Advertiesment of Director & RO 2021
Advertiesment of Director & RO 2021
Advertiesment of Director & RO 2021
CCS NIAM invites applications for the following posts on Direct Recruitment and Deputation
S. No. Name of the Post Pay Matrix Level Category Direct Recruitment basis/
(As per 7th CPC) Deputation basis
Last date for receipt of applications forms to DG, CCS NIAM, Jaipur within a period of 60
days from the date of issue/publishing of this advertisement in the Employment News.
Applicants are required to “super-scribe” name of the post on the envelope in bold letters.
Director General, CCS NIAM reserves the right to cancel this Employment Notice.
Note:(1) Applicants applying for the post of Director (On Deputation basis) are required to send
hard copies of their application with all requisite documents and enclosures only through proper
(2) Applicants applying for the post of Research Officer also required to send hard copies of their
application with all enclosures.
Details of eligibility conditions and the prescribed Performa is available on website
Post Director on Deputation basis
Name of the Post:-Director
1. No. of Post : 01 (One)
2. Classification of Post: Group "A".
3. Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Level-13-A (Rs.131100-216600)
4. Age Limit : The maximum age limit for appointment shall not be
Exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of
5. Eligibility Conditions and educational qualifications for appointment on Direct
Recruitment basis:
(a) High Second class Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics/ Agricultural Marketing /
Economics/ Commerce/ Statistics/ Marketing Management/ Computer Science/
Communication/ Agricultural Engineering with a specialization in post-harvest
management (Packaging, transportation, Storage) M.Sc. Entomology with specialization
in storage of Agricultural Commodities from a recognized University or equivalent.
(b) Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
6. The following documents need to be sent along with the application by applicants
employed in Government Sector.
(i) Bio data as per Performa given (Annexure-I)
(ii) Photocopies of ACRs for the last five years duly attested (signed and stamped) on
each page by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of
(iii) Vigilance Clearance Certificate (Annexure – II).
(iv) Integrity Certificate from present employers if any for last five years. (Annexure –
(v) No Penalty and Cadre Clearance Certificate or a statement giving details of major or
minor penalties imposed on the officer, if any, during the last 5 years (Annexure – IV
& V)
7. The each page of application and the enclosures must be signed by the applicant.
It may also be verified and certified that the particulars furnished by the officer are correct.
Advance copies of application or those received after the prescribed closing date or not
accompanied by the required certificates/documents are liable to be rejected.
Research Officer for Direct Recruitment Basis
1. Name of the Post : Research Officer
2. No. of Post : 04 (Four)( 03 UR and 01 OBC)
3. Classification of Post: Group "A".
4. Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Level- 10 (Rs. 56100-177500)
5. Age Limit : The maximum age limit for appointment shall not be
exceeding 30 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. Age relaxation
as per Govt. of India norms.
6. Eligibility Conditions and educational qualifications for appointment on Direct
Recruitment basis:
(a) High 2nd class Masters’ Degree in Agricultural Statistics, Agricultural Economics/
Agricultural Marketing/Management/ Horticulture/Geography with a specialization in
GIS/Sociology/ Psychology with specialization in behavioral science/ Economics/
Commerce/ Statistics/ Computer Science/ Communication/ Agricultural Engineer with
specialization in Post-Harvest Management (Packaging, Transportation, Storage) M.Sc.
Entomology with specialization in storage of Agricultural Commodities from a
recognized University or equivalent.
(b) Experience in Research & Training in the subject.
(c) Training or experience in Computer programming/system designs/Analysis.
Application or those received after the prescribed closing date or not accompanied by the
required certificates/documents are liable to be rejected.
Annexure –I
Scale of Nature of
SN. Office/Institution Post held Duration pay and duties
basic pay (in detail)
(i) From To
3. List of publication (Article, Research Paper, Technical Bulletin and Book Chapters)
Articles ……………………….
Research Papers.........................
Technical Bulletins …………...
Book Chapters ………………
Reports, if any ………………
4. Teaching Experience
5. Administrative Experience
c) Name of the parent office/ organization to which you belong (in case of deputation).
8. Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the
relevant column)
a) Central Govt.
b) State Govt.
c) Autonomous Organization
d) Government undertaking
e) Universities
f) Others
g) (i) Are you a Government Servant – Yes/No
(ii) Are you in Revised Scale of pay as per Seventh Pay Commission, If yes, give
the date from which the revisiontook place and also indicate the pre-revised
i) Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your
suitability for the post. (This among other things may provide information with regard to
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/ advertisement and I am well aware
that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by
the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post.
Countersigned by Employer with seal
For the post of Director (on Deputation basis) / Research Officer on direct
recruitment basis
(Authorized Signatory)
Name of Officer:
Designation of Officer:
Office Seal:
(Authorized Signatory)
Name of Officer:
Designation of Officer:
Office Seal:
Certified that no major/ minor penalty has been imposed on Shri/ Smt,/ Ms.
who has applied for the post of ……………………………….
in CCS, NIAM, Jaipur on direct recruitment / deputation basis during the last five years.
(Authorized Signatory)
Name of Officer:
Designation of Officer:
Office Seal:
(Authorized Signatory)
Name of Officer:
Designation of Officer:
Office Seal: