prepare the Controller and DJS Servers for Installation and Configuration
Be sure to complete the following before you install and configure DJS on the Controller and servers:
On the Controller and all DJS servers, define the "Temp" and "TMP" variables in
Environment variables (both User variables and System variables). Synchronize the system clocks of the Controller and all DJS servers to have identical time stamps in the log files.
Installing P6 Professional
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Note: Make sure the Controller and all DJS servers are set to the same Authentication Level. You can set Connect as the Default Authentication Level in the Default Properties tab of the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog. 5) In the Properties dialog, Location tab, select the Run application on this computer option. 6) In the Properties dialog, Security tab, ensure that the Customize options are selected for all permission types. 7) In the Properties dialog, Security tab, click the Edit button associated with Launch and Activation Permissions. 8) In the Launch Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add. 9) In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK. 10) In the Launch Permission dialog, Security tab, select the user group you added (for example, PrmAdmins), and select Allow for all permissions. Click OK. 11) In the Properties dialog, Security tab, click the Edit button associated with Access Permissions. 12) In the Access Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add. 13) In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK. 14) In the Access Permission dialog, Security tab, select the user group you added (for example, PrmAdmins), and select Allow for all permissions. Then click OK. 15) In the Properties dialog, Security tab, click the Edit button associated with Configuration Permissions. 16) In the Change Configuration Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add. 17) In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK. 18) In the Change Configuration Permission dialog, Security tab, select the user group you added (for example, PrmAdmins), and ensure that permissions are set as shown in the following figure. Then click OK. 19) In the Properties dialog, Identity tab, select the This User option. Enter the Password for a user who has administrative privileges on the machine you are using. 20) Click OK to close the dialog. 21) On the Controller, launch the Services Control Panel. 22) In the Services dialog, double-click the P6 Job Service (JSDB) to open the Properties dialog. 23) In the Properties dialog, select This Account and enter the password of an administrative user on the Controller. Note: Steps 21 - 23 enable the DJS to use the name and password of the administrator you specified during DCOM configuration as the launching user for all servers.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Edit (Distributed) Job Service registry settings Type 'regedit' in the Start, Run utility to open the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following directory: My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PrmJobSv\Parameters The following table summarizes the Job Services registry settings.
[Job Service settings] Setting Name and Description Default Valid Ranges/Values
EstablishDBConnectionRetryCount Number of times to try to connect to database on startup. MaxNumRecurringJobs The maximum number of recurring (Project Management) jobs that can run simultaneously. DeleteRemoteLog [test purposes only] If set to false, log file "Prm*.tmp" will not be deleted. Edit registry settings for summarizer jobs
1-(no maximum)
1 (true)
0 (false) 1 (true)
Type 'regedit' in the Start, Run utility to open the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following directory: My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Primavera. You can add any of the following settings as D Words and modify the defaults to the recommended value. Note: The following settings apply to the Job Service and the P6 Professional. You would typically modify them to improve performance.
[Summarizer settings] Setting Name and Description Default Valid Ranges/Values
NumProjectsSummarizedAtATime Number of projects that can be summarized at the same time by the Job Service or the P6 Professional. To achieve the best possible performance, Oracle
PreQuerySummarizablePct 50 The percentage threshold that determines how the summarizer will analyze a projects need for summarization. If the value of the equation shown below is less than the threshold, each project is considered for summarization individually. If the value of the following equation is greater than the threshold, all projects to be considered for summarization are analyzed simultaneously. The equation that determines this behavior is: # of projects to be summarized / # of projects user can access*100. MaxDurationToSummarize -1 The maximum remaining duration or the maximum original duration, in hours, that an activity or activity assignment can have in order to be summarized. If an activity or activity assignment has a remaining duration greater than this threshold, it is ignored during summarization. To ensure that all activities are summarized, Oracle recommends that the value of this setting = 100000.
Note: The following settings are also available. However, you would not typically need to modify their values, unless you are performing tests.
[Summarizer settings] Setting Name and Description Default Valid Ranges/Values
ResourceSummaries If true, resources are summarized. Applies to the Job Service and the P6 Professional.
1 (true)
0 (false) 1 (true)
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database EnterpriseCommit Controls how frequently to commit EPS summary records to the database, based on the number of rows of data that have been processed. Useful for improving performance when summarizing large jobs. No value commits the EPS summary records when processing is complete. If you assign a value, this value is applied to both the Job Service and P6 Professional. PrmJobLogMemoryUsage If true, logs memory usage of PrmJob in megabytes. Applies only to the Job Service. RetrySleep The time, in milliseconds, to wait between retry attempts when there is a connection failure. Applies only to the Job Service. MaxRetries The maximum number of retry attempts to make when there is a connection failure. Applies only to the Job Service. DumpSettings Set to true to log all settings to a Job.txt file for the summarization job. Applies only to the Job Service. 0 (false) 0 (false) 1 (true) 10 60000 0 (false) 0 (false) 1 (true) 1000 for the Job 1-(no maximum) Service No value for P6 Professional
Installing P6 Professional PreLoadTASKSUMFINForEPS Preloads TASKSUMFIN records for all projects before summarizing the entire EPS. Set to false to use a "load on demand" approach that will conserve memory but will be much slower due to an increased number of SQL queries for TASKSUMFIN records. Applies to summarizing Financial Periods in the Job Service and P6 Professional. Does not affect the performance of summarization by Weeks or Months. PreLoadTASKSUMFINForProject Preloads TASKSUMFIN records for each project before summarizing that project. Set to false to use a "load on demand" approach that will conserve memory but will be much slower due to an increased number of SQL queries for TASKSUMFIN records. Applies to summarizing Financial Periods in the Job Service and P6 Professional. Does not affect the performance of summarization by Weeks or Months. PreLoadTRSRCSUMFN Preloads TRSRCSUMFN records for each project before summarizing any project. Also, during summarization of the entire EPS, it preloads all TRSRCSUMFN records for one resource or role at a time. Set to false to use a "load on demand" approach that will conserve memory but will be much slower due to an increased number of SQL queries for TRSRCSUMFN records. 1 (true) 0 (false) 1 (true) 1 (true) 0 (false) 1 (true) 1 (true) 0 (false) 1 (true)
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Applies to summarizing Financial Periods in the Job Service and P6 Professional. Does not affect the performance of summarization by Weeks or Months.
In This Section
Unattended Setup .................................................................................................... 99 Running Unattended Setup................................................................................... 100 Creating Database Connections for Unattended Setup ................................. 100
Unattended Setup
An unattended setup allows an administrator to install P6 Professional on a client computer without having to answer the configuration prompts of the P6 Professional Setup wizard. All configuration details for the installation are specified in the command line. Unattended installations ensure that the client module is configured identically at setup. To create an unattended setup, you format a command lines to silently launch setup. The unattended setup can be run by an administrator on client computers by entering the appropriate command lines. The unattended setup will silently install P6 Professional according to the parameters you specify in the command line. Note: Unattended setup for P6 SDK or Job Service is not supported. The following prerequisites, available in the Client_Applications folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download, must be installed on each client computer before running unattended setup:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Windows Installer 4.0 JRE 1.6.0_24 DHTML Editing Control in Windows (DHtmlEd.msi) for Vista and Windows 7
An administrator should push these prerequisites to client computers before running unattended setup.
Unattended Setup for P6 Professional 2) Create the database connection on the host machine. Follow the instructions in Configuring the Database Connection for P6 Professional. The default locations of PrmBootStrap.xml for the host computers are:
Windows XP:
\%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
Windows XP:
\%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional Windows Vista and 7: \%PROGRAMDATA%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
such as the enterprise project structure (EPS), resources, roles, and cost accounts. Each user must be assigned a global profile. Project profiles Define a users access to project-specific information. It is not required that each user be assigned a project profile; however, users cannot access projects unless they are assigned: a project profile, the global profile Admin Superuser, or as a resource assignment when they are a project owner. You can create a set of profiles that limit access to global information and then assign the appropriate global profile to each user. Similarly, to limit privileges for each project, you assign the appropriate project profile to each user via an organizational breakdown structure (OBS) element. When you create the EPS for your company, you must identify an OBS element, or person responsible, for each node and project within the EPS. This OBS element assignment determines the users rights to the EPS level (and all levels below it). You can further control access to specific project data by assigning a responsible OBS element to each work breakdown structure (WBS) element within a project. Additionally, you can control user access to activity data via activity editing restrictions in user interface views, and you can control user access to resource data by implementing resource security.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database The following diagram illustrates the relationships between a user, the OBS, EPS, and WBS.
Security Samples Review the following portions of a sample EPS for Capital Improvement projects in Oak County and its corresponding portion of the OBS.
Users and Security With these structures defined, you can map users to their corresponding roles in the OBS, which in turn can be assigned to each level in the EPS. The EPS level to which you assign the OBS determines the nodes/projects the associated user can access. For example, if you assign an OBS element to the root node of the EPS, the users associated with that OBS element can access the projects in the entire EPS. If you assign an OBS element to one branch of the EPS, the associated users can access only projects within that branch. The project profile associated with each OBS element determines which data items in the projects the user can access. Only one OBS element can be assigned to each EPS level. For example, suppose that two project profiles are defined: one that allows edit access to all data, including administration rights (Administrator profile), and one that allows viewing and editing of most, but not all, project data (Project Manager profile). Joe Nolan, the President of Labor Management, is assigned to the P6 Administrator profile. The OBS element, Labor Mgmt President, is assigned as the responsible manager at the Oak County node of the EPS, indicating that Joe Nolan has access to all nodes and projects within Oak County. If Tim Ryan is the Director of the Department of Transportation (DOT), he can be assigned P6 Administrator rights to all projects under DOT.
You can further control the access to projects by assigning OBS elements at the project and/or WBS level. In the previous example, if Marie Ross is the Project Manager in the Engineering Division responsible for the Highway 101 project, you can assign her to that OBS element with a Project Manager profile. She would then have editing access to just that project. As another example, if the Design Team needs access to only the design portion of the Highway 101 Project. You can assign the Design Team to just the WBS branch in the Highway 101 project that involves the project design.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database You can assign multiple users to the same OBS element and/or you can assign each user to multiple OBS elements. This flexibility enables you to provide access to the same EPS branch or project to more than one responsible manager (OBS element), and it allows you to control access by the same user across different EPS nodes and projects. For example, suppose Marie Ross, who is a Project Manager in the Engineering Division responsible for the Highway 101 project, also needs access to the Pine Avenue project; however, you want to limit her access to reviewing and editing financial data only. Also suppose that Jim Harkey, another Project Manager in the Engineering Division, is responsible for the Pine Avenue project. He needs Project Manager access to the Pine Avenue project, but he also needs to review financial information in Maries Highway 101 project. You first would create another project profile that specifies viewing/editing rights to just project costs and financial data (Account Manager profile) and then make the following assignments:
Users and Security To designate that Jim Harkey has Project Manager rights to the Pine Avenue project and Marie Ross has Account Manager rights to the Pine Avenue project, you would need to add another element to the OBS.
With these assignments, Jim Harkey and Marie Ross now have Project Manager rights to their primary projects and Account Manager rights to their secondary projects. The following section provides guidelines for setting up users and administering security in P6 Professional.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Define a standard set of profiles that determine access rights to global and project-specific data. Most likely, administrators perform this step. Add users in P6 Professional. You must add each user who needs access to any P6 Professional module. At a minimum, each user is assigned a login name, module access, and a global profile. Set up the OBS for your company. Identify your companys management structure and include the roles or names of those who will be responsible for the projects and work to be completed. After setting up the OBS, assign the appropriate users and project profiles to each element of the OBS. Set up the EPS for your company. Identify your companys project structure, which is global across the organization.
After setting up the EPS, assign the responsible manager (OBS) to each EPS node. Define the resources necessary to complete the projects across the organization. Define user access to resource data. Add projects to the EPS and define the WBS for each project. Project managers usually perform this step. They can further control security within their own projects by assigning specific OBS elements to WBS levels. Set preferences for data in P6 Professional.
Users and Security An OBS is not the same as a resource pool. While resources are assigned to activities, OBS elements are associated with EPS nodes and projects. The OBS element corresponding to an EPS node is the manager responsible for all work included in that branch of the hierarchy. In this way, an OBS supports larger projects that involve several project managers with different areas of responsibility.
Admin superuser
A global profile that gives a user read/write privileges for application-wide information and features. This information includes all projects, resources, cost accounts, and users. An Admin superuser always has access to all resources. If resource security is enabled, resource access settings will be ignored.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 1) Choose Enterprise, OBS. 2) If the Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box currently displays the Chart View, click the Display Options bar and choose Table View. To view the OBS hierarchy, click the OBS Name column label. To list and sort OBS elements, click the OBS Name column label again.
OBS security
Project profiles define a user's access to each project according to a specified OBS element. The specified OBS element determines which work breakdown structure (WBS) elements, activities, issues, and thresholds the user can edit in a project. The OBS is a global hierarchy that represents the management responsible for the projects in your enterprise. The OBS hierarchy is used primarily to grant users specific access privileges to projects and to the WBS levels within projects. To access a project, a user must have access permissions for an OBS element within the project. This provides user access to WBS information for which the specified OBS element is responsible, as well as limits user access to WBS information that may lie beyond the user's scope. Profiles and corresponding privileges are defined using the Security Profiles dialog box and are associated with the login name of the user. When you assign users to OBS elements using their login names, the security profile is automatically associated. Note
You can assign a user a security profile for any number of enterprise OBS nodes.
3) Select the OBS element immediately above and at the same hierarchy level as the element you want to add, then click Add.
Users and Security 4) Click the General tab, type the OBS Name, then click Modify to type a description of the OBS element in an HTML editor. In the editor, you can format text, insert pictures and tables, copy and paste information from other document files (while retaining formatting), and add hyperlinks. 5) Click the Users tab to view the users and corresponding security profiles associated with an OBS element. You can also assign users from this tab, if you have appropriate access rights. 6) Click the Responsibility tab to quickly see where responsible managers (OBS elements) are assigned across the enterprise. Select the OBS name for whom you want to see assignments. Tip
To change the element's position in the OBS hierarchy, click the appropriate arrow buttons.
3) Select the OBS element you want to edit. 4) To change the element's information, click the General tab and enter new information. 5) To change the element's position in the OBS, click the appropriate arrow buttons.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 4) Select the OBS element to which you want to add the copied OBS element, then click Paste.
If you delete a parent OBS element, all of the elements contained in the parent element are deleted.
Choose Enterprise, OBS, then click the Display Options bar and choose Chart View.
To view the OBS table display again, click the Display Options bar, then choose Table View.
To change the displayed information, click the Display Options bar, choose Chart Box Template, then select Customize.
Click the Display Options bar and choose Zoom. You can zoom in, zoom out, or zoom
to best fit. Tip
You can also use your mouse to control the level of detail that appears onscreen: To Do This Zoom in Hold down the Alt key, click the background, and then drag the pointer down while holding down the mouse button. Hold down the Alt key, click the background, and then drag the pointer up while holding down the mouse button.
Zoom out
Implement coding standards for flexible reporting Maintain appropriate security throughout the enterprise
When you create the enterprise project structure, you must identify an OBS element, or person responsible for each node and project within the EPS. For steps on defining the OBS, see Setting up the OBS (on page 109). 1) 2) 3) 4) Choose Enterprise, Enterprise Project Structure. Click the EPS Name column where you want to add a new element. Click Add. Type an ID and name for the EPS node. In the Responsible Manager field, select an OBS element for the new element. 5) If necessary, you can change the hierarchical position of the new element by clicking the arrow keys. 6) Click Close. 7) Choose Enterprise, Projects then specify project details such as dates, resource and budget information, and so on. Note
A default root node displays in the top left position in the hierarchy. All projects listed below it are part of the same structure. You can also define multiple root nodes to separate various components of your enterprise. For example, you might want to exclude inactive or what-if projects from the main enterprise. To define a root node, click the left arrow key to move an EPS element to the top left position in the hierarchy, then add the hierarchy of projects below this node.
When you delete an EPS node, all projects in that branch of the hierarchy are also removed. To save projects in a branch before deleting it, first copy and paste those projects to another area of the hierarchy.
The administrator should not assign any of the following privileges to users who should
not have access to view cost information while copying and pasting project/EPS or assigning WBS and Fill Down on the WBS column in the Activities view: View Project Costs/Financials, Edit WBS Costs/Financials, and Edit EPS Costs/Financials. You must group the projects (to copy) by EPS in order to copy Summary Data. Tip
When you select an EPS node to copy, all of the selected EPS nodes subordinate EPS nodes/projects are also copied, even if you do not select them.
Users and Security Click Password to enter the user's password. The minimum password requirements depend on the status of the password policy, and are described in the Change Password dialog box. 4) On the Global Access tab: Assign a global security profile to the user. Global security profiles determine the global actions the user can perform and are defined in the Security Profiles dialog box (choose Admin, Security Profiles). Enable or disable resource security for the user. To enable access to all resources, mark the All Resource Access checkbox (Admin Superusers automatically get All Resource Access). To restrict resource access to a specific resource node, select the resource node. To disable access to all resources, clear the All Resource Access checkbox (if necessary), and do not select a resource node. 5) On the Project Access tab, click Assign to assign the user to an OBS element (responsible manager), then select an existing project security profile.
This grants the user access to WBS elements (and associated activities) for which the assigned OBS element is responsible, in all projects. For the projects the user can access based on the user's OBS assignment, the project security profile determines the actions the user can perform for these projects. 6) On the Module Access tab, mark the checkbox for P6 Professional that you want to enable the user to access. Notes Only an Admin Superuser can add, edit, delete, cut, copy, or paste Admin Superusers or change an Admin Superusers password. Only an Admin Superuser can apply the Admin Superuser profile to a user, and only an Admin Superuser can apply the Project Superuser profile to a user.
Module access
P6 Professional controls module access for P6 Professional. For each defined user, a user with the required security privilege can enable or disable access to the product listed in the Users dialog box (choose Admin, Users, then click the Module Access tab). All users are guaranteed access to the product enabled for them.
Security profiles
Security profiles determine a user's level of access to project information. The security profiles include both global profiles and project profiles. A global profile determines the user's access to application-wide information. A project profile determines the user's level of access to each project within the Enterprise Project Structure (EPS). When you assign a project profile to a user, you also associate the project profile with an OBS element/responsible manager. The user's access privileges, as defined in the project profile, will then apply only to those elements of the EPS that are assigned to the OBS element/responsible manager you selected.
Global profiles
P6 Professional requires that all users have a global profile. A global profile defines a set of privileges for access to global, or application-wide, information such as cost accounts, resources, and roles. To control user access to global information, you create global profiles, and then assign specific profiles to individual users. To allow complete access to all global information and all projects (assuming all applicable checkboxes are marked on the Users dialog box, Module Access tab), you can assign a global profile called Admin superuser (on page 109). You can assign the Admin Superuser profile to as many users as you like. However, since the Admin Superuser profile enables access to all information, you would typically restrict the number of users to whom you assign this profile. You cannot edit the Admin Superuser security profile. Note: Only an Admin Superuser can apply the Admin Superuser profile to a user. Global Privilege Definitions A global profile definition specifies the individual access privileges associated with the profile. For a global profile, access privileges apply to application-wide information and settings. The module requires you to assign a global profile to each user. Edit Global Change Definitions option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove Global Change specifications available to all users in P6 Professional. Add/Edit/Delete Categories option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify and remove categories data as defined in the Admin Categories dialog box. Delete Resources option Determines whether the profile will enable users to remove resource data. This privilege also selects the 'Add Resources' and 'Edit Resources' global privileges.
Users and Security Add Resources option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create resource data. This privilege also selects the 'Edit Resources' global privilege. Edit Resources option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify resource data. This privilege also enables users to assign, modify, and remove role assignments. To display resources' price/unit in reports, users must have this privilege and the 'View Resource and Role Costs/Financials' global privilege assigned to their profile. To display resource skill level (a resources role proficiency) in the application and in reports, users must have this privilege and the 'View Resource Role Proficiency' global privilege assigned to their profile. View Resource Role Proficiency option Determines whether the profile will enable users to display, group/sort, filter, search, and report on resource and role proficiency. To display resource skill level (a resource's role proficiency), users must have this privilege and the Edit Resources global privilege assigned to their profile. Add/Edit/Delete Cost Accounts option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove cost accounts data. Import Project Management XER, MPP, MPX, and P3 option Determines whether the profile will enable users to import projects, resources, and roles from XER, MPP, MPX, and P3 formats using P6 Professional. To create new projects when importing, users must also have the 'Create Project' project privilege assigned to their profile. Users must be an Admin or Project Superuser to update a project from XER or P3 formats. Import XML option Determines whether the profile will enable users to import projects from P6 Professional and Microsoft Project using XML format. To create new projects when importing, users must also have the 'Create Project' project privilege assigned to their profile. Note: For Microsoft Project imports, you can only create a new project (not update an existing one) during import. Also, P6 Professional supports imports from Microsoft Project 2002. Import XLS option Determines whether the profile will enable users to import projects, resources, and roles from XLS files. Users must also be a Project Superuser to update a project from XLS format.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Add/Edit/Delete Global Reports option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove global reports, including editing report groups and global report batches and saving global reports created or modified in P6 Professional. Edit Global Tracking Layouts option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove global tracking layouts in P6 Professional. Add/Edit/Delete Roles option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove roles data. Edit Global Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify global activity codes data. This privilege also enables users to create, modify, and remove global activity code values. Add Global Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create global activity codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Edit Global Activity Codes' global privilege. Delete Global Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to remove global activity codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Add Global Activity Codes' and 'Edit Global Activity Codes' global privileges. Add/Edit/Delete Global Calendars option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove global calendars data. Add/Edit/Delete Resource Calendars option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove resource calendars data. This privilege also enables users to edit Shifts in P6 Professional. Add/Edit/Delete Security Profiles option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove global and project security profiles, which grant access to application-wide and project-specific information.
Users and Security Add/Edit/Delete Users option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove P6 Professional user data. To search the LDAP directory when provisioning, users must also have the Provision Users from LDAP global privilege. Add/Edit/Delete Global Activity and Assignment Layouts and Filters option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove global activity and resource assignment layouts and filters. Add/Edit/Delete OBS option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove hierarchical data for the global Organizational Breakdown Structure. Edit Project Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify project codes data. This privilege also enables users to create, modify, and remove project code values. Add Project Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create project codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Edit Project Codes' global privilege. Delete Project Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to remove project codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Add Project Codes' and 'Edit Project Codes' global privileges. Edit Resource Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify resource codes data. This privilege also enables users to create, modify, and remove resource code values. Add Resource Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create resource codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Edit Resource Codes' global privilege. Delete Resource Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to remove resource codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Add Resource Codes' and 'Edit Resource Codes' global privileges. Add/Edit/Delete Global Portfolios option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove global portfolios.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Administer Global External Applications option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove entries in the list of global external applications in P6 Professional. Add/Edit/Delete Funding Sources option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove funding source data. View Resource and Role Costs/Financials option Determines whether the profile will enable users to display all values for labor, material, and nonlabor resource costs, price/unit values for roles, and costs for resource and resource assignments User Defined fields. For users who do not have this privilege assigned to their profile, all areas that display monetary values for labor, material, and nonlabor resources and roles will display dashes and cannot be edited. For resources, such areas include resource price/unit, values in resource spreadsheets and histograms in Resource Analysis and Team Usage, and Cost data types for Resource User Defined fields. For roles, the area is the price/unit value in roles data. To display resources' price/unit, users must have this privilege and the 'Edit Resources' global privilege assigned to their profile. Administer Job Services option Determines whether the profile will enable users to set up the Apply Actuals, Batch Reports, Export, Schedule, and Summarize services to run at specific time intervals using the Job Service. Add/Delete Secure Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create and remove all secure project codes, global and EPS-level activity codes, and resource codes and code values data, as well as all secure issue codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Edit Secure Codes,' 'Assign Secure Codes,' and 'View Secure Codes' global privileges. Edit Secure Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify all secure project codes, global and EPS-level activity codes, and resource codes and code values data, as well as all secure issue codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Assign Secure Codes' and 'View Secure Codes' global privileges. Assign Secure Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to assign all secure project codes, global and EPS-level activity codes, and resource codes and code values data, as well as all secure issue codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'View Secure Codes' global privilege.
Users and Security View Secure Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to display all secure project codes, global and EPS-level activity codes, and resource codes and code values data, as well as all secure issue codes and code values data. Add/Edit/Delete Currencies option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove currencies data. Add/Edit/Delete Categories option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify administrative categories as defined in the Admin Categories dialog box. Edit Admin Preferences option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify administrative preferences as defined in the Admin Preferences dialog box. Provision Users from LDAP Determines whether the profile will enable users to search the LDAP directory when provisioning. For users who do not have this privilege assigned to their profile, the option to load an LDIF file to provision users will still be enabled. To search the LDAP directory, users also must also have the 'Add/Edit/Delete Users' global privilege. View All Global/Project Data via SDK option Determines whether the profile will enable users to view All Global and Project Data via P6 SDK. For Admin Superusers, access to the P6 SDK will be read/write. For all other users, access will be read only. Add/Edit/Delete Resource Curves option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove resource distribution curves definitions. Add/Edit/Delete User Defined fields option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove User Defined fields. Even without this privilege, users can still display User Defined fields information. Add/Edit/Delete Global Project/WBS Layouts option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove global project and WBS layouts. Add/Edit/Delete Microsoft Project Templates option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove Microsoft Project templates that are used to import/export data from/to Microsoft Project.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Add/Edit/Delete Activity Step Templates option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove Activity Step Templates, which are used to add a set of common steps to multiple activities. Add/Edit/Delete Financial Period Dates option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove financial periods data. To edit period data, users must also have the 'Edit Period Performance' project privilege assigned to their profile. Tips:
Project profiles
A project profile defines a set of privileges for access to project-specific information. Project profiles are assigned to users based on the OBS hierarchy. To control access to project-specific information, you create project profiles, and then assign specific OBS elements and associated project profiles to individual users. The assigned OBS element determines the EPS and WBS elements for which the user can access project information. The assigned project profile determines the type of access privileges the user has to that project information. All WBS elements must have an assigned responsible OBS. If a user's project profile assignment includes a WBS element's responsible OBS, then the user can access all activities and issues related to that WBS element. Similarly, all thresholds and project issues also have an assigned responsible OBS. If a user's project profile assignment includes a threshold or issue's responsible OBS, then the user can access that threshold or issue. The module does not require that each user have a profile for every project. However, unless a user's global profile is Admin Superuser, that user cannot access a project without a project profile. See Admin superuser (on page 109). To allow complete access to a project/OBS assignment, the module includes a project profile called Project Superuser. You can apply the Project Superuser profile to as many users and for as many projects as you like. Note: Only an Admin Superuser can apply the Project Superuser profile to a user.
Project Privilege Definitions A project profile definition identifies the specific access privileges that are granted by the profile. Each project profile is associated with an organizational breakdown structure (OBS) element to determine which EPS structure elements an individual user can access. Add Projects option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify EPS budget logs, funding sources, and spending plans. Delete Projects option Determines whether the profile will enable users to delete, cut, and paste projects within the EPS node. Summarize Projects option Determines whether the profile will enable users to summarize data for all projects in the EPS. Edit Project Details Except Costs/Financials option Determines whether the profile will enable users to edit fields in General, Dates, Defaults, Resources, and Settings tabs in Project Details. To assign a project baselines, users must also have the "Assign Project Baselines" project privilege assigned to their profile. Administer Project External Applications option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify entries in the External Applications feature in P6 Professional. Schedule Projects option Determines whether the profile will enable users to schedule a project. Level Resources option Determines whether the profile will enable users to level resources. Apply Actuals option Determines whether the profile will enable users to apply actuals to activities in a project. Store Period Performance option Determines whether the profile will enable users to track an actual this period value for actual units and costs in a project. A user must be assigned the Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships project privilege before you can assign this privilege.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Edit Period Performance option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify period performance values for labor and nonlabor units as well as labor, nonlabor, material, and expense costs using P6 Professional. The 'Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships' and 'View Project Costs/Financials' project privileges are also required for this functionality. Maintain Project Baselines option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove baselines for projects. Run Baseline Update option Determines whether the profile will enable users to update a project's baselines with new project information using the Update Baseline utility. Assign Project Baselines option Determines whether the profile will enable users to assign project baselines to projects. To assign project baselines, users must also have the 'Edit Project Details Except Costs/Financials' project privilege assigned to their profile. Add/Edit/Delete Work Products and Documents option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove a project's work products and documents. View Project Costs/Financials option Determines whether the profile will enable users to display all monetary values for projects. For users who do not have this privilege assigned to their profile, all areas that display monetary values will display dashes and cannot be edited. To use the Recalculate Assignment Costs feature, users must also have the 'Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships' project privilege assigned to their profile. To display the resource price/unit, users must have the 'View Resource and Role Costs/Financials' global privilege assigned to their profile. Edit Project Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify project activity codes data. This privilege also enables users to create, modify, and remove project activity code values. Add Project Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create project activity codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Edit Project Activity Codes' project privilege.
Users and Security Delete Project Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to remove project activity codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Add Project Activity Codes' and 'Edit Project Activity Codes' project privileges. Edit EPS Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify the name of EPS-level activity codes. This privilege also enables users to create, modify, and remove EPS-level activity code values. Add EPS Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create EPS-level activity codes and code values. This privilege also selects the 'Edit EPS Activity Codes' project privilege. Delete EPS Activity Codes option Determines whether the profile will enable users to remove EPS-level activity codes and code values data. This privilege also selects the 'Add EPS Activity Codes' and 'Edit EPS Activity Codes' project privileges. Monitor Project Thresholds option Determines whether the profile will enable users to run the threshold monitor for a project. Publish Project Web site option Determines whether the profile will enable users to publish a project's Web site. Edit Project Reports option Determines whether the profile will enable users to edit a project's reports, edit a project's report batches, and export reports. Add/Edit/Delete Project Calendars option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove calendars assigned to projects. Run Global Change option Determines whether the profile will enable users to run Global Change to update activity detail information. Check In/Check Out Projects option Determines whether the profile will enable users to check projects out to work remotely and then check them back in. Import/View Contract Management Data option Determines whether the profile will enable users to import and display data from Contract Management in P6 Professional.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Add/Edit/Delete WBS Except Costs/Financials option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove WBS hierarchy nodes, notebook entries, earned value settings, milestones (steps), work products and documents, and dates. Edit WBS Costs/Financials option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify WBS budget logs, funding sources, spending plan, and financial data at the project level. This privilege also enables users to edit cost data at the activity level, including resource assignments. This privilege also selects the 'View Project Costs/Financials' project privilege. Add/Edit/Delete EPS Except Costs/Financials option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove EPS hierarchy nodes, edit EPS notebook, and edit all EPS-related data except financial information. Edit EPS Costs/Financials option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify EPS budget logs, funding sources, and spending plans. Add/Edit/Delete Expenses option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove expenses assigned to projects. Add/Edit/Delete Issues and Issue Thresholds option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove thresholds and issues assigned to projects. The privilege also enables users to assign issue codes to project issues. Add/Edit/Delete Activity Relationships option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove activity relationships assigned to projects. Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create and modify all activity information in projects, except activity relationships. To modify activity IDs, users must also have the 'Edit Activity ID' project privilege assigned to their profile. To use the Recalculate Assignment Costs feature, users must also have the 'View Project Costs/Financials' project privilege assigned to their profile. Delete Activities option Determines whether the profile will enable users to remove activities from projects. Edit Contract Management Project Link option
Users and Security Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, edit, and delete a link to a Contract Management project. Edit Activity ID option Determines whether the profile will enable users to modify activity IDs. To modify activity IDs, users must also have the 'Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships' project privilege assigned to their profile. Edit Future Periods option Determines whether the profile will enable users to enter, modify, and delete future period assignment values in the Planned Units and Remaining (Early) Units fields of the Resource Usage Spreadsheet using P6 Professional. The 'Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships' project privilege is also required for this functionality. Add/Edit/Delete Project Level Layouts option Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, edit, and delete project level layouts in Activities, Assignments, or WBS views. Add/Edit/Delete Risks option Determines whether the profile will enable users to assign risks to activities and to create, modify, and remove risks. Tips:
A project profile, Project Superuser, automatically gives a user all of the above
privileges for each project, according to the specified OBS element. To allow read-write privileges for all aspects of a project, you can assign a user to a project's root OBS element and then apply the Project Superuser profile to the project/OBS assignment. The previous table groups each privilege by functionality. The privileges are listed in the same order as displayed in the Security Profiles dialog box. To view the privileges in alphabetical order in the Security Profiles dialog box, click the Privileges bar. Note: To view resources' price/unit in reports, users must have "Edit Resources" and "View Resource and Role Costs/Financials" global privileges assigned to their profile.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 2. Click OK. 3. If the ability to edit a personal resource calendar is required, you can select an associated resource from the Resource ID / Resource Name for Personal Calendar field, or you can create the link when you add resources. 4. Click the Contact tab. Enter the user's e-mail address and office phone number. 5. Click Close. Notes: Login names must be between 1 and 32 characters long. If the Enable Password Policy check box is cleared in the Admin Preferences dialog box, passwords must be between 1 and 20 characters long. If the Enable password policy check box is selected in the Admin Preferences dialog box, enter a password that is a minimum of 8 characters long, and that contains at least one alpha and one numeric character. If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, the Password button does not appear since password management is handled through the directory server. Users you create will not have access to any projects or features until you assign them a security profile. If a user is also a resource, the e-mail address and office phone number you type in the Users dialog box overwrites the e-mail address and office phone number recorded in the Resources window General tab, if that information is different. Likewise, e-mail and phone information you enter in the Resources window overwrites the information in the Users dialog box. b. If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, the Import Domain Users dialog box will appear: 1. Either click the Load LDIF button, or enter an LDAP query (for example, UID=*) under LDAP User Search Criteria. 2. If you clicked the Load LDIP button, browse to the location of the LDIF file, and click Open. If you entered an LDAP query, click Search. 3. A list of users will appear, grouped by category. For example, LDAP repository users that do not exactly match P6 Professional users will be grouped together. If users exist in the LDAP repository, the Login Name, Personal Name, User EMail Address, and Office Phone fields are populated based on the field mappings in the LDAP configuration settings. 4. Select the Import option next to each Login Name that you with to import. New or modified users are automatically selected. 5. Click Import Users. 6. Click Close in the Users dialog box.
Users and Security Notes: You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Users privilege and the Provision Users from LDAP privilege to search the LDAP directory. You do not need the Provision Users from LDAP privilege to import users from the LDIF file. The new users will be assigned the default global profile.
Resource Security Resource security allows the administrator to restrict a user's resource access. By default, new users do not have access to resources. To change the new user resource access click the Global Access tab. See Introduction to Resource Security (on page 136). Notes
Login names must be between 1 and 32 characters long. If the Enable Password Policy check box is cleared in the Admin Preferences dialog box, passwords must be between 1 and 20 characters long. Otherwise, they are required to be a minimum of 8 characters long, including at least one alpha and one numeric character.
If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, the Password button does not appear since password management is handled through the directory server. Users you create will not have access to any projects or features until you assign them a security profile.
If a user is also a resource, the e-mail address and office phone number you type in the Users dialog box overwrites the e-mail address and office phone number recorded in the Resources window General tab, if that information is different. Likewise, e-mail and phone information you enter in the Resources window overwrites the information in the Users dialog box. Oracle recommends the use of strong passwords. Strong passwords in P6 Professional are defined as passwords containing between 8 to 20 characters and at least one numeric and one alpha character. To further strengthen the password, use a mixture of upper and lower case letters.
When you click Print, the table prints the same as it appears on the screen. So collapsed nodes are not expanded for printing, and expanded nodes print the entire list of users.
Users and Security If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, password management is handled through the directory server. You cannot change your password through the module and the Password button does not appear on the Users dialog box General tab. If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, password management is handled through the directory server. You cannot change your password through the module and the Password tab does not appear in the User Preferences dialog box. Passwords are case-sensitive.
Passwords that were set before the new password policy was enabled are valid and usable.
Remove users
1) Choose Admin, Users. 2) Select the user you want to remove, then click Delete. 3) Click Yes.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Tips A global profile, Admin Superuser, allows complete access to global information, features, and all projects. See Admin superuser (on page 109). To grant the user read/write privileges for all projects and features, select Admin Superuser as the global profile. You can apply the Admin Superuser profile to as many users as you like. Only an Admin Superuser can apply the Admin Superuser profile to a user. To verify which privileges are associated with a particular global profile, open the Security Profiles dialog box (choose Admin, Security Profiles).
Unless a user's global profile is Admin Superuser, a user cannot access any projects without a project profile. See Admin superuser (on page 109).
A user is not required to have a profile for every OBS element. However, unless a user's global profile is Admin Superuser, a user cannot access project information without a project profile. See Admin superuser (on page 109).
All Resources The user has access to all resources with no restriction. This option disables resource security. For Admin superusers, resource security access settings are ignored; they are always granted All Resources access. See Admin superuser (on page 109).
No Resources The user has no access to resources. This is the default resource access to new users. Also, if a resource is deleted from the resource hierarchy, users that previously had been assigned to the deleted resource automatically get no access to resources. If a user has no resources access, all global resource-related privileges are ignored. Resource node (Selected Resources) The user has access to the assigned resource node and its children. You can assign only one node to a user. Multiple resource nodes are not supported.
Notes You need Add/Edit/delete Users global privilege to manage resource security. In the Resource Assignments window you still have access to current project resources.
Example The following examples illustrate how resource security applies to users assigned to different resource nodes:
B) User is assigned to resource node MIS. This user has access only to root node MIS and its children.
C) User is assigned to resource node SADM. This user has access only to root node SADM and its children.
Resource Assignments View In the Resource Assignments View you still have access to all current project resources even if they are not under your root node. If you have the proper privilege, you can modify their assignments or reassign any resource to new activities.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Importing and Exporting Resources/Projects If you have no resource access, you cannot import new resources or activity resource assignments, or issues associated with new resources. If you have limited resource access, new resources are imported under your root node and you can update existing resources only if you have access to them.
Users and Security Delete the Resource Access field, if it is not empty. The current user gets no access to any resources after the next login. This is the default for new users. Notes The All Resources Access option disables resource security and gives the user access to all resources. Admin Superuser always has All Resources access, regardless of the resource security access settings. If you have restricted or no resource access, you cannot give All Resource access. This option is enabled only for users with all resource access.
Admin Superuser always has All Resources access, regardless of the resource security access settings. See Admin superuser (on page 109).
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database All Resources Access The All Resource Access column displays a checkbox for each user. If the checkbox is marked, the user has access to all resources. This option disables resource security. This column is available only for users with all resource access or Admin superusers.
Resource Access The Resource Access column displays the user's assigned node. The user has access to this resource node and all its children. If the Resource Access column is empty and the All Resources Access checkbox is unmarked, the user has no access to any resources.
Since a user's resource access depends on the position of the assigned resource in the hierarchy, changing that position also means changing the user's resource access.
If you change the default activity duration setting, the new default applies only to activities added after the change; existing activities are not affected.
If you change maximum hierarchy level settings, your change only applies when you add new elements or edit existing elements.
If you change the maximum number of characters in a code length, your change only applies when you add new codes or edit existing codes.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 5) In the Earned Value Calculation section, choose how you want to calculate earned value. Choose to use the baseline's At Completion values and current dates, planned values with planned dates, or planned values with current dates when calculating earned value from a baseline. The current dates options use the Start/Finish dates for an activity or resource assignment. Tip
For each project, earned value is calculated using the project baseline or each user's defined primary baseline, depending on a preference setting on the Settings tab of Project Details.
If you want all project data in the database to be summarized by financial period (including closed projects), you must create financial periods that span the date range of all projects in the database. For example, if the oldest project in your database has a project start date of October 1st, 2001, your financial periods should begin on or before that date.
Application Settings and Global Data If you choose to summarize data by financial period, you must summarize closed projects at least once to store project data in financial period intervals. Doing so ensures that data will display accurately in profiles and spreadsheets when users choose to display data for all projects in a financial period timescale interval (rather than open projects only).
Notes: If you choose to summarize by both calendar and financial period intervals, the runtime of summarizer jobs will increase. If you summarize projects with the 'By calendar' option selected, then clear the checkbox and summarize projects again, the previously existing summary activity and resource spreads are not removed; you must remove them manually. If financial periods are not defined in the Financial Periods dictionary, you can select the 'By financial period' option but data will not be summarized by financial period.
If you set the industry type and later change it, the change will not take effect for
users who have logged in since it was last set until you clear their USERDATA; the new industry setting is immediately effective for new users. The following table lists each industry type and its corresponding terminology and default settings:
Industry Type
Claim Digger
Planned Units Planned Cost Planned Duration Planned Units Planned Cost Planned Duration Budgeted Units Budgeted Cost Original Duration Planned Units Planned Cost Planned Duration
Other Industry
Schedule Comparison
Application Settings and Global Data Document Categories: Create, edit, and delete categories for work products and documents. Use these categories to standardize and categorize work products and documents, and organize and maintain work product and document information. Document Status: Create, edit, and delete document status types. Use these status types to identify the current status of work products and documents within a project. Risk Categories: Create, edit, and delete risk categories. Use these categories to classify risk types and to organize risks. Notebook Topics: Create, edit, and delete notebook topics. Use notebook topics to organize related notes about an activity. Units of Measure: Add, delete, and organize units of measure.
Baseline Types
Create a baseline type You can create baseline types that you can assign to baselines in any project. You can use baseline types to standardize baselines for all projects. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Baseline Types tab, then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new baseline type.
Edit a baseline type 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Baseline Types tab. 3) Double-click the baseline type you want to change, then enter a new baseline type. Tip
To change the order in which baseline types are listed, select the baseline type you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down. If you change a baseline type, your change applies to all baseline assignments.
Delete a baseline type 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Baseline Types tab. 3) Select the baseline type you want to delete, then click Delete.
Expense Categories
Create expense categories You can create expense categories that you can assign to expenses in any project. You can use these categories to organize and maintain your expense information. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Expense Categories tab, then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new expense category.
Rename expense categories 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Expense Categories tab. 3) Double-click the category whose name you want to change, then type the expense category's new name. Tip
To change the order in which expense categories are listed, select the expense category you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.
If you change an expense category's name, your change applies to all expense item assignments.
Delete expense categories 1) 2) 3) 4) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. Click the Expense Categories tab. Select the category you want to delete, then click Delete. Click Yes.
WBS Category
Edit the WBS category You can use a custom work breakdown structure (WBS) category to organize and maintain WBS information in all projects. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories.
Application Settings and Global Data 2) Click the WBS Category tab, which displays the current name of the WBS category, for example Project Phase. Project phase is the default WBS category. 3) In the WBS Category field, type the new WBS category name. (This name will appear in the associated tab on the left side of this dialog box.) Note
The category's current values and value assignments do not change when you change the WBS category.
Create WBS category values 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the tab that displays the name of the current WBS category, then click Add. 3) Type the new value. 4) Use the Shift Up and Shift Down arrows to position the new value in the Category Value list.
Assign WBS Category values You can assign a WBS category value from the Work Breakdown Structure window. 1) Display a column for the WBS category, if it is not already displayed. Click the Display Options bar, choose Columns, and then choose Customize. In the Available Options section, under the General subsection, choose the WBS category. Click , then click OK. 2) In the WBS table, select the WBS element to which you want to assign a WBS category value, then double-click in the WBS category column. 3) Double-click the category value you want to assign. Change WBS category values 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the tab that displays the name of the current WBS category. 3) Double-click the value you want to change, then type the new value. Note
If you change a category value, your change applies to all WBS assignments.
Delete WBS category values 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the tab that displays the name of the current WBS category.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 3) Select the value you want to delete, then click Delete. 4) Click Yes.
Document Categories
Create document categories You can set up categories to assign to work products and documents. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Document Categories tab, then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new document category. Tip
To change the order in which document categories are listed, select the document category you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.
Rename document categories 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Document Categories tab. 3) Double-click the category whose name you want to change, then type the document category's new name. Tip
To change the order in which document categories are listed, select the document category you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down. If you change a document category's name, your change applies to all document item assignments.
Delete document categories 1) 2) 3) 4) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. Click the Document Categories tab. Select the category you want to delete, then click Delete. Click Yes.
Document Statuses
Create a document status You can create status types that you can assign to documents in any project. A document's status helps you determine which documents are approved work products and documents, standards, and deliverables, and if they can be assigned to activities or work breakdown structure elements. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Document Status tab, then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new status. Tip
To change the order in which document statuses are listed, select the document status you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.
Change document status names 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Document Status tab. 3) Double-click the status whose name you want to change, then type the new name. Tip
To change the order in which document statuses are listed, select the document status you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down. If you change the name of a document status, your change applies to all document assignments.
Delete a document status 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Document Status tab. 3) Select the status you want to delete, then click Delete. 4) Click Yes.
Risk Categories
Create risk categories You can create hierarchical risk categories of possible risks that you can assign to risks in any project. Risk categories are a classification of risk types customized to your specific project or business that are used to categorize and organize risks. Categorizing risks enables you to analyze the types of risks occurring and see trends within the project or across multiple projects. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Risk Categories tab, then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new risk category. Tip
To change the hierarchical order in which risk categories are listed, select the risk category you want to move, then click Shift up, Shift down, Shift Right, or Shift Left, as applicable.
Edit risk categories 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Risk Categories tab. 3) Double-click the category you want to change, then enter the new risk category name. Tip
To change the hierarchical order in which risk categories are listed, select the risk category you want to move, then click Shift up, Shift down, Shift Right, or Shift Left, as applicable. If you change a risk category, your change applies to all risk assignments.
Delete risk categories 1) 2) 3) 4) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. Click the Risk Categories tab. Select the risk category you want to delete, then click Delete. Click Yes. Note: Deleting a risk category deletes all children and their assignments.
Notebook Topics
Create notebooks Use notebooks to set up general categories for activity, project, EPS, and WBS notes. You can assign notebooks in any project. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Notebook Topics tab, then click Add. 3) Type the name of the new notebook. 4) Mark the checkbox in the appropriate column to make the new notebook available in EPS, Project, WBS, or Activity views. Tip
To change the order in which notebook topics are listed, select the notebook topic you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.
Change notebook names 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Notebook Topics tab. 3) Double-click the notebook whose name you want to change, then enter the notebook's new name. Tip
To change the order in which notebook topics are listed, select the notebook topic you want to move, then click Shift Up or Shift Down.
Delete notebooks 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Click the Notebook Topics tab. 3) Select the notebook topic you want to delete, then click Delete. 4) Click Yes.
Units of Measure
Define the units of measure for material resources A unit of measure describes the quantity of a particular resource. Labor resources are often measured in units of time, such as hours or days; materials can be measured in cubic or linear feet, or perhaps in tons or kilos; items used one-by-one can be measured individually (EA) or as shipped: a box, a case, a pallet. Money is generally measured in monetary units, such as dollars, euros, or yen. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) In the Units of Measure tab, click Add. 3) In the Unit Abbreviation column, type the abbreviation to use as the label for the new unit of measure. 4) In the Unit Name column, type the name of the new unit of measure. Delete Units of Measure You can delete any available unit of measure. 1) Choose Admin, Admin Categories. 2) Select the Units of Measure tab, then select a Unit Abbreviation or Unit Name. 3) Click Delete. Note
If the units of measure you attempt to delete is in use, a message will prompt you that the unit of measure is still in use. Click Yes to continue deleting. The unit of measure is deleted from the resource, but the resource remains.
Application Settings and Global Data For example, if the base currency is U.S. Dollars, the view currency is Euros, and the exchange rate for Euros is .75, a value of $10 stored in the database is displayed as 7.5 Euros in cost fields in windows and dialog boxes. Similarly, if you enter 7.5 Euros in a cost field, it is stored in the database as $10. Notes Only a user with Admin Superuser privileges can change the base currency and define additional view currency types. When you enter values in cost fields, they are always displayed in the view currency. If you are upgrading from a previous version, you should set up the base currency in the new version before you start adding and changing projects.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 7) Select the number of decimal places to display in currency values, for example, none (70), one (70.1), or two (70.14). 8) Select the format used to display positive and negative currency values. Tip
If you want to view costs in the old base currency, you will need to add it back to the list of available currencies. The Base checkbox indicates which currency is used to store cost data. You cannot mark or clear this checkbox.
If you manually plan future period resource/role allocation in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet, you should set the Units Format and Durations Format according to the timeperiods in which you plan your work. For example, if you plan future work in daily timeperiods, you should set the Units Format to Hour and the Durations Format to Day. Similarly, if you plan future work in weekly timeperiods, you should set the Units Format to Hour or Day, and the Durations Format to Week.
6) Type the SMTP server name or address to use to send outgoing e-mail. 7) Type the e-mail address to which you want your return e-mail sent. If you do not enter a return e-mail address, all e-mail is returned to the address you used to send the e-mail.
Application Settings and Global Data 1) 2) 3) 4) Choose Edit, User Preferences. Click the Assistance tab. To use the New Resource wizard, mark the Use New Resource Wizard checkbox. To use the New Activity wizard, mark the Use New Activity Wizard checkbox.
Change my password
1) 2) 3) 4) Choose Edit, User Preferences. Click the Password tab. Click Password. Type a new password.
If the Enable password policy setting is selected in the Password Policy field of the Admin Preferences dialog box, you must enter a password that is between 8 and 20 characters and contains at least one number and one letter. If the Enable password policy setting is not selected, enter a password between 1 and 20 characters long. If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, password management is handled through the directory server. You cannot change your password through the module and the Password tab does not appear in the User Preferences dialog box. Passwords are case-sensitive. Passwords that were set before the new password policy was enabled are valid and usable. Passwords are required.
You should use this option only when investigating an application error with the assistance of Oracle Customer Support staff.
If you do not select a range of financial periods to display, no financial period columns will be available for display.
Application Settings and Global Data 3) In the All Projects section, specify the extent of information you want to gather from closed projects when calculating remaining units and costs for spreadsheet, profiles, and tracking layouts. (Closed projects are any projects in the enterprise project structure (EPS) that are not currently open.) To include live data from all open projects and stored summary data from all closed projects (excluding those with a what-if status), choose All Closed Projects (Except What-If Projects). To include live data from all open projects and stored summary data from all closed projects with a specific leveling priority, choose Closed All Projects with Leveling Priority Equal/Higher Than, then specify the leveling priority you want to use. (Specify the leveling priority per project in the General tab of the Projects window.) This value is used to consider applicable external projects (those not included in the current layout) when deducting from resource availability immediately during leveling. Choose Open Projects Only to exclude resource data from external (closed) projects in the remaining units and cost values for resource profiles/spreadsheets and tracking layouts. 4) In the Time-Distributed Data section, choose a starting point for calculating remaining units and costs for resource profiles and spreadsheet displays and in tracking layouts. To focus on the current remaining estimate, choose Remaining Early Dates. To focus on values calculated from a forecast date, choose Forecast Dates. Select the interval at which live resource and cost calculations are performed for resource profiles and spreadsheets and in tracking layoutshour, day, week, or month. Profiles, spreadsheets, and layouts are affected only if their timescale interval is set lower than the interval set in the Interval for Time-Distributed Resource Calculations field. Choose to display role limits based on custom role limits defined in the Roles dictionary or the calculated limit of each role's primary resource. You can view role limits in spreadsheets, charts, and histograms that display role data in P6 Professional.
If you manually plan future period resource/role allocation in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet, your selections in the Time-Distributed Data section may affect your planning. How? If you choose to display time-distributed Remaining Early units and costs according to forecast dates rather than remaining early dates, you can not enter or edit values in the Remaining Units field in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet. Additionally, if the displayed timescale intervals in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet are smaller than the minimum timescale interval used for time-distributed resource calculations, you can not enter or edit future period values in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet. For example, if this option is set to Week, you can only enter or edit data in weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or financial period future period buckets.
Startup filters are available for Oracle and SQL Server installations. Startup filters are disabled for stand-alone installations.
Application Settings and Global Data When replacing a resource on an existing activity assignment, choose to always use the units/time and overtime factor of the current assignment or of the new resource replacing the existing assignment; or, choose to be prompted to select which units/time and overtime factor you want to use each time you replace a resource on an existing activity assignment. When assigning a resource to an existing role assignment or when assigning a role to an existing resource assignment, choose to always use the price/unit of the resource or role; or, choose to be prompted to select which price/unit you want to use each time you assign a resource and a role to an activity assignment. Tip
If you manually plan future period resource allocation in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet, your selections on the Calculations tab can affect the values you manually enter in future periods for an assignment.
Notes For Fixed Duration and Units activities P6 Professional will not recalculate the actual units for existing resource assignments if they have negative units/time, units, or cost values. If you choose to always use the role's price/unit, the Rate Source is set to Role in the Activity Details, Resources tab. If you choose to always use the resource's price/unit, the Rate Source is set to Resource. The price/unit value used to calculate costs for the assignment is determined by the rate type you select in the Rate Type field (rate types are resource- and role-specific)
Authentication in P6 Professional
This chapter describes the authentication modes for P6 Professional and outlines the steps required to implement an authentication scheme. It also details steps on how to import user information from an LDAP server.
In This Section
About User Authentication Modes ....................................................................... 165 Configuring LDAP Servers....................................................................................... 165 Provisioning LDAP User Information for the First Time ......................................... 166 Configuring P6 Professional Internal Plug-ins for Authentication...................... 167 Login Procedures and Authentication in P6 Professional.................................. 167
Native: Native mode is the default user authentication scheme for all Oracle
Primavera P6 Professional applications. When a user attempts to log on to a Primavera application, native mode confirms the users identity in the database. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): LDAP mode confirms a user's identity in the designated directory server database when a user attempts to log on to an application.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Enter the details for your LDAP server by clicking the fields and entering the information in the right column. Specify the LDAP directory server host name or IP address, listening port, and base directory node. For Base Directory Node, specify the location in the directory information tree (DIT) that is the location from which to start the search for module users during login. Base Directory Node is also the location where the provisioning function begins the search for directory server users. SSL protocol is recommended for secure communication to the LDAP server. To use SSL protocol for communication with the LDAP server, select True for the Enable SSL option. Referrals chasing allows authentication to extend to another domain.To use referrals, select True for the Chase Referrals option. Note: Referral chasing is supported with Oracle Internet Directory and Microsoft Windows Active Directory. For Oracle Internet Directories, referrals chasing only works when the directories are configured to allow anonymous searches. 7) If the LDAP server does not allow anonymous searches, type the user name of an LDAP server user who has search access for the Base Directory Node you specified. 8) Click Test. If you entered a user name you are prompted for the user's password. Notes: The password is encrypted and stored in configuration data. The Administration Configuration tool does not unencrypt the password, so the password must be reentered every time Test is clicked. Test must be executed for each LDAP server you configure 9) If you see a message saying Test Passed, your LDAP server is properly configured. 10) Click Save & Close to exit the Administration Configuration tool.
Authentication in P6 Professional 7) Either click the Load LDIF button, or enter an LDAP query (for example, UID=*) under LDAP User Search Criteria. 8) If you clicked the Load LDIP button, browse to the location of the LDIF file, and click Open. If you entered an LDAP query, click Search. 9) A list of users will appear, grouped by category. For example, LDAP repository users that do not exactly match P6 Professional users will be grouped together. If users exist in the LDAP repository, the Login Name, Personal Name, User EMail Address, and Office Phone fields are populated based on the field mappings in the LDAP configuration settings. 10) Select the Import option next to each Login Name that you with to import. New or modified users are automatically selected. 11) Click Import Users. 12) Click Close in the Users dialog box. Notes: You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Users privilege and the Provision Users from LDAP privilege to search the LDAP directory. You do not need the Provision Users from LDAP privilege to import users from the LDIF file. The new users will be assigned the default global profile
When you provision users, changed records are updated in the P6 Professional database and new users are added. However, users that have been deleted from the LDAP directory or LDIF file are not automatically removed from the P6 Professional database. You will need to manually delete these users.
P6 Professional presents a login dialog that prompts for a user name and password.
Depending on whether the password policy option in Application Settings is enabled, the use of strong passwords might be required.
Ability to reset private database logins Ability to reset user passwords Ability to specify LDAP servers
After installing P6 Professional, use the Administration Configuration tool to set up LDAP servers if you are going to use LDAP authentication. The Administration Configuration tool is installed using the custom option on the setup wizard.
About the Administration Configuration Tool 3) On the Welcome dialog box, click Next. 4) On the Setup Type dialog box, choose Custom Note: These instructions assume that you have not already installed P6 Professional, if you have not, P6 Professional will be installed with this component unless you select Entire feature will be unavailable under P6 Professional. See Installing P6 Professional for instructions on completing P6 Professional installation. 5) Click Administration Configuration and select Will be installed on local hard drive. 6) On the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install to begin the installation. 7) Click Finish to exit the Setup Wizard.
P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database 7) In the Confirm New Password field, enter the password again, to verify it. 8) Click Save to continue working or click Save and Close if you are finished. Notes: If the Enable password policy setting is selected in the Password Policy field of the Admin Preferences dialog box, enter a password that is a minimum of 8 characters long, and that contains one alpha and one numeric character. If the Enable password policy setting is not selected, enter a password up to 20 characters long. If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, password management is handled through the directory server. You cannot change your password through the Administration Configuration tool and the Reset Application User Password tab is not selectable. Passwords are case-sensitive. Passwords that were set before the new password policy was enabled are valid and usable.
In This Section
Importing Projects from P3 to P6 Professional ..................................................... 173
You cannot import P3 projects due to the option being grayed out. The option was not grayed out, but you received any of the following error messages:
Event Code ICSPI-1034-6 Invalid class string, ProgID: "p3session32" when trying to Import a P3 Project into P6 Professional. COM exception caught. Value = 0 when trying to Import multiple P3 Projects into P6 Professional. Typing REGSVR32 RA32.DLL from the windows command prompt returns "LoadLibrary(ra32.dll) failed- cannot find desired module when P3 or SureTrak are not installed on the workstation.
In This Section
What Causes the P3 Import Option to Be Grayed Our or Send an Error Message? ................................................................................................................................... 173 Importing Projects from P3 if You Own a Licensed Copy of P3 or SureTrak .... 174 Message when Starting Import or Export ............................................................. 174
What Causes the P3 Import Option to Be Grayed Our or Send an Error Message?
This issue can occur when any of the following conditions exist:
The workstation which has P6 Professional installed does not have P3 or SureTrak
installed. Notes: The P6 Professional installer no longer includes the BTRIEVE database engine files necessary to import P3 file format. These files were removed from the P6 Professional installer due to licensing issues with BTRIEVE software. Prior to Project Management version 6.2, users could Import/Export P3 data without having P3 or SureTrak installed on the machine; however, with Project Management version 6.2 and later releases, P3 Import/Export functions are disabled unless P3 or SureTrak is installed on the same computer. The workstation did not have P3 or SureTrak installed, but P3 or SureTrak was installed after P6 Professional was installed. The workstation is using a 64-bit Operating System.
If you see this message click OK to ignore it, when the import or export dialog appears, proceed with the import or export process. Note: You may have to click OK several times to dismiss the error. Install P3 to avoid this message.