A Review of Plastic Waste Biodegradation
A Review of Plastic Waste Biodegradation
A Review of Plastic Waste Biodegradation
To cite this article: Ying Zheng, Ernest K. Yanful & Amarjeet S. Bassi (2005) A Review
of Plastic Waste Biodegradation, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 25:4, 243-250, DOI:
Plastics are man-made long chain polymeric molecules.30 They are widely
used, economical materials characterized by excellent all-round properties, easy
molding and manufacturing. Traditionally plastics are very stable and not read-
ily degraded in the ambient environment. As a result, environmental pollution
from synthetic plastics has been recognized as a large problem. For instance,
statistics published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in
2003 indicated that, before recycling, approximately 236 million tons of mu-
nicipal solid waste (MSW) was generated in the United States in that year, of
which 11.3% was composed of plastics.32 Only a small fraction of this plastic
Address correspondence to Amarjeet
S. Bassi, Department of Chemical and waste (mostly soft drink and other bottles) was recovered.32 Thus the remain-
Biochemical Engineering. The ing quantity of plastic waste was required to be disposed. Most of this plastic
University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario N6A 5B9, Canada.
waste has been accumulating in landfills. Therefore, in order to save capacity
E-mail: abassi@uwo.ca for plastic waste disposal, there is a growing interest both in the development
of newer, readily biodegradable plastics and in the TABLE 1 Main plastics and their applications (the list is not
biodegradation of conventional plastic waste. The
present study reviews current research in these areas. Plastics Applications
Synthetic polyester blends Flexible films and tubing. Dupont 1. Higher cost
(Amorphous) Properties similar to LDPE 2. Lack of infrastructure for
disposal such as composting
and recycling
Semi-crystalline polyesters Rigid Containers, packing Dupont 3. May require blending with
Aromatic-Aliphatic General purpose and Eastman, other polyesters or polymers
Copolyesters films, lawn and garden BASF to obtain desired properties
bags, netting, food wraps 4. Bacterial derived
Polylactic acid Coatings Cargill-Dow biopolymers such as
Starch based blends Films, packing, packaging Novamont PHAs will require
Polyhydroxyalkanoates Film, sheets, elastomers Proctor and more experimental
(PHAs) Gamble testing and evaluation
Polycaprolactone Films, sheets, packaging, Union Carbide,
coatings Dow Performance
pro-oxidants. To be active as catalysts, it is necessary of starch is too high, the mechanical properties of the
that two metal ions of similar stability be involved in material may be adversely affected. On the contrary, if
the metal combinations, and also when the two metal the amount of starch is too low, the material may not
ions are oxidized by oxidants, the oxidation number of biodegrade.9,38 For instance, an experiment was con-
the metal ion must be only one unit different from the ducted by Zuchowska et al.38 to examine properties
one before oxidation. For example, Mn (manganese) of starch blends containing 40% polyolefin and 60%
is a suitable metal participating in metal combination plasticized starch (40 PE-SG) or 50% polyolefin and
for pro-oxidant activity. As an oxidation-reduction cat- 50% plasticized starch (50 PP-SG). The results showed
alyst, two Mn2+ ions with similar stability can form that after aging in soil for four months, both samples
and would be oxidized to Mn3+ and then later reduced had a very large weight loss (ca. 55 or 43%), indicat-
to Mn2+ . Thus, when polyolefins are exposed to the ing the degradation of materials. The 40 PE-SG, with
environment, a free radical chain in the material can higher starch content, lost more weight, implying more
react with oxygen from the atmosphere and produce material was degraded. Relative changes in mechani-
hydro-peroxides that can, in turn, be hydrolyzed and cal properties showed that the tensile strength of both
photolyzed. Also the pro-oxidant catalyzes the reaction blends did not change significantly, whereas elongation
of chain scission in the polymer, producing low molec- at break changed considerably, especially in the blend
ular mass oxidation products, such as carboxylic acids, containing higher amounts of starch. The addition of
alcohols and ketones. Furthermore, peroxidation modi- starch to polyolefins modifies their structure. Therefore,
fies the material surface character from hydrophobic to in starch blends, there is a continuous starch phase that
hydrophilic. Consequently, microorganisms can access is favorable to microorganisms and is easily attacked
the material surface, bio-assimilate the low molecular by microorganisms under the catalytic action of α- and
mass, hydrophilic oxidant products and facilitate the β- amylase enzymes. Under the effect of this reaction,
biodegradation process. the continuous starch phase is removed, resulting in
Starch can also be blended into the polymers for porous polyolefin starch blends. If pro-oxidants are also
producing biodegradable polyolefins.27,28,38 However, present, an accelerated degradation of polyolefins ma-
as mentioned earlier, without the addition of a suitable trix will occur.38
pro-oxidant system, biodegradation will simply cause
the removal of starch and leave behind shorter chains
of unmodified polyolefin.
3.2. Biodegradation of Polyethylene
The amount of starch required to be added to syn- Since polyethylene (PE) is widely used as pack-
thetic polyolefins needs to be optimized. If the amount aging material (Table 2), considerable research not