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Bunyamin et al./Agroindustrial Journal Vol.

6 Issue 1 (2019) 384-387

The Comparation Study of Pasteurized "Fruits Up" Products

Using TPC (Total Plate Count) Method
Anas Bunyamin 1, Natasha Putri Siahaan *,1, Dwi Purnomo 1 and Marlis Nawawi 2
Universitas Padjadjaran, Faculty of Agroindustrial Technology
Sacita Muda ; marlis.nawawi@sacitamuda.com
Email: natashaputri1298@gmail.com *

Fruits Up is one of the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) which is engaged in developing
puree mango beverage. To satisfy the consumer, Fruits Up decided not to use chemical
preservatives as a solution to be a healthy drink with longer shelf life time product. The purpose
of this research is to conduct pasteurization process on Fruits Up product as solution of increasing
product shelf life time without the use of chemical preservatives. Comparison of existing products
will be analyzed using microbiological quantitative analysis with Total Plate Count (TPC) method
and presented in the form of Standard Plate Count (SPC). The sampling method was using a
Completely Randomized Factorial Design with difference room temperature and storage time (1
day, 3 day and 5 day). According to the result, the least amount of bacteriology is present in the
pasteurized Fruits Up product with H1 storage of refrigerator temperature (10°C) and the highest
amount is found on Fruits Up products that have not been pasteurized with H5 storage of room
temperature (26°C). Based on the results, a significant decrease in TPC occurs during the
pasteurization process so that the pasteurization process is highly recommended to be performed

Keywords: Fruits Up; Mango Puree; Pasteurization; SMEs; TPC

1. INTRODUCTION Optimal temperature for bacterial

proliferation is 30°C-40°C and often occurs
According to the Center for Agricultural
during the product distribution so that the
Data and Information Systems, mango is an
possibility of product damage is very large
important foodstuff after bananas for people in
(Suriani, 2013). The presence of heating the
tropical climates and high economic value. The
product has many benefits and not only reduces
priority of commodities that have been
the nutritional value (Tjahjadi and Marta, 2011),
determined by the Ministry of Agriculture of
which can kill pathogenic bacteria, extend shelf
the Republic of Indonesia in the development
life by turning off bacteria decay, disabling
of horticultural agribusiness to be studied and
enzymes in acidic foods such as juice, provides
developed is mango (Broto, 2003). Processing
better flavor and enables phosphatase and
mango into puree is an alternative to increase
catalase enzymes (Dyah, 2017).
the economic value of mango (Sukasih et al.,
The heating that given to food can not be
2005). One of the puree mango products is
"Fruits Up" which became the object of this generalized, data of curve TDT (thermal death
research. time) is required to know the heat resistance of
Fruits Up decided not to use chemical mango puree. To achieve heat sufficiency value,
preservatives as a solution to be a healthy drink pasteurization of mango puree should be done
with longer shelf life time product. However, with a combination of temperature 90°C for
the existence of a product that is rejected by the 12.46 minutes (Sukasih et al., 2005).
distributor or agent because of a defective Therefore, a study was conducted to compare
product when it arrives at the destination the number of bacterial colonies in products
becomes a challenge to improve product that have been pasteurized and those that did
quality. Allegedly, the damage caused by the not. The way to detect the amount of bacteria
process of product distribution and storage that present in a food product is by TPC (Total Plate
are not appropriate so that the bacteria can Count) test by counting bacterial colonies
easily breed in the product. grown on agar medium (Waluyo, 2016).

Bunyamin et al./Agroindustrial Journal Vol. 6 Issue 1 (2019) 384-387

Products can be categorized as safe if the total The sample dilution process uses a BPW
number of bacterial colonies (Total Plate (Buffered Peptone Water) solution until the
Count/TPC) is no more than 1x104 colony sample concentration becomes 10-1 up to 10-5
forming unit /gram (CFU/g) (SNI, 2009). dilution, the procedure of the sample dilution
process is:
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Samples or cultures of microbes that have
been mixed with BPW solution which is
This research was conducted in Food stored sterile reaction tube then in puree
Microbiology Laboratory Faculty of until liquid and can be sucked using
Agroindustrial Technology, Padjadjaran micropipet at dilution 10-1
University, Jatinangor, West Java. This 2. Then after diluted, take 1 ml of the dilution
research used Completely Randomized sample with micropipette and pour into a
Factorial Design with difference room reaction tube containing 9 ml of aquadest
temperature and storage time (1, 3 and 5 days). (dilution 10-2) do the same treatment to
Data collection using the principle of Standard (dilution 10-3, 10-4, 10-5)
Plate Count (SPC) method. Microbes that grow This stratified dilution aims to minimize
in the media will form into bacterial colonies the amount of microbes suspended in the fluid,
that can be seen directly with the naked eye. and the magnitude or amount of dilution rate
2.1 Preparation depends on the approximate number of
microbes in the sample. The first dilution and
Preparation of the material carried out is so on used a 1:9 ratio so that the next sample
pasteurization on 6 fruits up products at 90°C contained 1/10 microorganism cells from the
for 12.46 minutes refers to research from previous dilution (Wasteson and Hornes,
Sukasih in 2005 on Heat Adequacy Analysis of 1991).
Mango Puree Pasteurization Process. Fruits Up
product that has been pasteurized then packed 2.2 Data Analysis
back in the bottle. Preparation of other The data analysis is to describe the result
ingredients is to take samples of unprocessed of Total Plate Count obtained on the Fruits Up
puree mango to be used as the initial control of sample and present it in table form to facilitate
bacterial count and take 6 Fruits Up products the reading. The analysis presented in table
that have been processed in such a way by PT. form is a method of Standards Plate Counts
Ormund Indonesia. Fruits Up product used in (SPC) which releases microbial results with a
this research is Gedong Gincu variant. distance of 30-300 CFU (Colony Forming
2.2 Total Plate Count Unit)/g of 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 dilution. The
purpose of this SPC method is to minimize the
Data analysis was performed using the possibility of error in the analysis process. This
Total Plate Count method according to SNI colony range is used as a fulcrum in
2897: 2008. This method is the most sensitive determining the effect of the final result which
method to determine the number of will be adjusted to the maximum limit of
microorganisms. With this method, we can microbial contamination in food as in SNI
calculate living cells and compare the results 7388: 2009.
according to national standardization of total
bacterial colonies that are classified as safe for 2. RESULTS
consumption. The working principle of TPC
analysis is the calculation of the number of Based on the research data obtained the
bacterial colonies present in the sample with number of TPC microbes in Fruits Up beverage
dilution as needed and duplo is done to improve samples ranged from 1 × 102 - 1 × 107 CFU
the accuracy. The number of bacterial colonies (Colony Forming Unit)/g, the TPC results
that can be calculated is a petri dish that has a obtained then analyzed based on SPC (Standard
bacterial colony between 30-300 colonies. Plate Count) (Table 2).

Bunyamin et al./Agroindustrial Journal Vol. 6 Issue 1 (2019) 384-387

Table 2. Total Plate Number

Analysis Results
No Sample Code Testing Method
Results Unit
Total Plate Number
1 A (Puree Mango) H1 2,1 × 104
2 B (Fruits Up, room temperature storage 26°C) H1 2,4 × 104
3 B (Fruits Up, room temperature storage 26°C) H3 2,6 × 106
4 B (Fruits Up, room temperature storage 26°C) H5 3,1 × 107
5 C (Fruits Up, refrigerator storage 10°C) H1 4,3 × 104
6 C (Fruits Up, refrigerator storage 10°C) H3 9,9 × 105
SNI 2897:
7 C (Fruits Up, refrigerator storage 10°C) H5 1,9 × 107 CFU/g
D (Fruits Up pasteurization, room temperature storage
8 7,0 × 103
26°C) H1
D (Fruits Up pasteurization, room temperature storage
9 2,4 × 106
26°C) H3
D (Fruits Up pasteurization, room temperature storage
10 1,2 × 107
26°C) H5
11 E (Fruits Up pasteurization, refrigerator storage 10°C) 4,4 × 102 CFU/g SNI 2897:
H1 2008
12 E (Fruits Up pasteurization, refrigerator storage 10°C) 1,2 × 105
13 E (Fruits Up pasteurization, refrigerator storage 10°C) 1,6 × 106
personal documentation source.

The results of the research on Up beverage samples ranged from 1 × 102 - 1 ×

microbiology amount obtained based on SPC 107 CFU (Colony Forming Unit)/g.
from 13 samples of Fruits Up ranged from
1×102-1×107 CFU (Colony Forming Unit)/g. REFERENCES
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