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Electronic Mail

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Electronic Mail

Electronic mail is known as electronically get our messages through one another in the
paper based messaging. The message can be prepared and sent through communication
networks from the computer of the sender to be received to the recipient (receiver). Email
is not only used for transferring messages it is also used to develop work process within

Components of electronic mail systems are:

 User Agent (UA): It allows the user to prepare electronic mail.

 Message Transfer Agent (MTA): It is responsible for routing electronic messages
to their destinations.
 Message Store (MS): It represent where the electronic mail can be stored until it is
picked up by the recipient (receiver).

 Early electronic mail systems were built around the first two;
 The two most popular e-mail systems are the X.400 based message
Handling System supported by the OSI standards.
 Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) supported over Internet’s TCP/IP
 The consultative Committee on International Telephony and Telegraphy
(CCITT) developed the X.400 series of standards for supporting cross
platform messaging.
 Internet electronic mail based on the TCP/IP protocol is the other major
messaging standard.
 The specifications for TCP/IP are developed by the Internet engineering
task force(IETF)
 It produces a set of documents each called an RFC (request for


 The development of the X.400 series for message Handling Systems

(MHS) was done by the CCITT (consultative Committee on International
 The purpose of the MHS is to enable users to exchange messages on a
store and forward basis.
 Messaging networks should be that messages do not get lost or modified
during transmission.
 Messaging system had started in1982 but it was only in1984 that the first
X.400 series published by the CCITT(consultative Committee on
International Telephony).
 Commercial implementations based on the 1984 X.400 standard began
appearing in 1986.
 In 1988 version improved reliability and security and also introduced to
store the message.

X.400 MHS Functional model

 MTA,MS,UA and Access Units(AU) comprise the X.400 Message

Handling Systems.The Message Transfer System(MTS) is formed by a
collection of interconnected MTAs.
 Amessage submitted on one user the originated is conveyed by the MTS
and subsequently delivered to the agents of one or more additional users.
 The originator is conveyed by the MTS and delivered to the agents of one
or more additional users the recipients.
 The message is stored in MS.
 The MTS comprises a number of MTAs which is used to store and
forward message transfer function.

 All X.400 user interfaces with the MTS through an UA.

 A user is in the preparation,storage,and display the message by UA.
 UA are used by message originator to prepare X.400 messages for
submission to the MTA as well as for receiving x.400 messages from
 The MTA turns to message delivery to the recipient.
 If the UA(User Agent) of the recipient is registered with the same
MTA of the originator then the message is delivered and a delivery
notification is generated for being sent to the message originator.
 The recipient UA is not served by this MTA,Then the MTA forward
the message to another MTA.
 The MTA to which the message is forwarded is based on routing
tables that is already forwarding MTA.
 This process of message transferring from one MTA to another
continues till the MTA on which the UA is registered has been
 If the is not reached that is the message cannot delivered a non
delivery notification is generated at current MTA and it transmitted
back to the originator.
 The concept of a MS was added in 1988.
 It is used to rectify the problem by MTA in delivering a message if the
UA was not on line.
 UA submit and receive messages from the MS.
 The MTA picks up messages from and delivers to the MS.
 The user Agent (UA) can access the MS at any time.
 The same time not hold up the MTA’s delivery process.
 AU(Access Units) link the MTS to communicate systems of
other(Example: Postal System).

X.400 Protocols

Number of protocols are supports X.400 messaging across computers

connected over communication networks.They are:
 Message Tansfer Protocol(P1) It is used by MTAs forswitching
and forwarding messages between interconnected MTAs.
 Iterpersonnal Messaging Protocol (P2): It defines the standard
for the format of X.400 messages between the originator and the
recipient.A p2 message has a heading and a body made up many
 The heading contains details of the originator and recipients
message identification and other elements .
 The actual information to be transmitted is sent in the body of the
 Submission and Delivery Protocol (P3): It is used to interconnect
the UA with the MTA.
 Message Store Access Protocol(P7): It was not contained in 1984
X.400.P7 supports operations to access the message store and
allows submission of messages by the UA.P3 then interact between
MS and MTA.

X.400 MHS Service Elements:

The service elements available in X.400 message handling Systems

that includes:
 Delivery Notification Services: which are used to indicate the
delivery or non-delivery of message.
 Recceipt Notification Services It is used to indicate to the
originator of a message .If it is not read by other recipient.
 Specification of Recipients: Message can be sent to single or
multiple recipients.
 Miscellaneous Message Transfer Services: Such as
submission or delivery time indication. Delivery after a
specified date and time and its cancellation.
 Miscellaneous Inter-Personal Messaging(IPM) Service
 Primary, copy and blind copy recipients
 Handling body parts such as
text,fax,images,voice,teletex,videotext etc.,
 Message forwarding
 Importance indication
 Expiry date indication
 Cross-referencing with other messages.
 Obsoleting indication
 Sensitivity indication
 Reply request indication
 Body part encryption indication.
 Conversion Related Services which allow for conversion of the
contents of a message from one type to another.
 Distribution List Services which allow the originator to address
a message to a distribution List. MTA which serves one or
more UA recipient.
 Alternate Recipient Services If a message cannot be delivered
to the recipient, it can deliver to the alternative recipient.
 Physical Delivery Services which allow the delivery of
messages by postal services, express mail, fax etc;
 Message Store Related Services such as auto-forwarding and
listing, summarizing, fetching and deleting of stored messages.
 Security Services Including secure access
management,Message content integrity,message report
authentication,confidentiality,proof and non-repudation of
submission, proof and non-repudation of delivery and origin.
X.400 Management Domains

 There are two different domains are defined to manage X.400

 These are Private Management Domain (PRMD) of organizations
which operate private X.400 networks for their in-house
communication requirements
 The Administretive Management Domain(ADMD) of
organizations which are providing communication services to
 PRMDs and ADMDs operate independently.
 Two PRMDs can be directly connected to one another or
connected through ADMD.

X.400 Addressing

An address in the X.400 is referred as ORAddress(Orginator-Recipient Address).

ORAddress are visible to user they are:
 Country Name
 ADMD Name
 PRMD Name
 Organization Name
 Organization Unit 1
 Organization Unit 2
 Organization Unit 3
 Organization Unit 4
 Personal Name
 Common Name
 Domain Defined Attribute.
 If the recipient uses an AU, then AU related address can be included in
 The X.400 address of a user named Ram Kumar as example will be
specified as:
 Here C stands for Country, A for ADMD, O for Organization and
OUI for Organization Unit 1.
 The Personal name has broken into S for Surname and G for Given
 The Domain Defined Attribute (DDA) is the only attribute of the
ORAddress which is case sensitive.
 Example: If mail is to be sent to an internet user ram@hub.nic.in,
the ORAddress could be:
 SMTP is used as gateway for sending RFC-822 Internet Mail.It is
defined as RFC-822=ram(a)hub.nic.in.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF):

 Coordinates the operation, management, and evolution of the Internet.
 It has a major role in the development of the Internet’s communication protocols.
The Internet Research Task Force (IRTF):
 It is concerned with the long-term research problems.
The Internet Architecture Board (IAB):
 It issues policy of internet’s architecture.
 IAB Over the IETF and IRTF and major changes by them.
IAB Functions:
 Reviewing Internet Standards
 Managing the publication process of Request for documents.
 Performing strategic planning for the Internet, identifying long-range problems.
 Acting as an international technical policy and representing of Internet
 Resolving technical issues that cannot be treated within the IETF and IRTF
The Another Organization called the Internet Society consider as the’parent’ of the
 The character of Internet Society:
 To support the technical evolution of the Internet as a research and education
of the Internet as a research and education infrastructure. It can be used in
scientific community, industry and government etc;
 To produce educational applications of Internet technology for the benefits of
government, colleges and universities, industry and public uses.
 To provide a new internet applications, and to use through organizations of
global Internet.
 Internet Service Providers have Network Entry Points (NEP) or Point-of-
Presence(POP) through which users can get connected to the Internet.
 The user may connect only a PC, a small company with a system and a
few organization or a campus with a LAN or WAN and a several PCs
and servers on it. The( ISP) Internet Service Provider required to
provide connections of various types and speeds.

 The Categories of connections in Internet

 Dedicated Connection: A Telephone Line at 56 Kbps
or 64 Kbps at 1.544 Mbps connects a gateway computer or router/bridge of
LAN/WAN to the router of an ISP.
 On-demand Connection: this is like a dedicated
connection except that the user has to dial up the ISP using a modem or ISDN.
 Dial-Up shell Account:
 In this type of connection a single user with a
PC connects to the ISP’s computer.
 The user manually download his data from
ISP’s computer using a protocol such as X-Modem, Z-Modem.ISP provides
a direct Internet Connection to the dial-up user. It is not uncommon for low
cost service providers to give only a UUCP connection to the Internet.
 Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Or Point-to-Point (PPP) Account:
 The SLIP/PPP account is more
like an on-demand type of a connection for a single-user PC.
 All the client applications can be
run directly from the PC. The user can run through this account.
 This type of connection cannot
be used as a gateway to a LAN.
 Part-time Polled
 This connection is based on the Unix-to-Unix copy Protocol (UUCP).
 A user organization may dial an ISP at periodic intervals and transfer its mail
 A single UUCP connection enables an organization to server mail user.
 On the organization network is used to store and forward messaging.
 Internet client server applications are not possible through UUCP.

The Internet Connectivity Options (diagram)


 A communication protocol allows different kinds of computers using

different operating systems to communicate with one another.
 When ARPAnet grew large by the end 1970 the original set of
standards and communication protocols could not support the further
growth of the network.
 Anew protocol called the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol(TCP/IP) In 1983 all computers on the ARPAnet using this
protocol. This protocol is still in use.
 UNIX systems developed the UUCP protocol to network called
UUCPNET the same time the TCP/IP also in use.
 UNIX systems were communicated through TCP/IP or UUCP to
transfer data from one protocol to another. This system act as a
gateway or a bridge between networks.
 Files and electronic mail can be exchanged with one to another system
through UUCP.
 The UUCP is point-to-point protocols designed for communicate over
telephone and serial lines.
 Computers are connected to VAN to use UUCP.
 UUCP used to transport electronic mail between computers that do not
have TCP/IP.
 The UUCP program allows the transfer of files between remote
computers and to execute commands on remote computers.
 These computers may be connected by telephone lines.
 UUCP transfer over thousands of miles.
 When UUCP commands are executed files and data files needed are
‘spooled’ in /user/spool/UUCP and its subdirectories.
 The UUCICO program scans these directories for instructions
contained in any files and execute them.
 The UUCP traffic is managed by three programs called ‘daemons’
Which run in background, handling file transfers and command
 UNCICO selects the device for the link to remote computer, perform
Login and checks, transfer data and execute files, logs result notify the
user by mail of the status of the transfer.
 When the local UUCICO daemon calls a remote computer it talks to
the UUCICO daemon on the remote computer.
 UUXQT performs remote program execution.
 Uuxqt runs after the conversation between the uucico programs is
 It searches the spool directory for executable files sent from remote
 UUXQT opens it to get the list of data files for execution.

Information can be located on any number of servers on the Internet.

The Internet community has developed new ways of communicating in the
Internet Space is called as cyberspace. Internet can be categorized into
two groups of services.
 Communicating in cyberspace.
 Locating and retrieving information.
 Electronic mail is the oldest service on the Internet and still it is in use.
 It is used to send information in the form of
Letters,messages,advertisements,spreadsheets,game programs,binary files,
multimedia datafiles across the Net to one or more Internet address.
 Most message reach their destination in a few hours.
 E-mail software comprises Mail Servers on the Internet, and Mail User Agent or
Mail Reader at the user end.
 The mail servers are based on various protocols: Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol(SMTP), Unix-to-Unix-Copy(UUCP), Post Office Protocol(POP).
 All these ISO standards based on X.400 Message Transfer Agents for storing and
forwarding messages.
 The Mail User Agent software running on a PC used to send mail via a
server,retrieve mail from server and display the same on the user screen.
 It can perform a variety of functions to make mail management easier for the user:
 Submit/retrieve message,remove after fetch,re-send,spell check,signal to inform
arrival of message.
 Internet Mail UAs may use POP protocol such as Microsoft-mail.
 The Mail UA can also process attached files using formats,within a message, or
the multipurpose Internet Mail Extension(MIME) protocol which has developed
into an Internet standard.
 A message formatted according to the MIME-EDI can travel over the Internet.
 The Usenet news is similar to an electronic bulletin board.
 These bulletin boards are referred to newsgroups.
 Messages are organized into newsgroups which are classified into various
classes such as business,science,magazines,health,computers etc;
 There are over 10,000 news groups carried by ISPs.
 Experimental Usenet group was started first in 1979 by the University of
North Carolina,USA, and Duke University carry Usenet.
 Ther is no central administration of Usenet.
 It is run by people who use it.
 The person can post their questions,say on a new software package, on a
 An Organization connected to the Internet choose to carry only a particular set
of newsgroups.
 Usenet news could be used to broadcast EDI messages to a target community.
 The Usenet group is open to all, but if it is confined to a smaller domain, a
mailing list may be used.
 Servers allow more and more users to enlist the mailing list by sending an
E-mail message.
 A discussion group of members restricted to only subscribers as per the
mailing list, receive messages from server send by some one.
 Ther is no charge for use of a mailing List.
 E.X: E-Magazines. An organization use a mailing list to broadcast EDI
messages such as RFQs(Request For Quote) to its vendors.
 The vendors may subscribe to different mailing Lists depending upon the
products or services.

 The IRC service on the Internet differs from Usenet the chat or discussion
takes place in real time.
 Developed in 1988 by j. Oikarimen in finland, the IRC, talking experience
on the Net.
 The IRC network on the Internet consists of multiple interconnected
 The user’s interaction with his conference through a software program
running on his system, known as the IRC client.
 IRCIIWN, WS-IRC and WINIRC are some of the well-known IRC
 This Internet ‘Live’ audio/video service allows a user’s computer to
connect to other users computers on the Internet.
 The message are exchanged in real-time by these users as soon as they
are typed by any of them.
 A program executing in the background, called the’talk daemon’
handles the actual communication service.
 If there are more than two users in the talk mode, the ‘ytalk’ program
divides each user’s screen into as many partitions as the number of users.
 Netscape’s ‘cooltalk’ is one of the better known packages for this

The Internet is an enormous source of information:

 Computer software,newspapers,magazines,graphics,library books,articles and
literature on philosophy,religion,history,science,art,health etc;
 Locating and retrieving information are the key problems.
Major tools of the Internet can be divided into the following groupings:

 “Telnet’.’rlogin’,and’rsh’
 File Transfer Protocol(FTP), and Archie
 Gopher and Veronica
 Wide Area Information Service(WAIS)
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP)
 World Wide Web(WWW)

 Telnet is a very popular Internet service which enables a user to log into another
computer to run software.
 Telnet is a program which allows a computer to establish a session on the
 Many public services can be accessed using Telnet. EX: Library card catalogues
and database on server
 Once a user logged into the remote server he can execute various commands to
operate the host system.


 FTP is a tool that is used to transfer data/files among computers on the
 FTP is a set of specifications, a program which enables one to login to an
account on a remote computer to send files or receive files from it.
 FTP differs from Telnet in that it is not used to run programs on remote
 It is a very useful tool for sharing information between computers to move
 The files are in Text, Graphics, Multimedia or Binary files.
 FTP is a collection of programs which includes Client and server software.
 A client sends a request message to a computer running as FTP server, which
sends the requested documents to the former.
 The Interaction is between an FTP client program on a Local computer with
the FTP server program on a remote host on the Internet.
 Telnet user have an account on the remote system.
 In File transfer one need permission to use FTP to access a computer.
 There is another facility that enables an Internet user to access files without
being registered on the FTP server. This is called Anonymous FTP.
 The user signs in Anonymous and access directories which are open to the
 Anonymous FTP allows anyone plugged into the Internet to download
innumerable files from thousands of FTP servers providing Anonymous user.
 It Includes free software, books, Magazines ,Pictures, Research etc;

 The information archives on the Internet can be searched for the right data,
information and magazines, using a tool called Archie.
 Archie is an indexing mechanism in a library.
 A user wishing to search a file goes to the Archie server.looks for the file
name, locates the FTP server where it is located and use FTP to download.
 The search is easy inArchie.
 Telnet is also one of the Internet’s public Archie serversites.
 Archie search include options so search for a specific word within other
word to make meaningful.
 Gopher is a powerful searchvtool based on a client-server system that
the user can access Internet resources.
 It is a menu based research through browsing the Internet.
 Gopher provides the user with menu-listed items represent texting
 Alist of Internet Files,Programs,resources, services, and other menus
to the user.
 Each menu contains selections with one-line text descriptions.
 A gopher menu selection could be:
1. A file containing text.
2. Any other type of documents.
3. Access to another program. E.X FTP, telnet or
4. Any other menu.
 Created at the University of Minnesota as a user friendly way of
lettering users access several thousand files of online answer
 In 1991 Gopher has become a very popular Internet service.
 Today there are several Gopher servers in Universities.
 the files on a Gopher server are structured into hierarchy of menus to
navigate by user with combination of arrow keys, enter keys, mouse
 An Internet user can access a Gopher server by using Gopher client
software on their computer.
 It helps to display the received files and menus.


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