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"There are in Harmonium six or eight of the most beautiful poems an American has written. The poems see, feel, and think with equal success." — Randall Jarrell, Poetry and The Age
An executive with a Connecticut-based insurance company, Wallace Stevens (1879–1955) wrote poetry in the evenings and during his daily commute. Harmonium, his first collection of verse, was published when he was 44 years old. Although largely overlooked upon its 1923 debut, the compilation is recognized today as an important contribution to Modernism, offering a diverse range of satirical and philosophical lyrical works that explore the nature of reality and the power of the imagination. They include some of Stevens's most famous and frequently studied works, including "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," "The Emperor of Ice-Cream," and "Peter Quince at the Clavier." 
Release dateApr 17, 2019

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    May 27, 2021

    Too florid for my tastes, and rarely striking.

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Harmonium - Wallace Stevens






Copyright © 2019 by Dover Publications, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Bibliographical Note

This Dover edition, first published in 2019, is an unabridged republication of the work originally published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, in 1923. A new introductory Note has been specially prepared for the present edition.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Stevens, Wallace, 1879–1955, author.

Title: Harmonium / Wallace Stevens.

Description: Mineola, New York : Dover Publications, Inc., 2019. | Series: Dover thrift editions | This Dover edition, first published in 2019, is an unabridged republication of the work originally published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, in 1923.

Identifiers: LCCN 2018049320 | ISBN 9780486832852| ISBN 0486832856

Subjects: LCSH: American poetry—20th century.

Classification: LCC PS3537.T4753 H3 2019 | DDC 811/.52—dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018049320

Manufactured in the United States by LSC Communications

83285601 2019


To my wife


WALLACE STEVENS WAS born in Reading, Pennsylvania, on October 2, 1879. His father, a lawyer and a teacher who wrote poetry, supported Stevens’s education with an extensive home library. In high school, Stevens was a strong student and a newspaper reporter. He attended Harvard, where he received all of the school’s writing honors. He was a frequent writer for the Harvard Advocate and the editor of Harvard Monthly. In 1900, he dropped out of school after three years due to financial reasons. Stevens worked as a journalist before attending New York School of Law. Afterward he worked for various law firms before switching to the insurance industry, where he stayed for the rest of his career.

After publishing his poems in Harvard publications as a student, Stevens put poetry on the back burner until he published poems in Poetry in 1914. He became a frequent contributor to literary magazines.

Alfred A. Knopf published Harmonium, Stevens’s first poetry book, in 1923, when he was 44. Harmonium is widely considered his best book, showcasing his vast vocabulary, memorable phrasing, and powerful imagery. Poetry founder and editor Harriet Monroe reviewed the book favorably, writing, The delight which one breathes like a perfume from the poetry of Wallace Stevens is the natural effluence of his own clear and untroubled and humorously philosophical delight in the beauty of things as they are. The book was largely ignored by critics at the time and sold fewer than 100 copies. Knopf published a second edition, with 14 new poems, in 1931.

Stevens wrote sparingly following the initial publication of Harmonium, but he rededicated himself to poetry in 1933. The following year, he published his second poetry collection, Ideas of Order. He continued publishing books of poetry over the next two decades. By the early 1950s, Stevens was revered as one of the best poets in the United States. Toward the end of his life, he received several honorary doctorates and the 1951 National Book Award. The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, published in 1955, earned him the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and a second National Book Award. Stevens died on August 2, 1955.

Harold Bloom, a literary critic and the author of Wallace Stevens: The Poems of Our Climate, called Stevens the best and most representative American poet of our time.


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