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Sign up before 25 August 2017 for Super Early Bird Discount!

SPE/NACE Workshop:
Corrosion Management for Upstream Oil
& Gas Production Assets
30 – 31 October 2017 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Group Registrations Available: Contact us at spekl@spe.org to arrange your group

TECHNICAL Who Should Attend
• Well Integrity Engineer
• Completion Engineer
Gary Ong Swee Hong • Drilling Engineer
Subject Matter Expert (SME) - OCTG • Production Engineer/Technologist
PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd • Well Intervention Engineer
Dr. Carlos A. Palacios T. • Petroleum Engineer
President • Corrosion Engineer
CIMA-TQ, LLC • Material Engineer
SPE/NACE MEMBERS • Metallurgical Engineer
Fouzi Yunus • Project Manager
Managing Director • Wellhead/Well Services Companies
Acme Chemicals (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd • Service Companies providing
Ahmed Khalifa Al Owaid Corrosion Management and
Senior Plant Inspection Engineer Assessment/Monitoring
ADGAS techniques/tools
Ashish Khera, P.Eng. • Steel Mills producing materials for
Director downhole application
Allied Engineers
Mark O’Sullivan
Coating & Insulation Lead -
Wheatstone Upstream
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd
Mohamed Abou Zour, PhD.
Upstream Oil and Gas Chemicals &
Monitoring Solutions
GE Water and Process Technologies Corrosion management is a key concern in all oil and gas assets due to the nature of fluids produced and injected
throughout their life cycle. This is applicable for all asset types, regardless of their age and the level of corrosive agents
Dr. Khlefa A. Esakul present in the flow stream, be it CO2, H2S, water, chloride and others. Every operator in the world today is facing the
Corrosion and Materials Advisor
challenge of extending the life of their aging assets which are often degraded by corrosion and pose well integrity risks.
Occidental Oil & Gas Corporation
In the meanwhile, new green field development tapping hydrocarbons are confronted by highly corrosive contaminants
Pedro R. Rincon as low lying, easy wells have been mostly exploited.
Head Materials & Corrosion Engineering
Petroleum Development Oman In the current low oil price environment where budget has been slashed substantially and CAPEX/OPEX is limited, the
industry is facing uphill challenges on how to keep the cost reasonably low in order to execute projects. More activities are
Michelle Lau being performed to conserve the integrity of production assets in lieu of replacements. Idling wells are resurrected to
General Manager extract the last remaining hydrocarbons via Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), while the cost pressure to give the go-ahead
Mach3 Engineering Sdn Bhd for new project development with limited budget to ensure long-term well integrity remains obvious. Corrosion
M Faizatulizuddin Ishak assessment, its management, the use of mitigation and monitoring techniques, non-conservative material selection, and
Staff Completion Engineer the availability of new, cost-effective materials to substitute exotic, expensive materials play a vital role in keeping
PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd operational costs at an optimum level.
Anas Mohamad Sofian
Staff Well Engineer
PETRONAS Session Highlights
Nurul Asyikin Mohd Radzuan This inaugural joint-workshop combines the strength and networking prowess of both SPE and NACE, and is targeted at
Production Technologist the following focal areas to explore new practices, find new materials to solve corrosion related problems and to put
PETRONAS more cost-effective solutions across the table by sharing best practices and lessons learnt across the industry.
Daniel Sandana ■ Upstream corrosion assessment (Production/Injection wells and surface production assets)
Principle Corrosion Engineer
Rosen Europe BV
■ Wells downhole causes of corrosion and mitigation practices
■ Performance of Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) tubulars
Dr Nor Roslina Rosli ■ Internal coatings for upstream assets
Senior Lecturer - Oil & Gas Engineering
Department ■ Corrosion inhibitors for downhole applications
Universiti Teknologi MARA ■ Downhole corrosion monitoring and assessment tools
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mokhtar Che Ismail
■ Water injectors material selection while keeping the cost low
Head of Centre for Corrosion Research ■ Corrosion management – Risk-based assessment
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)
Suchada Punpruk
Senior Engineer – Corrosion
Sign up before 25 August 2017 for Super Early Bird Discount!

SPE/NACE Workshop: Corrosion Management

for Upstream Oil & Gas Production Assets
Why You Should Attend 30 - 31 October 2017 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

30 expert-led technical
discussion topics 20+ hours of knowledge sharing
and technical discussions 10+ hours of peer-to-peer
networking opportunities

Workshop Objectives
This is a first and unique opportunity to leverage the strength and networks of both associations. This workshop serves as an avenue for attendees of
diverse backgrounds to meet and discuss wide-ranging subjects related to corrosion management, focusing on wells downhole applications and
upstream production assets. This is your opportunity to have face-to-face discussions using the workshop format provided by SPE/NACE with experts
from both of these internationally recognised organisations.

Preliminary Workshop Schedule

MONDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2017 This session will focus on well corrosion assessment
methodologies and experiences in corrosion prediction and
mitigation during production stage. In increasing the
0800 – 0850 Arrival of Delegates and Registration confidence level for corrosion assessment, the advancement
0850 – 0900 Safety Announcement by Hotel of reliable prediction methods and mitigation are important
0900 – 1000 Session 1: Welcome, Introduction and Keynote Address to enhance the life of the asset and the decision-making
Co-Chairpersons: Gary Ong Swee Hong, PETRONAS Carigali process for future cost-effective investment.
Sdn Bhd; Dr. Carlos A. Palacios T., CIMA-TQ, LLC 1530 – 1545 Coffee and Tea Break
1000 – 1030 Group Photo/ Coffee Break 1545 – 1745 Session 4: Experiences in the use of Corrosion Monitoring
1030 – 1230 Session 2: Integrity Assessment of Surface Facilities: Well Techniques/New Advances
Lines, Flow Lines, Gathering Lines (Multiphase Flow Lines) Session Managers: Mohamed Abou Zour, GE Water and
Session Managers: Ashish Khera, Allied Engineers; Process Technologies; Daniel Sandana, Rosen Europe BV
Dr Mokhtar Che Ismail, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Corrosion monitoring is a key element to assess internal
Upstream pipeline operations (multiphase flow lines) are corrosion severity, and evaluate and optimise corrosion
susceptible for internal corrosion attacks due to several inhibition (chemicals) programmes. The industry has a wide
reasons such as solids deposition, water accumulation, range of technologies and tools that are used to achieve
bacterial activities and improper operational practices, flow representative monitoring. The existing tools however, have
regime and flow related corrosion. To enhance integrity their own strengths and limitations. This session will share
assessment for these lines, NACE International has published experiences and enlighten participants with:
the Standard Practices for the Internal Corrosion Direct • Novel corrosion monitoring technologies
Assessment (ICDA) protocols to predict time-dependent • Where to monitor? What is the importance of data
internal corrosion threats for multiphase and wet gas lines. generated?
The non-intrusive technique of ICDA is applicable for • Experiences in monitoring sour production streams
piggable/non-piggable, offshore/onshore and sweet/sour • Optimising organisation and human resources within a
service pipelines. This session will focus on: collaborative framework
• How ICDA has been used as an integrity validation technique • Overcoming current safety challenges and technology
• Mandatory requirement of ICDA to provide the root cause limitations
and a go forward plan • Digital data management
• Effectiveness criteria for proving the prediction modelling • Automating monitoring to drive productivity and lower
• Why ICDA is complimentary to ILI production cost
• Key ingredients for a “successful” ICDA programme 1745 – 1845 Session 5: Open Discussion Forum of the Day
1230 – 1330 Networking Luncheon Session Managers: Michelle Lau, Mach3 Engineering Sdn Bhd;
1330 – 1530 Session 3: Integrity Assessment For Wells – Considerations Ahmed Khalifa Al Owaid, ADGAS
based on the Injection & Production System (Gas/Water This is an open session that includes a panel of subject
Injector, CCS, EOR, Producers with High Contaminants) matter experts that will be available to answer questions
Session Chairs: Nurul Asyikin Mohd Radzuan, PETRONAS; from the day’s topics.
Khlefa A. Esaklul, Occidental Oil and Gas Corporation 1845 onwards Welcome Dinner
The threat to corrosion integrity rises without the proper
understanding of wells behaviour especially when dealing
with high contaminants (e.g.: CO2, H2S, O2, sand)/reservoir TUESDAY, 31 OCTOBER 2017
souring as a consequence of untreated water injection fluids
affecting both producers and injectors. As technology 0830 – 1030 Session 6: Experiences in the use of Internal Coatings/
evolves, from the application of normal water injection to Linings for Corrosion Control
various type of EOR and Carbon Capture Sequestration (CCS), Session Chairs: Mark O’Sullivan, Chevron Australia Pty Ltd;
increasing challenges are anticipated in ensuring the integrity, Suchada Punpruk, PTTEP
visibility and efficiency of the well life.

Sign up before 25 August 2017 for Super Early Bird Discount!

SPE/NACE Workshop: Corrosion Management

for Upstream Oil & Gas Production Assets
30 - 31 October 2017 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Preliminary Workshop Schedule

Most project managers and corrosion professionals are aware This session covers the use of the various grades of carbon
that very few flow lines and transfer pipelines are operating in and alloy steel tubing and casing, their characteristics and
identical environments. However, we often use a standard history in oil and gas production. This will include a review of
checklist and approved coatings system expecting that it will the various grades in use both seamless and electric resistance
all “be fine”. There is definitely a gap between everybody’s welded (ERW) types, their properties, performance in
understanding of “being fine”. This ranges from construction corrosive environments in CO2 and/or H2S and the effect of
personnel having a cosmetic view and saying it’s all good to operating condition such as gas rate, water cut, type of
competent QA inspectors undertaking all the appropriate production, etc. Chemical composition, metallurgical condition
tests fully supported by the project manager. There is also a and manufacturing process play a role in the performance of
considerable knowledge gap as to how the product really the tubing and casing. Including:
performed over years of service. The paint companies and • Tubing and casing grades evolution and where they have
contractors are inherently unlikely to publicise bad news. This been used
session is about how a newly built project (no name) • Effect of corrosion and factors that contribute to increase in
undertakes all the right processes and still reach monumental corrosion tendency
failure – a situation which was only identified when someone • Common mitigation measures
started asking the right questions. We will also discuss flow • Material selection of tubing and casing and the factors that
assurance coatings, their original design criteria and impact their selection
expectations that many companies have. Needless to say, • Development in casing and tubing materials
there are some considerable gaps: • Case histories and past performance of the various grades
• Well tubing 1500 – 1515 Coffee and Tea Break
• Flow lines 1515 – 1630 Session 9: Corrosion Inhibitors Testing/Qualification
• Gathering lines Session Managers: Fouzi Yunus, Acme Chemicals (Malaysia)
• Innovative coating systems for internal coating of well Sdn Bhd; Mohamed Abou Zour, GE Water and Process
tubing, flow lines and gathering lines Technologies
• Advanced techniques for internal coating inspection Chemical corrosion inhibitors have been used extensively in
• Lessons learnt from application of internal coating for the oil and gas production industry. In the current downturn,
corrosion control of well tubing, flow lines and gathering the industry sees the need to reduce CAPEX investments and
lines improve in measures to allow the use of more cost-effective
1030 – 1045 Coffee and Tea Break materials and extend the facilities’ lives. The use of effective
1045 – 1245 Session 7: Fit for Purpose Material Selection – Advances and corrosion inhibitors have been identified as one of the areas
Experiences in the use of Corrosion Resistance Alloys where OCTG materials could be used and asset's lives could
Session Chairs: Pedro Rincon, Petroleum Development Oman; be extended while maintaining integrity. The session will:
M Faizatulizuddin Ishak, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd • Share experiences and lessons learnt in the use of special
This session will cover the application of various grades of corrosion inhibitors for single and/or multiphase flow
CRAs used for wells completion, flow lines and gathering lines, tubing/pipelines/gathering lines
and the challenges of selecting and using CRAs to ensure • Share recent or current development works on
long-term asset integrity. Corrosion management by using improvement of corrosion inhibition effectiveness for
CRAs is defined during design stage and thus affects CAPEX. upstream assets
Every CRA has a specific Integrity Operating Window (IOW) • Share existing methods of laboratory tests to screen
within which they perform very well against the hardships of corrosion inhibitors and experiences on their
corrosion. However when CRAs are not properly specified or representativeness
operated outside IOW they susceptible to degradation • Discuss flow lines’ top of line corrosion and the laboratory
mechanisms that are non-age related and the failures can be testing method to effectively determine suitable corrosion
rapid. This session will address field experiences, lessons learnt inhibitors
and advances in the applications of CRA to meet the objective 1630 – 1745 Session 10: Corrosion and Integrity Management
of long-term asset integrity, including: Session Managers: Nor Roslina Rosli, Universiti Teknologi
• Role of design input/uncertainties/assumptions – boundary MARA; Ashish Khera, Allied Engineers
conditions for the selection of cost-effective CRAs This session will describe the processes and practices related
• Material selection/standards – extension of CRAs application to prevention of integrity failure (loss on containment, loss of
limits and requirements design purpose). These include activities related to the asset
• Fit-for-purpose selection of CRAs itself (hard activities) such as inspections, monitoring, design
• Key role of quality and fabrication practices, etc. and to the organisation (soft activities) such as
• Current limit/experiences of using 13Cr, Super13CR, 15CR, roles, responsibilities, corrosion/integrity awareness, training,
17CR, 22Cr-25CR Duplex, Ni-based alloys etc. Methodologies for development, implementation and
• Variation/severity of testing methods for CRA Material evaluation of such processes and practices will be presented
Qualification (C-Ring, 4 Point Bent Beam, NACE Method A in this session.
and etc.) 1745 – 1845 Session 11: Workshop Summary and Closing Remarks –
1245 – 1345 SPE Luncheon Open Forum
1345 – 1500 Session 8: Fit for Purpose Material Selection – Co-Chairpersons: Gary Ong Swee Hong, PETRONAS Carigali
Experiences in the use of Carbon & Low Alloy Steels Sdn Bhd; Dr. Carlos A. Palacios T., CIMA-TQ, LLC
Session Managers: Khlefa A. Esaklul, Occidental Oil and Gas Review of session summaries.
Corporation; Anas Mohamad Sofian, PETRONAS Carigali 1845 Workshop Ends
Sdn Bhd

Poster Solicitation & Information

All participants are encouraged to prepare a poster for the Workshop. Presentations on both research and field experience are welcomed. Posters, including unconfirmed/partial results, are to
be presented at an assigned time and are open for discussion. Posters will be on display for the entire Workshop period.
When preparing your poster:
• Avoid commercialism. No mention of trademarks/product name
• Poster size should be approximately 0.8m x 1.2m (W x H) or size A0 in portrait layout
• Identify topic by title, affiliation, address, and phone number
• Include a brief abstract that summarises the technology to be addressed
• Make the display as self-explanatory as possible
• Place the information in sequence: beginning with the main idea or problem, method used, results, etc. (Draw a plan keeping the size and number of illustrations in mind)
• Keep illustrations simple by using charts, graphs, drawings, and pictures to create interest and visually explain a point
• Use contrasting colours
• Use large print for narrative materials. (We suggest a minimum of 24 points or 3” high letters for the title)
Note that the Workshop Programme Committee will review all poster abstracts/materials prior to display, and reserves the right to refuse permission to display any poster considered to be
commercial in nature.
If you are interested to participate, please email your proposed topic with a short abstract (between 200-300 words) to SPE Assistant Event Manager, Hanna-Rose Abdul Jalil at hajalil@spe.org
by 25 August 2017.

The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a not-for-profit organisation. Income from this event will be invested back into SPE to support many other Society programmes.
When you attend an SPE event, you help provide even more opportunities for industry professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence. Scholarships,
certification, the Distinguished Lecturer programmes, and SPE’s energy education programmes Energy4me are just a few examples of programmes that are supported by SPE

Sign up before 25 August 2017 for Super Early Bird Discount!

SPE/NACE Workshop: Corrosion Management

for Upstream Oil & Gas Production Assets
30 - 31 October 2017 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

• Proceedings will not be published; therefore, formal papers and handouts are not expected from speakers.
• Work in progress, new ideas, and interesting projects are sought.
• Note-taking by attendees is encouraged. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.

Workshop Deliverables:
• The committee will prepare a full report containing highlights of the Workshop and the report will be circulated to all attendees.
• PowerPoint presentations will be posted online and provided to attendees after the Workshop. Provision of the materials by Discussion
Leaders will signify their permission for SPE to do so.

In keeping with the Workshop objectives and the SPE mission, excessive commercialism in posters or presentations is not permitted.
Company logos must be limited to the title slide and used only to indicate the affiliation of the presenter.

Attendance Certificate:
All attendees will receive a Workshop attendance certificate. This certificate will be provided in exchange for a completed Attendee Survey

Continuing Education Units:

This Workshop qualifies for SPE Continuing Education Units (CEU) at the rate of 0.1 CEU per hour of the Workshop.

Attendees are advised to book their airline tickets early. All travellers must be in possession of passports valid for at least six (6) months with
proof of onward passage. Contact your local travel agent for information on visa requirements.

Dress Code:
Business casual clothing is recommended. The Workshop atmosphere is informal.

Registration Fee:
• Registration fee ONLY includes all workshop sessions, coffee breaks and luncheons for the registrant. Accommodation is NOT included.
• SPE will provide details of recommended hotels upon receipt of your registration.

Registration Policy:
• Registration fee MUST be paid in advance for attending the Workshop.
• Full fixed fee is charged regardless of the length of time the registrant attends the Workshop, and cannot be prorated or reduced for

Attention Nonmembers
Join Our Worldwide Membership!
Nonmember full workshop attendees can join SPE at no additional cost.
Look for your exclusive offer by email shortly after the event.


Sponsorship support of the event helps offset the cost of producing workshops and allows SPE to keep the attendance price within reach of
operation-level individuals, those who benefit most from these technical workshops.

Supporters benefit both directly and indirectly by having their names associated with a specific workshop. While SPE prohibits any type of
commercialism within the workshop room itself, the Society recognises that supporting companies offer valuable information to attendees
outside the technical sessions.
Sponsorship categories are offered on a first-come basis. Please contact SPE to enquire and verify the availability of categories. Existing
supporters have the opportunity to renew the same level of support for annual workshops.
In addition to onsite recognition, SPE will recognise sponsors on the SPE website and in all printed materials for the workshop. Based on the
category selected, supporting companies also receive logo visibility on promotional workshop items.
For a detailed list of available sponsorship opportunities, including benefits and pricing, contact Hanna-Rose Abdul Jalil at hajalil@spe.org.
SPE/NACE Workshop:
Corrosion Management for Upstream Oil & Gas
Production Assets
30 - 31 October 2017 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

SPE Member: £ Yes £ No NACE Member: £ Yes £ No

Membership No. ______________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(First / Forename) (Middle) (Last / Family Name)
Position: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Town/City: ______________________________ Zip/PostalCode:_______________________________ Country: _________________________________
Tel:____________________________________ Fax:________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________
Would you be willing to give a brief (10-15 minutes) presentation _______(Yes/No)? If yes, please attach the topic with a short abstract of your proposed
presentation. One of the Programme Committee members will contact you to discuss your presentation.
Important: Registrants for SPE Workshops are accepted on the basis of information submitted by each registrant.
Technical Disciplines (Check One)
£ Drilling £ Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility
£ Completions £ Production and Operations
£ Management and Information £ Reservoir Description and Dynamics
£ Projects, Facilities and Construction
Primary Responsibility (Check One)
£ Drilling £ Economics £ Geology £ Geophysics £ Management
£ Operation £ Production £ Reservoir £ Surveillance £ Other: ____________________
List background and experience. (Use additional paper if required).

List your expectation for the Workshop, so that the committee can tailor a portion of the Workshop to answering attendees’ concerns. (Use additional
paper if required).

Registration Fees Super Early Bird Registration BY Early Bird Registration BY Registration AFTER
Please tick appropriate box 25 August 2017 29 September 2017 29 September 2017

SPE/NACE Member Nonmember SPE/NACE Member Nonmember SPE/NACE Member Nonmember

Workshop (30 - 31 Oct 2017) £ US$ 1,500.00 £ US$ 1,700.00 £ US$ 1,600.00 £ US$ 1,800.00 £ US$ 1,700.00 £ US$ 1,900.00

GROUP REGISTRATIONS AVAILABLE - Please contact us at spekl@spe.org

Note: Fee includes workshop sessions, workbook, certificate, daily luncheons and coffee breaks. Registration fees do not include accommodation.

Payment by Telegraphic Transfer

BASED ON THE MERIT Cancellation Policy:
£ Telegraphic Transfer (Bank details will be provided OF EACH APPLICANT
on the tax invoice). a) A processing fee of USD150.00 will be charged for cancellation
received thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the workshop.
Payment by Credit Card
Credit Card Payment will be in U.S. Dollars only b) 25 % refund will be made for cancellation received between twenty
nine (29) - fifteen (15) days prior to the first day of the workshop.
£ American Express £ MasterCard £ Visa £ Diners Club
c) No refund on cancellation received fourteen (14) days prior to the
first day of the workshop.
Card Number Expiration Date (mm/yy) d) No refund will be issued if a registrant fails to show up on-site.

Security Code (3 digits on back of card / 4 digits on the front of Amex) This form may be used as a company invoice.
Mail completed registration form with remittance and any supporting
________________________________________________________________ material to:
Credit Card Billing Address & Zip/Postal Code
________________________________________________________________ Society of Petroleum Engineers
Suite 12.01, Level 12, Menara IGB, Mid Valley City
Name of Card Holder
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel : 60.3.2182.3000 Fax : 60.3.2182.3030
________________________________________________________________ E-mail: spekl@spe.org
Note: Forms will not be processed and space cannot be guaranteed unless
accompanied by payment for total amount due.

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