Networking 1
Networking 1
Networking 1
Table of Contents
Task 1 [P1].............................................................................................................................................4
3. Cloud Network:....................................................................................................................6
4. Cluster Network:..................................................................................................................8
5. Centralized Network:...........................................................................................................9
6. Virtualized network:..........................................................................................................10
Network Standards:..........................................................................................................................11
1. OSI Model:........................................................................................................................11
2. TCP/IP Model:..........................................................................................................................11
Task 2[P2]............................................................................................................................................13
Types of topology.............................................................................................................................13
1. Bus Topology:....................................................................................................................13
2. Ring Topology:..................................................................................................................14
3. Mesh Topology:.................................................................................................................15
4. Tree Topology:..................................................................................................................16
5. Star Topology:...................................................................................................................17
Task 4[P3]............................................................................................................................................19
1. Hub:...................................................................................................................................19
2. Switch:...............................................................................................................................20
3. Router:...............................................................................................................................20
4. Multi-Layer Switch:...........................................................................................................21
5. Firewalls:...........................................................................................................................21
6. HIDS:.................................................................................................................................22
7. Repeater:............................................................................................................................22
8. Bridges:..............................................................................................................................23
9. Modem:..............................................................................................................................23
Types of server:................................................................................................................................24
1. Web Server:.......................................................................................................................24
2. File Server:.........................................................................................................................25
3. Database Server:................................................................................................................25
4. Virtualization:....................................................................................................................25
5. Print Server:.......................................................................................................................25
Task 5[P4]............................................................................................................................................26
Task 8 [P5]...........................................................................................................................................28
Network Design................................................................................................................................28
IP Addressing...................................................................................................................................29
Gorkha Branch.............................................................................................................................29
Designing Tools................................................................................................................................30
DHCP server................................................................................................................................30
Domain Controller.......................................................................................................................30
Task 12 [P7].........................................................................................................................................32
LAB REPORT:....................................................................................................................................32
Web Server:..................................................................................................................................46
Print Server:.................................................................................................................................57
Task 13 [P8].........................................................................................................................................68
Task 1 [P1]
Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.
This task is all about explaining about discussing the importance, benefits and limitations of different
types of network and network standards. Network is known as the group of computers and
internetworking devices connected with one another for sharing and receiving of data and
information. With the help of network one user can send data to other user easily. A perfect example
of network is Internet where millions of people are connected with each other. Network is very
important nowdays for every organization, banks etc.
There are many types of computer networks such as peer to peer network, client server network,
cloud, cluster, centralized, virtualized, etc which are commonly in use nowdays. Some of them are
described below:
Peer to peer network is more suitable for small organization as the installation cost is low as it does
not need to keep a server computer. Some of the advantages and benefits of peer to peer network are
as follows:
There are many advantages and benefits of peer to peer network but it has got its
disadvantages and constraints also. Some of the constraints are as follows:
1. Data recovery and backup is difficult in this system. Backup should be done in each
computer separately.
2. There always occurs security issues as it does not have proper server.
3. The whole system is decentralized so it is harder to handle by one administrator.
4. Computer can be excessed any time.
5. Network security should be applied to each computer separately. (Sparrow, 2018)
Client server network is suitable for big organization as it is a centralized network. Some of the
advantages and benefits of client server network are as follows:
1. The network is centralized, server helps to administrate the whole network setup.
2. All the files and data are stored in one place so it is properly managed.
3. Backup and recovery is easy.
4. Security, the network is secured.
5. Accessible, the server can be remotely accessed.
It has got many advantages like proper security and backups but it has got disadvantages also.
Some of the disadvantages and constraints are as follows:
3. Cloud Network:
In cloud networking the access of networking devices and resources is done from centralized third
party resource provider using wide area networks or internet based access technologies. In cloud
networking both network and computing resources can be shared via WAN or internet. Cloud
networking is related to the terms of cloud computing. This type of network is mostly used nowdays
as it has highly centralized third party resource provider and fewer costumer devices is needed.
The above figure describes and shows the cloud networking system.
Cloud network has many benefits and advantages. Some of them are as follows:
1. It is flexible as resource provider is third party we can add or remove firms at any time
2. Enterprises can save many expenses by using cloud networking as it does not needs to add
additional cost of hardware and software.
3. Data and information are properly centralized so we can manage it in simple ways and
4. Variety of devices can be used in cloud networking for accessing data and information like
mobile, laptop, desktop etc which makes it easier.
5. By using cloud network user can collect data and information in no time as it is running all
the time.
1. It is mostly dependent to third party resource provider if the resource provider does not have
the link it cannot share data and information.
2. As cloud networking is done using remote server and location there is always risk of server
breakdown which will affect the whole network.
3. It is entirely dependent on network connections.
4. There is always privacy and security issues as the data are stored in third party server.
(admin, 2018)
4. Cluster Network:
In cluster network, the network is made my compromising or connecting two or more computers also
known as nodes which works together to execute program or perform other tasks. These type of
network takes the advantages of parallel processing power of computing devices.
5. Centralized Network:
In this type of network all users are connected to the centralized server, which is the main part which
has got all data and information. The users take data and information form centralized server. This
type of network is also known as centralized server structure. In this type of network all the
application and information are stored in centralized server. (Anon., 2018)
1. In this type of network backup can be easily done as files are stored in centralized server.
2. Server helps to manage the whole network.
3. Secured as data is all located in one place only.
1. Centralized systems require users to access information on the network uniformly using the
same processes
2. All the files are located in server so if server fails whole network fails.
3. Expensive to install.
6. Virtualized network:
In this type of network the resources are combined in a network by splitting of the available
bandwidth into channels, each of them are independent of each other and each of them can be
assigned or reassigned to a particular server in real time. (Rouse, 2018)
Network Standards:
Network standards are defined as exact and detailed specification regarding physical layout of
network, cabling and methods used to access and maintain communication in between
internetworking media. Networking standards are important in a network. Some of the networking
standards commonly used are OSI, TCP/IP model etc. (slideshare, 2018)
1. OSI Model:
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model is a conceptual and logical layout that defines network
communication used by systems open to interconnection and communication with other systems.
This model is broken to seven layers is of which represents a conceptual collection of services
provided to the layers above it or below it. It also helps to defines the logical network and it
effectively describes the computer packets transfer by using different subcomponents of OSI Model
and it protocol. The OSI Model is also known as seven layer model as it has seven layer on it.
(Anon., 2018)
2. TCP/IP Model:
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Model it helps to separate networking
functions into discrete layers. It also helps to describe general guidelines for designing and
implementing computer protocols. TCP/IP model consists of four layers. TCP/IP model is the closest
model of internet, which uses TCP/IP. In this model network models are used to decide how
networks should work, so that other hardwares and network policies or protocols can inter cooperate
with each other.
Above I have described about different types of network with their benefits and disadvantages. I
have also described about different network standards and models in brief. Both network types and
network standards are equally important in network.
Task 2[P2]
This task is all about explaining the importance of network topologies, communication and
bandwidth requirement. The physical layout and configuration of network that determines how
computers and internetworking devices are connected is called network topologies. In simple words
network topology is the physical layout of computers and internetworking devices in a network.
Topology determines how computers and other networking devices are connected in a network.
Some of the commonly used and popular topologies are bus topology, ring topology, star topology,
tree topology, mesh topology, hybrid topology etc. (Hope, 2018)
Types of topology
1. Bus Topology:
Bus topology is the topology in which layout of computer and internetworking is done by connecting
to a single cable. Bus topology is also known as line topology as network is connected by joining to a
single cable or line. In bus topology when data is sent from one to another through the central cable
the data travels in the form of packets. The packets contains the address of the destination nodes or
machine. Depending on the network card used in each computer of the topology a coaxial cable or
RJ-45 cable is used to connect all the computers in a network together. Bus topology is mostly used
in small organization. Data transfer rate will be high according to the cable used in the topology.
(Anon., 2016)
Bus topology has many advantages one of the main advantages is physical resources are less used in
the topology. It has other advantages like it works well when we have a small network, it requires
less cable length than star topology. It has got many advantages but it has got disadvantages also.
Some of them are, it is difficult to identify problems if whole network goes down, it is not suitable
for larger networks, additional devices slow the network down, and one of the main disadvantages is
if the main cable is down then whole network fails.
2. Ring Topology:
Ring topology is also called as ring network. In this topology each nodes or computers is exactly
connected to two other nodes forward and backward which forms a single communication path for
single data and information transmission. In this type of topology packet of data transfers from one
device to another until it reach the destination. Most of the ring topology allows to transfer the data
in one direction only which is called unidirectional ring topology and and other lets data to move in
both direction it is called bidirectional ring topology. It also uses coaxial cable or RJ-45 to connect
computers in network depending on the network card. Data transfer rate will be according to the
This type of network is used to connect small amount of computers in network. It has got its own
advantages, some of them are it reduces chance of data collision, no need of server to control
connectivity, there is equal access to all resources. Some of disadvantages are, the data must pass
through all the ring until it reaches destination, If one nodes goes down whole network fails. (Anon.,
3. Mesh Topology:
Mesh topology is the topology in which all the nodes and internetworking devices cooperate to
distribute data among each other. In other words all the computers and networking devices are
connected with each other so that transmission can be done even if the one nodes or computers fails.
It is mostly used in wireless network. Data transfer rate is high as it is directly connected with each
It has got many advantages like it can handle multiple amount of traffic as many devices can transfer
data at same time, a failure of one node does not affect whole network, adding other devices does not
disturb the network. It has got advantages as well as some disadvantages also. Some of them are, the
cost of implementation is high, building and maintaining topology is time consuming etc. (RAY,
4. Tree Topology:
Tree topology is the topology in which many networking devices and computer are connected and
arranged like branches of tree. In this type of topology there can be only one connection between any
two computers in network. In a network tree topology is also known as star bus technology as it has
got both features of star and bus technology. This type of topology is best suitable for larger network.
Data transfer rate is high as the network is well managed. (technopedia, 2018)
Some of the advantages of tree topology are, it helps to make possible to have point to point network,
we can expand network easily which is one of main advantages of tree topology. It has got
disadvantages also. Some of them are, whole network is dependent on central hub failure of hub
breaks down whole network, If there is increase in size of the network then its management becomes
5. Star Topology:
Star topology is the type of topology in which all nodes and internetworking devices are connected
individually to a central connection point like switch, router, hub or a computer etc. The central point
acts as a server through which data is transferred and other nodes act as a client. This topology is
commonly used and its data transfer rate is also high regarded to other topology, and it is well
managed. (Anon., 2018)
Star topology has got many advantages, some of the advantages are, It is well managed and easy to
maintain, a failure of single node does not affect the whole network. It has got disadvantages also
some of the disadvantages are, more cables are required as each computer connects individually to a
central connection point, if network connecting device fails whole network fails. (Sparrow, 2018)
Above I have explained about some basic network topologies and its impact in network. To properly
manage the network, a network topology is essential. As topology is the physical layout of
computers and internetworking devices we can easily manage the network and find its defaults.
Topology also helps to determine how computers and other devices work in a network.
Task 4[P3]
Discuss the principles of networking devices and server types.
This task is all about discussing and explaining about networking devices and discuss about server
types. The devices and components that are used to connect computers or other networking and
electronic devices together so that they can store other files and resources like printer, scanner etic is
known as network devices. It is also called communication devices and networking devices are
mostly used in a LAN. Some of the network devices that are commonly used are hub, switch, router,
repeaters, bridge etc. (Sadhukha, 2018)
1. Hub:
Hub is a connecting device which allows multiple of computers to communicate with each other over
a network. It has got many Ethernet ports that are used to connect two or more than two networking
devices together. Each nodes or other devices connected to the hub can communicate to other
devices connected to hub’s Ethernet ports. Hub helps to connect and transfer data between other
devices and nodes. One of the main problem of hub is it cannot transfer data to destined location.
(Anon., 2015)
2. Switch:
Switch is a networking device which is used to connect other devices and nodes in a network. Switch
is a high speed data that receives incoming data packets and directs them to their destination. It can
transfer all types of packets. Switch work like a hub but it can direct the data and information to the
destined devices or nodes. In switch data are transmitted to the destination by reading the destination
input packets. (technopedia, 2018)
3. Router:
Router is a networking device that analyze the content of data packets transmitted within a network
or to another network. Router helps to determine whether the source host and destination are on the
same network or whether it should be transmitted to another. It is also known as device which is used
to receive, analyze and move incoming packets to another network. Router has more network
facilities than other network devices, it can analyze data, change how data is packaged and send to
same network or another network. In router, first data are taken form host and sent to router and
router will transfer to destination network.
4. Multi-Layer Switch:
Multi-layer switch is a network device which has the ability to work or operate at a higher level of
the OSI reference model whereas normal switch work in DLL model. It can perform both the tasks of
router and switch in a higher speed. Multi-layer switch performs routing using ASIC hardware
circuits which is faster than routing which uses microprocessor and application running on it.
(technopedia, 2018)
5. Firewalls:
Firewall is a software or a firmware that enforces a set of rules about what data packets will be
allowed to enter or leave the network. Firewall helps to maintain the security of a network by
checking the malicious packets and files in a network.
6. HIDS:
HIDS stands for host based information detect system. The system that helps to monitor a computer
system on which it is installed to detect the trespass and/or misuse, and responds by logging
the activity and notifying the designated authority is known as HIDS system. It helps to
analyze and monitor whether anything or anyone, internal or external has bypassed the
network security policy or not. (technopedia, 2018)
7. Repeater:
Repeater is an electronic device that receives a digital signal on an electromagnetic or optical
transmission medium and regenerates the signal along the next leg of the medium. Repeaters helps to
extend the signal over a distance. It is implemented in a network to expand the coverage area in a
network. It amplifies the received signal into higher frequencies.
8. Bridges:
Bridge is a internetworking device which is used to connect one network to another which uses same
communication protocol. It also work as the data link layer for OSI Model connecting two different
network together and providing communication between them. Bridge does not directly transmits the
data to destined nodes it is similar to hub it transmits data to every nodes. It is mostly used in local
area network. (Rouse, 2018)
9. Modem:
Modem stands for modulator and demodulator. In network modem is a device or program that allows
a computer to send and receive data over a telephone line or cable or a satellite connection. The most
common use of modem in a network is for both sending and receiving digital signal between
computers. Data is transmitted in the form of digital signals in a modem. (technopedia, 2018)
10.VPN Concentrator:
VPN Concentrator is a network device which provides the user to securely create a VPN connections
and delivery of messages between VPN nodes. It is like a router devices which is built especially for
maintaining and managing VPN communication infrastructure. It helps to add more capabilities in a
VPN routers by adding advanced data and security of networks to the communication. It is used in a
VPN network mostly for establishing and managing tunnels, authenticating users, assigning tunnels
and IP address to users.
11.Load Balancer:
Load balancer is a networking device which is used to act as a reverse proxy and distributes network
or application traffic across many servers. It is mostly used to increase capacity and reliability of
application in a network It increases the capacity of application by decreasing the burden on server
with managing and maintaining application and network sessions as well as it performs some
application specific tasks.
12.Packet Shaper:
Packet Shaper is a networking device used in network to protect critical application performance and
which enables cloud adoption by ensuring superior performance and user experience for important
cloud applications. In other words packet shaper is a device which sits between campus network and
outside network, all incoming and outgoing traffic passes through it and it prioritize the rule that we
define in a network. (Anon., 2006)
A server is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to another computer over the
internet or a local network. Server is also known as the main computer where all main files and
folders are kept and other computer gets the data from the server computer. There are many types of
server. Some of them are Web Server, File Server, Database Server, Virtualization, Print Server etc.
Types of server:
1. Web Server:
Web server is a system which delivers content or services to end users over the internet. It consists of
physical layers, server operating system and software used to facilitates HTTP communication. It is
also known as Internet Server. In simple words web server is a program that uses HTTP to deliver
the files from web pages to the user or nodes, in response to the user requests. Web server is one of
the important server in a network. (Rouse, 2018)
2. File Server:
File server is a server which is exclusively used for storing and supplying data files generated and
stored required by other users or nodes in a network. In simple words file server are the server that
provides access to the files. This server acts as a central file storage location that can be accessed by
other networking devices in the network. It helps to transfer and let access to other nodes in a
network File server is one of the important server in network. (Hope, 2018)
3. Database Server:
Database server refers to both hardware and software used to run database in a network. In other
words database server is described as the system which is used to keep record of data and files in
order so that other networking devices can easily get access to the data. Database server is
independent of any database architecture. (technopedia, 2018)
4. Virtualization:
Virtualization refers to the masking of server resources including the number and identity of physical
servers, applications, resources, server resources from users. The server administrator uses a software
application to divide one physical server into different virtual environments. It helps the
administrator to separately manage the server. (Rouse, 2018)
5. Print Server:
Print server refers to the computer that can process print related jobs on a network of computers. It is
connected in a computer network to serve the need of printing jobs in a network which contains more
than one computer. It helps the computer to allow to print files without having to move file and
folders from one computer to another. This type of server is more essential for large organization.
Above I have described about networking devices and its principles with detailed information on
them. I have described about commonly used networking devices in a network and some servers
which are mostly used.
Task 5[P4]
Discuss the interdependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.
This task is all about giving the specification of different software, operating system which includes
both client and server operating system that was installed during the implementation of the network
design. The networking software that was used in network design like client OS, Server OS, firewall
etc along with interdependence of workstation hardware and relevant software is displayed.
Client Operating System Specification.
Name: Windows XP
Model: XP Professional
Size: 617 MB
Above I have given some key specification about server software and client OS. Above I have given
specification of software and its requirements needed in a network.. Those specs are inter-related to
the requirement and its short explanation is done at the end.
Task 8 [P5]
Design a networked system to meet a given specification.
As given in the scenario Nepal bank limited is going to establish a central network connection with
its head office in Kathmandu and other branch office, The network has used different server in both
head office and branch office to create better communication.
Kathmandu head office has got four major department, they are HR, IT, marketing and Finance.
Each department needs more than 20 computers. And in branch office also it has four department
and it needs 10 computers maximum, so I have assigned classless IP.
Network Design
IP Addressing
Gorkha Branch
Server Name IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway
Print Server
Domain Controller
Designing Tools
DHCP server: DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Control Protocol. DHCP server is a network server
which automatically provides and assign IP address, gateways and other network parameters to client
devices. DHCP server automatically sends network parameters for clients to properly connect in a
network,“ (Craig Hunt, 1998) In other words DHCP server is a tool or software which provides the
IP address to the client automatically with certain lease duration .
Domain Controller: Domain controller server is a server that responds to security authentication
system. It is responsible for allowing host to access windows domain resources. The main function
of domain controller is user authentication and access control. Domain controller includes many
functions such as accessing a file within a folder or modifying the file in a server (technopedia, 2018)
DNS (Primary/Secondary): DNS server is a computer server that contains the database of public
IP addresses and their associate host names. Domain controller can be classified into two tpyes
primary and secondary primary domain controller manages the user database and secondary can be
considered as a backup also. (Fisher, 2018).
Print Server: Print server refers to the computer that can process print related jobs on a network of
computers. It is connected in a computer network to serve the need of printing jobs in a network
which contains more than one computer. It helps the computer to allow to print files without having
to move file and folders from one computer to another. This type of server is more essential for large
organization. It allows client computer to use printer based on a queue.
Windows Deployment Services: WDS stands for windows deployment services. This enables the
implement of windows operating systems. WDS in a network can helps to set up new clients. The
client computers to install OS Windows Deployment Services (WDS) enables the deployment of
Windows operating systems directly in a network
Virtual Private Network: VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a virtually created network
using tunneling and internet. It is one of the most highly secured network. VPN allows the users to
remotely access to another computer in a network. It works by encryption and decryption. The sent
data is encrypted and when it is received on the destination, it is again decrypted by the user due to
which the data is safe and is only known to user.
Above I have designed a network for Nepal Bank Limited. In above task design shows the topology
of both head and branch office. Many server and tools are used to have a good connection between
both head and branch office. Through internet and tunneling, secured network is established. I have
assigned classless IP so there will not be much IP losses.
Task 12 [P7]
Domain controller server is a server that responds to security authentication system. It is
responsible for allowing host to access windows domain resources. The main function of
domain controller is user authentication and access control. Domain controller includes many
functions such as accessing a file within a folder or modifying the file in a server
(technopedia, 2018)
Firstly open server manager from start menu. Click on next in the beginning of this page.
Click Add Roles and Features.
Click on select and select server from the server Accept the default features required by clicking
pool. the Add Features button.
Select the Active Directory Domain Server and Accept the default features required by clicking
click on next. the Add Features button.
Select on Add a new forest and write a In this step write a password twice in password
domain name and click a next button. and confirm password.
In this step it shows the domain name of this In this step all prerequisites should pass and click
server. the Install button to start the installation.
After it completes the required task and the server restarts, the new Windows Server Domain setup
is completed. In next step click This PC properties.
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Control Protocol. DHCP server is a network server which
automatically provides and assign IP address, gateways and other network parameters to
client devices. DHCP server automatically sends network parameters for clients to properly
connect in a network,“ (Craig Hunt, 1998) In other words DHCP server is a tool or software
which provides the IP address to the client automatically with certain lease duration .
Open Server Manager from task bar and click Click next button in this page.
Add roles and features
In this step, click next button by selecting In this step select on DHCP.
select a server from the server pool.
By selecting DHCP, click on Add Features. After that click on next button. And click on
restart the destination.
After finish the installation of DHCP click on After complete installation of DHCP click on
close button. notification and select on commit button.
Click on tools and select DHCP. After selecting DHCP we will be in this page and
after that right click on IPv4 and select New
By clicking on new scope we will be here and Add IP addresses that we are going to provide
type NepalBankLtd. And select on next button. IP to clients.
Add IP address and click on Add button and Click on next button.
select next.
Keep lease duration as 8 days and click Next. Click on Finish to end the new scope wizard
and restart the server.
Now you can assign the IP address to your network clients automatically trough this DHCP
DNS server is a computer server that contains the database of public IP addresses and their
associate host names. Domain controller can be classified into two tpyes primary and
Aayush Jwarchan (HND / First Semester) 40
Networking 2017
secondary primary domain controller manages the user database and secondary can be
considered as a backup also. (Fisher, 2018).
Click the Manage menu, and then select Add For DNS servers, you will be selecting
roles and features the Role-based or feature-based installation.
Click on DNS server in this steps. After that Add features in the add roles and
features wizard.
After that have to select next button so that we After installing the DNS server we have to
can enter this page and install the DNS server. click the close button.
After installing DNS server, click tools button to After opening DNS server right click on
enter DNS server. Forward Lookup Zones.
Select the primary zone and Click next button. After that write the domain name and click
next button. And then select the Allow only
secure dynamic updates, and click next button.
Click Next and your DNS server is now Then right click on domain name and select
configured and ready for use. New Host (A or AAA). Here enter name and
IP-address of your DNS Server in appropriate
fields and then click Add Host.
In this step right click on reserve lookup zones. Select primary zone and click on next button.
Click on IPv4 reserve lookup zone and click In this page write network id and click next
next. button.
Click on finish button and your DNS server is In this page insert host ip and write host name
now configured and ready for use. of the DNS server and click ok button.
After inserting host ip and host name of the DNS we get this.
Web Server:
Web server is a system which delivers content or services to end users over the internet. It
consists of physical layers, server operating system and software used to facilitates HTTP
communication. It is also known as Internet Server. In simple words web server is a program that
uses HTTP to deliver the files from web pages to the user or nodes, in response to the user
requests. Web server is one of the important server in a network. (Rouse, 2018)
Open Server manager and click on add roles Click on select a server from the server pool,
and features. and click next.
Click on Add features. Click on web server and select next button.
After add features we will be in this page and In this page select restart and install the web
click next button. server and close the server.
Make a html file and save it. Click on Internet Information Services (IIS)
manager. Click on add website.
Insert site name, select physical path and insert Click the Browser
IP address after click next button.
It is used to forward the request and replies among clients and servers A DHCP relay agent is
any host that advances DHCP packages among clients and servers.
Open server manager and click on tool and After selecting DHCP we will be in this page and
select DHCP. after that right click on IPv4 and select New
The upper diagram shows 2scopes. With IP Open server manager and click add roles and
of and features.
Select remote access and click next. Select direst access and vpn (ras) and routing
and click next button.
After installing remote access click on close Open server manager and click on tools and
button. select remote and routing access
Select LAN routing and click on next button. Click on finish button and you are ready to
configured DHCP relay agent.
Right click on General and click on New Select DHCP Relay Agent and click ok.
Routing Protocol.
Right click on DHCP Relay Agent and click on new interface and also double click on both
Ethernet and internal. By this step, we can successfully configure DHCP relay agent.
WDS stands for windows deployment services. This enables the implement of windows
operating systems. WDS in a network can helps to set up new clients. The client computers to install
OS Windows Deployment Services (WDS) enables the deployment of Windows operating systems
directly in a network
Open server manager and click on add roles and For DNS servers, you will be selecting
features. the Role-based or feature-based installation.
Select on windows deployment services and After that click on next button for 2steps and
click on next button. select on these both deployment server and
transport server.
In this page click on install and after completing After completing the installation of WDC
the installation click on close button. click on tools and select windows deployment
Right-click your WDS server machine and then Select in integrated with Active Directory and
click Configure Server click on next button.
Select the iso file from browser which we have Select respond to all client computer and click the
backup the software and click the next button. next button.
Wait for configuration to complete and then click Right click on WIN-FLAIPA4L35T and click on
Finish. all task and start.
Print Server:
Print server refers to the computer that can process print related jobs on a network of
computers. It is connected in a computer network to serve the need of printing jobs in a
network which contains more than one computer. It helps the computer to allow to print files
without having to move file and folders from one computer to another. This type of server is
more essential for large organization. It allows client computer to use printer based on a
Open server manager and click add roles and Select role-based and click on next button.
Select print and document services and click on Select print server and click on next button.
Select on restart and install the print server. After Click on tools and select print management.
installation of print server click on close.
Right click on host name and click on add printer. Select add a new printer using an existing
post and click on next button.
Configuration of the printer network is Open client OS, go to run and type (\\IP
completed. address of Server OS).
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a virtually created network using tunneling and
internet. It is one of the most highly secured network. VPN allows the users to remotely access to
another computer in a network.
Open server manager and click on add roles and Select Remote access and click on next button.
Select direct access and VPN and routing and Select on restart and click on install button.
click on next button
Provide private IP address in 1ST NIC. Provide public IP address in 2nd NIC.
Click on Remote Access Management from Click on remote access setup wizard.
tools in dashboard
Right click on hostname and click on configure Select remote access and click on next.
and enable routing and remote access.
Select VPN and click on next button. Select Ethernet 2 Click on next button.
Select automatically and click on next button. Configuration of the Routing and Remote
Access is completed.
Crate a group in this page and click ok. Right click on user click on new and select User
to create user. After that create user name and
click on next button.
Type password and select user cannot change Click the finished.
password and password never expires and click
Right click on user name and add to a group. Write group name, click on check name and
click ok. Configuration of the group is
Go to user properties and select Dial-in and Go to client OS and open control panel and
click ok. click network and internet connection. Select
on create a connection to a network at your
Select VPN connection and click next button. Write company name and click next button.
Write host name or IP address and click next. Select add a shortcut and click finish.
Configuration Of VPN connection is completed.
Click on VPN shortcut, logon box appears, provide the username and password and connection is
Above I have showed some of the lab report of all the server. I have shown the steps how to
configure it.
Task 13 [P8]
Document and analyze test result against expected result.
This task is all about analyzing the test result and showing that the servers are configured. It is
related to the previous tasks. In this task I will document and analyze the test of previously
configured server. A network performance test is done in order to check if the server is configured
properly or not. Testing is also a important part of a network.
Below are some of the test with documentation that I have done:
Test 1: Ping
It shows that the ping was successful. With this client will be able to enter in a domain
Above shows that both server and client are connected.
Test 3: DNS
After I installed the DNS options appeared on the left side of server manager. It shows us
that server was installed successfully.
Test 4: DHCP
DHCP was successfully configured and the client computer shows the IP address assigned by
DHCP server. This proves that the DHCP IP distribution was a success.
Test 5: IIS
1. When entering the name of the The website created showed the
website on the web browser, the same content.
website will show the content
saved by you.
When searching the site in web browser, the contents showed up which are the matching contents
which were saved earlier. The site was successfully registered.
Above I have analyzed the server configuration required in the system and tested and presented the
documentation of it.
Al Anderson, R. B., 2009. Head First. In: B. Smith, ed. Head First Networking. Sebastopol: 0'Reilly,
p. 298.
Craig Hunt, R. B. T., 1998. In: R. Denn, ed. Windows NT TCP/IP Network Administration. USA:
0'Reilly, p. 121.
Debra Shinder, T. S., 2004. In: J. Quigley, ed. Best Damn Windows Server 2003. USA: Syngress
Publishing, Inc., p. 54.
Svetlin Nakov, V. K., 2013. The bulgarian C# book. In: 807-808, ed. Fundamentals of Computer
Programming with C#. Bulgaria: Svetlin Nakov & Co..