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sEng. Ibrahim Dewali

Understanding Emulsions

Understanding Emulsions: Factors Impacting Stability

An emulsion is a mixture of two immiscible liquids, such as oil and water, in

which one liquid is dispersed as small droplets within the other liquid. The
dispersed liquid is called the "internal phase," while the continuous liquid is
called the "external phase."
In the case of an oil and water emulsion, the oil droplets are the internal
phase, and the water is the external phase. The droplets are usually
stabilized by an emulsifying agent, which can be a surfactant or a natural
substance such as asphaltenes, resins, or waxes.
Emulsions can be classified based on the size of the droplets, which can
range from nanometers to microns. They can also be classified based on
the nature of the external phase, such as oil-in-water (O/W) or water-in-oil
(W/O) emulsions.

There are several factors that can impact the stability of an emulsion.
Here are some of the main ones:

1) Composition of the emulsion: The type and amount of the dispersed

and continuous phases, as well as the type and concentration of
emulsifying agent, can affect the stability of the emulsion.
2) Temperature: Emulsions can be sensitive to temperature changes, and
some may become unstable when heated or cooled.
3) Salinity: The presence of salt in the emulsion can affect the ionic
strength and surface tension, which can impact the stability of the
4) Shear forces: Shear forces, such as mixing or pumping, can cause the
emulsion droplets to collide and coalesce, leading to destabilization.
5) Time: Over time, emulsions can naturally separate due to gravity and
other factors, leading to phase separation.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali

6) pH: The pH of the emulsion can affect the charge of the emulsifying
agent and the droplets, which can in turn affect their ability to repel or
attract each other.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali


Spin crude oil at high RPMs in a centrifuge. Lighter hydrocarbons

separate, collecting at the top (BS). Heavy sediments sink, collecting at the
bottom (W). Measure volume of each layer. Subtract from total volume to
get quantity of oil (BS&W %).
The centrifuge spins the oil at extremely high speeds, allowing the
components to stratify by density. The lighter hydrocarbons float to the top
as the bottom sediment (BS&W) settles at the bottom. Simply measuring
the volumes of each layer and calculating the percentage of the total
volume gives the BS&W content of the crude

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali


Demulsification: The Art and Science of Separating Immiscible Liquids

Have you ever wondered how oil and water can be separated after being
mixed together? This process is called demulsification, and it involves the
use of demulsifiers or emulsion breakers. These chemicals are designed to
disrupt the stability of the emulsion and cause the individual components to
Demulsifiers work by adsorbing at the oil-water interface, reducing the
interfacial tension between the two liquids, and promoting the coalescence
of droplets. They can also destabilize the emulsion by changing the
electrostatic charges on the droplets, causing them to repel each other and
There are various types of demulsifiers, including surfactants, polymers,
organic acids, and alkalis, each with its unique mechanism of action.
▪ Surfactants, for example, are the most commonly used type of
demulsifier and work by reducing interfacial tension and promoting
droplet coalescence.
▪ Polymers, on the other hand, can stabilize or destabilize the emulsion
depending on their structure and composition.
▪ Organic acids and alkalis, such as acetic acid and sodium hydroxide,
respectively, can also be used as demulsifiers.

The selection of a demulsifier depends on several factors, including the type

of emulsion, the composition of the immiscible liquids, and the desired
separation efficiency. In the oil and gas industry, for instance, the choice of
demulsifier takes into account the specific properties of the crude oil and
formation water, such as the temperature, pressure, and salinity of the
production stream.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali

Demulsification involves various processes and mechanisms,

▪ Sedimentation
▪ Creaming
▪ Flocculation
▪ Ostwald ripening
▪ Coalescence
▪ Aggregation
▪ Phase separation.
These phenomena can occur together or individually, leading to gradual
changes in the properties of the emulsion.

Overall, demulsification is a fascinating and critical process that plays a vital

role in various industries, including oil and gas, food and beverage, and
pharmaceuticals. By understanding the art and science of demulsification,
we can improve separation efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and
optimize product quality.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali

Common Processes and Mechanisms of Demulsification in

Emulsions are unstable systems that consist of two immiscible liquids, such
as oil and water, that are stabilized by an emulsifying agent. These
systems are thermodynamically unstable and tend to change slowly over
time. There are various phenomena involved in changing the properties of
an emulsion, including sedimentation, creaming, flocculation, Ostwald
ripening, coalescence, aggregation, and phase separation.
Flocculation is a phenomenon that occurs when droplets in an emulsion
collect through attractive interactions to form flocs of droplets.

Coalescence, on the other hand, occurs when the film between two
droplets ruptures, leading to the combination of droplets. The process of
gradual growth from coalesced droplets into larger droplets is defined as
Ostwald ripening. see attached picture!

The process of demulsification involves separating oil and water from

emulsions. Demulsification can occur through various mechanisms, such
as heating, the addition of chemicals, or applying an electric field. However,

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali

the complexity of the destabilization processes involved in colloid
chemistry, surfactants science, and interface phenomena makes it difficult
to draw a universal conclusion.

Chemical demulsification is influenced by several parameters, such as

temperature, salinity, water, and oil content. Changing these parameters
can either increase or decrease emulsion stability.

In general, the addition of a chemical demulsifier causes the emulsifying

agent to break down, leading to the separation of the oil and water phases.

Numerous chemical demulsification mechanisms have been reported,

including the use of surfactants, polymers, and coagulants. However, there
is still no universal conclusion regarding the best method to demulsify
emulsions due to the diversity of the destabilization processes involved,
The five popular theories of demulsification mechanisms are summarized in
the Table that attracted post

To learn more about the processes and mechanisms of demulsification,

you can refer to various sources such as "The Formation, Stabilization and
Separation of Oil–Water Emulsions: A Review" by Ying Tian and Jingjing

In summary, demulsification is a crucial process in the separation of oil and

water from emulsions. While there are numerous mechanisms and
parameters that can influence the process, the complexity of the
destabilization processes involved makes it difficult to draw a universal
conclusion. However, ongoing research is providing insights into how
chemical demulsification can be optimized to enhance emulsion stability
and efficiency.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali
Emulsion viscosity is a critical issue while performing flow assurance
While emulsion viscosity might increase significantly if the water cut is
reaching to the inversion point on the emulsion viscosity curve, as emulsion
viscosity at inversion points might reach to hundreds or thousands of
centipoises depending on each crude properties and its calculated
emulsion viscosity curve. Below sample curve is showing the emulsion
viscosity curve based on the water cut and the highest viscosity peak on
the curve is known as the inversion point.

In such cases the back pressure would increase significantly due to the
high emulsion viscosity, and this needs to be considered while sizing the
pipe line considering applying mitigations strategies like injection of
demulsifier, heat tracing and in some cases water injection to increase the
water cut to avoid the inversion point zone, which will have significant
reduction of viscosity on the curve.

A challenge may come from water cut change across the life time of the
reservoir, so it has to be analysed periodically to avoid reaching to the
inversion point by applying suitable mitigations.

Also addressing the outcomes and mitigations from the flow assurance
study to the plant operating manual (POM) is critical to be strictly followed
by the operations team, and operations team needs to be aware of those
parameters from the plant operating manual to avoid interruptions in the
operation, as in some cases if operators is not exactly following the POM
and injecting more water in the pipelines with out proper flow assurance
analysis may move the viscosity to the inversion point, hence very high
back pressure which may reach to HIPPS or high high pressure trip set
points and tripping the system due to such increase in the back pressure.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali


▪ Emulsion viscosity is very critical issue and needs to be fully analysed

and mitigated in the engineering phases.
Water cut needs to be analysed periodically across the life time of the
reservoir to ensure avoiding reaching to the inversion point by
performing the required mitigations if required.

▪ Outcomes of the flow assurance studies and considered mitigations

needs to be addressed in the plant operating manual (POM).

▪ Operations teams needs to be strictly following the plant operating

manual (POM) to avoid changing the considered basis in the design
which might have significant impact to the plant operation.

▪ Unplanned trips in pipelines is a production loss to the plant, hence a

negative cost impact due to interruptions of the plant productivity. So it
shall be avoided.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali

Over Dosage of Demulsifer .

The first indicator of over dosage of demulsifier in an oil-water separation

process can vary depending on the specific demulsifier and the
characteristics of the emulsion being treated. However, some common
indicators of over dosage include:

1) Reduced separation efficiency: If too much demulsifier is added, it can

cause the oil droplets to coalesce excessively, resulting in larger
droplets that may not be easily separated from the water. This can
reduce the efficiency of the separation process, as it may require more
time, energy, or equipment to achieve the desired level of separation.

2) Formation of secondary emulsions: Over dosage can cause the

formation of secondary emulsions, which are new emulsions that form
during the separation process. This can occur when the excessive
demulsifier causes the oil droplets to coalesce too quickly, resulting in
the formation of new emulsions that are more difficult to separate.
3) Increase in oil content in the separated water: If too much demulsifier is
added, it can cause the separated water to have a higher oil content
than desired. This can result in water that appears oily or cloudy, and
may indicate that the demulsifier dosage needs to be adjusted.

4) Increased chemical consumption: Over dosage of demulsifier can result

in increased chemical consumption, as excess demulsifier may not be
fully consumed in the separation process. This can lead to higher costs
and may have negative environmental impacts.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali

To avoid the negative impacts of over dosage, it is important to carefully
evaluate the emulsion and determine the appropriate dosage of demulsifier
needed to achieve effective separation. This may involve conducting Bottel
test and flied trials to determine the optimal dosage rate, and adjusting the
treatment process as needed to achieve the desired results.

- "Demulsification of Water-in-Oil Emulsion by Chemical Demulsifiers."
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, vol. 35, no. 12, 2014, pp.
- "Demulsification of petroleum emulsions." Chemical Engineering Science,
vol. 62, no. 23, 2007, pp. 7056-7070.

Eng. Ibrahim Dewali

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