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2022 Pcic 0559

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Copyright Material IEEE
Paper No. PCIC-(do not insert number)

Amnit Dhindsa
Member, IEEE
Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Unit 100-284 MacDonald Crescent
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4B6

Abstract – The most important purpose of a substation Two factors that play a major role in avoiding re-work of
ground grid is to ensure personnel safety, hence a proper ground grids, once installed, are pre-planning and clear
design is key. Many IEEE standards provide guidance in direction on the engineering construction drawings (both
ground grid design such as IEEE Std 80 [1], IEEE Std 367 [2] electrical and civil). Often, the soil is backfilled with a foreign
and IEEE Std 142 [3]. Computerized software is available to material rather than native soil due to structural integrity,
model ground grids and soil layers using IEEE Std 80 as a however this may not be communicated to the grounding
guide. While software saves designers significant time designer and vice-versa. These issues are only realized after
compared to hand calculations, they may result in unrealistic the ground grid resistance test results do not match the value
values. For example, modeling of ground grids in bedrock given in the report from the grounding model.
without applying a compilation of many grounding standards
can result in the ground potential rise exceeding the system II. GROUND GRID DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
voltage and an impractically high touch potential. This paper
provides guidance in applying an amalgamation of IEEE Ground grid design considerations that should be accounted
Grounding Standards, along with engineering judgement, to for prior to beginning any design, calculations, or modeling will
achieve realistic models. Application of proper soil models, be discussed in this section. Pre-analysis and planning play a
surface layers, Ufer grounds and split factors will achieve major factor in optimizing substation grounding, as this allows
realistic results and a calculated ground grid resistivity that will for the design of a realistic grid and will reduce confusion and
closely reflect the measured value. The paper will also discuss errors during construction and commissioning.
modeling existing ground grids where design drawings are not
available. The applicability of this paper would extend to end A. Initial Details to Gather
users, such as the oil & gas industry, and does not apply to the
Utility industry. Obtaining the latest Utility power supply fault data along with
the X/R ratio is the first step. When gathering data from the
Index Terms — Ground grid, split factor, Ufer ground, ground Utility provider/owner, also obtain the future expected fault
potential rise, step potential, touch potential. levels and discuss if there are any plans for upgrades in the
near future. This will help to design for future levels if a
I. INTRODUCTION numerical value for future predicted fault levels is given, or it will
provide the necessary information to apply engineering
Industrial AC substation ground grids are often over designed judgement in determining a future expansion factor. This is
due to limitations of computer software, difficulties in modeling simply a percentage applied to the line to ground fault current to
parameters in a realistic manner, and misapplication of the split take growth into consideration. A ground grid is meant to last
factor. Overdesigning leads to higher project costs due to the the life of the substation, as it is no easy task to modify once
additional materials required, such as copper, additional ground installed. Keeping this in mind during the design will ensure the
rods, and more real estate. This paper discusses all required integrity of the analysis results in the future if fault levels
steps to achieve the most optimal design and applies a increase. Another detail to request from the Utility
conjunction of three major IEEE grounding standards. It is provider/owner would be the connection of the overhead shield
important for the electrical and civil designers to coordinate with wire to the customer ground grid. This will determine whether a
each other to ensure the appropriate soil/backfill is being used split factor can be utilized, further discussed in Section V.
and to properly size rebar in Ufer grounds, such as footings and
piles. The following section will discuss this and all other design B. Soil Analysis
considerations, which will result in the most efficient method of
designing. Two calculation methods will be discussed to Next is to analyze the soil; does the first soil layer have a
determine the split factor along with the data that should be higher or lower resistivity than the second layer? This will
requested from the Utility Provider (or powerline owner) to determine the basis of the design. If the second layer has a
make the best use of the calculations. higher resistivity, there is no point in modeling deep driven

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ground rods as this will render the ground rods ineffective. In E. Earth Works
many cases, with a higher resistivity second layer, increasing
the number of ground rods will not help much but increasing the The civil/structural designer should be involved when initially
ground grid area will; however, this requires more real estate. A planning the design and throughout all design stages thereafter.
shallow grid covering more surface area might be a good option Often times, the civil or structural designers are not notified of
if the area is available. Thinking of these factors prior to the ground grid design until the last minute which causes
beginning modeling and design will save time and frustration so inconsistency with earth works, surface materials, and often a
the designer will know which direction to utilize. If the soil ground connection point is not indicated for the piles (which are
characteristics are showing to be bedrock, it may not be Ufer grounds).
practical to drive ground rods into the earth. In this case, a Ufer In areas where the water table is high, concrete
ground will be more effective, along with the fact that the foundations/footings may be lined with a vapor barrier. In this
current will take the paths of least resistance, which will not be case, that portion of the Ufer ground cannot be considered as
the ground grid, but will mainly be taking the path of the part of the grid as it is not making direct contact with the earth.
overhead shield wire, which will increase the split factor. Similarly, certain areas will be lined with geotextile liners. If the
sides of the footing are making contact with the soil, one can
C. Type of Facility consider this part of the electrode as part of the grid. Rebar can
also be coated with non-conductive materials such as epoxy
Does the ground grid comprise of just a substation or is there which can affect continuity. The concrete and rebar forming the
a process plant facility, such as a booster pumping station area Ufer ground electrode should be sized adequately to handle the
involved as well? Take into consideration that the pumping available fault current as required by the Canadian Electrical
station area would not have a high resistivity surface layer such Code (CEC) [4] and the National Electrical Code (NEC) [5].
as washed crushed rock and would not be maintained in the
same way as substation clean crushed rock. In most cases III. MEASURING THE SOIL RESISTIVITY
there is just pit run gravel, which has a much lower resistivity
than washed crushed rock. This must be taken into Prior to investing time in creating the design drawings and
consideration to ensure personnel in the station area have an software model, it is key that the soil characteristics are known
added safeguard from shock. as this will dictate the basis of the design and analysis. Utilizing
soil resistivity results from previous projects in the area should
D. Ufer Grounds be avoided as the soil resistivity can change drastically within a
geographic region. If possible, the engineer should advise the
Will there be concrete encased rebar? It’s vital to ensure project to coordinate geotechnical testing and soil resistivity
rebar ties are connected securely, continuity confirmed, and testing so they can be conducted at the same time.
pigtails left for connection to the ground grid prior to pouring the The benefit to this being if any anomalies are seen in the soil
concrete. If this step is missed during design prior to pouring, resistivity test results, it can be compared with the bore hole soil
the Ufer ground continuity can be confirmed if construction is layer data from the geotechnical report. It can then easily be
still in progress and there is rebar sticking out at multiple ends determined if this aligns with the soil characteristics or if a re-
(for example from rebar points A to B as illustrated in Fig. 1), test is required. The bore hole data from the geotechnical report
however corrective measures cannot be taken after the will also give insight into the deeper soil layers along with other
concrete has been poured if there are sections that are not soil characteristics such as the water table, moisture content,
continuous. If possible, consider connecting copper to the rebar and what types of sediments make up the soil in the area. This
in a few areas to provide a better connection and leave copper information will be valuable during the design and modeling
pigtails out to connect to the rest of the grid/ground rods. phase of the ground grid.
Continuity can also be tested by measuring from pigtail points C In the early stages of design, contingencies can be planned
to D as shown in Fig. 1. for and it can be determined whether deeper ground rods, deep
rebar A ground wells using bentonite, Ufer ground, grounding additional
piles etc. will be the most effective in reducing the grid
resistance. This can help give the project a heads up and save
rebar to copper connection from costly modifications once materials have been installed or
even lengthy changes to detail design drawings in the later
stages. The designer should also specify that the geotechnical
report must indicate the frost depth which is required to create
the winter case model. Both winter and summer case models
bare copper should be taken into consideration when determining the worst-
case scenario.
The designer should sketch the desired traverses on either
the site layout/plot plan or a satellite map. Ideally this should
focus on the location of the substation. A minimum of two
copper pigtail
traverses should be taken per area, 90 degrees from one
another. If the plant facility is a significant distance from the
substation, two sets of tests should be completed. The designer
should communicate with the personnel conducting the test and
Fig. 1 Ufer Ground – Rebar and Copper Connection ensure measurement pins are inserted to their full depth, if

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possible, and measure as far out as possible. Test equipment V. CALCULATING THE SPLIT FACTOR
shall be industrial grade and suitable for the application
requirements. The designer should review the results while the A. Data to Request
crew is still on site and determine if a re-test is required The split factor will be one of the important factors in
immediately. This will save time and avoid multiple trips. If the determining a realistic GPR, specifically when dealing with
test area contains a hill, do not go up or down the hill, rather go installation in bedrock or sandy/silty soil. This will also impact
laterally across the hill, otherwise results will be skewed. the step and touch potentials as the split factor determines the
To avoid receiving artificially good results, do not test after amount of current that will pass through the grid and how much
heavy rain fall or in times such as early spring where the ground will pass through alternate paths such as the overhead shield
is saturated with water. Conversely, testing during winter when wire. If confirmation has been received from the Utility
the ground is frozen will lead to very high soil resistivity results. provider/owner that the overhead shield wire is to be connected
Summer yields for the most accurate results. Designing and to the ground grid, request the following information from the
modeling the ground grid using soil resistivity results from when Utility provider/owner. If there are two lines coming into the
the ground is saturated with water will lead to troubles, as the customer substation (redundant feed), request the same
measured ground grid resistivity will be higher than predicted. information for each.
This leads to modifications after all materials have been
installed and commissioned and would now mean dealing with Note: for the purpose of this paper, overhead shield wire and
rework. neutral are used interchangeably.

IV. Ground Potential Rise (GPR) 1. Size of the overhead shield wire (AWG or circular mils).
2. How many distribution line or transmission line structures
Per Rule 36-304 (1) of CEC [4], the maximum allowable GPR exist between the customer substation and source
is 5,000 V however this may differ in each province, territory or (Utility) substation?
state. The Utility or local authority having jurisdiction may have 3. The applicable Utility grounding standard which specifies
an allowable limit that is either lower or higher than 5,000 V. the intervals in which the neutral is grounded and what
This is because GPR does not affect personnel safety but does the typical design is, such as a square grid with 4 ground
damage communication and sensitive equipment. Touch and rods, or just one ground rod. A reference from IEEE 367
step potentials are the values calculated to ensure personnel [2] for these intervals is “majority of distribution lines
safety. In areas where all copper cables have been converted have neutral conductors, typically grounded four times
to fiber optic, the allowable limit of GPR will be much higher or per kilometer,”.
may be eliminated altogether. Where ground grids are being 4. If the distribution or transmission lines were built recently
installed in very difficult conditions, such as bedrock or sand, it or are in progress, ask the Utility provider/owner to share
is important to discuss communication equipment details with their soil resistivity test results for the area of the
the Utility, local authority having jurisdiction and communication transmission or power line structure grounding.
provider. If all cables have been converted to fiber optic or the Additionally, if the transmission or distribution ground
insulation levels of the communication equipment allow for a grid resistance test results are available, these should
higher limit, a deviation can be granted due to unrealistic design also be obtained from the Utility provider/owner. On the
conditions. This is also noted in CEC Rule 36-304 (1) “however other hand, the designer can request additional soil
in special circumstances where this level cannot be reasonably resistivity testing be done in this area if accessible.
achieved, a higher voltage up to the maximum insulation level
of the communication equipment shall be permitted where a If the above noted information cannot be reasonably obtained,
deviation has been allowed in accordance with Rule 2-030.” [4]. assumptions can be made based on recommended practices
Two factors affect the GPR, the available fault current and which will be discussed in the following subsections.
the grid resistance. To optimize the use of ground electrodes,
rather than first focusing on reducing the grid resistance, first B. First Calculation Method
determine what the available fault current would realistically be
by applying the split factor, as discussed in Section V. The split factor is simply a ratio of the substation ground grid
Particularly in difficult design conditions, the grounding software resistance to the equivalent system impedance, determining
may present a GPR value that exceeds the system line to how much fault current will go through the customer substation
ground, or even phase to phase voltage which is not possible. ground grid vs. through the overhead shield wire back to the
In fact, as discussed in IEEE 367 [2], under unusual source and through the equivalent multi grounded neutral
circumstances a GPR of 25 kV is possible however, most system, as depicted in Fig. 2.
values are less than 10 kV. If the ground grid resistivity has
been tested accurately and is confirmed to be very close to the
analysis results, there is only one variable remaining which is
the grid current (as we know the grid resistance and soil
resistivity are accurate). The spilt factor needs to be calculated
in further detail, as discussed in Section V.

Fig. 2 Path of Fault Current with Overhead Shield Wire


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In this section it will become clear that several assumptions If sufficient data is not available regarding the distribution
have been made to simplify the process for typical industrial system, IEEE 367 [2] Sections 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3, and 5.7
substations. The simplification is justified as this provides a provide details regarding the configuration and neutral
realistic split factor using practical engineering judgment. More impedance (in North America) for a typical Utility distribution
detailed parameters can be used to produce custom line, which would be applicable to the locations in which most
calculations, however this involves a more detailed analysis and industrial substations are installed. In Section 5.7 of IEEE 367
requires more time to gather the applicable data. [2] the following is noted, “the grounding of a pole would be
Safety factors are applied in several parameters, such as the defaulted to 25 Ω, since most power utilities are required to
fault clearing time and maximum grid current, hence the design drive in as many ground rods to ensure the grounding at the
of the substation ground grid is already conservative. The distribution poles are 25 Ω”.
equation for computing the split factor from IEEE 80, Section The first method is applicable to many installations and is
15.9 [1] is shown below: also practical, such that it does not require an extraneous
amount of data or calculations. If the resultant GPR is
𝑍𝑒𝑞 exceeding the system voltage using the calculated spilt factor, a
𝑆𝑓 = | | (1)
second method of calculation can be utilized. This method will
𝑍𝑒𝑞 +𝑅𝑔
require more effort but is still realistic to calculate.
𝑆𝑓 fault current division factor;
𝑍𝑒𝑞 equivalent impedance of the Utility C. Second Calculation Method
transmission and/or distribution ground;
The second calculation method is discussed in IEEE 367 [2].
𝑅𝑔 substation ground resistance in Ω.
All the equations will not be re-iterated here from the standard
as this section will discuss how to apply the standard to
Rg is the grid resistance value that is obtained from the calculate the split factor. The method utilized in IEEE 367 [2]
software model (or through hand calculations or a measured revolves around the application of a multigrounded neutral
value). Zeq is obtained from Table C.1 of IEEE 80 [1]. It is the network in distribution (or transmission) systems, where the
impedance seen by the current passing through the overhead same neutral conductor is grounded multiple times at varying
shield wire and through the transmission or distribution ground. intervals [2]. The neutral conductor will be grounded at several
A proportional amount of the current will flow back to the source distribution poles throughout the lines, as well as at other
and a portion through each transmission or distribution ground. customers’ ground grids. Other customer ground grids however
The equivalent impedance neglects incidental impedances in will not be taken into consideration in these calculations. In
the system, such as metallic pipes and railways etc. as order to apply this calculation method, it is crucial to first
explained in IEEE 367 [2]. Zeq changes based on two factors; determine that the line is sufficiently long [2]. This is determined
the number of distribution or transmission lines and the soil by satisfying the following inequality from IEEE 367 [2]:
resistivity. Here is how Zeq will be selected:

Step 1: Determine the number of transmission lines or l√𝑍𝑠 ⁄𝑍𝑝 > 2 (2)
distributed neutrals feeding the customer substation. In a typical
industrial substation, there will only be one, or in cases where l total length of line in mi or km;
there is a redundant feed, there will be two. Select the 𝑍𝑠 the per-span self-impedance of the
appropriate row in Table C.1. It can be noticed that there is no overhead ground wires in Ω;
row in Table C.1 with zero transmission lines and one 𝑍𝑝 the per-span tower (pole) footing
distribution neutral. The previous version, IEEE 80-2000 [6], impedance in Ω.
contained this case and can still be used as a reference. A
second option is to apply a safety factor to the case where there As previously mentioned, Zp will typically be 25 Ω for most
is one transmission line and one distributed neutral. If enough power utilities. However, if there is knowledge of the specific
data is available, the exact impedance can be calculated using network and it is known that the line is connected to many other
the formulas provided in Section C.4 of IEEE 80 [1] or use the customer ground grids and the line is grounded a minimum of
guidelines provided in Table 2 of IEEE 367 [2]. three ground electrodes per kilometer [2], Section 5.6.2 of IEEE
367 [2] can be used to calculate the new Zp, the parallel
Step 2: Determine the transmission or distribution ground impedance of the combined contribution of ground rods and
resistance. This can be done by modeling the ground grid (the customers’ ground per span.
typical grounding installation should be available from the For a sufficiently long line, the ground grid current split is
Utility’s standards). This may consist of one ground rod or calculated using the following equation from IEEE 367 [2]:
several ground rods connected with a copper loop. Model this
grid in the appropriate soil resistivity. If the results are Rtg ≤ 15 𝐼𝑒 = (3)
𝑍𝑠𝑔 ∙𝑌𝑝
or Rdg ≤ 25 use column three of Table C.1. If the results are 15
< Rtg ≤ 100 or 25 < Rdg ≤ 200 use column four of Table C.1. If
1 1
the structure ground grid resistance is significantly exceeding 𝑌𝑝 = ( + ) (4)
𝑍1 𝑍𝑠𝑔
the values shown in column four, a reasonable safety factor can
be applied using engineering judgement or can be hand
𝑍1 = 𝑍∞
calculated as discussed in Step 1.
𝐼𝑒 ground grid current split;

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𝐼𝑐 the conductive component of fault current; 0.116

𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝50 = (1000 + 6𝐶𝑠 × 𝜌𝑠 ) (5)
𝑍𝑠𝑔 ground grid impedance in Ω; 0.116
𝑌𝑝 admittance matrix Ω; 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ50 = (1000 + 1.5𝐶𝑠 × 𝜌𝑠 ) (6)
𝑍1 equal to Z∞ assuming there is only one sky
wire; 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝 the tolerable step voltage in V;
𝑍∞ sky wire impedance; 𝐸𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ the tolerable touch voltage in V;
𝐶𝑠 the surface layer derating factor;
There are many intermediate equations associated with the 𝜌𝑠 the surface material resistivity in Ω-m;
above, throughout Section 5 of IEEE 367 [2], which the user 𝑡𝑠 the thickness of the surface material in m.
must understand prior to applying this method. These may
seem very complicated and intimidating at first, however IEEE 𝜌
0.09(1− )
367 [2] provides an example calculation in Annex H which 𝐶𝑠 = 1 − (7)
2ℎ𝑠 +0.09
makes it very simple to understand. In addition, if information is
not available through the Utility, IEEE 367 [2] provides very
𝜌 the resistivity of the earth beneath the
clear guidelines on which value(s) can be used for each
surface material in Ω-m;
parameter based on a typical system in North America.
ℎ𝑠 the duration of the shock current in
The major difference in this calculation method is that the
actual line length, line specific span, exact footing impedance
and overhead shield wire size/impedance are taken into
2. The second model should utilize the first soil layer and
consideration. This provides a more accurate calculation
third layer to provide a good idea of what the step and
specific to the substation and line configuration. If the line is
touch potentials and GPR would be with deeper ground
very long and consists of low impedance tower footings, the
rods or deep ground wells. The second model provides a
split factor calculation will reflect this in the sense that more
good understanding in how the electrodes interact with
current will flow through the multigrounded network.
the higher resistivity layer to lower.
3. The third model will model the grid buried in the second
VI. MODELING soil layer and the third layer being modeled as the
“second layer” in the model. The purpose of the third
A. Soil Layers & Surface Material model is to ensure there is a significant enough change
between the second and third soil layers, such that the
To correctly model the two soil layers, identify at which depth current does not resonate in the second layer and rather
the soil resistivity has a significant change. The first layer will be is re-directed through the electrodes deeper into the
an average of the soil resistivities up to and including this depth, ground away from the surface. The third model will also
the second will be an average of the depth below this. Often provide a realistic value of the grid resistance, as the
times, we are limited to software that only has a two-layer soil ground rods will be mostly in contact with the second
model. In some cases, the soil resistivity results may have a and third layers (dependent on the soil layer and rod
second drastic change within the soil layers. This would indicate depth).
there is a third layer of significantly lower resistivity. Options that
explore if deeper ground rods or deep ground wells are By comparing these three models, a recommendation can be
effective, should be analyzed. In this case, set up three models. made regarding the effectiveness of deep ground wells or
These three models will provide a preliminary analysis which increasing the rod length. Often times, the first question asked
will allow the designer to recommend if deep ground wells will by the client would be “how much would the results improve if
be an economically feasible solution. The recommendation we move forward with this recommendation and what additional
should include that the final model and deep ground well design materials and construction will be required?”. This allows the
be analyzed using a software that allows for more than two soil designer to quantify the recommendation and ensure it will be
layers. effective prior to investing further into the design. Simply
averaging the second and third layers would not portray
1. The first model should utilize the first and second soil whether the ground rods would re-direct a significant portion of
layers which will provide a comparison of what the step the current away from the more shallow layers into the deeper
and touch potential, and GPR would look like with layers.
standard length ground rods. The first model will also be Care should be taken where there are extended concrete
used to report the tolerable step and touch potential pads, which personnel can step on, between washed crushed
values, as this provides the interaction profile between rock and concrete. Concrete can be quite conductive and when
the surface layer and first layer. As can be seen in the reinforced with rebar, even more so. Ensure the concrete pad
following equations from IEEE 80 [1], the tolerable step either does not protrude enough to use as a step between the
and touch potentials only change based on the first soil two surfaces, or such that a person can have both feet on the
layer resistivity, the fault duration, and the thickness of concrete pad simultaneously while performing any type of
the surface layer. The tolerable values will not change maintenance etc., since a potential difference can be created
with the use of a more complex software or with the between the two materials creating a step potential hazard. The
ground grid design. two different scenarios can be modeled, one with concrete as
the surface layer and another with crushed rock; then assess if
the tolerable step potential is sufficient against the calculated

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step potential. When modeling the concrete pad, concrete’s model the full surface area of the concrete reinforced rebar
resistivity should be entered as the surface layer as well as the and will achieve much more realistic step and touch potential
first layer (equal to the total thickness of the pad), then profiles along with a modeled grid resistance that will be very
conductors should be placed close together near the surface to accurate against the measured, especially when dealing with
represent the rebar, this will create an equipotential surface, installations in bedrock. In reality, using 4/0 AWG copper vs.
which will mitigate the step potential providing a more realistic 2/0 AWG copper will make a difference, however in the
value. software world these parameters often will not make a huge
In summary, it is important to assess each scenario and take difference. Prior to modeling, the user should experiment
a realistic approach to illustrate that many of these items that changing parameters to see how much the result is affected.
may at first seem like a hazard, will not pose a real danger if It is important to ask the software Vendor about these
modeled correctly. parameters and to understand limitations of the software.
Engineering judgement must be used when creating
B. Ground Grid grounding models as it is nearly impossible to model all real-
world characteristics.
1) Optimizing Use of Copper & Modeling Ufer Grounds
2) Realistic Approach to Modeling Interconnected Grids
To optimize the use of copper, the designer should take
advantage of all ground electrodes available. In the a) Interconnected Substation Grids
application of industrial substations and plant facility station
area, heavy equipment requires the use of structural piles. When modeling interconnected substation ground grids, first
Buildings require concrete rebar enforced footings and check with the software Vendor to determine the distance at
structural steel. These should be taken advantage of as they which the grids are automatically considered to be connected.
function as great ground electrodes. An advantage of utilizing For instance, when modeling an insulated copper cable
piles (both concrete and steel piles) is that they often have a connection between the substations, the software may just
depth greater than a standard ground rod and hence act as consider the grids to be connected if they are less than a
deep ground rods. Per IEEE 142 [3], each footing’s electrode certain distance apart.
has a resistance equal to, or lower than, that of a driven rod In some cases, the step or touch potential may be showing
of equal depth. When using structural members as ground as exceeding in the areas between the grids because the
electrodes, the designer should ensure that grounding of any software is not seeing the cable as insulated. In these cases,
piles or footings is communicated to the structural engineer to where the step and touch potential is showing to be high
ensure the rebar is sized for the available fault current, which between the grids, use the contour plot view to check where the
will prevent the concrete from getting damaged or exploding. step and touch potentials are high within the vicinity of the grids
The current carrying capacity of building rebar is given in rather than in between. Check which areas they are high in,
Table 4.7 of IEEE 142 [3]. then export numerical data of the step and touch potentials.
When dealing with ground grid installations in bedrock, From the contour plot one may immediately see that the step
concrete encased electrodes should be the first option and touch potentials in the grid areas are acceptable. If it is
considered. As discussed in IEEE 142 [3], concrete encased borderline, or there are some areas exceeding, export a
steel rods have been found to be greatly superior than other detailed report/table of step and touch potentials for all
electrodes in very rocky soil or in bedrock. This is essentially coordinates of the model. This is required as with most
a concrete pile or footing. software, the standard analysis results just state the maximum
While modeling a pile within a grounding software is quite step and touch potentials within the overall model. Determine
straight forward, as a ground rod of equivalent depth, what is between which coordinates the grid lies within and check the
the most effective way to model concrete footings? Modeling maximum step and touch within that area.
the footing as a single ground rod in the software may not When modeling interconnected grids over a vast area, if the
reflect the true step and touch potential profiles. Instead, touch potential is showing to be high in an area outside the grid,
model the rebar strands as #2/0 AWG copper wire, along the question if there are any metallic objects to touch and if there
depth and width of the footing. Fig. 3 below shows a sketch are any real hazards. If there is nothing to physically touch,
of how this would look in the model. Concrete encased rebar again revert to the contour plot to analyze the step and touch
often portrays an equipotential plane (depending on the gap potentials that affect personnel.
between each rebar strand).
b) Interconnected Substation & Station Grid

Where there is a substation and station plant facility area

footing width

present, it is nearly impossible to isolate the two ground grids.

footing depth

Even if a direct connection is not made, they will be

footing length interconnected through equipment such as cable sheaths and
rebar spacing shields.
The station plant area often does not utilize washed crushed
rock as a surface layer. Stations often simply utilize pit run
Fig. 3 Modeling of a Concrete Footing
gravel. Furthermore, much of the native soil in the station area
will be backfilled with pit run gravel. In this case, details need to
This will result in a much lower step potential and may also
be gathered regarding to what depth will be back filled. Pit run
somewhat lower the touch potential. This allows the user to

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gavel will then become the surface layer and may also become the grid resistance is much higher than what is forecasted,
the first soil layer if this is the material in which the ground grid solutions such as the addition of ground rods or addition of
is buried. more copper can be implemented at this stage, which is much
A duplicate model should be created for the station area, with easier than when rough grading and final grading are complete.
the above noted surface layer (pit run) and first soil layer The grid resistance should then again be tested once the grid
changes. The maximum tolerable step and touch potential has been buried.
levels will be different than in the substation due to the change Construction notes on the engineering construction drawings
in surface layer from washed crushed rock to pit run gavel. must specify that the grid area is required to be backfilled with
Most software do not allow multiple surface layers to be native soil (both on the civil and electrical drawings). The note
modeled, hence this must be analyzed through two models. should mention if this cannot be achieved, work must be halted
Contour plots can again be utilized along with exporting a and engineering must be contacted for further direction. The
detailed report to determine the maximum step and touch engineering drawings must also specify what the tested grid
potentials in the substation and plant facility station area resistance shall be and the required resistance of the surface
separately. material. Note also that the test results are required to be sent
Utilizing equipment piles as ground electrodes within the to the engineering department so the designer can verify the
station will be extremely beneficial, as the deep piles will be integrity of the installation and hence ensuring personnel safety.
able to penetrate to the deeper lower resistivity soil layers since When performing testing of the grid resistance, if the fall of
quite a bit of native soil has been replaced with pit run gravel. potential test method is being utilized, ensure an instrument is
Burying copper in pit run gravel will not be very effective for selected that allows for a sufficient test distance. As industrial
lowering the ground grid resistance. Hence, if an insulated substations are large in size, it is crucial the testing be
copper conductor is already installed within a cable tray performed to the proper distance otherwise results will be
around/near equipment, consider using this as the ground grid skewed and inaccurate. If there are metallic underground pipes,
which forms a loop around equipment to be grounded. This will this can also skew test results. Underground infrastructure
optimize copper use as the bare copper which would have been should be confirmed prior to testing if possible. When testing in
buried in pit run gravel around the equipment will minimally a highly congested area or an area with underground metallic
affect the grid resistance. Cable tray can be used as the infrastructure, the right test method should be selected. This
bonding conductor to interconnect the copper pig tails from the can be discussed with the manufacturer of test equipment to
piles to the copper conductor installed within the tray. However, determine which method will suit the specific locations needs.
care must be taken in the design to ensure the grounding Testing in winter should be avoided as the grid resistance may
installation meets CEC [4] or NEC [5] requirements as not be accurately portrayed and the test results will indicate a
applicable. The main ground electrode will be the piles, along grid resistance much higher than what it actually is.
with the perimeter conductor and ground rods around the
boundaries of the station area where required. If touch VIII. STEP AND TOUCH POTENTIALS
potentials are showing to be very high along the perimeter
fence of the station area, consider introducing a small amount When addressing high step and touch potentials, one of the
of washed crushed rock on either side of the fence or simplest methods is to increase the surface layer depth or
substituting that specific portion of the fence with nonconductive change to a higher resistivity material to increase the tolerable
fence material. This may be more effective than the addition of step and touch limits. The professional engineer must indicate
ground rods in pit run gravel. the required washed crush rock resistivity in both the report and
Table 4-2 of IEEE 142 [3] and Table 7 of IEEE 80 [1] can be engineering construction drawings and indicate that it must be
used to determine the typical resistivity of pit run gravel. Use tested to confirm the value meets or exceeds, prior to
engineering judgement by assessing how much soil/silt/sand is installation.
mixed with gravel and how large the gravel size is, such as #2, Changing the depth of the ground grid changes the
#3, #4, #57 etc. Typically, values of 800-1500 Ω-m are seen, calculated values considerably. When faced with high step and
however this can vary vastly depending on the material touch potential levels, try setting the ground grid to a shallower
composition. depth. In fact, Rule 36-302 of the Canadian Electrical Code [4]
limits the depth of the ground grid to ensure a dangerous
VII. GROUND GRID INTEGRITY potential difference is not created. Bare copper shall be buried
to a maximum depth of 600 mm below rough grade (the first
Installation and testing of the ground grid would ideally be a soil layer) and a minimum of 150 mm below finished grade (the
multi-phase process. Ground grid connections should be surface layer). It is crucial that the exact burial depth used in the
inspected and a point to point test should be conducted to study be specified in the engineering construction drawing
confirm the continuity of the ground grid prior to backfilling. otherwise the calculated step and touch potentials would be
Situations where the grid is lacking continuity, or poor invalid.
connections are seen, can easily be corrected as the grid has For small substations, such as a unit substation, in a
not yet been buried. The depth of the ground grid conductors geographic location where the substation is situated in bedrock,
should also be confirmed at this time to ensure the depth is as even if the GPR is acceptable with effective use of a split factor,
specified on the engineering construction drawings. the step and touch potentials may be exceeding. This is due to
If time and project coordination allow, the ground grid the soil profile, where the soil layers (bedrock) have a higher
resistivity should be tested once all the ground rods and copper resistivity than the surface material of washed crushed rock.
conductor have been installed but not yet backfilled. This will Two options may be deployed. First would be to utilize an
provide a good idea as to what the final grid resistivity will be. If extremely high resistivity surface material such as larger

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diameter rock or asphalt, however asphalt should only be used increase/decrease the grid spacing and number of ground rods
where it is known that the area beneath will not have to be until the modeled grid resistance matches the measured.
accessed in the near future as it is not easy to excavate. The To assess the step and touch potentials, the grid burial depth
second is to decrease the grid spacing between conductors to should be varied, for example between 100mm to 600mm (3.9
simulate an equipotential plane. This option is only in to 23.6 in), to determine the worst-case scenario. If any step
economically feasible for small substations, as more copper is or touch potential hazards exist, consider increasing the
required. thickness of the surface material which can be less invasive
The industry standard for an industrial substation ground grid than expanding the ground grid or adding ground rods. If step
resistance is still commonly known to be less than 1 Ω or and touch potential concerns exist at a certain depth, but not at
between 1 Ω to 5 Ω, even though this recommendation has more shallow depths, consider uncovering a small portion of the
been removed in the latest revision of IEEE 80 [1]. A low grid grid to confirm the existing burial depth, if practical. Another
resistance should be achieved where possible to provide the option would be to install a remote ground grid and connect it to
fault current with a low resistance path to ground, however this the existing ground grid using insulated copper conductor to
may not be practical in sandy areas or where there is bedrock. ensure no step or touch potentials are created in the area
The focus should not be on decreasing the grid resistance, but between the grids. This option avoids extensive rework,
rather on personnel safety, by ensuring the step and touch hydrovacing, and minimizes disruption to the substation. This
potentials are within tolerable limits. can also help reduce the GPR if required. If the area required
The actual fault duration should be determined by assessing for the remote grid is not available, the design should focus on
the protective device time current curve against the available adding rods along the perimeter of the grid (and vary the length
fault current, rather than using the industry standard of 0.5 of the rods to improve results if required) as this minimizes
seconds. The actual clearing time may be significantly lower or disruption around major equipment in the substation and hence
higher than 0.5 seconds, which will affect the tolerable step and reduces the risk of damage.
touch potential limits. The upstream protective device settings If the step and touch potentials are within the tolerable limits,
should be requested from the Utility provider/owner to but the GPR is exceeding the acceptable limit per CEC [4] or as
determine this. The application of a safety factor to the clearing specified by the local standards, consider first speaking with the
time should be assessed by the designer based on the local authority having jurisdiction to check if a deviation can be
guidance provided in IEEE 80 [1]. approved as this is an existing installation and considerable re-
work would be required.
Where there is an existing ground grid with no existing
engineering drawings, no existing soil resistivity results, and no In summary, with the application of sound engineering
grid resistance test results, some reverse engineering will be judgement along with IEEE 80 [1], IEEE 367 [2], and IEEE 142
required to assess the grid. Assessment of an existing ground [3], a practical and efficient design can be achieved that
grid may be required as part of a maintenance program or due focuses on personnel safety. Calculation of the split factor will
to substation expansions. ensure a realistic GPR value and will optimize the use of
ground electrodes, specifically in rocky/sandy soil. Copper can
A. Data Gathering be optimized by utilizing available Ufer grounds such as piles
and footings. The soil characteristics should be well understood
Prior to beginning any modeling, a point to point test needs to prior to beginning the design, as this will dictate the basis of the
be conducted throughout the substation ground grid to confirm ground grid design.
that the grid is still continuous. Older ground grids, especially Limitations of software should be well understood prior to
those situated in corrosive soils or near saltwater, may beginning any modeling. Several models may have to be
experience erosion over time. Next would be to measure the simulated to obtain the equivalent conditions to those on site,
soil resistivity and ground grid resistivity. Photos of the surface such as modeling separate surface layers within the substation
material should be gathered so the designer can use and plant facility area.
engineering judgment to assess what the resistivity is, based on Clear direction on engineering construction drawings and
the size and condition (for example if the crushed rock is kept performing inspections during construction will ensure the
free of snow, weeds, dirt etc.). A measurement of the substation integrity of the ground grid and will avoid costly re-work once
perimeter should also be taken to determine the dimensions of the grid has been buried and the surface material is installed. In
the ground grid. Inspect whether the Utility overhead shield wire summary, pre-analysis, planning, and understanding real world
is connected to the customer ground grid to assess if a split conditions are the key to optimizing ground grids.
factor can be used.
B. Modeling & Analysis
[1] IEEE 80-2013, IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation
Using the information collected, model a ground grid based Grounding, New York, NY: IEEE.
on industry standards. Begin with a grid spacing of 3m – 4m [2] IEEE 367-2012, IEEE Recommended Practice for
(9.8ft – 13.2ft) and place 3m x 19mm (9.8 ft x 0.75 in) ground Determining the Electric Power Station Ground Potential
rods around the perimeter 6m apart, and a few throughout the Rise and Induced Voltage from a Power Fault, New York,
inside of the grid, focusing on where the major equipment such NY: IEEE.
as the transformer and breakers are placed. Continue to

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[3] IEEE 142-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for XII. VITA

Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems,
New York, NY: IEEE. Amnit Dhindsa graduated from the University of Alberta in
[4] CSA C22.1-18, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, Toronto, 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
ON: CSA. degree. She currently works for BC Hydro and previously
[5] NFPA 70, 2020 National Electrical Code (NEC), Quincy, comes from a background of consulting and operations. At the
MA: NFPA. time of authoring this paper, she was with the Liquid Pipelines
[6] IEEE 80-2000, IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Operations Engineering team at Enbridge. She has also
Grounding, New York, NY: IEEE. previously co-authored another paper on the topic of potential
ignition sources in electric rotating machines operating in
explosive gas atmospheres for IEEE PCIC. She is a registered
professional engineer in the provinces of Alberta and British

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