Thom Gunn
Thom Gunn
Thom Gunn
Tekst 1
Poet (1929-2004)
Eindexamen Engels vwo 2006-II
Tekst 2
To the Editor:
The essay about reading news on-line
calls to mind a phenomenon of
longstanding interest to social scientists
and critics: the 2 newspaper reading.
At issue is the comfort of a context for
the disturbing news we experience
immediately and viscerally on television.
The mediation of a familiar front page
and calm editorial commentary reassures
us that the world has not been jarred
loose from its moorings. Or as Marshall
McLuhan put it: “People don’t actually
read newspapers. They get into them
every morning like a hot bath.”
Barrytown, N.Y. -2-
Eindexamen Engels vwo 2006-II
Tekst 3
The following text is taken from the first chapter of Enduring Love, a novel by Ian McEwan.
he beginning is simple to mark. green, rushing towards each other like
We were in sunlight under a lovers, innocent of the grief this
turkey oak, partly protected from entanglement would bring. The encounter
a strong, gusty wind. I was that would unhinge us was minutes away, its
kneeling on the grass with a enormity disguised from us not only by the
corkscrew in my hand, and Clarissa was barrier of time but by the colossus in the
passing me the bottle – a 1987 Daumas centre of the field that drew us in with the
Gassac. This was the moment, this was the power of a terrible ratio that set fabulous
pinprick on the time map: I was stretching magnitude against the puny human distress
out my hand, and as the cool neck and the at its base.
black foil touched my palm, we heard a What was Clarissa doing? She said she
man’s shout. We turned to look across the walked quickly towards the centre of the
field and saw the danger. Next thing, I was field. I don’t know how she resisted the
running towards it. The transformation was urge to run. By the time it happened – the
absolute: I don’t recall dropping the event I am about to describe, the fall – she
corkscrew, or getting to my feet, or making had almost caught us up and was well
a decision, or hearing the caution Clarissa placed as an observer, unencumbered by
called after me. What idiocy, to be racing participation, by the ropes and the shouting,
into this story and its labyrinths, sprinting and by our fatal lack of co-operation. What
away from our happiness among the fresh I describe is shaped by what Clarissa saw
spring grasses by the oak. There was the too, by what we told each other in the time
shout again, and a child’s cry, enfeebled by of obsessive re-examination that followed:
the wind that roared in the tall trees along the aftermath, an appropriate term for what
the hedgerows. I ran faster. And there, happened in a field waiting for its early
suddenly, from different points around the summer mowing. The aftermath, the second
field, four other men were converging on crop, the growth promoted by that first cut
the scene, running like me. in May.
I see us from three hundred feet up, What were we running towards? I don’t
through the eyes of the buzzard we had think any of us would ever know fully. But
watched earlier, soaring, circling and superficially the answer was, a balloon. Not
dipping in the tumult of currents: five men the nominal space that encloses a cartoon
running silently towards the centre of a character’s speech or thought, or, by
hundred-acre field. I approached from the analogy, the kind that’s driven by mere hot
south-east, with the wind at my back. About air. It was an enormous balloon filled with
two hundred yards to my left two men ran helium, that elemental gas forged from
side by side. They were farm labourers who hydrogen in the nuclear furnace of the stars,
had been repairing the fence along the first step along the way in the generation of
field’s southern edge where it skirts the multiplicity and variety of matter in the
road. The same distance beyond them was universe, including our selves and all our
the motorist, John Logan, whose car was thoughts.
banked on the grass verge with its door, or We were running towards a catastrophe,
doors, wide open. Knowing what I know which itself was a kind of furnace in whose
now, it’s odd to evoke the figure of Jed heat identities and fates would buckle into
Parry directly ahead of me, emerging from a new shapes. At the base of the balloon was
line of beeches on the far side of the field a a basket in which there was a boy, and by
quarter of a mile away, running into the the basket, clinging to a rope, was a man in
wind. To the buzzard Parry and I were tiny need of help.
forms, our white shirts brilliant against the -3-
Eindexamen Engels vwo 2006-II
Tekst 4
Claims about global warming poison the atmosphere
1 The attempts by the global warming industry to the rise out of the Little Ice
use the hot weather in Europe to hype up the Age there was a relatively cold
dangers of extreme climate change are a moral period from the late 1940s to
disgrace. In quite breathtaking examples of the 1970s – difficult to explain
climatic colonialism, global warming if climate is all down to us.
protagonists have been baldly asserting this 7 In truth, the global
week that the people of India and China cannot warming industry is just like
be allowed to develop as the world’s wealthy Monty Python’s Life of Brian.
have done because of the imagined effects on We all remember that glorious
the world’s climate. scene when the excited crowd
2 It is cant. The poor are even chastised for persuades the luckless Brian that, whatever he
being poor, for having the audacity to disrupt says, he just has to be the Messiah. Brian: “I’m
European climates through an Asian brown haze NOT the Messiah!” Girl: “Only the true Messiah
derived from their dung and wood fires. The denies His divinity.” Arthur: “I say you are
facts that the Asian brown cloud has been Lord, and I should know. I’ve followed a few.”
around for thousands of years and that it cools 8 Thus, if it is an especially hot summer, it is
as much as it warms are conveniently forgotten. dire global warming, and you are
3 Such insulting sentiments often emanate unquestionably to blame, you selfish, greedy,
from organisations that claim to support the rich Northerners, particularly if you are
poor. We must always remember that more than unfortunate enough to be American. Likewise, if
1.6 billion people have no access to any form of it floods, it is global warming; if the land is
modern energy. Solving their problems is the parched and fires rage, it is global warming; if
real issue in achieving a global “sustainable” the monsoon is too wet or too weak, it is global
energy policy. Unfortunately, our hot air over warming; and, if winter freezes poor old robin
global warming is diverting much-needed focus redbreast, it is still global warming. Come rain
and finance from key development aims such as or shine, hot or cold, it is always global
the provision of safe, clean drinking water for warming. So there’s an end of it, Brian.
all. 9 Predicating long-term climate trends on
4 It should not go unnoticed that the so-called single weather events, however extreme they
UK temperature record was being claimed two may seem, is plain bunkum. During the Little
to three days before it might, or might not, Ice Age there were very hot summers in Britain.
occur. Facts are not always the strong point of In his Selborne journal of 1778, Gilbert White
true believers, and global warming has morphed records 88F in the shade, “… a degree of heat
into an ancient-style religion, demanding not very common even at Gibraltar”. In 1779, by
sacrifice to the Earth, especially, it would seem, contrast, temperatures in August plummeted into
by the poor of the developing world. the 60s.
5 Readers may thus be surprised to learn that, 10 10 , a little warming in the UK can only
on August 4, 1881, for example, temperatures in be a good thing, reinvigorating our wine
Spain attained a truly siesta-sapping 50C. industry and increasing the number of resident
Moreover, the extremes for the different bird species. Birdwatchers should note that we
continents are spread out over the past 120 years may even get to host such splendours as the
like a line of English backs at Twickenham – penduline tit, the kaleidoscopic bee-eater, and
that is, all over the park: 1889 for Australia the cattle egret. And, in stark contrast, who
(53.3C); 1905 for Latin America (48.9C); 1912 would want to return to the Little Ice Age and to
for Oceania (42.2C); 1913 for North America 1816, the “year without a summer”?
(56.7C); 1922 for Africa (57.8C); 1942 for Asia 11 Please can we grow up over the weather? It
(53.9C); and 1972 for chilly Antarctica (15C). was Ludwig Wittgenstein who reminded us in
6 There is no pattern whatsoever to these his masterpiece, the Tractatus Logico-
highs, although they might, I suppose, reflect a Philosophicus, that “whatever a man knows,
staggered rise of the world out of the Little Ice whatever is not mere rumbling and roaring that
Age, which ended sometime between 1850 and he has heard, can be said in three words”. And
1880. But who knows? One of the world’s those three words are: “Climate always
longest temperature curves comes from De Bilt changes.”
in the Netherlands. It makes a Blackpool The author is Professor Emeritus of
rollercoaster look like a gentle ride for Biogeography at the University of London
Teletubbies. It does show, however, that after
The Times -4-
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Tekst 5
noot 1 Princess Diana: first wife of Prince Charles. She died in a car accident in Paris together with her lover
Dodi Fayed. -5-
Eindexamen Engels vwo 2006-II
is always a story behind the story and a who argues that the US government knew
conspiracy theory fills a need created by a in advance about 11 September but did
culture of mistrust. Some associate nothing about it. And crackpot theories
rumours and conspiracy with uneducated about the MMR vaccine are far more
people who find it difficult to engage with likely to be believed by middle-class
our sophisticated knowledge economy. professionals than ordinary folk. It may
Yet, conspiracy theory is not confined to a well be the lack of trust which afflicts the
misguided culturally illiterate sub-class. middle class that accounts for the
8 It is the sophisticated Michael mainstreaming of the conspiracy.
Meacher, one of Tony Blair’s longest-
serving ministers, and now a backbencher,
The Independent on Sunday -6-
Eindexamen Engels vwo 2006-II
Tekst 6
Tekst 7
HOW did the West get the idea that it is state my chief doubt about the moral basis
perfectly all right to kill animals? put forward for the conclusion. It is that the
According to Genesis, the first book of the theories take only one main consideration
Bible, dominion over animals was granted into account, preference-satisfaction or
to the first human couple, Adam and Eve, inherent value, just as the ancient Stoics
but that dominion did not extend to killing took into account only one factor,
animals, so food was 22 . An important rationality. But life is more complex.
influence came from the pagan side. The 26 , there is an indefinitely large number
pagan Greek philosophers had an evenly of considerations that may need to be taken
matched debate on whether it was all right into account, and there is no limit to how far
to kill animals. The most influential of the we may need to expand our imaginations in
anti-animal views was that of the ancient order to recognise them.
Stoics, who started around 300BC. They I think that the present order of discussion
had a striking and in many ways a very is the right one. The concrete case of
humane view. All rational beings are bound animals makes clearer than an abstract
together by bonds of attachment and owe discussion could why multiple
each other justice. 23 all humans are considerations are needed.
rational, justice is owed to slaves and What consequences would multiple
foreigners. They criticised Aristotle’s view considerations have for recent dilemmas
of slavery and said there is no such thing as about animals? The country has recently had
a natural slave. to consider foxhunting, foot-and-mouth
The 24 the Stoic view was that, in their disease, and medical research. A violent
opinion, no animals were rational, so none version of the animal-support movement
belonged to the community to which justice harmed the one institution that has 27 ,
was owed and nothing you did to an animal in my view, when they recently attacked
could be an injustice. members of a medical research unit. Of
In recent times, a book of 1975 had an course, medical researchers need to be
exceptional impact, Peter Singer’s Animal under constraint not to be cruel, or
Liberation, which in no way condones the needlessly wasteful of life, but medical
violence of the English branch of the Animal research is a far more serious purpose than
Liberation Movement. This is a case of a cuisine or styles of clothing.
modern philosophy book having a We have just killed over a million healthy
tremendous impact on our views on 25 farm animals for commercial reasons, in
and on practices in scientific and medical case they became infected with foot-and-
research. It would be hard for any reader not mouth disease, having rejected the route of
to be moved by the empirical chapters vaccination. 28 , it does not look as if
describing the treatment of animals in any consideration at all was given to
scientific research and in factory-farming. animals, and they should surely count for
Another leading book, The Case for something. All of us who eat animals and
Animal Rights, published by Tom Regan in animal products are 29 how farm
1984, offers a different basis. Mammals, animals are treated, so first we should
and probably many other animals, have consider more carefully how we as a
rights as individuals not to be harmed, country treat farm animals on a massive
because of their inherent value, and their scale, before we direct a small group of
value is due to their rich mental life. people on how they should treat foxes.
I applaud the conclusion of these books When we have put our own house in order,
that we must pay far more attention than we that will be the time to attend to cruelty to
do to the welfare of animals. But I can now foxes.
The Independent -8-
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Tekst 8 -9-
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Tekst 9
Guardian Weekly - 10 -
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Lees bij de volgende teksten steeds eerst de vraag voordat je de tekst zelf raadpleegt.
Tekst 10 - 11 -
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Tekst 11
How to stop one flying into the group, recalls seeing at least 500 birds hit
two mirrored office towers in his city one
other morning a few years ago. “It was literally
hailing birds,” he recalls. His group now
CAN modern man pursue his urban tries to aid the injured, and rather bizarrely
ambitions and still coexist with nature? stores masses of dead birds in a freezer
The question seems particularly relevant if until it can photograph them en masse.
you are a bird and you are heading for On the worst count, some one billion
Chicago, where the annual spring birds a year hit glass in America. Those
migration is just reaching its peak. that die on the spring migration are the
Perched on the edge of Lake Michigan, fittest of the flock, having already
this huge city is directly in the path of survived thousands of miles in the air.
some 300 species of avian travellers, many Chicago and Toronto are trying to help.
of whom prefer to hug the shoreline rather Both cities pursue organised “lights out”
than cross the huge lake. programmes during peak migration
That is not always a safe choice, given periods, when tall office buildings are
Chicago’s lofty skyline. In the late 1960s, asked to turn out the lights on their upper
flocks of warblers, thrushes, cuckoos and floors overnight - and death rates have
other species flew headlong into the newly fallen sharply. New York has a similar but
built, 96-storey John Hancock Centre. The smaller programme.
birds, which navigate at night using Chicago is trying particularly hard to
celestial cues, were attracted by the lure in feathered visitors. The mayor,
building’s lights. Their dead bodies Richard Daley, has added lakefront parks,
littered the sidewalks below as the sun bird sanctuaries and nesting grounds, and
rose. the result has been dramatic. As many as
Mirrored glass is a growing hazard, 7m birds use the city’s lakefront parks
even in daylight. Michael Mesure of the annually, says Doug Stotz, an ornithologist
Fatal Light Awareness Programme at the Field Museum, many of them rare.
(FLAP), a Toronto-based environmental
The Economist - 12 -
Eindexamen Engels vwo 2006-II
Let op: beantwoord een open vraag altijd in het Nederlands, behalve als het anders is
aangegeven. Als je in het Engels antwoordt, levert dat 0 punten op.
1p 1 Which of the following does Chris Roberts see as Thom Gunn’s greatest merit?
A He attracted both old and young audiences, in the US and in Great Britain.
B He bridged the gap between high culture and popular culture.
C He was both a gifted poet and an important film writer.
3p 3 Geef bij elk van de onderstaande beweringen aan of deze in de loop van de passage juist of
onjuist blijkt te zijn.
1 De ik-persoon kan zich precies herinneren wat hij deed op het moment dat er een man
2 De ik-persoon weet vanaf het moment dat hij begint te rennen dat zijn leven een
dramatische wending zal nemen.
3 De ik-persoon heeft later luchtopnamen gezien van de situatie die hij beschrijft.
4 Tegelijk met de ik-persoon komen vier landarbeiders ook toe rennen.
5 Clarissa was in staat om waar te nemen hoe de situatie zich ontwikkelde.
6 De ballonvaarders zijn in gevaar omdat hun ballon dreigt los te raken van de mand.
Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door “juist” of “onjuist”.
3p 4 Geef van elk van de onderstaande beweringen aan of deze wel of niet in overeenstemming
is met het standpunt van de schrijver in de alinea’s 1-3.
1 All warnings that the environment in developing countries is under threat are wildly
2 Developing countries have problems that are far more urgent than the alleged problem of
global warming.
3 Pointing the finger at the developing countries as a cause of environmental problems is
4 The developing world should learn to maintain a balance between technological progress
and a healthy environment.
5 It is inevitable that developing countries will come to face the environmental problems
that the West is now having to deal with.
6 If those who warn of global warming have their way, the developing countries stand to
lose out.
Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door “wel” of “niet”. - 13 -
Eindexamen Engels vwo 2006-II
1p 8 What point does Philip Stott make by comparing the global warming industry to Monthy
Python’s Life of Brian (paragraph 7)?
A Any event or phenomenon can always be interpreted as a confirmation of one’s belief.
B Global warming could well have provided suitable material for a Monthy Python film.
C People who show themselves devoted to any cause that comes their way are laughable.
1p 10 Which of the following fits the gap at the beginning of paragraph 10?
A For this reason
B Nevertheless
C To be fair
D What is more
1p 17 Which of the following is/are true with regard to Frank Furedi’s thoughts on a remedy for
the “lack of trust” (last paragraph)?
1 He draws attention to the problem, but offers no concrete solution.
2 He thinks the middle classes should show more political commitment.
A Only 1 is true.
B Only 2 is true.
C Both 1 and 2 are true.
D Neither 1 nor 2 is true.
2p 18 Geef van elk van de onderstaande beweringen aan of deze wel of niet in overeenstemming
is met de inhoud van de alinea’s 1 en 2.
1 California’s prosperity is based on the enormous quantities of gold found in the
nineteenth century.
2 Most of the investors in the microchip industry were young people.
3 The media made Silicon Valley sound synonymous with wealth.
4 The rise of the microchip industry reconfirmed California’s image as the Golden State.
Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door “wel” of “niet”.
2p 20 Geef van elk van de onderstaande beweringen aan of deze wel of niet in overeenstemming
is met de inhoud van de alinea’s 4 en 5.
1 The authors of Down and Out in Silicon Valley are just as naive about the Californian
dream as the employees in Silicon Valley.
2 The reviewer does not take the Krantzlers’ professional observations seriously.
3 Down and Out in Silicon Valley links the mental problems of the people working in
Silicon Valley to their materialistic attitude.
4 Down and Out in Silicon Valley exposes the ruthless attitude of the employers in Silicon
Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door “wel” of “niet”. - 15 -
Eindexamen Engels vwo 2006-II
3p 21 Geef van elk van de onderstaande beweringen aan of deze wel of niet in overeenstemming
is met de inhoud van de alinea’s 6 en 7.
1 Former Silicon Valley employees do not object to benefiting from a system they seemed
to hold in contempt.
2 The future of the Silicon Valley industry ultimately lies in the hands of the U.S.
3 Down and Out in Silicon Valley describes psychological distress in the context of
financial aspirations.
4 The pursuit of dreams of big money and happiness has claimed victims throughout
American history.
5 Down and Out in Silicon Valley suffers from the moralistic tone of its authors.
6 The reviewer ends on a cynical note because of Americans’ never-ending material
Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door “wel” of “niet”.
Kies bij iedere open plek in de tekst het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.
1p 22
A essential
B varied
C vegetarian
1p 23
A Even if
B Since
C Whereas
1p 24
A added advantage of
B downside of
C inconsistency of
1p 25
A government subsidies
B the meat industry
C the power of the Animal Liberation Movement
D the price of meat
1p 26
A Fortunately
B Indeed
C Ironically
D Moreover
1p 27
A considerable justification
B no obvious purpose
C serious drawbacks
D the interest of animals at heart
1p 28
A Admittedly
B Even so
C In this case - 16 -
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1p 29
A indifferent about
B indignant at
C kept in the dark as to
D responsible for
1p 32 What does the writer express his concern about in lines 24-37 (“The support … say so.”)?
A MPs’ ignorance of parliamentary customs and traditions.
B Parliament’s growing inefficiency.
C The danger of parliamentary proceedings losing their significance.
D The danger of the opposition having their way.
1p 34 How does the writer of the article answer the question the article starts with?
A Negatively.
B Neutrally.
C Positively.
1p 35 Wat suggereert de schrijver door te vermelden dat “the research was funded by Lichtwer
Pharma GmbH, which manufactures garlic pills” (regels 7-9)?
2p 36 Op welke twee manieren zijn wetenschappers bij de industrie betrokken volgens regels 15-22
(“Scientists … tomorrow.”)?
1p 37 What is the “inhibition” (line 33) that certain scientists may suffer from?
They feel they cannot
A go against obvious public health interests.
B report objectively on research results.
C waste taxpayers’ money. - 17 -
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1p 38 Which of the following sentences illustrates what is meant by “Such frankness” (line 36)?
A “Three years … the heart.” (lines 1-5)
B “Last week … they submit.” (lines 10-13)
C “Successive governments … national wealth.” (lines 23-24)
Lees bij de volgende opgaven steeds eerst de vraag voordat je de bijbehorende tekst
Tekst 11 Birds and buildings: How to stop one flying into the other
1p 40 Waaruit bestaat de methode die het artikel noemt om het probleem van “one flying into the
other” (kop) te reduceren? - 18 -