Report2 - Project Management Plan
Report2 - Project Management Plan
Report2 - Project Management Plan
Est. Effort
# WBS Item (man-
1 Login 81
2 Product Interaction
Test No. of % of
# Testing Stage Notes
Coverage Defects Defect
1 Reviewing N/A 2 10% Code review completed, addressed 2 defects.
2. Management Approach
Managing and implementing a project requires a systematic and well-organized
approach. Here's a general outline of the approach you might take:
Define Objectives:
Create Plan:
Build Team:
Manage Risks:
Quality Assurance:
Change Management:
Handle changes with a structured change management process.
Continuous Improvement:
1. Defect Prevention:
Proactive Planning: Identify potential issues in requirements and design.
Training: Equip the team with necessary skills to prevent common pitfalls.
Continuous Improvement: Implement feedback loops for ongoing process
2. Reviewing:
Code Reviews: Conduct regular code reviews to catch issues early.
Design Reviews: Evaluate system design to ensure alignment with
Requirements Reviews: Verify that requirements are clear, complete, and
3. Unit Testing:
Comprehensive Testing: Develop and execute thorough unit tests for each
Automation: Automate unit tests to ensure repeatability and efficiency.
Code Coverage: Strive for high code coverage to identify untested areas.
4. Integration Testing:
Data Integrity: Verify data consistency and integrity between integrated
Interface Testing: Ensure seamless communication and data exchange.
Scenario Testing: Test various scenarios to validate integrated functionalities.
5. System Testing:
End-to-End Testing: Verify system functionality in a real-world
Performance Testing: Assess system responsiveness, scalability, and
Security Testing: Identify and address potential vulnerabilities and risks.
6. Continuous Monitoring and Feedback:
Monitoring Tools: Implement tools for real-time monitoring.
User Feedback: Gather feedback from end-users to identify improvements.
Root Cause Analysis: Conduct thorough analyses of defects for continuous
By integrating these quality approaches, you establish a comprehensive framework for defect
prevention, thorough reviewing, and effective testing throughout the project lifecycle. This
approach enhances the likelihood of meeting and exceeding project quality objectives.
3. Project Deliverables
# Deliverable Due Date Notes
1 … dd/MM/yyyy …
4. Responsibility Assignments
D~Do; R~Review; S~Support; I~Informed; <blank>- Omitted Quang Truong
5. Project Communications
Communication Item Who/ Purpose When, Type, Tool,
Target Frequency Method(s)
6. Configuration Management
6.1 Document Management
To manage project documents and versions effectively:
1. Centralized Repository:
Establish a centralized document repository for easy access.
2. Version Control:
Implement version control to track changes and ensure document
3. Naming Conventions:
Enforce clear naming conventions for easy identification of documents.
4. Document Ownership:
Assign ownership to individuals for each document to ensure
5. Access Controls:
Set access controls to restrict document modification rights based on
6. Change Requests:
Require change requests for document modifications, ensuring proper
7. Regular Audits:
Conduct regular audits to verify document accuracy and relevance.
8. Communication:
Communicate changes promptly to relevant stakeholders.
9. Backup Procedures:
Implement regular backup procedures to safeguard against data loss.
10. Training:
Provide training on document management processes to the project