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The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W12, 2019

Int. Worksh. on “Photogrammetric & Computer Vision Techniques for Video Surveillance, Biometrics and Biomedicine”, 13–15 May 2019, Moscow, Russia


D. Ivanko, D. Ryumin, A. Karpov

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, SPIIRAS, Saint-Petersburg,
Russian Federation – denis.ivanko11@gmail.com, dl_03.03.1991@mail.ru, karpov@iias.spb.su

Commission II WG II/5

KEY WORDS: Lip-reading, hearing impaired people, region-of-interest detection, visual speech recognition


Inability to use speech interfaces greatly limits the deaf and hearing impaired people in the possibility of human-machine interaction.
To solve this problem and to increase the accuracy and reliability of the automatic Russian sign language recognition system it is
proposed to use lip-reading in addition to hand gestures recognition. Deaf and hearing impaired people use sign language as the main
way of communication in everyday life. Sign language is a structured form of hand gestures and lips movements involving visual
motions and signs, which is used as a communication system. Since sign language includes not only hand gestures, but also lip
movements that mimic vocalized pronunciation, it is of interest to investigate how accurately such a visual speech can be recognized
by a lip-reading system, especially considering the fact that the visual speech of hearing impaired people is often characterized with
hyper-articulation, which should potentially facilitate its recognition. For this purpose, thesaurus of Russian sign language
(TheRusLan) collected in SPIIRAS in 2018-19 was used. The database consists of color optical FullHD video recordings of 13
native Russian sign language signers (11 females and 2 males) from “Pavlovsk boarding school for the hearing impaired”. Each of
the signers demonstrated 164 phrases for 5 times. This work covers the initial stages of this research, including data collection, data
labeling, region-of-interest detection and methods for informative features extraction. The results of this study can later be used to
create assistive technologies for deaf or hearing impaired people.

1. INTRODUCTION considerably large changes in shapes when it is in different

location in the sentence (Yang et al., 2010). Sign Language
Automatic lip-reading, also known as visual speech recognition involves the use of different parts of the body – not only hands
(VSR), has received a lot of attention in the recent years for its and fingers movements. Deaf people use lips movements as a
potential use in applications of human-machine interaction, sign part of a sign language in general, even though they cannot hear
language recognition, audio-visual speech recognition, biometry acoustic speech. Moreover, the lips movements of hearing
and biomedicine (Katsaggelos et al., 2015). Most people can impaired people are usually characterized with hyper-
understand a few unspoken words by lip-reading, and many articulation. This fact, potentially, enables the opportunity to
hearing impaired individuals are quite proficient at this skill. better recognize the visual speech of such group of people,
The idea of interpreting silent speech has been around for long since lip movements become more pronounced.
time. Automatic visual lip-reading was initially proposed as an
enhancement to speech recognition in noisy environments It is well known that hearing-impaired people and those
(Petajan, 1984). VSR are commonly used to improve the listening in noisy acoustic conditions (noise, reverberation,
reliability and robustness of audio speech recognition systems. multiple speakers) rely heavily on the visual input to eliminate
However, there is a group of people for which the use of audio ambiguity in acoustic speech elements. Although a significant
speech is not possible. Lip-reading plays an important role in amount of research has been devoted to the topic of visual
communication by the hearing-impaired. speech decoding, the problem of lip reading for hearing
impaired people remains an open issue in the field (Akbari et
According to statistics reported in (Ryumin et al., 2019) over al., 2018).
5% of the world population – or 466 million people – has
disabling hearing loss (432 million adults and 34 million From the literature review, the most common sign languages
children). It is estimated that by 2050 over 900 million people – recognition researches are based on American Sign Language,
or one in every ten people – will have disabling hearing loss. Indian Sign Language and Arabic Sign Language. Some early
For the deaf and speech-impaired community, sign language efforts on sign language recognition can be dated back to 1993,
(SL) serves as useful tools for daily interaction (Denby et al., where gesture recognition techniques are adapted from speech
2010). Official data report about 120000 people in Russian and handwriting recognition techniques (Darrell et al., 1993). A
Federation (and about 100000 people in other countries) using comprehensive study of the development of the field of sign
Russian sign language as their main way of communication. language recognition is given in the work (Cheok et al., 2017).

Sign language is a structured form of hand gestures involving The focus of this research is on improving the accuracy and
visual motions and signs, which is used as a communication robustness of automatic Russian sign language recognition via
system. SL recognition includes the whole process of tracking adding lip-reading module to hand gesture recognition system.
and identifying the signs performed and converting into This paper covers the initial stages of this research, including
semantically meaningful words and expressions (Cheok et al., data collection, data labeling, region-of-interest detection and
2017). Majority of sign language involves only upper part of the methods for informative features extraction.
body from waist level upwards. Besides, the same sign can have

This contribution has been peer-reviewed.

https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W12-97-2019 | © Authors 2019. CC BY 4.0 License. 97
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W12, 2019
Int. Worksh. on “Photogrammetric & Computer Vision Techniques for Video Surveillance, Biometrics and Biomedicine”, 13–15 May 2019, Moscow, Russia


The corpus (database) is mandatory for learning any modern

speech recognition system based on probabilistic models and
machine learning techniques. There are already a number of
large commercial or free databases for learning acoustic speech
recognition systems for many of the world languages. However,
one major obstacle to the current research on visual speech
recognition is the lack of suitable databases. In contrast to the
richness of audio speech corpora, only few databases are
publicly available for visual-only or audio-visual speech
recognition systems (Zhou et al., 2014). Most of them include a
limited number of speakers and a small vocabulary. Databases
on the Russian sign language, suitable for VSR training, are
practically non-existent. For this reason, in 2018, a Thesaurus
of Russian sign language (TheRuSLan) (Ryumin et al. 2019)
was recorded in SPIIRAS.

2.1 TheRuSLan

TheRusLan comprises recordings of 13 (11 females and 2

males) native signers of Russian sign language from “Pavlovsk
boarding school for the hearing impaired” or “Deaf-Mute Figure 1. Example of signers during a recording session
school” (the oldest institution for the hearing impaired in
Russia). Each signer demonstrated 164 phrases for 5 times. phoneme for acoustic speech, a viseme is the minimal
Total number of samples in the corpora is 10660. Screenshots distinguishable unit of visual speech. The number of visemes is
of the signers in the course of recording sessions are shown in language-dependent and for Russian there are 14-20
Fig. 1. The corpus consists of color optical FullHD distinguishable speech units in different works. In the current
(1920×1080) video files, infrared video files (512×424) and study we used a list of 20 viseme classes (table 2), proposed in
depth video files (512×424), it also includes feature files (with (Ivanko et. al, 2018a).
25 skeletal reference dots on each frame), text files of temporal
annotation into phrases, words and gesture classes (was made Viseme Corresponding Viseme Corresponding
manually by an expert). A brief summary of the contents of the Class phonemes Class phonemes
database is presented in Table 1. All the recordings were V1 sil (pause) V11 b, b’, p, p’
organized into a logically structured database that comprises a V2 a, a! V12 f, f’, v, v’
file with information about all the speakers and recording V3 i, i! V13 s, s’,z, z’,c
V4 o! V14 sсh
V5 e!, e V15 sh
V6 y, y! V16 j
Parameter Value
V7 u, u! V17 h, h’
V8 l, l’, r, r’ V18 ch
Number of signers 13
V9 d, d’,t, t’,n, n’ V19 m, m’
Phrases per signer 164
V10 g, g’, k, k’ V20 zh
Number of repetitions 5
Number of samples per signer 820 Table 2. Viseme classes and phoneme-to-viseme mapping
Total number of samples 10 660
Recording device MS Kinect V2 State-of-the-art semi-automatic approach to viseme labeling of
Resolution (color) FullHD (1920×1080) multimedia databases is performed using speech recognition
Resolution (depth sensor) 512×424 system with subsequent expert correction of temporal
Resolution (infrared camera) 512×424 annotation. In the present study, the use of this method is not
Distance to camera 1.0-2 m. possible due to the complete absence of acoustic data.
Duration (total) 7 hours 56 min. Therefore, the entire temporal labeling of the database on the
Duration (per signer) ~36 min viseme classes was done manually by experts. The following is
Number of frames with gestures ~30-35 000 an example of the labeling (format: start time (sec.) - end time
(per signer) (sec.) – phoneme class mark – viseme class mark ) of the
Average age of signers 24 database:
Total amount of data ~4 TB
Table 1. Contents of TheRuSLan database 0.00 0.31 SIL V1
0.31 0.37 m V19
2.2 Data labelling 0.37 0.46 a V2
0.46 0.53 l V8
Proper temporal labeling of data into viseme classes is 0.53 0.62 a V2
necessary for training any practical lip-reading system in the 0.62 0.70 k V10
scope of statistical methods of speech recognition. As well as a 0.70 0.89 o! V4
0.89 1.04 SIL V1

This contribution has been peer-reviewed.

https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W12-97-2019 | © Authors 2019. CC BY 4.0 License. 98
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W12, 2019
Int. Worksh. on “Photogrammetric & Computer Vision Techniques for Video Surveillance, Biometrics and Biomedicine”, 13–15 May 2019, Moscow, Russia


In general, visual speech recognition is the process of

converting sequences of mouth region images into text. Every
practical lip-reading system necessarily include 4 main
processing stages, such as image acquisition, region of interest
(ROI) localization, feature extraction and speech recognition.
More detailed description of the used VSR system is described
in the work (Ivanko et al., 2017).

In research works, the image acquisition stage is often replaced

by the step of selecting a representative database, which is
necessary for system training in the framework of the statistical
approach to speech recognition. The next important step in
visual speech recognition is finding the ROI on the image, since
the quality of ROI has a strong influence on the recognition
results. Two main approaches to solve this task are often found Figure 3. Full 2D face shape model (left) and the face
in the literature: Haar-like feature based boosted classification landmarks localization algorithm results (right).
framework and the active appearance model. In this work we
used both methods: Haar-like method for pixel-based features To extract useful visual speech information, the first step is to
extraction and AAM for geometry-based features. locate the lips region that contains the most valuable
information about pronounced speech. For face and lips regions
Visual data are typically stored as video sequences and contain detection we apply AAM-based algorithm implemented in the
a lot of information that is irrelevant to the pronounced speech. Dlib open source computer vision library (King, 2009).The
Such information includes the variability of the visual main idea is to match the statistical model of object shape and
appearances of different speakers. The visual features should be appearance, containing a set of 68 facial landmarks (20 in the
relatively small and sufficiently informative about the uttered mouth region), to a new image. An example of used face shape
speech, at the same time they must show a certain level of model and the algorithm results depicted in Fig. 3.
invariance against redundant information or noise in videos.
Despite many years of research, there is no any visual feature This face search algorithm shows high reliability in finding the
set universally accepted for representing visual speech. The faces in the given image. One of the major drawbacks of the
most widely used features are pixel-based (image-based) (Hong method is false detection, i.e. detection of faces on the
et al., 2006) and geometry-based (Kumar et al., 2017). In this furnishing, environment, clothing, etc. By reducing the search
paper, we use the modification to the method recently proposed area (above the neck landmark), we managed to eliminate the
in (Ivanko et al., 2018b) and apply it for the task of automatic error of false detection in TheRuSLan database.
visual speech recognition of hearing impaired people.
3.2 Parametric representation
3.1 Region-of-interest detection
In the current study we used two different state-of-the-art
TheRuSLan database contains video recordings of signers in approaches for parametric representation of visual speech:
full growth. On each frame of video data, the search for 25 key geometry-based and pixel-based.
points of the human skeleton model was carried out using
Kinect 2.0 in-build AAM based algorithm (Kar, 2010). An Geometry-based features extraction was done using method
example of a detected skeleton model is shown in Fig. 2. similar to (Ivanko et. al, 2018c). The main idea of the method is
after the normalization of the coordinates of 20 founded in the
Based on the obtained skeleton coordinates, we searched for the lips region landmarks, we calculate the Euclidean distances
ROI (face and mouth region) in the area above the neck between certain landmarks (according to table 3) and save them
landmark. Thus, we significantly reduced the number of false in the feature vector. Landmarks numbers in the table
alarms of the face detection algorithm on various objects of the correspond to the map (Howell et al., 2016), depicted in Fig. 3.
# landmarks (№) # landmarks (№)
1 49 - 61 13 54 - 64
2 61 - 60 14 64 - 53
3 60 - 68 15 64 - 52
4 68 - 59 16 52 - 63
5 59 - 67 17 52 - 62
6 67 - 58 18 62 - 51
7 67 - 57 19 62 - 50
8 57 - 66 20 50 - 61
9 66 - 56 21 62 - 68
10 56 - 65 22 63 - 67
11 65 - 55 23 64 - 66
12 65 - 54 24 61 - 65
Table 3. Feature extraction lanmarks
Figure 2. 25 key landmarks of Kinect 2.0 human skeleton model

This contribution has been peer-reviewed.

https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W12-97-2019 | © Authors 2019. CC BY 4.0 License. 99
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W12, 2019
Int. Worksh. on “Photogrammetric & Computer Vision Techniques for Video Surveillance, Biometrics and Biomedicine”, 13–15 May 2019, Moscow, Russia

After ROI detection the pixel-based visual features are

calculated as a result of the following processing steps:
greyscale conversion, histogram alignment, normalization of the
detected mouth images to 32×32 pixels, mapping to a 32-
dimentional feature vector using a principal component analysis
(Fig. 5).

3.3 Challenges

Sign language involves a large number of hand movements and

often they cover the lips region. The structure of the Russian
sign language is such that the interaction of the hand with the
mouth is necessary for a certain number of gestures. A similar
example can be seen in Figure 4. This overlap effect is a serious
problem for an automatic sign language recognition system.

In such circumstances, the algorithm for detecting lips region

works with an error and either narrows the mouth area to its
visible part (Fig. 4, top left), or tries to model the invisible part
(Fig. 4, top right). In both cases, it is difficult to achieve optimal
recognition accuracy and it is obvious that such examples
should be excluded from the training set.

In this paper, we propose to use a simple method for detecting

such cases. Using the coordinates of skeletal model obtained by Figure 4. An examples of overlap effect in Russian sign
Kinect in-build algorithm, on each frame we check how close language
the area of the hand to the face region. Those video frames on
which the hand area intersects with the face area are 5. Normalize the coordinates of the obtained landmarks.
automatically marked and excluded from the training set. Thus, 6. Calculate a number of Euclidean distances between
we managed to significantly reduce the amount of irrelevant landmarks for geometry-based features extraction.
data. 7. Calculate PCA-based visual features.
8. Save 24-dimentional geometry-based feature vector
3.4 Description of the parametric representation method and 32-dimentional pixel-based feature vector.
A general pipeline of the lips parametric representation method The proposed method allows determining speaker’s lip region
is presented in Figure 5. Proposed method involves sequential in the video stream during articulation and it represents the
execution of the following steps: region of interest as a feature vector with the dimensionality of
56 components (24 for geometry-based features and 32 for
1. Acquisition a video frame from the Kinect 2.0 device pixel-based features). The method also allows automatically
or video file. detect the intersection between hand and face regions, and
2. Calculate coordinates of 25 landmarks of the human exclude inappropriate data from the training set. This
skeleton model. parametrical representation can be used for the training of an
3. Crop the search area above the neck landmark and use automatic system of Russian sign language recognition and it is
the facial landmark detection algorithm to find 68 facial planned for further studies to augment the performance of
key points (20 in the mouth region). existing baseline.
4. Check the intersection of the face and hand regions.

Figure 5. General pipeline of the parametric representation method

This contribution has been peer-reviewed.

https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W12-97-2019 | © Authors 2019. CC BY 4.0 License. 100
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W12, 2019
Int. Worksh. on “Photogrammetric & Computer Vision Techniques for Video Surveillance, Biometrics and Biomedicine”, 13–15 May 2019, Moscow, Russia

4. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Ivanko et al., 2017. D. Ivanko, A. Karpov, D. Ryumin, I.
Kipyatkova, A. Saveliev, V. Budkov, M. Zelezny, Using a high-
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studies have not been conducted before and it is of great
practical interest to investigate how good visual speech of Ivanko et al., 2018b. D. Ivanko, D. Ryumin, I. Kipyatkova, A.
hearing impaired people can be recognized. The present study is Karpov, Lip-Reading Using Pixel-based and Geometry-based
the first step towards this direction and covers following stages: Features for Multimodal Human-robot Interfaces. In: Zavalishin
data collection, data labeling, region-of-interest detection and Readings 2019, in press.
methods for informative features extraction.
Ivanko et al., 2018c. D. Ivanko, D. Ryumin, A. Axyonov, M.
We also proposed method for parametric representation of Zelezny, Designing advanced geometric features for automatic
visual speech with adaptation to overlapping of hand and mouth Russian visual speech recognition. In: Proceedings of the 20th
regions. The feature vectors obtained using this method will International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM
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e.g. based on some types of Hidden Markov Models or deep Katsaggelos et al., 2015. K. Katsaggelos, S. Bahaadini, R.
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Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, facial regions for sign language recognition. In: Journal of
agreement No. 14.616.21.0095 (reference Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI), vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 227-
RFMEFI61618X0095). 239.

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This contribution has been peer-reviewed.

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