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Unit 4

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Classification of Materials

Based primarily on chemical makeup and atomic structure


Metals Ceramics Polymers Composites

& alloys
• Thermoplastics • Metal Matrix
• Thermosets Composites
• Ferrous alloys • Polymer matrix
• Non Ferrous Composites
alloys • Ceramic Matrix

 Most materials fall into one distinct grouping or another.

Another category is advanced materials

Materials utilized in high-technology applications are
sometimes termed advanced material.

Advanced Materials

Semiconductors Biomaterials Nanomaterials

Representative examples, applications, and properties for
each category of materials

Representative examples, applications, and properties for

each category of materials

Representative examples, applications, and properties for
each category of materials

Classification scheme for the various ferrous alloys

Ferrous alloys—
those in which iron is
the prime constituent

• Ferrous Metals : It mostly contain Iron.
They have small amounts of other metals or
elements added, to give the required

• Non-ferrous Metal: It is a metal, including

alloys, that does not contain iron (ferrite) in
appreciable amounts.

Steels are iron–carbon alloys containing less than
2.14 wt% C and may contain appreciable
concentrations of other alloying elements; there are
thousands of alloys that have different compositions
and/or heat treatments. The mechanical properties
are sensitive to the content of carbon, which is
normally less than 1.0 wt%

Low-Carbon Steels
• These generally contain less than about 0.25 wt% C
• Microstructures consist of ferrite and pearlite
• They are relatively soft and weak but have outstanding
ductility and toughness;
• they are machinable & weldable
• least expensive to produce.
• Unresponsive to heat treatments
• strengthening is accomplished by cold work.

Applications: automobile body components, structural

shapes & sheets that are used in pipelines, buildings,

High Strength Low Alloy Steels (HSLA)

• They contain other alloying elements such as copper,
vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum in combined
concentrations as high as 10 wt%.
• They possess higher strengths than the plain low-
carbon steels.
• Most may be strengthened by heat treatment, giving
tensile strengths in excess of 480 MPa in addition,
they are ductile, formable, and machinable.
• They are more resistant to corrosion than the plain
carbon steels.
Applications : bridges, towers, support columns in high-
rise buildings, pressure vessels).

Mechanical Characteristics of Hot-Rolled Material and
Typical Applications for Various Plain Low- Carbon and
High- Strength, Low-Alloy Steels

a maximum of 0.04 wt% P, 0.05 wt% S, and 0.30 wt% Si

Medium-Carbon Steels
• The medium-carbon steels have carbon concentrations between
about 0.25 and 0.60 wt%.
• These alloys may be heat-treated by austenitizing, quenching, and
then tempering to improve their mechanical properties.
• They are most often utilized in the tempered condition, having
microstructures of tempered martensite
• Additions of chromium, nickel, and molybdenum improve the
capacity of these alloys to be heat-treated giving rise to a variety of
strength–ductility combinations.
• heat-treated alloys are stronger than the low-carbon steels, but at a
sacrifice of ductility and toughness.
Applications: railway wheels and tracks, gears, crankshafts, and other
machine parts and high-strength structural components calling for a
combination of high strength, wear resistance, and toughness.

AISI/SAE and UNS Designation Systems and Composition Ranges for Plain Carbon
Steel and Various Low-Alloy Steels

A The carbon concentration, in weight percent times 100, is inserted in the place of “xx” for each specifi c steel.
B Except for 13xx alloys, manganese concentration is less than 1.00 wt%.
Except for 12xx alloys, phosphorus concentration is less than 0.35 wt%.
Except for 11xx and 12xx alloys, sulfur concentration is less than 0.04 wt%.
Except for 92xx alloys, silicon concentration varies between 0.15 and 0.35 wt%.

High-Carbon Steels
The high-carbon steels, normally having carbon contents
between 0.60 and 1.4 wt%, are the hardest, strongest, and yet
least ductile of the carbon steels. They are almost always used
in a hardened and tempered condition and, as such, are
especially wear resistant and capable of holding a sharp
cutting edge.
• The tool and die steels are high carbon alloys, usually
containing chromium, vanadium, tungsten, and
• These alloying elements combine with carbon to form very
hard and wear-resistant carbide compounds (e.g., Cr23C6,
V4C3, and WC).

Applications: cutting tools and dies for forming and shaping

materials, as well as in knives, razors, hacksaw blades,
springs, and high-strength wire.

Typical Applications and Mechanical Property Ranges for
Oil-Quenched and Tempered Plain Carbon
and Alloy Steels

Stainless Steels

The stainless steels are highly resistant to corrosion

(rusting) in a variety of environments, especially the ambient
atmosphere. Their predominant alloying element is
chromium; a concentration of at least 11 wt% Cr is required.
Corrosion resistance may also be enhanced by nickel and
molybdenum additions.

Stainless steels are divided into three classes on the basis of

the predominant phase constituent of the microstructure-
1. Martensitic Stainless Steel
2. Ferritic Stainless Steel
3. Austenitic Stainless Steel

Designations, Compositions, Mechanical Properties, and Typical pplications for
Austenitic, Ferritic, Martensitic, and Precipitation-Hardenable Stainless Steels

Designations, Compositions, and Applications for

Six Tool Steels

Cast Irons
Cast irons are a class of ferrous alloys with carbon
contents above 2.14 wt%; in practice, however,
most cast irons contain between 3.0 and 4.5 wt% C
and, in addition, other alloying elements.

Fe-C Equilibrium Diagram

Cast Irons continued…
• Cast iron has higher carbon and silicon contents than steel.
• Because of the higher carbon content, the structure of cast
iron, as opposed to that of steel, exhibits a rich carbon
• Depending primarily on composition, cooling rate, and
melt treatment, cast iron can solidify according to the
thermodynamically metastable Fe-Fe3C system or the
stable Fe-Gr system.
• When the metastable path is followed, the rich carbon
phase in the eutectic is the iron carbide.
• when the stable solidification path is followed, the rich
carbon phase is graphite.

Types of Cast Iron

1. Gray cast iron

2. Ductile (or Nodular) cast iron

3. White cast iron

4. Malleable cast iron

5. Compacted Graphite cast iron

Classification of cast iron by commercial designation,
microstructure, and fracture
Types of cast
Carbon-rich phase Matrix Fracture
Gray cast iron Pearlite Gray

Ferrite, Pearlite
Ductile cast iron Spheroidal graphite Silver-gray
, Austenite

White cast iron Pearlite,

Fe3C White
Malleable cast
iron Temper graphite Ferrite, Pearlite Silver-gray

Compacted cast Compacted

iron Ferrite, Pearlite Gray
vermicular graphite

Gray cast iron

• The carbon and silicon contents of gray cast irons

vary between 2.5 and 4.0 wt% and 1.0 and 3.0 wt%,
respectively. For most of these cast irons, the graphite
exists in the form of flakes (similar to corn flakes),
which are normally surrounded by an a-ferrite or
pearlite matrix.

• Because of these graphite flakes, a fractured surface

takes on a gray appearance—hence its name.

Gray iron: the dark graphite flakes are embedded

in an a-ferrite matrix. 500X

Gray cast iron continued
• Mechanically, gray iron is comparatively weak and brittle in
• They are very effective in damping vibrational energy.
• They exhibit a high resistance to wear.
• In the molten state they have a high fluidity at casting
temperature, which permits casting pieces that have intricate
• They are among the least expensive of all metallic materials.

Applications: Base structures for machines and heavy equipment

that are exposed to vibrations are frequently constructed of this

Applications of gray cast iron

• Miscellaneous soft iron castings in which

• strength is not a primary consideration.

• Small cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, pistons,

clutch plates, transmission cases.

• Diesel engine castings, liners, cylinders, and


Ductile cast iron

• Adding a small amount of magnesium and/or cerium to the

gray iron before casting produces a distinctly different
microstructure and set of mechanical properties. Graphite
still forms, but as nodules or sphere like particles instead of
flakes. The resulting alloy is called ductile or nodular iron.

• The matrix phase surrounding these particles is either

pearlite or ferrite, depending on heat treatment.

Nodular (ductile) iron: the dark graphite nodules

are surrounded by an a-ferrite matrix. 200X.

Applications of ductile cast iron

• Pressure-containing parts such as valve and pump


• High-strength gears and machine components

• Pinions, gears, rollers, slides.

White cast iron

For low-silicon cast irons (containing less than 1.0 wt% Si)
and rapid cooling rates, most of the carbon exists as cementite
instead of graphite.

A fracture surface of this alloy has a white appearance, and

thus it is termed white cast.

White iron: the light cementite regions are surrounded by
pearlite, which has the ferrite– cementite layered
structure. 400X.

Malleable cast iron

• Heating white iron at temperatures between 8000C and

9000C for a prolonged time period and in a neutral
atmosphere (to prevent oxidation) causes a decomposition
of the cementite, forming graphite, which exists in the
form of clusters or rosettes surrounded by a ferrite or
pearlite matrix, depending on cooling rate. The
microstructure is similar to that of nodular iron, which
accounts for relatively high strength and appreciable
ductility or malleability.

Malleable iron: dark graphite rosettes (temper carbon) in
an a-ferrite matrix. 150X.

Applications of malleable cast iron

1. Connecting rods,

2. transmission gears, and differential cases for the

automotive industry,

3. flanges, pipe fittings, and valve parts for railroad,

marine, and other heavy-duty services

Compacted Graphite cast iron

• A relatively recent addition to the family of cast irons is

compacted graphite iron (abbreviated CGI). As with
gray, ductile, and malleable irons, carbon exists as
graphite, whose formation is promoted by the presence of
silicon. Silicon content ranges between 1.7 and 3.0 wt%,
whereas carbon concentration is normally between 3.1 and
4.0 wt%.

• Micro structurally, the graphite in CGI alloys has a

wormlike (or vermicular) shape.

Compacted graphite iron: dark graphite wormlike particles

are embedded within an a-ferrite matrix.

Compacted Graphite cast iron

• Higher thermal conductivity

• Better resistance to thermal shock (i.e., fracture
resulting from rapid temperature changes)
• Lower oxidation at elevated temperatures

Applications: Diesel engine blocks, exhaust

manifolds, brake discs for high-speed trains.

Limitations of ferrous alloys

(1) a relatively high density,

(2) a comparatively low electrical conductivity, and

(3) an inherent susceptibility to corrosion in some

common environments.

Aluminium and aluminium alloys
Factors for selecting are:
1. High strength to weight ratio
2. Resistance to corrosion
3. High thermal and electrical conductivity
4. Ease of machinability
5. Non-magnetic

Magnesium and magnesium alloys
• Magnesium (Mg) is the lightest metal.
• Alloys are used in structural and non-
structural applications.
• Typical uses of magnesium alloys are aircraft
and missile components.
• Also has good vibration-damping

Copper and copper alloys

• Copper alloys have electrical and mechanical

properties, corrosion resistance, thermal
conductivity and wear resistance.
• Applications are electronic components,
springs and heat exchangers.
• Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
• Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.

Nickel and nickel alloys

• Nickel (Ni) has strength, toughness, and
corrosion resistance to metals.
• Used in stainless steels and nickel-base
• Alloys are used for high temperature
applications, such as jet-engine components
and rockets.


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