Inglés A2: Sin Requisitos de Acceso Modalidad: Duración: - 50 Horas
Inglés A2: Sin Requisitos de Acceso Modalidad: Duración: - 50 Horas
Inglés A2: Sin Requisitos de Acceso Modalidad: Duración: - 50 Horas
2 Coca-Cola.
- Focus: Relating past events that happened at a specific time.
- Grammar: Past simple, negative forms.
- Vocabulary: Sports, leisure time, expressions of time.
4 Farmers Market.
- Focus: Relating past events that happened at a specific time.
- Grammar: Past simple, questions in the past.
- Vocabulary: Vegetables, packaging.
5 In the park.
- Focus: Talking about appearance.
- Grammar: Irregular verbs, questions in the past.
- Vocabulary: Clothing.
Inglés A2 Temario
6 Let’s go!
- Focus: Making suggestions.
- Grammar: could, should, would’, adjectives.
7 Cyclorama.
- Focus: Describing objects, expressing possibility, intention,
obligation and necessity.
- Grammar: Modal verbs.
- Vocabulary: Museums, the American Civil War.
8 On the road.
- Focus: Making travel reservations.
- Grammar: would like’ and ‘want’.
- Vocabulary: Transportation.
9 Airport.
- Focus: Travelling by plane.
- Grammar: Indirect questions.
- Vocabulary: Airports, travelling.
10 Quite a lot!
- Focus: Expressing quantitiy.
- Grammar: Quantifiers ‘each, every, all’.
11 All in the past.
- Focus: Review.
- Grammar: Past simple, irregular verbs, modal verbs.
12 A perfect present.
- Focus: Relating past events for which the time is not specified
or which are still relevant today.
- Grammar: Present perfect, negating the present perfect.
13 Hemingway.
- Focus: Relating past events for which the time is not specified
or which are still relevant today.
- Grammar: Present perfect, past simple or present perfect?,
time phrases.
- Vocabulary: Literature, the bar.
Inglés A2 Temario
15 Gatorland.
- Focus: Expressing frequency.
- Grammar: Adverbs ‘since’ and ‘for’, past simple or
present perfect?
- Vocabulary: Animals, Florida.
17 Golfing
- Focus: Expressing manner.
- Grammar: Adverbs, adjective or adverb?, reflexive pronouns.
- Vocabulary: Cars golf.
18 Faster, please!
- Focus: Expressing manner, expressing hope, opinion
or intention.
- Grammar: Comparison of adverbs, infinitives and gerunds.
- Vocabulary: Fishing.
19 At the wharf.
- Focus: Expressing manner, expressing hope, opinion
or intention.
- Grammar: Infinitive construction with ‘to’, comparison
of adverbs.
- Vocabulary: Fishing, water sports.
Inglés A2 Temario
20 Simply perfect!.
- Focus: Review.
- Grammar: Past simple or present perfect?, present perfect,
adverbs, time phrases, reflexive pronouns.
21 Buy it!
- Focus: Expressing desires.
- Grammar: by’ and ‘before’.
- Vocabulary: Shopping.
22 A complaint.
- Focus: Speaking about general truths.
- Grammar: Zero conditional.
- Vocabulary: Electronic devices.
23 At the bank.
- Focus: Expressing feelings and desires.
- Grammar: Participles used as adjectives.
- Vocabulary: Banking.
24 Leave a message.
- Focus: Speaking on the telephone.
- Grammar: Prepositions.
- Vocabulary: Phoning.
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