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Classroom Management

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Name: ___________________

CODE NUMBER: ____________

Classroom Management
Psychology for

Exam Guidelines:
- You have 120 minutes to complete the exam. Please use
your time efficiently.
- This exam contains 21 pages. Please make sure your
copy has no missing pages.
- If necessary, make assumptions to solve problems.
State your assumptions clearly.


 (circle the letter of your choice)

1. The Main Purpose of supervision of teaching should be the 1

2. Supervision Should be primarily 1

3. The basic purpose of supervision is to help 1

4. The elementary school teachers are directly responsible to the: 1

5. The criticism most frequently leveled at school administration is 1


6. The school headmaster is expected to 1

7. A supervisor is one who 1


Question 1

Teacher is a classroom manager who has leadership, characteristics

and effective in his/ her profession.

a. Elaborate two aspects in classroom management. 5


b. As an effective teacher, explain how do you apply competence 5

teaching and learning in classroom?

Question 2

Establish a good relationship with students is an ongoing social process

that require teacher's effort.

a. Elaborate three (3) strategies that teacher uses to establish good 5

Relation between teacher-students'

b. Explain two (2) factors that influence the forming of group 5


Question 3

For effective classroom management, conducive learning

Environment can be implemented if the classroom routine is

a. Explain the concept of classroom discipline' 5


c. According to Model Reality Therapy Glasser, how can you help 5

these students understand their action and choices made by

Question 4

The difference among the students' goals, capability and personality
requires teachers to look in to various factors in order to plan effective
classroom environment.

a. Elaborate three (3) elements that should be considered to achieve 5

an effective classroom management.

b. Explain 4 Components that can Be used for planning classroom 5


Question 5

If the learning environment is conducive, the students are able to
engage, participate and concentrate on learning, this environment has
the ability to Stimulate students' interest and passion to learn.
Assessment is also a part of the teaching process and the
implementation of procedures can help the classroom management'

a. Explain how a conducive learning environment can stimulate 5

students ‘Interest in learning and explain two (2) process that
involved in the assessment.

The contract system in behaviour modification must be agreed by the

teacher and the child.

b. Explain in details by using a contract system in behaviour 5

modification programme.

Many characteristics can be connected with autism child.

Explain in details the characteristic of autism child and how the 5
teachers manage to overcome the problems in the class.



1. What are the 5 P's of classroom management? 5


2. What are the 4 C's of classroom management? 5


3. What are 3 simple rules for classroom management? 3


4. What is the main point of classroom management? 3


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5. What is the main goal of classroom management? 4


Entering The Class

6. Where will you be when students enter the classroom? 2
7. What will you be doing as students enter the classroom? 2

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8. How do you want students to enter the classroom? 2
9. What do you expect students to do once they enter the classroom (before 2
the bell rings)?

During The Class

10.What will your procedure be when students are late? How will you ensure 3
the procedure causes the least amount of class interruption?
11. What technique(s) will you use to get the attention of students? How do 3
you want students to get your attention?

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12. Explain the procedure for students to leave their seat? (For example, only 2
during non-instructional time.)
13. What will your cell phone policy be? 2
14. What system will you use for the distribution and collection of handouts? 2
15. What system will you use for students to turn in work? 2

16. When is the most opportune time(s) for handout distribution and 3
collection as well as for turn ins? (For example, during periods of
transition, at the beginning of class, etc?)
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17. How will you handle student use of profanity? 3


18.What will you do to lessen class interruptions? (such as students asking for 3
supplies, for make-up work, etc.)
19. What policy will you have for students borrowing supplies from you? 3


20. What system will be in place for students leaving the room to use the 3
bathroom, get water, go to the office, to the nurse, to the counselor
etc.? (How will you ensure this system causes the least amount of
interruption to the class?)

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21. What procedure or system will be in place for students who were absent
and need make-up work?(How will you ensure this procedure causes the
least amount of interruption to the class?)


22. What will be your make-up work policy? 3


23.What tool will you use to keep track of incidents that happen in class? 3


24. What tool will you use to keep track of students if you give them 3


15 | P a g e
25.What system will you use to organize information about your special 3
education students?


26. (IEP’s, 504, any notable observations you make about their behavior, 3
work and demeanor, accommodations given etc.)
27.What system/tools will you use to store extra copies of handouts? 3


Leaving The Class

28. How will students turn in their work? 3

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29. Where will you store turned in work? 3


30. What are students expected to do/not do while waiting for the bell to 3
ring to go to their next class?


After Class
31. What technique will you use to keep a record of parent contact for positive 3
and negative behavior?

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32.What system will you use to keep a record of who attends detention? 3


33.What will your policy be for students who miss detention without an excuse 3


What system will you have in place for coach class? (coach class days, 3
centers, caddies, shelves, carts, etc.)


18 | P a g e
34. What will your policy be for students who skip your class? (be sure to 3
check if your district/school has a policy on this as well as lateness, make-
up work and absences.)
35.What tools will you use to organize your classroom? (bins, supply 3
centers, caddies, shelves, carts, etc.)

36. What is the most strategic way to set up your classroom? (students 3
desks, teacher desk, workstation if applicable, etc.)

37.How will you keep track of your daily lessons you teach for each class? 3

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38. How will you keep track of important meetings? (school, department, 3
team, parent/student conferences etc.)
Where will you store graded work?


39. What system will you have for returning graded work, ensuring for the 3
least amount of interruption to the class?


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Consistency = Repetition = Training students on how
the classroom is run = lower chances of problems or

40. What technique(s) will you use to ensure you remain consistent in 5
enforcing your classroom rules, policies, procedures, systems and


The End.

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