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Chapter Three1

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1 Introduction:
In this chapter we recall the definition of the most common stochastic
models which are used to repairable system model, reliability models,
homogenous Poisson process and non homogenous process and families of
lifetime distribution.
3.2: Reliability:
Reliability is defined as the probability of success or the probability that
the system will perform as intended function under specified design
limits 1 .
More specific reliability is the probability that a product part will operate
properly for specified period of time (design life) under the design operating
condition without failure. In other words, reliability may be used as measure
of the system success in providing, Its function properly. Reliability is once
of quality characteristics that consumer require from the menufacture of
products 1 .
Mathematically: reliability R(t) is the probability that a system will be
successful in the interval from time 0 time t:

R (t )  P (T  t ) t  0 ……………………(3.1)

Where T is a random variable denoting the time -to-failure or failure

time .
Unreliability F(t), a measure of failure, is defined as the probability that the
system will fail by time t:
F (t )  P (T  t ) for t  0

In other words, F(t) is the failure distribution function. If the time-to-
failure random variable T has a density function f(t) . Then

R (t )   f (s )ds ……………………….(3.2)

or , equivalently
f (t )    R (t )

The density function can be mathematically described in terms of T.

lim p (t  T  t  t ) ……………………..(3.3)
t 0

This can be interpreted as the probability that the failure time T will
occur between the operating time t and the next interval of operation ,
t  t .

Consider new and successfully tested system that operates well when
put into service at time t  0 , the system becomes less likely to remain
successful as the time interval of course , is zero.
3.2.1: Fault Rate:
The possibility of fault machine in specific time period t 1 , t 2 can be
expressed with following non reliability, equation  24 .

t2 t1 t2

 f (t )dt   f (t )dt 
t1 
 f (t )dt  F (t )  F (t
1 2 )

Or can be expressed with reliability
t2  

 f (t )dt   f (t )dt   f (t )dt  R (t 1 )  R (t 2 )

t1 t1 t2

The rate that a fault took place with in specific period of time is called
as "Fault Rate" through out the period t 1 indicates for no fault in the

beginning of period and therefore the equation can be expressed as follows:

R (t )  R (t 2 )
t 2  t1  R (t1 )

It has been observed that the fault rate depend on time if the period t 1
denoted as t  t the equation (3.4) stated as follow:

R (t )  R (t  t )
t .R (t )

and means with rate of number of faults in each unit time.

3.2.2: Hazard Rate:
Define as limits of rate of faults for a period of near-zero equation
can be written in the form:

R (t )  R (t  t ) 1  dR (t ) 
h (t )  lim  
t 0 t .R (t ) R (t )  dt 

f (t )
h (t )  …………………………….(3.6)
R (t )

to find out possibility of fault machine it have age t in time period
t ,t  t  written as:

f pos  h (t ).dt ………………………………(3.7)

The hazard rate refer to change in rate fault through age of machine.
To find out hazard rate for the sample machines N (machine consisting of n
elements), we will assume that N s (t ) is a random variable denotes the
number of machines working successfully at time t thus, the N s (t ) is
binomial distribution  24 .
P  N s (t )  n     R (t ) 1  R (t )
n N n

N .(N  n )
n  0,1,..., N

the expected value for N s (t ) :

E  N s (t )  N . R (t )  N (t )


E (N s (t )) N (t )
R (t )   ……………………….(3.8)

and reliability in time t, it is arithmetic mean for rate success in t.

N (t ) N  N (t )
F (t )  1  R (t )  1   ……………….(3.9)

and rate density fall equal

dF (t ) 1 dN (t )
F (t )   .
dt N dt

3.2.2: System Mean Time To Failure:

Suppose that the reliability function for a system is given by R(b) , the
expected failure time during which a component is expected to perform
success fully , or the system mean time to failure ( MTTF) , given by 1 :

MTTF   tf (t )dt ……………………………..(3.10)

f (t )    R (t )

From equation (3.10) and performing integration by part, we obtain.

 
MTTF    tdt  R (t )   tR (t )0   R (t )dt ………………(3.11)

0 0

The first term on the right hand side of above equation equals zero at
both limits, since the system must fail after a finite amount of operating time
, therefore , we must have tR (t )  0 as tR (t )  0 this leaves the second term ,
which equals.

MTTF   R (t )dt ………………………………….(3.12)

Thus, MTTF is the definite integral evalution of the reliability
function. In general . if  (t ) is defined as the failure rate function , then , by
definition , MTTF is not equal to 1/  (t ) .
The MTTF should be used when the failure time distribution function
is specified because the reliability level implicit by the MTTF depends on
the underlying failure time distribution . Although the MTTF measure is one
of the most widely used reliability calculation , it also one of most missed
calculations , it has been misinterpreted as " guaranteed minimum life time".
3.2.3 Maintainability:

When a system fails to perform satisfactory, repair is normally carried

out to locate and corrected the fault. The system is restored to operational
effectiveness by making an adjustment is defined as the probability that a
failed system will be restored to specified conditions within a given period
of time when maintenance is performed according to pre cribbed procedures
resources, in other words , maintainability is the probability of isolating and
repairing a fault in system within a given time 1 .

Let T denote the random variable of the time to repair or the total
downtime. If the repair time T has a repair time density function g (t) , then
the maintainability ,v(t) , is defined as the probability that the failed system
will back in service by time t.

V (t )  P (T  t )   g (s )ds

For example , if g (s )  e  t where   0 is a constant repair rate , them

V (t )  1  e  t ………………………(3.13)

Which represents the exponential form of the maintainability function
. An important measure of time used in maintenance studies is mean time to
repair (MTTR) or the mean downtime . MTTR is the expected value of the
random variable repair time , not failure time , and is given by:

MTTR   tg (t )dt ……………………(3.15)

When the distribution has a repair time density given by , then from
the above equation , when the repair time is T.

3.2.4 :Availability
Reliability is a measure that requires system success for an entire
mission time . no failure or repairs are allowed.
The availability of a system is defined as the probability that the
system is successful at time t , mathematically:

system up time
Availability = ……………………..(3.15)
system up time+system down time

Availability is a measure of success used primarily for

repairable system. For non-repairable system availability A(t) equals
reliability R(t) .In repairable system A(t) will be equal to or greater than R(t) .
The mean time between failure (MTBF) is an important measure in
repairable system. This implies that the system has MTBF is an expected
value of the random variable time between failures mathematically 1 .

MTBF=MTTF+MTTR ………………………….(3.16)

3.5: Homogeneous Poisson Process (HPP):
If a system in service can be repaired to a good new condition
following each failure, then the failure process is called a renewal process.
For renewal process, the time between failure are independent and
identically distributed  2 .
A special case of this is the homogeneous Poisson process (HPP) .
Which has Independent and exponential time between failures. A counting
process is homogenous Poisson process with parameter   0 if:
1. N(0)=0
2. The process has independent increments.
3. The number of failures in any interval of length t is distributed
as a Poisson distribution with parameter  .
There are several implications to this definition of the Poisson
process. The distribution with parameter  t1 , t 2  therefore , the probability
mass function is:

 t 2  t 1   e
  t 2 t1 

p  N (t 2 )  N (t 1 )  n    ………………………(3.17)

The expected number of failures by time t is   E  N (t )  t where 

is often called the failure intensity or rate of occurrence of failure
(ROCOF). u (t )  (t )   .the intensity function is therefore if 1 , 2 ,... are
identically corresponds to Poisson process.

3.4:Non homogenous Poisson Process (NHPP).

The non-homogenous Poisson Process (NHPP) that represents the

number of failures experienced up to time t is N (t ), t  0.
The main issue in the NHPP model is to determine an appropriate
mean value function to denote the expected number of failures experienced
up to a certain time with different assumptions , the model will end up with
different functional forms of the mean value function. Note that in renewal
time between failures is relaxed and in the NHPP ,the stationary assumption
is relaxed 1 .
The NHPP model is based on the following assumptions :
1. The failure process has an independent increment.

The number of failures during the time interval (t , t  s ) depends on s, and

does not depend on the past history of the process.

2. The failures rate of the process is given by :

P{exactly one failure in (t , t  t ) }= P N (t ,t  t )  N (t )  1   (t )t  0t

Where t is the intensity function.

3. During a small interval t , the probability of more than one failure

negligible that is,

P{two or more than failures in (t , t  t ) } = 0

On the basis of these assumptions the probability of exactly n failures

occurring during the time interval (0,t) for the NHPP is given by:

 m (t ) e  mt

Pr  N (t )  n   ………………………………….(3.18)

Where m (t )  E  N (t )    (t )ds and t is the intensity funcation,

it can be easily show that mean value funcation m (t ) is non-decreasing.

3.5: Test for the Time Trend and Repair Effect:

First, the Laplace test is utilized in testing for the time trend, and the
repair. The hypothesis is expressed as  2 :

Ho: No time trend exist (HPP)

H1: Time trend exist (NHPP)
For Laplace test given r repair T1 ,T 2 ,....,T r and censoring time trend
 T r we calculate the statistic:

T  2 ln ………………………….(3.19)
i 1 Ti

This test statistic follows a standard normal distribution, this test is

recommended for the case when the choice is between trend exist (HPP) and
trend not exist (NHPP).
3.6: Repair Rate:
A different approach is used for modeling the rate of occurrence of
failure incidences for a repairable system. These rates are called repair rates.
Time is measured by system power-on-hours from initial turn-on at time
zero, to the end of system life. Failures occur as given system ages and the
system is repaired to a state that may be the same as new, better, or worse.

The frequency of repairs may be increasing, decreasing, or staying at
a roughly constant rate  24 .

Let N (t ) be a counting function that keeps track of the cumulative

number of failures of a given system has had from time zero to time t.
N (t ) is a step function that jumps up one every time a failure occurs and

stays at the new level until the next failure. Every system will have its own
observed N (t ) function over time. If we observe the N (t ) curves for a large
number of similar systems and "averaged" these curves, we would have an
estimate of M(t)= the expected number (average number) of cumulative
failures by time t for these systems. The derivative of M(t) denoted m (t ) is
defined to be the Repair Rate or the Rate of Occurrence of Failures at t or

3.7: Common Distribution Functions

This section presents some of the common distribution functions and
several hazard models that have applications in reliability engineering 1 .

3.7.1:Poisson Distribution
Although the Poisson distribution can be used in a manner similar to
the binomial distribution, it is used to deal with events in which the sample
size is unknown. This is also a discrete random variable distribution whose
pdf is given by

 t e  t

P X  x   for x  0,1, 2,...


where  constant failure rate, x is the number of events. In other

words, P (X  x ) is the probability of exactly x failures occurring in

time t. Therefore, the reliability Poisson distribution, p(k) (the
probability of k or fewer failures) is given by

 t  e  t
P k    …………………………(3.20)
x 0 x!

This distribution can be used to determine the number of spares

required for the reliability of standby redundant systems during a given
3.7.2: Exponential Distribution
The exponential distribution plays an essential role in reliability
engineering because it has a constant failure rate. This distribution has been
used to model the lifetime of electronic and electrical components and
systems. This distribution is appropriate when a used component that has not
failed is as good as a new component – a rather restrictive assumption.
Therefore, it must be used diplomatically since numerous applications exist
where the restriction of the memory less property may not apply 1 .

f t   e  e  t , t  0 ……………………..(3.21)

Where    0 is an MTTF’s parameter and   0 is a constant

failure rate. The hazard function or failure rate for the exponential density
function is constant, i.e.,

f t  e
  1
h t    
R t   
e 
The failure rate for this distribution is  ,a constant, which is the main
reason for this widely used distribution. Because of its constant failure rate
property, the exponential is an excellent model for the long flat “intrinsic
failure” portion of the 18 System Software Reliability bathtub curve. Since
most parts and systems spend most of their lifetimes in this portion of the
bathtub curve, this justifies frequent use of the exponential (when early
failures or wear out is not a concern). The exponential model works well for
inter-arrival times. When these events trigger failures, the exponential
lifetime model can be used.
3.7.3: Normal Distribution
The normal distribution plays an important role in classical statistics
owing to the Central Limit Theorem. In reliability engineering, the normal
distribution primarily applies to measurements of product susceptibility and
external stress. This two parameters distribution is used to describe systems
in which a failure results due to some wear out effect for many mechanical
The normal distribution takes the well-known bell shape. This
distribution is symmetrical about the mean and the spread is measured by
variance. The larger the value the flatter the distribution. The pdf is given

1  t  

1   
f t   e
e 2  / 
   t   ………………….(3.22)
 2

Where  is the mean value and  is the standard deviation.
The reliability function is the cumulative distribution funcation i.e

1  s  
  
1 
R t    e 2  
t  2

There is no closed form solution for the above equation. However,

tables for the standard normal density function are readily available and can
be used to find probabilities for any normal distribution.
where  is a standard normal distribution function. Thus, for a normal
random variable T, with mean  and standard deviation  .

 t  t 
P T  t   P  z   
     

Where  yields the relationship necessary if standard normal tables

are to be used.
The hazard function for a normal distribution is a monotonically
increasing function of t. This can be easily shown by proving that h (t )  0
for all t. Since
f t 
h t  
R t 

R t  f t   f 2 t 
h t    0 ………………….(3.23)
R2 t 

One can try this proof by employing the basic definition of a normal
density function f.
3.7.4: Log Normal Distribution
The log normal lifetime distribution is a very flexible model that can
empirically fit many types of failure data. This distribution, with its
applications in maintainability engineering, is able to model failure
probabilities of repairable systems and to model the uncertainty in failure
rate information. The log normal density function is given by:

1  ln t   

1   
f t   e 2  
t  0 ………………….(3.24)
 t 2

Where  and  are parameters such that      and,   0 Note

that  and  are not the mean and standard deviation of the distribution.
The relationship to the normal (just take natural logarithms of all the
data and time points and you have “normal” data) makes it easy to work
with many good software analysis programs available to treat normal data.
Mathematically, if a random variable x is defined as X  lnT , then X
is normally distributed with a mean of  and a variance of  2 . That is,

E(X) = E(lnT) =
V(X) = v(lnT) = 2

Since T  e x , the mean of the log normal distribution can be found by

using the normal distribution. Consider that

  1 2
 x    
E T   E  e   
e  2  dx
  2
And by rearrangement of the exponent, this integral becomes

2   x    2 
2 2
 1 
E T   e 2
  e 2 2  
  2

Thus, the mean of the log normal distribution is

E T   e 2

Proceeding in a similar manner,

E T 2
  E e   e  2X 2   2 

Thus, the variance for the log normal is

V T   e 2  

 e  1

The cumulative distribution function for the log normal is
1  ins   
t  
1 
F t   2 e 2  
0 2
And this can be related to the standard normal deviate Z by

F t   P T  t  P  lnT  Int 
 lnt   
 P z  
  

Therefore, the reliability function is given by

lnt   
R t   P  z  …………………….(3.25)
  

And the hazard function would be

 int   
 
f t    
h t   
R t   tR T 

Where  is a cdf of standard normal density.

Mechanisms. Some of these are: corrosion and crack growth, and in
general, failures resulting from chemical reactions or processes.
3.7.5: Weibull Distribution
The exponential distribution is often limited in applicability owing to
the Memoryless property. The Weibull distribution is a generalization of the
exponential distribution and is commonly used to represent fatigue life, ball
bearing life, and vacuum tube life. The Weibull distribution is extremely
flexible and appropriate for modeling component lifetimes with fluctuating
hazard rate functions and for representing various types of engineering
applications. The three-parameters probability density function is

 t  y 
 1  t y 
 
f t   e   
t  y  0 ……………..(3.26)
Where  and  are known as the scale and shape parameters,
respectively, and y is known as the location parameter. These parameters are
always positive. By using different parameters, this distribution can follow
the exponential distribution, the normal distribution, etc. It is clear that, for
t  y , the reliability function R(t) is


 t-y 
- 
R(t)= e  
for  y  0,   0,  0

  t-y 
 1

R(t)= t  y  0,   0,  0
It can be shown that the hazard function is decreasing for   1 ,
increasing for   1 , and constant when   1 . Forms of Weibull Distributions

The Weibull distribution again is widely used in engineering
applications. It was originally proposed for representing the distribution of
the breaking strength of materials. The Weibull model is very flexible and
also has theoretical justification in many applications as a purely empirical
model. Another form of Weibull probability density function is, for example,

f(x)=  yx y-1e  y ……………………..(3.27)

When   2 , the density function becomes a Rayleigh distribution.

It can easily be shown that the mean, variance and reliability of the
above Weibull distribution are, respectively, as follows:
1  1
Mean    1  
y y 

1  1   1  

Variance     1      1    
y  y    y   
 

Reliability  e ty

3.7.6: Gamma Distribution
Gamma distribution can be used as a failure probability function for
components whose distribution is skewed. The failure density function for a
gamma distribution is

t  1 Bt
f t    e t  0,  ,   0 …………………… (3.28)
   

Where  is the shape parameter and  is the scale parameter. Hence,

t  1  1  

R t     s e ds
    

If t is an integer, it can be shown by successive integration by parts

 t 
 
 1   

R t   e 
 i 0 i !

1 
 1 
t e
f t  
h t   
R t   t 

 1  
1  
 

i 0 i!

The gamma density function has shapes that are very similar to the
Weibull distribution. At   1 , the gamma distribution becomes the
exponential distribution with the constant failure rate 1  . The gamma
distribution can also be used to model the time to the nth failure of a system
if the underlying failure distribution is exponential. Thus, if Xi is
exponentially distributed with parameter   1  , then T  X 1  X 2  ...  X n ,is

gamma distributed with parameters  and n .

The other form of the gamma probability density function can be
written as follows:

  t  1 t 
f x  e
   for t  0 ……………………..(3.29)

This pdf is characterized by two parameters: shape parameter  and

scale parameter  . When 0    1 , the failure rate monotonically decreases;
when 1   , the failure rate monotonically increase; when   1 the failure
rate is constant.
The mean, variance and reliability of the density function in equation
(3.27) are, respectively,
Mean( MTTF) = 
Variance =  2

t  1
Reliability = 
   

e  x  dx

The gamma model is a flexible lifetime model that may offer a good
fit to some sets of failure data. It is not, however, widely used as a lifetime
distribution model for common failure mechanisms. A common use of the
gamma lifetime model occurs in Bayesian reliability applications.

3.7.8: Beta Distribution
The two-parameter Beta density function, f (t ) is given by

      1
f t   t 1  t  0  t  1,   0,   0 ……….(3.30)
 1

      

Where  and  are the distribution parameters. This two-parameter

distribution is commonly used in many reliability engineering applications.
3.7.9: Pareto Distribution
The Pareto distribution was originally developed to model income in a
population. Phenomena such as city population size, stock price fluctuations,
and personal incomes have distributions with very long right tails. The
probability density function of the Pareto distribution is given by

 k
f t    1
k  t ,  ………………….(3.31)

The mean, variance and reliability of the Pareto distribution are,


Mean = k/  -1 for   1

 k2
Variance = for   2
 -1   2 

Reliability =  

The Pareto and log normal distributions have been commonly used to
model the population size and economical incomes. The Pareto is used to fit

the tail of the distribution, and the log normal is used to fit the rest of the
3.7.10: Rayleigh Distribution
The Rayleigh function is a flexible lifetime distribution that can apply
to many degradation process failure modes. The Rayleigh probability
density function is:
 t 2 
 
f t    2

e ………………….(3.32)
 2

The mean, variance, and reliability of Rayleigh function are,

 2
Mean =   

Variance =  2    2
 2

Reliability = 2
3.10: Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method
The method of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is one of the
most useful techniques for deriving point estimators. in general, one deals
with a sample density 1 :

f  x1 , x2 ,...xn   f  x1 ,  f  x2 ,  ...... f  xn , 
Where X 1 , X 2 ,..., X n are random, independent observation from a
population with density function f(x). For the general case, it is desired to
find an estimate or estimates, ˆ1 ,ˆ2 ,...,ˆm (if such exist) where:

X  x1 , x2 ,...xn

Notation ˆ1 ,ˆ2 ,...,ˆm refers to any other estimates different
than. ˆ1 ,ˆ2 ,...,ˆm Let us now discuss the method of MLE. Consider a random
sample X 1 , X 2 ,..., X n from a distribution having pdf f  x ,  . This distribution

has a vector’   ˆ1 ,ˆ2 ,...,ˆm of unknown parameters associated with it, where
m is the number of unknown parameters. Assuming that the random
variables are independent, then the likelihood function, L (X , ) , is the
product of the probability density function evaluated at each sample point:

L  X ,   f  X i .  …………………………. (3.33)
i 1

Where x1 , x2 ,...xn The maximum likelihood estimator ˆ is found by

maximizing L (X , ) with respect to  . In practice, it is often easier to
maximize ln L (X , ) to find the vector of MLEs, which is valid because the
logarithm function is monotonic. The log likelihood function is given by

 log L  X ,   
U i    fori  1, 2,..., m ………..… (3.34)

And is asymptotically normally distributed since it consists of the sum

of n independent variables and the implication of the central limit theorem.

Since L  X ,  is a joint probability density function for x1 , x2 ,...xn , it

must integrate equal to1, that is,
 

  ... L  X , dX
0 0 0

Assuming that the likelihood is continuous, the partial derivative of
the left-hand side with respect to one of the parameters,  i , yields
   
 
0 0 0
... L  X ,  dX    ... L  X , dX
i i 0 0 0

 
 log L  X , 
   ... L  X ,  dX
0 0 0

  log L  X ,   
 E 
 i 

 E U i    fori  1, 2,..., m

Where U ( )  (U 1 ( ),U 2 ( ),...,U n ( )) ' is often called the score vector

and the vector U ( ) has components

 log L  X ,   
U i    fori  1, 2,..., m …………….(3.35)

Which, when equated to zero and solved, yields the MLE vector  .
Suppose that we can obtain a non-trivial function of X1 , X 2 ,...., X n , say
h  X1 , X 2 ,...., X n  , such that, when  is replaced by h  X1 , X 2 ,...., X n  , the

likelihood function L will achieve a maximum. In other words,

L  X , h  X   L  X , 

For every  . The statistic h  X1 , X 2 ,...., X n  is called a maximum

likelihood estimator of  and will be denoted as

ˆ  h  X 1 , X 2 ,...., X n  ………………(3.36)

The observed value of ˆ is called the MLE of  . In general, in an

exponential censored case , the non conditional joint pdf of that items
have failed is given by:

L  X ,     n e   xi (r failed items) ……………. (3.37)
i 1

And the probability distribution that (n-r) items will survive is:

 t i
P  X r 1  t 1 , X r  2  t 2 ,..., X n  t n r   e i 1

Thus, the joint density function is

L  X ,    f  x 1 , x 2 ,..., x r  P  X r 1  t1 ,..., X n  t n r 
r n r

n!  (  x i  t i )
 re i 1 j 1

 n  r !

n n r
T    x i  t i ……………..(3.38)
i 1 j 1

 n! 
lnL  In    rIn   T
  n  r  ! 

InL r
 T  0
 
ˆ  ……………………….(3.37)

Note that with the exponential, regardless of the censoring type or

lack of censoring, the MLE of  is the number of failures divided by the
total operating time.
Definition : Let X1 , X 2 ,...., X n represent a random sample from the
Weibull distribution with pdf

f  x,  ,     x 1e  x …………………(3.39)

The likelihood function is

n   xi
L  x,  ,     n  n  xi 1e i 1

i 1

n n
InL  n ln  n ln     1  ln x i    x i
i 1 i 1

InL n n
    xi  0
  i 1

As noted, solutions of the above two equations for  and  are

extremely difficult and require either graphical or numerical methods.

3.10: Goodness of fit Techniques
The problem at hand is to compare some observed distribution with
theoretical distribution .Two common techniques that will be discussed are
the  2 good ness- of- fit test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov "d" test 1 .

3.11.1: Chi-squared test:

The following statistic:

 X  i 
   i
 ……………………..(3.40)
i 1  i 

Has chi-square  distribution with K degree of freedom. The steps of


chi-square test are as follows:

1. Divide the sample data into the mutually exclusive cells such the
range of random variable is covered.
2. Determine the frequency f i , of sample observation is each cell.
3. Determine the theoretical frequency, Fi for each cell.(are a under
density funcation between cell boundaries X n total sample size).
4. Form the statistic

 f i  Fi 
S  i 1

5. Form the  2 table, choose a value of  2 with the desired significance

level and degrees of freedom  k  1  r  , where r is number of
population parameters estimated.
6. Reject the hypothesis that the sample distribution is the same as
theoretical distribution if 1 .
S   2 1 ,k 1r

3.11.2: Kolmogorov-Simrnov Test:
Both the   2  and d  test are non-parametric .However, the  2

assumes large sample normality of the observed frequency about its mean
while "d" only assumes a continuous distribution let
X 1  X 2  X 3  ...  X n denote the ordered sample value .Define the observed

distribution function, Fn , as follows 1 :

0 for x  x1

Fn (x )   for x i  x  x i 1 ……………………………….(3.42)
 1 for x xn

Assume the testing hypothesis:

Ho : F (x )  F0 (x )

Where F0 (x ) is a given continuous distribution and F (x ) is an

unknown distribution let.

d n  Sup F (x )  F0 (x ) ………………………..(3.43)
 x 

Since F0 (x ) is a continuous increasing funcation, we can evaluated

F (x )  F0 (x ) for each n. if d n  d n , then we would not reject the hypothesis

that; otherwise, we would reject it when d n  d n , . The value d n , can be

found from table. where n is the sample size and a is the level of


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