ABB Arc Flash Prevention
ABB Arc Flash Prevention
ABB Arc Flash Prevention
Why the most successful electrical safety strategies are proactive and purposeful
Three Key
Against Arc Flash
ive employees working at a hydroelec tric generating plant in Colorado were injured during Injury
an arc flash incident. A worker at a bowling alley in Arizona suf fered severe injuries when
a breaker panel e xploded. Two technicians wor king on elec t r ic al equipment in a ref iner y Arc Flash Risk
were injured in Pennsylvania af ter an arc blast. The chief engineer at a New York hotel, who was
per forming maintenance on an electrical panel when an arc flash occurred, suf fered second- and
PAGES 10-12
third-degree burns to more than 63% of his body. These are just a few examples of the news briefs How Does
we’ve run on EC&M online. For tunately, none of these par ticular accident s ended in a fat alit y, but the New IEEE
Standard 1584
the fac t remains: Arc flash incident s can and do kill. Affect Me?
A cco r ding t o s t at is t i c s f r o m t h e Ele c t r i c a l S af e t y Fo un dat i o n Int e r n at i o n a l, t h e r e we r e 16 0
By Ellen Parson, PAGES 15-17
Editor-in-Chief, EC&M electrical fatalities in 2018, an 18 % increase over the previous year and the highest number since How to Choose
the Right Arc
2011. The construction industr y accounted for 54% of all fatal electrical injuries, and contact with/
Flash PPE
exposure to elec tric current accounted for 3% of all fat alities in 2018.
PAGES 18-23
At EC&M, we continue to provide a comprehensive content approach to the topic of electrical safety, offering readers a variety Why Do You
of valuable information sources that apply to their specif ic needs. Whether that ’s running ca se studies to demonstrate the Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
real-life consequences of carelessness, shor tcut s, or failure to follow proper safet y procedures in the workplace that end in Analysis?
arc flash accidents, technical ar ticles on how to simplif y arc flash calculations and apply them in the field, or detailed analysis
on the impor t ance of why customers need incident energ y/arc flash audit s per formed at their facilities, EC&M reinforces the Resources
impor t ance of safet y on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Being stringent when it comes to safet y, especially when it comes to arc flash prevention strategies, is a key component in
reducing the number of electrical injuries and deaths evidenced in the statistics mentioned earlier. Another step in spreading
From the EC&M
the safety awareness message is through custom publishing products. The editors of EC&M along with sponsor ABB are pleased e-books library
to bring you this compilation of ar ticles in an ef for t to inform and educate elec trical professionals on arc f la sh prevention A compilation of
best practices. By selecting a handful of popular pieces that examine how to reduce incident s, this e-book of fers insight into technical articles
from EC&M
improving overall outcomes in dif ferent applications. By est ablishing a proac tive and purposeful safet y plan, elec trical pro-
fessionals can make a dif ference in reducing elec trical ha zards in the workplace, which ultimately saves money, downtime, 2
and, most impor t antly, lives.
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Three Key
Against Arc Flash
PAGES 15-17
wo-thirds of workers injured by arc flash did How to Choose
the Right Arc
not conduct an arc flash analysis, according
Flash PPE
to the “Occupational Injuries from Electrical
PAGES 18-23
Shock and Arc Flash Events” study published by Why Do You
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
in March 2015. Compare that result with this risk Analysis?
analysis from the Workplace Safety Awareness
Council: 30,000 arc flash incidents annually lead Resources
to 2,000 burn center admissions for severe burns.
At an average hospitalization of 19 days, costing
$18,000 a day, those burns total more than half
From the EC&M
a billion dollars in medical expenses alone. That’s e-books library
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• Failure to verify de-energization, of safety needs more positive reinforcement to truly influence
• Fa i l u re t o co n d u c t a p ro p e r r i s k a s s e s s m e nt o r h a z a rd behavior. How a business treats electrical equipment is how its
analysis, and employees will treat electrical equipment.
• Failure to wear protective gear properly, even when the Superb minds have devoted countless hours to standards PAGE 2
risk is known. that help businesses protect against these incidents. To be
These examples all indicate that a facility has failed to estab- fair, it’s unreasonable to expect those standards to be a core
lish a culture of safety. competency for every business; that would be wasteful. But Three Key
A culture of safety, when it comes to the power distribution when management brings in an expert to care for and monitor Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
equipment in a facility, depends on a clear and visible commitment power distribution assets, the company demonstrates due Injury
to safety. The effects of arc flash incidents can be catastrophic, diligence clearly to employees while reinforcing a culture of
but sadly, the human capacity for believing “it won’t happen safety. Following are three key safeguards you can implement Arc Flash Risk
to me” means that safety can be taken for granted. A culture to prevent arc flash injuries.
PAGES 10-12
When a new facility is constructed, an accredited third party
How Does
the New IEEE
CATASTROPHIC, BUT SADLY, THE HUMAN CAPACITY should perform acceptance testing, along with any additional
Standard 1584
Affect Me?
FOR BELIEVING “IT WON’T HAPPEN TO ME” MEANS commissioning of the facility. This provides clear baseline data
for safe operations. This objective data should be readily avail-
PAGES 15-17
How to Choose
THAT SAFETY CAN BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED. able to decision makers and maintenance personnel. It should be the Right Arc
Flash PPE
regularly updated, and facility operations processes should make
PAGES 18-23
the parameters for safe operations clear to everyone involved. Why Do You
Going forward, an expert should be brought in for predictive Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
inspections and performance tests to uncover any deviations Analysis?
from the expected life cycle of components. Testing should
expose the effects of deteriorating insulation or other causes Resources
of faults, as well as ensure the proper operation of the circuit
breakers and protective relays that are designed to protect
facilities and personnel. Management’s staunch commitment to
From the EC&M
verifying the safe, efficient operation of electrical distribution e-books library
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— should be clearly communicated and regularly reviewed. Since A recent update to NFPA 70E requires that mandated arc flash
a significant portion of arc flash incidents involve non-electrical risk assessments also document the regular performance of
workers (as much as 50%, according to one report in the IEEE proper maintenance. An employee needs to know the mainte-
Industry Applications magazine), facilities should take the utmost nance status of the equipment to select the proper PPE (when PAGE 2
care to include all parties possibly exposed to risk in mandated required).
training. A culture of safety depends on viewing these require-
ments not just as business needs or compliance needs, but as 3. TRAINING Three Key
the best practices of a proactive employer. Documented training is a staple of compliance — and for good Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
There’s another place where inspection is key to maintaining reason. As noted earlier, anyone exposed to arc flash risk — not Injury
a safety culture (and compliance), and that’s regular inspection just employees qualified to work on equipment, but all those
of personal protective equipment (PPE). Making this step a working around energized electrical equipment — must receive Arc Flash Risk
highly visible priority goes a long way to turning training into safety training. Compliance requires a minimum of documented
an unbreakable habit, ensuring employees keep proper PPE on safety training at three-year intervals.
PAGES 10-12
when called for. Three years is a long time. Employees may change, standards How Does
may be updated, and equipment/procedures may be upgraded. the New IEEE
Standard 1584
2. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Training courses provided by responsible, credible experts are Affect Me?
The value of inspections leads naturally to preventive main- necessary, but so is regularly checking in with employees on
PAGES 15-17
tenance. Given that deteriorating insulation is a leading cause their safety knowledge. If training isn’t mandated for another How to Choose
the Right Arc
of arc flashes, a maintenance schedule that stays ahead of year and a half — but employees voice a clear need or demon-
Flash PPE
deterioration is key. strate reluctance or confusion — training should be arranged
PAGES 18-23
Maintenance and testing of overcurrent protection devices to meet that need. Why Do You
now need to be documented, and compliance with NFPA 70E Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
now includes maintenance of all electrical equipment — not NOT BECAUSE YOU COMPLY, BUT BECAUSE YOU CARE Analysis?
just overcurrent protection — to manufacturer standard or Testing and predictive inspections proactively identify risks so
consensus standards. This requires knowledge of the equipment they can be safely eliminated. In addition, qualified maintenance Resources
standards and precise recordkeeping. and certified training reinforce a culture of safety that ensures
From a safety culture viewpoint, the issue is how maintenance proper procedures remain an operational priority. With the risk
and testing is done. Is attention to maintenance just checking of arc flash injury so high, caring for the well-being of employees
From the EC&M
a box, or is it a proactive exercise in caring for business assets is simply the right thing to do. e-books library
a n d t h e we l l - b e i n g o f e m p l oye e s? M a n d a t e d m a i n t e n a n ce A compilation of
does not guarantee a proactive culture of safety. Diligent and Paese is vice president, sales & marketing, and Ceci is vice president, operations technical articles
for the Electrical Power Solutions Group at ABM Industries. They can be reached from EC&M
visible attention to preventive maintenance and recordkeeping
at or For more information, visit
reinforces that safety is valued and a necessary component of 5
the working day.
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Against Arc Flash
A new emphasis on an old requirement Arc Flash Risk
By Tommy Northcott, P.E.
PAGES 10-12
How Does
the New IEEE
Standard 1584
he addition of the term “risk assessment” Affect Me?
wa s a c h a n g e m a d e i n t h e 2 0 1 5 rev i s i o n
PAGES 15-17
of NFPA 70E, and additional emphasis was How to Choose
the Right Arc
added to the risk assessment requirements in the
Flash PPE
2018 revision. Prior to 2015, NFPA 70E revisions
PAGES 18-23
referenced a hazard assessment, which seemed to Why Do You
imply that severity was the only critical element of Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
the evaluation. Analysis?
The change from hazard to risk brings in the idea of
evaluating both probability and severity of electrical Resources
hazards as well as keeping the NFPA 70E consis-
tent with recent changes found in similar standards
that address risks and hazards. An arc flash hazard
From the EC&M
should be evaluated according to: 1) how likely it is e-books library
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WHEN IS AN ARC FLASH RISK ASSESSMENT bus exposed. Likewise, an older motor control center that has
REQUIRED? never had any preventive maintenance performed on it may
The 2018 edition of NFPA 70E requires an arc flash risk assess- have a greater risk than one that is part of a mature, effective
ment be performed during the job safety planning process before electrical equipment maintenance program. PAGE 2
starting any work that involves exposure to electrical hazards. Hierarchy of risk control methods — If the likelihood and sever-
Energized Electrical Work Permits are required to include the ity indicate that there is risk of an arc flash incident, the next
results of the arc flash risk assessment associated with the step is to determine additional protective measures needed Three Key
task to be performed. The bottom line is any task that involves to mitigate the arc flash risk. Additional protective measures Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
potential for a worker to be exposed to electrical hazards must should be selected and implemented according to the hierarchy Injury
have an arc flash risk assessment performed. of risk control. The hierarchy of risk control methods were only
Not all tasks that involve potential electrical hazard exposure included as an Informational Note in the 2015 edition of NFPA Arc Flash Risk
will include a potential for an arc flash hazard, but this should 70E but are now part of the specific requirements in the 2018
be determined through the arc flash risk assessment. Even in edition [110.1(H)]. This hierarchy is being adopted by similar
PAGES 10-12
the case where an arc flash risk assessment results in no likeli- standards and is explained in more detail in ANSI/AIHA Z10, How Does
hood of an arc flash event, the process is still required, and the American National Standard for Occupational Health and Safety the New IEEE
Standard 1584
results must be documented. The general purpose is to identify Management System. The expectation is that workers should Affect Me?
arc flash hazards, estimate the likelihood of occurrence and the follow a specific priority of options when determining the best
PAGES 15-17
potential severity of injury or damage to health, and determine way to mitigate the hazard. The prioritized order is as follows: How to Choose
the Right Arc
if additional protective measures are required to mitigate the (1) Elimination
Flash PPE
hazard. (2) Substitution
PAGES 18-23
(3) Engineering controls Why Do You
Energy/Arc Flash
INVOLVE? (5) Administrative controls Analysis?
Likelihood and probability — 130.5 of NFPA 70E puts forth the (6) Personal protective equipment (PPE)
requirements for conducting an arc flash risk assessment. The The overall idea is to start with mitigations that avoid expo- Resources
first step is to estimate the likelihood of occurrence and the sure to the hazard. If these are not feasible, continue down the
potential severity of injury or damage to health. This estima- priority list with the final option of using PPE to protect workers
tion should consider the design of the electrical equipment during their time of exposure to an arc flash hazard.
From the EC&M
and associated overcurrent protective devices, including its Arc flash boundary — After determining appropriate risk control e-books library
operating time, and should include the status of maintenance methods, any applicable safety-related work practices must be A compilation of
and operational capability. One example to consider is a panel identified and associated with each method, including the arc technical articles
from EC&M
that looks brand new and in excellent condition would likely flash boundary and the PPE that is required for anyone who
have less probability of posing an arc flash hazard than a panel is inside the boundary. The arc flash boundary is the distance 7
that is old, corroded, and is missing blank covers that leave the at which the incident energy equals 1.2 cal/cm . The preferred
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Documentation — Arc flash risk assessment results are required
Photo: ©Jaypetersen |
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• Bus configuration — The orientation of the buses inside
the equipment now has a significant impact on the incident
downstream of a 125kVA transformer has been removed. Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
As an example of how arc flash assessments can change under Injury
the 2018 guide, an existing laboratory facility was used as a
AFFECT ME? test case and is presented here. In this discussion, low-voltage
systems under 600V will primarily be considered, although some
Arc Flash Risk
Understanding how this version may also pertain to higher-voltage systems.
PAGES 10-12
incorporates additional details of How Does
those available before and — quoting from the introduction to
PAGES 18-23
f you are responsible for facility electrical operations, you the new IEEE 1584 document — “has been used with success Why Do You
may have heard of the recent updates to IEEE 1584 “IEEE throughout industry.” Through further research and testing, it Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations.” The was identified that the incident energy given by the 2002 model Analysis?
previous major edition of the standard was released in 2002. A was too low or too high for some equipment conditions. The 2018
lot has changed in this 16-year span, which led to many revisions version provides a greatly refined model that incorporates more Resources
in the 2018 version of the guide. details of equipment configuration, resulting in more accurate
Understanding what changed, why it changed, and how that incident energy calculations in many cases.
bears out for incident energy calculations will help to clarify the
From the EC&M
impact on operations and maintenance. Here are some of the ARC FLASH MODEL UPDATES e-books library
most significant changes discussed in this article: One of the most significant updates in the new 1584 is the intro- A compilation of
• Arc flash model updates — Arcing current and incident ener- duction of new equations for arcing current, arc flash boundary, technical articles
from EC&M
gy calculations were updated based on the latest research, and incident energy. The past 16 years of experiments have
so they will be different, even if the electrical system has yielded a volume of data on arcing current and incident energy 10
not changed. that is matched better by the new equations. Therefore, arcing
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currents will be different when calculated using the 2018 meth-
od compared to the 2002 method, even with the same system
parameters and available short-circuit current.
The same goes for incident energy. The next time you update PAGE 2
your arc flash hazard assessment, prepare to see different
incident energy values than before, even if the system config-
uration has not changed at all. Despite the breadth of these Three Key
changes, many of the changes in incident energy may be small, Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
and, depending on your facility’s PPE standard, may require no Injury
change in the minimum PPE for energized work. The magnitude
of the change is heavily influenced by the construction of the Arc Flash Risk
electrical equipment, as described next.
PAGES 10-12
Two new required inputs to the model are the configuration of the New IEEE
Standard 1584
conductors inside the equipment and the size of the enclosure. Affect Me?
IEEE 1584-2018 describes five different conductor configurations:
PAGES 15-17
• VCB: vertical conductors inside a metal enclosure How to Choose
the Right Arc
• VCBB: vertical conductors terminated in an insulating barrier
Flash PPE
inside a metal enclosure
PAGES 18-23
• HCB: horizontal conductors inside a metal enclosure Why Do You
• VOA: vertical conductors in open air Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
• HOA: horizontal conductors in open air Analysis?
Most low-voltage work on energized panelboards (Photo
1), switchboards, motor control centers (MCCs), or switches Resources
would be considered inside an enclosure (VCB, VCBB, or HCB).
An example of an open-air installation would be pole-mounted
overhead conductors.
From the EC&M
It is possible to encounter different conductor configurations e-books library
within the same equipment, depending on the work task. IEEE A compilation of
1584-2018 Annex C provides some guidance on the selection technical articles
from EC&M
of conductor configuration. For example, within an MCC, the
Photo 1. Phase conductors terminate down into the panel’s main lugs. As
electrode configuration could be VCB or VCBB, depending on the outlined in the new version of IEEE 1584, this would be best modeled as a 11
fault location. For low-voltage draw-out switchgear, a fault on VCBB conductor configuration.
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the bus studs with a breaker racked out may corre-
spond to the HCB mode (Photo 2).
Much higher incident energy may be predicted by
the 1584-2018 calculations using the HCB conductor PAGE 2
configuration compared to the 1584-2002 calculations
— all else being equal. This is based on experiments
that indicate horizontal electrodes direct more of Three Key
the heat toward the open front of the enclosure than Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
vertical electrodes. Therefore, facilities that regularly Injury
perform “hot work” on switchgear or switchboard
systems (such as racking in drawout breakers on a Arc Flash Risk
hot bus) may want to consider updating their arc flash
studies, since it is possible that incident energy is
PAGES 10-12
presently under-represented. How Does
the New IEEE
Standard 1584
As previously mentioned, the size of the equipment
PAGES 15-17
enclosure must also be considered in the new model. How to Choose
the Right Arc
Research has indicated that the walls of an enclosure
Flash PPE
reflect radiation from the arc back at the front of the
PAGES 18-23
box, resulting in higher incident energy compared to Why Do You
arcs in open air. Generally, the larger the enclosure, Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
the lower the incident energy (all else being equal), Analysis?
since the heat is less concentrated over the incident
surface. For “shallow” enclosures less than 20 inches Resources
in height and width and less than 8 inches in depth,
this trend is reversed. Note that, unlike the choice of
bus configuration, the selection of enclosure size does
From the EC&M
not affect the calculation of arcing current — only e-books library
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is not available, appropriate assumptions based on the guide not be considered in the study. Since the incident energy was
must be made. Table 8 in IEEE 1584-2018 contains typical not calculated for this equipment, it was often assumed to be
enclosure sizes and bus gaps for various types of equipment. less than 1.2 cal/cm 2 .
Selecting the minimum enclosure dimensions corresponding The 2018 version no longer includes this exception in light of PAGE 2
to the equipment type per Table 8 should yield a conservative research demonstrating that arcs can be sustained at 240V under
result (for any “shallow” enclosures, the maximum size would some conditions. Instead, a new statement has been added, which
yield the conservative result). reads: “Sustainable arcs are possible but less likely in 3-phase Three Key
systems operating at 240V nominal or less with an available Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
125KVA TRANSFORMER EXCEPTION short-circuit current less than 2,000A.” Therefore, equipment Injury
IEEE 1584-2002 stated that equipment rated 240V and below downstream of 480-208V transformers rated under 112.5kVA
and downstream of a transformer rated less than 125kVA need may now need to be considered as part of the arc flash study, Arc Flash Risk
depending on the available fault
current. Furthermore, the low fault
PAGES 10-12
current — and hence low arcing How Does
current — on these systems often the New IEEE
Standard 1584
drives long interrupting times for Affect Me?
molded-case circuit breakers, which
PAGES 15-17
can result in incident energy much How to Choose
the Right Arc
higher than 1.2 cal/cm .
Flash PPE
PAGES 18-23
TEST CASE: 133-BUS Why Do You
Energy/Arc Flash
Newcomb & Boyd conducted a study Analysis?
on a laboratory facility with 133
buses to compare the results using Resources
the IEEE 1584-2002 and 1584-
2018 methodologies. The building
is served by two medium-voltage
From the EC&M
network transformers through a e-books library
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risers, which are tapped off on each level with 150kVA, 480-
208V transformers to serve the 208Y/120V panels on each floor.
Several other 480V panels are tapped off the busway risers to THE PPE NEEDED TO PROTECT FROM ENERGIZED
serve miscellaneous loads.
For the 2018 model, conductor configuration had to be select-
ed for each bus. Based on the guidance of Annex C, the VCBB
configuration was initially selected for all MCCs, panelboards, Three Key
enclosed circuit breakers, and disconnects. Further study found Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
the VCBB electrode configuration to result in higher incident guide. The incident energy as calculated with the 2018 model Injury
energy for all but five panelboards. For these panelboards, the was 11.6 cal/cm 2 , which would require significantly greater PPE
VCB configuration resulted in a lower arcing current and longer to protect against if the panel was worked hot. The other 132 Arc Flash Risk
interrupting time, producing a higher incident energy than the buses in the system exhibited a 22% decrease in incident energy
VCBB configuration. Per Annex C, certain faults within a panel- (on average). Using common breakpoints for PPE category (1.2,
PAGES 10-12
board are consistent with VCB, so VCB was selected for these 4, 8, 25, and 40 cal/cm 2 ), a total of five buses went up in PPE How Does
five buses. For the MCCs, the VCBB configuration resulted in category (higher-rated PPE), and a total of nine buses went the New IEEE
Standard 1584
higher incident energy than VCB, so VCBB was selected. down in PPE category. The change in incident energy for all the Affect Me?
Since certain faults in switchgear or switchboard draw-out other buses in the system was not significant enough to trigger
PAGES 15-17
compartments correspond to the HCB configuration, HCB was a shift in category using the above breakpoints. How to Choose
the Right Arc
selected for the service main compartment. This resulted in an This is just one example of one building, and time and experi-
Flash PPE
incident energy that was 40% higher than that calculated from ence may offer more insight into how the new 1584 may affect
PAGES 18-23
the 2002 method. The incident energy was also twice what was the study results at different types of facilities. Depending on Why Do You
calculated assuming the conductors were in the VCB configura- the type of equipment involved, the PPE needed to protect Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
tion, which indicates the importance of selecting an appropriate from energized work hazards may change greatly with the new Analysis?
configuration. guidance. Regardless, NFPA 70E and OSHA continue to preclude
Enclosure sizes were selected based on Table 8 in the 2018 most energized work, except where de-energizing results in a Resources
guide. Because larger enclosures typically result in lower inci- greater hazard or if it is infeasible for the work to be performed.
dent energy, the minimum enclosure size corresponding to the Establishing an electrically safe work condition is the safest way
equipment class was selected to obtain a conservative result. to work on electrical equipment.
From the EC&M
No equipment in the study could be definitively classified as e-books library
“shallow.” Dr. Costley is an electrical engineer with Newcomb & Boyd, an engineering &
A compilation of
consulting firm located in Atlanta, where he provides design and consulting
The incident energy calculation results with the two methods technical articles
services to clients in institutional, government, military, and commercial fields. He from EC&M
were closely compared. One of the more significant deviations is experienced in short circuit, selective coordination, and arc flash studies as well
o c c u r re d o n a 2 0 8 V p a n e l b o a rd t h a t w o u l d n o t h a ve b e e n as engineering forensics and custom testing. He can be reached at MCostley@
considered in the incident energy calculations under the 2002
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PAGES 10-12
How Does
ost electrical workers today recognize the New IEEE
Standard 1584
that, in recent years, a major emphasis Affect Me?
h a s b e e n p l a c e d o n a rc f l a s h h a z a rd
PAGES 15-17
recognition. Depending on the maturity of your How to Choose
the Right Arc
company’s electrical safety program, your personal
Flash PPE
experience may vary greatly from your peers in the
PAGES 18-23
industry. However, a scenario exists that is still far Why Do You
too common for electrical workers. Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
The scenario might go something like this: Your Analysis?
company finally recognized that you need to be
protected from this arc flash hazard “thing.” The Resources
company hired some engineering firm to come collect
drawings and information on the system, and then
they ran out and put arc flash hazard stickers on
From the EC&M
all the equipment. The next thing you know, your e-books library
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ARE ALL ARC FLASH PPE ITEMS APPLICABLE FOR the incident energy level. If there is a sticker on the equipment
ALL SCENARIOS? from an arc flash analysis, then the sticker will tell you the
T h e a n swe r t o t h i s q u e s t i o n i s , “ a b s o l u t e l y n ot ! ” W h e n a n incident energy or the minimum level of PPE required. If there
arc flash analysis has been performed and stickers have is no sticker, then you must reference NFPA 70E Table 130.7(C) PAGE 2
been placed on your equipment, these stickers will include (15)(A), Tables a and b. Based on this information, you should
incident energy levels or arc flash PPE categories on them. be able to verify the minimum level of PPE required.
T h e i n c i d e n t e n e rg y l eve l s h o u l d b e l i s t e d i n c a l /c m . T h i s
If the sticker says it has an incident energy level of 4.6 cal/ Three Key
means that the highest energy level that this equipment will cm 2 — and all your arc flash PPE items are individually rated Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
produce in an arc flash event will not exceed the posted cal/ for 8 cal/cm 2 — then you can rest assured you have suffi- Injury
cm 2 rating. Your arc flash PPE should contain a tag that has ciently rated PPE. If you have site-specific PPE categories
a n a r c t h e r m a l p r o t e c t i v e v a l u e ( AT P V ) r a t i n g ( a l s o l i s t e d o r l eve l s , t h e n re fe re n c e yo u r c o m p a n y ’s e l e c t r i c a l s a fe t y Arc Flash Risk
in cal/cm ). The ATPV rating means that the rated PPE will
program documentation to confirm the minimum ATPV ratings
protect the wearer from arc flash energies up to that ATPV for each level or category.
PAGES 10-12
value. The arc flash PPE is only effective for equipment that It’s important to note that companies can have unique cat- How Does
has incident energy levels that are lower than the ATPV rat- egory ratings based on their PPE program. Don’t assume the the New IEEE
Standard 1584
ing of the PPE. This is a fundamental understanding that all Category 2 PPE from a past employer is properly rated for Affect Me?
electrical workers should have. Category 2 hazards at a new employer. Verify that the ATPV
PAGES 15-17
ratings for the new PPE categories line up with the protection How to Choose
the Right Arc
Flash PPE
PAGES 18-23
Following these two steps can help you determine if you are Step 2: Ensure you’re protected from head to toe. Why Do You
wearing the correct PPE for the task you’re performing: Arc flash PPE is more than just free shirts and pants that your Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
company makes you wear to work. Depending on the exposure Analysis?
Step 1: Identify the hazard that you need to protect yourself from. level, there are several other requirements to ensure you are
Fo r t h e s a k e o f t h i s d i s c u s s i o n , w e a r e g o i n g t o l i m i t t h e completely protected when exposed to an arc flash event. Let’s Resources
hazards to electrical-specific hazards: electric shock and arc start with your head and work our way down to your toes.
flash. With respect to shock hazards, note that arc flash PPE Head protection — A hardhat is required for all levels of
d o e s n o t t y p i c a l l y p rov i d e s h o c k p ro t e c t i o n . I f a p o t e n t i a l arc flash incident energies. The hardhat should be electrically
From the EC&M
shock hazard exists, then shock PPE must be considered in rated and within the manufacturer’s recommended lifecycle e-books library
addition to the PPE discussed in this article (as well as fall date. Also, when using the NFPA 70E table method, for ener- A compilation of
protection, confined spaces, etc.). gy levels of 4 cal/cm and greater, you must wear either an
2 technical articles
from EC&M
Let’s assume you know there’s an arc flash hazard associated arc-rated balaclava or arc-rated hood.
with the task you are about to perform. How do you determine Face protection — Your face will need to be protected from 16
the severity of the arc flash hazard? The severity is defined by t wo d a n g e r s : s eve re h e a t (m o l t e n co p p e r, f l a m e s , p l a s m a ,
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etc.) and tremendous amounts of light energy from infrared with steel toe leather boots, the leather provides sufficient
to ultraviolet. You will need to wear an arc flash face shield protection to avoid any temperature increase inside the boot
with balaclava or arc flash hood to block the light exposure. during an arc flash event. Keep in mind, however, that shoes
However, these face shields and hoods are not designed to should be completely leather and not a combination of leath- PAGE 2
protect you from the potential of projectiles. Therefore, you er and synthetic materials like many of the current popular
must also wear safety glasses under the hood or a face shield safety shoes.
to fully protect your eyes. For all items of PPE, visually inspect them to make sure there Three Key
Hearing protection — Hearing protection is required for all are no holes, tears, or any other damage that may compromise Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
arc flash hazard levels. The sound created from an arc blast can the item’s ability to withstand the hazard to which you will be Injury
reach up to 140 dB, which is comparable to hearing a military exposed. With everything on, make sure there is no exposed
jet aircraft take off from 50 ft away. The recommended prac- skin or exposed non-arc rated materials. Also, ensure every- Arc Flash Risk
tice is to use ear canal inserts. A common question is: Will ear thing fits properly. It is best if the clothing is not too loose
plugs melt in an arc flash? The reality is that ear plugs should or too tight. A slight air gap between the shirt and your skin
PAGES 10-12
never be exposed to an arc flash because they will either be adds an extra buffer between you and the heat to which you How Does
under the balaclava or inside the arc-rated hood. However, could potentially be exposed. Also, keep in mind that if the the New IEEE
Standard 1584
the scientific answer is that the most common styles of ear task requires fall protection, you should be using an arc-rated Affect Me?
plugs can withstand direct exposure to significant incident harness and lanyards. Anything worn on the outside of your
PAGES 15-17
energies before showing signs of melting. But let’s not test arc flash PPE should also be arc rated. How to Choose
the Right Arc
that ourselves — keep yourself and your earplugs covered. In a nut shell, the questions you should ask and answer for
Flash PPE
Torso, arm, and leg protection — Your arms, legs, and torso yourself are:
PAGES 18-23
should be covered by some combination of long sleeve shirt, • First, is there a way to accomplish this task without being Why Do You
pants, or coveralls. Your shirt sleeves should be rolled down. exposed to an arc flash event? Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
All buttons should be buttoned, and all zippers closed. Your • If not, what are all the potential arc flash hazards and Analysis?
shirt should be tucked into your pants. Not only should no their severity?
skin be exposed, but there also should be no exposed non- • Is the arc-rated PPE an appropriate level for my needed Resources
arc rated materials. All the outer layers must be individually protection?
rated greater than the potential incident energy exposure. • D o e s t h e a rc f l a s h P P E p rov i d e c o m p l e t e h e a d -t o -t o e
Hand protection — You should always wear gloves that pro- coverage?
From the EC&M
vide the appropriate level of arc flash protection. According to e-books library
the NFPA 70E Table 130.7(C)(15)(c) Note (d), the combination Northcott is a professional engineer licensed in the state of Tennessee and a
A compilation of
senior power engineer with Jacobs Technology, Inc., in Tullahoma, Tenn. He is also
of rubber insulating gloves with leather protectors satisfies technical articles
an NFPA 70E compliance subject matter expert, a principle member of the NFPA from EC&M
the arc flash protection requirement. 70B Committee, electrical safety trainer, certified maintenance and reliability
Foot protection — Leather footwear will provide the pro- professional, and certified reliability leader. He can be reached at Thomas.
t e c t i o n n e e d e d fo r yo u r fe e t . Te s t s h a ve s h o w n t h a t eve n
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By Ryan Downey, P.E.
Three Key
Against Arc Flash
rotecting workers’ lives is a priority. If a serious inci- Other things that may increase the risk of an arc flash event
dent occurs, the emotional and financial effects can be are related to the environment, such as moisture building up on Arc Flash Risk
devastating. For most countries, including the United the energized equipment, which can increase the conductivity
States, electrical safety is mandated and regulated by the law. and cause an arc. Faulty equipment that isn’t working properly, is
PAGES 10-12
OSHA 1910.132 requires employers to assess the workplace defective, or allows exposure to foreign objects can also pose an How Does
to determine if hazards are or are likely to be present. OSHA arc flash risk. As Fig. 1 shows, when you start to combine these the New IEEE
Standard 1584
references the National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70E – individual risks, you increase the chances of an arc flash event. Affect Me?
Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, and IEEE standards
PAGES 15-17
for compliance. Additionally, these standards, as well as the How to Choose
the Right Arc
National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), which is specifically
Flash PPE
enforced for electric utilities, require an arc flash assessment to
PAGES 18-23
be performed. IEEE 1584 – Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Why Do You
Calculations, provides a procedure for performing the arc flash Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
hazard/incident energy calculations. Analysis?
An arc flash is a rapid release of energy due to an electrical
arcing fault. This could be due to a fault that is phase-to-phase,
phase-to-ground, or phase-to-neutral. Sometimes, a worker
Fig. 1. Three key factors come into play with an arc flash event. From the EC&M
can cause an arc flash by using inadequate safety practices, e-books library
working on energized equipment, or intentionally using unsafe In addition, maintenance of electrical equipment is crucial A compilation of
tools. For example, while working on energized equipment, a because the risk of an arc flash occurring or equipment having technical articles
from EC&M
worker drops an uninsulated tool in the equipment that causes exposed energized conductors or circuit parts can be dramati-
a phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground fault that escalates into cally reduced by adhering to sound maintenance practices and 18
an arc flash event. procedures.
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A common occurrence that can happen relating to non-com- For the arc flash hazard analysis to be valid, Sec. 130.5 in NFPA
pliance is the misuse of personal protective equipment (PPE) 70E requires the consideration of maintenance. As a case exam-
tables contained in NFPA 70E. Something often overlooked is ple, consider the following situation: PAGE 2
that NFPA 70E requires the available fault current and clearing • A low-voltage power circuit breaker has not been operated
time of the protective devices to be known, which typically or maintained for several years.
isn’t the case. Furthermore, NFPA 70E states that an incident • The lubrication has become sticky or hardened. Three Key
energy analysis must be performed for the following conditions: • The circuit breaker could take additional time to clear a Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
• The worker’s task(s) are not listed in the tables. fault condition. Injury
• Power systems with greater than the estimated maximum Two flash hazard analyses will be performed using a 20,000A
available fault current. short circuit with the worker 18 in. from the arc: Arc Flash Risk
• Power systems with longer than the maximum clearing • Based on what the system is supposed to do [0.083 sec
times. (5 cycles)].
PAGES 10-12
• Tasks with less than the minimum working distance. • Due to a sticky mechanism, the breaker now has an unin- How Does
When the NFPA 70E tables are used instead of an incident tentional time delay of 0.5 sec (30 cycles). the New IEEE
Standard 1584
energy analysis, some things to consider include: Affect Me?
• Notes in the tables that have specific requirements for the E MB = maximum 20-in. cubic box incident energy, cal/cm 2
PAGES 15-17
PPE are generally ignored. How to Choose
the Right Arc
• The short-circuit current is assumed. D B = distance from arc electrodes, inches (for distances 18 in.
Flash PPE
• The protective device clearing time is assumed. and greater)
PAGES 18-23
In addition, maintenance of the protective devices is not Why Do You
considered when the tables are used. This can affect the inci- t A = arc duration (seconds) Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
dent energy in the event a sticky breaker or other protective Analysis?
device isn’t opening when it should, so the clearing time of F = short circuit current, kA (for the range of 16kA to 50kA)
the device would be inaccurate. It’s also important to note Resources
that the tables and the arc flash calculations are not intended All calculations are based on formulas in NFPA 70E-2018, Annex
to work together. Therefore, NFPA 70E did away with the PPE D (D.3.3).
values and identifies PPE with actual incident energy values
From the EC&M
for the analysis. (1) D B = 18 in. e-books library
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E MB = 1038.7D B -1.4738 t A × [0.0093F 2 - 0.3453F + 5.9675] ARC FLASH LABELS
PAGES 15-17
(1) D B = 18 in. How to Choose
the Right Arc
Flash PPE
(2) t A = 0.5 sec (30 cycles)
PAGES 18-23
Why Do You
(3) F = 20kA Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
E MB = 1038.7D B -1.4738 t A × [0.0093F 2 - 0.3453F + 5.9675]
E MB = 1038.7 × 0.0141 × 0.05 [0.0093 × 400 - 0.3453 × 20 +
5.9675] Fig. 2. Two examples of arc flash warning labels. The top label is inadequate,
as it’s missing a lot of crucial information.
From the EC&M
E MB = 7.3179 × [2.7815] It’s important to use proper signage on electrical equipment, e-books library
and that workers know the proper PPE to wear before begin- A compilation of
E MB = 20.4 cal/cm 2
ning work on energized electrical equipment. The label shown technical articles
from EC&M
Therefore, the FR clothing and PPE must have an arc rating in Fig. 2 with an “X” beside it is a generic arc flash label that
of at least 20.4 cal/cm . 2
does not inform the worker of the incident energy present at 20
the equipment, the arc flash boundary, or even what type of
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PPE is required. The label with a check mark beside it is a typ- It’s essential to have a qualified and properly trained individual
ical arc flash label that is based on the requirements in NFPA perform the study, and engineering boards typically require a
70E, Sec. 130.5. The detailed label shows the voltage, incident licensed professional electrical engineer (P.E.) to do it. In most
energy value, the working distance, and the arc flash boundary. cases, the Engineering Board of the state or governing body in PAGE 2
Also notice that the Limited Approach and Restricted which the study was performed requires a P.E. to certify the work.
Approach boundaries are shown. The limited approach It’s vital to understand that people’s lives depend on the
boundary represents that a shock hazard exists within this information presented in these studies; thus, it’s crucial they Three Key
boundary. The restricted approach boundary represents an are accurate. If there is an incident, you can guarantee OSHA Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
increased shock hazard due to the electric arc over combined will consider whether the study was accurate and whether the Injury
with inadvertent movement. individual who performed the study was qualified. It’s also
recommended to confirm the study was performed with proven Arc Flash Risk
Now that we know an arc flash hazard or incident energy anal-
PAGES 10-12
ysis is required, what exactly is it? In a nutshell, mathematical INCIDENT ENERGY ANALYSIS PROCESS How Does
methods are used to determine and reduce, if possible, the Figure 3 shows the incident energy analysis process. Each of the New IEEE
Standard 1584
risk of personal injury due to exposure to incident energy from the tasks listed is a crucial component of a complete analysis, Affect Me?
an arc flash. The purpose of the incident energy analysis is to and it’s very important that each is performed thoroughly and
PAGES 15-17
identify the incident energy exposure of the worker, the arc flash properly to create an accurate study. How to Choose
the Right Arc
boundary, the appropriate working distance, and the required
Flash PPE
calorie rating of the PPE.
PAGES 18-23
The magnitude of the arc flash hazard is determined by the Why Do You
NFPA 70E equations or the IEEE 1584 standard, which was Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
derived from actual test data that took place. Arc flash hazard is Analysis?
expressed in incident energy with the units cal/cm 2. Additionally,
arc flash protective clothing is rated in arc thermal performance Resources
value (ATPV), which is also expressed in cal/cm . Essentially, you
must be certain the cal/cm 2 rating of the PPE you are wearing is
greater than the calculated incident energy (or cal/cm 2 ) of the
From the EC&M
equipment you’re working on. With a proper arc flash study, this e-books library
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Electrical one-line diagrams Data gathering and system modeling
The process begins with the evaluation of the electrical one-line Where electrical one-line diagrams are not available, the data
diagrams, which should be kept up to date per NFPA 70E. For the gathering process must identify all this information. Once the
study to be accurate, it is helpful if existing electrical one-line data is gathered, a one-line diagram must be created based PAGE 2
diagrams show the full power distribution layout. The one-lines on it. To properly perform the analysis, the process should be
should identify the sources of power, voltage levels, and electrical very thorough, where all the information of the equipment
equipment such as transformers, generators, switchgear, motor is gathered, such as ratings of the equipment, arrangement Three Key
control centers, panelboards, and the protective devices (Fig. 4). of components on electrical one-line diagram, nameplate of Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
every electrical device, ratings and trip settings of every Injury
protective device, and sizes and lengths of all conductors.
IEEE 1584-2018 now requires the electrode configuration Arc Flash Risk
and enclosure sizes to be considered in the calculations.
It is critical to obtain the information on actual equip-
PAGES 10-12
ment so that the study is accurate. Shortcuts are often How Does
taken here, which can cause the study to be inaccurate the New IEEE
Standard 1584
or invalid. The electric utility contribution, or available Affect Me?
fault current, is also an essential piece of the puzzle for
PAGES 15-17
proper analysis. It can be challenging to get this informa- How to Choose
the Right Arc
tion from an electric utility. Many times, an infinite bus
Flash PPE
calculation is used when the actual fault current cannot
PAGES 18-23
be obtained. However, when an infinite bus is used, the Why Do You
clearing time would be much faster than it would be with Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
the actual level of fault current (Fig. 5), which results in Analysis?
a false calculation.
• I sca = 28kA clears in 0.1 sec. (infinite bus fault current) Resources
• I sca = 9kA clears in 1 sec. (actual fault current)
The gathered information is then typically put into engi-
neering software in the form of a one-line diagram model
From the EC&M
with the correct information selected for each component. e-books library
Short-circuit study 22
Fig. 4. Example of a typical one-line diagram.
As part of the study, a short-circuit analysis is performed
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to determine if the protective devices are properly rated to with- Electrical one-line diagrams are typically provided with the
stand a bolted-type short circuit fault. To determine this, the deliverables as well, where the drawings can be customized
maximum available fault current is calculated at each significant to show specific incident energy levels, short-circuit current,
point in the system, and as an additional analysis, the bolted etc., on the drawings. PAGE 2
fault currents are converted into arcing currents. The results Also, as mentioned before, since this is an engineering
are determined based on the existing rating of the equipment. re p o r t a n d /o r s t u d y, t h e d o c u m e n t s a re t y p i c a l l y re q u i re d
to be certified by a licensed P.E. Three Key
Protective device coordination Safeguards
Against Arc Flash
Another important aspect is the protective device coordination UPDATE REQUIREMENTS Injury
s t u d y. T h i s a l l ows t h e e n g i n e e r t o p ro p e r l y co o rd i n a t e t h e What do you do after the analysis is complete? Now you need
protective devices so that you don’t have an upstream breaker a plan to keep it properly maintained and updated. Arc Flash Risk
tripping before a downstream breaker in the event of a fault. If P e r N F PA 7 0 E S e c . 1 3 0 . 5 , a n i n c i d e n t e n e r g y a n a l y s i s
this happens, it could shut down critical equipment or possibly s h o u l d b e u p d a t e d w h e n m a j o r sys t e m m o d i f i c a t i o n s t a ke
PAGES 10-12
even an entire facility, depending on the configuration. In most place. This accounts for changes in the electrical system How Does
cases, a protective device coordination study also allows the that could affect the analysis. In addition, the studies must the New IEEE
Standard 1584
incident energy levels (or the arc flash hazard) to be reduced b e rev i ewe d a t a m i n i m u m o f eve r y f i ve ye a r s . C h a n g e s t o Affect Me?
at various locations with recommended changes to existing the available fault current or electric utility equipment could
PAGES 15-17
settings on the breakers or relays. greatly affect the analysis. How to Choose
the Right Arc
Make sure you keep the studies up to date. If the informa-
Flash PPE
Incident energy/arc-flash hazard analysis tion is not kept current, it is unreliable.
PAGES 18-23
The arc flash hazard (or incident energy) calculations are also Why Do You
performed as part of the study. As mentioned previously, the SUMMING IT UP Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
calculations are typically based on IEEE 1584; however, the H o p e f u l l y, y o u n o w u n d e r s t a n d t h e s t e p s i n v o l v e d i n a n Analysis?
calculations can be based on the equations depicted in NFPA incident energy analysis and what regulations or standards
70E or NESC, depending on the type of facility and/or electrical g ove r n t h e p ro ce s s . P ro a c t i ve l y m a n a g i n g t h e s e a c t i v i t i e s Resources
equipment involved. helps protect your employees and equipment, and reduces
your risks of potential fines and litigation.
Written reports and labels
From the EC&M
Of course, as part of the final deliverables, a written report is At the time this article was published, Downey was a Principal Engineer e-books library
for AVO Training Institute ( He is an active member
provided to inform the owner of the results and recommen- A compilation of
of the IEEE 1584 Working Group – Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard
dations. Labels are also applied to the electrical equipment, Calculations, IEEE 1814 Working Group – Recommended Practice for
technical articles
from EC&M
which shows the incident energy, PPE requirement, arc flash Electrical System Design Techniques to Improve Electrical Safety, and serves
as an alternate on the NFPA 70E Technical Committee. He can be reached at
boundary, and working distance for that piece of equipment. 23
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PAGES 10-12
How Does
the New IEEE
Standard 1584
Affect Me?
PAGES 18-23
Why Do You
ABB’s Electrification Business is a global leader in electrical products and solutions, operating in more than 100 countries, with Need an Incident
Energy/Arc Flash
over 200 manufacturing sites. Our 55,000+ employees are dedicated to delivering safe, smart and sustainable electrification. With Analysis?
ABB AbilityTM enabled digital solutions at its core, our portfolio protects, connects and optimizes the flow of electrical energy,
including the integration of renewables and energy storage for smarter electricity distribution for utilities, industry, infrastructure Resources
and transportation.
A compilation of
technical articles
from EC&M