Analisys of The Impact of Mathematical Learning With Geogebra Asistance On Critical Thinking Ability
Analisys of The Impact of Mathematical Learning With Geogebra Asistance On Critical Thinking Ability
Analisys of The Impact of Mathematical Learning With Geogebra Asistance On Critical Thinking Ability
Abstract. This study aimed to analyze the impact of mathematics learning assisted by
geogebra software on students' critical thinking skills. This research was an experimental
research with a quantitative approach. There were two groups of samples used, namely the
experimental group with learning assisted by geogebra software, and the control group with
learning without using geogebra software. The population in this study were students of class
VIII Junior High School 2 Banda Aceh with students of class VIII-2 as an experimental class
and VIII-8 as a control class. The instruments used were pre-test and post-test critical thinking
skills. Data analysis techniques using non-parametric statistics with Mann-Witney test and
analyzed with SPSS statistics 22 software. The results showed that mathematics learning
assisted by geogebra software has an impact on increasing students' critical thinking skills.
1. Introduction
Critical thinking is a very important ability to be possessed by every student, as
expressed by[1], if critical thinking skills are not developed since childhood, then most likely
mathematical abilities will not mature in adolescence and adulthood later. Even critical
thinking has been made as to the most important ability possessed by every individual in the
20th century [2]. Critical thinking is an individual's ability to interpret arguments, analyze
arguments, and evaluate arguments, so as to make a logical conclusion. This is also expressed
by [3] which stated that critical thinking is an individual's ability to interpret, evaluate and
arrange judgments about the adequacy of arguments, data, so they can draw conclusions.
However, it is not easy to do because abstract concepts are very inherent in mathematics, even
one of the problems of learning mathematics is the difficulty of finding and visualizing
abstract concepts [4]. So that it requires the use of multimedia that has been highly developed
in today's era, even the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) also revealed
that the use of technology is one of the six principles in mathematics learning "Technology is
essential in teaching and learning mathematics; It influences the mathematics that is taught
and enhances students' learning " [5], Besides, the use of technology in learning can increase
learning interest and enthusiasm of students who tend to feel bored in learning mathematics
[6]. Previous researches also stated that the use of technology is useful as a tool to support
teaching and learning, especially for mathematics [7]
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The 6th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1462 (2020) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1462/1/012033
One of the technologies that can be applied in the process of learning mathematics is
Geogebra Software. It is an abbreviation of Geometry and Algebra which is a mathematical
software that can be used as a medium in conveying mathematics subject matter, especially in
geometry, algebra, and calculus. Mathematical learning with GeoGebra software can help
students visualize, discover, formulate concepts, procedures, mathematical formulas that are
abstract, this is in line with what was expressed by [8] namely learning by using GeoGebra to
make objects in mathematics which is abstract can be seen clearly. Geogebra software has
also been proven to be very helpful and effective in learning mathematics [9]. Besides
learning mathematics, specifically relating to geometry using dynamic geometry software can
help students improve their understanding of the definition of geometry concepts [10], such as
Software Geogebra that is used for topics related to geometry [11]
2. Method
This research was an experimental research with a quantitative approach, which aimed
to determine the impact of critical thinking skills through learning using GeoGebra software.
There were two groups of samples used in this study, namely the experimental group with
learning assisted by GeoGebra software, and the control group, which was taught without
using GeoGebra software. the population in this study was eighth-grade students of Junior
High School 2 Banda Aceh.
The sample selection method used was random sampling, class VIII-2 was selected as
the experimental group and class VIII-8 as a control group. The research instrument used was
a matter of pre-test and post-test critical thinking skills guided by 4 indicators that would be
measured, including (a) Interpretation, namely, making Interpretation, and explaining the
meaning of a problem (b) Analysis of Categorizing, checking the truth and sort out the
information that is there to get a relationship and find the focus of the problem (c) Evaluation,
namely providing a comprehensive assessment of the quality of truth or error of an argument,
procedure and information found and provide solutions to problem-solving (d) Explanation,
namely explaining the truth or error of an argument logically and based on facts to be able to
describe the impact of mathematics learning assisted by GeoGebra software on students'
critical thinking skills, then data from the pre-test, post-test, and N-Gain scores would be
analyzed using SPSS statistics 22 software .
The 6th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1462 (2020) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1462/1/012033
Table 1 shows that the average value and standard deviation of the experimental pre-
test data were 54.68 and 14.19 respectively. The average value and standard deviation of the
experimental class were 83.25 and 9.77, respectively the average and standard deviation of
the control class post-test data were 48.21 and 19.08, while the mean and standard deviation
of the post-test class data were 58.25 and 14.93.
Pre-test, post-test and N-Gain scores that had been collected were through normality
test first. Based on the results of statistical tests through SPSS statistics 22 software, it can be
concluded that the pretest, posttest and N-gain data were not normally distributed. The test
results can be seen in Table.2 below.
Table. 1 shows that the value of sig. from the pre-test score of the experimental class was
> significance level is 0.213 > 0.05 so that the experimental class data were normally
distributed, while the pre-test scores in the control class have sig values. 0.007 with sig. <
significance level that is 0.007 <0.05 so that the data were not normally distributed, then the
test of the difference in the average pre-test score used nonparametric analysis with the Man-
Withney test. Sig value from the experimental N-Gain score 0.945, sig. > the significance
level was 0.945> 0.05 so that the N-gain experimental data were normally distributed, while
the N-Gain score in the control class has a sig value. 0.005 with sig. <significance level that is
0.005 <0.05 so that the data were not normally distributed, the N-Gain score difference test
used a nonparametric analysis with the Man-Withney test
Test results of the average difference at the significance level = 0.05 indicated that the
value of sig. > Significant level was 0.123> 0.05, so there was no difference in the average
pre-test scores of students' critical thinking skills in both classes, and it can be concluded that
students in both classes have the same critical thinking skills.
The 6th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1462 (2020) 012033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1462/1/012033
Table 3 shows that the test results of differences in the n-gain score at the significance
level = 0.05, namely the sig value < significant level that is 0.00 < 0.05 so that the increase in
the ability to think critically students in the experimental class is better than students in the
control class. This showed that there were no other variables that affected the improvement of
students' critical thinking skills in the experimental class. It can be concluded that the
discovery learning model assisted by GeoGebra software can improve the critical thinking
skills of students in class VIII of Junior High School 2 Kota Banda Aceh on prism and
pyramid material
Increasing students' critical thinking skills through learning mathematics assisted by
GeoGebra software is influenced by several activities of teachers and students in learning
such as, learning activities carried out by the teacher through the presentation of prism
drawings and their types, pyramid and their types to guide students to interpret, analyze,
explain, and evaluate the properties possessed by both geometrical spaces. In addition,
GeoGebra software-assisted activities conducted by the teacher guided students to explore
and discover the formula for surface area, prism and pyramid volume, and explore the
problem-solving steps related to building prism and pyramid spaces. This is in line with the
findings [12] that GeoGebra helped students to explore high-level thinking problems.
Increasing critical thinking skills were also influenced by teacher activity in learning by
asking questions that can explore or guide students in critical thinking. This was in
accordance with the results of research [13], [14], [15] that addressing higher-order thinking
questions so as to improve critical thinking skills. Thus, mathematics learning assisted by
GeoGebra software had an impact on improving the critical thinking skills of students of class
VIII of Junior High School 2 Banda Aceh on prism and pyramid material.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that learning
mathematics assisted by GeoGebra software can improve the critical thinking skills of
students of class VIII of Junior High School 2 Banda Aceh on the prism and limas material.
Based on the results of this study, researchers suggested that prospective teachers, teachers,
and authorities can use GeoGebra to guide students to improve their critical thinking skills
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