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CCC BMG 15 Phlan 1 3 Subterfuge

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Erik Scott de bie

Adventure Designer
Adventure Code: PHLAN1-3

An ambitious plan for the reconstruction of Phlan would expand the city
walls to protect all the citizens. Now a band of emissaries sent to acquire
necessary materials has gone missing in the wilds of the Dragonspine
Mountains, and only the Heroes of Phlan can find them. But will it be
in time to prevent catastrophe for the city? A D&D Adventurers League
adventure set in and around Phlan.
A four-hour adventure for 11th-16th level characters

Producer: Baldman Games

Hulburg Administrator & Developer: Robert Alaniz
Editing and Layout: Encoded Designs
Cartography: John Arcadian
Organized Play: Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Matt Sernett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall,
Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster
Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses
are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast.
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31,
2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
Welcome to Subterfuge, a D&D Adventurers League adventure,
Part Three of the Alliances Trilogy set in Phlan.

This adventure is designed for three to seven 11th -16th level characters, and is
optimized for five 12th-level characters.
The adventure is set in the Moonsea region of the Forgotten Realms, in and around the city
of Phlan.

The D&D Adventurers League Preparing the Adventure

This adventure is official for D&D Adventurers Before you show up to Dungeon Master this
League play. The D&D Adventurers League is the adventure for a group of players, you should do the
official organized play system for DUNGEONS & following to prepare.
DRAGONS®. Players can create characters and • Make sure to have a copy of the most current
participate in any adventure allowed as a part of version of the D&D Basic Rules or the Player’s
the D&D Adventurers League. As they adventure, Handbook.
players track their characters’ experience, treasure, • Read through the adventure, taking notes of
and other rewards, and can take those characters anything you’d like to highlight or remind
through other adventures that continues their story. yourself while running the adventure, such as
If you’re running this adventure as a part of a a way you’d like to portray an NPC or a tactic
store event or at certain conventions, you’ll need a you’d like to use in a combat.
DCI number. This number is your official Wizards of • Get familiar with the monster statistics in the
the Coast organized play identifier. If you don’t have Appendix.
a number, you can obtain one at a store event. Check
• Gather together any resources you’d like to
with your organizer for details.
use to aid you in running this adventure--such
D&D Adventurers League play is broken up into as notecards, a DM screen, miniatures, and
storyline seasons. When players create characters, battlemaps.
they attach those characters to a storyline season,
• If you know the composition of the group
which determines what rules they’re allowed to
beforehand, you can make adjustments as
use to create and advance their characters. Players
noted throughout the adventure.
can continue to play their characters after the
storyline season has finished, possibly participating Before Play at the Table
in a second or third storyline with those same
characters. A character’s level is the only limitation Ask the players to provide you with relevant
for adventure play. A player cannot use a character character information:
of a level higher or lower than the level range of a • Character name and level
D&D Adventurers League adventure. • Character race and class
For more information on playing, running • Passive Wisdom (Perception)—the most
games as a Dungeon Master, and organizing games common passive ability check
for the D&D Adventurers League, please visit the • Anything notable as specified by the adventure
D&D Adventurers League home at: (such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.)
www.dndadventurersleague.org Players that have characters outside the
adventure’s level range cannot participate in
the adventure with those characters. Players


with ineligible characters can make a new 1st-level it a little harder. Therefore, five categories of
character or use a pregenerated character. Players party strength have been created for you to use
can play an adventure they previously played or as a guide. Feel free to use a different adjustment
ran as a Dungeon Master, but not with the same during the adventure if the recommended party
character. strength feels off for the group.
Ensure that each player has an official This adventure is optimized for a party of
adventure logsheet for his or her character (if not, five 1th-level characters. To figure out whether
get one from the organizer). The player fills out you need to adjust the adventure, do the following:
the adventure name, session number, date, and • Add up the total levels of all the characters
your name and DCI number. In addition, the player • Divide the total by the number of characters
also fills in the starting values for experience, gold,
downtime, renown, and number of permanent • Round fractions of .5 or greater up; round
magic items. He or she fill in the other values and fractions of less than .5 down
write notes at the conclusion of the session. Each You’ve now determined the average party level
player is responsible for maintaining an accurate (APL) for the adventure. To figure out the party
logsheet. strength for the adventure, consult the following
If you have time, you can do a quick scan of table:
a player’s character sheet to ensure that nothing Determining Party Strength
looks out of order. If you see magic items of very
Party Composition Party Strength
high rarities or strange arrays of ability scores, you
3-4 characters, APL less than Very Weak
can ask players to provide documentation for the
3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
irregularities. If they cannot, feel free to restrict 3-4 characters, APL greater than Average
item use or ask them to use a standard ability 5 characters, APL less than Weak
score array. Point players to the D&D Adventurers 5 characters, APL equivalent Average
League Player’s Guide for reference. 5 characters, APL greater than Strong
6-7 characters, APL less than Average
If players wish to spend downtime days and 6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
it’s the beginning of an adventure or episode, 6-7 characters, APL greater than Very Strong
they can declare their activity and spend the days
now. Alternatively, they can do so at the end of
the adventure or episode. Players should select Running the Adventure
their characters’ spells and other daily options As the Dungeon Master of the session, you have the
prior to the start of the adventure, unless the most important role in facilitating the enjoyment
adventure specifies otherwise. Feel free to reread of the game for the players. You help guide the
the adventure description to help give players hints narrative and bring the words on these pages
about what they might face. to life. The outcome of a fun game session often
creates stories that live well beyond the play at the
Adjusting the Adventure table. Always follow this golden rule when you DM
Throughout this adventure, you may see sidebars for a group:
to help make adjustments for smaller/larger Make decisions and adjudications that
groups, and characters of higher/lower levels than enhance the fun of the adventure when
the optimized group. Most of the time, this is used possible.
for combat encounters.
To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the
You may adjust the adventure beyond the following:
guidelines given. For example, if you’re playing
• You are empowered to make adjustments to
with a group of inexperienced players, you might
the adventure and make decisions about how the
want to make the adventure a little easier; for
group interacts with the world of this adventure.
very experienced players, you may want to make


Doing so is especially important and applicable • Catching up
outside of combat, but feel free to adjust the • Crafting (exception: multiple characters cannot
adventure for groups that are having too easy or commit to crafting a single item)
too hard of a time. • Practicing a profession
• Don’t make the adventure too easy or too • Recuperating
difficult for a group. Never being challenged
makes for a boring game and being • Spellcasting services
overwhelmed makes for a frustrating one. • Training
Gauge the experience of the players (not the Other downtime options might be available during
characters) with the game, try to feel out (or adventures or unlocked through play, including
ask) what they like in a game, and attempt to faction-specific activities.
give each of them the experience they’re after In addition, whenever a character spends
when they play D&D. Give everyone a chance to downtime days, that character also spends the
shine. requisite expense for his or her lifestyle. Costs
• Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game are per day, so a character that spends ten days
session moving along appropriately. Watch for of downtime also spends ten days of expenses
stalling, since play loses momentum when this maintaining his or her lifestyle. Some downtime
happens. At the same time, make sure that the activities help with lifestyle expenses or add
players don’t finish too early; provide them with lifestyle expenses.
a full play experience. Try to be aware of running
long or short. Adjust the pacing accordingly Spellcasting Services
• Read-aloud text is just a suggestion; feel free Any settlement the size of a town or larger can
to modify the text as you see fit, especially when provide some spellcasting services. Characters
dialogue is present. need to be able to travel to the settlement to obtain
• Give the players appropriate hints so they can these services.
make informed choices about how to proceed. Spell services generally available include
Players should be given clues and hints when healing and recovery spells, as well as information-
appropriate so they can tackle puzzles, combat, gathering spells. Other spell services might be
and interactions without getting frustrated over available as specified in the adventure. The number
lack of information. Doing so helps to encourage of spells available to be cast as a service is limited
immersion in the adventure and gives players to a maximum of three per day total, unless
“little victories” for figuring out good choices otherwise noted.
from clues.
In short, being the DM isn’t about following Spellcasting Services
the adventure’s text word-for-word; it’s about Spell Cost
facilitating a fun, challenging game environment Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp
for the players. The Dungeon Master’s Guide™ has Identify 20 gp
more information on the art of running a D&D Lesser restoration 40 gp
game. Prayer of healing (2nd level) 40 gp
Downtime and Lifestyle Remove curse 90 gp
Speak with dead 90 gp
At the beginning of each play session, players must
Divination 210 gp
declare whether or not they are spending any days
Greater restoration 450 gp
of downtime. The player records the downtime
Raise dead 1,250 gp
spent on the adventure logsheet. The following
options are available to players during downtime
(see the D&D basic rules or the D&D Adventurers
League Player’s Guide for more information):


Create a New 1st-Level Character. If the dead
Acolyte Background character is unwilling or unable to exercise any
A character possessing the acolyte of the other options, the player creates a new
background requesting spellcasting character. The new character does not have any
services at a temple of his or her faith items or rewards possessed by the dead character.
may request one spell per day from the Dead Character Pays for Raise Dead. If the
Spellcasting Services table for free. The only character’s body is recoverable (it’s not missing
cost paid for the spell is the base price for any vital organs and is mostly whole) and the
the consumed material component, if any. player would like the character to be returned to
Melvaunt is a large city where any life, the party can take the body back to civilization
acolyte can find a friendly shrine or and use the dead character’s funds to pay for a
temple. raise dead spell. A raise dead spell cast in this
manner costs the character 1,250 gp.
Disease, Death, and Recovery Character’s Party Pays for Raise Dead. As
above, except that some or all of the 1,250 gp for
Sometimes bad things happen, and characters get
the raise dead spell is paid for by the party at the
poisoned, diseased, or are killed. Since you might
end of the session. Other characters are under no
not have the same characters return from session
obligation to spend their funds to bring back a
to session, here are the rules when bad things
dead party member.
happen to characters.
Faction Charity. If the character is of level 1 to
Disease, Poison, and Other Debilitating Effects 4 and a member of a faction, the dead character’s
A character still affected by diseases, poisons, body can be returned to civilization and a patron
and other similar effects at the conclusion of an from the faction ensures that he or she receives a
adventure can spend downtime days recuperating raise dead spell. However, any character invoking
until such time as he or she resolves the effect to this charity forfeits all experience and rewards
its conclusion (see the recuperating activity in the from that session (both those earned prior to and
D&D Basic Rules). after death during that session) and cannot replay
If a character doesn’t resolve the effect that episode or adventure with that character
between sessions, that character begins the next again. Once a character reaches 5th level, this
session still affected by the debilitating effect. option is no longer available.

A character who is killed during the course of
the adventure has a few options at the end of the
session (or whenever arriving back in civilization)
if no one in the adventuring party has immediate
access to a raise dead or revivify spell, or similar
magic. A character subject to a raise dead spell is
affected negatively until all long rests have been
completed during an adventure. Alternatively, each
downtime day spent after raise dead reduces the
penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and ability
checks by 1, in addition to any other benefits the
downtime activity might provide.


Adventure Background Behind the scenes, one of Sokol’s rivals—
Graben Samulkin, a priest of Bane—has worked
Phlan is a city marked by dramatic change and
to undermine the meeting with the dwarves by
upheaval throughout its history. The centuries have
stirring up a local frost giant tribe and setting the
seen it demolished and rebuilt multiple times, and
emissaries up with a falsified map leading directly
Phlan’s continuing existence on the coast of the
into their territory. In doing so, he plans to kill two
turbulent Moonsea testifies to the perseverance
stirges with one sling bullet: squash the efforts
and pluck of its people.
of his opposition, as well as getting the pesky
Recently, four powerful would-be rulers have adventurers who’ve thwarted him thus far out of
vied for the Cinnabar Throne. They each have the city while he performs his coup.
plans for the reconstruction of Phlan, none more
ambitious or popular than those of Barrett Sokol. The State of Phlan
An up-and-coming lord, he leverages his noble Phlan is an anchorage on the north coast of
background and place in the city’s history against the Moonsea. Its inhabitants are celebrating
his general lack of political or business experience. the death of Vorgansharax: a green dragon
His plans to rebuild Phlan as an impregnable who laid claim to the town for many months.
fortress, complete with a towering wall to keep out
Knight Commander Greycastle led the
invaders, have earned him much love among the
alliance of heroes that slew the dragon (as
people. He has a reputation for standing up for the
told in DDEP4: Reclamation of Phlan). In
little guy.
doing so, she leaned on the neighboring
Charming, witty, and beloved among the city states of Mulmaster and Hillsfar.
common folk, Sokol has ridden far on his charisma Masquerading as friends, these rival powers
and promises, as well as shrewd, if not entirely circle hungrily, eager to steer Phlan’s future to
thought-out, bargains with the entrenched powers their own ends.
of the city. He has the support of The Welcomers,
Yet the townsfolk grow weary of tyranny.
The Order of the Gauntlet, and the Labor Guilds,
Veterans of the resistance demand a stake in
who expect him to reinstate the Council of Ten
the town’s future. Merchants wish for fewer
upon his elevation to High Councilor. Many see him
regulations. Loyalists call for the return
as a potential puppet they can easily manipulate.
of monarchy. With the militia too weak to
Sokol’s plan faces a hurdle, however.
impose order, Greycastle has conceded to an
Significant mining, transport, and careful
election. For the first time, Phlan’s citizens
diplomatic efforts to bring the needed stone from
have a say in their own destiny.
the Dragonspine Mountains are required. To this
end, he has dispatched representatives to strike
a crucial deal with the Hammersfell shield dwarf
clan for the stone and quarry, but his emissaries
have not returned. The delays have caused Guild
leaders to doubt the feasibility of the plan, and
support is wavering. The fate of the trade party
must be determined and a deal struck, or the plans
will surely fail before they’ve begun.


The Election Adventure Overview
Four candidates have emerged as front-runners in The adventure begins in Phlan, where Sokol
Phlan’s upcoming election. recruits the characters to assist him in finding his
Jhessail Greycastle missing emissaries. He wants to know what has
Knight Commander Greycastle is a hero, but her become of them and—more importantly—see
loyalty to the Black Fists makes her vulnerable. She their mission accomplished and the deal secured.
pledges to: He enlists the aid of a guide—one Aveen Seakin—
to see to it that the characters don’t get lost as well,
• Establish a parliament of elected peers to
and he promises a hefty reward and the support of
govern Phlan, and serve as First Minister.
Phlan’s next High Councilor (i.e. his own).
• Reform the Black Fists and weed out
The characters depart for the Dragonspine
corruption in its ranks.
Mountains and must explore the wilderness to
Barrett Sokol find signs of the missing emissaries. Their speed
The youngest scion of House Sokol has gained at this task determines in what state they find the
popularity among the labor guilds. He pledges to: missing travelers, who have been taken captive
• Reinstate the mercantile Council of Ten and by a frost giant clan. The characters must rescue
stand as High Councilor. the emissaries (or their equipment if they are all
dead), and then journey on to meet the dwarves
• Create jobs reconstructing Phlan and raising
of Clan Hammersfell in an attempt to complete the
the old city walls.
Colvin Doverson The adventure ends when they return to
Lord Doverson claims ancestry with the Royal Phlan to discover the city in chaos: Samulkin has
House of Daoran. If legitimized, this would make made his move, and the stage is set for a dramatic
him heir to the Cinnabar Throne. He pledges to: confrontation.
• Reinstate the monarchy and crown himself
Lord Protector.
• Renegotiate trade deals with other Moonsea
ports for the benefit of Phlan’s merchants.
Graben Samaulkin
The religious fervor washing through town has
aided this priest of Bane. He pledges to:
• Establish theocratic rule and declare himself
Ruinlord of Phlan,
• Rebuild the Lyceum of the Black Lord and
appease the god with plentiful sacrifices.


Adventure Hooks Guild Interest: Labor Guilds
The characters meet with Barrett Sokol in Phlan, If Barrett Sokol’s construction deal goes through,
having come for one of the following reasons. the Labor Guilds stand to reap economic and
political benefits. Sokol has promised to use them
Heroes of Phlan for the construction efforts, potentially netting
Characters who participated in previous them a fortune, and if Sokol succeeds and is elected
adventures in Phlan (PHLAN 1-1 or PHLAN 1-2) High Councilor, he has promised to reinstate the
are especially sought after, and can look forward Council of Ten, with the Guilds controlling multiple
to increasing their prestige within the city. seats and thus a great deal of power. The Labor
Barrett Sokol—a prominent political figure and Guilds haven’t had an opportunity like this in years.
businessman—approaches these characters first,
Guild Interest: Welcomers
leveraging their fame among the people of Phlan
to solicit their aid. He doesn’t expect them to work For all his sunny disposition, Barrett Sokol made
strictly in the name of civic duty, of course, but he certain shady promises and cut certain deals, and
suggests a statue in their honor, crafted of choice if this construction bid falls through, he can’t pay
dwarf-mined stone. his debts. The Welcomers stand to lose a great deal
of coin, and no amount of assurances from Sokol
Exotic Treasures Wanted! will make them rest easy. Characters working with
Explorers, treasure seekers, and characters of the Welcomers are tasked to watch over the deal to
a wilderness persuasion who live and work in make sure it happens at any cost.
Phlan’s environs have run across Aveen Seakin, a
ranger and procurer for Aurora’s Whole Realms Pacing the Adventure
Catalogue, who recruits them to meet with her Keep track of the days that pass, as well as
employer, Barrett Sokol, about a job she is anxious any time the party takes a long rest (which
to see done quickly and well. triggers a new day to begin), as it affects the
situation in Part Three. This determines how
Guild Interest: Order of the Gauntlet many of the emissaries are alive, if any, and
The Order of the Gauntlet seeks to preserve peace how many the characters rescue (if any) in
in Phlan, and Barrett Sokol’s plan to fortify the turn affects the meeting with the dwarves in
city against invaders seems an excellent one. Part Four: Sealed Deal.
Orders come down from the upper echelon to any
characters with ties to the Order: support Sokol’s
scheme to the best of their ability.


Part 1.
leaving phlan
Expected Duration: 30 minutes Sokol motions to the servants and requests
Ambition is the greatest human trait: both our refreshments for his guests, and opens with some
greatest strength and our most devastating small talk about the rebuilding efforts of the town.
weakness. Characters who have met Aveen Seakin before
—Catalan the Mad Bard, Complex Musings and (see Adventure Hooks) recognize the half-elf
False Veracities (1383 DR, the Year of the Vindicated immediately.
Warrior) • Wisdom (Insight) DC12: On close inspection,
she seems to be attempting to hide some
unknown anxiety.
Roleplaying Barrett Sokol
Arriving on the pier of Thorn Island, the characters
Sokol is a young, dark-skinned human man
await their appointment with Barrett Sokol. Read:
with a robust build, unruly dark hair, and an
From the water, Sokol Keep rises like a dark excitable, yet confident manner. As a noble,
mountain from the water on Thorn Island. Parts he’s accustomed to his position, and does
of the keep are being repaired, notably the not shy from tough decisions. Like many
tower, which sustained significant damage politicians, he appears obnoxious at first,
in the reclamation efforts. The yard around
the keep is peppered with large craters - the coming off as a backslapping glad-hander, but
results of explosions of some kind - a com- his natural charisma and surprising business
mon sight throughout the city, but the keep’s savvy inevitably endear him to those whom
survival has come to symbolize the town’s grit he meets. When he does stop talking, he is a
as it stood tall after the smoke cleared. This keen listener and offers a pointed assurance
fact is not lost on its new resident, the young
Barrett Sokol. House Sokol is on the rise in Phlan that he has understood your needs.
society, with its young heir Barrett on the short
list for the election of High Councilor. Once the characters are settled, Sokol lays out the
Servants escort you through the func- basics of his plan. Read:
tional but well-appointed halls of the keep.
Tapestries depicting handsome men and Sokol gazes out the window at Phlan across
regal women watch you from above, always the bay, the light gleaming in his dark hair.
seeming to look at you with pride that borders “I love this city,” he says, “and she needs to
on arrogance. A functionary ushers you into be defended. That’s why I’m rebuilding and
a sumptuously decorated sitting room, where fortifying it, and that’s why I need the best
you are alone but for a cloaked half-elf wom- materials from the Dragonspine Mountains.”
an with bright blue eyes and pale, blue-tinged He shakes his head sadly. “But now the emis-
skin who watches you from a corner, arms saries I sent to seal the deal with the Hammers-
crossed. fell dwarves, the only ones able to extract the
You have barely passed a moment in this stone, haven’t reported back, and I fear the
place before your host, Barrett Sokol, bursts worst. I need someone to find them and help
through the doors, not waiting for his foot- them complete their mission. Or, if tragedy has
man to announce him. Grinning broadly and befallen them, I need someone to close the
flushed with excitement, he greets you mag- deal for them.” He looks at you dramatically—
nanimously. “A thousand times thank you for heroically. “I want that someone… to be you.”


Have Sokol answer questions if asked, but • How do we recognize the emissaries?
otherwise relay the following information. Present “Bruw is the most distinctive dwarf I’ve ever
but preoccupied, Aveen stays silent during the seen: heavily scarred, tough, fair, missing his
conversation, and Sokol steps in to answer any left eye. He also took my personal steward,
questions directed to her. Artora—about thirty winters, human, long
• What exactly are we to do? (Or any question dark hair, silver-tongued lady. She bears a
about details): “Ah gods, I’ve got ahead of silver House Sokol signet ring. The others
myself again. My agents left Phlan a ten-day are servants of House Sokol, like the guard
ago to make contact with the Hammersfell you saw on your way in. Ringmail, swords,
Clan of the Dragonspine Mountains. The crossbows. They wear the house colors,
leader of my agents is a trusted friend, name which are green and gold.” He motions to an
of Bruw Clangeddin—dwarf, stout-hearted impressive family crest on the wall.
fellow, lots of scars, missing his left eye, deep Note: If this question is not asked by the
drinker, you’d like him. Anyway, I would adventurers, Sokol will offer this information
have expected them to make contact by now, at the end of the conversation.
or at least send word of their progress. All • How many emissaries were there? “I didn’t
I’ve heard for the past six days is silence. I ask, honestly. Bruw likes to be cautious,
want you to go after them, discover what’s though, and I’m sure he took at least ten
happened to them, and broker the deal. This armed companions.”
wall needs to be built!” • What are the emissaries carrying? “As my
• Where does Clan Hammersfell reside? “As official proxy, Artora carries a silver signet
I understand it, deep in the mountains, just ring of House Sokol that seals documents with
south of the Glacier of the Silver Blades.” my authority. There’s also a first payment
• What route did the emissaries take to for the dwarves—a good faith gesture—of
get there? “They tried for the most direct, platinum coins imprinted with the arms of
expeditious route: up the Stojanow River, Phlan on one side and my face on the other.”
cutting through the western tip of the (He pulls a shiny coin from his pocket to
Quivering Forest and into the Ticklebelly demonstrate.)
Hills. (I know, I know, named by halflings, no • Why is your face on the coins? “A little added
doubt!) From there, they meant to follow a incentive to work with me. Platinum’s good,
little-known pass skirting the Glacier of the but those coins will be worth more when I’m
Silver Blades.” High Councilor. Also, I’m dashing.” He strikes
• When was the last you heard of the an impressive pose.
emissaries? “They sent word from the • What do you think happened? “I fear they
Ticklebelly Hills, just south of the Glacier of were waylaid and their cargo taken.”
the Silver Blades. So I know they made it to • Could they have stolen the cargo and
the foot of the mountain.” disappeared voluntarily? “No! Bruw would
• Who is that? (Aveen): “Oh right, almost never betray me like that. We’re good friends.”
forgot about her. That’s Aveen Seakin—a This is true.
ranger operating in these parts. She set up • What kind of dangers might we face? “I’ve
my boys with a map to lead them into the heard about river bandits on the Stojanow
mountains. I’ve enlisted her as your guide. She and frost giants raiding the Ticklebelly Hills.
knows the terrain as well as anyone. She’ll get Bruw’s map should have kept them out of
you where you need to go” trouble, though, and you’ll have Aveen. And of
course yourselves. You should be fine.”


• What’s our reward for this? “Aside from the particularly if any are among the Heroes of
gratitude and continued love of the people Phlan, demonstrating his confidence and
of Phlan? Well, I plan to compensate you resolve in making his plan come to fruition.
handsomely, of course, and you’ll have the ear Secondly, he means to get the characters on
of the next High Councilor of Phlan. A priceless their way as soon as possible, because any
reward. But let us say, 5,000 pieces of gold, delay could prove disastrous.
payable in platinum or gems if you prefer.” A
successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check Last Minute Preparations
convinces Sokol to part with up to 20% of the Once the characters land on the docks of the city
reward up front (1,000 gp). Any more than proper, they can slip away and take care of any
that will have to wait. Everything is riding on business before the quest proper.
this deal.
• DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth): This check is
Faction Assignment (Lord’s Alliance): If there needed to go unnoticed. Being caught carries
are any Lord’s Alliance members present, Sokol no consequences for the characters. (Only
appeals to them away from the others. Even though some potential political embarrassment for
he is not affiliated, he is a noble after all. “You look Sokol, as he made such a show of sending
like you understand the importance of a signet ring them off, and this undermines that.)
to a noble family. It’s vital to our credibility that the
ring not fall into the wrong hands. I will be in your Time is of the essence, and characters can only do
debt if you can return it to me.” one of the following things before the party should
get underway. If the players insist on doing more
The Sendoff Parade than one, it costs them a long rest.
• Shopping Trip: Despite its recent upheavals
When the characters have asked all their questions,
and history of conflict, Phlan soldiers on as
a servant arrives and Sokol nods in recognition.
a significant port town on the Moonsea. The
reconstruction and influx of new residents
Sokol offers you a brilliant smile. “Well, my bring a steady stream of trade and healthy
friends, time waits for neither hero nor god, economic competition from various interested
and it is past time for you to be on your way!
The parade is all arranged.” Then, before you
parties. Items found in the Player’s Handbook
can so much as question what he just said, can be acquired, including regular healing
Sokol sweeps away and his servants beckon potions. This outfitting requires precious time
you out to the front of the keep and to Sokol’s however.
waiting barge. Across the water, a huge
crowd starts cheering as soon as you become
• Gathering Information: Characters may
visible. wish to research the coming quest or look
It seems the would-be High Councilor has into the backgrounds of one or more of the
gathered together an assemblage of towns- non-player characters so far mentioned. In the
folk and servants to see you off in style, tossing time allotted, a character can learn any one of
flowers in the air, shaking ribbon streamers the following with 3d6 gp in bribes and drinks
in your direction, and shouting or stomping
their feet. Trumpets announce you, and Sokol
and a successful Charisma check, depending
makes a great show of blessing your quest on what they’re asking about. Meeting
and sending you on your way. the higher DC grants all the lower level
information as well. Dwarves and characters
• DC 12 Wisdom or Intelligence (Insight trained in History gain advantage on checks
or History respectively): Sokol’s parade to find out about the Hammersfell dwarves.
serves two purposes. The first is political: to Characters with the following Background
enhance his image in the political campaign features gain advantage on their checks: By
by associating himself with the characters, Popular Demand, PGuild
HLAN Membership,
1 - 3 / S U B T Military
Rank, and Privilege. PA RT 1


The DM may also choose to hand out information Aveen Seakin
for good role-playing or bribes of an additional 100 • DC 10: Aveen Seakin keeps mostly to herself
gp or more during the investigation. and not much is known about her. A ranger
and procurer for various trade guilds in the
The Dragonspine
area, she’s recently brought in some good
• DC 12: The isolationist shield dwarves of scores for the company behind Aurora’s
Clan Hammersfell live in the Dragonspine, Whole Realms Catalog.
constantly at war with the cold and various
ugly creatures therein. They’ve a reputation • DC 15: Aveen is half-aquatic elf, the child of a
for being great miners and craftsmen, and it’s pirate captain on the Moonsea and an elf who
no great surprise Sokol would pick them as swam up alongside her ship and visited her
the suppliers for his ambitious reconstruction quarters every so often—or so the story goes.
plans. At least it explains her unusual appearance.
• DC 15: Recently, a tribe of frost giants has
stirred in the mountains, raiding settlements
in the Ticklebelly Hills. Something’s stung ‘em
pretty bad, and they’re spoiling for a fight.
Barrett Sokol and/or Bruw Clangeddin
• DC 5: The youngest son of House Sokol,
Barrett’s always been a dreamer—looking to
build bigger and better edifices, usually with
his name and coat-of-arms attached. He’s a
decent chap, able to back up all that hot air
with coin and drive.
• DC 10: Sokol’s right-hand dwarf is Bruw
Clangeddin, a retired adventurer who’s earned
a dozen scars over the years. He’s tough,
speaks his mind, and he’s trustworthy to a
fault. He’s named after a dwarf deity who
shares his silver beard.
• DC 15: It seems Sokol and Bruw might not
be on the best terms right now, as the dwarf
reportedly had some none-too-measured
words about one of Sokol’s rivals, Graben
Samulkin. Sokol might agree, but he cannot
have his hired staff being impolite in polite
society. Word is Sokol sent him on this latest
mission to get him out of the city to avoid
political embarrassment.


The Taciturn Guide: Aveen Seakin If one or more characters are waiting for the
others to do things, they may engage Aveen in
Once the parade is over, Aveen Seakin opens up to
conversation. She answers their questions as
the characters a little more, urging them to get a
needed, but doesn’t much want to talk about
move on to complete the job for Barrett Sokol. It is
herself, at least initially.
obviously very important to her that this get done
quickly and right. “You want to talk? Very well.” The guide draws
back her hood, revealing silver hair that falls
to just below her shoulders, from which gen-
Roleplaying Aveen tly pointed ears protrude like tiny mountains.
Thanks to her aquatic elf heritage, Aveen “What would you know?”
is slim and wiry with blue-tinted skin and
vivid blue eyes. Naturally stand-offish, she • Who are you? “I work the land and procure
distrusts “civilized” folk (i.e. politicians, items for various interested parties,
urban characters, and those who dwell in particularly Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalog.”
Phlan) but is more comfortable around those • What are you? “My mother was a Chondathan
who operate in the wilderness. She is very pirate, and my father a sea elf. I am not so
independent and driven to do the right thing, different from other half-elves you may have
regardless of the means or consequences. encountered, but I am as comfortable in water
Aveen reveres Eldath, the goddess of Nature as on land.”
and Tranquility. • What’s the Whole Realm’s Catalog? “It’s an
Aveen in Combat organization that collects rare treasures from
all over the Realms for sale to collectors and
Aveen is a scout, but is not intended as a
adventurers like you. At least, in theory. It’s
combatant. If the characters attack her, it is
still rebuilding to what it used to be.”
up to you if they overwhelm and defeat her or
if she escapes, likely never to return. She can • What’s your connection to this business? “I
also breathe water innately and is resistant know my way around the region, and I want to
to cold (due to her boots of the winterlands, help people in trouble.”
which can only be attuned to her). • DC 15 Wisdom (Insight): Suggests Aveen
is holding something back, but she seems
Character Development earnest to help and opens up more if you win
Make a note to refer to this section if/when her trust.
the characters have further questions for • DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion): Aveen opens
Aveen or she takes part in encounters. She up more. This happens automatically if the
opens up to them more as time goes on, characters are generally kind and fair to her
at your discretion, and she wants them to and rescue at least one of the emissaries. At
succeed. that point, she admits to them her dark secret:
she made the false map (see below).


Part 2.
The search
Expected Duration: 90 minutes Experience the Outdoors
Greed is a powerful motivator. It may not excuse While the characters are traveling, regardless
bloody means, but it certainly makes them seem less of the route they choose, they should
likely to stain. experience changing weather patterns,
—Arita, “Fox Among the Uthgardt” (1469 DR, the precipitation, etc. Read-aloud text is included
Year of Splendors Burning) for each day, but consult the Dungeon Master’s
Guide page 106-112 for added verisimilitude.
Assuming the characters don’t linger in Phlan for
the entire first day (i.e. each doing more than one
thing), the search begins in earnest on Day 1. If The Stojanow River
they insist on accomplishing multiple tasks in the This is the route the emissaries took when they left
city, they begin the search on Day 2. Phlan a ten-day past, and Aveen thinks she can find
Aveen advises the adventurers to follow the signs of their passing and make up for lost time.
river, as she expects it is faster. Additionally, the Adventures Along the River
party has a chance to find clues to the emissaries’
The first leg of the journey takes the characters
along the river that drains from the Dragonspine
• The Stojanow River: Following the emissaries,
into the Moonsea, through Phlan.
the characters follow the Stojanow River
The river’s current is too strong to permit
west, skirt the southern edge of the Quivering
effective travel by boat. It is easy to tell, however,
Forest, and then climb up into the Glacier of
that going the other way (toward Phlan) would be
the Silver Blades. This route is comparatively
ideal for transporting heavy materials, such as the
fast but also very perilous, dealing with any
stone Sokol plans to import.
number of hazards of the river and forest.
Travel along the river is difficult and carries
Aveen estimates the route takes 4-6 days. She
with it some hazards. Aveen advises them to set
strongly advises this route.
a watch every night and maintain a wary state of
• Alternate Route: At this tier of play, it is readiness.
entirely possible the characters have some
other means of covering the distance, like
flight, potentially negating the journey. If
this occurs, they can skip over much of the
adventure travel; however, Aveen, tells them
that they may also miss valuable clues left by
their quarry along the way. It is not advisable
to skip following the trail of the emissaries.


Forest one day early (e.g., day 4 instead of day
Travel Time along the River 5).
It takes a base of five days to reach the foot
• Several of these actions can be failed badly
of the glacier. Every new day, the characters
enough that they damage the characters who
also get a long rest to recover from the day’s
attempt them or cost the party additional days
events. As a reminder, note the number
of travel.
of days this journey takes. Also note the
following conditions: Each of the below actions can only count toward
• Horses: The terrain along the river is speeding the journey once.
difficult, and horses do not save the • Find a shortcut: On a successful Intelligence
characters any time. They do, however, (Nature) DC 12 or Wisdom (Survival) DC 15
make the party more comfortable (granting check, the character finds a deer trail, a set of
the characters advantage on Endurance switchbacks, or a convenient ford that shaves
checks related to trekking). some time off the overall journey. Failing this
check by 5 or more leads the party down a
• Vehicles: Wagons or carts get stuck in the
false trail, and by the time they realize their
mud or break wheels on the rough terrain.
mistake, they’ve lost a day of travel.
Their presence actually adds one day to the
duration of the journey. • Hunt: On a successful Dexterity (Stealth)
DC 20 or Wisdom (Survival) DC 20 check,
• Aveen’s Guidance: If the characters heed
the character captures a particularly robust
Aveen’s advice and allow her to guide them,
quarry. Characters who partake in this meal
reduce the duration of the journey by one
gain advantage on the next Constitution saving
day. If she is not present or the characters
throw they make during the adventure. If the
pointedly ignore her advice (because they
character fails this check by 5 or more, the
don’t trust her or are being obstinate), they
character suffers a minor hunting accident,
do not get this bonus.
resulting in 3d6 damage.
• Natural Explorer: The presence of a ranger
• Forage: On a successful Wisdom (Perception)
with this class feature grants the same
DC 20 or Wisdom (Survival) DC 15 check,
bonus as Aveen’s Guidance. (It’s the same
the character finds a batch of succulent
effect. The bonuses do not stack.)
mushrooms that induce odd and vivid dreams
• Magical Assistance: Adjudicate this using in those who consume them, but see them
your best judgment. The journey is less a wakeful and refreshed in the morning. If the
matter of speed than finding ways around character fails this check by 5 or more, the
obstacles. Doubling their overland speed, for mushrooms are secretly poisonous, leading
instance, saves them about one day, not two. to vivid nightmares in those who eat them.
Characters then increase their exhaustion
Making Good Time level by 1.
Traveling through the untamed wilderness while
• Find a strong shelter: On a successful
searching can be arduous. The characters can
Wisdom (Survival) DC 20 check, the character
expedite their travel through the following means
locates or constructs a particularly good
(or others that the players might invent on the
shelter from the elements, allowing the
spot, at your discretion).
party to rest in relative comfort for a night. A
Each character may attempt one of the
character who fails this check by 5 or more is
following actions each day, with the following
convinced of the security of the shelter, only to
have it fall apart around midnight and drench
• If the party accomplishes at least four of these
the party, raising everyone’s exhaustion level
actions over the course of their journey, they
by 1 for the following day.
save an entire day and arrive at the Quivering


• Inspire the party: On a successful Charisma Random Events
(Performance) or Charisma (Musical This table presents a number of options for events
Instrument) DC 20 check, the character tells that might occur as time passes. Once per day, roll
a stirring or otherwise evocative tale or sings or choose from the random events table. Do not
a memorable song, infusing everyone with repeat Random Events—if you get a repeat result,
strength and vitality to make it through the trip, nothing occurs or select another event.
granting advantage on the next saving throw one
character makes during the trek. A character
Random Events on the Stojanow River
who fails this check by 5 or more leaves d6 roll Random Event
everyone dispirited and sad, using three Hit Dice Party finds an abandoned campsite with
from each character but gaining no benefit. several animal-gnawed corpses and 200
gp worth of coin and gems scattered
• Prepare a fine meal: On a successful among the ruins. A successful DC 12
Intelligence or Wisdom DC 20 check, a Wisdom (Insight) or DC 12 Intelligence
character prepares a delicious meal for camp, (Investigation) check finds that the
giving everyone added drive for further travel. travelers were an unaffiliated group of
If more than half the party consumes the adventurers, not the missing emissaries.
meal, it counts toward speeding the journey. Heavy rain springs up suddenly and
A character who fails this check by 5 or more sweeps the ground away into the river.
Every hero must make a DC 12 Dexterity
poisons anyone who eats the meal, causing saving throw or suffer 2d10 damage from
them to be poisoned until they take a long rest. falling and abrasions.
• Endure hardship: On a successful The party finds an abandoned campsite
Constitution DC 15 check, a character can that was used by the missing emissaries
soldier through difficult conditions, inspiring on this path. Any investigation they do
the rest of the party to do the same. A suggests the emissaries were in good
health and had suffered no delay.
character who fails this check by 5 or more
suffers from exhaustion or sustains an injury, Drawn by the sound of thunderous roars,
the party witnesses an adult green dragon
taking 2d8 damage and increasing their in the distance attacking something in the
exhaustion level by 1. Quivering Forest to the north. If the party
• Commune with nature: On a successful pursues, the dragon escapes before they
Intelligence (Religion) DC 20 check (or upon arrive, and they discover only a destroyed
grove. Heading this direction costs them an
utilizing a spell that would do something additional day of travel spent backtracking.
similar), a character earns the favor of the
nature spirits in the region, who aid the party The party glimpses a unicorn in the
distance, but it only approaches if one or
along the way. If a character fails this check more of them is Lawful Good or serves
by 5 or more, the spirits grow angry with the Mielikki. If the characters befriend the
character and lead the party in a series of unicorn, it uses its healing touch (heal
circles and switch-backs, costing them a full 11 [2d8+2 hp]) ability on up to three
day spent hopelessly lost. characters who seem wounded, then
teleports away, never to return.
• Tame a wild beast: On a successful Wisdom
Party enters a befouled section of the
(Animal Handling) DC 20 check or use of 6
forest, and the air is noxious. Each
an animal friendship spell or similar magic, character must make a DC 10 Constitution
a character befriends a creature native to saving throw or be poisoned until they take
the Stojanow River or the woods around it, a long rest.
gleaning useful insights into its flow and the
safest, fastest paths to the mountains. If a
character fails this check by 5 or more, the
animal grows angry (inflict 2d6 damage to the
character) and flees.


River Travel Montage The third day dawns bleak, and the gray
The descriptions provided herein are intended for clouds linger throughout the morning and
each day of the journey up to the Quivering Forest. through the day. Thick brambles line the banks
of the river—not dangerous, but irritating. Your
Feel free to improvise additional description,
hands sting from a multitude of small thorn
particularly in and around Random Events. pricks.
It takes a base of five days to reach the forest. A sudden squawking of forest birds draws
At the end of the sixth day, they arrive at the your attention, setting you on edge. The foli-
forest, regardless of accumulated delays. age rustles, and a wild-eyed woman staggers
into your midst, stooped and cradling her
Day One – Just Setting Out injured side. She wears a cracked and broken
Read: harness of studded leather and torn clothes
stained with black blood. Her stringy brown
You set out upon your journey with the warm hair hangs in mud-soaked ribbons around her
light of the sun on your face and the taste face, and she looks to be mad with terror.
of the cool air on your tongue. Free of the She starts to say something, then vomits
cracked, crumbling walls and smoky haze of blood and bile and collapses into a quivering
Phlan, the world opens up around you and heap.
you can perceive the rustic beauty of the
northland. The river becomes more wild, and The woman is obviously injured and basically
signs of civilization are less frequent. incapable of fending for herself. She falls
Toward midday, you take a break in a
gully near a bend in the Stojanow, where you unconscious but can be roused with a successful
watch brightly colored birds crush the cara- DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check or any healing
pace of a squirming beetle the size of your magic. She is delirious, dehydrated, and half mad.
hand. Where the creature came from, you Awake, she mumbles about “mountains,” “frozen
can’t say for certain. giants,” and a “spear of ice.”
Check for random events at noon, and offer the The characters might also take the following
players a chance to act to speed up the journey. actions (or something else they improvise):
• DC 15 Wisdom (Insight): Gain insight into
Day Two – A Thick Fog
the woman’s trauma and how best to speak to
Read: her: calm, soothing, and making her feel safe.
A thick fog sets in on the second day of your
trek along the Stojanow River, filling your • DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine): Identify that she
lungs with a persistent, cloying damp that no has several poorly healed lacerations and is
amount of coughing or sneezing removes. The evincing signs of frostbite in her fingers and
day is marked by several hours spent navigat- toes.
ing through and around some ground made
swampy by recent rain. • DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or a
You break at midday where the river grows DC 15 Wisdom (Perception): Notice the
wilder and splits into half a dozen tributaries. shredded green and gold tabard the woman is
Check for random events at noon, and offer the
players a chance to act to speed up the journey. • DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or a DC
20 Wisdom (Perception): Notice a tattoo on
Day Three – The Mad Survivor
the woman’s hand of a stylized bat with razor-
The adventurers may attempt to speed their sharp wings (the mark of the Razorhands
journey, but there is no random event for this day. mercenaries).
Instead, they encounter an injured mercenary
If the players succeed in rousing her and
desperately fleeing back along the Stojanow
winning her trust, they learn the following
toward Phlan.
• Her name is Meenar, and she is a mercenary in
the Razorhand Company out of Phlan, captained
by a human warrior named Rouse Blackbrand.


• They were operating in the Glacier of the
Silver Blades, and a battle with some frost Adjusting the Encounter
giants went badly. Most of the company was Here are recommendations for adjusting this
killed or captured, and Meenar barely escaped. combat encounter. These are not cumulative.
She watched several of her allies chopped up • Very Weak – Remove two cyclops
and eaten raw. • Weak - Remove a cyclops
• Blackbrand instructed them to wear the green • Strong - Add a cyclops
and gold tabards. She didn’t ask why.
• Very Strong – Add two cyclops
• Meenar is too weak to assist in combat but can
travel if healed Day Five – Heavy Rains
Day Four – Cyclops Attack Read:
The journey is beginning to grow hard indeed.
Read: It rains hard all day today, leaving you dispirit-
Dense, impenetrable fog lingers from dawn ed and uncomfortable.
until midday, when it burns off only to emit You break at midday where the river grows
stinging clouds of mosquitoes and other in- wilder and splits into several tributaries. Some
sects, their drone driving you a bit mad. forest animal yowls in the distance. Your feet
You break at midday at the base of a small ache from the damp and the distance.
cliff wall that was carved by the river ages
ago. Check for random events at noon, and offer the
Suddenly from the corner of your vision, players a chance to act to speed up the journey.
you see a shadow move. Looking up for the
source of the shadow, a large boulder is hur- Day Six – Exhaustion Sets In
tling toward your location. Read:
You’ve reached the end of your rope and just
Six cyclops raiding in the area have laid an ambush want this journey to be over. The extreme rain,
for the adventurers. Anyone with a passive winds, and lightning prevented anyone from
Perception of 17 or higher is not surprised but resting the previous evening. Endless twists
is unable to prevent surprise for the rest of the and turns have now left you exhausted. At
last, you arrive at the Quivering Forest.
party. The cyclops use rocks to attack from the
cliff-top, which is 20 feet high, and they enjoy If the journey has lasted six days, increase every
partial cover from their elevated vantage. The cliff character’s exhaustion level by one.
may be climbed with a successful DC 17 Strength
The cyclops have no treasure, but one of them
is wearing a necklace strung with human hands,
one of which bears the mark of the Razorhand


The Quivering Forest • DC 10: The scene is chaotic but surprisingly
pristine, particularly considering its age (at
When the characters finally reach the spot where least a ten-day). The corpses have decayed
the emissaries headed up into the Dragonspine somewhat, but you would have expected
Mountains, they find themselves at a corner of the animal activity. Perhaps the strange chill
Quivering Forest west of the Stojanow River, cut off has kept them away. A successful Wisdom
from the main stretch of the wood. (Nature) DC 15 check also yields this
Here, they find a devastated campsite that information.
was used by Lord Sokol’s emissaries to Clan
• DC 15: The signs of battle suggest a quick
Hammersfell. Also, a pixie called Ristamere lurking
assault. You think an overwhelming force
nearby witnessed the attack and can provide clues.
fell upon the camp by surprise, wiping them
The Devastated Campsite out before they could mount an effective
Upon arrival in the Quivering Forest, the characters
easily locate the remains of a campsite used by • DC 20: Based on the damage to the trees, the
Sokol’s emissaries. The destruction is palpable— divots in the ground (as though from massive
the smell alone draws them in: axes), and the lingering chill, you believe
this attack was perpetrated by a group of
You come upon a smashed and ruined frost giants. Survivors were taken into the
clearing in the forest, where trees have been mountains.
ripped wide to make room for something
The following skills may also yield important clues:
massive to come through. The remains of
several tents and a smashed wagon, as well • Wisdom (Perception) DC 15: The character
as broken pieces of weapons and armor, lie discovers tracks leading up into the mountains
scattered across the shredded earth. In more that can be followed back to the giants’ camp.
than one spot, deep chunks of sod as wide as (If none of the characters can make this check,
your hand and as long as your forearm have
Aveen makes it automatically and points out
been ripped out of the earth itself. The air is
unnaturally cold, leaving your breath visible the trail.)
like an evil omen. • Intelligence (Medicine) DC 15: Studying the
You find two moldering corpses—one a corpses, you think the human was killed by
dwarf half crushed under a fallen tree, the
other a human lying face-down in the middle
some sort of weapon that instantly freezes
of the campsite with a huge, bloodless hole wounds as though cauterizing them.
through her chest. You see no obvious sign of • Wisdom (Insight) DC 15: Impact from
whatever impaled the latter. Both wear the massive weapons caused those divots in the
green-and-gold colors of House Sokol.
ground, tearing up chunks of the earth like
If six or more days have passed since the party wounds. The character suspects greataxes.
set out from Phlan, the elements have washed • Intelligence (Arcana) DC 20 or Intelligence
away some of the evidence, giving the characters (Nature) DC 20: The chilling aura of this place
disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) or puts you in mind of frost giant magic, which
Intelligence (Investigation) checks made at the sometimes leaves a lingering mark on a place.
• Wisdom (Survival) DC 15: Tracks indicate
Searching the dead woman (Artora the
the attackers took prisoners into the
steward) automatically yields a silver signet ring
of House Sokol (important for Part Four).
A successful Intelligence (Investigation) check • Wisdom (Survival) DC 20: The character reads
reveals the following information based on the the campsite like a scroll, determining there
result. If the party has found at least three clues were five attackers, two of whom rushed in, two
(see below) before the Investigation check, the hung back to hurl rocks, and a fifth cast spells.
character makes the check with advantage:


Trail of the Giants Roleplaying Ristamere
In short order, the characters should determine Ristamere is an excitable pixie who suffers
that they need to head into the Dragonspine from a deficit of attention. As he sees it, the
Mountains to find the giants who attacked the frost giants were invaders into his wood, and
emissaries. Go to Part 3: Coldest Steel. he would like to see them punished—but he
Ristamere the Pixie isn’t about to part with his information for free.
He’s generally good-hearted and wants
Optional Encounter: time permitting (20 minutes) to do what’s right, but his tongue works
Once the characters have found the devastated faster than his mind, and he sometimes says
campsite, they may encounter a helpful pixie who impertinent things. Use the dialogue listed
is lurking nearby, intrigued by their arrival. He’s below as inspiration for conversing in his voice.
been in the area for some time and knows quite
a bit about what’s going on, even if he doesn’t Ristamere answers questions, though he demands
articulate it very well. He witnessed: a prize in return for each answer. These may take
• Giants attacking Sokol’s emissaries. the form of “something shiny” (such as a gemstone
worth at least 10 gp or a platinum piece), or
• Graben’s mercenaries camping here a few
“something shady” (such as a secret about that
character, to be proffered first).
• He doesn’t understand “big folk” behavior but In the latter case, he makes a random demand
he knows enough to tell they were different in exchange for his information. Roll 1d8:
Ristamere’s Demands
With his innate ability to become invisible
and natural stealth, Ristamere approaches the Roll Demand
characters only if they do not seem overtly 1 Tell me something no one here
threatening. He flees immediately if they attempt
to intimidate or otherwise frighten him. (He 2 Tell me something embarrassing
about yourself!
recognizes he’s no match for the characters.)
3 Tell me the worst thing you’ve ever
If, or when, Ristamere comes out of hiding, done!
read: 4 Point to your favorite companion!
The air shimmers and a small, green-skinned, 5 Point to your least favorite
elf-like creature appears before you, flitting companion!
about in the air on gossamer butterfly wings. 6 Show me your favorite color!
“Hello, hail, well met, big folk!” he says, his
words rapid and high-pitched. “Are you after 7 Tell me your greatest fear!
the giants? I wager you are, all the coin in 8 Describe a victory from your
your pockets and the secrets in your heads! I’ll travels!
wager it!”


• What happened here? “A horde of giant The Pixie’s Treasure
things, they were—skin blue as death and Ristamere keeps a small lair in a hollow
hair like ice—came and stomped on all the big tree nearby, which requires a Wisdom
folk. Smaller than them, bigger than me. It’s a (Perception) DC 20 check to find. It contains
relative measure.” odds and ends from various travelers over the
• Did the big folk kill any of the giants? “No, years:
but not for want of trying. Mostly they were • a tiny cameo portrait of a moon elf woman,
surprised and didn’t have the chance.” worth 50 gp
• Where did the giants go? “Back to their • a tiny scrap of a scroll that radiates potent
camp, I think. Not like I followed them. No no necromantic magic, worth 100 gp to a sage
no! That’d be bad for pixie. Bad bad bad!” • assorted coins of various mints, worth 200
• Did the giants take any of them? How gp total
many? “The giant things took half a dozen of • three random trinkets (Player’s Handbook
the big folk, hollering and struggling—at least page 160-1).
until they gave ‘em a slap or two. Shut ‘em
right up. Gods, I hope they’re all right.”
• How long ago did it happen? “A while.
Several dawns. Not a season. Just after the
• How long have you been here? “Many
seasons. I don’t really keep count. Long
enough to see your friends and the others that
came through.”
• What others? or Have you seen anyone else
in this area? “A few times before I saw your
friends, there were some very unfriendly big
folk who camped here. They wore green and
gold too, but not the same.”
• What were the mercenaries doing in the
area? “Fighting, mostly. They raided up into
the mountains, and came back with bloody
weapons. Riled up the giants good and true.”
• What happened to them? “One day, they
didn’t come back. Serves ‘em right, you ask
• Is there any treasure here? “The giant things
took it all away, ‘cept for mine. Which you’ll
never find. NEVER NEVER NEVER!”


Part 3.
The coldest steel
Expected Duration: 80 minutes General Features
“The world is a cold, hard place that does not bend The following apply throughout the mountain
to your storybook expectations. The sooner you fortress:
learn that, the better.” Light. Normal lighting from the sun filtering
—The Fox-at-Twilight (1483 DR, the Year of the through the clouds. The towers and main hall are
Tasked Weasel) dimly lit inside.
The heroes have tracked the missing emissaries to Stairs. The main stairs up the mountain are
a frost giant camp on the Glacier of Silver Blades, ten feet wide and carved for creatures of humanoid
where any survivors are being held captive. size and shape. Smaller tracks of stairs snake up
around the towers. The stairs evince wear and tear
Fortress Freustragg from the giants’ occupation.
Chief Freustragg, Winter Priestess Pavrat, and Snowdrifts. The snow is heaped deep on the
their clan of 14 frost giants make their dwelling mountain, making for difficult terrain off paved
on the side of one of the Dragonspine Mountains, areas. The giants ignore this restriction.
overlooking the Glacier of the Silver Blades. Steep drop-offs. Any creature knocked off one
They’ve dwelled here for some time, hunting in of the paved sections of the mountain fortress has a
the wilds of the mountains and on the glacier, and chance to slip and slide down the mountain. Such a
occasionally raiding into the Ticklebelly Hills. They creature must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving
did not build the mountain fortress, which seems throw to avoid falling. On a failure, the creature slips
sized more appropriately for humanoid residents, and falls 2d6x10 feet down the mountain, suffering
but have made it their own. The fortress dates back normal falling damage. Climbing the snowy slope
centuries to an unknown civilization, and its origin unaided requires a successful DC 12 Strength
is a mystery for another day. (Athletics) check.
The giants hadn’t met with much opposition
in their time in the mountains until the Razorhand Calendar Check
Company started launching concerted attacks Count up the number of days it took the
on them. Clad in the green and gold tabards and characters to reach the frost giant camp. The
cloaks of House Sokol, the mercenaries staged giants consume one captive each day, starting
raids on the giants—never enough to kill many, with the mercenaries, and they had four
but quite enough to provoke them into attacking mercenaries and six emissaries, not counting
anyone wearing those colors. Rouse Blackbrand and Bruw Clangeddin
(whom they save for last).
The giants managed to capture most of
the mercenaries, including their leader, Rouse Example: If the characters have taken
Blackbrand, and have been eating them day by day. six days to reach the camp, the frost giants
They’ll get to the missing emissaries next, whose have eaten all four mercenaries and two
party they attacked because of their colors. emissaries, leaving four alive.
Each day the characters delay once they
have arrived, they see the giants eat another
captive. It’s a grisly sight—the giants like their
food alive and wriggling.


1. Guard Towers 3. Main Yard
When the characters come within sight of the This wide open expanse of stone offers the giants
camp, read: a logical gathering place. A central stone slab
By midday, you have pushed up into the
serves as some kind of altar upon which they have
mountains through shivering cold and deep placed a series of skulls, blackened fingers, and
drifts of snow to come at last within sight of other such trophies and traced a bloody symbol to
your destination. their wintry goddess, Auril. The symbol requires
The frost giants have built a tiered fortress a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check to
on the side of a mountain: a series of buildings
of dark wood and ice. You see sentry towers
on rocky outcroppings near the base that Three frost giants keep watch in the main
offer an excellent view of the surrounding yard in the morning and through the night, and
country side. You suspect that approaching Priestess Pavrat can usually be found at the altar
unseen might prove difficult.
intoning prayers to Auril for strength and victory.
Two frost giants keep watch on the sentry towers Fanatical in her faith, she has convinced Chief
at the base of the mountain, presenting the Freustragg that the frost giants shall act as the
characters’ first hurdle in infiltrating the fortress. goddess wills.
The towers are spaced approximately a hundred At midday, the entire clan (except for the
feet apart, with a giant manning each one. They are sentries in locations 1 and 5) gathers in the
not paying strict attention, but they are also not main yard to feast upon one of the captives in a
asleep. gruesome fashion.
Unless both are taken down unawares and
quickly, one sounds a thunderous bellow on a 4. Chief’s Hall
massive bone horn to alert the mountain camp, A weathered, broken down hall of crumbling stone
summoning three more frost giants, who arrive 3 stands above the main yard of the fortress, and it is
rounds after the horn is blown. within its cavernous depths that Chief Freustragg
The giants attack and flee only if frightened. sits on a makeshift throne of stone and twisted
metal, brooding and awaiting an augury from Auril
2. Gutted Towers the Frost Maiden to launch another raid. Three
Stone steps wind their way up the mountain, many frost giants attend him at all times as an honor
of them crushed or chipped from the tread of guard.
massive feet. Flanking the stairs are six crumbling Stepping into the hall makes one feel colder
towers and the remains of more structures long even compared to the wintry air outside. The
since weathered away. The towers are forty feet hall itself is massive—two hundred feet square—
in diameter, their doors widened to accommodate and the side facing the main yard is open to the
residents larger than originally intended. elements, its walls and ceiling largely collapsed
Eight frost giants dwell in the six functional decades or centuries ago. Perhaps the hall might
towers. At midday (when the characters arrive), have seen merrier times, but they have long
they gather higher on the mountain in the main passed.
yard to feast upon one of the captives.


Using the Prisoners
Freustragg collects all the clan’s treasure for Bruw Clangeddin is a gruff but good-heart-
himself, and keeps it in a locked room in the hall ed shield dwarf with a thick silver beard (he is
behind his throne. Contained in this room are a named for Clangeddin Silverbeard, a dwarf war-
dozen pieces of precious metal sculptures, bowls, rior deity) and numerous scars. A former war-
and cups worth a total of 2,400 gp, four flame agate rior known for his patience, he’s understandably
gems worth a total of 2,000 gp, and gold and silver upset by his current arrangements and would
totaling 2,600 gp. love to get revenge on the giants. He has little
The chamber also contains a slightly battered to offer the characters in exchange for their aid,
leather satchel containing the trade documents; other than his approval and the reward of “doing
(plans and a comprehensive listing of supply the right thing.”
requirements for the mined stone necessary for Rouse Blackbrand is a Sembian human
the reconstruction of Phlan, a contract signed by man in his early forties with black hair, a short
Barrett Sokol), and 2,000 gp worth of platinum black beard, and a smooth, charismatic manner.
coins marked with the arms of House Sokol and Something of a charmer, he has managed to talk
Barrett’s face. These coins are intended as a the giants into not eating him thus far. Describ-
first payment to Clan Hammersfell, and it is not ing himself as a mercenary, he keeps quiet on his
expected that the characters will claim them. If exact origins when first encountering the charac-
they do, that affects the negotiations with the ters, because they might not know who he is or
dwarves in Part Four. why he’s here. If they don’t immediately release
him, he promises to pay them in coin and/or
5. Fortress Gaol information, so long as they take him from this
A building set off behind the chief’s hall boast a awful place.
number of large, communal cells, each big enough Both men are anxious to get out. Bruw wants
to accommodate five or six captives. The cells are to avenge his fallen comrades and would like to
cold and drafty, but at least the building is largely
join in the fight. If necessary, Rouse promises to
pay for his rescue in secrets, to “get back at that
A single frost giant keeps watch outside the
blaggard who got me into this.”
gaol building, often sleeping on the job (50%
chance he is asleep). If the gaolkeeper is awake, If equipped with their weapons and ar-
sneaking past him requires a successful DC 13 mor, they use the Veteran statistics.
Dexterity (Stealth) check. The sounds of battle
in the main yard or the chief’s hall rouse him
automatically, but he waits inside the gaol, hoping
to ambush would-be rescuers.
The number of prisoners depends on when
the characters arrive. Rouse Blackbrand is kept
in the mercenary cell and Bruw Clangeddin in the
emissaries’ cell. Both cells are locked (successful
DC 15 Strength check or to Thieves’ Tools to open).
Their equipment (comically small for the giants)
is scattered heedlessly across the floor, most of
it battered and crushed to uselessness. The only
surviving pieces are a suit of battered splint mail,
a scuffed breastplate, three mostly intact shields,
a couple notched longswords, and Bruw’s much-
scuffed battleaxe. These items are obviously
worthless for resale.


Against the Giants Stealth Incursion
How exactly the characters deal with the frost giants The characters seek to rescue the emissaries
is up to them, but take care that scheming doesn’t take without being detected or by creating a distraction.
up too much game time. This section presents several Unaware giants have a passive Perception of 13,
possibilities, which you can suggest to the characters though Pavrat’s high Wisdom gives her a passive
by way of Aveen’s advice on the matter: Perception of 16. The prisoners themselves are too
weak to fight.
Frontal Assault Climbing an area of the mountain that is not
Under this option, the characters attack brazenly, observed (i.e. away from the paved area) is difficult on
potentially fighting every giant in the camp. the sheer slope, requiring a successful DC 18 Strength
At the guard towers, the characters have (Athletics) check. Failure leads to 10d6 bludgeoning
to overcome the sentries, as well as the three damage in the course of a battering plunge.
frost giants that answer the warning horn. Chief
Freustragg keeps all other giants in reserve at the
main yard. His thinking is, if anything can make Freustragg awaits the adventurer’s approach in his hall.
it past his guards, he will listen to what they have From his throne, he has a vantage to see the adven-
to say. He stands confidently waiting in the main ture’s approach, and they are beckoned inside and
yard with the others. The gaolkeeper remains in given a chance to speak. The characters may be able to
location #5. convince the giants to part with the prisoners peace-
If the guards are defeated, another guard is
• Charisma (Persuasion) DC 20: Chief
sent to motion the adventurers forward to speak. If
Freustragg demands no less than 1,000
they do not come, Freustragg comes to hunt them
gp worth of treasure in exchange for each
down with the full force of his tribe, which is eight
frost giants in addition to himself and Pavrat. prisoner. A successful check can convince him
to lower the price to a minimum of 750 gp. He
Adjusting the Encounter considers their possessions his treasure and
Here are recommendations for adjusting this will part with them for an additional 500 gp.
combat encounter. These are not cumulative. • Charisma (Intimidation) DC 22: Attempts
• Very Weak – Remove two frost giant at intimidation result in an immediate attack,
reinforcements unless the characters have showed their
• Weak - Remove a frost giant reinforcement prowess by killing at least five frost giants
• Strong – Reinforcements arrive 2 rounds thus far. If that’s the case, a successful check
after the warning results in Freustragg releasing one prisoner
per giant the characters have killed. If the
• Very Strong – Add a frost giant adventurers demand more, the giants attack.
reinforcement, and they arrive 2 rounds
after the warning • Wisdom (Insight) DC 16: The adventurers
pick up on tension between the chief and his
priestess advisor (see sidebar), granting them
advantage on Charisma checks if they can
leverage it.


Honor Challenge Freustragg and Pavrat
Freustragg may not be the most devout of frost giants, Frequent lovers and constant battle companions,
but he has a powerful sense of honor that borders on the chieftain and his spiritual advisor have led
religious faith. He respects strength and courage and the tribe to great success, but recently friction
sides with those who demonstrate such things. Under has strained their relationship. Freustragg wants
no circumstances will he turn down a fair challenge, to raid and kill at whim, but Pavrat insists they
and the characters might challenge him for the lives of act only with the blessing of Auril, and the chief
the prisoners. grows resentful over her increasing attempts to
After interacting with or observing the chief- undermine him. For her part, Pavrat would love
tain, the characters might learn of his love of honor nothing more than to supplant Freustragg with a
with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check. If more faithful servant of Auril.
they speak Giant or are familiar with giants (back- Freustragg carries his spear with him
ground or relevant class feature, etc.), they gain advan- at all times. The head of the spear is actually a
tage on this check. human sized greatsword (frostbrand), which has
If the adventurers successfully challenge Freus- been fashioned into a spear, creating a very large
tragg, he selects an honor guard composed of Pavrat and deadly giant-sized magic weapon.
and three frost giants to fight at his side. In combat, Freustragg uses the same stat block as
Adjusting the Encounter normal frost giants, with the following additions.
Here are recommendations for adjusting this • Freustragg has 30 hit points more than a
combat encounter. These are not cumulative. typical frost giant and wields a frostbrand
• Very Weak – Remove two frost giants greatsword that he has fashioned into a
spear and grants him resistance to fire.
• Weak – Remove one frost giant
The normal damage is the same, but his
• Strong – add one frost giant affinity to cold causes the weapon to inflict
• Very Strong – Add two frost giants an additional 6 (2d6) cold damage. The
party can claim his spear and restore it to a
sword if they defeat him, but it is a normal
frostbrand in anyone else’s hands (1d6 cold
• Pavrat is a combination of a frost giant and a
mage. She is Challenge Rating 9, worth 5,000


Rescuing the Prisoners
Once the adventurers have dealt with the giants • What do we do now? “Finish the job,
and rescued the prisoners, take stock of the a’course. We need the platinum and the scrolls
situation. for Clan Hammersfell, and then we need to get
As a reminder, the giants have eaten one the deal done. Me friends won’t have died in
prisoner per day of the adventure, starting with the vain.”
four captive mercenaries and moving on to the six • What do you know about Clan
captive emissaries, saving Rouse and Bruw for last. Hammersfell? “More’n you’d think. I’ve a
If there is conflict between Bruw and Rouse cousin in the clan, and I know where to find
or the adventurers can only save some of the them. I don’t have a silver tongue, though, so
prisoners, it is important to note that shared you’ll need to lead the negotiation. I’ll be there
captivity has bred a gruff sort of friendship and to help.”
respect. Bruw doesn’t want to leave Rouse behind, • You’re not going to do the talking? “Artora
while the somewhat more morally flexible Rouse was killed at our camp. It’ll have to be you, or
advocates for the dwarf, at least until it becomes this deal won’t get done. I’d like to address
clear that leaving him is the only way to survive. ‘em, though. Pay my respects.”
• What do you know about Rouse? “The big
Bruw Clangeddin man’s a mercenary. He was here when we got
Once rescued, the dwarf wants to continue on and here, along with several of his own. The giants
complete the mission. He promised Barrett Sokol ate them afore starting on mine. He’s a good
that he would see this deal inked, and he intends to man, for a sellsword.”
see it done, whatever the cost. He is a tough dwarf,
but what he’s witnessed has left him shaken.
Most relevant is that the emissaries’ chief
negotiator, Artora, was killed in the giants’ attack,
and Bruw is unsuitable to negotiate the deal with
the Hammersfell dwarves. If this doesn’t come
out in conversation (see below), he makes this
perfectly clear before the party heads out.
Bruw answers questions as best he can:
• What happened to you? “Attacked by giants,
we were. Down in the wood before we could
climb into the mountains. Came upon us in the
night and dragged most of us off. I saw two
of me friends killed before they knocked me
• Where are the other survivors? “The giants
a’been eating folk since we arrived—one every
day. They made me watch.”


Rouse Blackbrand
The mercenary is more circumspect than Bruw— A successful Wisdom (Insight) DC 15 check
he knows he did wrong, and revealing all might determines that Rouse isn’t saying everything (the
not be his best play. He knew about Samulkin’s characters have advantage on this check if they
ploy to stir up the giants and went along with it, have discovered the false uniforms or encountered
even if he didn’t expect this fallout. He got rid of his the maddened survivor in Part Two).
House Sokol tabards and wears non-descript black If the ploy is revealed to Rouse but not his
leathers. involvement, he feigns outrage and pretends to
Once rescued, his primary interest is in have been deceived. He flees when possible.
getting out of that awful place alive, and then If confronted and/or threatened, he reveals the
taking vengeance on the man who put him in that whole truth (that Samulkin hired his company to
situation: Graben Samulkin. He seeks to befriend provoke the giants into attacking anyone wearing
the party (as he has befriended Bruw) and cast House Sokol colors) and throws himself on the
himself as an innocent victim of a mutual foe. mercy of his rescuers, promising their payment
Rouse answers the party’s questions from Samulkin for the job (500 gp plus the 500 gp
cautiously. they have collected thus far for killing five giants).
• What happened to you? “I lead the Razorhand The coin is buried not too far from the destroyed
Company out of Phlan, which was operating campsite in the forest.
in the mountains. We were attacked by giants, Note: Aveen Seakin knows Rouse can reveal
and they dragged off several of us. It was her secret—and vice versa.
• Who hired you? “A priest in Phlan by the name
of Graben Samulkin paid us to kill giants: a
hundred gold coins for each pair of giant ears
we brought back. Obviously, it weren’t worth
the hassle.”
• How many were in your company? “Four plus
myself who made it here. A dozen others. I
don’t know how many might have survived.”
• What do you know about Graben Samulkin?
“Never liked or trusted that snake. Should
have listened to my gut. Is he your enemy


Part 4.
sealed deal
Expected Duration: 30 minutes Clan Hammersfell
“Coin is more powerful than any sword or spell, but
Secure in their fortress in the icy depths of the
honor greater still.” – Cormyrian aphorism
Dragonspine, the dwarves of Hammersfell have
“What honor?” – Sembian rebuttal
a reputation for endurance and grit, particularly
when it comes to mining.
This section of the adventure should be relatively
short but important, as it represents the characters Having emigrated from the west, Clan
resolving Sokol’s plan to enter into an agreement Hammersfell made their home in the mountains
with the dwarves of Clan Hammersfell. about a century ago, and their clan now
numbers about two hundred. The dwarves have
The dwarves are not intended to be
occasionally struggled with orcs and frost giants
antagonists in any way, and this section of the
in the mountains, and have become increasingly
adventure is entirely a social encounter. If steel is
isolationist. They have a less than stellar history
ever drawn in earnest, end with the party failing
with those who seek them out, having been the
and being escorted out.
victim of various schemes and would-be thefts in
Adventure Pacing Check-in the past.
If time grows short, you can condense this part The dwarves are suspicious of outsiders,
to a single Charisma (Persuasion) check or rule and have tentatively agreed to meet with
that the characters automatically succeed. See Barrett Sokol’s emissaries only after months of
“Making the Pitch,” below. correspondence between the heir and themselves.
If the party is to have any luck of persuading them
Seeking Out the Dwarves to sign on to Sokol’s deal, they have to allay the
dwarves’ natural suspicions.
The journey from the frost giant mountain to Clan
Hammersfell’s fortress is automatic, assuming the
characters possess one of the following:
• Bruw Clangeddin knows the way.
• Aveen Seakin can lead the party there.
• The trade documents detail the location of the
holdfast well enough to locate it.
Barring these advantages, the party can attempt to
find the Hammersfell Holdfast with a successful DC
15 Wisdom (Survival) check.
If the characters cannot find the dwarves or
decide not to attempt to strike a deal with them,
they return to Phlan, having failed their mission.
Skip this section and go to Part 5: Phlan in Chaos.


Entering Hammersfell Holdfast where you would expect the clan’s chief to sit,
stands vacant—at least until your guide parts
When the characters approach the Holdfast, from your group and sits there herself.
read: “I am Rhuldir, Warchief of Clan Hammersfell,”
she says. “Offer me your master’s terms, and we
By midday, you have pushed up into the moun- shall do business.”
tains through shivering cold and deep drifts of
snow to come at last within sight of your destina- Making the Pitch
At last, out of the cleft of two snow-choked Roleplay the preliminary negotiation while you cal-
slopes you perceive a mass of intricately carved culate the difficulty of convincing the dwarves to take
black stone that lights up with gleaming blue Sokol’s deal. The negotiation requires no fewer than
runes as you draw near. It opens into a yawn- three successful Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks
ing passage, from which the warm air of forges out of six attempts, using the following considerations:
billows forth.
A thickly muscled dwarf woman in fine, • Charisma (Persuasion) check: DC 20,
gold-inlaid ringmail approaches you, flanked by minimum recalculated DC 15.
half a dozen bitter-faced guards. “You must be • Bruw Clangeddin: Having Bruw speak grants
the emissaries of Barrett Sokol,” she says. “You
advantage on one Charisma (Persuasion) check.
are late.” Without another word, she ushers you
into the cramped, cold interior of the holdfast, (Plus earns a bonus XP award for the party.)
and the heavy doors scrape closed behind you. • Surviving Emissaries: Seeing Sokol respect
the clan enough to send a number of proxies
The dwarf who greets them is named Rhuldir, none reassures the dwarves. For each emissary
other than the matriarch of the clan. She offers the present (not including Bruw), lower the DC by 1.
characters some light refreshment—dwarven ale, • Dwarves in the Party: If at least one of the
hard brown bread, boiled meat—waiting members of the party is a dwarf, reduce the
indifferently while they refresh themselves from DC by 1.
their journey. • Elves or Orcs in the party: For every member
Then, tight-lipped, she leads the characters to of the party who appears to be at least part elf
the audience hall, answering questions gruffly and or orc, increase the DC by 1.
in as few words as possible. She mostly lets them • Sokol’s Signet: Showing this ring grants
speak, wanting to learn more of these would-be the party advantage on one Charisma
negotiators before she has to bargain with them in (Persuasion) check.
earnest. • Payment: The dwarves are expecting the
Audience with the Matriarch 2,000 gp for first payment. If it is not present,
the characters have disadvantage on all
The journey to the audience hall is a short one, as
Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
the holdfast is not large. During the journey, read:
• Trade Documents: The dwarves care little
You pass through the tight, low-ceilinged tun- for the paperwork, so the presence of Sokol’s
nels, at one point crossing a natural bridge over
a gaping chasm where you can see dwarves
documents makes no difference to the
mining great blocks of stone in the depths below, negotiation, but it can offer the characters
secured with chains that gleam in the torchlight. important insights into how to address their
The pungent smell of chemicals assails your nos- concerns (see below).
trils, and you are relieved when your guide bids
you on. • Good Roleplaying: Grant advantage on the
You come at length to a wide audience cham- check if the characters play out the pitch well.
ber engraved with runic script along the walls and • Other Skills: The characters may attempt
inset with torches that burn with blue, smokeless
to win the dwarves over through numerous
fire. A number of stone chairs fills the room, each
of them occupied with a grizzled dwarf who indirect means. See sidebar for suggestions.
stares at you with suspicion. The central chair,


Even if the party amasses three successful courier to bring the coin to them each tenday.
attempts or three failed attempts, keep playing • How are we to ship the stone safely?
out the negotiation until they think they’ve made Answer requires the trade documents. Once
a winning case, they give up, or six attempts have the stone comes down from the mountain,
been made. They should not know whether they Sokol provides servants to protect the
succeeded or failed until the dwarves render their shipments along the river. Failure on this point
final decision. prompts the dwarves to demand protection all
the way from their quarry in the mountains.
Winning the Dwarves Over • Who will work the stone in Phlan? Sokol’s
The following skills (all at DC 15) may be documents don’t cover this, but succeeding
used to win the dwarves’ admiration or on an easy Wisdom (Insight) DC 10 check, the
respect, each time granting advantage to the characters realize he means to give the guilds
subsequent Charisma (Persuasion) check as these jobs. Failure on this point prompts the
part of the negotiation: dwarves to insist on doing the construction
• Knowledge of their history/customs: themselves, because non-dwarven hands are
Intelligence (History) unsuited to work with their superior stone.
• Evocations of the dwarven gods: Intelligence • Who will take charge of dealing with frost
(Religion) giant attacks? Sokol’s documents have no
• Stirring tales of past heroics: Charisma clause for this. If the party volunteers to
(Performance) clean out the giants, they gain advantage on
• Feats of strength or endurance: Strength this check. Failure on this point prompts the
(Athletics) dwarves to demand Sokol hire mercenaries to
• Boasting and crowing: Charisma destroy the giants.
Success or Failure
• A drinking contest: Constitution saving
throw If the characters fail four or more Charisma
Each character may attempt to win over the (Persuasion) checks (i.e. don’t address at least half
dwarves only once. Allow players to improvise the dwarves’ concerns satisfactorily), then Rhuldir
ways to impress the dwarves, using a DC 12 rejects their pitch and refuses to ink Sokol’s deal.
each time. If the party fails all six attempts, the dwarves
are angered by the negotiations and exile them
The Dwarves’ Concerns from their lands, never to return on pain of attack.
They have no choice but to leave in disgrace. (If
Each time the party seeks to attempt a Charisma they stay and fight, they face a clan of fifty dwarves,
(Persuasion) check, ask them to address one of the
including several elite warriors of CR 8-10.
dwarves’ concerns. Without the trade documents,
They may triumph handily, but they then gain a
the checks are made at disadvantage. Failure on the
reputation as butchers.)
check makes the deal worse for Sokol on that point,
as noted below: If, however, the party succeeds at three or
more of the attempts, the dwarves accept the deal
• How much is Sokol offering? Answer
requires the trade documents. It is a generous (plus any consequences to Sokol for failures). The
sum: 1,000 gp for a ten-day’s worth of stone. party gains additional xp for sealing the deal (see
Failure on this point prompts the dwarves to page 19).
demand 2,000 gp per tenday instead. If the party succeeds at all six checks, the
• How is the payment to be delivered? Answer dwarves are impressed with their diplomatic
requires the trade documents. The coin will abilities and extend the warm hand of friendship to
change hands in Phlan. Failure on this point them. They also gift the party with 1,000 gp worth
prompts the dwarves to demand a private of cut gems.


Part 5.
Phlan in chaos
The difference between good and evil is that good lays to Thorn Island, which fairly bristles with guards
down the sword when the quest is done. Evil never rests, posted with crossbows and spears at the ready.
and neither must we. Only when you are ushered into a meeting
—Kalen Dren, Watcher of the Eye of Justice (1484 DR, with a harried and tired Barret Sokol, do you
the Year of the Awakened Sleepers) learn the truth: the other candidates for the
throne are in prison or missing, the church of
Bane has seized control of the city, and Graben
This section of the adventure should be shorter than Samulkin has declared himself the Ruinlord of
the rest, as it consists entirely of a set of descriptive Phlan.
text to end the trilogy of adventures and set up the In your absence, Phlan has fallen, and its trou-
interactive event. bles are only just beginning.

Return to Phlan • If Aveen Seakin has been treated well and

returned to Phlan safely, the adventurers earn
The heroes return to Phlan at the conclusion of the
the Insider Trading story reward.
adventure. If they attempt to contact anyone in the city
by magic, their attempts are unsuccessful (or at least • If Rouse Blackbrand is rescued and returned
do not yield any immediate reply). This may produce safely to Phlan, the adventurers earn the
some anxiety for them: play up the uncertainty as they Razorhand-shake story reward.
return. Conclusion
When the adventurers return to the city, read: Sokol has managed to find enough men loyal to his
family to fight off any efforts to arrest him. His loca-
After your long journey through the cold, bleak
northland, you are looking forward to a warm tion on the island helps a great deal, however he thinks
welcome in a city that celebrates you as heroes. it’s only a matter of time before they come for him in
That feeling ends when you crest a rise and full force. It is no doubt common knowledge that the
look upon Phlan, standing grim on the rocky adventures have acted as agents for each of the candi-
coast of the Moonsea. Something is fundamen-
tally darker about the city now. The wreckage of
half a dozen ships smolder in the bay and greasy
smoke rises from fires blazing in the heights like
beacons. An unknown banner depicting a raised
black fist waves from the pinnacle of the tallest
tower. Something definitely seems off.
Once inside the city walls, Phlan is notably
somber. Gone are the campaign posters for the
Cinnabar Throne, leaving only shreds affixed to
worn masonry. Fewer people walk the streets,
and those that do keep to the shadows and eye
you suspiciously. You hear dozens of whispers in
your wake, and somewhere a child wails pitifully.
The docks are choked with people arguing
heatedly on the verge of coming to blows.
Your arrival sweeps through them like a pebble
thrown into water, and they make way for you,
staring daggers in your direction. You take a skiff


Rewards Treasure
Make sure players note their rewards on their The characters receive the following treasure,
adventure logsheets. Give your name and DCI divided up amongst the party. Characters should
number (if applicable) so players can record who attempt to divide treasure evenly whenever
ran the session. possible. Gold piece values listed for sellable
gear are calculated at their selling price, not their
Experience purchase price.
Total up all combat experience earned for Consumable magic items should be divided
defeated foes, and divide by the number of up however the group sees fit. If more than one
characters present in the combat. For non- character is interested in a specific consumable
combat experience, the rewards are listed per magic item, the DM can determine who gets it
character. Give all characters in the party non- randomly should the group be unable to decide.
combat experience awards unless otherwise Permanent magic items are divided
noted. according to a system. See the sidebar if the
adventure awards permanent magic items.
Combat Awards
Treasure Awards
Name of Foe XP per Foe
Cyclops 2300 Item Name GP Value
Pixie 50 Barrett Sokol Reward 5,000
Frost Giant 3900 Ristamere’s Treasure 350
Pavrat 5000 Frost Giants 7,000
Razorhand cache 1,000
Non-Combat Awards Hammersfell bestowal 1,000
Task or Accomplishment XP per Frostbrand
Character Greatsword, very rare (requires attunement)
Discover Aveen’s secret 1000 When you hit with an attack using this magic
Discover the signet ring 1000 sword, the target takes an extra 1d6 cold damage.
Overcome giants without combat 2,000 In addition, while you hold the sword, you have
Successful honor challenge 2,000 resistance to fire damage.
Each prisoner rescued 500
Allow Bruw to address the dwarves 500 In freezing temperatures, the blade sheds
Broker deal with dwarves 5,000 bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim-light for an
Return Rouse to Phlan 1000 additional 10 feet.
When you draw this weapon, you can
The minimum total award for each character
extinguish all non-magical flames within 30 feet of
participating in this adventure is 8,625
you. This property can be used no more than once
experience points.
per hour.
The maximum total award for each character
participating in this adventure is 11,000 Renown
experience points. All faction members earn one renown point for
participating in this adventure.
Lord’s Alliance characters earn one additional
renown point for safely returning the Sokol signet
ring to Barrett Sokol.


Story Rewards
The characters have the opportunity to earn the
following story rewards during the course of play.
Razorhand-shake. You have rescued Rouse
Blackbrand from certain demise. At the party’s
request, Rouse vows to support their choice of
candidate for Leader of Phlan. This may prove
useful in the future.
Insider Trading. Aveen Seakin is impressed with
your abilities and determination. She offers to
put in a good word if any of them want to become
procurers for Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalog at
some point in the future.

Each character receives 10 downtime days at the
conclusion of this adventure.

DM Rewards
You receive 600 XP, 300 gp, and 10 downtime days
for running this session.


Appendix: Bestiary
Aveen Seakin (Scout) Veteran
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 13 (leather armor) Armor Class 17 (splint)
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Nature +4, Perception +5, Stealth +6, Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
Survival +5 Senses passive Perception 12
Senses passive Perception 15 Languages any one language (usually Common)
Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Keen Hearing and Sight. The scout has advantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on Multiattack. The veteran makes two longsword
hearing or sight. attacks. If it has a shortsword drawn, it can also
make a shortsword attack.
Actions Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Multiattack. The scout makes two melee attacks or 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage,
two ranged attacks. or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach hands.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
damage. hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10)
piercing damage.


Cyclops Pixie
Huge giant, chaotic neutral Tiny fey, neutral good
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Armor Class 15
Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60) Hit Points 1 (1d4 − 1)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 10 ft., fly 30 ft.
22 (+6) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 8 (−1) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 2 (−4) 20 (+5) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 8 Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7

Languages Giant Senses passive Perception 14
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Languages Sylvan
Poor Depth Perception. The cyclops has Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
disadvantage on any attack roll against a target Magic Resistance. The pixie has advantage on
more than 30 feet away. saving throws against spells and other magical
Actions Innate Spellcasting. The pixie’s innate spellcasting
Multiattack. The cyclops makes two greatclub ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can
attacks. innately cast the following spells, requiring only its
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach pixie dust as a component:
10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning At will: druidcraft
damage. 1/day each: confusion, dancing lights, detect
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic,
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph,
bludgeoning damage. sleep
Superior Invisibility. The pixie magically turns
invisible until its concentration ends (as if
concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the pixie
wears or carries is invisible with it.


Frost Giant Pavrat (Frost Giant Priest)
Huge giant, neutral evil Huge giant, neutral evil
Armor Class 15 (patchwork armor) Armor Class 15 (patchwork armor)
Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60) Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 40 ft.
23 (+6) 9 (−1) 21 (+5) 9 (−1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 23 (+6) 9 (−1) 21 (+5) 9 (−1) 19 (+4) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +3, Cha +4 Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +7, Cha +4
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +3 Skills Athletics +9, Perception +3
Damage Immunities cold Damage Immunities cold
Senses passive Perception 13
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Giant
Languages Giant
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Spellcasting. Pavrat is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her
Actions spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17,
Multiattack. The giant makes two greataxe attacks. +8 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following
spells prepared:
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 25 (3d12 + 6) slashing damage. Cantrips (at will): light, resistance, sacred
flame(3d8) ray of frost(3d8)
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range
60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) 1st level (4 slots): bless, fog cloud, entangle
bludgeoning damage. (flavored as ice), shield
2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, cloud of daggers
(flavored as ice shards), shatter
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, call lightning,
spirit guardians
4th level (3 slots): ice storm, greater invisibility
5th level (1 slot): cone of cold
Multiattack. The giant makes two greataxe attacks.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 25 (3d12 + 6) slashing damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range
60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6)
bludgeoning damage.



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