CV 20231223 32653A702 Honbun
CV 20231223 32653A702 Honbun
CV 20231223 32653A702 Honbun
Received 30 January 2018; received in revised form 16 May 2018; accepted 25 July 2018
Caveolinopathies, caused by CAV3 mutations, can include several phenotypes such as rippling muscle disease, limb-girdle muscular
dystrophy type 1C, distal myopathy, familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and idiopathic hyperCKemia. Here we present characteristic
skeletal muscle imaging findings in four patients with genetically defined childhood-onset RMD caused by CAV3 mutations and in one
patient with congenital generalized lipodystrophy type 4 with muscular dystrophy due to polymerase I and transcript release factor (PTRF)
mutations, which may have caused secondary deficiency of caveolin-3. Muscle MRI revealed that the rectus femoris and semitendinosus
muscles were most commonly affected in the rippling muscle disease patients. Peripheral changes in the rectus femoris were specific and
observed even in one of the younger patients in this study. Furthermore, muscle involvement extended to the semitendinosus muscles, biceps
femoris, and gracilis with disease progression or increase in its severity. Similar patterns of involvement were observed on reviewing skeletal
muscle images of various previously reported phenotypes of caveolinopathy; interestingly, patients with secondary deficiency of caveolin due
to PTRF mutations revealed the same pattern. Thus, primary caveolinopathies and secondary deficiency of caveolin demonstrated specific
findings on skeletal muscle imaging, regardless of the broad phenotypic spectrum of these two conditions.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Caveolinopathy; Caveolin-3; Rippling muscle disease; Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 1C; Skeletal muscle magnetic resonance imaging;
Polymerase I and transcript release factor.
0960-8966/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
858 K. Ishiguro et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders 28 (2018) 857–862
percussion/ stretching-induced rolling movements across a confluent areas of increased density with muscle still present
muscle group (muscle rippling) [5]. Patients with RMD may at the periphery; and Stage 4, end-stage appearance with mus-
begin to suffer from muscle cramps, pain, and stiffness during cle entirely replaced by areas of increased density. The pat-
the first or second decade of their lives. Despite normal mus- terns of each of the affected muscles were classified accord-
cle strength, patients with RMD are often unable to sit down ing to the Treat-NMD workshop report as follows: Stage 0–1,
on their heels, and toe walking is a common observation. Re- black; Stage 2a–2b, gray; and Stage 3–4, white (Figs. 1 and
cently, congenital generalized lipodystrophy type 4 with mus- 2; cross sections of thigh and calf) [7,8].
cular dystrophy (CGL4) due to polymerase I and transcript
release factor (PTRF) mutations, has been reported (OMIM 3. Case description
#613,327). Patients with PTRF deficiency present with loss
of subcutaneous adipose tissues from birth, manifestations of 3.1. Case 1
muscular dystrophy, arrhythmia, and several other symptoms
[6]. Secondary reduction of caveolin-3 may progress with Case 1 was a 28-year-old woman, who had an elder brother
age or disease progression, and percussion-induced muscle with epilepsy, but no skeletal muscle symptoms; her parents
mounding is a characteristic finding in patients with PTRF and an elder sister were also asymptomatic (Fig. 3(a)). His-
deficiency as well as in patients with RMD caused by CAV3 tory revealed that she would fall down very often at 5–6 years
mutations. of age. At 11 years of age, she started to complain of muscle
Several skeletal muscle-imaging studies have recently been pain in the thigh after exercise, which was followed by rapid
reported for differential diagnosis and assessment of the pro- progression of calf muscle hypertrophy. At the age of 12, she
gression of each distinct neuromuscular disorder. T1-weighted was found to have a high serum CK level (14,171 U/L). Neu-
(T1W) skeletal muscle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of rological evaluation revealed moderate muscle weakness of
the lower limbs in genetically distinct neuromuscular disor- the neck anteflexion (3/5) and mild muscle weakness (4/5) in
ders have identified specific patterns characteristic to these the proximal limb muscles. She showed symptoms like weak
neuromuscular diseases. To date, there have been a few re- grip and apparent percussion myotonia. Deep tendon reflexes
ports on specific muscle MRI patterns in patients with cave- were slightly hyperactive in all extremities. She was unable
olinopathies. Herein, we present characteristic skeletal MRI to sit down on her heels due to calf muscle hypertrophy.
findings in four patients with childhood-onset RMD, who Muscle CT revealed atrophic and moth-eaten changes in the
were identified with known CAV3 mutations, and in one pa- rectus femoris, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius, with hyper-
tient with CGL4, who developed secondary caveolin-3 de- trophy of the vastus lateralis and paraspinal muscles. Fig. 4
ficiency due to PTRF deficiency. In addition, we reviewed presents her skeletal muscle CT at 18 years of age. Muscle
skeletal muscle imaging examinations of previously reported biopsy revealed moderate muscle fiber size variation, a few
caveolinopathies. necrotic and regenerating fibers, and moderate endomysial
fibrosis. The number of internal nuclei was increased and
2. Material and methods immunohistochemistry revealed that the cells were negative
for caveolin-3. The subject continued to experience stiffness
Muscle MRI was performed using conventional T1 and cramps with gradual progression of limb-girdle muscle
weighted spin echo on a 1.5-tesla TOSHIBA or Philips MR weakness. At 28 years of age, she complained of difficulty
scanner. Non-contrast images of the thighs and legs were ob- in jumping and climbing upstairs, and thus, skeletal muscle
tained. The axial plane was selected with respect to the long MRI images were obtained (Figs 1 and 2). Genetic analy-
axis of the body. The thickness of the slices ranged from 5 sis revealed a CAV3 mutation: p. Glu47Asp, which has been
to 10 mm with a gap of 10–20 mm between each slice. A reported to cause RMD [2].
fast gradient echo was used for pilots, whereas a spin echo
pulse sequence was used for the images (repetition time [TR], 3.2. Cases 2 and 3
424–696 ms; echo time [TE], 10–18 ms; row matrix 320–512
points; column matrix, 219–512 points; and variable field of Cases 2 and 3 were siblings, an 8-year-old and a 6-year-
view [FOV], 25–40 cm). The average total examination time old boy, respectively. At 9 months of age, the proband case
was 30 min per patient. Skeletal muscle MRI was evaluated (Case 3) was evaluated for motor development delay. He was
by a radiologist, a neurologist, and two pediatric neurologists. unable to sit without support and mild muscle weakness was
Individual muscles of the patients were analyzed; the involve- noted. At 17 months, elevated serum CK levels (500–800 U/L)
ment of 19 muscles in the leg (12 in the thigh and 7 in the were observed. He had been unable to jump at 2 years and
lower leg) were assessed and categorized using the Mercuri 6 months of age, and experienced muscle pain after exercise
score [7] as follows: Stage 0, normal appearance; Stage 1, and upon awakening at the age of 4 years and 8 months. He
scattered small areas of increased density; Stage 2a, numer- lacked the strength to unscrew bottle caps. Neurological eval-
ous discrete areas of increased density less than 30% of the uation revealed isolated muscle weakness in the anteflexion
volume of the muscle; Stage 2b, numerous discrete areas of of the neck (3/5). He showed calf hypertrophy and difficulty
increased density with early confluence (30%–60% of the vol- bending the ankle joints. Symptoms similar to percussion my-
ume of the muscle); Stage 3, washed-out appearance due to otonia such as mounding of his leg muscles and rippling were
K. Ishiguro et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders 28 (2018) 857–862 859
Fig. 1. Muscle MRI findings and classification according to the Mercuri score of Thigh. T1W muscle MRI imaging (upper) and the schema (lower) of the
affected muscles of the thigh (a) of each of the four cases. The schema indicates the pattern of muscles affected based on the individual muscles assessed.
The finding was graded according to the Mercuri score as follows: Stage 0–1, presented as black color; Stage 2a–2b, gray; and Stage 3–4, white. The rectus
femoral, sartorius, and biceps femoral muscles appeared shrunken and irregular in shape with indentations between the muscles and the connective tissue
resulting in a wrinkled effect on the MR images.
detected. Deep tendon reflexes were normal. Gower’s sign months of age, elevated CK levels (1417 U/L) were observed
was negative. Muscle biopsy at the age of 3 years indicated when she underwent catheter treatment for the cardiac prob-
moderate muscle fiber size variation, few necrotic and regen- lem. She showed mild motor developmental delay, such as
erating fibers, and moderate endomysial fibrosis. The number gained head control at 5 months and walking at 21 months of
of internal nuclei was increased and the cells were negative age. The subject presented with hyperreflexia, which included
for caveolin-3. Family history revealed that both his mother, the biceps and triceps reflex, patellar reflex, and Achilles ten-
36 years old at presentation, and his elder brother (Case 2), don reflex. She showed symptoms similar to percussion my-
had muscle pain and stiffness (Fig. 3(b)). His mother had otonia and apparent mounding. Her father was also noticed
often experienced leg cramps since elementary school. to have mild mounding, rippling, and thigh and calf muscle
The 8-year-old boy (Case 2) presented with calf muscle hy- hypertrophy. He could not sit down on his heels, although
pertrophy and complained of muscle pain after school. Both his symptoms were much milder than that of his daughter.
he and his mother showed mounding of the lower legs. The Genetic analysis of the patient and her father revealed the
severity of increased muscle irritability in Case 2 was more presence of a mutation in CAV3: p. Arg27Gln, which was the
remarkable than that in Case 3. Skeletal muscle MRI was same as that seen in Cases 2 and 3. Skeletal muscle MRI was
performed for Cases 2 and 3 at 8 and 4 years of age, respec- performed for Case 4 at 2 years of age (Figs. 1 and 2).
tively (Figs. 1 and 2). Genetic analysis revealed the presence
of a mutation in CAV3: p. Arg27Gln in the two boys and
their mother. This mutation has previously been associated 3.4. Case 5
with RMD [9,10].
Case 5 was a 3-year-old boy with CLG4 caused by
PTRF mutations [11]. He showed delayed motor develop-
3.3. Case 4 ment (started walking at 2 years and 6 months of age) and
insulin resistance (at 3 years of age). He presented with a
Case 4 was a 2-year-old girl, who was born as a very low homozygous c.696_697insC mutation in PTRF. Muscle CT
birth weight infant with aortic coarctation (Fig. 3(c)). At 3 was evaluated at the age of 3 years (Fig. 5).
860 K. Ishiguro et al. / Neuromuscular Disorders 28 (2018) 857–862
Fig. 2. Muscle MRI findings and classification according to the Mercuri score of Calf. T1W muscle MRI imaging (upper) and the schema (lower) of the
affected muscles of the calf of each of the four cases, as Fig. 1. Only Case 1 showed mild changes in the gastrocnemius muscles.
Fig. 3. Family trees of the four patients. (a) Case 1, (b) Case 2, (c) Case 4. ND: mutations were not detected. NA: patients were not analyzed.
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