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Iso 45001

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ISO 45001 - Requirements and comments

No sub- Requirement Comment, link
4 Context of the organization Plan
4.1 The organization and its context
1 4.1 Determine external and internal issues Understand everything that can influence the purpose and strategic
direction of the company (corporate culture, innovation, strategic
direction, competition, market, compliance obligation, work time, work
conditions). Cf. sub-clause 6.1
4.2 Interested parties
2 4.2 a Identify the other interested parties In addition to the workers. All that is relevant to the OH&SMS
(Occupational Health and Safety Management System)
3 4.2 b Clarify the needs and expectations Of workers and interested parties
4 4.2 c Determine legal requirements Actual or potential needs and expectations
4.3 Scope of the OH&SMS
5 4.3 Define the scope of the OH&SMS Administrative limits and applicability
6 4.3 a Take into account the external and internal "Identifying the hazards is reducing the risks". Cf. sub-clause 4.1
7 4.3 b Take into account the requirements of When changing processes, products, requirements, infrastructure.
interested parties Cf. sub-clause 4.2
8 4.3 c Take into account the work-related "No risk does not exist". Current or planned activities
9 4.3 Include in the OH&SMS the activities that And products and services that may impact the OH&SMS
can impact the organization's OH&S
10 4.3 Retain the scope of the OH&SMS available Cf. sub-clause 7.5
as documented information
4.4 OH&SMS
11 4.4 Establish, implement, maintain and "If you cannot describe what you are doing as a process, you do
continually improve a process-based not know what you're doing. Edwards Deming". Including necessary
OH&SMS processes and their interactions
5 Leadership and worker participation Plan , Do, Check, Act
5.1 Leadership and commitment
12 5.1 a Assume overall responsibility and "When you sweep the stairs, you start at the top". Romanian
accountability for the OH&S prevention proverb. Top management demonstrates leadership (fully assuming its
responsibility and commitment). Prevention of injury and ill health.
Provision of safe and healthy workplaces
13 5.1 b Ensure that the OH&S policy and Demonstrates leadership. The policy and the objectives are compatible
objectives are established with the strategic direction of the company
14 5.1.c Ensure that OH&SMS requirements are Demonstrate leadership. Cf. sub-clause 4.4
integrated into the internal business
15 5.1 d Ensure that the necessary resources for Demonstrate leadership. Resources to establish, implement, maintain and
the OH&SMS are available improve the OH&SMS
16 5.1 e Communicate the importance of an Demonstrate leadership. Meet OH&SMS requirements
effective and conforming OH&SMS
17 5.1 f Ensure the achievement of intended results Demonstrate leadership. Commitment, responsiveness and active support
of the OH&SMS from top management
18 5.1 g Support the staff contribution to the To contribute to the performance of the OH&SMS. Demonstrate leadership
effectiveness of the OH&SMS
19 5.1 h Promote continual improvement "Employees first, customers second". Vineet Nayar. Demonstrate
leadership. Cf. clause 10
20 5.1 i Support the leadership of managers So that they can demonstrate leadership in their respective fields
21 5.1 j Promote a culture that supports the Demonstrate leadership. By developing the OH&S culture to promote the
intended results of the OH&SMS expected results of the OH&SMS
22 5.1 k Protect workers from reprisals When reporting incidents, hazards, risks and opportunities. Demonstrate
23 5.1 l Establish and implement a process for Demonstrate leadership. Cf. sub-clause 5.4
consultation and participation of workers
24 5.1 m Support health and safety committees Demonstrate leadership
5.2 OH&S policy
25 5.2 a Commit to providing safe and healthy Establishing, applying and maintaining the OS&H policy for the prevention
working conditions of injuries and ill health. The working conditions are appropriate to the
purpose, size and context of the company as well as specific risks and
26 5.2 b Provide a framework to define and review Cf. sub-clause 6.2
the OH&S objectives
27 5.2 c Meet the applicable legal requirements And other requirements to which the company has subscribed. Cf. sub-
clause 6.1.3
28 5.2 d Commit to eliminate hazards And reduce OH&S risks. Cf. sub-clause 8.1.2
29 5.2 e Commit to OH&SMS continual Cf. clause 10
30 5.2 f Commit to consultation of workers And seek the participation of workers (or their representatives), cf.
paragraph 5.4
31 5.2 Retain the OH&S policy as documented The OH&S policy cannot be a confidential document, it is available to
information relevant interested parties, cf. sub-clause 7.5
32 5.2 Communicate the OH&S policy At all levels of the company
33 5.2 Keep the OH&S policy available to The OH&S policy cannot be a confidential document, it is available to all
interested parties interested parties
34 5.2 Ensure that the OH&S policy is relevant By reviewing it periodically
and appropriate
5.3 Roles, responsibilities, authorities
35 5.3 Ensure that OH&SMS responsibilities and And communicated by top management at all levels. "The responsibility
authorities are assigned cannot be shared". Robert Heinlein
36 5.3 Maintain OH&SMS responsibilities and Cf. sub-clause 7.5
authorities as documented information
37 5.3 Assume (by the workers) the responsibility At all levels of the company. Remember that, in the end, top
for the elements of the OH&SMS for which management is fully responsible (cf. sub-clause 5.1)
they are responsible
38 5.3 a Ensure that the OH&SMS meets the By assigning responsibility and authority by name
requirements of ISO 45001
39 5.3 b Submit reports on the performance of the To top management regularly
Consultation and participation of
40 5.4 Establish, implement and maintain a At all levels of the company. Objective: to develop, plan, implement and
process for consultation and participation evaluate performance and actions to improve the OH&SMS. Cf. sub-
of workers clause 10.3
41 5.4 a Provide mechanisms, time, training and For consultation and participation of workers or their representatives
42 5.4 b Provide timely access to relevant About the OH&SMS
43 5.4 c Determine and remove obstacles and And reduce the obstacles that cannot be removed. Examples of obstacles:
barriers not responding to staff suggestions, language or language barriers,
threats or reprisals
44 5.4 d 1 Emphasize the consultation of non- By determining the needs and expectations of the interested parties, cf.
managerial workers sub-clause 4.2
45 5.4 d 2 Emphasize the consultation of non- By establishing the OH&S policy, cf. sub-clause 5.2
managerial workers
46 5.4 d 3 Emphasize the consultation of non- By assigning roles, responsibility and authority, cf. sub-clause 5.3
managerial workers
47 5.4 d 4 Emphasize the consultation of non- By determining how to apply and meet legal requirements, cf. sub-
managerial workers clause 6.1.3
48 5.4 d 5 Emphasize the consultation of non- By establishing OH&S objectives, cf. sub-clause 6.2
managerial workers
49 5.4 d 6 Emphasize the consultation of non- By determining the prevention means regarding external providers, cf.
managerial workers sub-clause 8.1.4
50 5.4 d 7 Emphasize the consultation of non- By determining what is needed to monitor, measure and evaluate, cf.
managerial workers sub-clause 9.1
51 5.4 d 8 Emphasize the consultation of non- By planning, applying and keeping up-to-date the audit program, cf. sub-
managerial workers clause 9.2.2
52 5.4 d 9 Emphasize the consultation of non- By ensuring continual improvement, cf. sub-clause 10.3
managerial workers
53 5.4 e 1 Emphasize the participation of non- By determining methods of consultation and participation
managerial workers
54 5.4 e 2 Emphasize the participation of non- By identifying hazards and by assessing risks and opportunities, cf. sub-
managerial workers clauses 6.1.1 and 6.1.2
55 5.4 e 3 Emphasize the participation of non- By determining actions to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks, cf.
managerial workers sub-clause 6.1.4
56 5.4 e 4 Emphasize the participation of non- By determining the requirements in terms of competence, training needs,
managerial workers training and training evaluation, cf. sub-clause 7.2
57 5.4 e 5 Emphasize the participation of non- By determining what is necessary to communicate and how to do it, cf.
managerial workers sub-clause 7.4
58 5.4 e 6 Emphasize the participation of non- By determining the prevention means, their effective application and use,
managerial workers cf. sub-clauses 8.1, 8.1.3 and 8.2
59 5.4 e 7 Emphasize the participation of non- By investigating incidents, nonconformities and determining corrective
managerial workers actions, cf. sub-clause 10.2
6 Planning Plan
Actions to address risks and
6.1.1 General
60 6.1.1 a Determine risks and opportunities In order to ensure that the OH&SMS can achieve its expected results, cf.
sub-clauses 4.1 (context) and 4.2 (interested parties) and 4.3 (scope). A
state of play is always useful before planning "Any decision involves a
risk". Peter Barge
61 6.1.1 b Determine risks and opportunities In order to anticipate or reduce undesirable effects such as injuries and ill
62 6.1.1 c Determine risks and opportunities In order to be part of the continual improvement process, cf. clause 10
63 6.1.1 Take into account hazards When determining the risks and opportunities of the OH&SMS and the
expected results to be addressed, cf. sub-clause
64 6.1.1 Take into account OH&S risks When determining the risks and opportunities of the OH&SMS and the
expected results to be addressed, cf. sub-clause
65 6.1.1 Take into account OH&S opportunities When determining the risks and opportunities of the OH&SMS and the
expected results to be addressed, cf. sub-clause
66 6.1.1 Take into account legal requirements When determining the risks and opportunities of the OH&SMS and the
expected results to be addressed, cf. sub-clause 6.1.3
67 6.1.1 Determine and assess the risks and When changing in the company, processes or OH&SMS
opportunities that are relevant to the
OH&SMS outcomes
68 6.1.1 Assess the risks and opportunities before When control of planned, temporary or permanent changes, cf. sub-
planned changes are implemented clause 8.1.3
69 6.1.1 Maintain documented information on risks Including processes and actions to address risks and opportunities, cf.
and opportunities sub-clauses 6.1.2 to 6.1.4. Cf. sub-clause 7.5
Hazard identification and assessment
of risks and opportunities Hazard identification
70 Establish, implement and maintain a Ongoing and proactive process. Identify hazards, sources and
process for hazard identification situations. "Identifying the hazards is reducing the risks". Identify,
prioritize, reduce or eliminate OH&S risks.
71 a Take into account in the process how work Social factors such as workload, work hours, harassment and bullying
is organized, social issues, leadership and
corporate culture
72 b Take into account in the process routine Hazards arising from infrastructure, equipment, materials, substances
1 and non-routine activities and hazards and physical conditions of the workplace
73 b Take into account in the process routine Hazards arising from design, research, development, testing, production,
2 and non-routine activities and hazards assembly, construction, service delivery, maintenance and disposal of
product and service
74 b Take into account in the process routine Hazards arising from human factors
3 and non-routine activities and hazards
75 b Take into account in the process routine Hazards arising from how the work is performed
4 and non-routine activities and hazards
76 c Take into account in the process past Including emergencies and their causes. Incidents can be internal or
incidents external to the company
77 d Take into account in the Cf. sub-clause 8.2
process emergency situations
78 e Take into account in the process people And their activities. People such as workers, external providers and
1 with access to the workplace visitors
79 e Take into account in the process people Who can be affected by the activities of the company
2 near the workplace
80 e Take into account in the process people Not under the direct control of the company
3 working in another workplace
81 f Take into account in the process other Such as the design of workplaces, processes, facilities, machinery,
1 issues equipment, work procedures, organization of work, including their
adaptation to the needs and capabilities of the workers involved
82 f Take into account in the process other Such as situations near the workplace caused by work-related activities
2 issues under the control of the company
83 f Take into account in the process other Such as situations near the workplace that can cause injury and ill health
3 issues not under the control of the to workers in the workplace
84 g Take into account in the process the Such as changes in organization, operations, processes, activities and
current or proposed changes OH&SMS, cf. sub-clause 8.1.3
85 h Take into account in the process changes And information about hazards
in knowledge of hazards
Assessment of OH&S risks and other
risks to the OH&SMS
86 a Establish, implement and maintain a Regarding identified hazards. While taking into account the effectiveness
process to assess OH&S risks of existing controls of prevention and protection
87 b Establish, implement and maintain a Regarding the establishment, implementation, operation and maintenance
process to determine the other risks of the OH&SMS
88 Define the methodology and criteria for the With respect to their scope, nature and timing. Ensuring that methods
assessment of OH&S risks and criteria are proactive and are applied systematically
89 Maintain and retain documented Cf. sub-clause 7.5
information on the methodology and
Assessment of OH&S opportunities and other opportunities to the
90 a Establish, implement and maintain a By taking into account the opportunities to adapt the work, its
1 process to assess opportunities to improve organization and its environment to the workers. Changes related to the
the OH&SMS performance and planned company, policy, processes or activities
91 a Establish, implement and maintain a By taking into account the opportunities to eliminate hazards and reduce
2 process to assess opportunities to improve OH&S risks
the OH&SMS performance and planned
92 b Establish, implement and maintain a Cf. clause 10
process to evaluate opportunities for
improvement of the OH&SMS
Determination of legal requirements
and other requirements
93 6.1.3 a Establish, implement and maintain a Requirements that are applicable to its hazards, OH&S risks and
process to determine and have access to OH&SMS. A voluntary commitment subscribed by the company to
up-to-date legal requirements interested parties becomes an internal requirement. "No one is
supposed to ignore the law". Latin proverb
94 6.1.3 b Establish, implement and maintain a And what needs to be communicated, cf. sub-clause 7.4
process to determine how these legal
requirements apply to the company
95 6.1.3 c Establish, implement and maintain a When establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving
process to take these legal requirements the OH&SMS
into account
96 6.1.3 Maintain and retain documented Cf. sub-clause 7.5
information on legal requirements
97 6.1.3 Ensure documented information is updated Taking into account any change, cf. sub-clause 8.1.3
6.1.4 Planning action
98 6.1.4 a 1 Plan actions to address risks and Cf. sub-clauses and
99 6.1.4 a 2 Plan actions to meet legal requirements Cf. sub-clause 6.1.3
100 6.1.4 a 3 Plan actions to prepare for and respond to Cf. sub-clause 8.2
emergency situations
101 6.1.4 b 1 Plan actions how to integrate and And in business processes
implement them into your OH&SMS
102 6.1.4 b 2 Plan actions how to evaluate the Effectiveness: ability to carry out planned activities with the minimum of
effectiveness of these actions effort
103 6.1.4 Take into account the hierarchy of Including outputs from the OH&SMS, cf. sub-clause 8.1.2
prevention means when planning actions
104 6.1.4 Consider best practices, technological And financial, operational and business requirements
OH&S objectives and planning to
achieve them
6.2.1 OH&S objectives
105 6.2.1 Establish OH&S objectives At relevant functions. The goal is to maintain and continually improve the
OH&SMS, cf. sub-clause 10.3
106 6.2.1 a Choose objectives that are consistent with Cf. sub-clause 5.2
the OH&S policy
107 6.2.1 b Use measurable objectives Or capable of performance evaluation
108 6.2.1 c 1 Take into account applicable requirements Cf. sub-clause 6.1.3
109 6.2.1 c 2 Take into account the results of the Of risks and opportunities, cf. sub-clauses and
110 6.2.1 c 3 Take into account the results of With workers and their representatives, cf. sub-clause 5.4
111 6.2.1 d Monitor objectives Appropriately and regularly
112 6.2.1 e Communicate objectives Cf. sub-clause 7.4
113 6.2.1 e Update the objectives As appropriate
6.2.2 Planning to achieve OH&S objectives
114 6.2.2 a Determine what will be done When planning how to achieve its OH&S objectives
115 6.2.2 b Determine what resources will be required When planning how to achieve its OH&S objectives
116 6.2.2 c Determine who will be in charge When planning how to achieve its OH&S objectives
117 6.2.2 d Determine the planning schedule When planning how to achieve its OH&S objectives
118 6.2.2 e Determine how the results will be Including indicators for monitoring
119 6.2.2 f Determine how the actions will be In order to achieve OH&S objectives
integrated in business processes
120 6.2.2 Maintain and retain documented And plans to achieve them, cf. sub-clause 7.5
information on objectives
7 Support Do
7.1 Resources
121 7.1 Determine and provide the necessary In order to establish, implement and improve the OH&SMS
7.2 Competence
122 7.2 a Determine the necessary competence of Workers that affect or can affect the OH&S performance
123 7.2 b Ensure the competence of workers On the basis of appropriate education, training and experience
including the ability to identify hazards
124 7.2 c Undertake actions to acquire and maintain And evaluate the effectiveness of these actions
the necessary competence
125 7.2 d Retain documented information on Cf. sub-clause 7.5
7.3 Awareness
126 7.3 a Make workers aware of OH&S policy and Cf. sub-clauses 5.2 and 6.2
127 7.3 b Make workers aware of their contribution And the benefits of improved OH&S performance
to the effectiveness of the OH&SMS
128 7.3 c Make workers aware of the implications Do not forget the potential consequences on professional activities
and consequences of not conforming to the
129 7.3 d Make workers aware of incidents And the outcomes of investigations of incidents
130 7.3 e Make workers aware of hazards and OH&S And actions taken to eliminate hazards and reduce risks
131 7.3 f Make workers aware of the provisions of Faced with situations presenting a serious and imminent danger. Know
their right of withdrawal that penalties for workers cannot be enforced
7.4 Communication
7.4.1 General
132 7.4.1 a Define the subjects on which to Including determining on which subjects to communicate. "Good news
communicate walks, bad news runs". Swedish proverb
133 7.4.1 b Establish, apply and maintain a Including determining when to communicate
communication process
134 7.4.1 c 1 Establish, apply and maintain a Including determining with whom to communicate at various levels of the
communication process company
135 7.4.1 c 2 Establish, apply and maintain a Including determining with whom to communicate (external providers and
communication process visitors)
136 7.4.1 c 3 Establish, apply and maintain a Including determining with whom to communicate (other interested
communication process parties)
137 7.4.1 d Establish, apply and maintain a Including determining how to communicate
communication process
138 7.4.1 Take into account diversity aspects when Such as gender, language, culture, literacy, disability
analyzing communication needs
139 7.4.1 Ensure that views of interested parties are Views regarding the OH&SMS
taken into account
140 7.4.1 Take into account your legal requirements When establishing the communication process
141 7.4.1 Ensure that information to be When establishing the communication process
communicated is consistent and reliable
regarding the OH&SMS
142 7.4.1 Respond to relevant communications Related to the OH&SMS
143 7.4.1 Retain pertinent documented information As appropriate, cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
on your communication
7.4.2 Internal communication
144 7.4.2 a Communicate internally relevant OH&SMS At various levels of the company, including adopted changes
145 7.4.2 b Ensure that your communication process Cf. clause 10
allows workers to contribute to continual
7.4.3 External communication
146 7.4.3 Communicate externally relevant OH&SMS As established by the communication process and taking into account the
information legal requirements, cf. sub-clause 6.1.3
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
147 7.5.1 a Include the documented information Documented information to maintain (documented procedures):
required by the ISO 45001 standard
 responsibilities and authorities of the OH&SMS (sub-clause 5.3)
 OH&S risks and opportunities (sub-clause 6.1.1)
 methods and criteria for risk assessment (sub-clause
 legal requirements (sub-clause 6.1.3)
 OH&S objectives and action plans (sub-clause 6.2.2)
 process control (sub-clause 8.1.1)
 emergency situations (sub-clause 8.2)
 continual improvement (sub-clause 10.3)

Documented information to retain (records):

 scope (sub-clause 4.3)

 OH&S policy (sub-clause 5.2)
 responsibilities and authorities (sub-clause 5.3)
 methods and criteria for risk assessment (sub-clause
 legal requirements (sub-clause 6.1.3)
 OH&S objectives and action plans (sub-clause 6.2.2)
 workers competence (sub-clause 7.2)
 communication (sub-clause 7.4.1)
 of external origin (sub-clause 7.5.3)
 process control (sub-clause 8.1.1)
 emergency situations (sub-clause 8.2)
 monitoring, measurement, analysis, evaluation and
 equipment (sub-clause 9.1.1)
 ensuring equipment (sub-clause 9.1.1)
 evaluation of compliance (sub-clause 9.1.2)
 audit program and audit results (sub-clause 9.2.2)
 decisions of the management review (sub-clause 9.3)
 incidents and nonconformities (sub-clause 10.2)
 continual improvement (sub-clause 10.3)

148 7.5.1 b Include in the OH&SMS documented This documented information is specific to the size of the company, the
information deemed necessary to the scope, the complexity of processes, products and services, the
effectiveness of the OH&SMS requirement to meet legal requirements and the competence of workers.
OH&S processes:

 consult the workers (sub-clause 5.4)

 identify hazards (sub-clause
 assess risks (sub-clause
 assess opportunities (sub-clause
 identify legal requirements (sub-clause 6.1.3)
 communicate (sub-clause 7.4.1)
 conduct process review (sub-clause 8.1.1)
 eliminate hazards and reduce risks (sub-clause 8.1.2)
 manage changes (sub-clause 8.1.3)
 acquire the products and services (sub-clause
 anticipate emergencies (sub-clause 8.2)
 inspect, analyze and evaluate (sub-clause 9.1.1)
 evaluate compliance (sub-clause 9.1.2)
 investigate incidents (sub-clause 10.2)
 control nonconformities (sub-clause 10.2)
7.5.2 Creating and updating
149 7.5.2 a Identify and describe the documented When creating and updating documented information. Such as title,
information appropriately author, date, coding
150 7.5.2 b Ensure that the format and the media of Examples of formats: language, software and graphics version. Examples
the documented information are of media: paper, electronic
151 7.5.2 c Review and approve the documented In order to determine the suitability and adequacy
information appropriately
7.5.3 Control of documented information
152 7.5.3 a Control the availability and suitable for use Where and when required. According to requirements of the OH&SMS and
of the documented information ISO 45001
153 7.5.3 b Control the adequate protection of the Such as loss of confidentiality, improper use or loss of integrity
documented information
154 7.5.3 Control the distribution, access, retrieval In order to control the documented information
and use
155 7.5.3 Control the storage and preservation Including preservation of readability
156 7.5.3 Manage changes Such as version control
157 7.5.3 Control the retention time and disposition By determining for every documented information the retention time and
disposal method
158 7.5.3 Control the documented information of Documented information deemed necessary for the planning and
external origin operation of the OH&SMS
8 Operation Do
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.1.1 General
159 8.1.1 a Plan, apply, control and maintain the By establishing process criteria and undertaking actions according to
processes needed to meet OH&SMS clause 6
160 8.1.1 b Plan, apply, control and maintain the By controlling these processes according to criteria
processes needed to meet OH&SMS
161 8.1.1 c Plan, apply, control and maintain the Maintaining and retaining documented information to ensure processes
processes needed to meet OH&SMS are completed as intended. Cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
162 8.1.1 d Plan, apply, control and maintain the By adapting work to workers
processes needed to meet OH&SMS
163 8.1.1 Coordinate the relevant parts of the For multi-employer workplaces
OH&SMS with other companies
Eliminating hazards and reducing
OH&S risks
164 8.1.2 a Eliminate the hazards By establishing, applying and maintaining a process for the elimination of
hazards and reduction of OH&S risks
165 8.1.2 b Substitute with less hazardous materials, By establishing, applying and maintaining a process for the elimination of
processes, operations or equipment hazards and reduction of OH&S risks
166 8.1.2 c Apply engineering controls or reorganize By establishing, applying and maintaining a process for the elimination of
work hazards and reduction of OH&S risks
167 8.1.2 d Apply administrative controls, including By establishing, applying and maintaining a process for the elimination of
training hazards and reduction of OH&S risks
168 8.1.2 e Use adequate personal protective By establishing, applying and maintaining a process for the elimination of
equipment hazards and reduction of OH&S risks
8.1.3 Management of change
169 8.1.3 a Establish a process for the implementation Changes that may affect OH&S performance. Including workplace
and control of planned temporary or locations and surroundings, work organization, working conditions,
permanent changes including new equipment and work force
products, services and processes or their
170 8.1.3 b Establish a process for the implementation Including changes to legal requirements
and control of planned temporary or
permanent changes
171 8.1.3 c Establish a process for the implementation Including changes in knowledge about hazards and OH&S risks
and control of planned temporary or
permanent changes
172 8.1.3 d Establish a process for the implementation Including developments in knowledge and technology
and control of planned temporary or
permanent changes
173 8.1.3 Analyze the consequences of unintended And take action to mitigate any adverse effect
8.1.4 Procurement General
174 Establish, apply and maintain a process to In order to ensure compliance regarding the OH&SMS
control the acquisition of products and
services External providers
175 Coordinate your acquisition process with In order to identify hazards and to assess and control the OH&S risks
a your external providers arising from the activities and operations of external providers that may
impact the company
176 Coordinate your acquisition process with In order to identify hazards and to assess and control the OH&S risks
b your external providers arising from the activities and operations of the company that may impact
the external provider's workers
177 c Coordinate your acquisition process with In order to identify hazards and to assess and control the OH&S risks
your external providers arising from the activities and operations of external providers that may
impact other interested parties in the workplace
178 Ensure that the OH&SMS requirements are And their workers
met by external providers
179 81.4.2 Define and implement OH&S criteria for Criteria included in the process related to external providers (acquisition
the selection of external providers control), cf. sub-clause Outsourcing
180 Ensure that outsourced functions and "Suppliers are part of the process". Frank Ostroff
processes are controlled
181 Ensure that outsourcing arrangements are And they allow achieving the intended outcomes of the OH&SMS
consistent with legal requirements
182 Define the type and degree of control to be Regarding outsourced processes
Emergency preparedness and
183 8.2 a Establish, implement and maintain a Cf. sub-clause Establishing a planned response to emergencies
process to prepare for and respond to including the administration of first aid. "To lead is to plan"
potential emergency situations
184 8.2 b Establish, implement and maintain a By providing training for the planned response
process to prepare for and respond to
potential emergency situations
185 8.2 c Establish, implement and maintain a By periodically testing and exercising the planned response capability
process to prepare for and respond to
potential emergency situations
186 8.2 d Establish, implement and maintain a Evaluating performance and, if necessary, revising the planned response,
process to prepare for and respond to including after a test and mostly after the occurrence of an emergency
potential emergency situations situation
187 8.2 e Establish, implement and maintain a By communicating and providing relevant information to all workers on
process to prepare for and respond to their duties and responsibilities
potential emergency situations
188 8.2 f Establish, implement and maintain a By communicating relevant information to all interested parties
process to prepare for and respond to
potential emergency situations
189 8.2 g Establish, implement and maintain a By taking into account the needs and capabilities of all relevant interested
process to prepare for and respond to parties and ensuring their involvement in the development of the planned
potential emergency situations response
190 8.2 Establish, implement and maintain a Cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
process to prepare for and respond to
potential emergency situations
9 Performance evaluation Check
Monitoring, measurement, analysis
and performance evaluation
9.1.1 General
191 9.1.1 Establish, implement and maintain a In the inspection (monitoring and measurement) do not forget the
process for inspection, analysis and measuring equipment
performance evaluation
192 9.1.1 a 1 Determine what needs to be inspected Including the extent to which legal requirements are fulfilled
193 9.1.1 a 2 Determine what needs to be inspected Including activities related to identified hazards, risks and opportunities
194 9.1.1 a 3 Determine what needs to be inspected Including progress towards achievement of OH&S objectives
195 9.1.1 a 4 Determine what needs to be inspected Including effectiveness of prevention controls
196 9.1.1 b Determine the methods to be used For inspection, analysis and performance evaluation
197 9.1.1 c Determine the criteria to be used In order to evaluate OH&S performance
198 9.1.1 d Determine when the inspection will be Criteria to consider: frequency, sampling and process step
199 9.1.1 e Determine when the results from In order to analyze, evaluate and communicate
inspection will be used
200 9.1.1 Evaluate the OH&S performance In order to determine the effectiveness of the OH&SMS
201 9.1.1 Ensure that inspection equipment is And that they are properly used and maintained. Legal requirements may
calibrated or verified concern the calibration or verification of equipment
202 9.1.1 Retain appropriate documented As evidence of the results of inspection, analysis and performance
information evaluation. Cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
203 9.1.1 Retain appropriate documented On the maintenance, calibration and verification of measuring equipment.
information Cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance
204 9.1.2 Establish, apply and maintain a process for Cf. sub-clause 6.1.3. "Safety is never forever"
evaluating compliance with legal
205 9.1.2 a Determine methods and frequency for the In order to evaluate compliance
206 9.1.2 b Evaluate compliance And take action, if necessary. Cf. sub-clause 10.2
207 9.1.2 c Maintain knowledge and understanding of With legal requirements
its compliance
208 9.1.2 d Retain documented information of the Cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
compliance evaluation results
9.2 Internal audit
9.2.1 General
209 9.2.1 a 1 Conduct regularly planned internal audits Including OH&S policy and objectives
to provide information on whether the
OH&SMS conforms to the company's own
210 9.2.1 a 2 Conduct regularly planned internal audits Requirements in clauses 4 to 10 of the standard
to provide information on whether the
OH&SMS conforms to ISO 45001
211 9.2.1 b Conduct regularly planned internal audits And determine whether the OH&SMS is maintained
to provide information on whether the
OH&SMS is effectively implemented
9.2.2 Internal audit program
212 9.2.2 a Plan, establish, implement and update an Include the frequency, methods, responsibilities, consultation, planning
internal audit program requirements audit report. All these activities can be described in a guide
for the application of the audit program
213 9.2.2 a Take into account in the audit program the And results from previous audits. Follow the recommendations of ISO
importance of the processes concerned 19011
214 9.2.2 b Define the audit criteria And the audit scope
215 9.2.2 c Select auditors In order to ensure objective and impartial audits
216 9.2.2 d Ensure that the results of the audits are And to relevant workers and other interested parties
communicated to relevant managers
217 9.2.2 e Undertake actions to address And improve OH&S performance, cf. clause 10
218 9.2.2 f Retain documented information on the And the audit results, cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
application of the audit program
9.3 Management review
219 9.3 Review the OH&SMS at planned intervals In order to ensure that the OH&SMS is still suitable, adequate and
effective. "No system is perfect"
220 9.3 a Take into account the status of actions Use the last management report
from the previous management review
221 9.3 b 1 Take into account changes in issues that Such as needs and expectations of interested parties, cf. sub-clause 4.2
are relevant to the OH&SMS
222 9.3 b 2 Take into account changes in issues that Such as legal requirements, cf. sub-clause 6.1.3
are relevant to the OH&SMS
223 9.3 b 3 Take into account changes in issues that Such as risks and opportunities, cf. sub-clause 6.1
are relevant to the OH&SMS
224 9.3 c Take into account the extent to which the And the objectives have been achieved, cf. sub-clauses 5.2 and 6.2
OH&S policy has been met
225 9.3 d 1 Take into account information on the OH&S And trends in incidents, nonconformities, corrective actions and continual
performance improvement, cf. sub-clause 10.2 and 10.3
226 9.3 d 2 Take into account information on the OH&S And trends in inspection results, cf. sub-clause 9.1
227 9.3 d 3 Take into account information on the OH&S And trends in results of evaluation of compliance with legal requirements,
performance cf. sub-clause 6.1.3
228 9.3 d 4 Take into account information on the OH&S And trends in audit results, cf. sub-clause 9.2
229 9.3 d 5 Take into account information on the OH&S And trends in consultation and participation of workers, cf. sub-clause 5.4
230 9.3 d 6 Take into account information on the OH&S And trends in risks and opportunities, cf. sub-clause 6.1
231 9.3 e Take into account adequacy of resources In order to maintain the OH&SMS, cf. sub-clause 7.1
232 9.3 f Take into account relevant communication With all interested parties, cf. sub-clause 7.4
233 9.3 g Take into account opportunities for That we shall seize
continual improvement
234 9.3 Include in the outputs of the management Related on the adequacy, suitability and continual effectiveness of the
review decisions OH&SMS to achieve the expected results
235 9.3 Include in the outputs of the management Related on continual improvement opportunities, cf. clause 10
review decisions
236 9.3 Include in the outputs of the management Related on needs for changes to the OH&SMS, cf. sub-clause 8.1.3
review decisions
237 9.3 Include in the outputs of the management Related on resources needed, cf. sub-clause 7.1
review decisions
238 9.3 Include in the outputs of the management Related on actions to take, if needed
review decisions
239 9.3 Include in the outputs of the management Related on integration of the OH&SMS with business processes
review decisions
240 9.3 Include in the outputs of the management Related on implications for the strategic direction of the company
review decisions
241 9.3 Communicate the outputs of the And to workers' representatives, if they exist
management review to workers
242 9.3 Retain documented information on the Cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
results of the review of management
10 Improvement Act
10.1 General
243 10.1 Determine opportunities for improvement Cf. sub-clauses 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3
244 10.1 Undertake actions In order to achieve the intended outcomes of the OH&SMS
Incident, nonconformity and
corrective action
245 10.2 Establish, apply and maintain a process to Including the report, the investigation and the action plan
determine and manage incidents and
246 10.2 a 1 Respond quickly when an incident or In order to be able to control and correct
nonconformity occurs
247 10.2 a 2 Respond quickly when an incident or In order to deal with consequences
nonconformity occurs
248 10.2 b 1 Evaluate the need for corrective action by Include worker participation (cf. sub-clause 5.4) and other interested
investigating the incident or reviewing the parties. Corrective action to eliminate the root cause so it does not recur
249 10.2 b 2 Evaluate the need for corrective action by Or the causes of the nonconformity
determining the causes of the incident
250 10.2 b 3 Evaluate the need for corrective action by Or could occur
determining if similar incidents and
nonconformities have occurred
251 10.2 c Review existing assessments of OH&S risks Cf. sub-clause 6.1
or other risks, as appropriate
252 10.2 d Determine and apply any action needed, In accordance with the hierarchy of prevention means (cf. sub-
including corrective action clause 8.1.2) and change management (cf. sub-clause 8.1.3)
253 10.2 e Assess OH&S risks prior to taking action Actions that could generate new hazards or modify hazards already
254 10.2 f Review the effectiveness of any action Including any corrective action
255 10.2 g Make changes to the OH&SMS If necessary
256 10.2 Undertake corrective actions appropriate to Regarding incidents and nonconformities encountered
the actual or potential consequences
257 10.2 Retain documented information on the And any action taken, cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
nature of the incidents or nonconformities
258 10.2 Retain documented information on the And results of any action and its effectiveness, cf. sub-clause 7.5.1
nature of the incidents or nonconformities
259 10.2 Communicate this documented information And to any other interested party
to workers or their representatives
10.3 Continual improvement
260 10.3 a Improve continually the suitability, By improving the OH&S performance
adequacy and effectiveness of the
261 10.3 b Improve continually the suitability, By promoting a favorable OH&S culture
adequacy and effectiveness of the
262 10.3 c Improve continually the suitability, By promoting worker participation in the continual improvement of the
adequacy and effectiveness of the OH&SMS
263 10.3 d Improve continually the suitability, By communicating the results of continual improvement to workers and
adequacy and effectiveness of the their representatives
264 10.3 e Improve continually the suitability, By maintaining and retaining documented information on continual
adequacy and effectiveness of the improvement, cf. sub-clause 7.5.1

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