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Gramatica Ingles

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Present Simple · Rutinas y horarios + { He speaks better English than you.
· Presente y cosas permanentes - { No, I don´t play guitar.
·Hechos y verdades científicas ? { Where do you from?


Always, usually, normally, often, - { Suj + V.auxiliar + Adv.frec + V
frequently, sometimes, occasionally, ? { V.auxiliar + Suj + Adv.frec + V
seldom, rarely, never. - Suj + V.to be + Adv.frec

Present · Cosas hechas en este instante + { I´m going to school.

Continuous · Situaciones temporales - { She isn´t being in his house.
· Quejas ( “always” en medio) ? { Are you speaking with her?

· Currently, for the time being, at


Present Perfect · Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y + { I´ve just finished my homework.
Simple tienen relevancia con el presente. - { We have never played it.
· Común en introducir noticias. ? { Have you ever used Skype??
· have/has + V.participio (V -ed, 3ª
columna de los verbos irregulares) PRESENT PERFECT:
For: durante. Since: desde
Already: ya (+). Yet: ya (-), todavía
Just: acabar de (+). Ever: alguna vez
Never: nunca (-) Still: todavía

Present Perfect · Algo que ha durado un tiempo. Empezó + { I´ve been doing the work while
Continuous en el pasado y dura hasta el presente. Da you were playing football with the
importancia al periodo de tiempo. PS4.
· have/has + been + V.-ing - { We haven´t been doing much
? { How long has Martin been living in

Past Simple · Acción acabada en el pasado. + { John Cabot sailed to America in

· Describir una serie de acontecimientos 1498.
que pasaron simultáneamente. - { I didn´t go to bed early last night.
· V.participio (V.-ed / 2ª columna verbos ? { Did he come to your party last
irregulares) day?
Past Continuous · Acción en el pasado que todavía no ha + { I was playing tennis at two o
concluido, acción incompleta. ´clock.
· was/were + V.-ing - { We weren´t playing tennis.
? { Were you playing tennis at two o
Past Perfect · had + V.participio (V.-ed / 3ª columna) + { I had visited the Louvre before, so
Simple ·Acción que ocurrió antes de otra acción I knew where the Mona Lisa was.
en el pasado. Las dos ocurren en el - { I hadn´t studied English before
pasado. they went to London.
· Para que haya un past perfect tiene que ? { Had you visited the Louvre
haber un past simple. Es el pasado de un before?

· Already, just, not…yet, after, as soon as,

by the time that…, not…until.

Past Perfect + { I had been studying English for 2

Continuos · had +been + V.-ing years when I went to London.
· Acción continua que ocurrió antes que - { Lindsay hadn´t been working at
otra en el pasado. the store for long when it closed.
· Se suele utilizar “for” o “since” para ? { Had they been traveling for a long
definir un periodo de tiempo. time when the airline lost their

Used to/ get used USED TO: rutina en el pasado. (did / didn + { I am used to brushing my teeth.
to/ be used to ´t) Se pone use to en negativa y - { I won´t get used to studing all
pregunta. days because I am very vague.
USUALLY: rutina en el presente. ? { Did you use to play piano in the
GET USED TO + V-ing: acostumbrarse a… music class?
(se conjuga como verbo normal)
BE USED TO + V-ing:
estar acostumbrado a… (“I am, I was, I
will be,…)

Verbs with
prepositions · Preposiciones que vayan con el verbo y - He is a person who I was telling you
afecte al relative pronoun – al final. about.

· Contextos extremadamente formales, - Competitive sport at a young age is

poner preposición antes de relative something with which I cannot
pronoun. agree.

· Preposición antes de relative pronoun, - The French are people with whom
usar “whom”, no “who”. the British have rarely had good
· Después de preposición, usar “which”,
no “that” - This is the door through which he
Verbos modales + { V.modal + V.inf
(Deben tener detrás Have/Need/Ought + to + V.inf - We can´t stop natural disasters.
otro verbo para - { V.modal + not + V.inf ~ Nosotros no podemos parar los
tener significado) desastres naturales. (capacidad)
[Los verbos modales no tienen 3ª p.
excepto “have”] - You should listen to the warnings.
~ Deberías escuchar las advertencias.
CAN (can/ could /be able to): capacidad, (consejo)
habilidad, pedir o dar permiso, pedir
algo, probabilidad. - She could ski when she was six.
COULD (podría/pudo): capacidad o ~ Ella podía esquiar cuando tenía seis
habilidad en el pasado, dar o pedir años. (habilidad del pasado)
permiso más formal, probabilidad.
MAY(puede que): probabilidad, pedir -Can I go to the toillete?
permiso el más formal. ~May I use this, please?
MIGHT(podría ser que): probabilidad
más lejana.
SHOULD/ OUGHT TO(deberías): dar
MUST(debes): obligación por ley o por
alguien, - { Prohibición “mustn´t”} En
pasado es “had to”.
HAVE TO(tienes que): obligación por la
circunstancia. – { Ausencia de obligación
“don´t/doesn´t have to”}
NEED TO(necesidad): en negativa – don´t
need to/ needn´t to…
HAD BETTER (not) (será mejor que):
advertencia, lleva conectores -

Deductions 100 % sí – must + V -He must be at home.

100 % no – can´t + V
Dudas ¿? – may/might/could + (not) + V -She can´t live in Murcia.

PASADO -She may work in this place, but I am

· 100 % sí – must have + V.part not security.
· 100 % no – can´t have + V.part
· Dudas ¿? – may/might* + have +
· Lo que pudo haber sido pero no fue *might have V.part: la posibilidad
– could have + V.part existió pero ahora sabemos que no
· Crítica, queja o lamento – pasó
should/ought to + have + V.part
· No necesario en el pasado – need´t
have + V.part

· Seguro que… – be bound to + V.inf
· Estar a punto de… – be about to +
· Ser probable o ser poco probable –
be likely/unlikely to + V.inf
· Es muy probable que… –
could/may/might + well + V.inf

Futuro: will · Predicción basado en opiniones o + {He will help you.

conocimientos sin evidencias - {I won´t help you.
· I think, believe ... ? {Will you help me?
· Decisiones inmediatas
· Ofrecimientos y promesas · will be able to (can) – Siempre así
· Hechos futuros sin plan ni fecha

Future perfect · Para cosas de fecha tope, antes se han + {By the end of next month we´ll
hecho, en el futuro. have visited six countries.
· Will have + V.participio (V.-ed/ 3ª) - {They won´t have returned before it
· by... (then/ this time…): para… gets dark.
luego/ese momento ? {Will have seen him before
Future continuous · Cosas que estarán pasando, en proceso, + {In a few years everybody will be
en una fecha/hora exacta en el futuro driving electric cars.
· Will be + V.-ing - {In the morning we won´t be having
· Se suele utilizar “At this time…” o cosas a champagne breakfast.
parecidas ? {Will she be going to the party

Futuro: be going · Intención, planes no seguros (sin cerrar) + {He´s going to be a brilliant
to · Predicciones basadas por los sentidos politician.
· Resoluciones o firmes decisiones - {I think Nigel aren´t going to have a
· También significa “va a” party tomorrow because he is
? {Aren´t they going to come to the
Futuro: present · Solo para horarios + {The train leaves at 11:43
simple tomorrow.
- {The bus doesn´t leave until
? {Does the concert start at nine?
Futuro: present · Futuro seguro + {I´m starting my new job next
continuous · Esta planeado todo y listo, depende la week.
acción de mí - {We aren´t meeting them tonight.
·Fecha acordada con otra parte ? {Are you doing anything interesting
this summer?
Too/ Enough · Too + Adj = Demasiado (Adj) + { He is too little to climb the
· Adj + Enough = Sufecientemente (Adj) attraction.
- { He is not little enough to climb the
Exclamaciones · What + (a/an) + Adj + N + { What a clever boy!
· (a/an)= 1. Se puede poner o no.
So/ Such (tan) · N + (be) + So + Adj/Adv + {The film was so good that nobody
= N + tan + Adj wanted to leave.
+ { It was such a good film that
· Pron. + (be) + Such + (a/an) + Adj + N nobody wanted to leave.
= (Es/Son/Eran) + un/unos + N + tan +

“Querer que · Suj + “want” + Obj +TO/NOT TO + Inf. + { She wants me to study.
alguien haga algo” · told, asked, adviced, wanted - { They asked me not to drink more.
· = contar, pedir y preguntar, aconsejar,

“Cosas que ·It + * + like + text + { It smells like a cake.

percibimos por los *look(s), smell(s), taste(s), sound(s), I sound like broken glass.
sentidos” feel(s)

Zero Conditional · If + Present S. ; /Will + V.inf + { If I look at the sun, my eyes hurt.
/Imperative - { If she doesn´t know the answer,
· 100% seguro she keeps silent.
· Naturaleza normalmente ? { If I run, do I tired?
. Cond.0-1-2 { As long as, Providing that,
Provided that = siempre que/ siempre y

First Conditional · If + Present S. ; /Will + V.inf + { I will play If I has time.

· 75% seguro. Probable. - { If I don´t finish my homework, I
. Cond.1 { Unless = a menos que/ sino.} will not go to bed.
? { If you have time, will you visit
your grandmother?
Second · If + Past S. , modal* + V.inf + { If I won the lottery, I would travel
Conditional · 25% seguro. Improbable. to Spin.
. *(would, could, might) Significado casi - {If we didn´t have to go to school,
igual pero diferente. -aría we would go to the park.
· Usar “were” siempre en el pasado del ? { If I didn´t go, would I tell you?
verbo “be”.

Third Conditional · If + HAD + V.part , modal* + HAVE + + { Unless I had watched TV, I would
V.part had hugged you.
· 0% seguro. Imposible. - { If It hadn´t rained, we would have
· Pasado normalmente visited Malaga.
? { If she had come on Saturday,
would you have tell her?
Future Time · Se pone “Present” después de una - I´ll be happy when the selection
Conditional conjunción de tiempo: before, unless, process is finished.
when, while, as soon as, provided that,
until, once… - As soon as I finish this job, I´m going
to go on holiday.

Conditionals with - If you have a job interview, you

modals · Verdades generales, obligación, must research the company.
habilidad o necesidad: If you possess self-belief, you cando
If + Present S, modal(can/should/need many things.
to/must) + V.inf
- If we start without him, he could get
· Hipotéticos eventos futuros: angry.
If + Present S / Past S, If she had better communication
modal(could/may/might) + V.inf skills, she may get a job.

· Hipotéticos eventos pasados: - If you had wanted to improve your

If + had + V.part, modal(should/ ought skills, you should have taken a
to/might) + have + V.part course.
If we had manged our money
better, we might not have had so
many problems.

Passive · (Be + V.part) + By + (Object/ name) -My brothers are doing the washing.
· Común en periodicos y noticias. Le da ~The washing is being done by my
importancia a lo que pasó. brothers.
· Sin CD no se puede. 2 frases si hay 2
objects. -Do they play paddle on Sunday?
· Se omite poner el “by …” si es (They, ~Is paddle played on Sunday?
someone, people,…) o es obvio.

Impersonal · They/people + V + (that) + S + V : 1ª -People think I am studing english

Passive Voz Activa right now.
(Para decir ~It is thought that I am studing
pensamiento o idea · It + (be) + V.part + (that) + s + V : 2ª Voz English right now.
sin hablar sobre Pasiva ~I am thought to be studing English
quien lo dice) right now.
· S + (be) + V.part + to + V.inf :
3ª Voz Pasiva -Experts think that children should
sleep more hours.
~It is thought that the children
should sleep more hours.
~La 3ª forma no se puede decir
porque lleva modales

Causative · Suj + HAVE/GET + Sth + V.part -Nos están revisando los ojos.
· Sth: something V.part: done ~We are having our eyes check.
· Algo que se toma como hecho propio
pero que lo hace otra gente. -A él le están pintando su coche.
~He is having his car painted.
Relative Clauses · Defining (especificativa): - “Los niños que fueron a la excursión
1. No lleva comas. están enfermos.”
2. Aporta información importante ~DEFINING, solo los niños que
3. “Who” y “Which” se puede sustituir fueron.
por “that”, o quitar sino son el sujeto de
la oración. - “Los niños, que fueron a la
excursión, están enfermos.”
· Non defining (explicativa): ~NON DEFINING, todos los niños
1. Van entre comas. porque todos fueron.
2. Aporta información no esencial
3. “Who” y “Which” no se puede - My friend is English. She is your
sustituir por “that” ni se pueden quitar. neighbour.
~My friend, who is your neightbour,
· Of which / Of whom: de los cuales is English.

Who, Whom, Whose + n, Which, Where, - They played 40 games, 25 of which

When, Why. they won.
- There were fifteen players at the
club, two of whom were from Ghana
Reported Speech · Trata sobre cuando le dicen a alguien - “The zoo began 3 days ago.” The
unas palabras que otra persona te ha boys said.
dicho a ti anteriormente. ~ The boys said that the zoo had
Present S – Past S begun 3 days before.
Present C – Past C
Prest.Perf.S – Past Perf.S - “Where is your sister?” My mom
Prest.Perf.C – Past Perf.C told me.
Past S – Past Perf.S ~ My mom asked me where my sister
Past C – Past Perf.C was.
Past.Perf – Past.Perf
+ V.inf { Will – Would -My friend told me not to be late.
May – Might ~ “Don´t be late.” My friend told me.
Can – Could
Must / Have to – Had to
Here – there this – that
These – those That / Those – the - Said + something (Obj)
now – then / in that moment - Told + someone (Obj)
tonight – that night
yesterday – the day before
tomorrow – the following day / day after
yesterday – the day after

1) STATEMENENTS “told / said”

Suj + told/ said + (Obj) + that + S + V
2) QUESTIONS “asked” · Se pueden poner otros verbos más
- Yes/ No {If + Suj + V específicos para sustituir por decir,
- Open, wh...{Wh- +Suj + V contar… , estos siguen la norma de
3)COMMANDS “told” gerundios e infinitivos (dependen de
REQUESTS (petición) “asked” donde se clasifiquen).
Suj + told/ asked + Obj + (not) to + V
Infinitivos · V + TO +V.inf -It´s good to swim. (Adj + to + V.inf)
· Detrás de adjetivos -I went to the pool to swim.
· Para explicar/ finalidad de una acción (Finalidad)
· Para declaraciones generales -They agreed to help. (Listado de
· Verbos “make” y “let” + obj + V.inf verbos)
· Listado de verbos:
Agree – appear – arrange – choose – decide – · Would (like, prefer…) + to +V.inf
demand – expect – fail – hope – learn – manage – Would you like to have some tea? –
mean – plan – prepare – pretend – promise –
refuse – tend – want – would like … ¿Te gustaría tomar algo de té?

Gerundios · V + V.-ing -I hate playing the violin. (Listado de

· Detrás de preposición verbos)
· Sujeto de la oración -Swimming is my favourite sport.
· Algunas expresiones comunes (Sujeto)
· Listado de verbo: -I´m not keen on swimming. (Prep. +
Avoid – can´t stand – consider – deny – detest – V.-ing)
discuss – like – dislike – don´t mind – enjoy – finish
– give up – imagine – miss – recommend – risk –
suggest – love – hate – prefer …
*Verbos · Mismo verbo, diferente significado con { - I stoped to cook because I
especiales TO o con V.ing received a call. (Parar para hacer otra
(gerundios e · Verbos: stop, remember, forget, try, cosa)
infinitivos) regret, need. - She stops playing piano in the
academy. (Parar de hacer algo)

{ - Please remember to follow the

rules.(Recordar hacer algo después)
- We don´t remember eating in the
exam´s days. (Recordar haber hecho

{ - Don´t forget to write to your

grandparents. (Olvidar hacer esto,
influye en que luego no se hizo)
- I forgot writing that email.
(Olvidar/ no me acuerdo si hice eso o

{ - I tried to open the door. (Intentar

hacer algo que no te cuesta esfuerzo
y no lo habías probado antes).
- I tried opening the door. (Probar
haciéndolo de otra manera, no la

{ - We regret to announce the late

arrival of the 12:45. (Arrepentirse
para dar malas noticias)
- He regretted speaking so rudely.
(Arrepentirse de haber hecho algo en
el pasado)
{ - I need to pay the music teacher.
(Tener que hacer algo)
- The music teacher needs paying.
(Alguien tiene que hacerlo, oración

Wish Clauses · I wish/ If only + Suj + - I wish I had known you were in
“Ojalá …” } Past.S (situación del presente) hospital.
} Past.Perf (situación del pasado) -If only someone discovered a
} Would(sujetos diferentes) /could (sujeto treatment for this disease.
el mismo en las dos clausuras) + V.inf
(deseos de futuro que piensas que
son improbables).
· If only = ojalá fuera/ 1ª pers. del sing.
· I wish = me gustaría/ he, she, we…

Other things · When + Past Simple · (be) bound to: estar Seguro que…
· While + Past Continuous · (be) likely/ unlikely to: es (poco)
· What… ? (Es libre, no te da a elegir) probable que…
· Which… ? (Te da a elegir la respuesta) · (be) about to: estar apunto de…
· Adj. -ing { cosas y personas – yo soy, · (Might/ Could/ May) well + V.inf:
siempre ser muy probable que…
· Adj. -ed { personas - yo estoy, algo
· Cuando + Subjuntivo (Present
Simple): ej.- When I get


I me my mine Myself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its its itself
We us our ours ourselves
You you your yours yourselves
They them their theirs themselves

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