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Reading Vocab U1

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1. Achievement (n) Something very good and An Olympic gold medal is a
difficult that you have remarkable achievement for
succeded in doing. him.
2. Acknowledged for (adj) Known of accepted by The singer is acknowledged
many people. for her wonderful voice.
3. Confront (v) To face, to meet or deal As Tamara left the airport,
with a difficult situation she was confronted by crazy
or person. crowds who tried to get her
4. Constrained (adj) Forced to do something Our opportunities are
against your will. constrained by lack of
5. Criteria (n) A standard by which you I fullfil all criteria of this
judge, decide about or company so they hire me.
deal with something.
6. Inclined (adj) Likely or wanting to do I’m inclined to sleep now.
7. Inherently (adv) In a way that exists as a There’s nothing inherently
natural or basic part of wrong with his ideas.
8. Initiative (v) A new plan or process to The business initiative was
achieve something or accepted by both
solve a problem. companies.

The ability to use your Candidates must be capable

own judgment to make of working on their
decisions without asking initiative.
for advice.
9. Pursue (v) To follow someone or The car was pursued by
something, usually to try helicopters.
to catch him, her, or it.

To try very hard to The company has been

persuade someone to pursuing him but he has
accept a job. rejected all their offers.

To try to discover We will not be pursuing this

information about a matter any further.

To try very hard to He's been pursuing her for

persuade someone to months and yet she's so
have a relationship with clearly not interested.
If you pursue a plan, Michael Evans is leaving the
activity, or situation, you company to pursue his own
try to do it or achieve it, business interests.
usually over a long period
of time.
10. Resolve (n) Strong determination. To weaken/strengthen/test
someone's resolve.
11. Version (n) A particular form of A special version of the
something that book is planned for next
is slightly different from year.
other forms of the same
12. Adversity (n) A difficult or unlucky The road to happiness is
situation or event. paved with adversities.
13. Aspire to (phr.v) To want something very aspire to sth: Most of his
much or hope to achieve students aspired to a career
something or be in business.
successful. aspire to do sth: We aspire
to become full-service
providers to our clients.
14. Embody (v) To represent a quality or She embodied good
an idea exactly. sportsmanship on the
playing field.
15. Bear witness (phr.v) To provide evidence of His success bears witness to
the truth of something. the value of hard work.

To experience something She was asked to bear

and tell others about it. witness at the trial.
16. Deconstruct (v) To break something We should deconstruct the
down into its separate anime Attack on Titan again
parts in order to to understand the ending.
understand its meaning,
especially when this is
different from how it was
previously understood.

To examine a text in He likes to deconstruct

detail in order to show obscure religious texts.
there is no fixed meaning
but that it can be
understood in a different
way by each reader.
17. Disrupt (v) To prevent something, Heavy snow disrupted travel
especially a system, into the city this morning.
process, or event, from
continuing as usual or as
18. Drastic (adj) Severe and sudden or Many employees have had
having very noticeable to take drastic cuts in pay.
19. Inspirational (adj) Making you feel full of He gave an inspirational
hope or encouraged. reading of his own poems.
20. Navigate (v) To direct the way that a Sailors have special
ship, aircraft, etc. will equipment to help them
travel, or to find a navigate.
direction across, along, or
over an area of water or
land, often by using a
21. Notorious (adj) Famous for something The company is notorious
bad. for paying its bills late.
22. Pressing (adj) Urgent or needing to be The most pressing question
dealt with immediately. is what do we do next?
23. Reconciliation (n) A situation in which two It took hours of negotiations
people or groups of to bring about a
people become friendly reconciliation between the
again after they have two sides.
24. Underprivileged (adj) Without the money, Children from an
possessions, education, underprivileged family
opportunities, etc. that background are statistically
the average person has. more likely to become
involved in crime.

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