a. Negative
in life which is not
conductive to health
maintenance and
Explanation: Mr. J already
understands or knows the
consequences of his habit;
however, because he is
already used to smoking and
drinking, he thinks he can’t
stop it
Health Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care Objective of Care Midwifery Method of Resources
Problem Intervention Midwife Required
Their first 1) Inability to recognize After the After the 1. Broaden the Home Visit Material
child is the presence of the midwifery midwifery knowledge by Resources
drinking condition or problem intervention, intervention the discussing the
alcohol and due to: The family patient will: following:
vaping. a. Lack of or specially the
inadequate first born will
knowledge able to change
Explanation: JP is not his perspective
knowledgeable about the on his drinking
consequences and possible and vaping
problems his habit may habits
cause, not only to him but
also to his family as well.
2) Inability to provide a
home environment
conductive to health
maintenance and
development due to:
a. Lack of / inadequate
knowledge of
preventive measures.
Example: JP could not
understand the importance
of stopping his habits to
prevent the occurrence of
health problems.
Health Family Nursing Goal of Care Objective of Midwifery Rationale Method Resources Evaluation
Problem Problem Care Intervention of Required
They do not 1) Inability to After the After the 1. Broaden the Raise Home Material Goal met.
have their provide a home midwifery midwifery knowledge by awareness and Visit Resources:
own Comfort environment intervention, intervention discussing the to widen the
Room. conductive to the DC family the patient following: know ledge of Auditory
Moreover, health will be able to will: each family and use of
upon maintenance comprehend a. Definition of members as printed
inspection, and personal the sanitation and well as copies of
we noticed a development significance hygiene. encourage the discussion
foul smell due to: of basic b. It’s DC family to for Health
coming from a. Inadequate sanitation and importance. invest on Teaching.
the comfort family hygiene. As c. financially for
room (owned resources, well as have Demonstration the needed Hygiene
by the specifically the means or of hand materials and Kit
mother of financial initiative to washing. effort for
Mrs. Hence, constraints clean the d. risk factor of sanitation and
according to limited to comfort unsanitized hygiene.
Mrs. financial room. facility
Corazon, resources. specifically,
“Sami lang Explanation: Aside comfort rooms
madalusan from the lack of
no ada space in their 2. Encourage To avoid
makasango.” house, they also the family to pointing fingers
can’t build or have assign the and fight
their own comfort member of the among the
room because of a family their day family
lack of financial to clean the members,
specifically the
resources. comfort room.
children. To
make sure that
a. Inadequate there will be a
family cleaner.
lack space 3.Provide To have
to construct hygiene kit and resources to
facility. start practicing
proper hygiene
Explanation: Since material for and sanitation.
the space in their comfort room.
house is small and
not enough for
them, they have no
space to build their
own comfort room.
a. lack of
of the
of hygiene
Explanation: They
are not
enough about the
importance of
hygiene and
sanitation, as
evidenced by not
cleaning their
comfort room
frequently. as well
as the respiratory
and health
problems or
diseases they may
develop due to an
unclean comfort
Health Family Midiwfery Problem Goal of Care Objective of Care Midwifery Method of Resources
Problem Intervention Midwife Required
The waste is 1) Inability to provide a After the After the 1. Broaden the Home Visit Material
unsegregated. home environment midwifery midwifery knowledge by Resources
And conductive to health intervention, intervention the discussing the
improperly maintenance and patient will: following: Trash bags or
broken glass personal Sack
materials or development due to: a. Importance of
sharp disposal. a. Failure to see Environment
benefits (specifically b. 3 R’s
long-term ones) of
investment in home 2. Encourage the
environment. mother to implement
Explanation: Proper waste the 3R’s and
and sharp disposal are not
executed due to a failure to
see the benefits to their
health and environment.
a. Lack of/inadequate
knowledge of
preventive measures.
Explanation: They are not
aware enough of the
importance of proper waste
and sharp disposal in
preventing respiratory
illness or health problems,
as well as any injury that
may occur.