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e-ISSN 2775-2976

International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences

url: https://jurnal.ceredindonesia.or.id/index.php/injects
Volume 2 Number 1 page 325- 330

Improving Critical Thinkingability Through Guided Discovery Methods

Assisted By Cabri 3d Software

Ismail Hanif Batubara1, Indah Purnama Sari2

Email: ismailhanif@umsu.ac.id
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

This research proves that the use of knowledge of software programs such as Cabri 3D improves college students'
Critical Thinking competencies compared to those with the software program's help. This evidence is accomplished
to reach the development of college students' numerical thinking capacities instructed to use guided disclosure
gaining knowledge of strategies assisted with the aid of using Cabri 3D with the guided discovery gaining knowledge
of approach without a Computer program. This lesson experimental research takes a look at a populace of 122
people. Randomly instructions are decided on from the to be had guides divided into pattern instructions. The first
experimental magnificence changed into given remedy with the aid of using Guided Discovery gaining knowledge
of Method assisted with the support of using an Cabri 3D software program, at the same time as some other degree
changed into given remedy with the aid of using guided discovery gaining knowledge of approach without Cabri 3D
software program. The tool used on this take a look at changed into a check. Then the check effects are examined
through the use of the t-check with the assist of SPSS. The check standards are rejected H0 if the table of t is smaller
than the t count. Effects confirmed rely on changed into 2,785 simultaneously as the t desk changed into 2,000. The
college students taught with the aid of using the guided discovery gaining knowledge of approach assisted with
using Cabri 3D (First experiment) are better than without software.

Keywords : Cabri 3D; Guided Discovery Learning; Critical Thinking.

The reasoning is essential in a person. Without motive approximately the fabric, a person
can not be capable of grasp the fabric. For an educator, good judgment can not
be arranged in expressions of usage Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which wrote each teacher
needs to learn. Moreover, with a coach and potential, the authority of texture and thinking are
exceptionally critical. Deplorably, numerous college students no longer have gifted mathematical
modeling courses, which can be instructional substances in faculties, including linear and crucial.
One of the occurrences is that they can not draw a way to create a chart from a work, circles,
trigonometry, and others number of the scholars dubious and demanding to clear up the problem.
To rise as a teacher, we got to clarify the subject and switch know-how and possible. The
disparity amongst fact and wish develops into my records to analyze and discover an answer and
examine reasoning scholar competencies. They are using the guided discovery mastering version
assisted through Cabri 3D software. With this software, it's far was hoping that scholars may be
more significantly interested in mastering to enhance college students' Critical
Thinkingcompetencies to grow better than getting without the use of the software.
Suprihatin et al., (2018) states, "Critical Thinkingis the inspiration for developing
mathematical knowledge. " This way, reasoning capacity arithmetic is the inspiration for gaining
mathematical knowledge—excellent reasoning capacity associated with logical, analytical, and
vital questioning patterns. Through sound reasoning, someone will draw conclusions or choices

e-ISSN 2775-2976

International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences

url: https://jurnal.ceredindonesia.or.id/index.php/injects
Volume 2 Number 1 page 325- 330

related to his everyday life. Thing This is consistent with other opinion, which states that
reasoning is a pastime, questioning process, or pastime to attract conclusions or make an
announcement whose reality has been formerly demonstrated or assumed. Someone with
reasoning competencies will always have various problems because of the shortage to narrate
information to conclude. Therefore, Somebody should reason should be advanced in each
individual. The reasoning is cut up into deduction and colligation (Dhiman, 1981). Reasoning
deductive is that the drawing of conclusions from the general to the species supported the
information. Meanwhile, inductive reasoning might be an ideal technique for taking alternatives
to a fashionable nature or creating a substitute announcement from significant cases. Guided
Discovery Learning (GDL) is a specific way of the keys to fixing the issue. GDL is getting to
know with the aid of using giving college learners an impediment early. Scholar accumulates
information, modifies the presumes, experiment, search as precision, brings together the
designation, and shows even if the accusation is authentic or no longer next. That approach lets
college graduates construct their cognition components via numerous sports created to supply a
complexity relying on scholar intelligence.
ICT assistance Cabri 3D and other programs are the particular answer that could appeal
to college students' hobby in getting to know. As defined, the Cabri 3D-assisted PBL version is
pleasantly recycled while mixed by applied science (Husnah et al., 2020), (Batubara, 2017),
(Batubara, 2018), (Batubara et al., 2020). Form at the worry ended, further, too many effects
formerly recorded, the researcher combines educated analysis to know among the operating
system. Irvan (Irvan & Muslihudin, 2020) defined that the instructor should use laptops or
multimedia to make it enjoyable to get to know.

The purpose of deciding on this study is that the researcher gave the remedy withinside
the shape of a getting-to-know version to the two training with elegance A, which were given
extra software program simultaneously as elegance B did now no longer get the software
program. The activity' getting to know effects will then be compared to peer the elegance with a
better boom in seeing the impact. These studies hold at the University of Muhammadiyah
Sumatera Utara, Jl Mukhtar Basri Number. 3 Medan. The populace of the study is the fifth
semester in mathematic education. This research has a look at's samples that had been training
decided on from the arithmetic schooling. Look at software FKIP UMSU for the 2019/2020
instructional year, achieved earlier than and after the COVID 19 pandemic. The level of trying
out getting to know the equipment and study instruments, the test level, and Analyzing the study
decision. The form of investigation is formulated below:
O1 X O2

O1 Y O2
X = Learning + Software
Y = Just a learning
O1= pretest
O2= Posttest (Saragih, 2007)
Table 1. Variables’ Relation of Weinner

e-ISSN 2775-2976

International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences

url: https://jurnal.ceredindonesia.or.id/index.php/injects
Volume 2 Number 1 page 325- 330

Capability of Critical Thinking (CT)

(01) (02)
Great (G) CTG01 CTG02
Middle (M) CTM01 CTM02
Below (B) CTB01 CTB02
Whole CT01 CT02

All the instrument starts offevolved through checking out the statistical, consisting
of the information normally and homogeneity checked by SPSS 16. . The Statistical conjecture
using t analysis. Rejecting Ho if the table of t is smaller than the count of t. and accepts Ho
for different situations.

Result and Discussion

The effects are decided through testing: if the importance received is > 0.05, then
the pattern comes from a commonly allotted population. If the significance is < 0.05, the
instance isn't from a typically allocated community.

Table 2. Normality Test

Test of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig Statistic df Sig
Ex 1 .117 30 .200 .943 30 .206
Ex 2 .134 30 .251 .933 30 .070
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
*. This is a lower bound of real significance.

The significant value were 0.200 and 0.251 for Kolnogorov, while for Shapira were 0.206
and 0.070. So we can conclude that both of clas is normal. The value for
homogeneity showed below:

Table 3. Homogeneity
Test of Homogeneity
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.074 1 58 .357

The significance of this result is 0.357. So that the value is homogeny for all. Therefore the
statistical of students' preliminary mathematical skills are usually allotted and homogeneous.
The check became accomplished twice, pretest and post-test. The Critical Thinkingcap potential

e-ISSN 2775-2976

International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences

url: https://jurnal.ceredindonesia.or.id/index.php/injects
Volume 2 Number 1 page 325- 330

check includes five items, each pretest, and post-test. The pretest, post-test, and N-advantage
statistics processing have been accomplished to achieve the bottom score, maximum score, and
standard deviation. The result of hypothesis in this research using parametric evaluation of N
gain t-test to increasing reasoning formulated by:

Ho: µx = µy
Ha: µx ≠ µy
 x : Critical Thinking taught by Cabri 3D
 y : Critical Thinking without Software
The product of the t-test analysis is presented below:
Table 4. Results of the t-test for Critical ThinkingAbility Independent Samples Test

Levene’s Test for Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Mean Error 95% Confidence
(2- Differen Differe Interval of the
F Sig. T df tailed) ce nce Difference
Lower Upper
Critical Equal
Thinking variances .056 .274 2.174 58 .004 .13100 .03686 .05721 .20479
2.174 57.708 .004 .13100 .03686 .05720 .20480

Based on the table, we can state that the t table is higher than the t number (2.274 > 2.00).
It means that Ha is accepted. We can explain that reasoning ability by Cabri 3D is higher than
the improvement of reasoning without Cabri 3D. Likewise, the identical opinion is defined by
way of research, told that gaining knowledge with computer program techniques can enhance
maths expertise and talent’s student higher than traditional/regular gaining knowledge. Further
(Batubara & Ammy, 2018) in his studies, college students' Critical Thinkingcompetencies who
acquired problem-based knowledge have been higher than college students who received
traditional knowledge. Students' Critical Thinkingchanged into categorized as moderate.
Students nevertheless have trouble giving motives for a statement, checking the problem's
adequacy's adequacy, and wearing out calculations primarily based totally on rules. Students'
Critical Thinkingcompetencies who're given a gaining knowledge of technique will assist college
students in apprehending gaining knowledge of (Afifah, 2019), (Batubara IH, 2017) and
understanding reasoning and evidence as essential mathematics (Mushlihuddin et al., 2020),
(Dachi & Batubara, 2020).

e-ISSN 2775-2976

International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences

url: https://jurnal.ceredindonesia.or.id/index.php/injects
Volume 2 Number 1 page 325- 330

The outcomes of this look at and a few functional studies results show that software
program-assisted gaining knowledge of fashions can enhance college students' Critical
Thinkingcompetencies because, with the usage of software program, college students are more
significant interested in gaining experience of with era so that it will perform trials, make their
conclusions, assume logically and make choices speedy as defined via way of means of numerous
specialists above.

This research concludes that students studying results in improving reasoning ability by
software Cabri 3D was higher than beyond software. Infinitely using this program is one
alternative to enhance students' knowledge. The limitation is an internet connection, college
students' restrictions who have laptops, and a few materials related to integrals that ought
to be explained one by one made more time-consuming. Hopely that, on the other chance, I need
a longer time to do learning by software and more practical activities in operating this program.
This paper's contribution is that the researcher can use GDL assisted by Cabri 3D to increase
college students' thinking. Particularly in reasoning, so that the effects acquired of college
students' means will assume analytical, thoughtfully, and attempt to resolve their problems.

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e-ISSN 2775-2976

International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences

url: https://jurnal.ceredindonesia.or.id/index.php/injects
Volume 2 Number 1 page 325- 330

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