Greek Architecture (Braziller Art Ebook)
Greek Architecture (Braziller Art Ebook)
Greek Architecture (Braziller Art Ebook)
31 B.C-A.D. 330. ~ 47
Plates 49
Notes 113
Glossary 116
Bibliography 119
Index 122
defined by walls on three sides and the two colui^nS* lri"an tis,"
in front, constituting a recess from the peripteron volume an3 a
passage to the interior. The interior of the naos reverses the
exterior of the temple: the inmost space is a colonnade-lined
room, surrounded by narrow shallow volumes between the inner
^^ colonnade and the walls.
in the "rise" of the columns and the sloping roof. More perva-
sively it is in the multitude of lines: the physical substance of the
steps, the shafts, the architrave, and the other elements; the
optical lines defining these shapes-the edges of the steps and so
on; the lines of the fluting of the columns and of the details of
the entablature above; the lines of the shadows they cast. Still
more it is in the rhythms the succession of columns along the
the color on the lower part of the buildings in the frieze and
above, it plays with the bold flat blues and reds which were
characteristic of Greek buildings in bringing out selected ele-
ments at this level.
Finally texture: the smoothness of the marble in most parts is
Stone Age to Homer: 4000-700 B.C.
buildings occasionallyhad a similar " back porch" without an en-
trance.Normally these neolithic houses had only a single ruom,
but sometimes there were more— rarely, however, more than two.
The date and slightness of the neolithic^uitdl'ngs'make tlT^
connection with Greek architecture as such remote and difficult
to assess. Fr^mthe neolithic population in Crete, however, there
developed during approximately .the next thousand years a
culture ot much greater significance. Inhabiting a large and fer-
from the rest of the world and accessible only by the sea
which they_xaul.d_£asily controj^the Mi noan people develope d a
brilliant and sophisticated culture uniquel y their own.
Minoan architecture was almost exclusivel y residential— there
were no temples or public buildings properly speaking, and only
a fe w monumental tombs. There are many private houses known
from ne olithic tim es up until La|:^ Minoan III (around the
thirteenth century), but the most conspicuo us, and characteris-
tic structures were the palaces of Middle Minoan III— Late
oi the linear form itself and in turn helped to create linear form.
Mobility was created also by the eccentricity of the arrangement
-the lack ot balance and roncenrrared c\nm\n^rtrf- Entrances
we re norm ally off-center ; lines of g^oygtnent through a volume
were seldom on dxis and usually icLyjQb(Led.-a change in direction;
nevertheless was less stable than one thickest at the base— its
form is expansive rather than solid.
The mobility was supported by the general lack of regularity
in the composition, and indeed by the kind of cohesion devel-
oped. Although at first glance it appears to be simply chaotic or
accidental, the compositioxuwiisjn fact the natural result ot the
organic development ot a town in its functional character. The
unity was largely in the profusion, and in the simple, matter-of-
tact accumulation of one thing with another as need arose. There
was no superimposed formal organization, no structural logic,
but there was the logic of use and direct response to the develop-
ing needs of living. In this sense the unity is Ipr^anic, " natural/]^
beyontl the seas into Crete and even Cyprus, and the develop-
ment of an increasingly rich and sophisticated civilization cen-
tering in palaces at many of the great mythological sites of
Greece, culminating most brilliantly at Mycenae around the
thirteenth century?]^
The architecture of this people presents significant peculiari-
ties. The functional forms include chi efly dwellings, but also
familiar mujiJidck^ mu(l and stone, and wood, but for temples
from the end of the seventh (cntury aritl fOf otherDUildrngS":
increasingly limestone or marble in ashlar masonry appeared
and beca me standard. A notab le new material waS;t;erra cotta.j
haket^ tile. fQr..rQofing and the ornamental antefixes and the Tilce
(Plates 33a, b). It was also often used tor elaborate akroteria for
th"e corners and peaks of gables. In the earliest phases it was'
""Occ asionally used even fo r metopes or triglyphs.
^he functional forms of structure included not^nly the
Doric or der, described typically in the Hephaisteion, ]^;„, rlje
Ionic, which was developed early in A sia_ Minor (Plates 45, 46).
The Ionic column usually had a base, deeper and more boldly
separated flutes, a characteristic capital consisting of a scroll-like
element lying across an ornamented echinus on top of the shaft,
an architrave with three fasciae, and either a frieze or a row of
square blocks called dentils bclcnv the cornice. During the seventh
century anothertype 6T column was known whose capital, the
Aeolic," was conceived rather branching of the
as a flowering or
of the shaft, with leaves rolling out from around the top;
and still another capital of volute-like form.s developed trom a
^bifurcation of the top of the shaft, spreading and coiling under t
\aj ^0^'^
By the seventh century there were at least a few buildings ^ >h\\/.W1V1 %
which reflected the surge of a new and imaginative style. The ^
Temple of Apollo at Thermon (Plate 21) had a peripteron of
wooden c oljimT^g r,T -1:^^15^— ^'^^'^ on the front and fifteen on the
side. This is in a notably long, narrow proportion, and the single \ .
^ v^
row of columns down the middle of the naos further accentuates \ \V\ C^CX -^
the linear concept. The Heraeum at Olympia (Plate 35), also had ^ f"^
woockn columns on the exterior, six on the iront, sixteen on the ^ 1
was followed into the fitth. The "mutation" of the sixth century
that was "successful," so to speak, was that of the mainland. Its
success was due in part to the fact that in it the formulation of
volumes and solids was best adapted to three-dimensional form
-that is, to the form in which geometrical mass is most clearly
perceptible— and in it could be developed the clearest architec-
tonic organization permeated with the most effective currents
of regular rhythmic movement. In part its success was also due
to the stimulus of the destruction of the Persian Wars, dramati-
cally commemorated by the arrangement, in the new fortifica-
tions of the Acropolis in Athens, of the column drums and other
members of archaic buildings on the Acropolis destroyed by the
Persians. ^^
In this tradition the Hephaisteion, which we have already
described at some length, was typical (Plates 2-5). Essentially
similar, with differences important only in a detailed analysis of
Greek would be the Temples of Aphaia at Aegina
(Plate 51), Zeus at Olympia, Poseidon at Sunion, Nemesis at
Rhamnous (these last two were erected by the same architect as
the Hephaisteion's and differed only in the most subtle ways)
-even temples in Magna Graecia such as those of Poseidon at
Paestum (Plate 52), Concord at Akragas, "A" at Selinus.
More revealing than the differences anicnig such temples are
those between the Hephaisteion and the buildings on the
Athenian Acropolis.Tlie^Parthenon (Plates 53^56, 64) shows the
limit and nature of possible modification of the ideal type if all
external controls were removed: it was conceived as the supreme
architectural adornment of a city that at the time was supreme in
the Greek world, at the height of all its resources. '° Whatever the
architect— and the people— might have desired in a building
might have been provided, or at least attempted. In fact, nothing
more than a moderately and subtly enriched version of the type
represented by the fiephaisteion was considered— though com-
pletely and perfectly realized. The over-all proportions are essen-
tially the same so that, although the Parthenon is more than
away from the facade and the interior of the building. More
famous is the smaller, simpler marble Ionic stoa of the Athenians
at Delphi of the early fifth century. By the end of the fifth century
monumental stoas in stone devoted to purposes reflecting the full
•^^ range of potential function existed. On the Acropolis the archi-
tecture of the Sanctuary of of Brauron (Plates 53, 64)
consisted exclusively of a simple stoa with long narrow wings
projecting from each end to enclose the space on three sides : the
walls of these wings were treated with half-columns.'^ In the
agora (Plates 65, 66), the Stoa of Zeus was much finer in concep-
tion and execution, with a double colonnade and temple-like
facades projecting from each end— providing the building itself
with significant dominants in its own dynamic balance. On the
south side of the agora was a stoa less rich in material and refined__
in execution, having not onlj{ ajdouble colonnade but a series of
rooms beKin^ these devoted, remarkably enough, to dirung
rooins, presumably for civic officials and guests of the city."*
Stoas were used even ior gatherings of considerable groups of
people- the Stoa of Zeus at Athens may have served as the
courtroom for King Archon— but other types of Kuildings were"
required for larger groups and other specific purposes. It is char"^
acteristic that many of these were unfoofed, open-air enclosures.
The conspicuous example of this is the theater which, however,
did not begin to have formal shape until the end of the fifth
its own right, and second, it relieves the careful definition in the
Plato to Augustus: 400-31 B.C.
But it is rather the stoas which represent the new age, both
functionally and aesthetically. One of the finest was the South
Stoa at Corinth,'* from the latter part of the fourth century
(Plates 82, 83). Though built of poros-a relatively soft limestone-
the workmanship was in every way of the highest quality, and
the exposed surfaces were covered, as poros buildings usually
were, with a white, thin, hard, and smooth stucco or plaster
which could take and hold the most refined detail. It was some
one hundred sixty-five meters in length, stretching almost the
entire length of the agora. Along the front ran a narrow terrace;
then there was a facade of the Doric order, and a row of Ionic
columns down the middle of the covered space behind; the rear
half was devoted to a series of two-room shop spaces on the
ground level and another above, presenting a two-story fac^ade
within the building facing on the open colonnade-space, about
twelve meters wide. The open floor space, almost 40 feet wide
-about 22,000 square feet-and some 23 feet high, was extremely
spacious and allowed the free circulation of large numbers of
The variety of stoas in their adaptation to particular use—
wifKout altering fundamentally the aesthetic form— was almost
infinite. Some were simple— a row of columns before a wall;
others consisted of a double row of columns before a wall others
stoas of the cities of Asia Minor, for example Priene and Miletus
(Plates 89-91). Here the stoa, itself relatively simple, was drawn
along three sides of the open area so as to confine the area almost
entirely— not quite completely, for the fourth side was open to
the street and the more dominant stoa beyond. L-shaped stoas,
too, were known, with a still different relationship between
building and space, but with the U-shape stoa the semienclosed
space became a fixed and integral element in an architectural
Yet another scheme of relationships was created in a building
such as the Roman Market in Athens'^ (Plate 92) or the Stoa of
the Italians at Delos (Plate 93, upper where the colonnades
the theatron. When the orchestra was a distinct full circle the
scene building was a mere external tangent to the circle, while
the theatron was a natural development of the circle itself. Later,
when the line of the proskenion— an element of the scene com-
plex—cut across the perimeter of the circle of the orchestra, both
scene buildings and theatron were natural developments of parts
of the same circle. This closer unity, then, gave clearer integra-
tion to the several solid elements and clearer definition to the
enclosed volume than in the older form, when the seats of the
theatron and the structure of the scene building simply con-
fronted each other across the circle of the orchestra.
A building of an entirely different kind that sums up in a way
the aesthetic of monumental architecture in the Hellenistic
period is the Great Altar at Pergamum (Plates 100, 101). The
altar itself, a massive rectangular platform of a type well known
was located on a broad platform approached
since archaic times,
by steps all along one side. The top of the platform was sur-
rounded by rectangular piers with attached Ionic columns in
front and back. Behind these, on three sides, was a wall which
ran out on the projecting podia flanking the stairs. Around the
outside of the wall ran Ionic columns; at the top of the stairs
these columns matched the piers of the inner rectangle. Sculp-
tures representing the titanic battle of gods and giants, on a
grand scale, ran around the basement of the platform, and there
were others on a slighter scale on the wall behind the piers. The
effect was impressive: approaching, one would have seen the
great mass of the structure looming up; one would ascend the
tremendous flight of stairs between the projecting colonnaded
podia, proceed through the outer columns, through the inner
piers, to the inner rectangle surrounding the altar itself, which,
in turn, rose conspicuously above the floor of the platform in the
middle. The detail cannot be assessed completely, since much of
Augustus to Constantinople: 31 B.C.-A.D. 330
disciplined world.
In the following plates, unless otherwise indicated,
\ vi*^
11. Neolithic building, Tsangli in Thessaly,
before 3000. Plan.
18. Octopus Vase, Minoan, 1600-1500 B.C. 19. Floor decoration in Palace, Pylos.
20. Geometric vase, Athens, eighth century.
^immiiiiiiiliiUII I
26. Temple, Prinias, Crete, seventh century. Plan.
aaw aas^
rr'i'T I II
Qgrer '
30. Temple of Artemis, Corfu, cd. 600.
6 • • • 6 •
35. Archaic temples in Greece. Plans (scale approximately 1 :1000).
. . • • •
• • • •
• • • «
• • • •
• • • •
li • • il
38. Temple ot Apollo, Corinth, ca. 540.
41. The Temple of Athena (Ceres), Paestum. Capital with necking molding.
42. Ihc " b^.^ih^.i,
I'^c^iuiJi, i,d. 3^
W^^/!rr^f/^- :'^ ^\^^^
43. The Treasury of the Siphnians (as restored in the Museum), Delphi, ca. 530.
Am ^- «> t
••ctMtHfD. fMOKAlM^M ., W LVtt<A
CltO<W>«. ItMlC
45. The Temple of Artemis, Ephesus, second hdlt of the sixth century. Base ot column.
» • * ~i]
« • •
li • > >. J
a. Aphaia,
Aegina, c. Apollo, Bassae,
ca. 490. 450-425.
d. Poseidon, Paestum,
ca. 460.
b. Zeus, Olympia,
ca. 468-460.
54. The Parthenon, Athens, 447-432. General view trom east.
55. The Parthenon, Athens. View along side, from northwest, showing curvature and entasis.
62. The Propyhea, Athens. Capital on interior
ropylaea, Athens/Interior, looking
as in fifth century.
63. The Propylaea. and Temple oFNike, Athens,
64. The Acropolis, Athens. Model.
65. The Agora, Athens, end of fifth century. Plan.
OlKiAD^—^n OIKIA C /^
a. Artemis, Ephesus,
ca. 356-236.
b. Cybele, Sardis,
ca. 350-300.
_ ^ ^
n P S B3 El
a o D
a n D
a a ffi oaioiioaoooDDii^a^^
8. Colossal Hellenistic Temples. Plans (scale approximately 1:1000).
69. Smaller Hellenistic Temples. Plans (scale approximately 1:1000).
71. Temple of Artemis Leukophryne, Magnesia, ca. 175. Restoration.
' V,!
p ic; x,f x;f
;.; i'.« itt
»a ^ :».» il> ;«
::j !•:;': i;i •. I '.
,; lii HI .. ,11 ii: .M ill m ill M^. 1 lU ll» ill ! .' ^M V) '
18. Moldings from Temple of Athena, Tegea, ca. 350.
^ .0.0.,.,
. CO
84. The Stoa of Attalos, Athens, ca. 150. Sectional model.
- '
92. The Roman Market, Athens, hrst century. Plan.
98. The Theater, Priene, third century. Restoration.
n r
103. House, Priene, fourth centurv. Plan. 104. House, Priene. Restored view.
105. Sanctuary of Asklepios, Kos. ca. second century. Restoration.
106. Sanctuary ot Zeus, Olympia. Plan.
L. Caskey, Hesperia, XXIII (1954), pp. 3-30, esp. 23-27;
XXIV (1955), pp. 25-49, esp. 37-41 ; XXV (1956), pp. 146-73,
esp. 162-69; XXVI (1957), pp. 142-62; XXVII (1958), pp.
125-44, esp. 127-29; XXVIII (1959), pp. 202-7.
5. For a Mycenaean private house see Nicholas Verdelis,
Archaeology, XIV (1961), pp. 12-17.
6. See George Mylonas, Mycenae, pp. 103-76.
7. For the Palace at Pylos see C. W. Blegen, American Journal
of Archaeology, LX (1956), pp. 95-101 ; LXI (1957), pp.
129-35; LXIII (1959), pp. 121-27; LXIV (1960), pp. 153-60;
LXV (1961), pp. 153-58.
8. Compare Dinsmoor, Architecture of Ancient Greece, pp.
40-41. On the origin of the peripteral colonnade there is an
intriguing possibility exactly contrary to the relatively con-
ventional suggestion in the text. At Olympia in Roman
times there was a structure ot four columns supporting a
roof protecting an ancient wooden pillar said to have
belonged to the house ot Oenomaos, and other columns
supporting a roof over the tomb ol Oxylus [Pausanias, V,
20, 6; VI, 24, 9), (Dinsmoor, p. 53; Robertson, p. 66). Other
"monopteral" buildings — colonnades without walls — are
known (cf. Dinsmoor, p. 116, n.3), and especially one at
arris the edge between two planes, especially between the flutes
of a Doric column
sima the raised barrier at the lower edge of a roof diverting rain
water to specified outlets
taenia the top of an architrave, above both the beam and the
regula, but below the triglyph.
A., Mnesicles. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1957.
CALi, FRANCOIS, L'Ordre Grec, photographies de Serge Moulinier.
Paris, Arthaud, 1958.
Die Baukunst der Griechen. Handbuch der Architek-
tur, II, 1. 3rd ed., Leipzig, 1910.
Ancient Gity of Athens. London, Methuen, 1953.
MARINATOS, s., and HIRMER, M., Crete and Mycenae. New York,
Abrams, 1960.
MATZ, F., Geschichte der Griechischen Kunst. I. Die Geome-
Press, 1949.
Numbers in regular roinan type refer tu text pages; italic rigurcs refer to tlie plates.
Acropolis, the (Athens) 30, 32, 34, 44, 53, 64; antehx from, JJa; fortifications of, 29
Aegean Islands architecture of, 21, 26
Aegina, 29; early Doric capitals, 29; Early Temple, 29, 40; Temple of Aphaia, 29, 31, 52
"Aeolic" style, 25, 26, 28
Agora, 35, 44-5, Assos, 40, 88; Athens, 32-33, 40, 45, 65, 110; Corinth, 39, 82, 83; Delos,
J 22
41-42, 93; Miletus, 44-45, 90, 91 ; Priene, 44-45, 89
Akragas, Temple of Concord, 30; Temple of Zeus, 34b
Altar of Zeus, Great, Pergamum, 43, 100, 101
Asia Minor, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 40; see aiso Larisa, Miletus, Priene
Assembly hall, 42, Eleusis, 33-34, 47; see also Ekklcsiasterion and Bouleuterion
Assos, 40, 88
Atreus, Treasury of, Mycenae, 16
Athens, Acropolis, 29, 3U, 32, 34, 44, Ud, 5J, 64; Agora, 32-33, 40. 43, 65, 110; archaic
vase, 32; Choregic Monument of Lysikrates, 39, 76; Council House and Prytaneioii,
33, 34, 4S, 65; Erechtheum, 31, 32, 57, 58, 59; geometric vase, 20; Hephaisteioii, 9,
11, 12, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 2, 3, 4, 5; houses in, 67; Odeion of Pericles, 34; Olympieion,
39, 47, 77; Parthenon, 30-31, 53, 54, 55, 56, 64; Propylaea, 31-32, 53, 60, 61, 62, 63;
Roman Market, 40, 41, 92; Sanctuary of Artemis of Brauron, 32, 53, 64; Stoaof Attalos,
40, 84, 85, 86, 87; Stoa of Zeus, 32-33, 66; Temple of Athena Nike, 32, 63; Temple
of Zeus Olympios, 68d; Theater, 42
16; in Middle Helladic period, 20; in Neolithic period, 15; in seventh century, 24-25,
33a, b; in sixth century, 26; in Temple of Artemis, Garitsa, 25-26, JO
Byzantium, 47
Capitals, 38-39; Aeolic, 25, 26, 28; Choregic Monument of Lysikrates, 39, 76; Doric,
27, 29, 37, 41; Heraeum, Olympia, 37; Ionic, 25, 27, 39, 46; Olympieion, Athens,
39, 77; Propylea, Athens, 32, 62; Temple of Apollo, Didyma, 81; Temple of Athena,
Tegea, 74; Temple of Athena (Ceres), Paestum, 41; Temple of Artemis, Ephesus,
46; Tholos, Delphi, 39, 73; Tholos, Epidaurus, 75
Cecrops, Tomb of, 31
Cella, 9, 24; see also Naos, Temples
Ceramics, 21
Chamber tombs, 19; see a/so Tombs
Choregic Monument of Lysikrates, 39, 76
Civic buildings, 33-34, 48
"Cb^sic" design, 9-13, 20-21, 23-35, 47
Corfu (Kerkyra, Corcyra), 25; Early Doric capitals, 29; Temple of Artemis, 25-26, 30, 31
Corinth, 29, 39; South Stoa, 39, 82, 83; Temple of Apollo, 29, J5b, 38
Corinthian capital, 38-39; Monument of Lysikrates, Athens, 76; Temple of Athena,
Tegea, 74; Tholos, Delphi, 73; Tholos, Epidaurus, 75
Corinthian columns of Olympieion, Athens, 39, 47, 77
Crete, 14-15, 18, 19, 21, 26; Temple, Prinias, 26, 26, 27, see also Knossos, Minoan
Delos, 41-42, 44; houses at, 102; Sanctuary and Agoras, 93; Theater at, 42, 99 ,
^ ,
Delphi, 25, 29, 32, 34, 39, 42, 44; Corinthian capital from Tholos, 73; early Doric capitals,
29; Marmaria, 25, 39; Sanctuary of Apollo, 44, 108; Theater at, 42, 99; Treasury of
in Great Palace, Knossos, 8; on the Acropolis, Larisa, 49; of Argive Heraeum, 22;
at Perachora, 22; at Olynthos, 43; House of Tiles at Lerna, 18, 12; Late Helladic,
Floor decoration, 19
Fortifications, 19, 29
Hagia Triada, 15
Helladic architecture: Early period, 17-18, 19; Middle period, 18, 19, 20; Late period, 18-20
Hellenic World, map of, 1
Ionic order, 25, 27, 29,' 31, 32, 39, 42, 43, 41, 45, 46
Knossos, 15-17, 20; Great Palace of, 15, 16, 17, 6, 7, 8, 10; Little Palace of, 9
Kolumdado (Nape), Mytilene, 25, 26, 28
Kos, Sanctuary of Asklepios, 44, 105
Magna Graecia, 26, 28, 29, 30, 35, 34, 39, 41, 42, 52
Magnesia, 38; Temple of Artemis, 69c; Temple of Artemis Leukophryne, 71
Mallia, 15
Map of Hellenic World, 1
Moldmgs, 10, 11, 27, 39, 41; Ercchthcuin, Athens, 32, 59; Temple of Athena, Tegea,
28, 7S; Tholos, Epidaurus, 79; Treasury of the Siphnians, Delphi, 44
Monument of Lysikrates, Athens, 39, 76
Mycenae, 19, 20, 21, 22, 34; Lion Gate, 20, 15; Palace at Pylos, 17, 19; Palace at liryns
20, 14; Shaft Graves at, 18; Treasury of Atreus, 19, 16
Mytilene, "Aeolic" cajMtal, Nape (Kolunidado), 25, 26, 28
Paestum, 28, 30; "Basilica," 34d, 42; Temple of Athena (Ceres), J4c, 39, 41; Temple of
Poseidon, 5 2d
Palaces, 15-20, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 14, 17, 19
Palaestra, 37; at Epidaurus, 41, 94
Parthenon, Athens, 30-31, 5.3, 54, 55, 56, 64
Priene, 40, 42, 44, 45; Agora and environs, 45, 89; Ekklesiasterion, 42, 95, 96; houses at,
103, 104; Sanctuary of Zeus, 44, 89; Temple of Athena Polias, 69a; Theater at, 42, 98
Red-figured vase, 50 i yc
Religious building, 37; see a7so Sanctuaries, Temples
Rhamnous, Temple of Nemesis, 29
Roman Market, Athens, 40, 41, 92
Roman architecture, influenced by Greek, 47-48
Round Building, Tiryns, 18, 13
Samos, 21, 25, 27, 32; first Heraeum, 21, 23; second Heraeum, 25, 32, 24; third Heraeum,
27, 36; fourth Heraeum, 27, 38
Sanctuaries, 24, 35, 44-45
Sanctuary of Pandrosos, Athens, 31 ; of Artemis of Brauron, Athens, 32, 53, 64; Delos,
93; of Apollo, Delphi, 44, 108; of Asklepios, Kos, 44, 105; of Zeus, Olympia, 46, 106
Temples, individual: of Aphaia, Aegina, 29, 51, 52a; Early, at Aegina, 29, 40; Concord,
Akragas, 30; of Zeus, Akragas, 34b; of Athene (Parthenon), Athens, 30-31, 53-56, 64;
of Athena (Old), Athens, 29; of Athena Nike, Athens, 32, 63; of Athena Polias,
Athens, 31, J5c; of Botes, Athens, 31; of Hephaistos, Athens, 9, 11, 31, 2-5; of
Poseidon, Athens, 31; of Zeus Olympics, Athens, 68d; of Apollo, Bassae, 52c; of
"Apollo," Corinth, 29, 35b, 38; of Artemis, at Garitsa, Corfu, 25-26, 30, 31; of
Artemis, Ephesus, 25, 45, 46, 68a, 10; of Artemis, Magnesia, 69c; of Artemis Leuko-
phryne, Magnesia, 11; at Messa, 38; of Apollo, Didyma (Miletus), 38, 68c, 80, 81;
Naeandria, 26, 25; of Hera, Olympia, J5a; of Zeus, Olympia, 29, 52b; "Basilica,"
Paestum, 34d, 42; of Athena (Ceres), Paestum, 28, 34c, 39, 41; of Poseidon, Paestum,
30, 52d; of Athena Polias, Pergamum, 38, 72; of Athena Polias, Priene, 59a; at Prinias,
26, 27; of Nemesis, Rhamnous, 29; of Hera, Samos, 21, 23, 24, 36, 37; of Cybele, Sardis,
38, 68b; Selinus; "A," "C," 34e; "D," 34[; "FS." 34g; "GT," J4h; of Apollo, Sminthe,
38, 69b; of Poseidon, Sunion, 29; of Zeus, Syracuse, 34a; of Athena, Tegea, 39, 74, 18;
Thermon, 21-22, 25, 26; Megaron B, 21, 21; Temple of Apollo, 25, 21
Thersilion, Megalopolis, 41
Thessaly, neolithic building at, //
Tholos, Athens, 34, 65; Delphi, 39, 13; Epidaurus, 39, 15, 19
Thrace, 14
126 Thucydides, 23
Tiryns, 18, 20, 13; Mycenaean Palace, 14; Round Building, 18, /J
Tombs, 15, 18, 19, 16; of Cecrops, 31 ; see alsoChamber tombs
Treasury, of the Siphnians, Delphi, 29, 43, 44; of Atreus, Mycenae, 19, 16; of Gela, Olym-
pia, 33b
Tri-(]olumnar Hall, Knossos, 17, 7
Trojan War, 21
Tsangli, Thessaly, 11
Vase, 21 ; archaic Athenian, 32; Geometric, 20; Octopus, 18; Portland, 111; Red-figured, 50
Vaulting, 37
Wars, Athens against Sparta (Peloponnesian) 24, 36; Persian, 24; Trojan, 21
Ainericdii School of Classical Studies, Athens: 2, 4, 12, 17, 48, 66, 82, 83, 84, 87, 1 in
Antikensammlungen, Munich: 50, 51
Wycherley, R. E., How the Greeks Built Cities (London, 1949): 90, 96
mfi s:reat ages of #id'carcliitecture ', 1^
fBEm AmmmMM
^ ;
bv Robert L. Scranton
From the earliest Helladic structures, through such restless Minoan complexes as the
amazing palace of Knossos, to the formal, rigorously symmetrical forms of late Helladic
building, it is here possible to follow the development of Greek architecture. Almost
paralleling the forms of literary expression from the energetic Homeric epic to the com-
pact drama of Sophocles, Greek architecture can be viewed as^one major aspect of an
Mncreasingly well-integrated whole.
The great variety and architectural experimentation of the sixth century B.C. was a
vital step which culminated in the structural order, idealism, and complete harmony of the
Classical fifth century. Within the well-ordered system of the city-state, philosophers and
architects alike were able to channel their creo^tive energies into the refinement and inte-
gration of knowledge. Thus, the Parthenon "could emerge not as an architectural
innovation but as the exquisite statement of an ethos.
When the city-state dissolved, as it did in the Kellenistic period, the Greeks had to go
beyond their objective experience to struggle with intangibles. Architecture met these new
challenges in a variety of ways: by bringing each individual structure into a more formal
relationship with surrounding buildings and with its environment; by concentrating on
new types of buildings; and by emphasizing the vertical, thus diminishing the mass and
\self-sufficiency of each building. |;