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Friction MM

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Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.

Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

PART – I : Introduction to Friction

1. Definition
2. Types of Friction
3. Mechanism of Friction
4. Laws of Friction
5. Values of Coefficient of Friction
6. Friction Angles
7. Types of Friction Problems
8. Problems Involving Dry Friction.

Session-II : Applications of Friction

9. Wedges
10. Connected Bodies
11. Ladder
12. Belts
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017



1.0 Definition:

Friction is defined as the contact resistance exerted by one body upon a second body
when the second body moves or tends to move past the first body.

Friction is a retarding force always acting opposite to the motion or tendency to


Whenever a tendency exists for one contacting surface to slide along another surface
the friction forces developed are always in a direction to oppose this tendency.

a) In some types of machines we want to minimize the retarding effect of friction

Examples : bearings of all types, power screws, gears, flow of fluid in pipes,
propulsion of aircraft, missiles through the atmosphere.

b) In some situations we wish to maximize the effect of friction as in brakes,

clutches, belt drives and wedges.
Wheeled vehicles depend on friction for both starting and stopping and
ordinary walking depends on friction between the shoe and ground.

2.0 Types of Friction:

Dry Friction: Dry friction develops when the unlubricated surface of two solids
are in contact under a condition of sliding or a tendency to slide. This type of
friction is also known as Coulomb friction.

Fluid Friction: Fluid friction is developed when adjacent layers in a fluid (liquid
or gas) are moving at different velocities.
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

3.0 Mechanism of Friction:

Friction exists primarily because of the roughness of the contact surface.

Consider a block of weight w resting on a horizontal surface. The contacting
surface possesses a certain amount of roughness. Let P be the horizontal force
applied which will vary continuously from zero to a value sufficient to just move
the block and then to maintain the motion. The free body diagram of the block
shows active forces (i .e, applied force P and weight of block w) and reactive
forces (i. e, normal reaction N and tangential frictional force F).

Frictional force F has the remarkable property of adjusting itself in magnitude

equal to the applied force P till the limiting equilibrium condition.

The above discussion can be represented by a graph with applied force P v/s frictional
force F as shown in Fig.
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Referring the graph we may now recognize three distinct types of problems. Here, we
have static friction, limiting friction and kinetic friction.

P( Applied Force)

1. Static Friction:
If in the problem there is neither the condition of impending motion nor that of
motion then to determine the actual force, we first assume static equilibrium
and take F as frictional force required to maintain the equilibrium condition.
Here, we have three possibilities.
(i) F < Fmax = Body is in the static equilibrium condition which means body
is purely at rest.
(ii) F = Fmax = Body is in limiting equilibrium condition which means
impending motion and hence F = Fmax = µsN is valid equation.

(iii) F > Fmax= Body is in motion which means F = F k = µkN is valid equation
the condition is impossible, since the surfaces cannot support more force
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

than the maximum frictional force. Therefore, the assumption of

equilibrium is invalid, the motion occurs.
2. Limiting Friction: The condition of impending motion is known to exist. Here
a body which is in equilibrium is on a verge of slipping which means the body
is in limiting equilibrium condition. “It is the maximum value of friction force
that the surface can exert on the block and is designated as F max.”.This mainly
depends on roughness of the materials of the surfaces and of the normal contact
force which these surfaces exert on each other.
Fmax = µsN is valid equation.
3. Kinetic Friction: The condition of relative motion is known to exist between
the contacting surfaces. So, the body is in motion.
Kinetic friction takes place Fk = µkN is valid equation.


1. The frictional force is always tangential to the contact surface and acts in the
direction opposite to that in which the body tends to move.
2. The magnitude of frictional force is self-adjusting to the applied force till the
limiting frictional force is reached and at the limiting frictional force the body
will have the impending motion.
3. Limiting frictional force Fmax is directly proportional to normal reaction
(Fmax = µsN).
4. For a body in motion, kinetic frictional force Fk developed is less than that of
limiting frictional force Fmax and the relation Fk = µkN is applicable.
5. Frictional force depends upon the roughness of the surface and the material in
6. Frictional force is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces.
7. Frictional force is independent of speed of the body.
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

8. Coefficient of static friction µs.is always greater than coefficient of kinetic

friction µk . (µk may be 25% smaller than µs.in general).

Note: µs. & µk are dimensionless.

5.0 . Values of Coefficient of Friction

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

6.0 Friction Angles

a) Angle of Friction:

It is the angle made by the resultant of the limiting frictional force F max and the
normal reaction N with the normal reactions.

Consider the block with weight W and the applied force P.

When the block is at a verge of motion, limiting frictional force F maxwill act
opposite direction of applied force and the normal reaction N will be perpendicular
to the surface as shown in Fig. We can replace the F max and N by resultant reaction
R which acts at an angle ø to the normal reaction.The angle ø is called angle of

From Fig we have

Fmax = R sinø
µsN = R sinø --------- (I) (Fmax = µsN)
N= R cosø------------------(II)
Dividing Eq. (I) by Eq. (II), we get

Tanø = µs or ø = Tan-1 ( µs )
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

c) Angle of Repose

It is the minimum angle of inclination of a plane with the horizontal at which the
body kept will just slide down on it without the application of any external force
( Due to self-weight).

Consider the block with weight W is resting on an inclined plane, which makes an
angleΘ with the horizontal as shown in figure. When Θ is small the block will rest
on the plane. If Θ is increased gradually a slope is reached at which the block is
about to start sliding. This angle Θ is called angle of repose.

∑ Fx = 0
µsN-W SinΘ= 0
WSinΘ = µN---------------------(I)
∑ Fy= 0
N-W Cos Θ= 0
WCosΘ = N---------------------(II)
Dividing Eq. (I) by Eq. (II), we get
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Tan Θ = µs
In previous discussion, we had Tanø = µs which shows
Angle of friction ø = Angle of Repose Θ
The above relation also shows that the angle of repose is independent of weight of
the body it depends on µ.

Cone of Friction:

When the applied force P is just sufficient to produce the impending motion of given

body, angle of friction ø is obtained which is the angle made by resultant of limiting

frictional force with normal reaction as shown in Fig. If the direction of applied force

P is gradually changed through 3600, the resultant R generates a right circular cone

with semi vertex angle equal to ø. This is called Cone of Friction.

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017



First case: No friction, Px = 0 ; F=0

Second case : No motion, Px < Fm

There is no evidence that the maximum frictional force has been reached.

F ≠ Fm = μs N

Third case: Motion impending, Px = Fm ;if the body just about to slide

F= Fm= μs N may be used.

Fourth case: Motion, Px > Fm ; Fm = μK N

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

First case: No friction

Second case: No motion ; tan𝛷s = Fm/N = μs N / N = μs

Third case: Motion impending

Fourth case: tan𝛷k = Fk/N = μk N / N = μk

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

First case: No friction ; 𝝷 =0

Second case: 𝝷 < 𝞥s

N=Wcos ; F=Wsin𝝷

Tan𝞥 = F/N = tan𝝷 < tan 𝞥s ;

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

𝞥 < 𝞥s ; No motion

Third case: 𝝷 = 𝞥s

N=Wcos ; F=Wsin𝝷

Tan𝞥 = F/N ; here F = Fm =μs N

Tan = Fm /N = μs = tan𝝷

Motion impending

Fourth case: 𝝷 > 𝞥s


Fmax = Fm =μs N

N tan > N tan𝞥

Wsin > Fmax

F= Fk = μkN

𝞥 = 𝞥k < 𝞥s < 𝝷

R is not vertical; forces acting on block are unbalanced.

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

7.0 Types of Friction Problems

The first step in solving a friction problem is to identify its type

1) In the first type of problem, the condition of impending motion is known to

exist. Here a body which is in equilibrium is on the verge of slipping, and the
friction force equals the limiting static friction . The equations of equilibrium
will holds good.
2) In the second type of problem, neither the condition of impending motion nor
the condition of motion is known to exist. To determine the actual friction
conditions, we first assume static equilibrium and then solve for the friction
force F necessary for equilibrium. Three outcomes are possible:
a) F < ()
Here the friction force necessary for equilibrium can be supported and
therefore the body is in static equilibrium as assumed.
We emphasize that the actual friction force F is less than the limiting value
(i.e, ) and that F is determined by the equations of equilibrium.
b) F = ()
Since the friction force F is at its maximum value , motion impends. The
assumption of static equilibrium is valid.
c) F > ()
This condition is impossible, because the surfaces cannot support more force
than the maximum . The assumption of equilibrium is therefore invalid, and
motion occurs. The friction force F is equal to .
3) In the third type of problem, relative motion is known to exist between the
contacting surfaces, and thus the kinetic coefficient of friction clearly applies.

8.0 Problems
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

1) Will the 200N block be held in equilibrium by the horizontal force of

300N, if µ=0.3.
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Sol: Assume
that 300N force
is sufficient to hold the block from sliding down the plan. Let F acts down
the plane.

F + 200 sin= 300 cos

F = 300 cos-200sin=160N
For balance to exist, a frictional resistance of F=160kg would be required
acting down plane.

-N + 300sin + 200cos = 0
However, the maximum value obtained (limiting friction)
Fi = µN = 0.3 x 323 = 97N
The value of F necessary to hold the block from moving up the plane is
Therefore it means that the block will move up the plane.

Practice Problems
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

1. Determine which if any of blocks will move and frictional force acting
under each, for A & C
, ; for B , . ;


Solution to Problem 1:
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Consider FBD of C

But frictional force to resist the motion in downward direction

The available frictional forces,

f > downward force

Therefore ‘C’ will not move.

FBD of B

Downward force =

f < downward force

But due to greater resistance in frictional force at ‘A’, motion resists.

‘B’ will not move.

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

FBD of A

Downward force =

f > downward force

‘A’ will not move.

2. A straight circular cylinder of weight W rests on a V-block having an

angle 2α as shown in figure. If the coefficient of friction is µ between
contacting surfaces, find the horizontal force P necessary to cause
slipping to impend.
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Solution to Problem2 :



Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

1. Wedges
A wedge is one of the simplest and most useful machines. A wedge is used to produce
small adjustments in the position of a body or to apply large forces. Wedges largely
depend on friction to function.

 In the figure, the block A supports a load W and is to be raised by forcing the
wedge under it.
The contact reactions between the blocks at this common surface are not only
equal and oppositely directed on the free body diagram of each block; they also
act so that their tangential or frictional components along the common contact
surface oppose the impending motion of each block relative to the other.
 In order for the wedge to slide out of its space, slippage must occur at both
surfaces simultaneously, otherwise the wedge is self-locking.

Method I:

Equations of equilibrium using resolution method:

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Forces on wedge:

Wedge is considered as weightless component.

∑Fx = 0

N1 = N2SinΘ + µN2CosΘ

∑Fy = 0

W + µN1+ µN2SinΘ = N2CosΘ

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Equilibrium equations for Wedge:

∑Fx = 0

P = µN2CosΘ + N2SinΘ + µN3

∑Fy = 0

N2CosΘ = N3 + µN2SinΘ

Method II:

The problem is also solved by alternate method using total reaction.

For block A:

For Wedge B:
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Sine rule :

When only three forces act on a free body,it is usually best to apply the Sinelaw to the
triangle formed by the force polygon.
When more than three forces are involved,of which only two are unknown,it is suggested that
force summations to be taken with respect to perpendicular axes,one of which coincides with
one of the unknown forces.

Square Threaded Screws:

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

If Q is the force applied on the arm to produce torque for lifting the body, the force
P,acting in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the thread and at the mean radius of the

Qa = Pr ( a= arm length ; r = mean radius; a>r)

P = Qa / r

In the first case, with motion impending up the incline,

Q = F tan(ϕ + α)

In the second case, with motion impending down the plane,

Q = F tan(ϕ - α)


1. It is evident that if the screw is to be self-locking, the angle of friction, ϕ must

be larger than the pitch angle, α.
2. In case of over hauling , ϕ < α
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

2. Connected Bodies
The application of a force P to the block of weight W causes the variable ground
reactions and frictional components shown in figure below.These may be replaced
by the resultant normal force N and frictional force F shown in figure,but the
location x of the normal force can only be determined when the dimensions of the
block and the position of P are specified.This concept and a method of avoiding the
need to locate the normal force are discussed.

Connected bodies:
The bodies shown below are separated by a uniform strut weighing 100kg
which is attached to the bodies with frictionless pins. The coefficient of friction
under each body is 0.3. Determine the value of the horizontal force P that will
start the system rightward.
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

FBD of strut:
Since the strut is a multi-force member, the directions of the pin forces at A and
B are unknown. Here the components of pin forces are selected in vertical and
along the strut directions. This has the advantage of permitting moment
summations about A & B to eliminate three of the four unknowns and
determine BY & AY directly and independently.
Since the weight of the strut is at its midpoint, its length is immaterial and we
BY = AY = kg.
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

So taken along the strut gives

Bx = Ax

FBD of block B:

…………………….. (1)

Substituting in equation (1)


FBD of block A:
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017


Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

3. A uniform bar AB, 10m long and weighs 300N is hinged at B and rests upon a
500N block at A as shown in figure. If the coefficient of friction is 0.4 at all
contact surfaces, find the horizontal force P required to start moving the 500N
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

Sol: The impending motion of the block is towards right, the frictional force must resist the motion
hence it acts towards left on the block.

FBD of the bar AB:

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Profess or,MED 2017


Moments about point B,

FBD of the block :

4. Ladder Problem
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

 Many a times, we come across the uses of ladder for attending the higher
heights. Ladders are used by painters and carpenters who want peg a nail in
the wall for mounting a frame.
 We observe that care is taken to place the ladder at appropriate angle with
respect to ground and wall. We try to adjust the friction offered by the
ground and wall in contact with ladder. Also sometimes we prefer to hold
the ladder by a person for safety purposes.
 The forces acting on ladder are normal reactions, frictional forces between
the ground, the wall and the ladder, weight of the ladder and the weight of
the man climbing the ladder.
 Considering the free body diagram of ladder, we get general force system.
The simplification of the system by considering equilibrium condition can
be worked out by following equations:
, and
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

1. A uniform ladder weighing 100N and 5 meters long has lower end B resting on
the ground and the upper end A resting against a vertical wall. The inclination
of the ladder with horizontal is 60˚. If the coefficient of friction at all surfaces
of contact is 0.25, determine how much distance up along the ladder a man
weighing 600N can ascent without causing it to slip.

Sol. Consider the FBD of the ladder

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

100 × 2.5 cos60˚+ 600 × d cos60˚- × 5 sin60˚ - × 5 cos60˚ = 0

100 × 2.5 cos60˚+ 600 × d cos60˚- 164.71 × 5 sin60˚ - 0.25 × 164.71× 5 cos60˚ = 0

d = 2.304m.

5. Belt Friction
Belt or rope is wrapped around the pulleys to transmit power or effectively used for
braking systems. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the system, the tensions in
the belt or rope are of importance.
Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor, MED 2017

Belt friction

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

 to overcome the resistance M of the pulley to clockwise rotation.

 The friction forces cumulatively make up the difference between.
 Consider a small element, on which the belt tension increases from T at angle to
(T+dT) at angle (.

These tensions are balanced by the differential normal force dN and the differential
friction force .

…...................................................................................(1) since

…………………………………… (2)
Since in radians
& neglecting term since it is negligibly small.
…………………………………………………. (3)
When slipping impends,

From equation (1) & (3)

in radians

The frictional resistance in the belt drives increases in exponential form.

Velocity ratio:

It is defined as the ratio of the velocity of the driven (follower) to the velocity of the

Let N1 = Speed of the driver in rpm

d1 = Diameter of the driver

Course Material on Friction by Dr.M.Madhavi,Professor,MED 2017

N1 = Speed of the driven in rpm

D2 = Diameter of the driven

Length of the belt passing over the two pulleys per minute will be the same

πd1N1= π d2 N2

N1/ N2 = d2/d1

1. Ferdinand L. Singer, “Engineering Mechanics-Statics &
Dynamics”, Harper International Edition.
2. J.L.Meriam, L.G.Kraige, “Engineering Mechanics-Statics”, John
Wiley & Sons Pte Ltd.
3. Joseph F. Shelley,” Vector Mechanics for Engineers”. Mc Graw
Hill international Editions.

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