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Language Assessment Quarterly

ISSN: 1543-4303 (Print) 1543-4311 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hlaq20

Speech Technologies and the Assessment

of Second Language Speaking: Approaches,
Challenges, and Opportunities

Diane Litman, Helmer Strik & Gad S Lim

To cite this article: Diane Litman, Helmer Strik & Gad S Lim (2018): Speech Technologies and
the Assessment of Second Language Speaking: Approaches, Challenges, and Opportunities,
Language Assessment Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/15434303.2018.1472265

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2018.1472265

Published online: 04 Jun 2018.

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Speech Technologies and the Assessment of Second Language

Speaking: Approaches, Challenges, and Opportunities
Diane Litmana, Helmer Strikb, and Gad S Lim c

Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; bCentre for Language Studies,
Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, Netherlands; cMichigan Language Assessment, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

This article provides an overview and evaluation of the uses—actual and
potential—of automatic speech recognition (ASR) and spoken dialogue
systems (SDS), related technologies that can be applied to second language
speaking assessment, given particular definitions of the construct. Both
technologies have only gradually moved in the direction of supporting
language learning, and only more recently used for grading purposes.
How the speaking construct is defined determines one’s evaluation of the
extent to which assessments using these technologies are adequate to the
task, given different test use contexts, and what the challenges and future
research requirements are. In any event there are many opportunities for
their use in assessment, and these would be facilitated by increased cross-
disciplinary research among the language testing and speech technology

In considering what second language speaking assessment might look like in the future, it would be
negligent not to consider the role that speech technologies might have, given their increasing
ubiquity in many aspects of everyday life. Speech technologies can potentially be used both in the
delivery and scoring of speaking assessments, providing that the requirements of validity can be met.
How close these technologies are to being ready depends, among other things, on the construct being
The other articles in this special issue reflect different views of the speaking construct—
from the psycholinguistic (De Jong, this issue) to the communicative (Galaczi & Taylor, this
issue)—and different technologies are needed to implement assessments embodying different
constructs. From a psycholinguistic perspective, processing efficiency (e.g., response time, rate
of delivery, absence of pauses) can be evidence of speaking ability (Van Moere, 2012). Thus,
what is required of technology is capturing some speech sample in a way where those variables
can be recognized and measured. On the other hand, where the construct includes notions
such as interactional competence, then technology with dialogue capabilities would also be
With the above in mind, this article reviews the past, present, and potential future use of two key
and related types of technology for delivering automated speech assessments covering the range of
constructs discussed—namely, automatic speech recognition (ASR) and interactive spoken dialogue
systems (SDS) that are built on top of ASR systems—focusing on the research challenges as well as
opportunities in this area.

CONTACT Diane Litman litman@cs.pitt.edu University of Pittsburgh, 210 South Bouquet Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/hlaq.

© 2018 Taylor & Francis


Automatic speech recognition

The goal of a standard ASR system is to determine which spoken words are present in a given speech
(audio) signal. Such ASR systems generally consist of a decoder (the search algorithm) and three
“knowledge sources”: the lexicon, the language model, and the acoustic models (Figure 1). An ASR
system will first have to be trained. The input consists of the lexicon and a large corpus of audio files,
which are used to produce the language model and the acoustic models. The language model
contains probabilities of words and sequences of words. Acoustic models are models of how the
sounds of a language are pronounced. The lexicon is the connection between the language model
and the acoustic models. It therefore contains two representations for every entry: an orthographic
and a phonological transcription. Because words can be pronounced in different ways, lexicons often
contain more than one entry for some words (i.e., the pronunciation variants). After a system has
been trained, new speech samples can be presented to the system, which will then use the different
knowledge sources to recognize what was said.

History of ASR
The history of ASR research goes back to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Speech Understanding Research project, which was carried out at different sites and run from 1971
to 1976. Technologies from this period, such as hidden Markov modeling (HMM) and dynamic
programming, remain in use today. Over time, there have been significant improvements in the way
ASR systems in general come to recognize speech. Apart from HMMs, artificial neural networks
(ANNs) and hybrid HMM-ANN systems have been used. More recently, it has been shown that ASR
performance can be increased substantially by using deep neural networks (DNNs) for ASR (e.g., see
Pereyra, Tucker, Chorowski, Kaiser, & Hinton, 2016; Xiong et al., 2016).
The history of ASR for learner speech is relatively more recent, starting in the late 1990s. At the CALICO
conference in 1996 a “special interest group” on Computer Assisted Pronunciation Investigation Teaching
And Learning (CAPITAL) was formed, and in 1998, the workshop Speech Technology in Language
Learning (STiLL) was organized in Marholmen, Sweden. STiLL was followed by three InSTIL symposia:
in Besançon (Delcloque, 1999), Dundee (Delcloque, 2000), and Venice (Delmonte, 2004). At Interspeech-

Figure 1. A prototypical automated speech recognition system.


2006 in Pittsburgh, there was a special session on Speech and Language in Education (URL-IS06), and the
Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE) SIG was started. Since then, there have been seven
SLaTE workshops.
Initial attempts to apply ASR to language learning were sometimes met with disappointing
results. These were largely the result of using systems developed for native speakers and for other
purposes, such as dictation systems, without modification (Coniam, 1999; Derwing, Munro, &
Carbonaro, 2000). While ASR of native speech is already complex enough, because of well-known
problems, such as background sounds, low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), disfluencies, pronunciation
variation, and the fact that words are not clearly separated in speech, ASR of learner speech is even
more complex, because the grammar, the words used, and the pronunciation can deviate consider-
ably from what is expected, thus affecting all three “knowledge sources” of the ASR system.
Furthermore, speech in a second language (L2) tends to contain more disfluencies and hesitation
phenomena than native speech, which can manifest in different ways, depending on learners’
proficiency level (Cucchiarini, Van Doremalen, & Strik, 2010). These differences between L1 and
L2 speech are so extensive that the ASR performance is degraded considerably (Van Compernolle,
2001; Van Doremalen, Cucchiarini, & Strik, 2010, 2011). Consequently, the negative findings
obtained in the early days relate to the inappropriate use of those systems rather than to ASR
technology in general (Strik, Neri, & Cucchiarini, 2008), and people working in the area have come
to recognize the need to develop systems with learners in mind and to train systems using learner
It should be noted that most ASR research related to learner speech has focused on using the
technology for language learning (CALL) rather than on assessment of the type that involves
grading. For instance, at the 1998 STiLL workshop in Marholmen, there were just two papers on
assessment: Townshend, Bernstein, Todic, and Warren (1998) on the PhonePass system and
Cucchiarini, Strik, and Boves (1998) about the Automatic testing of oral proficiency project
(Cucchiarini, Strik, & Boves, 2000a, 2000b, 2002). The subsequent InSTiL and SLaTE workshops
also paid more attention to learning than to grading.

Assessing speaking fundamentally requires eliciting a language sample and evaluating that language
sample. The assessment outcomes can be provided in the form of feedback (in CALL) or in the form
of grades (in testing). Where elicitation is concerned, it should be kept in mind that the design of
assessment, particularly in the form of test tasks, has always been jointly determined by the construct
being measured and by what the constraints of technology and practicality allow. In speaking
assessments using ASR-based technology, task types used have generally included reading aloud,
elicited imitation, and short free responses. For evaluation, most often, the procedure is as follows:
recorded speech is parsed and tagged, and machine scores (predictors, independent variables) for
these are obtained (semi-)automatically, and are evaluated by comparing them to one or more
reference scores (criteria, dependent variables) obtained manually. The features evaluated relate to
repeat accuracy, length of production, fluency (e.g., rate of speech; number and duration of pauses,
silences, and disfluencies), vocabulary, grammatical accuracy (by comparing to a reference language
model), and pronunciation (by comparing to a reference acoustic model).
Many studies have been conducted to compare the quality of these automated scores with those
produced by human markers. In general, the relation between human and automatic grading improves if
longer stretches of speech and multiple utterances are used (e.g., Bernstein, 2012; Neumeyer, Franco,
Digalakis, & Weintraub, 2000).” For repeat accuracy, Graham, Lonsdale, Kennington, Johnson, and
McGhee (2008) used an Elicited Imitation (EI) task, where learners have to listen and then repeat utterances
that varied in complexity and length. High correlations (0.92) were observed between automatic and human
EI scores. Cook, McGhee, and Lonsdale (2011) used the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) to obtain scores
on L2 oral proficiency, as have De Wet and colleagues (De Wet, Van Der Walt, & Niesler, 2009; Müller, De

Wet, Van Der Walt, & Niesler, 2009), and found similar results. In all these studies it was found that repeat
accuracy can be a good predictor of oral proficiency.
Fluency-related features is the focus of several studies (Cucchiarini et al., 2000b, 2002, 2010;
Ginther, Dimova, & Yang, 2010). It was found that automatic measures can be used to predict
fluency ratings, but the predictive power of such measures is stronger for read speech than for
spontaneous speech. Different speakers and utterances were used, but many similarities were
observed: higher for spontaneous speech are articulation rate, mean length of silent pauses, total
duration of silent pauses, number of filled pauses; lower for spontaneous speech are rate of speech
and phonation/time ratio (obviously, because the number and length of the pauses is larger), and
number of broken words.
Some assessment research has also noted the importance of pronunciation in accounting for L2
oral proficiency (e.g., Isaacs, this issue; Plough, Briggs, & Van Bonn, 2010). For this reason, rate of
speech has also been compared to other features, such as “goodness of pronunciation” measures, a
likelihood ratio that compares the phones produced against the phones expected (Kanters,
Cucchiarini, & Strik, 2009; Strik, Truong, De Wet, & Cucchiarini, 2009; Witt & Young, 2000). In
Cucchiarini et al. (2000a), correlations were calculated between automatic measures and four human
scores—an overall score, and three subscores (segmental quality, fluency, and speech rate) for a
reading task. In this and in other studies (De Wet et al., 2009; Müller et al., 2009), the correlations
for “goodness of pronunciation” measures were generally lower than those for rate of speech and
repeat accuracy.
Two of the better known oral proficiency test engines are Versant, which is now used in the
Pearson PTE Academic speaking test, and SpeechRater, which the Educational Testing Service
(ETS) uses in its TOEFL practice speaking tests. Versant, originally called SET-10 or PhonePass,
was originally developed by Ordinate Corporation (Bernstein, 1999; Bernstein & Cheng, 2007;
Townshend et al., 1998). The tasks included are reading aloud, repeating sentences, and giving
short answers to questions. Machine subscores are calculated on pronunciation, fluency, vocabu-
lary, and sentence mastery, and these subscores are then combined to obtain one overall score.
Reported correlations with human raters are 0.84–0.92 for the subscores and 0.92 overall
(Bernstein & Cheng, 2007). Similar correlations are reported for Dutch as a target language in
De Jong, Lennig, Kerkhoff, and Poelmans (2009). In SpeechRater, various features are extracted
from the audio signal and then combined by means of a multiple regression scoring model (Xi,
Higgins, Zechner, & Williamson, 2008; Zechner et al., 2014; Zechner, Higgins, Xi, & Williamson,
2009). When all of the learner’s responses are aggregated, a speaker-level correlation of 0.73 is
obtained (Zechner et al., 2014).

Some questions that arise from the foregoing include the following: What type of speech should be used in
assessments, and how should they be elicited? Which human and machine scores should be considered, and
how should such scores be obtained and validated?
Where type of speech is concerned, as previously noted, most studies have used constrained tasks, such as
reading aloud and elicited imitation. There have also been some attempts to study less constrained, more
spontaneous speech (e.g., Cuccharini et al., 2002; Zechner et al., 2009), but these are of course more difficult
for speech technology to handle and the results contain more errors. Whether the domain is constrained
(e.g., asking for directions) or open will also affect system performance. Beyond the tasks being more or less
constrained, they also need to be at the appropriate level. If the task is too easy, the elicited speech will
contain too few errors and there will be little variation in the scores. The task should be at the right level of
challenge, so that enough errors are made. For instance, Luo, Minematsu, Yamauchi, and Hiroshi (2009)
found that shadowing, a repeat task where test takers only hear the utterance they need to produce, predicts
L2 oral proficiency better than tasks where they read the utterance, because it is more demanding. In many
cases an adaptive task would be preferable.

Questions also arise regarding the human reference scores and the machine scores. While the
number of human scores used in a study is often limited, it is possible to obtain many possible
machine scores. Some of these scores can be computed easily by means of standard technology,
whereas other scores require dedicated technology that is specifically developed and optimized for
these tasks. If the scores can be calculated automatically, and thus can be obtained (several times) for
large amounts of speech, testing reliability and validity are less problematic for these scores. The
main questions then are which scores should be calculated and how. Because scores can be calculated
in different ways, it makes it difficult to make comparisons between studies. What the desired
reference measures are will differ from case to case, which can come down to different construct
Many different types of machine scores were used in the studies previously discussed, and high
correlations were obtained in many of them. This seems to imply that various machine scores
contribute to the reference score and that there is a large amount of covariation (overlap) between
different machine scores. The question then is what to do with these observations. If high correla-
tions are obtained for different machine scores, for different types of speech elicited with different
tasks, would it then be sufficient to take one of these procedures (e.g., repeat accuracy in elicited
imitation), or should we take a combination of these procedures to obtain a more thorough
assessment of different aspects of L2 speaking proficiency? If it’s the latter, then the questions are
which ones and how to combine them.
Finally, it should be noted that obtaining and interpreting such results (including the correlations) should
be done carefully. Details of the procedures used to obtain human and machine scores can influence the
results. Therefore, relevant details of these procedures should be clearly described. Even better would be
open access to all the data and the software used to calculate the scores, which would improve making
comparisons between studies. Because the human scores are used as benchmarks to evaluate the machine
scores, these human scores should preferably be evaluated themselves (e.g., by calculating inter- and intra-
rater agreement and reliability scores) (e.g., see Cucchiarini et al., 2000b; Stolarova, Wolf, Rinker, &
Brielmann, 2014). Furthermore, many of the studies are scientific lab tests based on corpora of recorded
speech, and it is well known that results for such controlled lab tests are often (much) better than those
obtained in real-life use in practice.
It would appear that the two test providers earlier mentioned have chosen different approaches to dealing
with these challenges, by taking different approaches to construct definition and test design and, following
that, to determining the suitability of their assessments for various uses. Pearson has chosen to define
speaking ability as a psycholinguistic construct (Van Moere, 2012), seeing it as a “real-time activity that
requires planning, formulating, articulating, and monitoring” (Downey, Farhady, Present-Thomas, Suzuki,
& Van Moere, 2008, p. 162) and that test scores reflect test takers’ ability to use “core language component
process in real time by quantifying the ease with which the speaker can access and retrieve lexical items,
build phrases and clause structures, and articulate responses, without conscious attention to the linguistic
code” (Downey et al., 2008, p. 162). Thus defined, the technology does adequately assess the chosen
construct and avoids the question and criticism of the mostly constrained tasks not being particularly
communicative or interactive (Bernstein, 1999; Chapelle & Chung, 2010; Chun, 2006). The correlation
between scores obtained on these tests with scores obtained on oral proficiency interviews is cited as further
proof of the technology’s readiness.
For its part, ETS defines speaking in communicative terms, as “the use of oral language to interact
directly and immediately with others” (Butler, Eignor, Jones, McNamara, & Suomi, 2000, p. 2) in
academic settings. The effects of this can be seen in TOEFL speaking test tasks that are more
contextualized and less restricted (Pearlman, 2008; Xi et al., 2008), and in a research program that
seeks to develop automated measures that account for content, coherence, and interactive speaking
(Evanini et al., 2014; Evanini, Xie, & Zechner, 2013; Wang, Evanini, & Zechner, 2013). While more
contextualized, the tasks remain monologic rather than interactive, and the less restricted the tasks,
the more challenging to evaluate.

Thus, Pearson takes a psycholinguistic approach to construct definition, contends that their ASR-based
technology captures that construct of L2 speaking ability sufficiently, and therefore, if one accepts their
argument, ready for (and indeed has been deployed in) high-stakes testing; however, ETS takes a more
communicative approach to construct definition and, going by that definition, concluded that ASR-based
technology is not quite ready for use in high-stakes testing and therefore uses them only in practice tests,
subject to further research and improvement.
In any event it is encouraging that the performance of ASR has gradually improved, and recently
the use of deep learning through DNNs has led to a boost in performance (e.g., see Pereyra et al.,
2016; Xiong et al., 2016), and has also been used for assessing speech (Cheng, Chen, & Metallinou,
2015; Tao, Ghaffarzadegan, Chen, & Zechner, 2016), and their content (Evanini et al., 2013; Malinin,
Van Dalen, Wang, Knill, & Gales, 2016; Yoon & Xie, 2014). The possibilities of using ASR-based
technology are thus increasing, which could make it possible to shift from relatively simple and
constrained tasks to more complex ones, such as the spontaneous speech and dialogic tasks required
by communicative constructs, to which we now turn.

Spoken dialogue systems

In communicatively oriented speaking tests (e.g., IELTS), candidates produce not only individual turns but
also engage in question-answering and discussion with an examiner (Seedhouse, Harris, Naeb, & And
Ustunel, 2014). It is thus worth seeing to what extent technology—in the form of spoken dialogue systems—
can automate candidate-examiner interaction. ASR is the starting point for interactive spoken dialogue
systems (SDS), which use both speech and natural language processing technologies to enable extended
human-machine conversations. Standard SDS consist of the following set of system components, typically
in a pipelined architecture (Figure 2). The ASR component, as described previously, first transcribes a
spoken user utterance. Next, the natural language understanding component extracts the transcription’s
syntactic structure and/or meaning, which is used by the dialogue manager to determine an appropriate
system response. Finally, the natural language generation component maps the desired content of the system
response to a text string, which is given to the text-to-speech component to produce a spoken system

Figure 2. Sample SDS architecture.


utterance. This overview will primarily focus on the dialogue manager of the SDS, which is probably the
most challenging component of the system.
Unlike ASR, dialogue management has neither a dominant computational paradigm nor a
standard evaluation goal. Methods for building dialogue managers include both hand-crafted and
data-driven approaches, while the dialogue managers themselves are formalized by using a wide
variety of computational representations. For evaluation, metrics range from subjective assessments,
such as usability, to objective criteria, such as rate of task completion or time spent executing a task.

History of SDS
The earliest conversational systems were text rather than speech based and thus did not include
either an ASR or a text-to-speech component. An extremely early but well-known example is the
ELIZA program, which simulated a therapist by using simple pattern-matching techniques
(Weizenbaum, 1966). As computing power and ASR quality improved (e.g., in supporting real-
time recognition of speaker-independent, large vocabulary, continuous speech), researchers started
exploring the feasibility of building spoken dialogue systems. While the potential benefits of moving
from typed to spoken user input include remote or hands-free access, ease of use, and naturalness,
spoken input also introduces new technical challenges, such as making a dialogue manager robust to
error-prone ASR. As with ASR, much foundational SDS research was funded by DARPA in the
1990s through its Air Travel Information Service (ATIS) program and later through its
Communicator program. Since then, commercial SDS have become numerous, with applications
ranging from call centers (e.g., AT&T’s early “How May I Help You?” system (Gorin, Riccardi, &
Wright, 1997)) to current-day intelligent personal assistants, such as Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s
Cortana for operating systems, and Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant for smart speakers.
Although SDS have become common in a variety of well-chosen application areas, language
assessment is not yet one of them. Most SDS research still focuses on task-oriented and information-
seeking applications, such as providing telephone or microphone access to restaurant (Gasic et al.,
2013) or tourist (Singh, Litman, Kearns, & Walker, 2002; Young et al., 2010) information.
Nonetheless, there is increasing interest in building SDS for educational applications, ranging
from one-on-one tutoring systems for STEM (Forbes-Riley & Litman, 2011) to systems for teaching
or assessing the speaking skills of L2 learners in immersion-like situations (Eskenazi, 2009).
As with CALL, recent decades have seen the emergence of several special interest groups, work-
shops, and conference special sessions focusing on educational applications of speech and language
technologies (including SDS). Beginning in the 1990s a series of tutorial dialogue systems workshops
began to span the Artificial Intelligence and Education and the Natural Language Processing (NLP)
communities, although most work focused on typed rather than spoken dialogue systems and on
STEM rather than language domains. In 2003 the first of a series of (North American Chapter of the)
Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL/ACL) workshops on Innovative Use of NLP for
Building Educational Applications was held. Besides the already noted formation in 2006 of the
ISCA SIG Speech and Language Technology in Education and its associated organization of seven
workshops, there have also been related special sessions at Interspeech. However, the proportion of
SDS research at these events (both in general and as applied to language learning/assessment in
particular) is still rather low. As with CALL, there also seems to be more interest in developing
learning rather than assessment SDS technology.
Currently, most automated spoken language training or assessment is based on a learner’s
response to a stimulus, such as an image or a reading, and is typically noninteractive in that system
behavior does not vary on the basis of the learner’s prior response(s). Even when using an SDS to
perform interactive training or assessment, the language skills being assessed are themselves often
noninteractive (e.g., based on utterance-level properties, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, or
grammar). For example, in language learning, an interactive SDS was developed to support perso-
nalized pronunciation training by using the learner’s dialogue history to dynamically pick a next

training sentence that would be optimal for the learner (Su, Wu, & Lee, 2015). Although the system
was primarily evaluated with simulated users, two real learners who used the system demonstrated
pronunciation improvements from pre- to posttest. Although not a language-learning system per se,
Raux and Eskenazi (2004) showed how modifying prompts of a task-oriented SDS based on a user’s
prior input could implicitly teach non-native speakers how to improve their vocabulary and
To date, there has been little work in using the interactive capabilities of an SDS to teach and
assess interactive language skills themselves. The research in this area has typically involved the
construction of scenarios in which learners need to have a successful conversation with a system to
achieve a scenario’s goals (Litman et al., 2016; Seneff, Wang, & Chao, 2007). While most approaches
have involved two-party dialogues, a recent variant aimed at engaging young learners and providing
more conversational roles for learners created a trialogue-based system where learners interacted
with two system partners (Evanini et al., 2014). A preliminary evaluation suggested the promise of
using standard SDS components for young language learners and of using trialogue tasks to assess
conversational competence. Other groups have used SDS technology to help language learners
acquire not only language skills but also the cultural skills needed to complete a task via conversa-
tional interaction (Johnson & Valente, 2008) and to provide an opportunity for conversational
practice via the use of chatbots (Cabral et al., 2014). McGraw and Seneff (2007) suggest that despite
the limitations of SDS technology, language learning and assessment applications have properties
(e.g., more user tolerance of recognition errors, pedagogical value of misrecognized utterances,
usefulness of scenario-guided conversations in narrow domains) that system designers can exploit
to yield robust SDS—at least from the speech and language perspective. Finally, although interactive
dialogue proficiency is multifaceted, many of these facets are related to current research in SDS
(Jurafsky & Martin, 2009). This synergy suggests the promise of using SDS to assess a variety of
conversational skills as is discussed below.

Just as the needs of CALL require different approaches to ASR, depending on the speaking construct,
significant modification will likely be required of existing approaches to SDS and also to the design
of assessments. First, because of technology limitations, conversations with dialogue systems exhibit
different characteristics (e.g., they are simpler and more constrained) than conversations with other
humans. For example, a timetable dialogue system might open a conversation with “Where are you
leaving from?” rather than “How may I help you?” to keep the user’s reply within the system’s
vocabulary and grammar. It is unclear whether dialogue systems will be able to yield the types of user
conversational behaviors that one would ideally wish to assess. While dialogue systems technology
may be useful for automating routine interactions (e.g., where human examiners currently use
standardized scripts to ask questions about familiar topics), automating more open-ended interactive
discussions that assessors are interested in will be much more challenging. Thus, the assessor will
need to consider the extent to which their construct can accommodate such deviation from authentic
dialogues. It should be noted, however, that this challenge exists not just for SDS but also for
interactive speaking tests involving human interlocutors, which are also somewhat constrained and
routinized (Seedhouse & Egbert, 2006; Seedhouse & Harris, 2011) in service of the requirements of
Second, in speaking assessment applications, not only the dialogue systems but also the users have
limited speaking skills. Language learners are more likely to speak with incorrect pronunciation and
to use incorrect lexical and grammatical structures (e.g., “When the bus?” rather than “When is the
next bus?”). This will pose challenges for current dialogue system techniques and resources, which
are designed to accept speech and language inputs from conversationally proficient users. While the
complications for ASR were discussed earlier, similar issues are relevant for all of the other
components of a SDS, and dedicated technology will likely again be needed to handle the challenges.

Though, for assessment purposes, a weakness may be turned into strength, and the number of
instances and how severely the dialogue breaks down can potentially be a measure of a learner’s
abilities or lack thereof.
Third, from the perspective of building on tutorial dialogue system technology, another challenge
of language learning is that most user utterances—particularly when going beyond routine interac-
tions such as form-filling—will be neither clearly right nor wrong. This will make utterance
assessment, and in turn feedback generation, more difficult than tutoring in a well-defined domain.
For example, while “friction” is an incorrect physics response to the question “What are the forces
exerted on the man after he releases his keys?” and “gravity” is a correct response (Forbes-Riley &
Litman, 2011), both are appropriate conversational responses in the sense that they attempt to
answer the question and the content is loosely on topic. While current tutorial technology typically
builds on task-oriented or information-seeking dialogue systems, systems for language learning
might also need to incorporate aspects of chatbot systems (where the goal is not to deeply under-
stand a user but instead to move the conversation forward by providing vague system responses).
Fortunately, chatbot research is becoming of increasing interest to the SDS community.
Finally, to be useful in a pedagogical or assessment setting, the SDS will need to be easily
configurable by language experts (who are not likely to be proficient in building spoken dialogue
systems) to blend into existing structures. While statistical approaches to building SDS can reduce
the costs of system configuration and deployment by replacing manual authoring with automatic
knowledge acquisition directly from conversational data, a large amount of training data is first
needed. Although the SDS community is increasingly making transactions with various task-oriented
SDS freely available (e.g., see the download materials at dialrc.org or http://research.microsoft.com/
en-us/events/dstc/), similar corpora suitable for training language-oriented SDS are as yet unavail-
able. In fact, creating such resources will likely pose challenges for existing corpus collection and
annotation methods (e.g., how to change existing SDS systems) to facilitate human scoring (e.g.,
logging the speech file for the complete dialogue rather than a single side of the conversation)
(Litman et al., 2016).

Despite the challenges noted above, human-human assessment dialogues do share some features with
existing computer-human dialogues (e.g., both human assessors and computers use standardized scripts
and utterances, as illustrated by the human assessment dialogue excerpt from the IELTS Speaking test in
Figure 3). There is also a base of related educational and SDS technology that SDS-based assessment can
build on (e.g., automatic assessment systems for spontaneous but nonconversational speech; SDS for
tutoring and chatbots). Thus, there are targeted opportunities for performing interactive spoken language
assessment in the context of a spoken dialogue system. These include both utterance-level assessment of
what a user says and how the user says it (which is already needed to guide the real-time operation of the

Figure 3. Testing dialogue excerpt between an IELTS human examiner and candidate (Seedhouse et al., 2014).

dialogue manager), as well as dialogue-level assessment of conversational properties, such as turn-taking

and dialogue structure (which can evaluate a user’s conversational abilities by examining multiple
At the utterance-level, a dialogue manager typically uses the assessments from the speech
recognition and natural language understanding components, in conjunction with an internal
representation of system state, to decide what the dialogue system should do next. If a finite state
machine is used to computationally represent a dialogue manager, the SDS is modeled as being in
exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time, with the dialogue manager defined by a list
of its states, its initial state, and the conditions for moving from one state to another. A common
approach is to have the states correspond to system utterances, with the assessments of user
utterances determining the transitions between states.
Figure 4 presents part of an example finite state dialogue manager that could generate the IELTS
Speaking test dialogue shown in Figure 3. In Figure 4, the states are shown as rounded boxes, with
the initial state highlighted by shadowing. The arrows show how utterance assessment (i.e., the
output of the natural language understanding component, recall Figure 2) is used to move from one
state to another. Given this particular dialogue manager, a system would begin a dialogue by using
natural language generation (recall Figure 2) to generate an utterance associated with the initial state.
The examiner’s first utterance in Figure 3 is one possibility. Next, the candidate’s reply is assessed by
the natural language understanding (NLU) component. In this dialogue manager, only a simple
meaning assessment is needed to map an utterance to one of two answers desired by the system. For
example, the candidate’s utterance in Figure 3 would be assessed as job = student. This would cause
the system to transition to the Ask (subject) state and generate an associated system utterance; the
examiner’s second utterance in Figure 3 could be one possibility. Note that speech and natural
language processing can be used to assess the speech files and transcriptions representing the user’s
utterances for many linguistic dimensions. For example, syntactic analysis can be used to detect
grammatical errors. If assessment was for syntax rather than meaning, one possible arrow from the
start state might have been labeled “NLU: grammatical = NO” and this arrow might have led to a
state, such as Ask (repeat-but-grammatically). Semantic analysis can be used to assess meaning for
an expected answer at both fine (e.g., paraphrase recognition) and coarse (e.g., on-topic or off-topic
recognition) grained levels of analysis. Knowledge of pragmatics can be used to assess skills, such as
politeness, whereas knowledge of discourse can be used to evaluate local contextual coherence.
Finally, acoustic and prosodic information particular to speech can be used to assess speaking
fluency and to improve the recognition of an utterance’s conversational function.

Figure 4. Sample finite state dialogue manager.


While utterance-level assessment in an interactive spoken dialogue system may overlap with
existing assessment tasks in noninteractive contexts, there are often differences in moving to a
dialogue context. Fortunately, work in both tutorial SDS and in spontaneous speech assessment have
provided insights and results to build on. For example, the goal of traditional short answer scoring is
to produce a numeric score that agrees with a gold-standard human score, using statistical techni-
ques, such as lexical or semantic similarity, as well as approaches based on deeper semantic
processing and inference. In contrast, the goal of short answer assessment in a dialogue system is
to use similar methods to assign a label corresponding to an allowable transition from the system’s
current dialogue state (e.g., in a tutorial dialogue system, assessing a response to a tutor’s question as
correct, partially correct, or wrong, to reach the dialogue state corresponding to the most appropriate
system feedback) (Dzikovska, Nielsen, & Brew, 2012).
Second, and as previously noted for CALL, utterances produced during dialogue are often more
spontaneous and unconstrained than utterances produced in noninteractive contexts, making them
less predictable and harder to assess on many dimensions. As a result, compared to text, assessment
of speech proficiency has focused less on aspects, such as semantics, discourse, and pragmatics where
errors in ASR can propagate, and more on aspects, such as pronunciation and fluency. Nonetheless,
there have been some promising results on the assessment of spontaneous speech using dimensions
based on ASR output (e.g., syntax, discourse) or using holistic scales, such as ones based on the
CEFR (e.g., Shashidhar, Pandey, & Aggarwal, 2015; Van Dalen, Knill, & Gales, 2015; Wang et al.,
2013; Xiong, Evanini, Zechner, & Chen, 2013; Zechner & Bejar, 2006).
In addition, the interactive capabilities of dialogue systems enable the use of SDS methods, such
as dialogue state tracking, to better handle noisy utterance assessments. In contrast to a finite state
dialogue manager where the system operates on the basis of being in one state at a time and discards
any information regarding the less likely states, with state tracking the dialogue manager instead
estimates the probability of transitioning to all possible states. For example, in Figure 4, after
processing an utterance, such as “I’m at a university,” the system might believe that it is in the
student-answer state with 75% probability, the work-answer state with 20% probability, and the
nonunderstanding state with 5% probability. This capability provides robustness to ASR errors and
to ambiguities that often can be resolved further in the dialogue. State tracking is often implemented
by using methods from artificial intelligence such as Bayesian networks (Williams, Raux,
Ramachandran, & Black, 2013). Another approach to handling uncertainty is to trigger a system
clarification (e.g., Stoyanchev, Liu, & Hirschberg, 2013) when the best assessment of a user’s
utterance is of low confidence. Finally, although utterance assessments for online dialogue manage-
ment must be based on linguistic features that can be computed in real-time, a wealth of such
features exists in the SDS literature.
At the dialogue-level, assessment typically involves higher-level and contextual user abilities that
require multiple utterances of the dialogue for analysis and that reflect the fact that dialogue is a joint
activity involving two or more conversational participants. For example, in a coherent dialogue,
consecutive user utterances should not be isolated and unrelated to one another. Instead, user
utterances should exhibit semantic and topical relationships with both the system’s and the user’s
utterance history (e.g., Gandhe & Traum, 2008). In addition, user utterances should be used to
achieve appropriate conversational functions, such as providing an answer after a system question,
or ending the dialogue with a closing rather than a greeting (e.g., Cuayáhuitl, Dethlefs, Hastie, &
Lemon, 2013). Users should also be able to use linguistic devices, such as referring expressions,
connectives, prosody, etc., that are both consistent with the underlying relationships between
utterances and that are used at appropriate times during the conversation (e.g., Gravano,
Hirschberg, & Beňuš, 2012). For turn-taking abilities, users should be able to both recognize when
it is their turn in a dialogue and use linguistic signals to convey to the system that they are
maintaining or ending their turn (e.g., Raux & Eskenazi, 2009). Users must also be able to effectively
and collaboratively coordinate the conversation with the system (e.g., Visser, Traum, DeVault, & Op
Den Akker, 2014), making it clear what the user has actually heard and understood, generating

confirmations to the system when necessary, and appropriately recovering from system
Most research in the area of SDS has focused on understanding the human dialogue abilities that were
enumerated above to build better spoken dialogue systems, rather than to assess user behavior along
conversational dimensions. Nonetheless, there are approaches being developed to evaluate the quality of
simulated (i.e., computer) users of a spoken dialogue system which work in SDS that language assessment
could build upon. Prior work, for example, has evaluated simulated users for features, such as quantity of
user activity, distribution of dialogue functions of user utterances, and overall success and efficiency of the
interaction (e.g., Ai & Litman, 2008). Evaluation frameworks have similarly been developed to evaluate the
quality of dialogue systems (e.g., for optimizing user satisfaction) (Walker, Litman, Kamm, & Abella, 1997).
Such evaluation approaches could potentially be adapted to assess the dialogue abilities of human partners
from their interactions with spoken dialogue systems.
For example, in routine scenarios, whether and how quickly the dialogue resulted in task
completion could be assessed, while for any conversation the quality of the dialogue could be
assessed by examining user response times to questions, utterance content for topic and conversa-
tional function, presence of overlapping speech, number of clarification and repetition requests by
both conversational partners, and so on.

Significant progress has been made in ASR and SDS so that these systems are now beginning to be
used for assessing language learners’ speaking abilities, albeit the language produced and assessed in
these assessments, whether monologic or dialogic, are on the whole relatively constrained.
To what extent such assessments adequately assess speaking ability depends in part on how the construct
is defined. Some have defined speaking ability in psycholinguistic terms and see that the features measured
by present-day systems do capture the construct. Others define speaking ability in communicative terms as
involving interactional competence, and for these there is some way to go before such assessments can be
used in higher-stakes contexts. Ultimately, the validity of tests for particular uses depends on appropriate
validity arguments being made and evidence being shown for them (Kane, 2006). There are no perfect tests,
because test design is always about balancing different desired qualities, not all of which can be jointly
maximized (Saville, 2003). Like technology-based speaking assessments have their limitations, so also do
human-mediated speaking tests. Thus, the validity of the former, as with the latter, will depend on all the
other elements that make up the assessment. Indeed, it should be noted that the above presume constructs
that see speaking as human-to-human interaction. However, increasingly, people are also having spoken
interactions with computers, and the day may come when what we want to assess is the ability to
communicate both with humans and with machines, in which case the validity equation for using these
technologies changes completely.
But before that day, the further application of these technologies to speaking assessment would be
facilitated by more communication and collaboration between the language assessment and spoken
language technologies communities. Particularly useful would be the development of conversational
scenarios that respect the constraints and best practices of both communities, the collection of associated
corpora of learner-SDS interactions, and the manual scoring of such interactions to produce “gold-
standard” assessments that are the target for automation. For example, a recent proof-of-concept study
(Litman et al., 2016) demonstrated the feasibility of (a) using existing SDS to collect dialogues with non-
native speakers of English, (b) human-assessing CEFR levels in such SDS speech, and (c) using an automated
assessment system designed for prompted but noninteractive speech to yield assessment scores that can
positively correlate with humans. More research along these lines would not only facilitate the formulation
of more well-defined interdisciplinary research tasks but would generate important technical resources for
the data-driven design and evaluation of automated systems for spoken language assessment that more fully
capture the construct for the future.

Gad S Lim http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5208-4953

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