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Key Concept Hypnosis

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This document is a component of the website of the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation. Clicking on this text or the logo will take you to the home page
of Memory and Reality (FMSFonline.org).
Key Concepts in Hypnosis
Hypnosis is inextricably tied to the false memory problem, whether its use is
formal or disguised. FMSF Scientific Advisor
Campbell Perry, Ph.D. has written this section to provide readers with the key
concepts in hypnosis. Dr. Perry is Professor
Emeritus of Psychology at Concordia University in Montreal. He has published widely
in the area of hypnosis.
The website of the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis and
the research database provided by the
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis may interest readers wishing to
explore the area of hypnosis further.
Key Concepts in Hypnosis
Campbell Perry , Ph.D.
I gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance of Emily Carota Orne for her
critical comments on earlier versions of this
manuscript and Pamela Freyd for her incisive editorial recommendations.
The final responsibility for all opinions expressed in this document is my own.
What is hypnosis?
What are the main historical events of hypnosis?
Is the term "hypnosis" a metaphor?
Can hypnosis be feigned?
To what extent is a person able to experience hypnosis?
How can hypnotic susceptibility be measured?
Are high hypnotizables suggestible?
Is hypnosis a form of placebo?
What role does imagination play in hypnosis?
How does hypnosis affect memory?
Hypnotic hypermnesia effect
Post hypnotic amnesia
What is the relevance of "dissociation" to hypnosis?
Does hypnotic age regression produce historically accurate memories?
What is meant by the metaphor of a "hidden observer"?
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What is the connection between Hypnosis and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
[recently renamed as Dissociated
Identity Disorder (DID)]?
History and Frequency of MPD/DID
Iatrogenic MPD/DID
Simulation of MPD/DID
Is sexual abuse during childhood a cause of MPD/DID?
What is the role of hypnosis in the creation of false memories?
What is the difference between formal and "disguised" hypnosis?
Can hypnosis be dangerous?
Gail Macdonald's story
FMSF legal survey
Can a hypnotized person be coerced into unconsenting acts?
How is hypnosis used in entertainment, therapeutic, and forensic contexts?
Stage hypnosis
Therapeutic hypnosis
Forensic hypnosis
What are some of the clinical successes and failures with hypnosis?
What are some current controversies in hypnosis?
How can a person find a qualified clinical practitioner of hypnosis?
What are the main professional hypnosis societies?
What are the main scientific journals of hypnosis?
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis involves a person's ability to set aside critical judgment without
relinquishing it completely, and to engage in makebelieve
and fantasy (Gill & Brenman, 1959; E. R. Hilgard, 1977). For some people this make-
believe may be so vivid and
intense that they have trouble differentiating it from reality. Indeed, they may
not be able to do so. It should be emphasized that
the experience of hypnosis has very little to do with the abilities of the
hypnotist, and is mainly a matter of abilities of the
person hypnotized. The ability to conduct a hypnotic induction is acquired easily
and rapidly by an individual who has at least
moderate interpersonal skills, and who is able to establish a relationship of trust
and an appearance of competence.
Hypnosis in itself is not a science; its phenomena, though, have proven to be
highly amenable to experimental research
employing the methodology and procedures of scientific enquiry. The ability to
hypnotize does not qualify a person to treat
others; for that, a post-graduate degree in psychiatry or clinical psychology
allied to a solid grounding in hypnotic phenomena
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are required. Some more detailed suggestions are provided in the section called How
can a person find a qualified clinical
practitioner of hypnosis?
What are the main historical events of hypnosis?
Hypnosis has a long and rich history (Gauld, 1992; Laurence & Perry, 1988), dating
from the late 18th Century in Paris.
During that period, Franz Anton Mesmer gained astonishing popular recognition for
what he called Animal Magnetism (the
first of several metaphors for what is now called hypnosis). Mesmer believed that
there is an invisible animal magnetic force or
fluid in the atmosphere which he could harness, store in his body, and transmit to
physically ill patients with curative effects.
What is remarkable about Mesmer is that although the historical records of his
practice are not always clear, Mesmer obtained
major improvements and occasionally complete cures that other medical professionals
of his epoch were not able to obtain.
This success led him to conclude, erroneously, that Animal Magnetism exists; we now
know, however, that the various nonspecific
placebo factors that are present in healing situations may have been the effective
ingredients in his treatment
successes. Elements such as hope for a cure or alleviation and faith and trust in
the magnetist, and in magnetism, are all likely
to have weighed in, just as they do in a variety of healing contexts today.
In 1784, A Royal Commission of Inquiry into Animal Magnetism was established. It
was headed by Benjamin Franklin, and
included some of the leading scientists of the day such as Lavoisier, the chemist,
and Guillotine, the inventor. It performed
some quite sophisticated experiments on magnetic phenomena. With the magnetically
"adept" person separated from the
magnetist by a paper screen so that they could not see each other, the
Commissioners found that the patient frequently showed
magnetic effects when the magnetist was not magnetizing, and did not show these
effects on other occasions when he was. The
Commission concluded (correctly) that animal magnetism did not exist, and
(incorrectly) that its non-existence meant that it
could not have curative effects.
In the true traditions of science, however, the commission provided an alternative
explanation of magnetic phenomena, part of
which suggested a way in which an ostensibly non-existent entity could, in fact,
have curative effects. It concluded that the
effects observed were the product of imagination, imitation and touch, and that the
main contributing factor was imagination.
As will be seen later, imagination still has considerable currency in much
theorizing about hypnosis; it is now considered
central to understanding the manner in which hypnosis quite often alleviates a
variety of medical difficulties, in situations such
as clinical pain, where drugs and/or surgery have been ineffective (Melzack &
Perry, 1975).
Two other investigators of this period made significant contributions to the
understanding of what is now called hypnosis. The
Marquis de Puysegur renamed it artificial somnambulism, and placed much emphasis on
the notion that magnetic phenomena
were most likely to be elicited under conditions of what he called "exclusive
rapport" between hypnotist and hypnotized
person. The Abbe Jose Custodia di Faria called it lucid sleep, and drew attention
to the observation that between 16-20% of
the population was highly responsive to it (an estimate not unlike current data on
high levels of hypnotic responsivity). Others,
including Mesmer, had reported on the differential nature of response to what is
now known as hypnosis, but Faria was the
first to emphasize it and to make it the cornerstone of his position.
The term "hypnosis" was coined by James Braid, a Manchester surgeon, in his book of
1843. Here he was following the sleep
metaphors proposed by Puysegur and Faria, since the term comes from the Greek
hypnosis: to sleep. At a superficial level, this
is a plausible deduction given that, as Faria observed, such phenomena as sleep
walking and talking appear to be duplicated in
hypnosis. It was not until the 1950s, with the advent of the technology of the
electroencephalogram (EEG) that the sleep
metaphor was discarded. The EEG of hypnosis is formally indistinguishable from a
pattern of being relaxed, alert with eyes
closed. By contrast, the EEG of sleep consists of four distinct polygraph defined
stages that run in approximately 90-minute
cycles of progressively less depth throughout the night (Aserinsky & Kleitman,
For much of the 19th Century, another view of hypnosis gradually took hold. This is
the belief that hypnosis is a matter of a
person's degree of suggestibility. Unfortunately, this particular conceptualization
carries pejorative overtones, implying that
response to hypnosis is a matter of gullibility and/or feeble will. Suggestibility
theory makes little logical sense, being based
upon the observation that because a person responds to a number of suggestions,
s/he must be suggestible.
The sleep metaphor came to be reconciled, to a degree, with suggestibility theory
in the latter part of the 19th Century in
France. A.A. Liebeault saw hypnosis as "artificial sleep" and as indistinguishable
from nocturnal sleep. He also viewed
suggestion as essential in actuating the hypnotic process, in which the hypnotized
person became an automaton, unable to
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resist the demands of the hypnotist.
Towards the end of the 19th Century, two "schools" of hypnosis emerged in France.
Each had views that were frequently
opposed diametrically. Hippolyte Bernheim, much influenced by Liebeault, headed a
"school" at the University of Nancy, and
argued that hypnosis was initiated by suggestion and explained by suggestibility.
By contrast, Jean-Martin Charcot at La
Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, one of the foremost neurologists of his day, argued
that hypnosis is a physio-pathological
condition allied to hysteria. At around this time, legal cases involving evidence
derived from hypnosis began to be heard by
French courts, and both Charcot and Bernheim became deeply involved in the
controversy that these legal proceedings
The effect of these legal battles for the study of hypnosis was disastrous in the
short term. Not only did Charcot and Bernheim
hold almost diametrically opposed views on many issues; both, also, were in error
on some of them. Professional interest in
hypnosis waned towards the beginning of the 20th Century, as people in the field
turned away from this corrosive legal battle,
and towards the distinctive views and approach of Sigmund Freud.
For the first three decades of the 20th Century, interest in hypnosis remained in
decline, only to be revived by Clark L. Hull,
whose 1933 book entitled Hypnosis and suggestibility: An experimental approach was
instrumental in rekindling interest in the
topic. This renewal of interest was short-lived, however; Hull was forced to
abandon the study of hypnosis and to turn his
attention to learning theory. Two apocryphal stories exist on why this happened.
One is a misguided concern that hypnosis
threatened the chastities of female students at his university. An alternative
account is that a student who was working at Hull's
lab hypnotized another student, but did not evaluate post-hypnosis alertness. The
student left and was hit by a car while
crossing the street. The parents threatened to sue Yale University (or did sue it)
and the lab was closed. Whatever the reason,
the field of hypnosis lost one of its most talented and prolific researchers at a
time when it could least afford it.
World War II, however, provided an unexpected reprieve. In the heat of battle,
field hospitals often ran short of the drugs
needed to treat wounded soldiers. Under often appalling conditions, a small group
of clinicians of hypnosis were able to
provide pain relief and alleviation of the suffering of their often severely
injured patient. Some of these clinicians banded
together after the war ended to form the Society for Clinical and Experimental
Hypnosis (SCEH); it held its first meeting in
1949. Unfortunately, as a result of some major disputes on clinical issues within
SCEH, some clinicians, spearheaded by
Milton Erickson, went on to form the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH)
in 1957.
The period between 1960 and 1990 is likely to be seen by future historians as
halcyon days for hypnosis. During this period,
three major hypnosis research laboratories developed in the United States. One was
at Stanford University under the direction
of Ernest and Josephine Hilgard. A second one was at the University of Pennsylvania
(after a brief inaugural period at
Harvard University) under the guidance of Martin T. Orne, Emily Carota Orne and (in
later years) David F. Dinges. A third
one was at Medfield Hospital in Massachusetts under the auspices of Theodore C.
Barber. Unfortunately, the Stanford and
Medfield laboratories are no more; by contrast the Philadelphia Laboratory
continues to thrive.
These three laboratories had a profound effect on younger clinicians and
researchers who entered the field of hypnosis during
this period; indeed, many of them received some of their doctoral and/or post-
doctoral training at either Stanford,
Pennsylvania or Medfield. In addition, strong national societies of hypnosis sprang
up in many countries, and, gradually, some
international structures to link them. With the ease and speed of travel provided
by the aviation industry, the study of hypnosis
became international in a manner hitherto not envisaged. The upshot of these
developments is that, for future investigators of
the 21st Century, there exists a solid empirical, clinical and forensic base upon
which to build. But there are lessons from
Nancy and Salpetriere that must be remembered -- always.
Is the term "hypnosis" a metaphor?
The history of hypnosis has something important to say about the scientific
endeavor in general. One way of looking at how
Science progresses is through theories changing over time. And a theory may be
thought of as a metaphor, or an as if
construct. A metaphor is chosen to help elucidate or explain a phenomenon that is
not understood, in terms of other things that
seem to be better understood. One metaphor gets replaced by another one that seems
a better fit of the facts.
Thus, Mesmer can be seen as embracing the metaphor of Animal Magnetism and as
arguing that it is as if the behaviors he
observed were the product of this invisible force that he could harness, accumulate
in his body, and transfer to sick people.
Faria with lucid sleep, Puysegur with artificial somnambulism, and Braid with
hypnosis were all saying that it was as if the
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magnetized person was in a state akin to nocturnal sleep. Liebeault and Bernheim
adopted the metaphor of suggestibility for
precisely the same reason, though their logic was a little askew; they maintained
that since suggestion is an essential ingredient
of the hypnotic process, suggestibility must be the key as if formulation for
understanding it. The same can be said of Charcot
in seeking to link hypnosis with hysteria, since many of the behaviors found in
hysteria could be reproduced in hypnosis -- it
was to him as if hypnosis followed processes similar to those he had observed in
this particular class of patients.
It remains to be seen whether current accounts of hypnosis that are couched in
terms of a person being involved in imagination
will suffer a similar fate and come to be seen as obsolete, as if formulations. It
may happen, but the term "hypnosis" is unlikely
to be discarded; it is a soothing metaphor, and the fact of its near universal
adoption since Braid coined it more than 150 years
ago ensures a certain degree of continuity with the past. It provides, also, some
safeguard that the phenomenon that is under
discussion now is what various investigators were observing at an earlier time.
Can hypnosis be feigned?
Although the behavior observed in hypnosis can be dramatic and compelling at times,
it can be simulated by individuals who
have little of the ability to be hypnotized. Low hypnotizables are chosen for the
task of simulation because there is no likelihood
of them becoming hypnotized inadvertently. They are instructed that intelligent
people can fake hypnosis, and are told,
truthfully, that the person performing the hypnosis is blind as to who is, and is
not, hypnotized. In addition, they are told that
the hypnotist will terminate the induction if s/he suspects simulation.
Importantly, simulators are not given any training on how
to enact this role. If they ask, as many do, they are told simply that they are to
try to pick up any available implicit cues in
order to determine what the demand characteristics (Orne, 1959) of the situation
are. That is, they are asked to figure out
what the hypnotist wants, and then to respond accordingly.
Some investigators in the field believe that hypnosis is little more than a form of
behavioral compliance. If it were true, it would
make the study of hypnosis substantially less interesting. Retrospective subjective
reports, however, indicate that more than
behavioral compliance is involved. For instance, a common hypnotic item is the
suggestion that an arm is stiff and rigid, and
impossible to bend no matter how hard the hypnotized person tries. It is very
difficult, on the sole basis of observing the
behavior, to differentiate a person who truly believes that the arm is impossible
to bend at the elbow, no matter how hard s/he
tries, from a person who complies with the suggestion, in full knowledge that s/he
can bend the arm.
Reports of hypnotized and simulating subjects reveal that hypnosis involves,
basically, subjective alterations in perception,
mood and memory (Orne, 1980); this means that there is a qualitative difference
between persons who report that a suggested
subjective alteration was experienced as "happening" involuntarily to them, as
opposed to those who report it as something
that they "did" actively and voluntarily. It is from subjective reports, rather
than from behavioral manifestations, that a
differentiation of voluntary compliance from the involuntary experience of hypnosis
becomes possible. This, however, is not an
all-or-nothing distinction; some behavior in hypnosis is voluntary.
For instance, a willingness to cooperate, and to experience subjective alterations
are major prerequisites of hypnotic response.
This issue is addressed in more detail in the section Are high hypnotizables
suggestible? In conclusion, the comparison of
hypnotized and simulating individuals points to a fundamental differentiating
characteristic: the responses of simulators tend to
be based upon logic, while those of hypnotized people tend to be grounded in
fantasy (Orne, 1979).
To what extent is a person able to experience hypnosis?
Hypnotic susceptibility, hypnotic ability, hypnotizability and hypnotic
responsivity are terms that are used interchangeably in
the scientific literature on hypnosis. They refer, descriptively, to the extent to
which a person is able to experience hypnosis.
Hypnotic susceptibility is a differential phenomenon; research dating back to over
a century ago indicates that there are
individual differences in this ability. Despite numerous attempts to modify
hypnotic ability by training low responsive
individuals to become highly responsive (Spanos, 1986), the evidence indicates that
these individual differences are stable and
Studies have found, repeatedly, that approximately 10-15% of the population is
highly responsive to hypnosis; that is, able to
experience the more classical phenomena of hypnosis such as age regression,
analgesia (pain reduction), positive and negative
hallucinations, and post hypnotic amnesia. An additional 10-15% is unresponsive, or
minimally responsive to hypnosis; these
individuals are unable to experience even mild subjective alterations, such as the
suggestion (experienced by approximately
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90% of the population) that the arm is light and weightless and is floating towards
the forehead of its own accord, as if it were
attached to a brightly colored helium balloon. The remaining majority of 70-80% of
the population is moderately responsive to
hypnosis; they can experience easy, and in some cases, moderately difficult
hypnotic items, but at a certain cut-off point they
are unable to respond further. Most hypnotizability scales (next section) consist
of items that become progressively more
How can hypnotic susceptibility be measured?
Experimental attempts to measure hypnotic susceptibility began as early as the
1930s; the most commonly accepted measuring
instruments were developed during the late 1950s at Stanford University. These are
the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility
Scales: Form A, B, and C (SHSS: A, B, C) developed by Andre M. Weitzenhoffer and
Ernest R. Hilgard (1959; 1962)) and the
Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility: Form A (HGSHS: A) developed by
Ronald Shor and Emily Carota Orne
(1962); it is an adaptation of SHSS: A for administration to small groups.
All follow the same principle of test construction. They each consist of 12 items
of progressively greater item difficulty (as
defined, psychometrically, by the percentage of subjects in a normative sample that
reports experiencing each particular item).
The initial items are ones on which 80-90% of the normative sample report
experiencing, the later ones are sufficiently difficult
that only a minority of 10-20% experience them. In addition, SHSS:C is said to have
more "top" to it than the other measures;
that is, it consists of fewer easy items, and contains more difficult ones drawn
from the 10-40% difficulty level (Perry, Nadon &
Button, 1992).
Are high hypnotizables suggestible?
During the latter part of the 19th Century and for several decades into the 20th
Century, the prevailing view among
investigators of hypnosis was that it can best be understood in terms of
suggestibility. At a descriptive level this may be true,
but as an explanation, suggestibility theory depends upon the far from useful
observation that a person who responds to a
gamut of hypnotic items, ranging from very easy to very difficult is, ipso facto,
suggestible. Logically, this is a circular
argument, the form of which can be stated as follows:
Question: Why did a particular person respond to a number of hypnotic items?
Answer: Because s/he is suggestible.
Question: How do you know that s/he is suggestible?
Answer: Because that person responded to a number of hypnotic items.
Quite a few concepts in Psychology are used in a comparably circular fashion.
Instinct is a thoroughly respectable term when
used descriptively, but far too often it is used to explain what it describes. For
instance, weaver birds build a distinctively
shaped nest, and the evidence is that they do this when raised from birth in
isolation from their parents. This is clear evidence
that their nest-building behavior is instinctive, rather than learned. It is
accurate descriptively to say that weaver birds have a
nest-building instinct, but a pseudo-explanation to regard this empirically
established instinct as explaining this behavior (E.
R. Hilgard, 1971). For that, professionals trained in such fields as genetics and
biochemistry appear to be more likely to
provide the requisite explanation by examining what is built into the body of the
By the same token, it is correct to say that people who respond positively to a
hypnotic procedure are suggestible -- but only at
the descriptive level. Suggestibility describes what they do; it does not explain
why they do it. To understand why they do what
they do, a rationale needs to be developed which differentiates the people who
respond to most hypnotic items, regardless of
difficulty, from those who respond minimally, if at all. Returning to weaver birds,
it is true that they build distinctively shaped
nests and that this behavior suggests the existence of a nest-building instinct.
The mechanism that underlies this instinct needs
to be documented independently, so as to avoid circular reasoning. By an identical
logic, the same can be said about the
mechanisms that underlie response to hypnosis, and about high and low levels of
this response to it.
Is hypnosis a form of placebo?
Responsivity to a placebo, or sugar pill, is as valid an operational measure of
suggestibility as one is likely to find. If hypnosis
is no more than a matter of suggestibility, there should be no difference between
response in hypnosis as opposed to response
in a placebo condition, though one might expect differences between high and low
hypnotizables. McGlashan, Evans and Orne
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(1969) sought to examine this question by comparing groups of high and low
hypnotizables in conditions of hypnotic analgesia
and placebo, in a study of response to ischemic pain. In both analgesia and
placebo, subjects had a tourniquet placed on a
forearm while pumping water from one container to another. This procedure milks the
blood from the veins of that arm, and
yields some quite elegant measures of work and effort, since the longer that an
experimental subject can continue to pump
water, the more one can say that his (all subjects were men) performance is
unhindered by the rapidly mounting pain of
The results were striking. Low hypnotizables showed a mild pain reduction in both
the hypnotic analgesia and placebo
conditions. By contrast, high hypnotizables showed substantial pain reduction in
hypnotic analgesia, and a slight pain increase
in the placebo condition; their performance in placebo did not differ statistically
from that of the low hypnotizables in the same
condition. This finding is diagrammed in Figure 1. From this, it can be concluded
that the mechanisms underlying hypnotic
response are formally distinguishable from suggestibility.
Figure 1. Differential effect of hypnotic analgesia and placebo in experimental
subjects of high and low hypnotizability
(compiled by Hilgard & Hilgard (1975), from the data of McGlashan, Evans & Orne
Twenty years passed before an attempt was made to replicate this finding. Spanos,
Perlini and Robertson (1989) reported two
studies in which pain reduction was measured by a strain gauge. This involved
placing a weight of 2300 grams on the first
phalanx of a finger. The placebo was different, also. It was described as a
"topical anesthetic," and was a solution of three
parts colored water to one part ethyl alcohol. The latter produces sensations of
cooling and mild tingling, and was used to
communicate to the experimental subjects that the anesthetic was having the desired
High and low hypnotizables were compared across the two studies in various
combinations of baseline, placebo and control
conditions. It was found that, in both studies, high hypnotizables showed
significantly greater pain reduction in hypnosis as
compared to both baseline and placebo conditions. The study is important since it
is a rare instance of hetero-method
replication; that is, Spanos et al. obtained the same finding as McGlashan et al.,
despite major differences in the pain stimulus,
the placebo employed, and the way in which they measured responsivity to hypnosis.
This point that hypnotizability is
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something distinct from suggestibility (as indexed by placebo response) has been
confirmed independently, also, by Gudjonsson
(1987) using the suggestibility scale that he developed.
What role does imagination play in hypnosis?
One of the earliest attempts to clarify the mechanism(s) underlying individual
differences in hypnotizability centers around the
idea that the hypnotized person deploys his/her skills of imagination to the point
of becoming deeply involved in the ongoing
fantasy activity of a hypnotic induction. This emphasis dates from the Benjamin
Franklin Commission of 1784. Most of the
major contemporary investigators of hypnosis allocate a role to fantasy and
imagination in the hypnotic process; perhaps the
strongest emphasis on such processes is to be found in the work of Josephine
Hilgard (1970/79), J. Philip Sutcliff (1961) and
that of Theodore Sarbin and William C. Coe (1972).
Josephine Hilgard coined the term imaginative involvement to highlight this
particular position. In similar vein, Sutcliffe
emphasized delusion in a descriptive sense to point to the manner in which fantasy
may take on reality value for some
hypnotized individuals, and becomes accepted by them as having happened in
actuality. Likewise, Theodore Sarbin and
William Coe emphasized the role of imaginings that become believable. In each case,
the thrust is in terms of imaginings that
become so vivid and intense that the person in hypnosis may not be able to
distinguish them from reality, and may come to
believe that they are actual occurrences. This position is aptly summarized by Auke
Tellegen (1978/79). He wrote: "It is the
ability to represent suggested events and states imaginatively and enactively in
such a manner that they are experienced as
There is research support for this position. A study conducted by Tellegen &
Atkinson (1974) has demonstrated that hypnotic
responsivity is related to the ability to become absorbed in imagining such things
as the setting of the sun, or the smell of ripe
oranges. Further, data collected by Cheryl Wilson and Theodore X. Barber (1982) has
identified a subset of high hypnotizables
whom they characterize as fantasy "addicts;" that is, as individuals who spend as
many of their waking hours as possible
engaged in fantasy and imagination.
A number of other theorists of hypnosis have emphasized the role of fantasy and
imagination, but have placed less stress on the
role of absorption, though they all agree that reality testing may be suspended and
belief may be altered. Ernest Hilgard (1977)
has emphasized dissociation, and views hypnosis as involving multiple, overlapping
systems of cognitive control, some of which
may not always be available to conscious awareness and which may tap into fantasy
processes. Martin T. Orne (1980) views
hypnosis as involving alterations, even distortions, of perception, mood and
memory. In similar vein, Judith Rhue and Steven J.
Lynn (1989) view highly hypnotizable individuals as highly prone to fantasy.
Nicholas Spanos and Theodore X. Barber (1974) conceptualize it as "thinking along
with and experiencing suggestion related
imaginings." Unlike other investigators, their emphasis is upon hypnotic behavior
as being entirely voluntary and rational,
even though hypnotic behavior, at least among high hypnotizables, appears to be an
admixture of voluntary and involuntary
behavior, in which rational and non-rational components are fused.
At the same time, as Theodore X. Barber (1969) emphasized, positive motivations,
favorable attitudes, and positive beliefs
about hypnosis (that being hypnotized is an enjoyable and safe activity) also play
an important role in determining hypnotic
outcomes. While this is certainly so, such social psychological influences are of
little consequence to the experience of hypnosis
if the person lacks such requisite abilities as imagination and absorption; by the
same token, a person with these requisite
abilities will not respond to a hypnotic induction procedure if s/he lacks the
necessary motives, attitudes and beliefs.
For instance, for most of the 19th Century, post hypnotic amnesia was reported by
investigators of the period as occurring
spontaneously; this appears to have stemmed from the shared beliefs of the
hypnotist and of the hypnotized person that this was
the nature of the phenomenon. But then, as now, it was a relatively small
percentage of hypnotized individuals who responded
in this manner. In other words, only those individuals who had the requisite
ability responded in a manner consonant with the
prevailing belief of the period.
How does hypnosis affect memory?
Experimental data indicate that hypnosis has three main effects upon memory. (1)
Hypnosis increases productivity, but most of
the new information is in error; (2) it increases confidence for both correct and
incorrect "novel" remembrances; (3) these
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increases in productivity and confidence are found at all levels of
hypnotizability, but these effects are most pronounced in high
hypnotizables in hypnosis (as compared to when they are assigned to an imagination
or a repeated recall condition), and as
compared to low hypnotizables who receive either hypnosis, imagination and repeated
recall instructions (Nogrady, McConkey
& Perry, 1985; Orne, Soskis, Dinges, Orne & Tonry, 1985).
Hypnosis can result in confabulation. This is the tendency to confuse fantasy as
fact. Again, as was emphasized earlier, the
possibility that novel information elicited in hypnosis may be confabulated must be
evaluated -- always. It is possible that such
new information is true, but as equally, it could be a lie, it could be
confabulated, or it could be pseudo-memory that is
manufactured in response to the demands of the hypnotic situation. These four
alternatives -- truth, lie, confabulation or
pseudo-memory -- were emphasized by French forensic investigators of over a century
ago (Laurence & Perry, 1988), and
each of them, still, requires rigorous assessment.
Hypnotic hypermnesia effect
"Hypermnesia" refers to an abnormally vivid or complete memory. Hypnotic
hypermnesia is the belief that hypnosis enhances
accurate memory for events that a person is initially unable to remember. In
actuality, there is little evidence favoring the
hypnotic hypermnesia effect. Although people may produce more information with the
use of hypnosis, it is not necessarily
accurate. Given that the processes underlying response to hypnosis appear to
implicate fantasy and imagination, any novel
material elicited in hypnosis needs to be corroborated by independent means. This
is particularly so when hypnosis is
employed as a part of a police investigation designed to elicit additional leads.
Uncorroborated, hypnotically elicited memories
can, all too easily, lead to the wrongful imprisonment of innocent people.
Post hypnotic amnesia
Post hypnotic amnesia is the failure to remember most, if not all of the events
occurring in hypnosis, until a pre-arranged
signal to recall them is administered. This phenomenon is confined to the top 10-
15% of the population, and, typically, these
individuals remember mere fragments of what transpired during the preceding period
of hypnosis. They may, for instance,
recall writing their name, their age, and the date, but not that this request was
made within the context of being hypnotically
age regressed to childhood. While some high hypnotizables have a "blanket" amnesia
for the events of hypnosis, this is more
typical of low hypnotizables asked to simulate hypnosis (Orne, 1979). Usually, the
response of simulators to this and other
hypnotic items is to respond in terms of the perceived demands of the situation.
They tend to interpret an amnesia suggestion
as meaning that they cannot remember anything at all until they receive the signal
to reverse the amnesia.
This reversibility of post-hypnotic amnesia distinguishes it from amnesias of
organic origin, such as from a blow to the head.
While evidence suggests that memories based upon a retrograde amnesia (that is, one
resulting from trauma of either a
psychological or physical character) may become available eventually, the retrieval
process is, ordinarily, slow and laborious.
By contrast, the reversal of hypnotically suggested amnesias is effected by a
simple suggestion that the person "can now
remember everything."
What is the relevance of "dissociation" to hypnosis?
Another characteristic of the hypnotizable person that has long been implicated in
the hypnotic process is the ability to
dissociate. The problem with this particular concept is that it is part of the
intellectual baggage that was inherited from the
19th Century, and it is a term that has more than one meaning. Sometimes the term
is used to mean the ability to perform two
tasks at once; at other times, it points to the ability to focus upon one activity
to the exclusion of all other elements in a
situation (in which case it may be formally indistinguishable from absorption).
Still a third usage, emphasized by Ernest R. Hilgard (1977), involves the notion of
processing information at a level that is not
accessible to conscious awareness. Despite these contrary connotations, the sheer
longevity of the concept of dissociation
suggests that it may be implicated in the hypnotic process. To be a useful concept,
however, it needs a reformulation that
removes the various ambiguities of current formulations.
Does hypnotic age regression produce historically accurate memories?
Hypnotic age regression involves the hypnotized person's ability to "relive" an
earlier period of his/her life. It is to be
distinguished from thinking about the past, or remembering it; the age regressed
person experiences being a younger age in a
subjectively vivid and compelling manner, and this is accompanied, quite often, by
what appear to be age appropriate changes
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in voice, mannerisms and handwriting. Although the age regressed person's behavior
can be very convincing subjectively, that
is no guarantee of the historical accuracy of anything that a person recalls about
his/her past during age regression.
Orne (1951) reports the case of a German-born experimental subject, regressed to
age six, when he spoke no English.
Drawings that he had made at that age were compared to ones he made when
hypnotically regressed to age six, including two
drawings he completed while age regressed after he had seen his actual productions
of that age. The drawings reported in this
study are reproduced in Figure 2. Although the age regressed drawings were
certainly child-like, Karen Machover, a clinical
psychologist with expertise in children's drawings described them as "sophisticated
oversimplifications;" that is, their child-like
quality was appropriate to a chronological age greater than the age to which he had
been regressed. There are many other
demonstrations of this basic observation that novel information, elicited in
hypnotic age regression, cannot be taken at face
value; it needs, always to be corroborated by independent means before it can be
deemed as factual.
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Figure 2. Drawings by an experimental subject at the age of 6 years, age regressed
to 6 years, and out of hypnosis while
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imagining what he might have drawn at age 6 (from Orne, 1951).
A. Original drawings at age 6.
B. Drawings done when age regressed to 6 years.
C. Drawings done 2 weeks later when age regressed to 6 years a second time.
D. Drawings done when age regressed to 6 years after seeing the originals prior to
E. Drawings done while age regressed after awakening and repeated showing of the
originals in the awake state.
F. Drawings done while age regressed to age 6 after the originals were shown during
G. Drawing done in a waking imagination condition when asked to imagine how he
might have drawn at the age
of 6 years.
H. Dictation written while age regressed to 6 years. Note the superficial
resemblance to a child's writing.
It has been found, also, that people respond differentially to hypnotic age
regression. Approximately 50% of individuals who
are able to experience it report duality. When questioned about their subjective
experience, they indicate that they felt both
adult and child (either simultaneously, or in alternation). The remaining 50%
report a quasi-literal regression; they state that
they really felt that they were the suggested age, and had no sense of being an
adult (Perry & Walsh, 1978). The only hypnotic
item with which this differential response to age regression correlates is the
"hidden observer" effect (E. R. Hilgard, 1977),
which seeks to index dissociation.
From this, there is a suggestion here that dissociation is, also, a differential
phenomenon, at least among those who are able to
experience it. Current evidence suggests that it is found, almost exclusively,
among high hypnotizables -- that is the top 10-15%
of the population. It is possible, however, that with the development of
dissociation measures that are less difficult
psychometrically, more people of moderate hypnotizability will be found to
experience milder forms of dissociation.
(For those interested in further reading on the subject of age regression, the
following is suggested: Nash, M. (1987) What, if
anything, is regressed about hypnotic age regression? Psychological Bulletin, 102,
(1) 42-52.)
What is meant by the metaphor of a "hidden observer"?
The "hidden observer" is a metaphor for dissociation; this latter term was
introduced by Pierre Janet (1889) to indicate that
ideas could be cut off, or detached from the mainstream of consciousness, where
they could then fuel symptoms. Ernest R.
Hilgard sought to broaden this concept, developed in the clinic, in an experimental
attempt to understand the mechanisms
underlying hypnotic analgesia (pain reduction). A probabilistic relationship has
been found between hypnotizability and
hypnotic analgesia using cold pressor pain (immersing an arm in 0 degrees
centigrade iced water for 60-90 seconds).
It has been found that 67% of high hypnotizables report a reduction of pain by one
third or more, as opposed to 17% of
medium susceptibles, and 13% of low hypnotizables (E. R. Hilgard & Morgan, 1975;
see also E. R. Hilgard & J. R. Hilgard,
1975). This finding is diagrammed in FIGURE 3. [The criterion of a reduction of
pain by at least one third has been adopted
by pain researchers as indicating a significant diminution of pain, in much the
manner that statisticians have opted for p<.05
as indicating a statistically significant effect.]
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Reduction of pain through hypnotically suggested analgesia as related to
susceptibility to hypnosis (from E.R. Hilgard &
Morgan, 1975).
Hilgard argues that measurable pain that does not register in conscious awareness
must register at a covert "hidden" level that
is somehow dissociated from the mainstream of consciousness. Hence the metaphor of
the "hidden observer," which is designed
to point to this state of affairs at a descriptive level.
Despite laboratory attempts to link the "hidden observer" effect to performance on
other hypnotic items, it has been related
only to the differential response to age regression. Experimental subjects who
report experiencing a "hidden observer" report,
also, duality in age regression; those who do not report a "hidden observer"
experience report a quasi-literal experience of age
regression in which they have only a sense of being the age suggested, and no sense
of being an adult (Nogrady, McConkey,
Laurence & Perry, 1983).
The finding cannot be attributed to the demands of the situation, that is,
voluntary compliance with what the hypnotized person
perceives as desired by the hypnotist; the demand of the "hidden observer" item is
to report this experience while the demand
of age regression is to report a quasi-literal regression, with no awareness of
being an adult. In other words, an account of this
relationship in terms of demand characteristics fails to explain why approximately
50% of high hypnotizables respond to the
demands of the "hidden observer" item and not to the demands of an age regression
item -- and vice versa.
Among other things, these data suggest that if dissociation is a viable construct,
then it is a differential phenomenon; that there
is more than one way of experiencing it. Thusfar, however, this observation of a
possible differential dissociation response
being related to a differential response to age regression has not been integrated
into the mainstream of current theorizing
about dissociation.
What is the connection between Hypnosis and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
[recently renamed as Dissociative
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Identity Disorder (DID)]?
Hypnosis is tightly linked with the diagnosis of Multiple Personality Disorder.
Colin Ross, one of the leading proponents of
MPD, wrote in 1989 that "There is a strong connection between MPD and hypnosis, in
etiology, phenomenology, and
treatment," (p.64) and "most interventions in MPD may have a hypnotic component."
(p. 275) The 1994 guidelines of the
International Society for the Study of Dissociation state that "DID experts
generally agree" that self-hypnosis plays an
important role in the disorder, that patients will frequently enter trance states
during treatment and that hypnotic techniques
can help patients in crisis. Hypnosis has often been used to bring out the alters
of MPD patients.
History and Frequency of MPD/DID
MPD/DID has a long and complex history. The first two reports of MPD were recorded
between 1800 and 1820. According to
Coons (1986), by 1980 the scientific literature contained slightly more than 200
such cases. In 1980, 900 new cases of
MPD/DID were reported (Coons, 1986), a 450% increase over the previous 170 years.
Orne, Dinges and Orne (1984)
reported more conservative figures. On their tally, there were from 90-165 cases
between 1811 and 1970, and 370-450 between
1970 and 1980. This represents a 224-500% increase. Part of the impetus for this
large increase was that the third edition of
the American Psychiatric Association's 1980 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-
III) first recognized MPD (as it was then
known) as a distinct diagnosable disorder. It can be seen from Orne et al. (1984),
though, that even prior to DSM-III's
recognition of MPD as a diagnosable condition, its incidence was rising rapidly. In
addition to the rising frequency of the
MPD diagnosis, the number of alters found in individuals has also risen
Following the publication of DSM-III (1980), the burgeoning incidence of reported
MPD/DID cases continued throughout the
1980s and well into the 1990s. It created considerable controversy within
professional societies of psychiatry and psychology.
Some MPD/DID proponents have argued that it has been underdiagnosed in the past
(Ross, 1989). Some maintain that
MPD/DID is a rare but distinct condition. Still others believe that it is
iatrogenic (that is, suggested implicitly by the therapist).
Further, the possibility that MPD/DID can be faked, particularly when a criminal
defendant faces legal charges, must be
considered. These issues require some amplification.
The belief that MPD/DID is a rare, but diagnosable, condition comes from Corbett
Thigpen and Hervey Cleckley (1984), whose
book The three faces of Eve (Thigpen & Cleckley, 1957) was later the subject of a
Hollywood film; it whetted much public and
professional interest in MPD/DID. They reported that in the three decades since
Eve, they had seen some tens of thousands of
psychiatric patients, but in their view, only one of these merited a diagnosis of
MPD/DID. A similar observation was recently
provided by Frances and First (1999), the Chairperson and the Editor of DSM-IV. In
45 collective years of psychiatric
practice, they believe they saw only three genuine cases of MPD/DID. They commented
"A good rule of thumb is that any
condition that has become a favorite with Hollywood, Oprah, and checkout-counter
newspapers and magazines stands a great
chance of being wildly overdiagnosed." (p. 288) This observation suggests that if
such a condition exists, it is rare.
Merskey (1992) also takes a skeptical position. In reanalyzing a large number of
19th Century diagnoses, he argues cogently
for misdiagnosis in most of them. He argues that a number of them appear to fit
equally well as manic depressive illness,
organic brain disorders, or manufactured by means of hypnosis and asking such
questions as: "Is there anybody else there?" or
"Do you have a name?" On the other hand, proponents of the MPD/DID diagnosis point
out that such leading questions must
necessarily be asked, i.e. a clinician's only hope of diagnosing the disorder is to
put the question explicitly. Other clinicians,
however, such as Paul McHugh argue that a therapist should never talk to alters.
Sutcliffe and Jones (1962) argued for a similar position, concluding that many of
the earlier cases were "probably
misdiagnosed" (p. 244). They argued that such diagnoses as brain damage, epilepsy,
and schizophrenic regression were more
likely. At the same time, they observed that "there remain a considerable number of
cases which might be classified as 'multiple
personality;' (p. 247). When one compares cases that were discussed by both Merskey
(1992) and by Sutcliffe and Jones
(1962), most of the cases described by the latter as possible instances of MPD/DID
are interpreted by Merskey as bipolar
disorders or as factitious personalities created by the therapist. This is a point
on which both sets of investigators agree in a
number of other cases. Although there is a hazard inherent in diagnosing patients
that one has not examined, the problem here
is that there is little in the way of hard criteria of inclusion and exclusion for
MPD/DID, so that alternative explanations of
past (and current) diagnoses of this condition may be inevitable.
See Piper (1997) for a thorough discussion of the problems of diagnostic criteria
for MPD.
Iatrogenic MPD
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Much of the evidence for MPD/DID being iatrogenic (that is, suggested and fashioned
by the therapist) is anecdotal and/or
One sort of evidence is that few therapists ever see it. A survey conducted by
Modestin (1992) found that only three therapists
made 58% of 221 diagnoses of MPD/DID. Although this fact might indicate that the
doctors who do find MPD/DID are
particularly skilled, it might equally point to the fact that those therapists are
prone to creating MPD/DID with their patients.
There is also the intriguing observation that compared with North America, the
diagnosis of MPD/DID is made rarely in
Europe (Aldridge-Morris, 1989), even though it was once a highly popular diagnosis
in 19th Century France (Merskey, 1992).
Although this might point to social and/or psychological conditions in the United
States that are conducive to MPD/DID, it
might equally be evidence of the disorder's iatrogenic character in many cases.
As a case in point, Columbia University psychiatrist Herbert Speigel (Borch-
Jacobsen, 1997) reported on the case of Sybil, one
of the high profile MPD/DID cases of the 1980s whose story, like Eve, became a best
selling book (Schreiber, 1973) and later
movie. While Sybil was being treated by Cornelia Wilbur, M.D. and displaying an
array of alter personalities, she was also
seeing Spiegel. Early in this encounter, she asked Spiegel if he wanted her to be
Helen. Helen, she explained, was who Dr.
Wilbur wanted her to be in their therapy sessions. Spiegel indicated that it would
be acceptable for her to be whomever she
chose; she settled for being herself with Spiegel.
This report raises a particularly vexatious issue: patients with MPD/DID are
customarily represented as having no voluntary
control over the emergence of alters. Without doubting that Sybil suffered from
difficulties that required psychiatric
intervention (a point on which Spiegel and Wilbur agreed), one must ask whether
Spiegel's report invalidates Wilbur's
MPD/DID diagnosis. Similar issues are raised by a recent autobiographical account
of MPD, First Person Plural (West,
1999). In a recent review, Piper (1999) pointed out some inconsistencies in West's
story such as his enrollment in a university
graduate program, despite some reportedly severe memory impairments. Piper also
noted that West forbade his alters from
emerging when he had sexual relations with his wife; again the issue of voluntary
control over the emergence of alter
personalities is raised.
Retractors provide further evidence that MPD/DID can be iatrogenic. Typically,
retractors are women who entered therapy
and later publicly accused parents of childhood sexual abuse, only to withdraw the
allegation after they stopped therapy. Many
retractors have described in compelling detail how their therapists interpreted
every possible symptom as a consequence of the
MPD/DID that developed because they repressed their memories of childhood abuse.
One variation of this more general theme is described by Pasley (1993), who was
sexually abused by a stranger at a swimming
pool and never forgot it. She reports that: "[a]lthough my therapist was only the
second person I had ever told that story to, it
was not dealt with in therapy because it wasn't 'deep' enough. It wasn't repressed
so it couldn't have caused me problems" (p.
363). Instead, she was diagnosed as having MPD/DID, and spent four years in therapy
searching for repressed memories of
sexual abuse by her father.
There is good reason to suspect that additional personalities can be elicited
iatrogenically by a therapist who believes in the
pervasiveness of multiplicity, and who communicates this belief to the patient.
Patients want to please their therapists for this
reason, and it is often a difficult "call" in any specific case to disentangle the
various explanations. In some cases, multiplicity
may be fact; in others it may be a lie; in still others it may be confabulated; and
in still others it may result from an
inappropriate suggestion by a therapist.
Simulation of MPD/DID
Legal cases have presented the opportunity to examine whether people can simulate
MPD/DID. There have been reports of
criminal defendants presenting a MPD/DID defense as well as research showing that
the disorder is easily simulated (Spanos,
1994). The most meticulously documented legal case (Orne, Dinges & Orne, 1984)
involved Kenneth Bianchi (a.k.a. the
Hillside Strangler) who, with his cousin Angelo Buono, was accused of raping and
strangling several young women in the Los
Angeles and Bellingham, WA areas over a 14-month period between 1977-78. Although
two clinicians diagnosed Bianchi as
having MPD/DID, Orne testified successfully in court that he was simulating
hypnosis (which had been employed by one of the
clinicians to elicit his apparent underlying multiplicity), and also that he could
be simulating MPD/DID.
Because there was compelling physical evidence of Bianchi's involvement in these
crimes, the question of multiplicity was
mainly one of his degree of criminal responsibility; this boiled down to a question
of whether there existed a putative alter
personality that knew the difference between right and wrong. Although two
clinicians in this case argued that Bianchi was a
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multiple, the court found Bianchi guilty of first degree murder and rejected the
diminished responsibility claim of the
MPD/DID defense. Along with the experimental data presented by Spanos (1994), this
case suggests that it is easy for a
motivated person to simulate MPD/DID and to fool experts in the field. As indicated
earlier, exactly the same state of affairs
exists for the simulation of hypnosis. Thus great care should be exercised in
diagnosing MPD/DID, particularly with a person
in a legal context who stands to gain considerably from such a diagnosis.
Orne, Dinges and Orne (1984) have suggested other considerations in evaluating the
plausibility of an MPD/DID defense in a
legal context. They argue that there should be evidence that the condition existed
prior to any interaction with the clinician
who furnished an MPD/DID diagnosis. Further, the various persona should be
resistant to suggestion by the clinician. For
instance, many clinicians have reported ignoring patient attempts to present
themselves as multiples; this has had the effect,
quite often, of extinguishing the behavior. Bianchi remained steadfast in the face
of attempts by two prior clinicians to elicit a
third alter personality, yet provided an additional alter after Orne suggested that
it was unusual for a person suffering from
MPD/DID to have only two such personalities.
Is sexual abuse during childhood a cause of MPD/DID?
Although some have argued that every person who has been sexually abused is marred
for life, others have pointed to research
that seems to indicate otherwise.
Most of the clinicians who readily diagnose MPD/DID argue that this condition is a
direct consequence of sexual abuse during
childhood. This may well turn out to be true, but a recent review of the literature
by Frankel (1993) demonstrates that most of
the studies asserting this claim make little, if any, attempt to corroborate
independently that the reported abuse actually
happened. Since hypnosis was used to elicit memories of the abuse, it is always a
possibility that these memories were
confabulated by the patient, and/or were the result of inappropriate suggestions
made by therapists.
Two other concerns about the relationship between childhood abuse and the ubiquity
of life-long problems are that studies
have failed to separate sexual abuse from general family dysfunction and that very
young children do not have the categorical
framework by which to identify an incident as abusive (Levitt & Marie Pinnell,
1995). In addition, self-reports about past
abuse differ greatly. Not all people report life-long negative effects (Rind,
Tromovitch & Bauserman, 1998). Thus, for the
present, all that can be said is that no link between childhood sexual abuse and
this disorder has been established empirically.
What is the role of hypnosis in the creation of false memories?
In 1985, the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Medical Association
published a statement warning that
"recollections obtained during hypnosis can involve confabulations and
pseudomemories and not only fail to be more accurate,
but actually appear to be less reliable than nonhypnotic recall." The fact that
hypnosis might be involved in the formation of
false memories was well-known before the false-memory phenomenon became a problem.
Hypnosis does not operate in a vacuum.
Hypnosis has been conceptualized as "imaginative involvement" (J. Hilgard,
1970/79), "believed-in imaginings" (Sarbin &
Coe, 1974), and "delusion" (Sutcliff, 1961). As such, the role of hypnosis in
creating false memories is likely one of facilitating
and even hastening a process whereby a suggested fantasy of the past comes to be
accepted as a "true memory." In other
sections of this paper we explain elements of the hypnosis process that may be
involved in facilitating belief in a false memory:
Hypnotic susceptibility, Role of imagination, How hypnosis affects memory, Hypnotic
hypermnesia, Confusion about
dissociation and Age regression.
To appreciate fully the role of hypnosis in the creation of false memories, it is
important to remember that false memories of
childhood sexual abuse can develop without recourse to hypnosis. Although hypnosis
might re-awaken childhood fantasies, it is
in the context of the beliefs and actions of the hypnotist, an authority figure,
that the fantasy might come to be interpreted as
historically accurate. We look at the context, the beliefs and processes, in which
hypnosis may facilitate false memories.
Causal Connection: Experience in the various countries where false memories of
childhood sexual abuse have surfaced in
relatively large numbers in recent years reveals a consistent pattern of memory
creation. What happens, typically, is that a
demoralized adult (Frank & Frank, 1991) comes to believe that s/he cannot negotiate
life's current difficulties alone and seeks
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out a therapist. The person is unfortunate enough to choose a therapist who
believes that all psychological distemper, from
abulia (chronic procrastination) to zoophilia (sexual attraction to animals), is
the product of repressed memories of sexual
abuse during childhood.
Necessity of Memory Recovery: In addition to clinging to the over-simplified belief
that all dysfunctions are causally linked to
repressed incest memories, such therapists also believe that "recovering" abuse
memories will provide the person with insight
into his/her difficulties, and that this will lead to a dissipation of symptoms.
(While it is true that knowing why one behaves in a
maladaptive manner can be beneficial, there is no evidence that such insight
necessarily leads to symptom reduction.) A
therapist highly committed to this assumption takes a patient's disavowal of abuse
as evidence of being "in denial." This
diagnosis may be made without taking a full case history; it places the novitiate
patient in a subtle bind. There is something
wrong with the patient if he or she remembers -- that is, the patient has been
abused. But there is also something wrong if he
or she does not remember -- that is, the patient is in denial. Unless the patient
decides to terminate therapy, he or she is
embarking upon a long and gruelling odyssey in search of repressed memories of past
events that may not have happened.
Books or Experts Reinforce Belief: In this type of therapy, sometimes referred to
as Recovered Memory Therapy (RMT), the
therapist typically provides the patient with bibliotherapy. Often s/he is referred
to the book best known for its commitment to a
belief in the ubiquity of repressed incest memories: The Courage to Heal: A Guide
for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis. (Bass and Davis are open about the fact that they
have no professional training and have a
lesbian perspective. (Bass & Davis, 1988, p. 14, 76-77) ) The suggestive power of
this book has been shown in the uncanny
resemblance of many accusations to the book's script for "recovering" repressed
Mistaken Beliefs about Memory: In some cases, the diagnosis of MPD/DID may be made
based upon the belief that people
with multiple personality were sexually abused during childhood even though as
adults they do not remember. Given that
"remembering" plays such a critical role, hypnosis may be recommended for
recovering lost memories. The therapist and
patient likely hold the mistaken beliefs that hypnosis is highly effective in
restoring "true memory" and that there is no need for
independent corroboration for the reports that emerge with hypnosis. Of course, the
problem is that hypnotically enhanced
recall, while confidently believed, may be highly confabulated.
Mistaken Belief that Repressed Memories are Different: Another unsubstantiated
belief is that repressed memories do not
follow the general laws by which "everyday" memory is processed at the acquisition,
retention and retrieval stages. It is
suggested that at the acquisition stage the memory is encoded with photographic
precision. It is further believed that at the
retention stage the memory is encapsulated and is not subject to modification by
such factors as post event information, or by
self-serving reappraisals of the traumatic event(s). Finally, at the retrieval
stage, it is assumed that the memory is not in any
way modified by such factors as highly suggestive memory recovery techniques, such
as leading questions ("Do you remember
that your mother was too overwhelmed by the traumatic events to offer you
assistance?"). The scientific research is clear that
there is not the slightest scientific evidence for the existence of such an
acquisition/retention/retrieval process. (see Kihlstrom,
1994; Loftus, 1979 for accounts of how memory is acquired, stored and retrieved).
Cult-like Behavior: Following the diagnosis of repressed incest memories, with or
without an MPD/DID diagnosis, a number
of procedures may be employed that reinforce the belief that the diagnosis is
correct. Clients are sometimes urged to stage an
angry confrontation with the alleged abuser(s), not permitting him and/or her to
refute the accusations. They may be advised to
"get strong by suing" at the same time as being informed that "you are not
responsible for proving that you were abused" (Bass
& Davis, p. 137). (This may well be the worst legal advice of the millennium.)
Further, they are usually advised to break off all
relations with the family and with anybody else who questions the abuse narrative.
In effect, this places the patient in a cult-like environment, since by following
these instructions the patient is almost certain to
be surrounded exclusively by like-thinking others and will not be exposed to a
demurring voice. This effect may be magnified if
the person follows another piece of advice -- to become involved in an incest
survivors' group. For people who have yet to
"recover" a memory of sexual abuse during childhood, this can increase the pressure
to conform to group mores and to
"remember" something that justifies their presence in such company.
This process has been documented by Nelson and Simpson (1994) in a study of 20
retractors. Of 14 respondents who developed
visualizations of childhood sexual abuse during the course of group therapy, all
but one reported that similar or identical
memories were shared by other group members. Typical comments were: "We had very
similar alters (MPD alter
personalities) and memories. One woman would feel left out because she didn't have
a particular alter everyone else had, and
she wanted it" and "If you don't have a memory you feel like you have to come up
with one to compete with everyone" (p. 126).
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Suggestive Techniques: Another suggestion that may be given to the patient who has
no abuse memories is to question the
belief that her childhood was a happy time. The client is admonished to grieve for
the happy childhood that did not actually
occur, even though she may think that it did. In some books, hatred is advocated as
a healing method, and fantasies of murder
and castration of the alleged abuser are encouraged -- contrary to all reputable
clinical belief and practice.
Writing exercises are frequently suggested to help recover memories. It is not
unusual for a person to be urged to write nonstop,
without regard for syntax and punctuation, on such topics as how the putative abuse
occurred, and of factors in the
father's childhood that may have predisposed him to the alleged pedophilia. In the
accommodating environment of an
approving therapist or a survivors' group, such a hastily written account of
intimate details of a father's fantasized past may
eventually become highly plausible and believable to the patient. Research by
Elizabeth Loftus has demonstrated how the
process of imagining an event inflates the likelihood of a person coming to believe
it. (Loftus & Mazzoni, 1998)
After all of this, failure to "recover" the sought-after abuse memory is brushed
aside with such assurances as: "If you are
unable to remember any specific instances... but still have the feeling that
something abusive happened to you, it probably did"
(Bass & Davis, 1988, p. 21). And: "If you think you were abused and your life shows
the symptoms, then you were" (ibid, p.
22). Further: "If you don't remember your abuse you are not alone. Many women don't
have memories and some never get
memories. This doesn't mean they weren't abused" (ibid, p. 81).
In brief, some of the possible influences that may lead to false memories include a
treatment based upon the theory of
repression, the use of such procedures as hypnosis, guided imagery, dream
interpretation, and sodium amytal represented as
"truth serum," and the therapist urging the patient to cut off all contact with an
accused parent who denies being an abuser. In
addition, treatments that focus upon regression to infantile experiences, the
emergence of multiple personality, the recollection
of past lives and the experience of alien abduction are all at high risk to produce
spurious autobiographical memories. The risk
is increased when these techniques are used in a culture that frequently depicts
the recovered memory stories in movies, books
and TV.
A demoralized person may be particularly vulnerable to a subtly woven script that
sees all human distempers as a consequence
of repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse. It is conceivable that a person
may develop such a scripted abuse memory
without recourse to a hypnotic procedure. But from what we know about hypnosis, it
is highly probable that a person exposed
to some hypnotic technique will more readily and more confidently come to believe
in that for which there is no evidence.
What is the difference between formal and "disguised" hypnosis?
Formal hypnosis is straightforward; one person (the hypnotist) informs another
person (the experimental subject, the clinical
patient, or the crime witness) that s/he, with the person's permission, will
attempt to induce hypnosis.
"Disguised" hypnosis, by contrast, is an imagination-based procedure that the
practitioner does not represent as hypnotic in
nature. Nevertheless, it taps into the mechanisms thought to underlie
responsiveness to hypnosis -- namely imagination and
absorption (Perry, 1995). Here, it needs to be emphasized that a large variety of
procedures can be represented as hypnosis;
Estabrooks (1948) reported successful induction of hypnosis in one member of a
group of patients in therapy by representing a
gramophone recording of a Swiss yodeler as hypnosis.
Earlier formulations of 'disguised" hypnosis stem from the clinical work of Milton
Erickson during the 1950s and experimental
research of Theodore X. Barber during the 1960s. A renewed interest in disguised
hypnosis has developed in recent years as
the result of it being adopted by many therapists who search for repressed memories
of childhood sexual abuse. In practice,
procedures such as guided imagery, regression work, dream analysis, "relaxation"
and sodium amytal represented as "truth
serum" function as hypnosis by another name.
Can hypnosis be dangerous?
Hypnosis is not a dangerous procedure in itself, but complications may occur as the
result of faulty technique on the part of the
hypnotist, or from misperceptions on the part of the hypnotized person. The topic
is a vast one (see Laurence & Perry, 1988, p.
397-318 for a review). In terms of technical errors by the hypnotist, there is the
occasional report of a hypnotized person
failing to emerge from a trance. There are various ways of resolving this
difficulty, but in a safe environment, the worst that
can happen is that the hypnotized person finishes up having a prolonged sleep.
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Sometimes, hypnotic age regression may elicit traumatic memories of past events
(which may or may not have happened);
again, there exist straightforward procedures for relieving the painful emotion of
such memories, regardless of whether they
are based upon fact or fantasy. Further, there are data that show that the failure
to cancel or remove a suggestion after it has
been administered and tested in trance may lead to its post-hypnotic persistence.
The simple remedy for this problem is for the
hypnotist to be meticulous in canceling suggestions (unless the suggestion is a
therapeutic one designed to persist into the posthypnosis
period; for instance, that following hypnosis, the patient will feel better and
will function better).
A further area where care is required is in treating clinical pain with hypnosis.
Before embarking upon such a treatment, it is
important that the patient undergoes a neurological examination to ensure that the
pain is not the product of an undiagnosed,
organic origin. For example, there are a few cases in which a patient's headaches
were treated by hypnosis before it was
recognized that it resulted from an unsuspected brain tumor. Although hypnosis was
effective in masking the pain in these
cases, the appropriate treatment was surgery. Of course, once the correct diagnosis
has been made in such cases, hypnosis
might well be an appropriate means of reducing the pain during the waiting period
for the scheduled operation.
On the other hand, many of the complications that can occur with hypnosis stem from
the hypnotized person's perceptions of it.
Most of them can be avoided by questioning the person carefully during the pre-
hypnosis period about his/her knowledge and
beliefs about hypnosis. Beliefs such as that the hypnotized person is an automaton,
unable to resist any suggestion that is
administered, or that the person may not be able to terminate trance, can best be
met with factual knowledge, or even the
invitation to resist a particular item during hypnosis.
Again, the belief that post-hypnotic amnesia is permanent (to the extent that the
person is unable to remember any of the events
of hypnosis) can be defused by explaining that amnesia is reversible, and that when
the amnesia suggestion is administered, a
post hypnotic cue ("now you can remember everything") will be given so as to
relieve the amnesia. On some occasions, also,
when an affect-laden memory is elicited, the operator may place the onus upon the
hypnotized person to decide how much, if
any, of the traumatic material s/he wishes to recall. For a more detailed treatment
of these issues, see J. R. Hilgard, (1974).
It should be emphasized that this section is a distillation of cases of misused
hypnosis reported over more than 200 years. Even
allowing for the likelihood that such misuses are under-reported, one is left with
the impression that, overall, most
practitioners of hypnosis during this lengthy time span have been ethical and
competent in their utilization of it. By contrast,
with the widespread belief in the necessity for excavating memories of childhood
sexual abuse, there has been a spectacular
increase in the use of dangerous practices in which hypnosis plays a central role.
A detailed case report (Macdonald, 1999)
may help to crystallize how a procedure that is safe in competent hands can become
one that is harmful to patients.
Gail Macdonald's story:
Gail Macdonald is a retractor. She has written an important book about her
experiences of incompetent therapy with a
hypnosis base. Critics of FMS usually dismiss retractors in a patronizing manner,
arguing that if they were mistaken the first
time when they made the accusation, how can they be believed when they decide that
it was false and retracted it. Ms.
Macdonald is not so easily dismissed. Her therapist had encouraged journaling, and
by the end of her treatment, she had 20
exercise books (each of approximately 100 pages) in which her most intimate
thoughts about what was happening during
therapy were recorded. In addition, she was able to obtain a copy of her
therapist's notes; these provided external validation of
her subjective reports of the treatment. It may be of additional relevance that she
was the first patient in Canadian legal history
to win an out-of-court settlement against a community mental health clinic, one
whose magnitude she agreed not to disclose,
beyond saying that "all parties were satisfied" (p. 83).
At the time she entered therapy in the Fall of 1989, Ms. Macdonald lived in a
moderately sized town in Ontario, Canada. Her
master's level therapist was a Californian designated Joe in the book. He was
employed by the community mental health clinic,
and, as she later discovered, was not permitted to diagnose patients because of his
lack of experience and training. Her
presenting problem involved overindulgence in alcohol, drugs (to a lesser extent),
and diffuse anger towards her father (an
Very early in her treatment, Joe hinted that she had been sexually abused during
her childhood. This "diagnosis" was based
upon no more than his belief that her alcohol addiction, her low level of self-
esteem, and her unhappiness were the products of
repressed sexual abuse memories. He was undeterred by her reporting that she had no
memory of any sexual abuse, countering
that it is common for people in her situation to be in denial. He prescribed The
Courage to Heal and a book by Laura Davis
entitled Handbook for Sex Abuse Survivors as bibliotherapy; she purchased both
books and read them.
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From a very early time in the treatment, a strong transference appears to have
developed between therapist and patient that
had overtones of love. Over and above formal therapy sessions, there were walks by
the bay and exchanges of confidences; Joe
told her that it was difficult for him to confide in others because of his
professional life, and that because of time constraints, he
was unable to form a long-term personal relationship. He also admitted to
During this first year of treatment, Gail remarried -- to another recovering
addict. This new husband relapsed often; this, she
said, brought her closer to Joe. She began to have dreams about him, and although
she reports feeling embarrassed, she wrote
them in her journal so that he would, inevitably, see them. His reaction to this
was to say that it is normal to be attracted to
one's therapist, but there would be no problem with this for as long as they
discussed these feelings. Within a year, Gail was
seeing Joe on a regular weekly basis for formal treatment sessions, interspersed
with walks and coffee. This served to blur the
professional lines between treatment and a personal involvement, since it may have
placed Gail in the position of treating Joe
for his loneliness -- and without financial compensation.
Over the next year, there were some major developments in the manner that the
treatment devolved. Joe introduced the notion
of an inner child, explaining that because of Gail's alcoholism, a "part" of her
was wounded, and it needed assistance to
develop emotional maturity so that she could learn to cope more effectively with
difficulties. At around this time, he also
introduced the technique of guided imagery, in which she was to imagine a safe spot
to which she could retreat and explore her
feelings, undisturbed by more mundane concerns. He explained that for some people
an imagined armchair by the fireplace or
a nature scene such as a seashore could be a safe spot. They decided that Gail's
safe spot would be a meadow surrounded by
trees with a brook flowing though it.
It needs to be understood that techniques such as guided imagery, and the metaphors
of an inner child and a safe spot, are well
recognized in the clinical literature of psychology, and in themselves, are not
inherently harmful. Indeed, they can be beneficial
to patients when deployed skillfully. But they can equally have unintended adverse
effects, since all of them involve a direct
appeal to the patient's ability to fantasize. If the stated purpose of the therapy
is to resurrect buried memories of sexual abuse
during childhood, this appeal to fantasy and imagination always risks a false
memory. The problem is compounded when an
elicited memory confirms the therapist's suspicions, and the patient takes it at
face value with no corroboration.
The same can be said for dream analysis. Joe encouraged Gail to keep a journal of
her dreams. He expressed great pleasure
at the result, telling Gail that a breakthrough was imminent and that her denial
was lifting, since the truth was beginning to
emerge. No doubt this was highly encouraging to her until one day, without warning,
he asked whether she remembered her
father abusing her sexually. Not unreasonably, she was mortified that her dreams
could contain memories of her father
abusing her sexually. Even worse, from her point of view, was that if this
interpretation of her dreams was correct, it meant
that she had forgotten the abuse -- it raised the questions of how she could have
participated in incest (however unwillingly)
and of how she could not have remembered it.
Joe explained that when children are abused sexually, they "split off," relegating
such memories to their subconscious until a
later time when they feel strong and secure enough to acknowledge them. In the face
of this apparent revelation, Gail left the
office feeling "shattered and scared." Nevertheless, that night, following Joe's
suggestion, she looked through old family photos,
seeking to find even the slightest trace of evidence that such an abuse had
occurred. She cried all night at the thoughts of her
father having betrayed her trust, and of her being so "messed up" as to not
remember it.
She phoned Joe the next day for an urgent appointment, telling him that she felt
she was "coming apart at the seams." Clearly,
Gail was becoming highly fragile and vulnerable; not heeding some obvious warning
signals, Joe suggested she go to her safe
spot using the guided imagery procedures. This time, she said that it felt
different, that she was not alone. Joe suggested that
she look around to see if anyone else was present.
It transpired that there were seven young people in the safe spot. This was
interpreted by Joe as evidence of MPD; the young
people she had fantasized with considerable clarity were interpreted by him as
alter personalities, each harboring memories
that she could not bear to remember. An intensification of symptoms followed; she
began to hear voices, and this was
accompanied by severe headaches. Joe interpreted the voices as belonging to alters
and the headaches as stemming from
blocks in the unconscious.
What followed for the next few years has a truly nightmarish quality. She began to
sleep an average of three hours a night, and
with the combined pressures of sleeplessness and of looking after two young
children, she soon lost her a job with a cleaning
firm that she had started up with some other women. She became too unreliable to
maintain a regular clientele.
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Joe advised her to join a support group of women with MPD. Soon she was
experiencing time losses, during which she would
self-mutilate without realizing what she was doing during these periods of lapsed
consciousness. It was not long before every
other member of the support group was self-mutilating on a regular basis. As well,
Joe convinced her that she had been
satanically ritually abused by the priests and nuns of a Catholic school she had
attended during childhood.
It was a wretched period of her life, attending the support group, reliving what
appeared to be memories of incest and sexual
abuse, and listening to reports of similar memories from its other members. She
felt desperately lonely, and, by her own
description, she had become physically run down. She lost 30 pounds and had dark
circles under her eyes from lack of sleep.
Fortunately, a male friend, Dan, had become concerned with this deterioration in
her physical health, and suggested to Gail
that she seek a second opinion on what ailed her. It led her to take a "temporary"
break from therapy, remarkably with Joe's
blessing. Within weeks, the voices began to diminish, though they did not disappear
completely. Her appetite improved, and she
began to sleep full nights. Most important, she ceased her self-mutilations.
These are but the bare bones of a cautionary tale. Gail's road back to full
restoration of health and sanity still proved to be a
long one, but was much aided by some sound psychiatric intervention. Further,
Gail's experiences are not isolated instances of
a destructive form of therapy. There have been a number of American legal cases in
which an almost identical pattern of
therapeutic mismanagement has been documented.
FMSF Legal Survey -- Retractors
Indeed, a recent survey of 112 cases of misdiagnosed MPD/DID (FMSF Staff, 1999)
indicated that Gail Macdonald's therapy
experience follows an almost predictable path. Of the 112 misdiagnosed cases, 84
individuals (75%) had sued their therapist
for malpractice (and, in some cases, fraud). Analysis indicated that, like Gail,
most of these people had no psychiatric history
prior to entering a therapy in which they were diagnosed as having MPD/DID. Most
had opted for therapy as the result of such
conditions as postpartum depression or marital difficulties, and had been told that
their reaction to these problems indicated a
deeper, more serious, dysfunction.
Eventually, they were told that MPD/DID is almost always associated with sexual
abuse during childhood, and that repressed
memories of childhood trauma is a sign of MPD/DID. This is a commonly held belief
in clinical circles, even though there is
little evidence in support of it. Indeed, Spanos (1995) reported that childhood
sexual abuse was rarely a feature of MPD/DID
cases reported prior to 1970; by contrast, cases reported after 1975 have almost
always involved descriptions of sexual abuse
during childhood. Further, these descriptions became progressively more lurid and
Further, hypnosis or its "disguised" variant were employed in approximately two
thirds of these cases. As well, these patients
were often prescribed strong medications, particularly benzodiazepines such as
Valium, Halcion and Xanax. (It should be
noted that since he was not medically trained, Joe was unable to prescribe drugs.
This did not deter him from urging her to
buy equivalent over-the-counter drugs that are more benign in their effects. This
was one piece of advice that she did not take.)
In addition, most of the subset of patients who sued were told to read such books
as The Courage to Heal, and Sybil.
The treatments (if that is what they were) ranged in duration from three to seven
years, and the records indicated that, like
Gail, the patients showed a steady pattern of deterioration. More than 40% of them
(36/84) indicated that they had attempted
suicide, or had attempted self-mutilation in response to the horrific images of
sexual abuse that emerged. In some cases, the
suicide attempts were successful (see Miller V. Malone, Vance and Charter Grapevine
(1999) in which legal action was taken
against two therapists and a hospital by the husband of a woman who killed herself
after becoming convinced that she had
been a victim of sexual and satanic ritual abuse during childhood).
As a result of this MPD/DID diagnosis, some were hospitalized in psychiatric wards
for up to periods of two years; others
were encouraged to hospitalize their young children. They were told that the
children were at risk from a ritualistic cult or that
the children might show signs of developing MPD/DID.
Overall, there is strong evidence that hypnosis can be dangerous in certain
circumstances: When a therapist is minimally
trained in clinical procedures, and untrained in hypnosis, and has uncritically
accepted the belief that the cause of all psychic
dysfunctions can be reduced to a single factor (in this case, repressed memories of
sexual abuse during childhood), the
potential for faulty treatment becomes a reality. In such a situation, it is likely
that a patient, whose morale is fragile enough
already, will feel both extreme guilt and extreme self-loathing for having
participated in taboo behavior (even though in many
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cases of actual child sexual abuse, the child cannot be held morally or legally
>From the patient's point of view, the additional inability to remember such an
event can only add to the feelings of guilt,
shame and self-loathing. This is a bad enough situation. When this is linked with
unsubstantiated beliefs about MPD/DID, in
which hitherto unknown alter personalities guard abhorrent memories of which the
patient knows nothing, and by alters that
can come and go without his/her conscious volition, the normal human wish to
control one's actions is brutally compromised.
Hypnosis, with its appeal to the imagination and its indexing of involition, can
intensify and hasten such a process. But much
of what transpires when hypnosis is abused in this manner is a matter of how
hypnosis is misrepresented to a trusting patient.
By the same token, the most widely abused pharmacological substance is Aspirin, but
it would be a gross error to conclude that
Aspirin is dangerous. It can be, though, when it is employed with reckless
This is not to wrap the issue of the potential dangers of hypnosis in a shroud of
reductio ad absurdum, but rather to point out
that there are many procedures and products that can have highly beneficial effects
but can still be abused. With hypnosis, the
main problem is that a large segment of the public may not be able to distinguish
between an ethical, competent and skilled
professional and an individual lacking the requisite training -- until it is (as in
Gail's case) almost too late.
Can a hypnotized person be coerced into unconsenting acts?
The belief that a hypnotized person can be coerced into doing things s/he would not
normally do has had currency within the
field of hypnosis since the time of Mesmer. Usually it is couched in terms of
whether hypnosis is a royal road to sexual
seduction. While there are many cases of unsuccessful attempts to sexually seduce,
there exist, also, cases of successful
seduction by hypnosis, and they need to be evaluated carefully. In most cases, the
main ingredient of these cases is a
manipulative hypnotist (usually a man) who convinces a hypnotized person (usually a
woman) that she is unable to resist
unwanted sexual suggestions.
This is done by capitalizing upon the experience of involition, which, as indicated
earlier, is a highly reliable index that a
person is experiencing hypnosis. The experience of involition is based upon the
abilities of imagination and absorption (and
perhaps, dissociation) that the hypnotized person possesses; if she is unaware of
this, it can become a simple matter to convince
her that this experience of involuntariness is proof that she is in the power of
the hypnotist and cannot resist no matter how
hard she tries.
This can still be thought of as a danger of hypnosis, but the danger is of a male
hypnotist who abuses a relationship of trust by
misrepresenting the nature of the hypnotic relationship. He is able to convince a
woman that the feeling of involuntary
responding really stems from his powers -- rather than from her ability to become
imaginatively involved. A part of this danger
comes from a lack of public education on such questions, despite substantial
attempts by professional hypnosis societies to
provide accurate information about hypnosis and its alleged coercive power.
It may be a matter of definition whether the activities of therapists utilizing
hypnosis that result in false memories of childhood
sexual abuse constitute a form of coercion. The main ingredient of the FMS
situation is the implanting of an erroneous
memory, based upon a faulty theory of the cause of human psychic dysfunction. No
coercion occurs in the sense of modifying
the hypnotized person's perception of the cause of his/her experience of
involition. It could be argued, though, that such
injunctions as to stage an angry confrontation with the putative abuser and
breaking off all ties with the family are highly
coercive instructions.
Where this analysis breaks down, however, is with the observation that many RMTs
obtain identical effects without recourse to
hypnosis. While the imaginative involvement of hypnosis may facilitate the process
by which people come to believe that a
scripted memory of sexual abuse during childhood is "true memory," this process
appears to be more a function of vulnerable
patients trusting a therapist to the extent of believing what they are told during
the course of treatment. As was indicated
earlier, there is a difference between suggestions made in therapy and hypnotic
suggestions. For this reason, it appears that the
method of performing therapy, rather than a utilization of hypnosis as a part of
that therapy, is the primary ingredient in the
establishment of a false belief that a person was sexually abused during childhood.
How is hypnosis used in entertainment, therapeutic, and forensic contexts?
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Whenever the behavior of a hypnotized person is being evaluated, it is important
that the context in which it occurs be
examined. One can arrive at quite radically different conclusions about the nature
of hypnosis, depending upon whether it has
been dispensed on the stage for entertainment purposes, in the clinic for
therapeutic reasons, or in the forensic contest in an
attempt to bolster the fragmented memory of a crime victim or witness who may have
been traumatized by such an experience.
Stage hypnosis
Stage hypnosis is the foremost source of the stereotypes that abound about
hypnosis. The belief that the hypnotized person is an
automation, completely under the sway of the hypnotist is the most pervasive of all
folkloric misconceptions about its
phenomena. In actuality, candidates for stage hypnosis are screened by the stage
hypnotist for a high level of hypnotizability.
Once this is established, the next step is to determine that the volunteer endorses
the "rules of the game" of stage hypnosis,
which is to entertain an audience.
It is implicit in this "contract" that the stage volunteer has a mandate to behave
in a manner that might, ordinarily, be
embarrassing and/or transgressive of normal social conventions. Indeed, hypnotized
individuals will be returned, rapidly, to
the audience if they are undemonstrative and do not engage in the antics suggested
by the stage hypnotist. In other words, the
stage context provides a license to "act out" a variety of ordinarily proscribed
behaviors in public, without fear of reprisal. In
such a situation, what appears to be a demonstration of power exercised by one
person over another is, in reality, a
willingness on the part of the hypnotized person on stage to abide by the license
to entertain an audience by acting silly.
Therapeutic hypnosis
Therapeutic hypnosis involves the grafting of hypnotic procedure onto any of the
dozens of recognized psychotherapeutic
techniques. Hypnosis has been utilized successfully as an adjunct, or ancillary,
procedure in therapy that is psychoanalytic,
gestalt, non-directive, or any of the many varieties of behavior modification that
are based upon learning theory. In this sense,
there is no such thing as hypnotherapy; only a number of traditional approaches to
psychotherapy that amalgamate hypnosis
successfully as a part of the treatment "package." Whereas stage hypnosis is,
primarily, for entertainment, therapeutic hypnosis
is directed towards helping a person placed in the role of patient to alter his/her
behavior by replacing self-defeating habits
and patterns with adaptive ones. Therapy focused on excavating "lost" memories of
childhood abuse, by contrast, is not
therapeutic since it seeks to treat psychic distresses by resort to a theory of
repressed incest memories and a belief that such
"insight" leads to the automatic dissipation of symptoms. There is no evidence to
support these beliefs.
Forensic hypnosis
Forensic hypnosis is predicated upon some questionable assumptions discussed
earlier, particularly the belief that memory is
reproductive rather than reconstructive, and that there is a hypnotic hypermnesia
effect. It is true that seemingly inaccessible
memories may emerge in a hypnotic context (Nash, 1994; Raginsky, 1969), but there
is never any certainty that when this
occurs in hypnosis, it is caused by hypnosis. In addition, as emphasized earlier,
hypnotically elicited recollections are not
necessarily true, no matter how vivid and subjectively compelling they may be to
the hypnotized person or to an observer of
his/her behavior.
In recognition of this, 25 American State Supreme Courts out of 30 that have heard
cases that had a hypnosis component have
placed per se (that is, automatic) exclusions on hypnotically elicited testimony
(State v. McClure, 1993). As opposed to
hypnosis as a form of entertainment or as an adjunctive technique for modifying
behavior, the main characteristic of forensic
hypnosis is that it seeks to elicit additional memories (which may or may not be
accurate) of a crime event.
All of these differ from experimental, laboratory hypnosis. What is unique about
the laboratory context is that the hypnotized
person agrees to assist an investigator to learn something additional about
hypnosis and (hopefully) to contribute to a scientific
understanding of it (Orne, 1959). This, despite token payment at best, and the
likelihood of experiencing pain, boredom and
fatigue over a prolonged period. This more altruistic role for the hypnotized
person is in marked contrast to entertaining an
audience, having one's behavior altered by clinical procedures, and "restoring"
memories of a crime in a forensic setting.
What are some of the clinical successes and failures with hypnosis?
A review of clinical outcome studies of treatments that utilized hypnosis (Wadden &
Anderton, 1982) found that it is most
effective in the treatment of clinical pain, asthma and a variety of dermatological
conditions (such as warts and hives), and less
effective in the treatment of smoking, alcohol excess and weight loss. Many
investigators have recognized a psychological
component to the conditions for which hypnosis is most effective, but at the very
least, all can be viewed as complaints that
were not initiated by the person who comes to suffer from them. By contrast,
smoking, alcohol excess and many problems of
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overweightedness can be seen as self-initiated behaviors. Precisely why hypnosis
can be highly effective with one set of
problems and relatively benign in its effects with another is not at all well
There are, however, some intriguing data on questions that need to be researched
more extensively. One such finding is that
pain reduction bears a probabilistic relationship to hypnotic susceptibility -- the
more hypnotically responsive a person, the
better the betting odds that s/he will obtain substantial pain relief from
hypnosis. This has been found in both experimental
(Hilgard & Morgan, 1975) and clinical settings; in the clinic, hypnotizability has
been a major factor in the successful
treatment of headache and vertigo in skull-injured patients (Cedercreutz,
Lahteenmake & Toulikoura, 1976), and in the
treatment of migraine (Cedercreutz, 1978). Hypnotizability may be linked, also, to
the successful reduction of the frequency
and intensity of asthma attacks (Collison, 1978).
Further, being highly hypnotizable may predispose a person to phobia. In a review
of eight studies that investigated this
relationship, Gerschman and Burrows (1994) found confirmation of this hypothesized
relationship in six of them. The
predisposition of high hypnotizables to phobia meshes well with conceptualizations
of hypnosis as imaginative involvement,
"believed-in imaginings" and delusion; phobia represents a striking instance of
fantasy that is highly involving to the point of
By contrast, no relationship has been found for hypnotizability and successful
treatment of cigarette smoking (Perry, Gelfand &
Marcovitch, 1979). Rather, the main factor that appears to be linked to success
with smoking is the client's motivation to quit
the habit; many people present themselves for smoking treatment under the mistaken
belief that hypnosis is so powerful a
procedure that they will not have to make any individual effort themselves.
Recognizing this, many current clinicians of
hypnosis will not treat smokers until they demonstrate that they are motivated
strongly to quit. The same can be said of alcohol
excess and weight loss; outcome is unrelated to hypnotizability and more strongly
related to client motivation.
Although the Wadden and Anderton (1982) study indicates the conditions with which
hypnosis is most and least effective, it
must be remembered that their conclusions are based upon a meager collection of
outcome studies. A thorough clinical text
(Crasilneck & Hall, 1985) indicates that hypnosis has been attempted across the
broad gamut of psychological and medical
afflictions and with an unspecified degree of success with most of them. These
successes, though, are documented by case
history reports, usually involving the treatment of a single patient. Hence, there
is no way of knowing how effective, or
ineffective, hypnosis is with most of the difficulties to which it can be applied.
All that can be said, at present, is that sometimes hypnosis is effective and
sometimes not and that it is difficult to predict who
will benefit from it. Interestingly, Sigmund Freud (1891/1970) came to the same
conclusion as a result of his brief experience
with clinical hypnosis; he noted that failures occurred with patients in "deep"
hypnosis and successes with patients who were
"lightly" hypnotized (where "deep" and "light" hypnosis are rough clinical
equivalents to high and low hypnotizability). It
remains a major research challenge to flesh out the finer details of how effective
hypnosis is clinically with a variety of
presenting problems, and for whom.
What are some current controversies in hypnosis?
Many of the issues already discussed concerning the effects of hypnosis upon memory
are controversial. There are those who
believe that there is a hypnotic hypermnesia effect, or that confidence is not
enhanced by hypnosis (see, Brown, Scheflin &
Hammond, 1998). A current major controversy concerns traumatic memory. Some argue
that such memories are processed by
the brain in a manner different from untraumatic memories; whereas everyday working
memory is processed at the level of the
hippocampus and its connecting areas, traumatic memories are thought to be
processed by the limbic system, and stored,
probably, at the level of the amygdala (Brown et al., 1998; Kristiansen, Felton &
Hovstad, 1996). This may turn out to be true;
currently there is insufficient evidence bearing on this limbic involvement for
traumatic memories (Shobe & Kihlstrom. 1997).
In addition, proponents of this view hold that traumatic memories, on account of
their vividness (which nobody disputes) are
more likely to be accurate (which is highly disputable).
This view is at odds with some of the data on eye-witness memory. In a situation in
which a person is pointing a gun at another
person, a weapon focus is most likely to occur (Loftus, 1979). A person so menaced
is much more likely to be focussed upon the
weapon than upon the person holding it. In such a situation, the odds are that
while memory of this event is likely to remain
highly vivid over a prolonged period, it may still be grossly inaccurate.
The issue of memories "recovered" in psychotherapy has become controversial in an
unexpected way. Some see it as an attack
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on all psychodynamically oriented clinicians who seek to understand a patient's
current difficulties in terms of his/her past
experience. In actuality, RMTs subscribe to a very distinct viewpoint that is at
variance with the general clinical consensus --
they believe that all human distempers, from abulia to zoophilia, are the products
of repressed memories of sexual abuse by a
parent during childhood.
Given that the effects of sexual abuse are highly variable, it would come as no
surprise if it were found that a background of
childhood sexual abuse is implicated in at least a proportion of cases diagnosed in
every known clinical syndrome. The
argument by RMTs that it is implicated in all cases of the various diagnosable
disorders is, however, an overstatement of the
case. It is in this search for a unitary, single cause of all human psychic
distresses which singles out RMTs from the
mainstream of clinical practice, particularly those who seek to explore a patient's
past with no specific expectation of
encountering incest. It is one thing to believe that present difficulties stem from
past experience and that they can best be
treated by having the patient recall these earlier events. This is very different
from maintaining that repressed memories of
childhood incest explain all psychic distresses.
How can a person find a qualified clinical practitioner of hypnosis?
In most cities, the Yellow Pages of the telephone book carry a listing of
"Hypnotists" or "Hypnotherapy." While this should
make finding an appropriately trained clinician of hypnosis relatively easy, in
fact, it does not. In these pages, professionals in
Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Social Work are lumped together with
individuals who have no such formal training --
that is, with what are called lay hypnotists.
The issue of formal training in one of the helping professions is important; on a
probabilistic basis alone, a professional who
has a grounding in one of these fields is more likely to provide a high level of
competent assistance. In addition, there are legal
ramifications -- if a client/patient is dissatisfied with the treatment program
offered, it is usually a relatively simple and
inexpensive matter to file a complaint with the appropriate professional society.
If the subject of a complaint is a lay hypnotist,
the only way of obtaining redress is through a court of law. In many cases this
will prove to be both time-consuming and
expensive. A further difficulty in finding a properly qualified clinician who is
trained in hypnotic procedures is that many of the
lay hypnotists confer upon themselves and each other official sounding names,
titles and letters after their names; some even
designate themselves as "Doctor," or "Professor." These letterings after the name
and pseudo-titles imply a legitimacy that,
usually, does not exist. The Bulgarian Institute of Hypnosis or the Norwegian
College of Hypnotherapists, for instance, could
be the name of a legitimate professional practice, but it could, as equally, be the
name of a lay hypnosis organization.
Ordinarily, though, in most cities the local branch of a national professional
society of hypnosis lists itself in the Yellow Pages
of the telephone book and, most importantly, it offers information about who is
qualified to practice hypnosis clinically, while
not itself offering a treatment program. In most cases, it lists itself as a
society (such as the Mexican Society of Hypnosis or the
Japanese Society of Hypnosis). A few careful telephone inquiries should,
ordinarily, elicit the desired information about who is
qualified to practice professionally in a particular region.
Asking questions about whether a particular society is affiliated with the
International Society of Hypnosis (ISH), and/or the
European Society of Hypnosis (ESH) [see the next section], and the degree(s)
required to be a member of a particular regional
society are sound methods of establishing the bona fides of a particular
Alternatively, a person who is interested in being treated by hypnosis can always
consult a physician, psychiatrist, clinical
psychologist, dentist or social worker, depending upon what the problem is. Most
professionals in these fields do not,
themselves, employ hypnosis as a treatment modality, but they often can refer
clients to a qualified person, though not all do. In
a few cities, qualified professionals refer patients to lay hypnotists -- at least
according to some lay hypnotists. Again, given
that the practice of lay hypnosis is legal in most countries, the only remedy,
though unsatisfactory, is for the patient to insist
that the referring professional disclose the hypnosis practitioner's credentials.
This emphasis on credentials may appear overly severe, and it does not always
result in the desired effect, which is treatment
from a highly trained, ethical and caring professional. But many of the same
considerations are involved in choosing a family
physican, dentist, lawyer and plumber. The difference is that the techniques of
hypnotic induction are easily mastered, thus
making it possible for virtually anyone to designate him/herself as a "hypnotist."
By contrast, self-trained professionals in
medicine, dentistry, law and plumbing are comparatively rare -- though documented
cases (particularly in law) exist.
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What are the main professional hypnosis societies?
At the professional level, hypnosis is structured in terms of two international
societies (The International Society of Hypnosis
(ISH) and the European Society of Hypnosis (ESH) and their constituent national
societies. ISH is headquartered in
Melbourne, Australia. It has approximately 1800 members, and since 1967 has been
holding an international congress every
three years in different parts of the world. For instance, the 1997 congress was
held in San Diego, USA, while the 2000
congress will be held in Munich, Germany.
There are national societies of hypnosis affiliated with ISH in Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, England, Finland,
Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands,
Norway, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden,
Switzerland and the United States. Most of these 22 constituent societies hold
annual meetings which are open only to
appropriately qualified members. On occasions, though, a meeting open to the public
may be organized as part of the
conference proceedings.
The European Society of Hypnosis (ESH) is a more recent development; it has been
meeting every three years since its
inaugural convention at Malmo, Sweden in 1978. According to one of its founding
fathers, it has approximately 7,000 members
and 27 constituent societies. These are in Austria, Belgium, Denmark (2), England
(2), France, Germany (3), Hungary, Israel,
Italy (2), Finland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Rumania, Russia,
Scotland and Switzerland.
What are the main scientific journals of hypnosis?
There are several national journals of hypnosis. The International Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis is
published four times a year by the Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
(SCEH). It is the longest running journal in
the entire 200+ years history of hypnosis, having published its first issue in
1953. The current Editor is Michael R. Nash, Ph.D.
of the University of Tennessee. A second American society, the American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) has also been
publishing four times a year since 1958; its current Editor is Edward R.
Frischholz, Ph.D.
The Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis has been published
twice a year since 1972 by the Australian
society of Hypnosis (ASH). Its current Editor is Barry J. Evans, Ph.D. of the
University of Melbourne. Hypnos, which began
publishing in English in 1973, is the journal of the Swedish Society of Clinical
and Experimental Hypnosis and doubles as the
official journal of ESH. Its current editor is Bo Forslind, M.D., Ph.D.
Contemporary Hypnosis has been published since 1983 by the British Society of
Experimental and clinical Hypnosis (BSECH).
Its current Editor is David Oakley, Ph.D. of University College London.
All of these journals publish in English although Hypnos provides abstracts in
Swedish, and the International Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis carries them in French, German and Spanish. By
contrast, Experimentelle und Klinische
Hypnose, published since 1984 by the German Society of Hypnosis, is written almost
entirely in German. Its current editor is
Walter Bongartz, Ph.D. of the University of Konstanz.
In addition, The Milton Erickson Society of Clinical Hypnosis (M.E.G.) in Germany
publishes a twice-yearly journal called
Hypnosis and Cognition. It is co-edited by Burkhard Peter, Ph.D. and Christoph
Kraiker, Ph.D.
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parapsychological phenomena. In A.A. Sheikh (Ed.), Imagery: Current theory,
research and application. New York: Wiley, 340-
For more information:
False Memory Syndrome Foundation
1955 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-5766
Telephone: 215-940-1040, Fax: 215-940-1042. www.FMSFonline.org
APA's "Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse"
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