DDAL07-03 A Day at The Races v1.1
DDAL07-03 A Day at The Races v1.1
DDAL07-03 A Day at The Races v1.1
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 3
Dark skin. Balding pate. Friendly smile. Harper contact. Here, gamblers and bookies indulge their vices in
Mowbula’s rope belt sags under the burden of bulging comfort, escaping the additional heat of the
coin-pouches slid to the knot. Although she seems to be
throngs in the street. Characters can place bets,
oddly uninterested in money, she is quick to produce a
collect gossip, and learn the basics of racing.
ledger for recording betting or illegible notes about those
nearby. Her beady-eyes betray a mental alacrity
underscored by choppy, muddled common. A slight whistle
accentuates her “S” when she struggles to translate a term.
The characters have the opportunity to learn more
Quote: “I’ll take yuh wager. T’wisch honker ye be like-y?”
about dinosaur races and betting on them:
As she reaches the characters at the bottom of the Characters who spend time mingling on the
steps, read the following: observation deck can attempt to extract further
information starting with a DC 10 Charisma
When all are accounted for, a short, dark-skinned Chultan (Persuasion) ability check, or piece together what
female materializes at the base of the steps. Her beady they overhear with a DC 10 Intelligence
eyes smile up at you as she brushes back wire-thin curls (Investigation) check, to reveal the one piece of
over her balding pate. A rich purple sash over loose layers gossip (DM’s choice). The DC increases by 2 for
each additional clue (maximum of 20).
of vibrant yellows and oranges denotes her station as a
Port Nyanzaru bookie. “Nay-um’s Mowbula. Yuhs look like • Longshot wins have become increasingly
da mob dem owls said me. Cooee close!” common, as have the mounts death—some
The climb up the stairs seems to take forever behind occurring days after the race.
Mowbula but gives you plenty of time to piece together, • Each time a ringer wins, the rider has been a
but not place, her dialect. newcomer to the races, registered under an
alias, and never shows up to race again.
• The bookies are paying out incredible sums—
Mowbula provides the characters with a practiced causing doubt in betters and unbalancing the
litany of instructions for the day to come. She isn’t economy’s investment in the pastime.
fond of struggling through the briefing in Common • The Merchant Princes’ influence, both in port
(she’s had to practice all morning) but recognizes and abroad, measures in wealth sustainability,
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 4
Proceed to Part 2.
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 5
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 6
Roll 1d8 each round for each of the two NPC teams. On a
result of 5 or higher, the NPC team advances to the next Roll 1d8 each round for each of the two NPC teams. On a
stretch of the race. As such each NPC team must advance result of 5 or higher, the NPC team gets a ribbon. Once an
twice to complete the first leg of the race. NPC team gets five ribbons, they proceed to the next leg of
the race. If an NPC team is being harassed by one or more
of the characters, the NPC team must roll a 6 or higher to
retrieve a ribbon.
Estimated Phase Duration: 10 minutes If the characters advance to the next leg, any NPC team
remaining in the second leg of the race need only retrieve
Entering coliseum, you’re each harnessed to a young one more ribbon to advance.
pteranodon. Once the last strap is cinched taught, the Once the characters each retrieve a ribbon, they
beasts tear into the sky! must fly to the Dry Docks. The pteranodons refuse
to fly outside of the city’s limits—characters that
This leg of the race calls on the racers to ride try to make off with a pteranodon is sure to
pteranodons through wide rings of iron—all arouse the ire of a merchant prince or two.
while snatching ribbons of their team’s color that
dangle from the interior of the rings. The rings are
strung up between the taller buildings in this part Upon landing, race officials urge the characters
of town—excitingly close to rooftop spectators. towards the next leg of the race. Closer inspection
indicates that the silk ribbons are embroidered
with gold. At the conclusion of the race, the five
ribbons can be sold for a total of 50 gp.
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 7
As you swoop town towards the Dry Docks, the city erupts
Roll 1d8 each round for each of the two NPC teams. On a
into roaring cheers! The scale-master points down the Dry
result of 5 or higher, the NPC team retrieves a brick. Once
Dock to a landing where one of three plesiosaurs with a an NPC team gets five bricks, they proceed to the next leg
large, bamboo howdah waits for you. of the race.
A Chultan attendant boosts you aboard and hands you a If the characters advance to the next leg, any NPC team
pair of goggles and a harness with a netted satchel, before remaining in the second leg of the race need only retrieve
raising his voice over the crowd. “Head to Na N’buso,” he one more brick to advance.
shouts “Bricks stamped with your mascot lay at the bottom
of the bay. Retrieve the bricks and take them to the
Warehouse District. Time to get wet!” From the statue of Na N’buso, the characters must
make their way to the Warehouse District
Storehouse with the recovered bricks. As they
Navigating a plesiosaur to the statue is easy and arrive, a trio of swarthy smiths with massive
requires no special effort. One success is all that is smithing hammers on their shoulders and anvils
needed to ferry the group all the way to the statue. wrapped in ribbons of their team’s color at their
feet. The smiths smash the bricks placed on their
anvils—revealing a hollow core hiding a metal tile.
Once at the base of the statue, each racer must Each of the word puzzles found in Appendix.
dive to the bottom of the bay and retrieve a brick Puzzle Sea, Puzzle Do is numbered according to
stamped with their team’s mascot. the number of players. Find the puzzle that
The bottom of the bay surrounding the statue is matches the number of players at the table, and
60 feet deep. The water is calm, and requires no read off the letters as each of them retrieve their
check to navigate. Once at the bottom, the letter tiles from the smith. The solution to this
characters see dozens of bricks laying on the floor puzzle is the combination to the lock below.
of the bay. Each brick is approximately a foot on a Once the characters have all of their lettered
side—and fits perfectly into the netted satchel tiles, the smith points them in the direction of a
given by the attendant. nearby warehouse. A number of triceratopses are
While seeing the bricks is easy enough, their chained to rings in the floor are visible inside.
markings make discerning the precise shapes
difficult. In order to identify and retrieve a correct
brick, each character must succeed on a DC 13
Intelligence (Investigation) check. Failure
A flood of sunlight accompanies you into the dilapidated
indicates that the brick bears some other mark.
storehouse. Within, a trio of howdah-bearing triceratops
are chained to iron rings in set into the floor—which are
locked by exotic, combination-style locks.
A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes
Beside each lock is an eagle-eyed race official.
equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30
seconds). “The smith has given your key,” the tallest official says,
When a creature runs out of breath, it can survive for a “now use it to open the lock! And no cheating!”
number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier
(minimum 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to
The locks have a number of rings embossed with
0 hit points and is dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be
letters. Each team is watched by a race official, so
stabilized until it can breathe again.
the only way to open the lock (without being
While there is no limit on how many bricks a disqualified) is to rotate the letters on the rings to
single character is allowed to retrieve, swimming their correct position. The correct combination is
while holding a brick is outright impossible due to the solution to the word puzzle obtained in Puzzle
their size—the characters must carry the bricks to Sea, above. Upon entering the combination, the
the plesiosaur in their netted stachels. So, while a lock to fall open with an audible CLACK. The race
character that’s skilled in Investigation is able to official stepladder moves to the triceratops’s flank.
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 8
Roll 1d8 every 30 seconds for each of the two NPC teams.
On a result of 5 or higher, the NPC team solves their word
puzzle and proceeds to the next leg of the race.
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 9
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 10
As you fasten the last of your gear back in place, all manner
of people, from wealthy merchants to the homeless in
Malar’s Throat, fill the streets surrounding the elevated
platforms near the dinosaur pens. Embellished rumor and
tall-tale already circulate the crowd when a tall, broad-
shouldered Chultan, the Race Marshal, calls for quiet.
“Whether first place or show, these racers proved they
embodied the strength and fearlessness of our Na N’buso!”
The crowd chants in unison, “N’buso!” Smiling, he
continues, “And Chult rewards those who face fear and
best it. Step forward warriors, and collect your prize!”
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 11
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 12
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 13
Consumable magic items should be divided up In exchange for running this adventure, you earn
however the group sees fit. If more than one DM Rewards as described in the D&D Adventurers
character is interested in a specific consumable League Dungeon Master’s Guide (ALDMG).
magic item, the DM can determine who gets it
randomly should the group be unable to decide.
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 14
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 15
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 16
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 19
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 20
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 21
For the next year, you can find lodging for free in
one of the Tiryki Anchorage’s fine, flea-bitten
establishments—maintaining a Poor lifestyle for
up to 30 days.
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 22
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 23
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races 24