MTBF MTTR MTTF FIT Terms 3618wp 1703446671
MTBF MTTR MTTF FIT Terms 3618wp 1703446671
MTBF MTTR MTTF FIT Terms 3618wp 1703446671
MTBF, MTTR, MTTF, FIT MTBF remains the basic measure of a system’s
EXPLANATION OF TERMS reliability for most products...a useful tool when
evaluating a product purchase.
MTBF, but consumers are often price driven. They may not realize
Purpose that a product with a short lifespan really is not much of a bargain.
The intent of this White Paper is to provide an understanding
of MTBF and other product reliability methods. Understanding
MTBF data is not always readily available but, it is worth asking
the methods for the lifecycle prediction for a product enables
for the information. MTBF data should be a required line item
the customer to consider the tangible value of the product
in a request-for-quote (RFQ). If this data is not provided, a
beyond set-features before purchasing it.
manufacturer’s piece of equipment should be immediately
MTBF, MTTR, MTTF and FIT are reliability terms based on
methods and procedures for product lifecycle predictions.
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) is the mean time needed to repair
Customers must often include reliability data when specifying
a failed hardware module. The actual installation time is only part
what product to buy for their application. MTBF (Mean Time
of the story. The time required to acquire the new part is also a
Between Failure), MTTR (Mean Time To Repair), MTTF (Mean
factor. Down-time costs money.
Time To Failure) and FIT (Failure In Time) are ways of providing
a numeric value based on a compilation of data to quantify a
Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) is a measure of reliability for non-
failure rate and the resulting time of expected performance.
repairable systems. It is the mean time expected until the piece
The numeric value can be expressed using any measure of
of equipment fails and needs to be replaced. MTTF is a statistical
time, but hours is the most common unit in practice.
value and is calculated as the mean over a long period of time
and a large number of units. MTBF should be used in reference to
repairable items, while MTTF should be used for non-repairable
items. However, MTBF is commonly used for both repairable and
non-repairable items.
MTBF is more than a simple formula. A person certified and Reliability Methods & Standards
educated in calculating MTBF must review the MTBF for every Numerous prediction methods have been developed to determine
component, as well as other factors like operating temperature reliability. For example, the most common standards for media
range and storage temperature range. converters are the MIL-HDBK- 217F Notice 2 (Military Handbook
published by the Department of Defense) and the Bellcore TR332,
In addition to the MTBF calculation, quality assurance managers (used by most commercial electronic product companies).
should track all reported field failures as well as the root causes.
Combining all of this data should produce a more accurate The MIL-HDBK- 217F Notice 2 predicts reliability with two
prediction of a product’s service life. Since this process takes time, methods: Parts Count Prediction (used to predict the reliability of
calculating the MTBF and other predictions of reliability is an on- a product in its early development cycle) and Parts Stress Analysis
going process. Prediction (used later in the development cycle, as the product
nears production).
MTBF can be subject to change. For example, RoHS “(Restriction
of Hazardous Substances”) was mandated by the European Bellcore TR332 uses the MIL-HDBK- 217F Notice 2 as a starting
Community in 2006. If a released product is re-developed in point, but modifies – and simplifies – the models to better reflect
order to meet RoHS compliance, the entire calculation has to be
Bellcore’s field experience.
performed again. New, RoHS-compliant components may have a
different life cycle than the parts that they replace.
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