Report 4
Report 4
Report 4
A push-button or simply button is a simple switch mechanism to control some aspect of a
machine or a process. This type of push-button can be use an external input pin for Arduino. if
we are trying to create a system that counts the number of times a button is pressed, that might
count individual presses as multiple hits. The solution to this problem is called debouncing.
The main objectives of the experiment are-
1. To learn how to take external inputs in Arduino. Here, the external input will be given
by a push switch.
2. To get familiarized with Debouncing: Implementation and effects in Microcontroller.
The procedures were quite similar to the previous experiments. First, the input output pin was
specified. The timer was then set for the desired "required delay." Before the introduction of
the push button, the LEDs alternated between the colors Green1 and Yellow2. The sequence
was reversed when the push button was pressed. We have to hold the push button in order to
perform the reverse condition. However, the project has proceeded successfully because the
result pointed to a runway light system.
Simulation Results:
Source Code:
Fig 04: Source Code of Runway light system Simulation
On proteus software, the equivalent runway light system circuit was designed. The exact same
sketch was uploaded on this Arduino library. There is no difference in the practical and
simulated outcome.
V. Discussion
In the experiment, a push button was introduced as an external input for Arduino. To
understand the external input concept, a runway light system was developed. The circuit
construction, programming, delay_timer setting was the similar process as the previous
experiments. To the observation, the LED flashing was reversed when the button was pressed
as the code was written for switch. To performed the process just a touch of signal was needed
from switch but we had to hold the button. This was happening because of the debouncing
VI. Conclusion
By developing a runway light system project, we could see how the Arduino's external input
worked. The system was functioning well. This experiment also revealed the push button's
debouncing effect. The experiment's goals were achieved. The information gathered from the
experiment can be a valuable tool for future study.
VII. References
[1] Arduino - Home. (n.d.-b). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from