GeM Bidding 5716383
GeM Bidding 5716383
GeM Bidding 5716383
Dated/ दनांक : 09-12-2023
Ministry/State Name/मं ालय/रा य का नाम Ministry Of Heavy Industries And Public Enterprises
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Bid Details/ बड ववरण
Required/आव यकता No
Required/आव यकता No
Splitting/ वभाजन
1. Preference to Make In India products (For bids < 200 Crore):Preference shall be given to Class 1 local supplier
as defined in public procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 as amended from time to time and its
subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Nodal Ministry for specific Goods/Products. The minimum
local content to qualify as a Class 1 local supplier is denoted in the bid document. If the bidder wants to avail the
Purchase preference, the bidder must upload a certificate from the OEM regarding the percentage of the local
content and the details of locations at which the local value addition is made along with their bid, failing which
no purchase preference shall be granted. In case the bid value is more than Rs 10 Crore, the declaration relating
to percentage of local content shall be certified by the statutory auditor or cost auditor, if the OEM is a company
and by a practicing cost accountant or a chartered accountant for OEMs other than companies as per the Public
Procurement (preference to Make-in -India) order 2017 dated 04.06.2020. Only Class-I and Class-II Local suppliers
as per MII order dated 4.6.2020 will be eligible to bid. Non - Local suppliers as per MII order dated 04.06.2020 are
not eligible to participate. However, eligible micro and small enterprises will be allowed to participate .The
buyers are advised to refer the OM No.F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023.
OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy
for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012 and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017.
2. Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Purchase preference will be given to MSEs as
defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated 23.03.2012 issued
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by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned
Ministry. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered
product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for
Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of bid for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered
Service. Relevant documentary evidence in this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the
offered product or service. If L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has/have quoted price within L-1+ 15%
(Selected by Buyer)of margin of purchase preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be
given opportunity to match L-1 price and contract will be awarded for 25%(selected by Buyer) percentage of
total QUANTITY.The buyers are advised to refer the OM No.F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023
OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy
for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012 and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017.
3. Estimated Bid Value indicated above is being declared solely for the purpose of guidance on EMD amount and
for determining the Eligibility Criteria related to Turn Over, Past Performance and Project / Past Experience etc.
This has no relevance or bearing on the price to be quoted by the bidders and is also not going to have any
impact on bid participation. Also this is not going to be used as a criteria in determining reasonableness of
quoted prices which would be determined by the buyer based on its own assessment of reasonableness and
based on competitive prices received in Bid / RA process.
4. Reverse Auction would be conducted amongst all the technically qualified bidders except the Highest quoting
bidder. The technically qualified Highest Quoting bidder will not be allowed to participate in RA. However, H-1
will also be allowed to participate in RA in following cases:
Contract will be awarded schedulewise and the determination of L1 will be done separately for each schedule.
The details of item-consignee combination covered under each schedule are as under:
Buyer Specification
Document/ े ता विश द तावेज़
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S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 Bhaskarnath Biswas ELECTRICALS LIMITED, 1755 180
Buyer Specification
Document/ े ता विश द तावेज़
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
1 Bhaskarnath Biswas ELECTRICALS LIMITED, 1440 180
Pre Qualificatio n
Requirement Bidders shall confirm all the PQR TUBE 69.85 X 15.00 X 6500 -
1 conditiions and submit supporting SA213T22(1755),TUBE 69.85 X
View documents along with the offer 15.00 X 8000 - SA213T22(1440)
The uploaded document only contains Buyer specific Additional Scope of Work and / or Drawings for the bid items added
with due approval of Buyer’s competent authority. Buyer has certified that these additional scope and drawings are
generalized and would not lead to any restrictive bidding.
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Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions/ े ता ारा जोड़ गई बड क वशेष शत
1. Generic
OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up
to 25 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract. The purchaser also reserves the right to
increase the ordered quantity by up to 25% of the contracted quantity during the currency of the
contract at the contracted rates. Bidders are bound to accept the orders accordingly.
2. Generic
Actual delivery (and Installation & Commissioning (if covered in scope of supply)) is to be done at
following address
3. Generic
Bidder financial standing: The bidder should not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar
proceedings, should not be bankrupt. Bidder to upload undertaking to this effect with bid.
4. Generic
Bidders are advised to check applicable GST on their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any
responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be as per actuals or as per applicable rates
(whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %.
5. Generic
Buyer Organization specific Integrity Pact shall have to be complied by all bidders. Bidders shall have to
upload scanned copy of signed integrity pact as per Buyer organizations policy along with bid. Click here
to view the file
6. Generic
Bidder shall submit the following documents along with their bid for Vendor Code Creation:
b. Copy of GSTIN.
7. Generic
1. The Seller shall not assign the Contract in whole or part without obtaining the prior written consent of
2. The Seller shall not sub-contract the Contract in whole or part to any entity without obtaining the prior
written consent of buyer.
3. The Seller shall, notwithstanding the consent and assignment/sub-contract, remain jointly and severally
liable and responsible to buyer together with the assignee/ sub-contractor, for and in respect of the due
performance of the Contract and the Sellers obligations there under.
8. Generic
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Without prejudice to Buyer’s right to price adjustment by way of discount or any other right or remedy
available to Buyer, Buyer may terminate the Contract or any part thereof by a written notice to the Seller,
i) The Seller fails to comply with any material term of the Contract.
ii) The Seller informs Buyer of its inability to deliver the Material(s) or any part thereof within the
stipulated Delivery Period or such inability otherwise becomes apparent.
iii) The Seller fails to deliver the Material(s) or any part thereof within the stipulated Delivery Period
and/or to replace/rectify any rejected or defective Material(s) promptly.
iv) The Seller becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation.
v) The Seller makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors.
vi) A receiver is appointed for any substantial property owned by the Seller.
vii) The Seller has misrepresented to Buyer, acting on which misrepresentation Buyer has placed the
Purchase Order on the Seller.
9. Generic
While generating invoice in GeM portal, the seller must upload scanned copy of GST invoice and the
screenshot of GST portal confirming payment of GST.
Scope of supply (Bid price to include all cost components) : Only supply of Goods
Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Purchase preference will be given to MSEs as
defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated
23.03.2012 issued by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent
Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Ministry. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference,
the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are
excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of bid
for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered Service. Relevant documentary
evidence in this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the offered product or service. If
L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has/have quoted price within L-1+ 15% of margin of purchase
preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be given opportunity to match L-1
price and contract will be awarded for percentage of 25% of total value.
12. Inspection
Nominated Inspection Agency: On behalf of the Buyer organization, any one of the following
Inspection Agency would be conducting inspection of stores before acceptance:
Pre-dispatch Inspection at Seller Premises (applicable only if pre-dispatch inspection clause has been
selected in ATC):
13. Certificates
Bidder's offer is liable to be rejected if they don't upload any of the certificates / documents sought in the
Bid document, ATC and Corrigendum if any.
14. Certificates
ISO 9001: The bidder or the OEM of the offered products must have ISO 9001 certification.
15. Certificates
Material Test Certificate Should Be Sent Along with The Supply. The Material Will Be Checked by Buyer’s
Lab & the Results of the Lab will be the Sole Criteria for Acceptance of the Item.
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16. Certificates
The bidder is required to upload, along with the bid, all relevant certificates such as BIS licence, type test
certificate, approval certificates and other certificates as prescribed in the Product Specification given in
the bid document.
17. Warranty
Warranty period of the supplied products shall be 2 years from the date of final acceptance of goods or
after completion of installation, commissioning & testing of goods (if included in the scope of supply), at
consignee location. OEM Warranty certificates must be submitted by Successful Bidder at the time of
delivery of Goods. The seller should guarantee the rectification of goods in case of any break down during
the guarantee period. Seller should have well established Installation, Commissioning, Training,
Troubleshooting and Maintenance Service group in INDIA for attending the after sales service. Details of
Service Centres near consignee destinations are to be uploaded along with the bid.
1.Payment Terms
For Micro & Small Enterprises, BHEL Payment term is 100% direct EFT payment within 45 days from Vehicl
e/Gate entry date at BHEL Trichy. However, payment will be made after acceptance of materials by BHEL.
For Medium Enterprises, BHEL Payment term is 100% direct EFT payment within 60 days from Vehicle/Gat
e entry date at BHEL Trichy. However, payment will be made after acceptance of materials by BHEL.
For Non MSME vendors, BHEL Payment term is 100% direct EFT payment within 90 days from Vehicle/Gate
entry date at BHEL Trichy. However, payment will be made after acceptance of materials by BHEL.
If the Seller fails to deliver any or all of the Goods/Services within the original/re-fixed delivery period(s) sp
ecified in the contract, the Buyer will be entitled to deduct/recover the Liquidated Damages for the delay,
unless covered under Force Majeure conditions aforesaid, @ 0.5% of the contract value of delayed quantit
y per week or part of the week of delayed period as pre-estimated damages not exceeding 10% of the cont
ract value of delayed quantity without any controversy/dispute of any sort whatsoever.
FOR Delivery terms”, Vehicle/Gate entry date at BHEL Trichy will be taken for LD calculation.
3.“The offers of the bidders who are under suspension and also the offers of the bidders, who engage the s
ervices of the banned firms /principal/agents, shall be rejected. The list of banned firms is available on BHE
L web site”
In case of breach of contract, wherever the value of security instruments like performance bank guarantee
available with BHEL against the said contract is 10% of the contract value or more, such security instrume
nts to the extent of 10% contract value will be encashed. In case the value of the security instruments
available is less than 10% of the contract value, the balance amount will be recovered in all or any of the f
ollowing manners:
i. from dues available in the form of Bills payable to defaulted supplier against the same contract.
ii. from the dues payable to defaulted supplier against other contracts in the same Region/Unit /any other
iii. In-case recoveries are not possible with any of the above available options, Legal action shall be initiate
d for recovery against defaulted supplier.
iv. Further, levy of liquidated damages, debarment, termination, de-scoping, short-closure, etc., will be ap
plied as per provisions of the contract.
5.Integrity Pact (IP): Integrity Pact (IP) attached is an integral part of commercial terms and conditions of t
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his Enquiry. IP shall be signed and submitted along with the Part I bid as a token of acceptance of the condi
tions of the pact. IP is applicable as per Govt. guidelines & all bidders shall submit duly signed and stampe
d IP to qualify for further processing of the bid.
IP is a tool to ensure that activities and transactions between the Company and its Bidders / Contractors ar
e handled in a fair, transparent and corruption free manner. Following Independent External Monitors (IEM
s) on the present panel have been appointed by BHEL with the approval of CVC to oversee implementation
of IP in BHEL.
6.Conflict of Interest:A bidder shall not have conflict of interest with other bidders. Such conflict of interest
can lead to anti-competitive practices to the detriment of Procuring Entity's interests. The bidder found to
have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A bidder may be considered to have a conflict of interest wi
th one or more parties in this bidding process, if:
b) they receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy/ financial stake from any of them; or
c) they have the same legal representative/agent for purposes of this bid; or
d) they have relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a po
sition to have access to information about or influence on the bid of another Bidder; or
e) Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding process. Participation by a Bidder in more than
one Bid will result in the disqualification of all bids in which the parties are involved. However, this does no
t limit the inclusion of the components / sub-assembly / Assemblies from. one bidding manufacturer in mor
e than one bid; or
f) In cases of agents quoting in offshore procurements, on behalf of their principal manufacturers, one age
nt cannot represent two manufacturers or quote on their behalf in a particular tender enquiry. One manufa
cturer can also authorize only one agent / dealer. There can be only one bid from the following:
1. The principal manufacturer directly or through one Indian agent on his behalf; and
g) A Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical
specifications of the contract that is the subject of the Bid; or
h) In case of a holding company having more than one independently manufacturing units, or more than o
ne unit having common business ownership / management, only one unit should quote. Similar restrictions
would apply to closely related sister companies. Bidders must proactively declare such sister / common bu
siness / management units in same / similar line of business in Annexure III of the NIT.
7.Set-off Clause: BHEL shall have the right to recover any money, which in the sole opinion of BHEL is due f
rom the Contractor, from any money due to the Contractor under this Contract or any other contract or fro
m the Security Deposit & bank Guarantee’s, if any, furnished by the Contractor under this Contract or any
other contract.
“The bidder along with its associate/collaborators/sub-contractors /consultants/service providers shall stric
tly adhere to BHEL Fraud prevention policy displayed on BHEL website htpp:// and shall imm
ediately bring to the notice of BHEL Management about fraud or suspected fraud as soon as it comes to th
eir notice.”.
9.Applicable Tax: Any change in applicable rates of Tax or any other statutory levies (Direct / Indirect) or a
ny new introduction of any levy by means of statute and its corresponding liability for the deliveries beyon
d the agreed delivery date for reasons not attributable to BHEL will be to vendors account. BHEL will not re
imburse the same and any subsequent claim in this respect will be summarily rejected.
However, all NTPC approved bidders must ensure NTPC approved conditions as specified in their mill appr
oval letter issued by NTPC.
As per NTPC approval traders/Stockists are not eligible to participate in this tender
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Acceptance of offer will be subject to NTPC approval. Offer will be considered for price bid opening for NTP
C approved bidders only.
10.Cartel Formation:
The Bidder declares that they will not enter into any illegal or undisclosed agreement or understanding, w
hether formal or informal with other Bidder(s). This applies in particular to prices, specifications, certificati
ons, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiv
eness or to introduce cartelization in the bidding process. In case, the Bidder is found having indulged in a
bove activities, suitable action shall be taken by BHEL as per extant policies/ guidelines.
11.As per order dt. 29.09.2020 from DHI, all the items are reserved for Class-I suppliers only and as per or
der dt. 16.09.2022 from DPIT, non-local suppliers are not eligible to participate against this enquiry as the
total value is less than Rs. 200 Cr.
Disclaimer/अ वीकरण
The additional terms and conditions have been incorporated by the Buyer after approval of the Competent
Authority in Buyer Organization, whereby Buyer organization is solely responsible for the impact of these clauses
on the bidding process, its outcome, and consequences thereof including any eccentricity / restriction arising in
the bidding process due to these ATCs and due to modification of technical specifications and / or terms and
conditions governing the bid. Any clause(s) incorporated by the Buyer regarding following shall be treated as
null and void and would not be considered as part of bid:-
1. Definition of Class I and Class II suppliers in the bid not in line with the extant Order / Office Memorandum
issued by DPIIT in this regard.
2. Seeking EMD submission from bidder(s), including via Additional Terms & Conditions, in contravention to
exemption provided to such sellers under GeM GTC.
3. Publishing Custom / BOQ bids for items for which regular GeM categories are available without any
Category item bunched with it.
4. Creating BoQ bid for single item.
5. Mentioning specific Brand or Make or Model or Manufacturer or Dealer name.
6. Mandating submission of documents in physical form as a pre-requisite to qualify bidders.
7. Floating / creation of work contracts as Custom Bids in Services.
8. Seeking sample with bid or approval of samples during bid evaluation process.
9. Mandating foreign / international certifications even in case of existence of Indian Standards without
specifying equivalent Indian Certification / standards.
10. Seeking experience from specific organization / department / institute only or from foreign / export
11. Creating bid for items from irrelevant categories.
12. Incorporating any clause against the MSME policy and Preference to Make in India Policy.
13. Reference of conditions published on any external site or reference to external documents/clauses.
14. Asking for any Tender fee / Bid Participation fee / Auction fee in case of Bids / Forward Auction, as the
case may be.
Further, if any seller has any objection/grievance against these additional clauses or otherwise on any aspect of
this bid, they can raise their representation against the same by using the Representation window provided in
the bid details field in Seller dashboard after logging in as a seller within 4 days of bid publication on GeM. Buyer
is duty bound to reply to all such representations and would not be allowed to open bids if he fails to reply to
such representations.
This Bid is also governed by the General Terms and Conditions/ यह बड सामा य शत के अंतगत भी शािसत है
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In terms of GeM GTC clause 26 regarding Restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India, any bidder from a country which
shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. While participating in bid, Bidder has to
undertake compliance of this and any false declaration and non-compliance of this would be a ground for immediate termination of the contract and further legal action
in accordance with the laws./ जेम क सामा य शत के खंड 26 के संदभ म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श के बडर से खर द
पर ितबंध के संबंध म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श का कोई भी बडर इस िन वदा म बड दे ने के िलए तभी पा होगा
जब वह बड दे ने वाला स म ािधकार के पास पंजीकृ त हो। बड म भाग लेते समय बडर को इसका अनुपालन करना होगा और कोई भी
गलत घोषणा कए जाने व इसका अनुपालन न करने पर अनुबंध को त काल समा करने और कानून के अनुसार आगे क कानूनी कारवाई
का आधार होगा।
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