Ucc 900 Sor em Wpi 0001 - B01
Ucc 900 Sor em Wpi 0001 - B01
Ucc 900 Sor em Wpi 0001 - B01
Revision history
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
Project Outline............................................................................................................. 6
Objective ..................................................................................................................... 7
Abbreviations and Acronyms ....................................................................................... 7
2 Reference Documents ............................................................................................................. 8
Project Documentations .............................................................................................. 8
bp Requirements ......................................................................................................... 9
Codes and Standards ................................................................................................. 10
3 HSSE ...................................................................................................................................... 12
General...................................................................................................................... 12
Health........................................................................................................................ 13
Security ..................................................................................................................... 13
Environmental Compliance and Sustainability ............................................................ 13
Lesson Learnt from Existing Camps ............................................................................ 14
Inspection .................................................................................................................. 15
4 Quality................................................................................................................................... 15
Quality in Procurement and Subcontracting ............................................................... 15
Quality in Engineering Design .................................................................................... 16
Quality in Construction, Fabrication and Commissioning Work .................................. 16
Quality in Documents and Data Control ..................................................................... 17
5 Demolition and Site Survey .................................................................................................... 18
6 Existing Camp Facilities Repair/Refurbishment ...................................................................... 19
Accommodation and Associated Facilities Buildings ................................................... 19
Medical Clinic..................................................................................................... 19
Emergency Diesel Generators .................................................................................... 19
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems .................................................................................. 20
Sea Water Intake ....................................................................................................... 21
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) ................................................................................... 21
Sea Water Outfall (Common Outfall/Wastewater Discharge Point) ............................ 22
Potable Water Tanks .................................................................................................. 23
Fire Pump and Fire Tank Facilities .............................................................................. 23
Fuel Station ............................................................................................................... 24
CWAA, TWMF and Landfill Area ................................................................................. 24
Vehicle Washing Facility and Repair Garage ............................................................... 25
Access Road and Drainage around and within the camp area ..................................... 25
7 Camp Design ......................................................................................................................... 26
Camp Design Life ....................................................................................................... 26
1 Introduction
Project Outline
BP Berau Ltd. is currently carrying out FEED for the development of Ubadari, Tangguh
Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR), Hydrocarbon Compression (HCC). Collectively, these
three projects make up the Ubadari, Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS), and
Compression (UCC) Project (formerly known as the Tangguh Expansion Project Phase 2).
Tangguh EGR will capture reservoir carbon dioxide that is currently removed and vented
onshore, and inject it offshore into the Vorwata reservoir, resulting in enhanced gas
recovery via the existing Vorwata facilities.
With key decisions now made in the FEED Preparation regarding plot location,
maximum module size and transportation barge size, the early works components
which are dependent upon these inputs are now fully understood conceptually and
require further definition in a fast-track detailed design engineering phase in order to
achieve target AFD/AFC issuance (for ITT) in mid April 2023.
The Early Works work scopes to be executed in this programme include, but are not
limited to the following:
a. Permanent road widening, strengthening & crossings works along selected existing
transportation routes to accommodate Self-propelled Modular Trailer (SPMT) use;
b. Temporary SPMT Haulage Roads;
c. Main Plots & Laydown Areas works;
d. Tree Cutting, related site clearance and cutting/storage of logs;
e. Early Works Construction Camp (3500 man) including provision of new
accommodations, support buildings, new utilities & all associated Works;
f. New Freshwater Pond & Modification to the Existing HDD Pond;
g. Earthworks, Drainage & Temporary Fencing; and
h. Existing BOF Jetty Modifications Required for 300ft RORO Barge Use.
This document defines the following:
a. The requirements related to the new proposed accommodation camp, associated
facilities and utilities to be constructed as part of bp Early Works for UCC Project.
b. The requirements related to the refurbishment of the designated existing
accommodation camps, associated facilities and utilities to be used during Early
Works contract period.
2 Reference Documents
Contractor shall design, supply and install the new accommodation camp and refurbishment
work in accordance with Technical Specification, bp requirement and national & international
codes and standards as listed in Section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and basic design data presented in Annex
Project Documentations
Table 2-1 presents the project reference documents for bp Early Works Camp scope.
bp Requirements
Table 2-2 presents the applicable bp standards / requirements for this project.
Contractor shall follow integrated welfare requirements and design the camp facilities in
accordance with Workforce Welfare Guide – Early Works Camp (UCC-900-SPE-HS-WPI-
0001). Contractor shall undertake the necessary master planning in order to design the
camp to support the physical, emotional and mental needs of its occupants. The master
plan and wider camp design shall aim to create a “home and community” environment
away from the workers point of origins.
Freedoms and human rights of workers shall be recognised and respected within their
living quarters just as within the working environment.
All health risk shall be managed, and potential exposure should not exceed Indonesian
regulation, bp standard, and international best practices (i.e., ACGIH).
Adequate supply of potable water shall be provided in accordance with PERMENKES No.
32 / 2017.
All buildings shall be designed to meet Indoor Air Quality Parameter stated in Indonesian
legal requirements. Noise and illumination levels shall meet the Indonesian legal
Adequate Medical Facilities in terms of lay out, structure, and room number and design
that allow better infection control (including the isolation facilities), comfortable,
effectiveness of response and flow of clinic visitor.
All camp sites shall complete with 24 hours security system. Contractor shall ensure that
the following requirements are implemented into the Camps design:
• Security fence shall be installed at camp perimeter with access control at main gate
and provided with good illumination;
• Female camp area shall be secured by female security officer;
• Double lock shall be installed for female accommodation room;
• Lockable storage cabinet shall be provided for each personnel in the accommodation
• CCTV shall be provided at critical location at camp area (i.e. camp road, mess hall and
other areas);
• Main entrances to communal areas shall be monitored with a high-resolution camera
allowing persons to be identified; and
• CCTV camera shall be able to record for a period of seven (7) days.
• Utilisation and collection of rainwater from the camp to be used for general washing
Contractor is responsible to identify any other/new applicable regulation and ensure
compliance to the recent applicable regulation in its design and operation, including any
permit/technical approval/certification required for its operational.
Design of the utilities and/or temporary facilities that generate environmental impacts
and/or related to environmental compliance and management shall be submitted for
Company review and approval.
Contractor shall provide accommodation camp mock-up room for each proposed room
type. The mock-up room shall feature the actual room design and furniture. Contractor
shall provide notification for Company review on the room design.
Physical finishes board including samples shall be submitted for Company review and
Prior to habitation of the camp the Contractor shall arrange for an inspection of the
facility to ensure that the accommodation has been constructed in accordance with
approved plans and specifications.
Company HSSE shall inspect Contractor camp facilities according to Indonesian
Government Labour Law or regulations as listed in Table 2-3. A written report shall be
prepared and provided by Contractor.
4 Quality
Contractor shall set up and maintain Quality Management System (QMS) at every phase of
project execution including design, procurement, fabrication/testing and any commissioning
Contractor shall develop and implement a Company approved Quality Plan. The quality plan
shall be developed in accordance with latest version of API Spec Q1, API spec Q2, or ISO 9001,
CONTRACT document Section II (Scope of Work) and CONTRACT document Section V (Quality
and Integrity Management). The quality plan shall detail how the Work will be delivered
including subcontracting procedure, document control procedure and material management
Contractor shall continually improve the effectiveness of the Project Quality Management
System using Quality objectives, audit results, analysis of data, lesson learnt, corrective and
preventive actions. Contractor shall implement continual improvement process for:
The overall location of the new accommodation camp is located within the existing construction
camp in bp Tangguh site area. The area of the new camp shall refer to General Layout for Camp
.A high-level demolition works will be carried out by Others and the demolition will be carried
out in phases. Contractor shall perform a site survey to verify the condition of the demolition,
identify and perform any additional demolition works required for the Construction Camp
design and development. Detail of demolition and survey works shall refer to Contract, Section
II - Scope of Work.
The existing “Early Camp” buildings shall be used by the Contractor to accommodate their
workforce during the Early Works Contract period (Refer layout General Layout for Camp,
drawing number UCC-900-LAY-CV-WPI-0005-001). Contractor shall perform existing camp
buildings and rooms refurbishment in accordance with Section 6.1.
Contractor shall verify and perform repair/refurbishment work for the following existing
units/facilities which will be utilized for accommodation of the Early Works Contractor
Workforces during the Contract period:
Medical Clinic
While waiting for the new medical building to be built, the existing TEP Clinic to be
refurbished for temporary utilization. The refurbishment of existing clinic facilities to
include but not limited to:
• Replace current damage vinyl flooring in the clinic;
• Replace and repair the ceiling including the hanging system on the attic;
• Repair and replace as necessary all tap or hot water supply & plumbing systems in
the TEP Clinic; and
• Electrical connections fix and check.
The location of the existing genset within the existing construction camps are presented
in Figure 6-1 . Detail of the existing facilities shall refer to drawing number TEP-440-DWG-
CV-BP4-0036-001 (Layout of Construction Camp).
Contractor shall repair all secondary containment, oily water separator and outlet valve
at the diesel generator and fuel tank location.
Currently, the existing diesel generators do not comply with Indonesian Regulatory
Standard as provided in Regulation of Ministry of Environment and Forestry No. 11 of
2021 regarding Internal Combustion Machine Emission Quality Standard. Hence, the
existing unit shall be replaced immediately with permanent power from Train and/or new
diesel generator units that are compliant with the regulatory requirements. Location for
new substations to enable the use of permanent power shall also be considered.
Power / Genset
Power / Genset
Figure 6-2: Existing Raw Water Tank and Brine Pump Condition
Figure 6-3: Existing Sea Water Intake at BOF and Dredging Activity at the Intake Location
The separation process in sedimentation and separation chamber is not properly working
as it is filled up with sludge. The sludge is being manually cleaned up on daily basis.
Location of Sewage Treatment Plant refer to drawing number TEP-440-DWG-CV-BP4-
0036-001 (Layout of Construction Camp). For the purpose of Early Works support,
Contractor shall repair the Sewage Water Treatment as follows:
• Remove the rust and repaint the raw water tank, aerobic and anaerobic tanks in STP
• Replace the corroded walkway in STP;
• Provide additional sludge tank and belt-press facility to dry the sludge and generate
sludge cake to be composted/incinerated. These can be reused for the new STP to
be built for the new camps;
• Provide additional raw tank to collect the wastewater volume for 1 day and maintain
consistent flowrate to STP. These can be reused for the new STP to be built for the
new camps; and
• Maintain existing resources and equipment for operational and maintenance of the
Fuel Station
Isolation oil separator valve in fuel station is found submerged in water and may cause
leak in the valve in the future. The location, plan and layout of the fuel station shall refer
to drawing number TEP-420-DWG-CV-BP4-0053-001 (Plan & Section for Fuel Station).
Figure 6-7 presents the condition of existing isolation valve condition.
Contractor shall install isolation valve protector to prevent the valve being flooded /
submerged condition. Contractor to define and proposed the methodology for
Company review and approval.
Contractor shall replace the transfer pump and aeration blower skid accordingly.
Contractor shall refer to drawing number TEP-420-DWG-CV-BP4-0021-001 for the
location and layout of waste landfill area.
Contractor shall perform overhaul of the refractory wall, replace the burner, repaint the
incinerator body and stack, repair the sampling access and shelter of the new incinerators
(2 x 4 tpd) at CWAA area.
Contractor shall maintain resources, supporting equipment and required spare parts for
operational and maintenance of the existing waste treatment facilities and operational
of waste management activities in general.
Contractor shall not dispose any organic waste to the landfill (food waste, STP sludge and
grease from kitchen) as it is causing clogging of landfill cell, leachate contamination and
odour. Food waste shall be composted, STP sludge to be dewatered, pressed, and
composted/incinerated, and grease from kitchen to be sent to offsite certified waste
management facility.
Access Road and Drainage around and within the camp area
Contractor shall perform general repair on the access road including drainage system to
prevent flooding during raining. The drainage repair shall also accommodate the
rainwater collection to be used for general washing purpose. The piping system for
drainage purpose shall be in accordance with GP 42-10 (Piping System).
Piles of scrap on the way to the camp to be cleared.
Contractor shall rectify any damage to the road and existing facilities during the camps
construction activities.
7 Camp Design
General Requirement
Contractor shall consider the Accommodation camp in the context of “Town/Camp”
development with the inclusion of living quarters, commercial buildings, infrastructure
and Outline brief/statement of requirements as described.
Accommodation camp plot plan shall integrate living quarters, roads, paths, services and
landscaping etc. located together within secure camp boundary. Contractor shall design
and procure in a way to maximise offsite fabrication, construction and assembly, thereby
minimising the requirement for onsite construction effort. Camp design requirement
shall be in accordance with technical specification listed in Table 2-1. In addition,
following requirements shall also be considered by Contractor:
• Contractor shall utilise pre-fabricated portacabins standard type modules for
accommodation i.e. not containers;
• Contractor shall design larger ancillary buildings such that they are made up of a
number of standard modules;
• Contractor shall consider modular design and standardisation of components to
minimise waste generation;
• Be constructed using suitable materials, following assessment of the design life of
• All buildings shall be constructed of non-flammable materials;
• All furnishings shall be of fire-retardant manufacture;
• All accommodation will be constructed to same standard for everyone (but not all
rooms will be the same layout);
• Contractor shall provide detailed calculations for electrical supply, potable water
usage and wastewater and how these facilities will be provided or connected to the
new facilities;
• The camp shall be designed to manage sanitary requirements including bathrooms,
toilets, housekeeping and waste management. Such arrangements shall be
appropriate for the size of the workforce and consider the needs of both male and
female occupants.
• Driveways, parking areas and access walkways to portables and link ways between
portables and communal facilities shall be suitably paved and drained to provide an
all-weather surface;
• Free floor space shall be allocated at a rate of not less than 4.6 m2 per occupant, and
shall not be inclusive of any other furnishings required within the room such as bed,
wardrobe and table or chair space;
• Personnel egress in the event of fire, including during the hours of darkness;
• Safe walkways with no trip hazards, including segregation of people from traffic;
Layout Design
Contractor shall design the camps layout to maximise the staff productivity, minimise
whole life costs, provide environmental responsibility and energy efficiency and allow for
individual switching in areas with different time of occupancy. The camp layout shall take
the following aspects into consideration:
• Local environmental aspects (including wind direction, rainfall, sun orientation,
natural slope, soil conditions, existing vegetation);
• Elevation of the accommodation camp and other facilities shall be positioned above
the ground level;
• Conformance with the objectives and concept layout of the accommodation master
plan, including the interface with the existing camps;
• Logical and attractive paths of travel for residents and safe, efficient access to all
areas for the camp management and caretaking personnel;
• Noise and dust minimisation in accommodation areas;
• Sufficient distance and/or protection for areas where flammable materials are stored
such as but not limited to Diesel, LPG cylinders, etc;
• Efficient provision of service infrastructure;
• Covered walkways provided between buildings for pedestrians; and
• Operating cost considerations.
Parking and access roads layout shall take the following into consideration:
Environmental Protection
Camps shall be designed to be able to withstand the environmental condition in
Tangguh site including weather condition (e.g. rain, humidity, etc.), seismic and wind
load. Contractor shall refer to Onshore Civil and Structural Design Basis (AP013-CV-BOD-
014-00001) and Annex B for the environmental condition in Tangguh site, including as
minimum the following consideration:
• All tie-downs and ground anchors for buildings or other structures shall be designed
and installed to withstand wind loads and seismic loads;
• Topographic and wind direction multipliers shall be applied where required; and
• No wind load reduction due to shielding shall be allowed for in any design
The design, construction and operation of this facility shall be in compliance with
applicable Indonesia environmental legislation and Company best management
practices, and specific to, but not limited to, the following:
a. Emergency response (including spills response);
b. Solid and liquid waste management (non-hazardous and hazardous);
c. Soil and land management;
d. Wastewater management (including reuse and recycling);
e. Minimization of infrastructure footprint, where feasible;
f. Ground water protection; and
g. Noise generation.
Sustainable Design
Contractor shall design the camp with sustainable aspect. Contractor shall propose and
detail the sustainable items and the benefit for Company review and approval.
As a minimum the sustainable design aspect in this section shall be considered by
Contractor shall use of low volatile organic compound (VOC) paints on any painted
internal surfaces.
Air Conditioning
Air conditioning shall be provided to accommodation buildings, Recreation Rooms,
Offices, Kitchen and Mess Hall and Medical Building. Systems shall be designed to meet
the design criteria of pressurization, humidity, temperature control and air quality within
the tolerances specified using a recognised design method. Designs shall be appropriately
recorded and verified for all areas and plant selection. Pressurization is intended to
prevent untempered (unconditioned) air ingress to the buildings.
Air conditioning design shall be integrated with the building design to achieve optimum
energy performance of the facility and detailed options for energy saving solutions for
building and AC performance shall be included into the AC design and review process.
Air conditioning system shall not contain Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs).
Daylight Sensors
Contractor shall supply and install occupancy sensors with in-built daylight sensors to all
buildings and rooms.
Thermal Performance
Contractor shall consider the utilization of material with good thermal performance, as
per following consideration:
• Building materials with higher intrinsic R-rating;
• Higher R-rating insulation added to the walls and roof space;
• Relationship of the building floor height to natural ground level & floor insulation;
• Double glazed windows with uPVC frames.
• Provide equipment with an energy star rating no less than one star below than the
maximum that is available for that type of equipment. This covers all “domestic”
appliances for accommodation buildings and laundries such as:
o Built-in hot water systems;
o Air-conditioners;
o Refrigerators;
o Televisions (low standby power use);
o Washing machines; and
o Clothes dryers.
• Integrate the camp area cooling with planting and greenery to provide shading.
Consider natural ventilation design and use of permeable materials for walkways;
• Careful analysis on sizing pipes and ducts. The smaller the pipework, the greater the
pump power and energy consumption.
Water Usage
Contractor shall consider water efficiency aspects in the camp design and operating
philosophy such as: water efficient fixtures and equipment, use of recycled on site
water sources and potential for rainwater collection/harvesting systems to meet certain
domestic demands subject to relevant standards.
Contractor shall design the camp roof, gutter and collection facilities (e.g. water
collection tank) that will allow the collection and utilization of rainwater. The collected
rainwater from the camp roof to be used for general washing activity, car wash and/or
plant watering purpose, refer to UCC-900-SPE-CV-WPI-0013 Early Works Camp
Technical Specification for Civil Works.
Contractor shall continue the utilisation of treated sewage for road watering and dust
suppression purpose.
Shared facilities shall comply with the requirements for access by handicap persons.
Accessible path of travel shall also be provided to the following facilities:
• Offices;
• Clinic;
• Kitchen and mess hall areas;
• Recreation room;
• Public toilet;
• Universal access accommodation suitable for handicap person;
• Laundries that would be expected to be used by persons occupying universal access
accommodation buildings;
• Bus shelter; and
• Sports courts.
Description Requirements
Total Occupancy Accommodation 3,500 pax with an increase of 10% in POB
Single Occupancy Accommodation (1) 56 nos – 56 pax
Double Occupancy Accommodation (1) 1,839 nos – 3,678 pax
Male / Female Split 90% / 10%
Note: (1) Numbers of single and double occupancy are indicative only and shall be
verified and finalised by Contractor during detailed design stage to meet
the minimum total occupancy accommodation.
Building and structures shall be single storey module-type buildings.
Accommodation Facilities
Contractor shall propose all the facilities that are needed for accommodation based on
Workforce Welfare Guide – Early Works Camp (UCC-900-SPE-HS-WPI-0001) and
minimum requirements listed in Table 7-2.
Description Requirements
Minimum free floor area per person 4.6 m2
Minimum ceiling height 2,5 m
Window area 10% of the floor area
Ablution per room One en-suite shower and toilet
U-Value 0.4 W/m2K
Noise Reduction 40 dB
Minimum Fire Rating 60 minutes (1 hour)
Room furnishing • Refer to Workforce Welfare Guide – Early Works
Camp (UCC-900-SPE-HS-WPI-0001)
• Color-coded waste basket (at the minimum for
recyclable waste and combustible waste)
Bathroom furnishing • Refer to Workforce Welfare Guide – Early Works
Camp (UCC-900-SPE-HS-WPI-0001)
Communal access corridor Min. 2m wide
External Terrace Garden / balcony with seating
As a general guideline, where applicable, structural height of Accommodation Quarters
/ units from underside of roof slab/plate to finish floor level shall be minimum 3.2m.
Accommodation shall incorporate lights/inlet-outlet grilles/fire censors/sprinkler
system and HVAC ducting.
Fire water system for accommodation shall be in accordance with GP 24-13 (Active Fire
Protection) section 9.5.
Contractor shall propose number of units including all the facilities that are needed for
kitchen and mess hall based on the minimum requirements listed in Table 7-3.
Description Requirements
Number of personnel per kitchen and mess hall Max 1,000 personnel
Type of Food Served Asian / Indonesian, Western
Minimum kitchen area allowance per person 0.4 m2 / person
Minimum mess hall allowance per person 2 m2 / person
Mobile catering capability Yes, required
Details of kitchen and mess hall requirement shall refer to UCC-900-SPE-HS-WPI-0001
(Workforce Welfare Guide – Early Works Camp).
A recreation facility shall be provided in each block of the camp and shall include as
minimum as presented in Table 7-4:
Medical Building
The Camp shall include new medical centre suitable for the population specified. Medical
facilities shall comply with Indonesia authority health and hygiene regulations. Camp
Master planning shall optimise the location of medical facilities to be closed to sport hall
or other sheltered facility.
Reception areas, consulting rooms, OH room, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Xray room, staff
offices, treatment room, ER, and isolation room shall be fitted with data/telephone
points (2 total) and each area/room provided with telephones on the basis of one
telephone per occupant.
The whole medical facility shall be covered with vinyl flooring with seamless join and
curved wall edge. Adequate exhaust fan to create relative negative pressure for isolation,
laboratory, toilets, chemical storage. Medical facility waste-water should be properly
connected to waste water treatment plant and readily mounted.
Ambulance shall have good space to manoeuvre to the ambulance bay outside the ER
Room and the nearby ambulance parking space. Clinic pantry sink and plumbing system
(or grease trap) shall have the capacity to cope with a minimum of 80 personnel.
Emergency power back up system shall be provided 24/7 to anticipate sudden power
The Medical Facilities shall be fully fitted out and as minimum shall include:
• Reception / waiting area with sheltered entrance;
• Doctors consulting room (minimum 2);
• OH room (1);
• Male and female toilets (minimum 2);
• Nurses cubicle-office;
• Pharmacy room (1);
• X-ray room with lead lining wall and sliding door (1);
• Emergency Room (ER) (1 with minimum 3 beds capacity);
• Observation room (1) with minimum 8 beds capacity);
• Isolation room with 2 beds each (minimum 2 rooms with negative pressured);
• Clinic storage room;
• Laundry room (1);
• Industrial hygiene room (1);
• Clinic meeting room (1);
• Administration room (1);
• Medical staff toilet;
• Janitor room;
• Chemical storage room (facing out);
• Lockable oxygen storage room (facing out);
• Covered/shaded ambulance bay;
• Covered/shaded ambulance parking space;
• Emergency shower as decontamination area;
• Pantry with mini dining room; and
• Hazardous medical waste storage room for clinic waste (with design in accordance
with regulatory requirements).
Other Building
The requirement for other buildings such as laundry, prayer facilities and outdoor
recreation facilities shall be read in conjunction with Workforce Welfare Guide – Early
Works Camp (UCC-900-SPE-HS-WPI-0001).
Temporary Refuge (TR) shall be provided in appropriate locations for the personnel’s
staying inside the camp, Alarms and Sirens shall be provided to alert all the personnel at
the camp facility for any emergency to seek Temporary Refuge. Possibility of designing
some of the existing buildings or facilities as TR shall be investigated and recommended.
Adequate protection is required for areas where flammable materials are stored such as
but not limited to Diesel, LPG cylinders, etc.
Adequate Emergency Lightings shall be provided throughout the camp.
For fire-fighting purposes, there should be a reservoir/tank, pump station and fire
hydrants, hose reels, sprinkler, etc. Adequate emergency power back-up shall be
provided for Lightings, F&G system, communication system & other essential services,
Emergency Command Center shall be provided as a part of Accommodation camp with
all essential facilities including multiple modes of communication systems to Main
Control Building (MCB), Fire stations and site incident command centers.
All provision for fire safety and emergency evacuation facilities shall be reviewed and
approved by certified fire engineer consultants.
i. Supply all as-built layout drawings, P&ID’s, datasheets and specifications for the
complete fire fighting system which complies with the relevant NFPA standards;
j. Supply all operating procedures for the complete fire fighting system
Water Supply
Water supply shall be originated from sea water intake. The extent of water treatment
will be determined by the end use of the water at the camp site. The water treatment
facility’s capacity shall be designed to a total capacity of minimum 4,000 personnel.
Contractor shall build a new water system (i.e. RO System). At the minimum the new RO
system shall:
a. Meet drinking water quality standard as per local regulation, bp Standard, and
International best practice
b. Comply with maximum discharge volume and quality standard refer to
requirement in permit;
c. Provided with flowmeter and sampling facility at the compliance point (reject brine
outlet), as well as at potable water distribution line or inlet and outlet of potable
water tank;
d. Provided with bund-wall, saline water collection pit and return line to brine tank to
collect any leakage of saline water from the RO system and prevent contamination
to soil;
e. Consider installation seawater intake at a deeper sea location and farther from
shore to minimize the carry over of solid content in raw water; and
f. To support the two existing water intake pump, Contractor shall provide one new
pump with same specification as the existing pump.
The preferred location for Sea Water Intake is near the BOF location. Contractor shall
assess the existing sea water intake condition, location and capacity to determine the
requirement of any new or relocation of sea water intake in order to minimize the mud
The design, supply and construction for RO system and potable water tanks shall meet
Technical Specification for Mechanical Works (UCC-900-SPE-MP-WPI-0001) and subject
for review and approval from COMPANY, in addition to the following requirements:
a. For seawater sources, after desalination at a Company asset using SWRO or a
thermal desalination process, the following minimum disinfection shall be
• Primary disinfection consisting of one of the following:
o UV irradiation at a wavelength of 254 nm at an intensity of at least
16 mJ/cm using a device certified for potable water use.
o Free chlorine contact providing at least 4 log virus inactivation prior
to the first customer.
• Maintenance of residual free chlorine residual or chloramine residual of at
least 0,2 mg/l (0,2 ppm) at all points in the distribution system.
b. Chlorine gas shall not be used for the disinfection of potable water at a
Company facility.
c. Non-potable water systems and potable water systems shall not be cross
d. Potable water systems shall be separated from non-potable water use and have
cross contamination risk minimised by a backflow preventer or positive air gap.
e. Additional treatment required to conform to water quality requirements for
non-potable uses shall be provided downstream of the air gap or backflow
f. For non-potable uses that require capacity or flowrate greater than 20% of total
potable water use, a separate day tank shall be used that:
• Is filled through a positive air gap and backflow preventer.
• A WLAN heat map for offices, accommodation and other facilities should be
generated, as guideline to the number and locations of cable connection for
Wireless Access Point
• There shall be a 24 cores fibre optic cable connection between location designated
as Main Company office in construction camp with the New MCB location. A new
fiber optic patch panel should be installed in the new MCB. Another 24 cores fibre
optic cable connection between Main Company office and Core Level LAN locations
shall be provided.
• For Main Company office in project site a new LAN/WLAN system that adheres to
Company standard should be installed. Each desk in Company office shall be
equipped IP Telephony desk phone unit. The LAN/WLAN will tied back to Company
existing Tangguh system using the 24 cores fibre optic cable to New MCB.
Contractor shall be responsible for the procurement and physical installation of
LAN/WLAN equipment including any additional equipment/parts that is required to
modify existing Tangguh system to allow the connection and integration of the
LAN/WLAN at Main Company office in project site. Configuration of the equipment
will be performed by Company personnel.
• New Trunking Radio System, if required;
Security Telecommunication shall consist of following systems:
• Public Address General Alarm System;
• Access Control Systems;
• Closed Circuit Television; and
• Intruder Detection System.
Rotating Equipment
Supply of diesel engine (DEG) shall refer to EP-GIS-34-305 while emergency diesel
generator (EDG) shall refer to GIS-12-851. The noise and emission limitation shall be in
accordance with GIS 15-011 and PERMEN LHK No. 11/2021.
Fire water pumps (including jockey pumps) shall comply with NFPA 20, and shall be UL
listed and/or FM approved.
Centrifugal water pumps and diesel pumps shall follow GIS 34-202 (ASME B73.1) or EP-
GIS 34-204 (ISO 5199). All sump pumps shall be horizontal self-priming pumps.
Centrifugal pumps shall have adequate minimum flow protection, and shall be fitted with
a permanent strainer completed with differential pressure gauge. A pressure gauge shall
also be provided at suction and discharge of the pump. Pump material selection shall be
fit for purpose for the duty and the required design life.
The camp including the utilities require the facility to be either fully mothballed, or sections of
the camp to be mothballed for period to be determined by the Company, whilst retaining the
camp full functionality for the un-mothballed sections of the camp.
All plant / equipment / utilities must have the capability of high turndown ratios, or design in a
manner that allows part of the system to be mothballed while the rest of the facilities remain
fully functional. Materials of construction and fit out shall be fit for purpose for site conditions
(as well as meeting mandatory technical & quality standards as described in specification
listed in Table 2-1) such as to minimise maintenance and keep facilities in good condition for
duration of use or during camp mothballing. Contractor shall propose a suitable material for
Company review and approval.
The design of the camp also shall take into account the re-commissioning of the camp / plant /
equipment / utilities that have been mothballed without effecting the operation of the un-
mothballed sections of the camp.
The Contractor shall supply to the Company a full set of preservation procedure to be carried
out while the camp / plant / equipment / utilities are mothballed.
The design of the camp also shall consider the re-use/re-purposing of the camps material for
other building / purpose. Standardization of component shall be considered to allow the
material being disassembly for re-use/recycling.
1.1 Language
All project drawings, calculations, specifications, and other documents shall be written in
the English language with some exceptions as below:
• Documents related to commissioning and operation of facilities that will be used on
site shall be in both Bahasa Indonesia and English languages.
• Documents required to be submitted to Indonesian statutory authorities shall be in
Bahasa Indonesia with translation to English.
1.2 Unit of Measurement
Typically units of the S.I. (System International) shall be used throughout the project,
including input data and results of numerical analyses, quantitative information released
in calculation notes, drawings, or any other document. Exceptions are highlighted with
an asterisk (*) below. Accordingly, the shown in Table B-1 are used as standard units on
the project.
Table B-1: Unit of Measurement
Parameter Units Abbreviation
Mass Kilograms, Tonnes kg, t
Length Kilometres, Metre, Millimetres km, m, mm
Time Seconds s
Density Kilograms per metre cubed kg/m3
Velocity Metres per second m/s
Acceleration Metres per second squared m/s2
Force Newtons, Kilonewtons, Meganewtons N, kN, MN
Moment Kilonewton metres kN·m
Stress - steel Megapascals MPa
Stress - soil Kilopascals kPa
Energy Joules, Megajoules J, MJ
Acidity pH pH
Energy Flow Rate Kilowatt kW
Temperature degree Celsius °C
Pressure Kilograms per Square Centimetre Gauge* kg/cm2g * (barg)
(alternate Bar Gauge)
Flowrate (Production Gas) Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day MMSCFD
Flowrate (Production Liquid) Barrels per Day BPD
Flowrates (Other) Cubic meter per hour/second, kilogram per m3/h, m3/s, kg/s,
hour/second, tonnes per day/hour kg/s, t/d, t/hr
2 Site Conditions
2.1 General
The site for the UCC project onshore Facilities is adjacent to the existing operated
Tangguh LNG Plant, located at Tanah Merah in the Bintuni Bay region, West Papua
province, Indonesia.
• Spheroid : WGS 84
• Projection : Transverse Mercator TM 132 SE Include Scale Factor : 0.9996
• Central Meridian (CM) : 132o E
• False Easting at CM : 500,000 m
• False Northing : 10,000,000 m for Southern latitudes
• Angular relationship between True North and Descriptive North: Zero Degrees.
Reference to Company document IDN-000-REF-SV-85001 Coordinate Reference System
for Tangguh.
• The vertical datum used for all Onshore Plant is Mean Sea Level (MSL) at the
Tangguh Shore Line.
• The vertical datum used for Near-shore Marine Facility is Chart Datum (Lowest
Astronomical Tide level as estimated in 1997)
• Plant Elevation EL + 0 m = MSL + 0 m = LAT +2.150 m.
2.3.1 Overview
From data recorded from the intended Train-3 area during November 2011 – September
2012, the site experiences monsoonal weather patterns with SE winds on June - August,
and W - NW winds in December ‐ February. On a yearly basis, the prevailing wind
direction is from the SSE to S, with an occurrence of 25%; however, winds from this sector
rarely exceed 6 m/s.
b. Operational
For Onshore Process Design, the wind direction and wind speed data as recorded at the
Train-3 area during November 2011 – September 2012 and shown in Figure B-1, Figure
B-2, Table B-3 and Table B-4, shall be used as a basis for designing air coolers and
carrying out the HAR (hot air recirculation) verification study.
This wind data is based on measurement at 10 meters above grade level.
The wind speed statistics recorded and collated at the Train-3 area during November 2011 –
September 2012 are reported in Table B-4 and Figure B-3.
Table B-4: Wind Speed Record (Nov 2011 - Sep 2012)
Rainfall data in Table B-8 are from 3 years data only. The basis of permanent surface
water drainage system design shall be the 10 Year Return Period. The Design Rainfall
Intensity shall be 160 mm/h with maximum rainfall duration of 2 hours.
2.4 Topographical Data
The LNG plant site extend over grasslands or “savannahs”, mixed forest, and highland
swamps. The ground in the grasslands is firm and dry. The forest areas are a
combination of firm dry soils and small highland swamps caused by poor drainage.
Mangrove swamps existing in the area shall be avoided as much as practical.
Tangguh LNG main process facilities are located at elevations at or above MSL + 10m, so
they are not at risk of flooding from river overflow or seawater inundations. Sections of
roads, pipeline corridors, HDD working areas, and other infrastructure which service
shoreline facilities may be exposed to inundation.
The following listed documents provide additional references used for the design of the
existing operated Tangguh facilities:
• “Onshore Topographic Survey (ON‐1)”, 900‐SDY‐151‐4
• “Tangguh LNG Project – Overview of Coastal Geology and Geomorphology,
Report by Baynes Geologic, October 2005”, 165/3/2
• “Tangguh LNG Project – Coastal Geology and Geomorphology around Bintuni
Bay and Easter Berau Bay, Report by Baynes Geologic, March 2006”, 165/3/3.
• “LIDAR Topographic Survey G128-REP 0010 BP Tangguh Rev B – October 2013”
• “Tangguh UCC LIDAR & Orthophoto (Aerial Photo) - Project Report 2022, MPS-
PRJ-RPT-02 Rev 0 Minaret Seven
Additional topographical surveys, site preparation of the locations where foundations
for all onshore facilities will be installed shall be carried out by the early works
contractor with data provided in early FEED.
2.5 Onshore Geotechnical Survey Data
The approach that shall be adopted for the geotechnical design of the Tangguh UCC
onshore facilities (including onshore aspects within the offshore scope), and the design
codes and project criteria to be followed, are specified in the UCC Onshore Civil and
Structural Design Basis AP013-CV-BOD-014-00001.
General ground models have been created for Tangguh LNG onshore development
areas. These area-wide ground models require site specific ground-truthing through site
specific site investigation to derive design soil parameters.
Particular notes from the available geotechnical reports and experience on site are:
• In several areas of the Tangguh LNG site, including the UCC Project EGR, CCPP
and HCC proposed sites, there are areas of deep, wet, and very soft
uncontrolled cohesive fill which is prone to large settlements and has little
lateral support capacity.
• Other areas of the site include low-lying swamps, coastal mangroves, natural
ground, which is highly erodible when exposed, and both active and relic
landslides. Much of the coastline is naturally actively eroding.
• Other historical geotechnical and foundation design and installation reports are
also available can be supplied on demand
2.6 Seismic Data
Tangguh UCC facility design shall consider requirements within this section in order to
achieve excellence in design safety and utilizing Design Hazard Management (DHM)
principles. Adopting the process from the earliest stages will provide the highest value of
risk reduction, reducing the cost to achieve that value.
Underpinning the HSSE Management Plan is the overall goal to cause no harm to those
who will work on the development of the new facilities and to ensure that, through focus
on process safety, no harm will come to those who will operate the facilities or any
members of the general public exposed to the effects of the operation and no damage to
the environment.
All health risk shall be managed and potential exposure should not exceed Indonesian
regulation, bp standard, and international best practices (i.e. ACGIH). Design
considerations shall include, but not limited to, the points below.
3.3.3 Vibration
During equipment selection, vibration health risks to whole body (e.g. when the body is
supported on a surface that is vibrating) and hand-arm (e.g. when vibration passes to
hand from handheld vibrating portable tools and equipment) shall be considered.
3.3.4 Lighthing
Illumination levels shall conform with GP 12-30, Lighting and Small Power. Stroboscopic
effects on rotating machines, flicker (fatigue, epileptic seizure), optical radiation (some
lamp designs produce significant emissions), blue light emission, color rendering
properties and glare should be considered in design.
3.3.5 Noise
Work area sound pressure levels should not exceed those identified in GP 15-01 and
section 11.9.1. Other noise exposure control measures, such as minimizing requirements
for personnel to enter noisy plant areas by using CCTV, continuous vibration monitoring,
and remote monitoring of operational parameters should be included in design.
3.3.6 Human Factors/Ergonomics/Manual Handling
The workplace, including all plant and equipment, should be designed to minimize
ergonomic health risks. UG 3.4-0003 Human Factors Engineering in Major Projects
Upstream Guide shall be followed. The following should be considered:
• Ergonomic equipment and task design to prevent manual handling injuries (e.g.
by provision of good valve positioning, design for adequate access, egress,
implementation of lifting aids, and workflow design, aimed at minimizing the
need for manual handling tasks altogether).
• Future maintenance requirements for plant and equipment and include provision
of lifting aids and maintenance workspace.
3.3.7 General Ventilation (offices/accommodation/refuges)
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) design shall refer to EP-GP 14-00 HVAC
Design. HVAC design shall also :
• Consider location of intake and exhaust, sized to provide adequate air supply for
living quarters, laundries, galleys, offices, medical room etc. without risk of
inappropriate mixing or backflow.
• Consider allocating separate HVAC intakes on opposite sides of accommodation
or occupied areas to allow alternate use of intakes depending on weather or
source of exhaust gases (e.g. supply vessel alongside a facility)
3.4 Security
The Tangguh UCC Project shall provide a secure working environment by protecting its
people and facilities against risk of injury, loss or damage from criminal, hostile or
malicious acts and separatism activity. Therefore, Tangguh UCC Project will continue the
previous project successful security philosophy for assuring security at site with
improvement from lessons learned.
As the Tangguh UCC Project will be located within the boundaries of the Tangguh site,
the existing security philosophy will be extended to include the new facilities. It should
be noted that the Tangguh UCC Project will be part of the existing Tangguh Facility
infrastructure and hence all security requirements at site will be managed under the
existing procedures and processes by the Tangguh Security team.
o Promoting the positive behaviour of all contractors and personnel at the site.
o A community-based security or Integrated Community Based Security to assure asset
protection and security of personnel.
o Increase the use of technology-based security devices, passive security measures,
and drone patrols.
o Cyber Security program to all contractors and personnel at the site.
o Proactively introduce the principals of the Code of Conduct and the Voluntary
Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) principles.
4.1 General
The purpose of this section is to describe the environmental regulatory requirements and
legislation that will apply to the Project and specifically to the onshore facilities. This
section outlines the considerations for the design and operation of the Project with
respect to safeguarding the environment in conformance with Indonesian regulations,
AMDAL Requirements, Environmental Approval, company policies and standards, and the
international treaties to which Indonesia is a signatory.
• Use narrow spectrum light sources to lower the range of species affected by
• Use light sources that emit minimal ultra-violet light.
• Peak higher than 550 nm.
• Avoid white and blue wavelengths of the light spectrum to reduce insect
attraction and where white light sources are required to manage the blue short
wavelength content they should be of a warm / neutral color temperature <4,200
Kelvin. One recommendation is to use High Pressure Sodium (HPS) light type.
4.9 Chemicals
All chemicals to be used for the UCC Project are required to be stored and managed in
accordance with relevant national regulations Chemical requirements around chemicals
selection, management, storage and distribution to be developed aimed at minimizing
risk to people and the environment. Particular attention should be paid to:
• Avoiding and/or minimizing use of chemicals that are of high toxicity to living
organisms, environmentally persistence or have potential for bioaccumulation and
considering less harmful alternatives; and
• Selection of chemicals with appropriate shelf life (based on their expected use
profile) such as to minimise waste associated with expired stock.
4.10 Waste
The ‘Duty of Care’ principle shall be adopted for the management of waste streams
generated by the Project’s facilities where the waste producer shall be responsible for
ensuring the proper and safe disposal of wastes, even after it has been passed to another
party. The Duty of Care for waste cannot be contracted away or delegated to a third party.
Project is required to take all reasonable steps to manage any waste it generates and
ensure its lawful disposal.
According to the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.22 Year 2021,
all solid waste resulting from operational onshore activities shall be managed at waste
management facilities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Project waste
shall also be managed in accordance with bp requirements.
Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 6 of 2021 concerning
Procedures and Requirements for Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste
(Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Nomor 6 Tahun 2021 tentang Tata
Cara dan Persyaratan Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun provides
relevant requirements associated with hazardous waste storage.
Wastes anticipated, or known, to contain NORM and other potentially radioactive
materials shall be handled in accordance with relevant national legislation and GIIP
4.11 Spill Prevention
There is potential for spills to occur during maintenance, construction and commissioning
or through loss of containment. Measures to be incorporated into the design to minimise
potential spills include:
• Valves to allow early shutdown or isolation in case of emergency release or loss of
• Non-return valves to prevent reverse flow where appropriate.
• Corrosion control through design, material selection and adequate corrosion
• Slam shut valves to be provided where hoses are used for transfer and colour coded
and different sized hoses (or connection types) to be used for different chemicals /
• Bunding/kerbing of the areas and equipment containing hydrocarbons and
• Valves in tundishes/bunds that can be closed during chemical filling (to be included
in operating procedures);
• Bunds around onshore tanks containing hydrocarbons/chemicals to be designed to
contain 110% of the tank volume. Where there is a number of vessels contained
within one bund, the bund shall be designed to contain 110% of the largest capacity
volume or 25% of the total volume;
• Onshore bunds for tanks/vessels containing large hydrocarbon/chemical inventories
shall be provided with impermeable liners suitable for hydrocarbon / chemical
• Bunds and the associated drains to be designed to retain major spills / leaks and
route the contents to the hazardous drains system;
• Secondary containment to be provided for all permament and temporary equipment
containing hydrocarbons or chemicals along with use of drip trays in line with the
Tangguh LNG Temporary Secondary Containment Procedure.