Pamphlet On Instructions On Planning and Conduct of Camps Index Sno Subject Page No
Pamphlet On Instructions On Planning and Conduct of Camps Index Sno Subject Page No
Pamphlet On Instructions On Planning and Conduct of Camps Index Sno Subject Page No
S No Subject Page No
l. Section I Introduction 03 – 06
2. Section II Planning 07 – 08
3. Section III Finance 09 – 12
4. Section IV Move to Camp Area 13 – 14
5. Section V Interior Economy/ Camp Adm 15 – 21
6. Section VI Mechanical Transport 22
7. Section VII Training 23 – 36
8. Section VIII Social Awareness and Community 37 – 39
9. Section IX Medical 40 – 46
10. Section X Discipline 47 – 49
11. Section XI Camp Officials and their Duties 50 – 74
12. Section XII Safety and Security 75 – 92
13. Section XIII Ceremonials and Publicity 93
14. Section XIV Dispersal 94 – 97
15. Appendix A Recce report for camp site 98
16. Appendix B Suggested Headings for Camp 99 – 100
Administrative Instructions
17. Appendix C Movement by Rail 101 – 104
1. Training camps in NCC are the culmination of Institutional training for cadets.
These must be conceived, formulated, planned and conducted so as to achieve the
training objectives in an optimum manner. Training camps are conducted in NCC at
various levels. A multitude of agencies are involved in the planning and provision of
resources for these camps and their conduct is affected by geographical location,
support from the State Govt, availability of camping infrastructure, social and
economic parameters, degree of liaison with civil authorities/ local military
units/establishment and numerous other aspects. It is imperative that the conduct of
the camps is executed in the most professional manner to achieve establish training
2. The aim of this pamphlet is to lay down guidelines for Planning and Conduct of
NCC Camps.
3 The guidelines given in the pamphlet will form the basis for conduct of camps at
all levels. State Directorates, Group Headquarters and Units will ensure proper
organization and conduct of camps in compliance with establish policies, norms and
instructions issued at various levels. These guidelines can be suitably modified
keeping in mind the peculiarities on ground, however, the basic tenets illustrated in
these instructions will not be violated. Camp appointment will be responsible for
compliance with the policy and daily scheduling, organization and conduct of training
and administrative activity and routine during the Camp.
Types of Camps
(a) ATCs/CATCs. These camps are conducted for SD, SW, JD and JW
cadets over a duration of 10 days. The aim of these camps is to introduce
cadets to a regimented way of life. During Camp training endeavor should
be made to give cadets maximum exposure to Range Drill, firing and
specialized training with emphasis on community living, discipline, character
and confidence building and first-aid.
(ii) Thal Sainik Camp. The aim of this camp is ‘to give an exposure
to salient aspects of Army Wing trg and generate healthy
competitive spirit by conducting Army Wing competitions
contributing towards Prime Minister Banner awarded during
Republic Day Camp. This Camp also helps in fostering a sense of
discp, leadership, comradeship and national integration. It is conducted
in the form of Inter Dte competitions. The details of the competitions and
its conduct are elucidated in the ‘Red Book’.
(vii) Republic Day Camp (RDC). NCC Republic Day camp is the
culmination of all NCC Training activities and is held at Garrison Parade
Grounds, Delhi Cantt from 01 Jan to 29 Jan each year. Selected NCC
cdts from all the states and Union Territories attend the camp as per
vacancies allotted by HQ DGNCC annually. The camp is inaugurated by
the Hon’ble Vice President of India and culminates with the Prime
Minister’s Rally on 28 January. During the camp, visit of Hon’ble Raksha
Mantri, Hon’ble Raksha Rajya Mantri, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi and
three service chiefs are also organized. During the RDC, various
competitions are conducted amongst the 17 NCC Directorates to decide
the Champion Directorate for award of Prime Minister’s Banner.
Competitions are keenly contested in various events such as National
Integration Awareness, Line & Flag Area, Cultural, Best Cadet in each
wing, ie Army, Navy and Air Force, Aero modeling, Ship modeling
competitions are also conducted.
(ix) All India Treks. These camps are conducted under the aegis
DGNCC. These treks are conducted by designated State Directorates
make the cadets aware of the uniqueness and rich cultural diversity of
India. The duration of these camps is of 10 days. The aim of trekking
camps is ‘to develop spirit of adventure, leadership, stamina,
endurance, self confidence, team spirit as well as spirit-de-corps’
and also to imbibe environmental awareness and concern,
inculcate respect for local customs, culture and history and lastly
to promote national integration’ their conduct is covered by DGNCC
“SOP:All India Treks” issued vide DGNCC letter No 17812/Trek/DGNCC/
Trg(E) of 28 Nov 2013.
(c) Military Attachment Camp. These Camps are of l2 days duration and
are for Senior Division boys and Senior Wing Girls. Aim of these camps is to
expose selected Senior Division Cadets to Armed Forces environments
to give a feel of Military Training which would give them confidence and
inspire them to join the Armed Forces. Selected girl cadets are exposed to
day to day functioning of a Military Hospitals, which would give an exposure in
5. The planning for conduct of NCC training camps is initiated at the level of the
conducting Units/ Group Headquarters/ Directorates. The planning must be carried
out in consultation with concerned military/ civil administration before the
commencement of each training year. The support of local civil administration or
military units/establishments, infrastructure available, weather and period of the year
in relation to the schedule of NCC activities must be factored in. The coordination for
the camps must be carried by the Headquarters one level higher for optimal utilization
of the resources. Centrally Organised Camps are ordered by HQ DGNCC in
consultation with conducting State NCC Directorates, who thereafter coordinate and
conduct the specified camp. The camps should be planned in consultation with
universities, colleges and schools during their vacations as far as possible.
6. Preliminary recce should be carried out about four months before a camp is
due to start. This recce should be done by the Camp Commandant assisted by SM/ a
senior JCO or equivalent rank of Navy/ Air Force. The following points require special
attention whilst carrying out the recce :-
(b) Camp site is away from population or other establishments which can
cause disturbance to trg and hazards to the cdts.
(c) The camp area should be a leveled ground preferably with built up
accommodation for living and storage. Adequate open area suitable for
conduct of various trg activities must be available.
(d) There is adequate slope for water to drain out from the camp area.
(e) Camp site should be away from lakes, rivers and canals (water hazards).
(g) There should be reasonable amount of shade around the camping site.
(j) The area is not infested with snakes, scorpions, insects etc.
(k) The area is not infested with diseases in the epidemic form.
(l) Suitable training ground must be available with firing range in close
(m) The loc, layout and existing facilities must contribute towards security
attributes of the selected campsite.
9. On receipt of the approval, the Camp Commandant will carry out the detailed
recce of the camp area alongwith Sub Maj/ Sr JCO and Quarter Master and issue
detailed administrative instructions. Suggested headings for the same are given at
Appendix B.
10. The funds required for conduct of the Camps are released to the NCC Dtes in
advance by the Central and the State Govts at the commencement of each quarter of
the financial year. Detailed instructions are contained in GOI MoD letter No.
0965/DGNCC/Budget/903/D(GS-VI)/06 dated 18 May 2006. The accounting
procedures adopted must fulfill the stipulations and the procedures laid down by both
the Centre and the States to prevent avoidable audit obsns. A very high standard of
‘Financial Integrity and Probity’ is expected of everyone dealing with finances and
the same should be ensured at all levels.
Requisition of Advances
11. After finalization of the schedule of camps to be conducted in the trg yr and the
campsite, the Camp Commandant will submit the budget estimate (BE) for the
scheduled camp to Group Headquarters, who in turn will consolidate and forward the
same to State NCC Dte after scrutiny and countersignature. Care needs to be taken to
ensure that the requisition is calculated correctly under various heads based on the
current entitlements of various types of personnel/cadets attending the camp. NCC
Dte will then arrange the release of funds in the name of Camp Comdt or OC Unit, as
the case may be. Requisitions for advances should be sent as early as possible, but
not later than two months before the commencement of a camp. In cases where the
state govt fails/delays to release the state share of the camp fund, the camp may be
rescheduled after obtaining sanction from respective State Dtes. Approx estimate of
the expenditure to be prepared and forwarded to State NCC Dte and clearance to be
obtained. A 10 percent increase or decrease in the expenditure to be acceptable.
Accounts Officer
12. The Deputy Camp Commandant will be nominated by the respective NCC
Group HQ and assign the duties of Camp Account Offr in addition to other duties:-
(e) Submission of completed accounts with all the relevant documents to the
Camp Comdt soon after termination of the camp for audit.
(g) A full audit of the accounts should be done at Gp HQ level and surprise
check of expenditure should be done at State NCC Dte level. No handmade
expenditure slips to be accepted. A surprise check and audit of camp accounts
may also be done by DDG (P&F) at HQ DG NCC.
Maintenance of Camp Accounts
14. An expenditure report with accounts duly closed in all respects will be
submitted to the NCC Directorate within 30 days of termination of the camp. Unspent
portion of the camp fund must be remitted/ deposited to the NCC Dte/ state Govt
through MRO/DD. Closing of the camp accounts at the earliest is imperative.
15. All the measures to enforce transparency in handling of camp funds must be
adopted as elucidated in DGNCC letter No 4180/Transparency/DGNCC/Trg ‘A’ dt 26
Jul 2011.
Audit of Accounts
16. The concerned Group HQ/ State Dte should convene a Bd of Offrs for carrying
out pre-audit of the camp account within seven days of completion of the camp.
Thereafter, the audit of the camp should be conducted by the AG of respective states
at the earliest after the completion of the camp in accordance with the CAG of India
letter No. 1684/Adm-I/665-61 dated 12 Jul 1967.
Settling of Bills
17. All bills will be settled preferably by electronic transfer of funds. However, bills
can be settled through issuance of cheques under compelling circumstances where
the facility of electronic transfer is not available. No cash transaction will be
undertaken for settling of bills. The bills produced should consist of TIN NO, telephone
No, and complete address of vendor except for fresh vegetables and fruit items
purchased from retail vendors. The bills obtained from retail vendors must include the
mobile No, Adhar No and the address of the vendor to ensure transparency and
accountability at all levels.
Bank Accounts
Procurement of Stores/Eqpt
19. Endeavor must be made to procure all stores of supply and mtrl through ests/
agencies as existing in mil stns / civ sup depts of the civ adm where possible. it may
be procured through contracts with Govt regd contractors where the same is not
possible. Where the above is not possible, local purchase may be resorted to through
Purchase Committees constituted vide CROs as per laid down procedures. Items thus
procured must be taken on charge and accounted for thereafter. Also, whenever an
item is purchased on credit basis, it should be supported by sup order /delivery chalan
and credit bill should be of the same day of purchase.
21. Maintenance of Records. The following are some of the important records
required to be maintained by every Camp Commandant:-
(a) Cash Book
(b) Daily messing expenditure statement
(c ) Camp Store Ledger
(d) Loan Ledger
( f) Register of Security Deposits
(g) Attendance Register
(h) Stock Book
(j) Camp POL account including daily running report
(k) Register of hired tpt
(l) Telephone Call/rental register
(m) Postage account
(n) Muster roll of camp followers
(p) Audit objn register
(q) Printed columnar cash books as prescribed by Centre and State
23. Financial integrity is a key to any organisation’s reputation and is also a key to
both maintaining and enhancement of our organization’s value.
24. An innovative format for its Units undergoing camp which is forwarded to the
dte within ten days on termination of the camp. It ensures accurate, transparent and
timely reporting by the Units and the Gp HQs. The format is as under:-
01 Camp
02 Venue
03 Period
04 Approved Strength of Camp ANOs Cadets Total
(a) Govt/Govt Aided
(b) Self Aided
05 Actual Strength of Camp ANOs Cadets Total
(a) Govt/Govt Aided
(b) Self Aided
06 Camp Fund sanctioned
07 Addl Fund from other Receipt
08 Total camp fund Sanctioned/Received
09 Actual expenditure incurred
10 Unspent balance surrendered I
to Govt/deposited back to II
central fund
11 Date of submission of Adj bill to PAO
12 Date of completion of Camp Regt
13 Special remarks of the camp, if any
Certified that:-
(c) The unspent balance has been surrendered to Govt within the stipulated
(d) The arithmetic accuracy of the cash books, payment vouchers will correspond
of receipt vouchers and other supporting documents are verified.
(e) All the non expendable stores and the balance of expendable stores have been
transferred to unit stores ledger.
____________ ____________
(Name) (Name) (Name)
Accountant Superintendent Camp Commandant
(Name) (Name) (Name)
Regiment Audit Team Asst Dir (NCC Gp Hq) Asst (Gp HQ)
Group Commander
Advance Party
(b) Marking general layout of the camp including sign posting and route
(e) Establishment of cook houses, offices, Quarter Guard, Kote, stores and
MI room.
(a) Main body including training, administrative and clerical staff should
move one day prior to the start of Camp.
(b) Move of the Cadets. The Cadets will move to the camp area from
respective institutes/ participating Gp HQs/Dtes escorted by staffs (ANOs/PI
Staff/GCIs). SW and JW Cadets will be invariably accompanied by GCI/ ANOs
(ladies) so detailed. The cadets will report to the reception centre and affix the
thumb impression for biometric attendance to ensure transparency and
accountability at all levels.
(e) Instructions for the move of small parties are contained in Appendix E.
Priorities of Work
27. The cadets will carry out the following tasks in priorities laid down by the Camp
Comdt under supervision of regular staff:-
29. All tents will have a snake trench of 18” deep and 18” wide with vertical sides.
30. There will be adequate fire point established with following stores:
Digging of drains
Sign posting
32. Sign posting must help in iden the camp layout and all important venues should
be properly marked.
33. All the existing roads/tracks within the camp location should be well marked
with flags and stones and improved daily.
Note: In case the camp is being conducted in Armed Forces Unit / Est, SHO to be
incorporated for inspection of the location for its suitability.
Camp Orders
34. Camp Orders in the form of CRO must be published daily covering all the
aspects for promulgation to all personnel and civ in the camp. Suggested heading for
the CRO is att as Appendix F, which will be promulgated to all ranks participating in
the camp. A copy of the CRO must be displayed in designated places viz. Officers’
Mess, Information Room, and Coy Notice Boards and read out during Roll Call to the
cdts and staffs. System must be incorporated to pass all such orders to civ and ack
Reception Centre
35. A Reception Centre and Guests Tent/Room will be est at Main Entrance. The
reception centre apart from providing asst to the visitors must ensure security. Visit
timing must be promulgated in such a manner as not to interfere with the trg and other
camp activities. Visitors may be allowed to go round the camp after obtaining
permission from the Camp Commandant/ Deputy Camp Commandant. Reception
centre must be manned by pers of RP under the supervision of a PI Staff/ANO. A high
std of courtesy and mil decorum must be maint by the staff and the cdt manning the
Reception Centre. Visitors allowed to enter the camp will be accompanied / conducted
by ANOs/Cadets detailed for the purpose. Telephone connection/ mobile Nos must be
provided to facilitate the visitors to contact the concern staff/ cadet. The cadets will
report to the reception centre and affix the thumb impression for biometric attendance
to ensure transparency and accountability at all levels.
Scale of Rations
36. Scale of rations will be as per Logistic Manual (Green Book) 2005, issued by
HQ DG NCC. As far as possible and preferably rations will be purchased from Govt
controlled shops. A especially appointed Purchase Committee will purchase any items
which cannot be procured from these sources.
37. Wherever ASC Depots/Govt. agencies/Govt Controlled shops are located in the
same place or near about the Camps, the rations will be purchased from them in
exceptional cases, if it is cheaper than ASC/Govt. supply, ration may be purchased
from open market, Such purchases will be made from a reputed shop/dealer who
issues printed cash memos/bills, through the Purchase Committee after following the
laid down “Nodal formalities/ from government run cooperative stores / The Purchase
Committee will be promulgated in the CRO and composition as under:-
38. Members of this Committee will be changed at least thrice during the 10 days
camps and four times during the 12 days camp, however, senior cadets should be
changed daily to avoid them missing out on training. The purchase committee will be
responsible for making all purchases from local sources.
39. Only one cookhouse will be established in the camp except in camps like All
India trekking Camp where cooking will have to be done at more than one place.
Cooking will be done centrally and there will be a common menu for all. However, a
separate dining hall will be established for PI Staff and a separate dining hall for the
civilian staff. Camp Officer’s Mess will be established and food from the cookhouse
will be served in the Officers Mess. The services of the Officers’ Mess will be utilized
by all regular officer officers and ANOs. During the camps, the GCIs may be
permitted to dine in the officers’ mess. Cookhouse(s) be est at max possible distance
from the latrines.
(b) It will be ensured that stores are properly stacked off the ground to avoid
damage by white ants/ rodents and elements of weather.
(c) The stores should be sited away from the cadets’ lines and sentry should
be posted round the clock.
41. The Camp Office should be sited near the Quarter Guard and will be placed
“Out of Bound” for all ranks and cadets.
42. If the camp area permits, adequate sports grounds should be made available
during camp depending on the strength of the camp. The sports grounds should be
properly marked with white lines. It is desirable to have a big open ground at least
300 yards by 300 yards for conduct of parades.
Water Points
43. Water used in the camp must be from auth source and must be checked by
local medical authority and certified as potable. If water from auth source is not
available, water trucks/ bowsers must be hired for ferrying water from auth source.
Chemical for water treatment should be procured depending on requirement.
Sufficient number of water points should be arranged for boys and girls separately for
drinking as well as washing. Emphasis be laid on the following:-
Cook House
44. Food. The quality of food in the camp should be of high standard and
purchased from auth agencies or reputed dealers. It must be ensured by the Purchase
Committee. The food items must be stored properly and the storage area should be
free from insects and rodents. The food must be adequate and no wastage of food
must be ensured. All precautions should be taken to ensure that no case of food
poisoning occur in the camps. A sample of food provided to cadets will be
preserved for 36 hours after the meal is serveds.
45. Cooking and Serving of Food. The following points need attention:-
(a) All preliminaries such as cutting, peeling and washing of food items will be
done in a separate room/ tent. Peelings and cuttings will never be done on the
ground or on gunny bags. Proper preparation tables, cutting and chopping
blocks will be used for the purpose.
(b) The food must be properly cooked and cooking must be so timed that food
is ready only a few minutes before the time of distribution. The food should be
served hot except in the case of cold dishes, which are served cold.
(d) Regular inspection of the hygiene, sanitation and cleanliness of the cook
house staff and utensils should be carried out.
(i) Ration as per the feeding strength and the ‘Bill of Fare’ must be
issued and cooked.
(ii) Avoid over peeling, use of excess oil, condiments, salt & sugar.
(iv) Cadets should be made responsible for serving under the control
of the Messing Officer.
46. Cook House-Notice Board Every cook house will display a notice board with
the following orders/statements:-
Soakage pits
47. Each cookhouse will have a soakage pit 6’ deep and 4 ½ ‘ wide. These pits will
be fly proofed, filled with lime stone/brick and covered with a top layer of earth.
Cook House-Sanitation
48. Cook Houses must be kept scrupulously clean at all times. Waste food will be
buried/ burnt in refuse pits, which will be located away from the cookhouses. Each
cookhouse will be provided with soap and water treated with potassium permanganate
for washing hands. Sanitation rules for cook houses are given in Appendix G.
49. Separate messes for JCOS, NCOS, or equivalent ranks IN/IAF and civilian staff
will be established. The messing charge equal to that of the ration allowance entitled
to various categories of personnel should be recovered from them and credited in the
overall messing charges.
Local Inhabitants
50. (a) Cordial relations should be maintained with the local people. No cause
should be given for any complaints regarding rude behaviour/damage to crops
(b) Local influential people should be invited to camp functions and shown
round the camp.
51. (a) All servants employed in the camp will be in possession of a pass signed
by the Camp Commandant.
(b) Losses of these passes will be reported forthwith to the Camp Security
(c) It is imperative that all the civ employed during the camp must be
carefully selected. It must be ensured that they maint a high standard of
personal hygiene during the camp. All civilians employed in the camp will be
medically inspected. No one suffering from any contagious disease will be
engaged in the camp.
Cash/ Valuables
52. (a) Cadets will be prohibited from bringing large amounts of cash and
valuables to the camp. ANOs of respective institutes will ensure it before
moving out from the institutes. The cadets will be warned that if they do so it will
be at their own risk.
(b) If due to unavoidable circumstances any cadet does bring large cash or
other valuables, the same should be handed over to the Adjutant for safe
custody during the camp. The Adjutant will give a receipt for the same.
54. Latrines will be smoked every morning. The wooden frame will also be washed
twice a day and treated with lime. They will be inspected daily for cleanliness by the
QM Hav and will be seen daily by Camp Medical Officer and Camp QM. Latrines will
be provided at the scale of 10 seats per 100 cadets. Deep trench latrines of proper
specifications i.e. 3’ wide, 8’ deep and length suitable to requirements will be
constructed and covered by proper latrine frames. Partition screens will be erected for
each latrine seat. Sweepers will be on duty to keep them clean. Night latrines will be
earmarked and lighting provided.
55. Sufficient urinals should be provided within the camp area. These will be
treated daily with creosote and lime quick.
Note: Separate latrines and urinals will be est for girl and boy cadets. Latrines meant
to be used by girl cadets should be away from those meant for boy cadets and
proper security should be ensured to avoid any untoward incident. The Camp
Comdt/ Dy Comdt will be responsible for the security of the bathing, latrine and
urinal area of the girls.
Leisure Activities
(b) Games and Sports. A Camp Sports Officer will be nominated. He will
arrange evening sports and games. All cadets will take part in games daily.
(d) Audio Visual Eqpt. TV with Projection System, a PA eqpt with a good
music system will be quite useful both for recreation and trg activities.
Tuck Shop
57. Camp Commandant should ensure establishment of a Tuck shop in the camp
location for the cadets. The shop will function according to the timings notified in
Camp Routine Orders. A price list will be displayed after approval by the Camp Line
Committee. This list will be prominently displayed in the shop. It must be est by an
auth person/agency. The hygiene and sanitation of the Tuck Shop should be ensured
and all food handlers of the Tuck Shop should be medically examined.
58. Leave during camps is normally not granted and will only be considered under
very exceptional circumstances.
Private Mail
59. Private mail will be collected by the Coy Sgt Major from the Camp Office and
distributed to cadets. A post box will be kept near the Tuck Shop. Timings of collection
of mail will be notified in the Camp Routine Orders. Postal covers and stamps will be
sold in Tuck Shop. All efforts will be made to establish adequate STD telephone
connections in the camp.
Office Procedure
60. The location of the Camp Office and office timings will be notified in Camp
Routine Orders.
(a) Orderly Room. Orderly room cases will be brought before the Camp
Comdt at the time notified by the Camp Adjutant.
(b) Publication of Part I and Part II Orders. Camp routine orders will be
published by 1700hrs every day. Orders will be read out at Roll Call.
61. Mechanical transport detailed for the camp must be serviceable and
dependable. All Commanding Officers whose unit vehicles are detailed for the camp
must ensure the same, since repair of mechanical transport is not permitted from the
camp budget. Maj expenditure incurred on MT repairs during the camp will be borne
by the unit to which the veh belongs. All mechanical transport in the camp will be
pooled under the MTO and used in the most economical manner.
Safety Precautions
62. Drivers will be briefed by the MTO on the importance of observing utmost
safety precautions whilst transporting cadets from one place to another or moving the
vehicle out of camp location. Any untoward/grave incidents should be reported to all
concerned within 24 hours of the occurrence of the incident by the fastest means of
communication such as OP IMMEDIATE signal/fax/telephone message. The first
report from the unit should be initiated as per format enclosed herewith as
Appendix H.
Training Teams
65. (a) Composition. Each camp will have a training team composed of the
(i) Training Officer – Dy Camp Comdt..
(ii) Assistant Training Officer – Nominated ANO.
(iii) Senior Training JCO or equivalent rank in IN/ IAF.
(iii) Conduct trg for the PI staff and the ANOs to ensure uniform std of
66. A suggested daily routine for training as a guideline is given below. However,
the same may be chang3ed as per the geographical location of the camp and weather
Training Syllabi.
67. The suggested Block Syllabus for various training camps are given in the
succeeding paragraphs.
6 Gen Awareness 14
7 Guest Lectures ( Prominent 06
8 Sit Handling 12 Case studies
9 Group Tasks 12
10 Motivation Movies 12
11 Games 08
12 Spare 02
Total 110
75. Checklist : Training Programme. Checklist for all camps must be prepared
to monitor the conduct and progress of training during camps.
76. Various camps conducted in Naval wing are given in succeeding paragraphs.
(a) Aim. The aim of the sea attachment is to inculcate a sense of initiative,
and qualities of leadership including self confidence.
(b) Organisation and Strength. The strength of the cadets for Sea
Attachment at Western Naval Command is 90 SDs and a nomination of 5
ANOs and 8 PI Staff. Similarly the strength of the cadets for Southern Naval
Command is 60 SDs and 5 ANOs and 8 PI Staff. The Sea Attachment is of 12
days duration.
(c) Documents. Following documents in respect of Cadets/Officers are to
be carried:-
(iii) Willingness certificate with parents consent for the training and
also to undertake tasks like clean-ship and other duties assigned to
cadets on board ships.
(d) Escort. Dtes are responsible for safely escorting their cadets to
and from designated base.
(iii) Comprehensively briefed with regard to all Dos and Don'ts, daily
routine, marks of respect to be paid, customs and traditions of the
service observed on board naval ships and safety precautions on board
and in dockyard. Cadets are not to carry cameras (Photography is
prohibited inside Naval Dockyard and onboard Naval Ships), jewelry,
valuables, inflammables, drugs and other prohibited items. The cadets
are expected to behave in an exemplary manner, especially as they are
going to operate along with the naval personnel.
(f) Discipline. During the period of Sea Training, the cadets will be
subject to the disciplinary control of the Commanding Officer of the ship. To a
limited extent, cadets will be subject to Naval Law, as persons ordered to be
received on board Indian Naval ships, under the Regulations of the Navy. The
Commanding Officer can place a person under restraint, if he commits an
offence against good order and discipline of the service.
(a) Seamanship
(b) Navigation
(c) Communication
• Semaphore practical
• Reception / Transmission in Morse, practical (Flashing)
• Communication organisation of ship
• Flags, pennants.
(d) Gunnery
• Structure and functions of human body, principal of first aid and use
of first aid equipments.
• First aid treatment of a drowning case.
• Artificial respiration
(h) Discipline
(l) Sports & Games, including Boat Pulling/ Sailing The cadets are
allowed to participate in morning PT and evening games. Organized sports
Football / Basketball /Volley ball) with sailors of the ships/shore establishment
can be conducted in the evenings. Boats pulling /sailing practices can also be
undertaken during attachment.
S. No Subject Periods
(a) Physical Training/Route March/Obstacle Course 15
(b) Parade Training/Arms Drill/Divisions/Ceremonial 20
(c) Weapon Training 04
(d) Seamanship Assessment 04
(e) First Aid 03
(f) Service Lecture/Revision as a prelude to practical work 05
(g) Communications including Boat Signals 05
(h) Fire Fighting including practical 05
(j) Practical Seamanship demonstration using equipment 08
available ashore/on board ships
(k) Visit ships and walk around all departments 05
(l) Navigation including operation of equipment on board 06
ship/ashore, echo sounder, radar, plotting table, steering
(m) Boat Pulling/games (in batches) 10
(n) Sailing/Sports (in batches) 10
Total 100
(a) Aim. The aim of the sea training is to inculcate a sense of adventure,
initiative, and qualities of leadership including develop stamina during various
sea states and endurance.
(b) Organization and Strength. The strength of the cadets for Sea
Training at Western Naval Command is 80 SDs and a nomination of 4 ANOs &
8 PI Staff. Similarly the strength of the cadets for Eastern Naval Command is
65 SDs and 5 ANOs and 8 PI staff. The Sea Training is of 12 days duration.
(i) Seamanship 22
(ii) Navigation 21
(iii) Communication 07
(iv) Gunnery 01
(v) Damages Control, Ships Safety and Fire Fighting 08
(vi) General Service Lectures 10
(vii) First Aid 05
(viii) Discipline 05
(ix) Ship Husbandry 10
(x) General lectures by Specialists 10
(xi) Instructional Visits 05
Total 100
(a) Organization and Strength: The Naval ATC for SW Girl Cadets of
Naval Wing NCC Units will be organized by GP HQs. The strength of the camp
will be 170 SW girl cadets. Each NCC Dte will detail one Lady ANO or a GCI to
accompany girl cadets. Dtes will depute their cadets under proper escort to
reach camp site. The SW cadets detailed should be swimming qualified. The
allocation of the vacancies is based on the number of Naval Units in each
Dte. Any Dte which is unable to utilize the vacancies is to intimate details to HQ
so as to redistribute vacancies to other Dtes. Suggested allocated vacancies
are placed at Appendices A. Vacancies may be changed at the discretion of
Andhra Pradesh 19
Bihar & J 03
Delhi 06
Gujarat, Daman & Diu 08
J&K 03
Kar & G 16
Ker & L 14
. MP & C 09
Maharashtra 14
NER 05
Orissa 11
Rajasthan 08
TNP & AN 19
UP 08
UK 03
WB & S 05
Total 170
S. Subject Periods
1 Physical Training/Route March/Obstacle Course 15
2 Parade Training/Arms Drill/Divisions/Ceremonial 20
3 Weapon Training 04
4 Seamanship Assessment 04
5 First Aid 03
6 Service Lecture/Revision as a prelude to practical work 05
7 Communications including Boat Signals 05
8 Fire Fighting including practical 05
82. ATC/CATC. CATC/ATC for NCC Air Wing Girl cadets conducted by one unit or
more than one unit of the Directorate/NCC GP HQs. The academic calendar is to be
kept in mind while planning camps.
(a) Training. The training will be conducted as per the training programme
and to be published in CRO day to day basis. The following competitions will be
(a) Aim. The aim of the Air Force attachment is to inculcate a sense of
initiative, training, qualities of leadership, personality development including self
confidence and to motivate the young cadets to join Air Force/ Armed Force.
85. Training in leadership, will be imparted in accordance with training note No.
1/1958 issued by the NCC Dte as per Appendix K.
86. Camp Commandants will submit a report on Annual Training Camps to NCC
Dte with a copy to the Gp HQ concerned on a form attached as Appendix L. The
report should reach NCC Dte within ten days of the termination of the camp.
87. Social Awareness and Community Development activities imbibe values like
self-less service to the society, dignity of labour, protecting the environment and
helping the weaker sections of the society. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that
NCC cadets are given exposure to such activities either during the course of training
camps or separate Community Development Camps specially held for this purpose as
and when planned.
88. The Social Awareness and Community Development Programmes under taken
by the NCC cadets during camps should be based on following principles:-
(b) Each activity will be with purpose and based on local requirements.
(e) Cadets will not be asked to undertake any activity where their safety is at
90. All cadets attending the camps undertake celebration of following important
days by carrying out common activities and activities as given in the Annual Social
Awareness and Community Development Action Plan:-
Scope of Activities
92. Following assistance should be sought from the officials as mentioned above :-
(f) Assurance that the work done by NCC will be followed up and
maintenance continued.
93. Camp Commandant will make sure that extensive publicity is given to these
activities through print & electronic media (both vernacular and National). Adequate
copies/ video clips of the same should be sent to HQ DGNCC through respective NCC
Group HQ and NCC Dte.
Follow up of work
95. Camp Commandant will keep in touch with local officials to monitor the
progress/ maintenance of the work done and keep the Group HQ informed.
Appropriate plaque will be installed at the work site, giving name of the NCC unit etc.
96. The Community Development activities will make the cadets responsible
towards the society and a better citizens. Planning and execution of such activities
frequently at all levels will go a long way in contributing socially aware youth to the
Medical Cover
97. Under the provisions of Govt. of lndia , Min of Defence Letter No 0210/63-
64/NCC/ Pers(A)/1082-B/D(GS-IV) dated 19 Apr 1965, as amended vide Govt. of
India, Min of Defence Letter No 0210/70/NCC/Pers(A)/1470/D/D(GS-II) dated 11
May 1970 NCC Officers and Cadets attending NCC Training camps, which are
the responsibility of Central Govt. are authorized Medical Cover from Service
Hospitals. Further it has been clarified by DG NCC vide their letter No
0210/DGNCC/(MS/D) dated 29 Oct 1990 that “Camps organized by Directorates
are to be treated as DG NCC Centrally organized camps since NCC Directorate
Organized Camps on behalf of DG NCC”.
98. The Camp commandant hence has to approach the concerned state Govt.
to give adequate medical cover for all NCC camps other than centrally
organized camps. However Army, Navy or Air Force authorities can be
approached for such assistance, if civil Hospitals are unable to meet the
requirements. The Camp Commandant will write to the State Health authorities
giving detailed information regarding location of the camp, its duration and the
number of cadets attending the camp when requesting for Medical cover.
Similar information will be provided to the Army, Navy or Air Force authorities
when such assistance is required from them. Services of Medical Officers
Commanding the NCC Medical units will be fully utilized.
MI Room
100. MI Room will be established in all the camps with adequate medicines and first
aid stores. If Nursing Assistants are not available, Cadet Medical Attendants will be
appointed. The Nursing Assistant/ Nursing Orderly should always know the where
about of Medical Officer/ Camp Commandants to deal with any emergency. One light
vehicle (Gypsy/Van/Car) in good mechanical condition will be earmarked as
Ambulance. Asst of service/ Govt hosp will be sought for est the MI Rooms where
AMC staff are not posted.
101. The Camp Commandant should place indent for medicines for normal ailments
well in time with the nearest Service/Govt Hospital. Prior to the placing the indent for
medicine with the medical stores of the Service Hospital, the indent should be vetted
by a Medical Officer and countersigned by Station Health Officer. Similarly, the Camp
Commandant should place demand for Hygiene Chemicals with the Supply Depot,
giving the details about the strength, location and duration of the camp. In most of the
Non Mil Stns these have to be procured from the market.
Sick Parade
102. Sick Parade will be held half an hour before the commencement of the first
parade in the camp. Sick parade will be fall- in by the Cadet Orderly Officer before it
is marched to the MI Room. All those reporting sick will be given one of the following
remarks by the Medical Officer:-
(a) “M&D” – Note required to report sick again and will carry out all
(b) “Attend A” – To attend all parades after receiving the treatment.
(c) “Attend B” – To undertake light duties after getting Medicines.
(d) “Attend C” – Complete rest in bed with medicine.
Special Diet
103. When a special diet is recommended by the Medical Officer, the same will be
arranged by the Quarter Master and a separate indent countersigned by the Medical
Officer made out for such diets.
Medical Examination
104. (a) Cadets . Cadets should normally be medically examined under unit
arrangements prior to proceeding for the camp. Those cadets who could not be
examined earlier will be inspected by Medical Officer on the first day of their
arrival at the camp.
(b) Cooks and Water Carriers. All Cooks and Water Carriers should be
medically examined by the Medical Officer as soon as they are employed.
Water should be tested daily.
Sanitary Squads
105. A Sanitary Squad consisting of a PI staff, one Sergeant and three cadets will
be appointed. They will work under the orders of the Deputy Camp Commandant and
the Camp Senior JCO/equivalent Rank of Navy/ Air Force. They will carry-out
following duties:-
(a) They will ensure that all drinking water is chlorinated under the
instructions of the Medical Officer.
(b) They will ensure that latrines and urinals are kept clean.
(c) They will spray Hygiene Chemical in the camp areas as directed and
under supervision of the Medical Officer.
(d) They will ensure that all refuse from the cook houses is removed by the
sweeper every morning and evening.
(e) Liaison with local SHO/ Civ auth for procurement /regular spray of
hygiene chemicals
Sanitary Diary
106. The Medical Officer will write a Sanitary Diary every morning after taking a
round of the camp area. The same will be put up to the Camp Commandant before
1200 hours daily to enable him to take appropriate actions as recommended by the
Medical Officer. In case there is no Medical Officer in the Camp, the Deputy Camp
Commandant will carry out the sanitary round.
(a) Malaria
(ii) Wearing of long sleeved shirts and pants from half an hour before
retreat to reveille.
(iv) Stagnant pools of water in the camp area will be sprayed with
hygiene chemical and oil under the instructions of the Medical Officer.
(ii) Cadets will be instructed to wash their hands, plates and spoons
before and after taking food.
(iv) Food will be served hot and cold food will be kept properly
(v) There should be no flies in the cook houses and dining areas.
(vi) Cut fruits, local made cold drinks and eatables should not be sold
in the camp area.
108. Heat Stroke Heat stroke occurs when the body is unable to regulate its
temperature. The body's temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and
the body is unable to cool down. Body temperature may rise to 106°F or higher within
10 to 15 minutes. Heat stroke can cause death or permanent disability if emergency
treatment is not provided.
(a) Symptoms of Heat Stroke . Warning signs of heat stroke vary but may
include the following:
(iii) Cut down on outdoor exercise. If must exercise, drink two to four
glasses of cool, fluids each hour.
(iv) Drink more fluids, regardless of your activity level. (To replace salt
and minerals)
(v) Don’t drink liquids that contain alcohol or large amounts of sugar–
these actually cause you to lose more body fluid. Also, avoid very cold
drinks, because they can cause stomach cramps.
(vii) Persons who are physically ill, having heart disease or high blood
pressure must avoid outdoor activities.
109. Prevention from snake bites. Most snake bites occur between April and
October. You can avoid snakebites by taking the following steps:
(a) Avoid places where snakes may live. These places include tall grass or
brush, rocky areas, fallen logs, bluffs, swamps, marshes, and deep holes in the
(b) When moving through tall grass or weeds, poke at the ground in front of
you with a long stick to scare away snakes.
(c) Watch where you step and where you sit when outdoors.
(d) Wear loose, long pants and high, thick leather or rubber boots.
(f) Never handle a snake, even if you think it is dead. Recently killed snakes
may still bite by reflex.
(h) Ensure snake pits have been dug properly while sleeping in tent.
(b) If you see the snake, try to remember what it looks like. Do NOT
approach the snake; don't try to catch it or to kill it.
(c) Take off any jewelry or tight clothing near the bite quickly, before
swelling starts.
(e) Clean the bite wound. Be sure to wipe in the direction away from the
wound. Use flowing water if available.
(f) If you think the bite was from a poisonous snake, get to a hospital as
soon as you can.
(g) If medical help is more than 30 minutes away, tie an elastic wrap two
inches above the bite. The wrap should be loose enough to slip a finger
underneath it.
112. Signs and Symptoms. Elements brought out in the history may include the
(a) A single dose of Doxycycline given weekly, started before exposure and
continued for 6 weeks after exposure.
115. The type of training imparted to the cadets should play a vital part in fostering
discipline. Discipline demands self-control and faithful obedience to orders.
Smartness, good carriage, alertness of mind, punctuality and courteous behavior are
outward manifestations of a disciplined leader. Discipline also involves control over
one’s needs, desires reasoned and methodical approach to all the problems
confronted. Duty to a disciplined cadet comes before self and personal comforts.
Efficient performance of his duty elevates the cadets mentally and enables him to
devote himself to higher causes. Devotion to duty also demands toughness in its
performance, which is acquired through day-to-day training in the camps.
Standing Orders
116. All ranks will study the Camp Standing Orders and such other orders as may be
promulgated and will comply with them strictly.
117. Out of bound areas will be verified on the ground either by the Camp
Commandant or by the Deputy Camp Commandant and the Sentry Points marked at
required places for posting static sentries. These Out of bound Areas will be notified in
the CRO and read out to all concerned on three successive roll calls. All neighboring
villages, all water bodies like lakes, ponds, rivers and canals in the vicinity of the camp
will be placed out of bounds to cadets. The Camp authorities should not hesitate to
mete out punishments for breach of out of bound restrictions particularly which
involves risk to human life.
118. Camp Commandant should also promulgate orders and ensure that no male
cadet or any of civilian/camp staff enters Girls living accommodation/ bathroom area
without permission from Camp Commandant. When any camp staff/other male
member is required to visit/inspect the Girls accommodation, it will be ensured that a
Lady ANO/GCI/Lady attendant is present/ accompanies the team.
119. No liquor will be consumed during the camp by all ranks. Strict check will be
instituted by camp commandant to check that these orders are not violated by any
Civilian, PI Staff, Associated NCC Officers and Cadets. The Camp Commandant will
publish the orders to this effect in the Camp Routine Orders and these orders must be
read out in all roll calls. Strict disciplinary action will be initiated by the camp
commandant if person violates these orders.
120. All actions as per SAO 6/S/2000 will be initiated in case of any grave incident
during the camp. In case of a fatal or serious incident or an act of discipline, the NCC
Gp HQ concerned will convene a Court of Inquiry immediately. All such Court of
Inquiry will be completed expeditiously but definitely before dispersal of the camp.
The Court will record all available evidence and also bring out as to what safety
precautions were taken by the unit or camp staff. Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry
duly completed will be submitted to the State NCC Directorate concerned with the
remarks of the Group Commander. The State NCC Directorate will consider its
submission to DGNCC depending on the severity of the case. Procedure to be
followed in such cases is given at Appendix M.
Out Passes
Lights Out
122. All lights will be put off when the ‘lights out’ is sounded. There will be no noise
in the camps between the lights out and reveille. No pers will be allowed to move out
of camp after lights out without express permission from Camp Adjutant.
(b) Camp staff should keep a discreet eye on the few individuals who could
be potential trouble makers.
(c) The baggage of all cadets should be checked by the camp staff for objects
like knives/big pairs of scissors/other such articles which could be used
(d) No one will consume liquor in the camp or enter the camp after
consuming liquor from out side.
(f) During day, Camp Comdt or Dy Camp Comdt will be present in the camp
loc for the entire duration of the Camp.
Court of Inquiry
125. NCC Cadets are not expected to participate in any form of demonstrations
(including peaceful), which are considered contrary to good citizenship. They will also
not take part in any religious & political processions.
126. It should be impressed on the cadets that they are members of a big family –
The NCC. As such they should at no time harbor petty jealousies or show animosity
towards other members. Camp competitions should not create unhealthy rivalry.
Some has to win and there should be no cause for any animosity. There should be no
cause for acts of indiscipline over such matter.
127. The National Anthem and NCC song will be sung after roll call daily in the
evening in addition to other appropriate occasions.
129. (a) He is responsible for overall command, administration and training of the
regular staff, ANOs and cadets in the camp.
(b) He will maintain close liaison with the civil officials/dignitaries in the area
and invite them to the opening and closing functions.
(c) He will ensure that the highest standard of discipline and security is
maintained in the camp.
(i) Cash book entries from first day to closure of the camp.
130. (a) He will function as the Second-in-Command of the camp and will
personally maintain all camp accounts under the directions of the Camp
132. Camp Adjutant through under mentioned Camp Cadet Appointments will get
the orders and instruction executed:-
(a) Take central fall-in report from various appointments and take report
from Senior Under Officer.
(b) Ensure all the ANOS (except QM ANO) are present at the central fall-in
at correct time and dress (PT/ Uniform/ Civil dress).
(c) Take points for the next day from Camp Comdt, deputy Camp Comdt
and Trg Officer for passing the orders at the Roll call.
(d) Discuss points or difficulties raised by the cadets with Camp Comdt after
the Roll call.
(e) Issue Out Pass to the deserving cadets after taking concurrence of
Camp Comdt.
(g) Ensure other than permitted cadet, no other cadet misses the training or
other Camp activity.
(j) Inspect the line area, bathrooms and latrines on daily basis and prior to
any visit.
(k) Ensure cadets detailed for Quarter Guard, practices the drill procedure a
day prior to mounting and are ready prior to any visit.
(l) Ensure and supervise that all Camp ANO’s and Cadet appointments do
their duties as per their charter of duties.
(m) Ensure no one leaves the camp premises without proper authorization.
(q) Ensure all sweepers clean the areas including Cookhouse, Bathroom
and Latrines.
(s) Ensure each ANO is familiar with the training programme and the
syllabus to be taught during allotted period.
(t) Report to Training Officer immediately, if any detailed staff or ANO has
not reached the respective squad for lecture / class.
(u) Ensure cadets detailed for various cultural activities carry out their
practice and assemble all cadets in time for cultural activities.
( v) Ensure instruction on Security and Discipline are implemented by all
cadets and inform Camp Comdt of any breach.
(w) Ensure all cadets take their meals in time and make use of the dustbin to
throw waste.
(x) During Roll Call get institution in charges report to Camp Adjutant if any
cadet is taking meals for any reason. `
(aa) Ensure no unauthorized vendors neither come into the camp nor park
their cycles or vehicles outside the gates.
(ab) Collect Duty forms from ANO and discuss points if any, with Camp
(ac) Pass orders to Camp Regtl Police Sergeant and other camp
(ad) Get daily Day and Night Duties roasters checked and put up to Camp
(ae) Check and supervise daily practice by QG and help IC Quarter guard in
mounting of guard.
(ag) Ensure QRT detailed for the day has carried out practice and sleeps
next to quarter Guard.
(ah) Ensure that disinfection squad and water/light on/off committee do their
job daily.
(aj) Get regular feedback from Regimental Police Sergeant regarding the
well being of Junior Wing/Div Cadets.
(al) Monitor duty ANO has done his/ her duty. Ensure Duty ANO is dressed
in PT dress or appropriate civil dress during night to enable them to rush out at
night in case of emergency.
(an) Ensure and check tuck shop is not charging cadets more than approved
(ao) Supervise, monitor and report about security or discipline breach taking
(ap) Bring to Camp Comdt notice anything and everything, which requires
immediate attention.
134. Camp QM (ANO) will be nominated by Camp Commandant from / among the
ANOS attending the camp. Camp QM ANO will receive orders / instructions from
Camp Commandant or Dy Camp Commandant. Duties of Camp QM (ANO) through
Camp Cadet Quarter Master Sergeant (CQMS), Cadet in-charge Messing, Camp
Purchase Committee and Cooks will ensure the following: -
(a) All rations (Dry and Fresh) are received in cookhouse and are as per
payment receipts. The rations received must be based on vegetarian and non
vegetarian choice given by the cadets.
(b) All rations (Dry and Fresh) are stored neatly and properly in the ration
(g) Get next day’s ration requirement from CQMS by 0900hrs, check
availability of items in the ration stores and prepare demand for purchases to
be made by purchase committee.
(h) Prepare separate check list for discussion with Camp Comdt along with
the menu for his final approval: -
Camp Commandant_____________
(k) Ensure and check all items demanded have been correctly purchased
and brought by camp purchasing committee as per payment receipt.
(l) Ensure items of daily supply like milk, and fresh veg/fruits reach in time
for cooking.
(o) Ensure camp purchasing committee knows what all is required and by
what time it should reach cookhouse.
(p) Issue rations to cook house through CQMS as per scale and
(r) Ensure there are no shortages of any item being served in the meal.
(t) Ensure enough distribution points and distribution staff is available for
(u) Ensure a separate distribution point is opened for cadets having second
(X) Ensure safe water is available for washing of utensils, cooking and
(z) Ensure no stray dog or cattle move near cookhouse and food serving
(af) Ensure perishable items like vegetables, milk, eggs, fruit and chicken are
stored properly and are cooked well in time before they get spoiled.
(ag) In case of any difficulty, approach Camp Comdt or Dy Camp Comdt for
advise immediately.
(ah) Ensure disinfection squad and cleanliness team do their job daily.
(aj) Check in presence of purchasing committee, items are correct per the
list and bill.
(ak) Ensure camp purchase committee gets vehicle and leaves for purchases
in time.
(an) Ensure all knives, grinding stone and other equipment is always in a
working condition and clean.
135. Camp cultural in charge will be nominated by Camp Commandant from/ among
the ANOs attending the camp. Camp Cultural in charge will receive orders/
instructions from under mentioned Officers or Camp appointments: -
(a) Cultural Coordinator ANO through Senior Under Officer will get the
cultural programme organized.
(c) Cultural Coordinator along with Camp Adjutant will ensure that songs
(Regional/Hindi) played during the rest period in Public Address System are not
vulgar. Preference to be given to instrumental music.
(d) Cultural Coordinator will ensure that max SD/SW cadets attend the first
day of cultural get together for identifying talents.
(e) Cultural Coordinator will take a fall in of the JD/JW cadets on third day
of the camp at 1700h for identifying talents.
(f) Cultural Coordinator has to ensure that the entire musical instrument
available in camp are kept on stage every evening for the interested cadets to
play along with the events.
(h) Ensure that the cultural programme starts on time given by Camp
Commandant or in the trg programme.
(J) Ensure discipline at the cultural venue before Camp Comdt arrives
through camp cadet appointments.
For Example: -
“ ......... That was indeed a foot tapping performance given by cadet
Aruna and party. I am Cdt Madhavi (Name of MC) from SRR & CVR
College, Vijayawada. Let me take you to our next programme. Now we
have Bharatnatyam presented by Cdt Shalini of Maris Stella College,
Vijayawada. She will be depicting the Bhakti of Gopikas, the devotees of
Lord Krishna in her dance. So come let us share these wonderful
feelings with her.”
(e) The MCs should speak strictly in English/ Hindi from day one of the
cultural programme.
(f) MC in charge ANO will liaise with cultural coordinator to take the list of
programme at 1600h every day and give the names of MCs to Cultural
Coordinator by 1730 hrs to enable ANO to complete programme list.
(g) Master of ceremony in charge ensures that the cadet taking part in MC is
smartly dressed and speaks clearly and audibly.
(h) MC in charge will ensure that cadets doing MC role are well prepared
and ready at cultural time.
(b) ANO will obtain the prize that from the Camp Commandant / Training
Officer and will identify the individual and Group Prizes.
(c) ANO will also take over the prizes to be given to cadets one day prior to
final cultural day.
(d) ANO will inform cadet who will be receiving the Group Prizes on behalf
of others.
(e) ANO will ensure that prize winners sit in a separate line to avoid any
chaos or delay during prize distribution.
(f) ANO will nominate 06 cadet (may be from SW/SD with the help of Camp
Adjutant) to assist in prize distribution.
Note:- (i) The Turnout of cadets at Sl.No. 2,3,4, 5 should be of a very high
(h) ANO in Charge prize distribution should ensure that three copies of the
prizes are made. List one for the MC, one for the cadet at Sl N0 3 & Sl.No 6
and one for ANO in charge, Cl)
(j) Two rehearsals of prizes distribution to be carried out prior to the final
(a) Purchase Committee ANO in charge will make a team of three SD Boy
and two SW Girls for that day’s Purchase Committee.
(b) Purchase Committee ANO will take the list of items to be procured from
Camp QM (ANO) with proper briefing in case items not available in the market.
(c) In case any decision has to be made during purchases, the Purchase
Committee ANO to take approval from Camp Commandant on Telephone.
(d) The purchase committee ANO should ensure that weighing of the items
is done accurately.
(f) Purchase Committee ANO will obtain prices prevailing in the market for
vegetables for future reference or purchases. The format will be as follows: -
(g) He/she will report to Camp Commandant with the list mentioned above
immediately after purchase carried out of the day. ANO may advice Camp
Commandant about the availability of veg, which can be incorporated in the
(h) Purchase committee ANO to ensure that unloading of the stores from
the vehicles is done after ANO reports to Camp Commandant and gets his
signature on bills before submitting to clerical staff.
(i) Purchase Committee ANO will get the stores unloaded personally
in his/her presence and obtain the signature of QM ,JCO / QM ANO on
the items list.
(ii) Finally, Purchase committee ANO will deposit the balance amount
along with the receipts and item lists to Accounts section of the camp.
141. (a) He will assist the Quarter Master in looking after the QM Stores and
issuing of rations to the Cook house.
(b) He will ensure that the stores are properly guarded both during the day
and night.
(c) He will carry out any other duties assigned to him by the Quarter Master.
142. (a) He will carry out the duties of Sub Maj in relation to the regular staff in
the camp.
143. (a) He will assist the Camp Adjutant in maintaining overall discipline in the
camp and in detailing guards and duties. He will prepare Daily Parade States
and submit the same to the Adjutant.
(b) He will keep a record of daily out passes issued to the cadets.
(c) He will help the Adjutant in matters of training and any other task
assigned to him.
144. (a) The Camp Orderly Officer will be detailed in camp orders.
(b) His tenure of duty will commence from reveille of the day he is appointed
till reveille of the following day.
(c) He will exercise general supervision over the JCO of the day.
(e) He will turnout the Quarter Guard once by day and once by night.
(f) He will mount the Guard daily by the time specified in Camp orders and
will ensure that they are conversant with their duties. Quarter Guard once
mounted cannot be changed before their normal 24 hours duty without the
permission of the Camp Adjutant.
(iii) The Tuck Shop, Information and Recreation rooms at the time of
their functioning.
(k) He will visit Kotes and carryout a surprise check of arms and
(l) He will see that lights out at the time specified in the Camp Orders.
(m) He will not leave the camp area without permission of the Adjutant.
145. (a) The Camp orderly JCO will be detailed in Camp orders.
(b) His tenure of duty will be from reveille on the day when appointed till
reveille of the following day. During this period he will remain in Uniform.
(d) He will report to the Camp Orderly Officer as soon as possible after
commencement of his duty and will obtain the time for turning out the Guard.
(e) He will mount the Guard at the time specified in Camp orders.
(f) He will turn out the Quarter Guard once during a day and once during
the night. He will also carry-out a physical check of the arms and ammunition
in any particular Kote and will sign the Kote Register.
(h) He will inspect sick report prior to its marching in the MI Room.
(k) He will ensure that lights are out at the specified time.
(I) He will not leave the camp area without permission of the Camp
(m) He will report any unusual occurrences in the camp area to the Camp
Orderly Officer and the Sub Maj.
146. (a) His tenure of duty will be from reveille to reveille of the next day.
(b) He will report to the Camp Orderly Officer as soon as possible after
(c) He will accompany the Camp Orderly Officer on his visit to the cadets
mess at meal time.
(g) He will see that all lights are out in the Coy lines after ‘Lights Out’ has
been sounded.
(h) He will not move out of the camp during his tenure of duty.
(j) He will visit the Tuck Shop to see that good order prevails and that it is
(k) He will submit a written report to the orderly room that the above duties
have been carried out.
(l) He will fall in the sick parade and will take them to MI Room
(m) He will prepare the sick report form for MO’s remarks and will produce
the book to the Adjutant.
147. Cadet CQMS will be nominated by Camp Commandant from/among the Senior
Cadets attending the camp. CQMS will receive orders/instructions from under
mentioned officers:-
148. Duties of CQMS, through Cadet in charge Messing, Camp Purchase committee
and cooks will ensure the following:-
(a) All Dry and Fresh ration, on receipt in cookhouse are as per payment
(b) All Dry and Fresh ration are stored neatly and properly in the Ration
(f) Get next days ration requirement from cadet in charge messing by
0800h. Check available items in store, prepare demand for purchases to be
made by purchase committee and give it to Camp Quarter Master.
(h) Ensure and check all items demanded have been correctly purchased
and brought by purchasing committee as per payment receipt.
(j) Issue rations to cook house through cadet in charge messing as per
(I) Ensure safe water is available for washing of utensils, cooking and
(n) Ensure no stray dog or cattle move near cookhouse and food serving
(t) Ensure perishable items like vegetables, milk, eggs and chicken are
stored properly and are cooked well in time before they get spoiled.
(u) Ensure that disinfection squad and cleanliness team do their job daily.
(v) In case of any difficulty, approach Camp Quarter Master or Camp Comdt
for advice.
149. Cadet SUO will be nominated by Camp Commandant from/among the senior
cadets attending the camp. SUO will receive orders/ instructions from under
mentioned Officers:-
150. SUO through under mentioned camp cadet appointments or directly will get the
orders/ instructions executed: -
(a) Conduct/organize all central fall ins including Roll Call Parade, take
report from various appointments and give report to Camp Adjutant or to any
ANO nominated by Camp Adjutant.
(b) Ensure other than permitted cadet, no one misses the training or other
camp activity.
(c) Ensure all cadet appointments do their duties as per their charter of
(d) Ensure no one leaves the camp premises without proper authority.
(h) Ensure sweeper clean the areas including Cookhouse, Bathroom and
(l) Ensure all cadets take their meals in time and do not throw waste food in
the camp area and use dustbins for the same.
(p) Take a conference of all cadet appointments once in a day and review
their tasks.
(q) In case of any difficulty, seek advise from Camp Adjutant or Camp
(r) Ensure PA eqpt, chairs and other items are placed well in time before
the commencement of event.
(s) Will ensure that under mentioned teams/squads do their job daily:-
152. Camp Cadet Adjutant (CCA) will be nominated by Camp Comdt from among
the senior cadets attending the camp. CCA will receive orders/instructions from under
mentioned officers or camp appointment:-
153. Camp Cadet Adjutant will pass all orders and instructions directly to cadets or
execute the same through the under mentioned cadet camp appointment:-
(b) Take central fall in report from various appointments and give report to
(d) Ensure other than permitted cadet no one misses the training or other
Camp activity.
(e) Ensure that all cadet appointments do their duties as per their charter of
(f) Ensure no one leaves the camp premises without proper authorization.
(k) Ensure all sweepers clean the areas including Cookhouse, Bathroom
and latrines.
(m) Ensure cadets detailed for various MC or cultural activities carry out their
practice and assemble all cadets in time for cultural activities.
(n) Ensure instruction on Security and Discipline are implemented by all and
inform Camp Adjutant of any breach.
(o) Ensure all cadets take their meals in time and use dustbin to throw
(r) Ensure that no unauthorized vendors neither come into the camp nor
park their vehicles outside the camp gates.
(s) Pass orders to Camp Regtl Police Sergeant and other camp
(t) Get daily Day and Night duty roasters checked and put to camp
(u) Check and supervise daily practice by Quarter Guard and help IC
Quarter Guard in mounting of guard.
(w) Ensure that disinfection squad and water and light on/off committee do
their job daily
(x) Get night duty sentries fall in and check the following before duties start:-
(a) Cadet IC Messing will ensure all meals are cooked and served in time.
(c) There are no shortages of any item being served during the meal.
(f) Cookhouse, washing point, drainage area are always kept neat and
clean and free from flies.
(h) Ensure if any staff of cooking party is unwell, the individual is not
permitted to remain on the premises.
(j) Enough distribution points and distribution staff is available for serving.
(k) A separate distribution point is opened for cadets having second helping.
(o) Ensure items of daily supply like milk and fresh reach in time for
(p) Ensure enough supply of filled LPG cylinder is held in cookhouse for two
to three days of cooking.
157. Camp Cadet Sergeant Major will be nominated by Camp Commandant from
among the senior cadets attending the camps. CCSM will receive orders / instructions
from following Officers or Camp appointments: -
(b) Take central fall-in report from various appointments and give report to
(d) Ensure other than permitted cadet, no one misses the Training or other
camp activity.
(e) Ensure all cadet appointments do their duties as per their charter of
(f) Ensure no one leaves the camp premises without proper authorization.
(k) Ensure all sweepers clean the areas including cookhouse, Bathroom
and Latrines.
(m) Ensure cadets detailed for various MC or cultural activities, carry out
their practice and assemble all cadets in time for cultural activities.
(o) Ensure all cadets take their meals in time and throw waste food only into
(s) Pass orders to Camp Regt Police Sergeant and other camp
(t) Get daily Day and Night duty roasters checked and put up to camp
(u) Check and supervise daily practice by Quarter Guard and help IC guard.
(w) Ensure that disinfection squad and water and light on/off committee do
their job daily.
(x) Get night duty sentries fall in and check the following before duties
(i) Sentries are in pairs.
(ii) Check duty roaster.
(iii) Sentries know their job / task.
(iv) Sentries know what to do in case of any incident.
(v) Sentries have a lathi & a torch.
(vi) Sentries got whistles.
(aa) Will get the cadets detailed for Quarter Guard assemble everyday at
1630hrs and ensure they practice various drills of Quarter Guard.
(ab) Will check that the dress of cadets detailed for Quarter Guard is proper
and authorized items of the uniform are worn in proper manner.
(ac) CCSM along with IC Quarter Guard will give a demonstration to all cadet
of the camp about Guard Mounting and various duties.
(ad) Will pass order to all PI Cdrs and get feedback and report from them.
(ae) On order of CSUO, CCA get any team, squad organised and assembled.
(ak) In case of any difficulty, approach Camp Adjutant, Trg Offr or Camp
(al) Get Night duty sentries fall in, check duties, ensure sentries are in pair
and also know their job.
(ii) All day and night duty sentries know their job and do not permit
any cadet to leave the camp nor allow any unauthorized person
including any vendor in and around the camp premises without
(iii) Work out the requirement of Day and Night duty sentries and get
them detailed squad wise through Camp Cadet Adjutant.
(vi) Brief each Day and Night sentry about their job / task / duties
(vii) Carry out surprise check of sentries to find out if they know their
(viii) Ensure day and Night duty sentries do not allow dogs or animal
in the camp complex.
(x) Ensure and check canteen contractor is not charging cadets more
than approved rates.
161. Cadet ln-charge Quarter Guard will be nominated by Camp Commandant from
senior cadets attending the camps. ICQG will receive orders from following Officers or
Camp appointments: -
(b) Will ensure guard practices all drills a day prior of mounting.
(d) Will ensure area of Quarter Guard is properly cleaned and maintained at
all the times.
(f) Will ensure all weapons and ammunition are properly locked and are
(g) Will ensure flag of the quarter guard is hoisted and lowered at prescribed
(h) Will give demonstration to the whole camp on mounting and dismounting
drill of quarter guard.
(m) Will check and ensure uniform of stick orderly is proper and neat.
163. The Officers and staff attending the camp will stay with the cadets in
camp area. In no case will any staff not officially detailed for the camp will stay
or participate in any activity involving the cadets.
166. Camps are an important and integral aspect of NCC activities. The camps also
mark the culmination of institutionalized training being imparted to the cadets in their
respective educational institutions. Camps provide exposure to the cadets to a near
military like condition of living and group activity which they would not see normally.
These activities are conducted to meet the overall aim of NCC to bring out leadership
qualities, develop strength and stamina and build espirit-de-corps amongst the cadets.
The camps are conducted outdoors and the activities are rigorous in nature. It is
therefore important to ensure that proper safety measures are incorporated in various
camps. Certain broad guidelines related to safety of the cadets during conduct of
these camps are as follows:-
(a) All ATCs/CATCs will be organised under the supervision of the Group
HQs and will be attended by at least Three Officers.
(b) Reconnaissance and planning of all locations of camps that the cadets
are required to visit or halt will be carried out well in advance and approved by
the Group HQs.
(c) Camp site and location of various training areas should specifically be
seen through the prism of security of cadets keeping the essential requirement
for conduct of camps in mind.
(d) On arrival in the camp cadets will be distributed into convenient squads
preferably of 12-15 cadets each and a squad leader will be nominated. The
squad leader will be responsible for the safety and conduct of the squad. The
squad must be encouraged to carry out all activities together. This will not only
ensure security but also help cadets imbibe lessons of leadership and team
spirit. Two to three squads will be grouped to form a team under a PI Staff/GCI
(in case of girl cadets). These teams will report to the Deputy Camp
Commandant regarding safety of cadets.
(e) Security Instructions as laid down in the Camp routine orders will be
strictly be implemented. Roll Call will be conducted every evening.
(f) Kit check-up at the commencement of camp and surprise checks will be
carried out to ensure that cadets are not in possession of any weapon or sharp
object like blades, knifes, razors etc.
(h) Camps to be held in Army/ Naval/ Air Force premises as far as possible
for obvious advantages where permissible.
(k) All safety precautions will be taken and cadets briefed by an officer
before each event.
(l) An officer will be present along with medical officer at all places where
high risk training activities are conducted.
(m) Maximum care will be taken against mishaps during Camps. All safety
precautions pertaining to fire risks, drowning, electrocution and so on will be
(o) Mahila police will ALWAYS be present in girl cadets camps or wherever
girl cadets are present.
167. Safety instructions regarding adverse weather conditions (cold weather or hot
season) will be implemented and listed out in the Administration and Joining
168. Safety measures with regard to terrain like mountains, jungle, desert etc will be
specifically mentioned in the Adm and Joining Instructions which will be followed
Security Officer
169. Camps may be held in Army/ Naval/ Air Force premises as far as possible for
obvious advantages. Security of the camp will be organized centrally under Deputy
Camp Commandant who will also perform the duties of the Chief Security Officer. He
will perform the following duties-
(a) He will, in consultation with the Camp Adjutant ensure that the camp is
adequately guarded during both day and night to prevent any untoward
incident. He will decide upon the number of guards required during both day
and night to safe guard security of the camp
(b) He will continuously monitor the training activity through his subordinate
channel to ensure an incident and accident free conduct of camp.
(c) He will issue passes to all civilian employees like cooks, safaiwalas, and
civilian staff working in the camp for the duration of the camp.
(d) He will ensure that all visitors to the camp are verified and allowed
access into the camp area only after their identity has been established.
(e) He will report and brief the Camp Commandant regarding security of the
camp on a daily basis.
(f) He will ensure security of the Camp area including Camp office area,
kotes, cook houses etc along with the PI staff available in the camp. Further
security be augmented with the assistance of local police, PMF and local
army units if feasible.
(g) He will review all places that the cadets are to visit and ensure proper
guards /PI Staff are positioned where the need is felt. If any signposting is
required the same shall be done before the arrival of cadets and in the
language that the cadets understand.
(h) He will ensure that adequate number of fire points exist in the camp. He
will hold fire alarm practices in consultation with the Adjutant.
(j) He will ensure that no subversive literature goes into the hands of the
170. Deputy Camp Commandant will decide upon the number of guards required
both during day and night to safe guard security of the camp. Security of camp will be
centrally organised under Deputy Camp Commandant, adequate number of guards
will be detailed.
171. The Quarter Guard, though ceremonial during the day, will be tactical at night.
Order for the Quarter Guard are attached as Appendix O. The quarter guard will
particularly ensure safety of the treasury chest, which will be guarded by a sentry all
times. The Quarter Guard will remain alert both during day and night to give
immediate warning of an outbreak of fire anywhere in the camp or in its vicinity. It is
also responsible for the safety of arms and ammunition inside the Guard Tent.
172. A Quick Reaction Team (QRT) will be detailed from within the PI Staff
depending upon the threat perception and intelligence provided to Camp
Commandant by local administration. Details of QRT will be published in Camp
Routine Order, which shall specify the exact quantum of arms, ammunition, vehicle
and means of communication. QRT should be rehearsed under the supervision of
Deputy Camp Commandant to improve their reaction. QRT should sleep centrally at a
nominated place. No cadet will form part of the QRT.
173. Security of all types of control stores is of paramount importance. The Camp
Commandant /Deputy Camp Commandant will ensure its proper safe custody. The
Kote will preferably be located in a central area adjoining the Quarter Guard. All arms
and ammunition will be deposited in the Kotes. Chains will secure rifles, LMGs and
other small arms. Other controlled stores will be kept in locked boxes. Live
ammunition, blank rounds and empty cases will be stored in separate boxes. Kotes
would be established in Camp premises. DP weapons will be kept in camp Kotes.
174. Kotes would be established in camp premises depending upon the caliber of
weapons being brought to the camp. In case of high caliber weapons are being
brought to the camp, local police authorities will be consulted and weapons should be
kept in their armoury. DP weapons can be kept in camp kotes for ease of
administration but only after taking proper clearance from local police authorities.
Kote Orders
Regimental Police
176. Regimental Police will consist of one Sergeant and six cadets. They will work
directly under orders of Adjutant. The RP Sergeant will also liaise with the Deputy
Camp Commandant at O800hrs daily to apprise him of any laxity in the security of the
Camp, Following duties will be carried out by the Regimental Police :-
(a) To maintain Visitors` Book at the Main Gate which should record
particulars of all visitors. their purpose of visit and time of arrival and departure
from the camp.
(c) The RP Sentry at the Main Gate will ensure that cadets do not leave the
camp without an out pass signed by the Adjutant.
177. Bathing is only permitted at the authorised bathing points. In case the bathing
point is located on the banks of a tank or a nullah, Life Saving Squad consisting one
NCO of the regular Armed Forces and 3 cadets who are good at swimming and
conversant with life saving will be detailed. Cadets will not be allowed to bathe in
water, which is more than knee deep. Following are the duties of a life saving squad:-
(a) To prevent cadets from bathing away from the bathing points
Provision of Electricity
178. Electricity for the camp will be taken from authorized source after necessary
consultation with the local electricity department. The electrical point in the camp will
be established and maintained only by authorized personnel and under no
circumstances any cadet will be involved in the same.
Fire Fighting
179. It is essential to maintain good fire discipline in the camp to prevent any losses
due to out- break of fire. Strict fire precautionary measures will be adopted as
enumerated in the Fire Control Orders.
180. An Officer, preferably the Deputy Camp Commandant will be nominated as the
Camp Fire Fighting Officer. He will ensure that the Fire Alarm Practices are held
frequently without notifying the time before hand. Inter coy competitions in turning out
promptly on a Fire Alarm Practice may be encouraged.
Fire Orders
182. Fire Alarm Practices will be held frequently without notifying the time before
hand. Inter Coy competitions in turning out promptly on a Fire Alarm Practice may be
183. Security of personnel, weapons and equipment will be ensured while moving to
and from camp. All precautions will be ensured while travelling in trains, buses or any
government transport. As a rule, all cadets will move in a group under the supervision
of ANOs/GCI/PI Staff with proper reservation. All Cadets and Staff will move together.
Separate accommodation will be arranged for Boys and Girl cadets. Onward and
return journey rail reservation will be ensured well in advance. The following directions
will be strictly observed by the coordinating/ conducting unit:-
(b) An ANO/JCO will be overall in-charge of the party with a senior NCO
responsible for SD /JD cadets and a GCI for SW/JW cadets.
(c) The party will be briefed prior to departure. They should be given a list of
DO's and Don'ts. The following additional aspects should also be borne in
(i) No move except in buddy pairs, even to toilets at night.
(ii) Cadets will not stand next to open doors or lean outside while
travelling in Buses and trains.
(d) Assistance of MCO and local police may be obtained during boarding
wherever required.
(e) In case there is a requirement to change trains, the party will detrain
together and will move as a group. No cadet will move alone.
(b) Assistance of RPF, local police and MCO may be obtained wherever
(c) All contingent will dismount, fall in and carry out proper head count.
Head count before and after every move is a must & should be made part of
the Camp routine.
185. Move of all cadets especially JD cadets, girl cadets and cadets hailing from
remote areas to Camping Ground and back should be accompanied by respective
ANOs/ GCIs/ PI Staff.
186. Conduct of firing at unit level forms essential and integral part of training
imparted to cadets. Firing is also conducted during the camps. The cadets attending
the camps may not have prior exposure to firing and related aspects. Hence there is a
need to lay greater emphasis on safety so as to obviate the possibility of occurrence of
range incidents/ accidents.
187. The following will be ensured / carried out as part of pre firing activities:-
(a) OIC firing to be detailed by name. SOP and Range Standing Orders for
the range is received, read and the contents passed to all concerned.
(c) Adequate notice is given to civil police for the presence of police
representative during firing.
(e) All the weapons including spare are cleaned properly and pre firing
inspection carried out by armourer /WT qualified PI Staff.
(f) Publish CRO giving out the responsibilities assigned to various PI Staff
such as Butt point I/C, Firing point I/C, Ammunition I/C, OIC firing etc.
(h) Sentries so placed are suitably kitted with red jackets, helmets, whistles
(j) Cadets are trained on musketry and various drills to be followed while on
a firing range.
(k) Adequate dry rehearsals are carried out so that all the cadets
understand the implications of each word of command in totality. Under no
circumstances should a cadet who displays disregard / lack of understanding of
laid down instructions be permitted to fire.
(l) Ensure the presence of an ambulance/ light vehicle to cater for medical
emergencies if any.
(m) Ensure the presence of a Nursing Assistant with first aid box filled with
contents having adequate shelf life.
(n) Ensure all appointments as specified in the CRO are present in the
(p) Ensure that the targets are placed in accordance with the SOP.
(q) Ensure that the cadets are divided into adequate number of details and
briefed accordingly.
(r) Detail helpers from among the cadets and further brief them regarding
their duties.
(s) No firing should take place unless all red flags are hoisted and look out
men are posted as per the Range Standing Orders. One flag will always be on
the butt and shall serve as a warning that the range is in use.
188. All firing practices will be conducted under the supervision of the OIC Firing
who will be an Officer nominated in the CRO. The following is the normal procedure
on the firing points:-
(a) The party to fire is brought within about 100 yds of the firing point.
(d) The coach, ammunition party, helpers and look out men take up their
(e) The first two details only form up behind the targets.
(f) Ensure that the helpers are in position prior to commencing fire. The
firing will start only after getting orders from the OIC.
(g) Ensure minimum two PI staff are present with firers at the firing point
(h) On completion of fire, the firers must raise their right hand up, keeping
the elbow on ground.
(k) It will be ensured that there is no cadet ahead of the firers line during any
activity of firing be it during “Rok” “ khali kar” or during weapon inspection.
(l) The details are changed by word of command and the new detail which
has been waiting comes up while another detail forms up behind.
(m) Before the firers leave the range, they will have weapon inspection. Each
firer will be checked for verifying that the ammunition issued has been fired and
quantity of fired cartridges and misfired cartridge tallies with the ammunition
taken to the firing point.
(a) In case of the above, the firer will raise his/her right hand and report the
fault. The weapon will continue to be pointed towards the target.
(b) The coach/ PI Staff will initiate appropriate action after the remaining
detail has finished firing. The weapon will be changed if required and the
cadet afforded full opportunity to complete firing.
(a) Ensure that all weapons, ammunition and any other controlled stores are
physically checked and “All OK” taken from various appointment holders.
(b) Ensure that all records of firers including results are tabulated.
(e) Ensure that all the weapons are cleared, oiled and deposited back in the
191. Treks are conducted by NCC Dte in all types of terrain. Since treks involve
movement of cadets in difficult areas it becomes imperative that necessary security
instructions be put in place in order to prevent any mishap. Cadets from other states
participate in these treks hence, it becomes the responsibility of respective ADGs/
DDGs to ensure its smooth and safe conduct. Enumerated below are certain planning
(a) Trek routes should be planned and selected well in advance keeping all
aspects of security in mind. This is the responsibility of the Conducting Dte.
(c) Camping and Staging Areas must be planned keeping in view availability
of adequate space for camping, accessibility from main road for provisioning of
water, food supply, ease of evacuation etc.
(d) The activities planned for the duration of the trek should be as per the
guidelines given in the SOP or Instructions issued from time to time.
(e) The trek route selected should be commensurate with the skill and
fitness level of the participating cadets.
(f) There should be dedicated supervisory staff detailed for each trek that
will be responsible for briefing, conduct, supervision, safety, administration
and for discipline of the cadets for their respective routes.
(g) Vulnerable areas along each trek route should be identified, necessary
precautionary measures instituted and necessary life-saving expedients and
emergency medical services be catered for.
(h) Water bodies will be avoided for establishment of camping sites/ trekking
routes/ halts. All water bodies will be placed ‘Out of Bound’ for all participating
in the treks.
(j) Avoid steep climbs/cliffs and treacherous routes and plan detours which
are not dangerous.
(k) Avoid river beds, canals, nullahs etc. Many rivers and nullahs have steep
banks and shores due to erosion which can give way suddenly.
(l) Avoid highways, railway tracks etc and when a road has to be used
ensure road safety.
(m) Avoid activity at night. Arrival at destination must be planned 2-3 hours
before last light in all cases to prevent stragglers getting lost in hours of
darkness. Start early and finish daily routes well before dark.
(n) Treks must be conducted in fair weather to avoid periods of rain or snow.
Climatic conditions can suddenly turn adverse even if planned well, therefore
proper precautions against adverse weather conditions must be taken.
(o) Avoid areas having altitude of more than 2500m without proper
acclimatization and professional supervision.
(p) Carry out a study of the flora and fauna of the region and take suitable
precautions against animal attack, insects and poisonous undergrowth.
(q) Maps of trekking routes should be made and displayed prominently for
all cadets to see. Proper briefing of routes should be carried out on the first day
and dangerous areas to be avoided be informed.
192. A detailed hand book on security instructions on Treks has already been
forwarded vide letter No 17812/ Trek-2013/DG NCC/Trg E dated 24 Jun 2013 and the
same should be followed in letter and spirit.
(b) The staff should be positioned at Start Point, Wall and at Finish Point.
(c) One PI staff will man each obstacle. They should see that the cadets
cross each obstacle correctly and safely.
(d) The next pair may start after the earlier pair has crossed the 6ft wall, to
close the time. However, ideally the next pair should start only after the earlier
pair has crossed finish line.
(e) The OIC conducting the obstacle course should remain vigilant and
observe the entire activity. He must also ensure that all aspects pertaining to
safety mentioned in the instructions are met before commencement of training
on the course especially the Dos' and Don'ts.
(f) A Nursing Assistant with first aid kit and a vehicle (preferably an
ambulance) must be available at the training area while conducting obstacle
(g) Not more than 40 cadets should be undergoing training at one time.
(a) Obstacle training when the area is wet because the mud gets stuck to
shoes which makes the obstacle slippery and thus can lead to injury/ accident.
(b) Training in peak cold/ hot weather conditions and/or when humidity
levels are high as it leads to dehydration and early tiredness.
195. Rock Climbing, as the name suggests, involves climbing a rocky feature using
one's own hands and feet. This style of climbing is referred to as bouldering, since the
relevant routes are usually found on boulders no more than 10 to 15 feet tall. As
routes get higher off the ground, the increased risk of life-threatening injuries
necessitates additional safety measures. A variety of specialized climbing techniques
and climbing equipment exists to provide that safety. Climbers usually work in pairs
and utilize a system of ropes and anchors designed to catch falls. Ropes and anchors
can be configured differently to suit many styles of climbing. Generally speaking,
beginners will start with top roping and/ or easy bouldering and work their way up to
lead climbing and beyond.
196. The following safety precautions are required to be observed during the RCTC:-
(a) Rock climbing should always be done only after having received proper
(b) Warm up before beginning a climb is necessary. This will help prevent
(d) Always check harnesses after having geared up. There should be no
loose carabineer.
(e) Always check knots before climbing: always double check the tie-in knot
(usually a Figure-8 follow-through).
(f) Always check that the rope is properly threaded through the belay
(g) Always ensure that climbing rope is long enough to reach the anchors.
(j) Always maintain a 'three point contact' while climbing, i.e. either both
feet and one hand or both hands and one feet should always be in contact
with the rock surface.
(k) While climbing, make sure your foot holds and hand holds are secure
before using them.
(l) Always ensure that the carabineer gate faces opposite direction of travel,
otherwise the rope can come unclipped. Always use locking carabineers on
important placements.
(m) Always make sure that the rope is over the leg rather than between or
behind them.
(n) Always use at least two anchors. Three is better. Redundancy keeps you
(o) While climbing, if one begins to slip or slide, keep calm and relax. Try not
to panic. Simply grab onto the safety cord and slowly begin to slide down the
(p) Always pay attention to the leader above when belaying since he's the
one who is taking the risk of a fall. Never take the leader off belay unless
absolutely certain he is tied in and safe.
(q) While rappelling, keep loose clothing, hair and straps away from the
rappel device and keep brake hand (right hand) on the rope at all times.
197. Certain essential Do's and Don'ts which are required to be observed while Rock
Climbing are enumerated below: -
(a) Do’s
(i) Do stay alert at all times, i.e. before, during and after climbing.
(iii) Do build up your hand and feet muscles as they are the ones that
will actually move you from one point to another.
(vi) Do wear proper fitting helmet, harness and shoes. They should
neither be too tight nor too loose.
(vii) Do drink lots of water to replenish the lost electrolytes in the body
after the climb.
(x) Do inform the instructor of any illness which one may be suffering
from. Even a small injury in one finger can lead to a major problem while
(b) Don’ts
(i) Don't neglect to stretch before and after not only to avoid injuries
but also make the muscles flexible.
(iii) Don't avoid practice sessions; one never knows when they will
come handy.
(iv) Don't neglect to drink water before, during and after climbing,
even when not feeling thirsty.
(v) Don't climb a mountain too steep. Lest one get scared and fall off.
(vi) Don't try to be 'cool' or impress people and try doing some dare
devil act and follow the instructions as given by your instructor.
(ix) Don't keep the ropes between the legs while climbing.
198. All conducting units will ensure that all water bodies are placed ‘Out of Bound’
for cadets. Whenever any activities are undertaken in proximity to such location rigid
measures are ensured so that NO REPEAT NO cadet enters the water. All personnel
involved including Officers / JCOs / NCOs or ANOs/ WTLOs/ GCIs must be
specifically tasked by name to ensure safety measures. All barrages, dams, rivers,
ponds, lakes, canals and the sea will be out of bounds for all cadets, expect during
organized training activity (sailing, yachting, Kayaking etc.) for which the Group Cdr
shall be responsible.
199. The following orders are for strict compliance by all personnel during the sea
attachment and sea training:-
(a) No personnel shall embark on any ship without the direct orders from the
Commanding Officer/Ship’s staff.
(b) During the sailing personnel embarking the ship should be in possession
of life jacket. No cadets will be permitted to come on upper deck without
wearing half inflated life Jackets.
(c) The PI staff and ANO in charge of each ship are to ensure that all items
as per check list are onboard prior to cast off and completion report is made.
(d) All cadets and staff are to follow the instruction passed by ship’s staff
during cast off of the ship/ coming alongside. During the casting off/ coming
alongside no unnecessary movement on upper deck.
(e) During the visit, personnel embarking onboard should walk in pair
whether it is off working hours or during working hours.
(j) Personnel embarking the ship should follow the routine and instruction
passed by the ship’s staff.
(n) Ear-mark specific training area and ensure that only authorized
personnel are within the training area.
(p) All cadets must be educated and made thoroughly aware of the danger
of water.
(q) In case of getting into difficulty in water, cadets must be trained to:-
(i) Keep calm, do not panic, conserve energy and breathe normally.
(ii) Try to tread water or float on back
(iii) Shout for help.
200. The safety and security of the girl cadets will be given special emphasis.
In addition to the safety security for the camp elucidated in the above
paragraphs the following guidelines will be adhered to during camps:-
(a) Cadets will move as a group and escorted by ANOs (Lady)/ GCI
while moving from institutes/Units to camps location and back.
(b) While moving by rail / road, confirm reservation will be ensured and
all cadets should preferably be accommodated in the same bogie.
halls, tuck shops, kote and rest areas in the training area. Privacy and
security must be ensured.
(e) Where the training facilities are limited, separate timings will be
allotted for girls and boys e.g. obstacle course, firing range.
(f) ANOs (lady)/ GCIs will stay with the cadets in the camps and if
possible in the same barrack.
(g) ANOs (lady)/GCI will be present for all training, administration and
routine activities during the camp. The location of ANOs (lady)/GCIs will
be where the girl cadets are.
(h) MI room will cater to the special requirements of the girl cadets.
ANOs (lady)/ GCI / lady attendant must be present during the sick report
where Lady doctors are not available.
(j) Orientation classes for PI Staff and ANOs (male) in dealing with the
girl cadets while imparting training need to be conducted under the
supervision of the Camp Commandant.
(k) During training No male staff will establish any form of physical
contacts with girl cadets e.g correction of turn out or body postures.
These will be done by the ANOs(lady)/ GCI present on the spot.
202. Ceremonial is a part of drill and rehearsals for it should be conducted during the
periods allotted for drill. The procedure for such Ceremonial Parades is laid down in
Appendix S. Ceremonial Parades provide a good opportunity to give wide publicity to
the organisation. Besides the Ceremonial Parades, every opportunity should be taken
to give publicity to various important activities carried out during the camp such as
good demonstrations arranged by the cadets, cultural programmes, mass PT displays
203. The following may be invited to the camp for publicity purposes:-
204. An ANO with a flair for journalism will be appointed Camp Publicity Officer. He
should prepare write-ups for the press through-out the camp and get them approved
by the Camp Comdt. He will keep in close touch with the print and electronic media.
205. On all big occasions such as Ceremonial Parades, Opening and Closing
Functions, special enclosures will be reserved for the Press/ Media. Members of the
Press/ Media will interact with the Publicity Officer. The media must be provided every
facility to take pictures and interact with the cadets for the purpose of obtaining inputs
for publicity. Discrete caution to prevent any anti national or anti social outcomes must
be exercised due to immaturity on part of the cadets or staff.
206. Wherever possible the assistance of the Defence PRO must be availed for
optimal benefits of the media.
Feed back
207. A detailed feedback on the press coverage of the camps should be forwarded
to the JD(Pub) at HQ DG NCC with the video clipping of News Reports covered in
electronic media and news paper clippings by the fastest means possible.
208. A high degree of planning and coordination are required for executing a smooth
closing down of a Camp and dispersal of cadets to prevent confusion and
disorganization at the closing stages which is likely to reflect adversely on the NCC.
The responsibility for the closing of a camp is that of the Camp Comdt assisted by
various Camp staff. He is also responsible for making arrangements and providing
facilities for moving out of the cadets.
209. (a) All cadets will leave the camp on the last day of the camp.
(b) Cadet will only move out of camp in groups accompanied by detailed
ANOs/GCI/PI Staff as the case may be. In no case the cadets will be allowed to
move out individually.
(d) Necessary rail reservation for journeys to and from will be obtained by
the unit commanders well in advance.
(e) The transport will be provided as required for the move of cadets and
luggage to rly stns / bus stops, the demands for which should be placed to the
Camp Adjutant well in advance.
210. (a) Before actually moving out, the accompanying staff will give a report to
the Camp Commandant as to whether their stores, equipment, arms and
ammunition are correct and in good condition and discrepancy, if any, will be
brought to his notice.
(b) They will ensure that all cadets, who reported to the camp are available
for return journey.
211. (a) Payment to all, in respect of their return journey, will be made by the
Camp Comdt before departure.
(b) Cash receipts/ vouchers for the same will be dispatched to Camp Comdt
by the staff immediately on arrival at the destination.
(i) Original Trip Sheet duly affixed with a stamp containing driver’s
name, address, badge no etc
(ii) Receipt duly signed by driver with proper address and mobile
number etc
212. (a) The staff members are responsible to see that the Camp Area occupied
by them is left absolutely clean while moving out.
(b) The tents will be struck off and handed over to the camp QM along with
all other stores they have received for the camp.
(c) All latrines, Soakage pits, drains and other pits dug by them will be
properly filled.
(d) All refuse and litter will be checked and burnt or buried.
(e) Latrine seats will be removed and scrubbed with Cresol and deposited
in the QM Stores along with latrine screens.
(f) All Choolas, bricks, ballies will be dismantled and stacked near QM
Rear Parties
(i) Camp QM
(ii) 2 JCOs
(iii) 3NCOs & 2 Laskars
(i) Hand over the Camp area, buildings if any back to the owners in a
clean, hygienic state and obtain receipts from them to that effect. They
will ensure that all deep trench latrines, soakage pits, drains etc have
been filled in properly. Any damages to the permanent accommodation
and facilities must be repaired and restored before moving out. The
payment of electricity charges to institutions will be made as per the tariff
as fixed by state electricity board authorities and receipt obtained.
(ii) Ensure that all tents are removed, dried and properly packed in
the presence of a board.
(iii) All tentage and other stores will be marked and addressed for
return to the Ordnance Depot concerned.
(iv) Return all furniture and other loan items to the respective places.
(vi) Ensure that any surplus ration left over is returned to the
Contractor or disposed off by a board at the rates they were purchased.
If this is not possible rations will be sold at the prevailing market rates.
(vii) The rear party will finish its work within 3 days and report back to
the HQ.
214. (a) Immediately after the camp the accounts will be finalized and prepared
for audit. After audit they will be forwarded to the authorities concerned within
10 days.
(c) All stores purchased for the camp be taken on ledger charges and
stored carefully in unit stores.
(d) Any stores of non lasting value will be auctioned and the proceeds
credited to the camp account.
215. No Objection Certificate will be obtained from the concern auth who had
provided the camp site. All dues required to be paid for accn, water, elect/ any other
charges will be cleared and receipts obtained.
Appendix A
(Refer to para 7 of the Pamphlet)
1. Exact location with grid reference of the proposed camp area with –
6. The distance of the camp area from the nearest ASC supply point.
7. Are there good local resources for the purchase of fresh and dry rations?
8. Availability of Govt sources for purchase of rice/ atta/ other supplies.
9. Availability of covered accommodation.
(a) The maximum number of cadets that could be accommodated in the
camp area.
(b) Availability of covered accommodations for storage, office, dining halls
and cookhouses.
(c) Requirement of tentage.
10. The distance of the local/ service hospital from the camp area.
11. Can the boy and girl cadet be accommodated separately in the same camp
12. Are there any large buildings available for camping purposes in the camp area?
13. Is the camp site away from rivers, lakes, streams and soon?
14. That the camp site is not infested with snakes, scorpions etc.
15. Is there electricity supply available in the Camp Area.
Date :
Appendix B
(Refer to para 9 of the Pamphlet)
1. Aim
2. Location of camp
3. Duration
4. Strength
(a) Number of NCC cadets and ANOs attending the camp.
(b) Number of regular staff.
(c) Number of clerks and laskars.
(d) Number of cooks and water carriers required to be employed.
6. Move plan.
(a) By rail
(b) By road
8. Tenders. Arrange for calling of tenders for ration article if these are not
available through the ASC sources or Govt. supply sources.
9. Water
(a) Arrangements of water supply
(b) Testing of water
10. Vehicles
(a) Number of vehicles to be moved to camp.
(b) Mode of conveyance, i.e. road or rail.
11. Tentage
(a) Number and size of tents required.
(b) Demand for the same from ordinance.
12. Terms
(a) Number of latrine seats required.
(b) Provision for the same.
14. Medical
(a) Are Medical facilities available near the camp area?
(b) Obtain medical cover from the Civil Hospital.
(c) Arrangement for evacuation of casualties.
16. Finance. The amount required for conduct of camp and initial allotment
required to be sent to NCC Dte/State Govt through concerned NCC Gp HQ at least six
weeks in advance.
17. Communication
(a) Postal address
(b) Telephone/mobile phone
Appendix C
( Refer to para 26 (c ) of the Pamphlet)
1. Detailed planning for move by rail should be made well in advance to avoid last
minute confusion.
3. Rail reservations will be made well in advance and necessary goods wagons
arranged for heavy baggage. In addition, rail reservations of ANOs and cadets
attending the camps should be made well in advance for onward and return journey.
The responsibility for the same will be of the unit detailing the ANOs and cadets for the
Baggage Officer
Railway Concession
5. (a) Applications for the concessions will be forwarded to the railway authorities
well in advance to obtain the same for ANOS and cadets.
(b) Separate concessions forms will be obtained for the return journey.
(c) The following particulars will be provided to the railway authorities for
obtaining concession forms.
6. Arrangements for the provision of food and water enroute will be made well
before the journey commences. Name of stations and timings will be given to all
concerned where meals and water will be served. The number of meals required
enroute will be intimated to the railway authorities in writing before commencement of
the journey. A water bucket/plastic jerrican should be provided for each compartment
to enable cadets to draw water from the authorised water points for distribution to the
cadets in the compartment. Only in the case of small parties should they be allowed to
alight from the train to fetch water in their water bottles.
7. (a) Transport required for heavy baggage should report at Unit HQ six hours
before departure of the train.
(b) Working parties for loading of heavy baggage should be made available
at Unit HQ When the transport arrives.
9. (a) On arrival at the railway station, cadets will stack their personal kit sub-
unit wise under supervision of their CQMS.
(b) Cadets will then fall in with their arms for a roll call.
(c) After roll call the cadets will be ordered to rest at a suitable place on the
platform and no one will be allowed to loiter around.
(d) Immediately after the roll call, the OC Unit/Sub-Unit will impress upon
the cadets the necessity of maintaining a high standard of discipline and turn
out throughout the journey. It should be brought home to the cadets that the
honour and good name of the NCC depends on the way they would conduct
themselves during the Journey.
(e) Rail accommodation reserved will be allotted to the cadets and
compartments marked accordingly.
(f) Actual entraining will be done in single file in a quiet and orderly manner,
every cadet carrying his own personal kit.
(g) Doors of compartments will be closed and bolted as soon as entraining
is complete and a sentry is posted inside each compartment.
10. The following appointments will be made from amongst the cadets in respect of
each compartment:
(b) Compartment Sgt Major. He will assist the Under Officer in maintaining
discipline en route. He will call the roll at the appointed time, detail cadets for
various duties and promulgate all orders.
(e) Guards. A guard of I NCO and 3 cadets will be detailed for each
compartment. This guard is mainly for the security of the compartment to
ensure that no unauthorised person gets into the compartment and to guard
against any possible outbreak of fire or theft. The strength of the sentries will be
doubled during the night so that there are two cadets on duty at any one time.
Discipline En route
11. (a) A responsible Officer/ JCO/ NCO/ Senior Cadet will be put in charge of
cadets in each compartment and will be responsible for the discipline and
safety of the cadets in his compartment.
(b) The cadets will be warned against the misuse of alarm chains and
penalty attached thereto. The alarm chain is meant to be pulled only in an
(c) Opening of doors when the train is in motion will be strictly prohibited.
(d) Strict water discipline will be enforced during the journey. Water bottles
will be filled on commencement of the journey and refilled at stations notified in
the orders.
(f) Cadets will be dressed properly at all times and will not loiter around on
the platform in a shabby manner.
(g) Cadets will be allowed to remove their caps and belts while resting in
their own compartments but they should wear the same when they are
ordered to detrain at any station enroute for purposes of meals etc.
(h) The Under Officer in charge of the compartment will report any
unusual occurrence to his superior as soon as the train halts at the next
(j) If necessary, the Unit Cdr may detail a JCO or NCO to travel with the
(k) ANO’s must visit their cadets at all Railway stations enroute during the
12. (a) All personnel will be ready to detrain 15 minutes before the train is due
to arrive at the destination. On reaching the station, the OC Unit along with the
Adjutant and Quartermaster will make a quick recce of the area where the
cadets will be marched after detraining.
(b) A pre-arranged bugle call or signal by whistle will be given to the cadets
for detraining.
(c) The Under Officers in charge compartment will order the cadets to
detrain on hearing the signal.
(d) All cadets will detrain with their personal kit, which should be stacked
immediately in front of the compartment in an orderly manner. A sentry will be
mounted to guard the same.
(e) The cadets will then be marched to the area earmarked for their
(f) Working parties, as required, will be sent from the Assembly area to help
them unloading the heavy baggage.
(g) Under Officers In charge Compartments will report completion to the Unit
Commanders after detraining and unloading has been carried out.
13. If transport is provided to carry the cadets from the railway station to the camp,
the cadets will collect their personal kit and embus in the trucks allotted to their sub
units under orders of their superiors. In case they have to march to the camp, they will
collect their personal kit and be led to their Unit guides who should be available at the
railway station under arrangements of the OC, Advance Party.
14. (a) Contingent IC will inform the parent Group HQ by fastest means of
(b) Injured cadet(s) will be evacuated to the nearest hosp by other cadets.
(c) Parents of injured cadets be informed by Gp HQ/Unit.
(d) Fit cadets to proceed to the camp.
(e) Adequate escorts to be left with injured cadet(s) with sufficient money (if
admitted in hosp) till recovered and sent home.
(f) Detailed report be sent to the Gp HQ after the contingent reaches the
Appendix D
(Refer to para 26(d) of the Pamphlet)
l. After Administrative Instructions for the camp have been issued, the following
information will be compiled :-
(a) Strength of Regular Officers, JCOs and other ranks proceeding to the
(b) Arrangements should be made so that the vehicles may report at the
starting point at least an hour before the starting time.
3. (a) Assembling of cadets. All cadets with their personal kit should fall in
at the starting point one hours before the convoy in due to depart.
(iii) Speed.
(d) Unit heavy baggage. Unit's heavy baggage will be loaded in separate
trucks and guarded by regular staff enroute.
4. It will be ensured that the driver of the vehicle carries a first aid box. If not, he
should be supplied with one before marching off.
Halts En route
5. Cadets will be allowed to de-bus during two halts enroute. This should be done
in an orderly manner without any noise or undue hurry. On embussing again, the
senior officer or cadet traveling in the vehicle will report that all the cadets are present
in the vehicle.
Discipline En route
6. (a) Cadets will not be permitted to lean outside the windows or to stand in
the Vehicle during move.
Appendix E
( Refer to para 26(e) of the Pamphlet)
1. The Unit Commander will be responsible for arranging the move of cadets
singly or in small parties to camps outside the NCC Unit/NCC Group/ NCC Dte.
(c) In case of cadets traveling from home stations to places of camps, they
will travel under their own arrangements. They will obtain cash receipts from
the railway/ bus agency and produce the same to the Camp Commandant
through ANOs for payment.
Instructions to Cadets
3. The senior cadet will be detailed as the Party Cdr and he will be responsible for
mov of cadets and a daily feedback will be given to the Unit Cdr by the cadet. The
contact No of all cadets will be obtained by the Unit Cdr to take feedback on their mov.
The return reservation will be obtained by the Unit to prevent cadets from travelling
without reservation during the return journey. Detailed instructions on the following
points will be issued to the cadets by the OC Unit:-
(b) Route.
Movement Order
4. Movement Order will be issued to the cadets by the Unit in the same manner,
as in the Services. It should be ensured that the cadets understand the Movement
Order thoroughly.
(a) The cadets will report at the starting station half an hour before the
departure of the train.
(b) The unit concerned will detail Adm Officer or a JCO to ensure that the
cadets catch the right train.
(c) Tickets for the onward journey will be handed over to the cadets before
the commencement of the journey.
Appendix F
( Refer to para 34 of the Pamphlet)
Camp Orgnisation
Security/ Safety..
Appendix G
(Refer to para 48 of the Pamphlet)
1. No person will be employed in any capacity in cookhouse for handling the food
of troops and cadets who is a carrier of typhoid, fever or para typhoid fever or who is
suffering from dysentery or diarrhea or from venereal disease in an active state.
Before men are so employed they and their medical history sheets will he inspected
by a Medical Officer who will certify that they are fit or otherwise for the purpose.
2. A nominal roll of all such men will he hung up in the cookhouse. This roll of all
such men will contain columns regarding the date on which the men were taken on or
struck off the duties and a column for the initials of the medical officer who passes the
men as fit for the duties.
3. A basin and clean water, soap, a nail brush and a clean towel will be provided
in each cookhouse. All men employed as cooks and for handling of food will keep
their nails trimmed and will invariably wash their hands before they handle food.
6. The messing officer will be responsible that there is always sufficient supply of
clean cloth available for washing and drying dishes and cooking utensils. The cloth
used for handing hot and sooty vessels will be separate and distinct. After the last
meal cloths will be boiled in water containing washing soda and hung to dry.
7. All pots and pans will be freed from grease, cleaned, and dried after the last
meal and stored on shelves or in a well ventilated room or cupboard set aside for the
purpose. No red mud will be used in the external surface of the vessel.
8. The cookhouse sinks, tables, chopping blocks, cutting boards, pastry slabs,
mincing machines, knives, forks and spoons and all other utensils will be kept as clean
as possible when in use and will be thoroughly cleaned after the last meal. All utensils
when not in use will be kept in the places allocated for them and will be available for
inspection at any time.
9. Only food which is to be used during the current day will be kept in the
cookhouse. When not in process of cooking or when in preparation for cooking, it will
be protected from flies in fly proof food safes.
10. Food scraps, vegetable peelings and such like refuse will not be thrown on the
floor but deposited in covered refuse bins provided for the purpose.
11. All cutting of pastry will be done on the cutting boards and pastry slabs
provided for the purpose. Peeling and washing will never be done on the ground or
gunny bags.
12. The Bill of Fare for the week will be hung up to be made available for reference
in the cookhouse.
14. Adequate arrangements will be made for the washing, rinsing and sterilizing of
eating and drinking utensils. In the absence of more satisfactory arrangements these
processes will be carried out in three drums placed over a kettle trench. The first
(washing) drum will contain hot water and soap; the second (rinsing) will contain hot
water and soda while the third (sterilizing) will contain water kept constantly boiling
during the period it is being used. The drums will be clearly marked WASH-RINSE-
15. Daily inspection of the cook house will be carried out by Med Offr/ rep and
remarks endorsed in the register which is to be put up to Camp Comdt daily
immediately after the inspection. In addition, Camp Comdt will also inspect the cook
house daily.
16. Any defect in the cooking apparatus or in the utensils will be reported at once
by the cook house in charge to the Quarter Master/ President Mess Committee.
l7. All excess water will be dried up after scrubbing. In camps cookhouse floors will
be kept as clean and as dry as possible.
18. Cooking fuel other than those for immediate use will be kept in a separate
Appendix H
(Refer to Para 62 of the Pamphlet)
1. No. :
2. Rank :
3. Name :
4. Unit :
5. Group/Dte/Comd :
6. Time/Date of occurrence :
7. Place of incident :
Copy to:-
Appendix J
(Refer to Para 63 of Pamphlet)
1. MT in the camp will be controlled by QM/ MTO who will be detailed in camp
standing orders. He will be assisted by a MT Course qualified NCO (wherever
possible). All transport will report to MTO on arrival in the camp.
2. No vehicle will leave the MT Park unless the driver is in possession of the
following documents:-
Speed Limits
NOTE: Speed limits of all vehicles inside the camp and approach roads to the
camp will be 20 KMPH only.
4. (a) All drivers and riders of vehicles involved in an accident of any kind will
without fail:-
(ii) Attend the injured person, if any, either by means of First Aid or by
evacuating to the nearest hospital (Military or civil).
(iii) Complete the Accident Report Form and hand over the necessary
portion ‘K’ duly completed to the injured party.
5. (a) No vehicle will be allowed on the road without proper lights during the
(b) Drivers while approaching another vehicle will invariably dip the head
light of their vehicles.
6. (a) Not more than two persons, including the driver will travel in the front
seat of a vehicle. It is the responsibility of the driver or the senior person
travelling in the vehicle to ensure that this order is adhered to.
(b) Not more than twenty one persons will travel in the rear of 3 ton lorry.
Duty Slip
7. (a) Duty slip will remain in the custody of MT NCO whilst vehicle is in
the MT Park and will only be issued to the driver immediately prior to
departure on an authorized journey. On return from such journeys the
driver will immediately return the duty slip duly completed and signed by the
(b) Duty slip will be signed by the MTO before the vehicle leaves the MT
(c) Every journey will be entered in detail. The route to be followed and
every place of duty to be visited will be shown. This is the responsibility of the
driver to ensure that all journeys are correctly entered.
(e) MTO will also maintain a separate VDRA for each vehicle in camp.
Misuse of Transport
Daily Task
9. Maintenance and daily tasks will be carried out for all vehicles as laid down in
“Notes on Driving and Maintenance of Mechanically propelled vehicles”.
10. Tyre pressures of all vehicles will be checked before the vehicles leave the MT
Park. As tyre pressures increase considerably due to road friction and heat, all drivers
proceeding on journeys of 200 km or over during the day time will check the tyre
pressure at frequent intervals.
11. (a) Defects will be immediately reported to the MTO who will in turn inspect
the vehicle and take further action as necessary.
(b) The vehicles will be sent to the nearest Workshops, if any, on a Defect
Report made out and signed by the MTO.
Motor Cycles
(b) No one will ride outside the garage on a Motor Cycle or on the pillion of
a Motor Cycle without a crash helmet. (The only exceptions to this order are
Sikh dispatch riders and Sikh pillion passengers who Will Wear crash helmets
only if they so desire).
l3. (a) Articles of equipment are not to be removed from vehicles for safe
custody. Locks will be put on petrol tanks of vehicles and after the issue of
petrol to vehicles the driver will keep the key. MTO will ensure that an NCO is
present during issue of POL, who will satisfy himself that the demanded POL
has actually been supplied. Dip sticks and speedometer readings will be
checked before and after the issue of POL.
(ii) Driving with only one hand on the steering wheel is strictly
(iii) Driving with arm elbow resting on the door of a vehicle is strictly
(v) Drivers will at all times give due consideration to other users of
the road.
(vi) Drivers will always give ample warning of their intentions by the
use of the correct hand signal and light signals.
(viii) Drivers will ensure that tail-boards are securely fastened before
moving out.
(ix) Drivers will not reverse vehicles unless they are satisfied that the
way is clear and that they can see behind.
(x) Drivers will ensure that “Pass” sign plates on the tail-boards of
their vehicles are securely fastened when their vehicles are stationary on
the side of the road with the “Pass Signs” displayed.
(xi) Surprise checks will be made by the MTO and disciplinary action
will be taken against offenders, contravening the above rules.
(b) Smoking
15. The existing instructions for purchase, storage and accounting of POL will be
Appendix K
( Refer to para 85 of the Pamphlet)
1. Leadership viewed from cadets’ angle can he summarised under the following
main headings: -
(a) Character.
(b) Discipline.
(b) Courage. Both moral and physical courage are the other important
requisites of strong character. Moral courage should be displayed in all ones
dealings by being straight-forward and abiding by ones principles. Physical
courage is essential to be able to command and lead others in the face of
hardship and against heavy odds, since, only such leaders can command a
following. Training in the NCC provides scope for the development of this
3. (a) General. Drill, physical training, weapons training, etc, play a vital part
in fostering discipline. Discipline demands self-control and faithful obedience of
Smartness, good carriage, alertness of mind, punctuality and courtesy are
outward manifestations of a disciplined leader. Discipline also involves control
over ones needs and desires and a reasoned and methodical approach to all
problems confronted.
(b) Devotion to duty. Duty to a disciplined leader comes before self and
personal comforts. Efficient performance of ones duty in this manner elevates
a leader mentally and enables him to devote himself to higher causes.
Devotion to duty also demands thoroughness in its performance, which is
acquired through the day to day training in the NCC.
Setting An Example
direction will encourage others to display and develop the attributes of service
and sacrifice.
Ability to Command
(b) Man Management. The following points need to be borne in mind as far
as Man Management is concerned:-
(i) Inspect the cadets before and after every exercise parade to ensure
that they are alert, correctly dressed and carry required equipment.
(iii) Ensure that the cadets get their meals at the time laid down and that
the meals are cooked well.
(vi) Keep them alert and up to the standard in turn out and smartness
at all times.
from day to day activities which should bring out the role of leader in team
building culminating in Team Spirit and Camaraderie.
6. The NCC has in it a good raw material for our future Leaders and
Commanders. The duty of training Cadet on the lines suggested above and in
keeping with the aims of the organization devolves on Regular Officers as well as
ANO’s. Sincere and serious efforts needs to be put in by all concerned to make
success of “Leadership” Training.
Appendix L
(Refer to Para 86 of the Pamphlet)
1. Location of Camp.
2. Duration / dates.
5. Attendance.
6. Were the arrival and departure reports of these cadets/ ANOs with strengths,
the time and dates of arrival and departure published in your Camp Routine Orders.
8. Financial Management.
(a) What was the total budget allocated for the Camp?
(b) Give breakdown of expenditure incurred during the Camp.
(i) Rank
(ii) Name
(iii) Unit
(d) Did they sign all receipts as to correctness of quality, weight and in the
case of local purchase, price?
11. (a) Have your camp accounts been audited? If so, by whom?
(b) If audited by a Regimental Board then what are the objections?
(c) Are all the accounts and papers relating to them sealed ?
12. Who presided over the closing function? Name of VIP and his impressions?
14. Any useful suggestion based on experience during the camp for improvement
of camp standard.
Appendix M
( Refer to Para 120 & 124 of the Pamphlet)
1, Cases have occurred during normal training and other camps where ANOs and
cadets have sustained serious injuries or died due to accidents or other causes.
Questions have also been asked in the Parliament about some of these cases and it
has not always been possible for this HQ to supply all the information required for
answering such questions. It has been observed that on more than one occasion,
complete inquires were not carried out on the spot, immediately after the occurrence
and that all concerned were not informed in time of the incident.
2. In future, the following procedure for reporting and holding inquiries will be
adopted by officers concerned when any incident which results in injury or loss of life
occurs :-
(c) The above first report will be followed immediately by a further report
giving briefing the main details of the incident.
(d) Inquiry.
(i) Immediately after the incident has occurred, a formal Court of Inquiry
will be convened, if possible, at the site of the occurrence by the Group
HQ concerned.
(ii) A responsible official from the Local Police should also be co-opted
as a member of the Court of Inquiry, if required.
(iii) The Court should record evidence on the safeguards which has been
taken by the unit / Camp staff concerned to prevent such accidents and
also of the standing orders laying down the procedure to be adopted in
case of serious accident.
4. It is also notice that most of the drowning cases were caused by cadets
swimming in places which were placed “Out of Bounds” by the Camp authorities. In
future steps will be taken to ensure that sentries are posted at such spots to prevent
any unauthorised entry.
Appendix N
(Refer to Para 164 of the Pamphlet)
1. NCC Camps are the culmination of Institutional Training and are also the
launching pad for various competitions. It is thus imperative that the camps are
organized and conducted in a manner that would yield fruitful results and achieve the
aim for which the camp is conducted.
(a) Standing Instructions for Republic Day Camps Vol - I and II.
(d) SOP for conduct of camps issued by Gp HQ/ State NCC Dte.
List of Appendices
PART - 1
Planning Stage
2. Various stages of planning and related actions are enumerated starting from D
Minus 90 day as under:-
D Minus 90
3. D Minus 60
D Minus 45
D Minus 30
D Minus 20
D Minus 10
D Minus 8
D Minus 6
D Minus 5
D Minus 4
• Move Advance Party under Camp Comdt to Camp loc with pack
• All attachments (Pers & vehs from other units) should marry up at
camp loc. before forenoon.
D Minus 3
• Setting up of :-
(i) Camp Comdt Office
(ii) Main Office
(iii) MT area
• Installation of camp telephone & info the tele No to Gp HQ.
• Digging of DTLS (if required).
D Minus 2
• Setting up of :-
(i) Control Center.
(ii) MI Room
(iii) Trg Areas
• Cleaning up of cadets’ bathrooms & toilets.
• Digging of balance DTLS (if required)
D Minus 1
• Setting up of :-
(i) Reception Center
(ii) Sign Postings
• Purchase of Fresh rations for two days (D day & D-1 day for
approximate 1/3'd strength of the camp. This estimate of str will
have to be assessed by the Camp Comdt)
• Collection of gas cylinders from local dealer.
• Nursing Assistant to liaise with medical authority for purchase of
essential medicines.
• Dy Camp Comdt to join & takes over Adm & Accts from Camp
Comdt. He is then to be briefed by Camp QM on existing str of
camp, various dealers, tentative menu etc. The JCO QM to brief him
on QM stores, Cook House & staff & various docu being maint.
• Dy Camp Comdt to finalizes the daily messing for the week after
market survey for types of fresh available & checking the ration
store, str of cadets etc.
• Dy Camp Comdt to take briefing from Camp Comdt regarding letters
issued to various civil auths & liaise .
(ii) With medical auth for services of doctor, his availability and
detailment of suitable tpt if required for the doctor.
(iii) With Municipal auth for sup of water (if not satisfactory) &
provision of sweepers.
(iv) With various bulk suppliers of items like eggs, mutton, chicken
for sup at competitive price.
D Day
(b) Drugs.
(c) Medicines.
• Cadets will be directed to their living areas and tents are pitched.
• As the str of cadets increase, parties of cadets to be employed in
various areas for cleaning/ maintenance.
• Trg pgmes & camp Routine Order for the week to be issued to sub
• Issue pgme for detailment of Quarter Gd sentries, RPs & Stick
Orderlies for Camp Comdt.
• Dy Camp Comdt to org the efficient functioning of cook house &
Food Distribution Pts. He in consultation with Camp Comdt to
allocate duties to ANOs, PI Staff & Cadet for supervision.
D+2 Day
• Various Adm & Trg activities continue as planned by Camp Comdt &
Dy Camp Comdt including carrying out various checks &
• Lectures by Guest speakers.
• Various Competitions to be conducted.
• Conduct visiting officers & org briefings.
• Org two visits by Heads of Institutions & obtain feed back from them
in writing which is required to be att with Camp proceedings.
• Accounts to be closed every day and signed by Camp Comdt and
Dy Camp Comdt.
• Obtain regular feed back regarding food & other amenities in the
camp from cadets.
D+12 to D+15
D+16 to D+17
Control Center
l. A Control Center shall be est, which shall be centrally loc. This Control Center
shall be the hub of all trg activities. The stores held by Control Center are given at
Annx IV.
3. The Control Center shall be manned under supervision of the Camp SM. lt
shall also be a place for rest and discussion on trg aspects by all ANOs & Pl staff, as
also will serve a place for holding conferences by Camp Comdt & others.
4. Once a day Camp Comdt will hold at conference at Control Center in which all
aspects of trg & adm will be discussed. It will also function as camp office of Camp
Adjt & Camp QM.
5. All imp announcements shall be made from Control Center through PA eqpt.
6. Music shall be played through PA eqpt during breakfast, lunch, & dinner time.
7. All trg stores (except wpns) for the day shall be kept at Control Center, from
where they shall be issued & received. Wpns shall be issued & received from the QG.
8. Camp Adjt will detail a duty ANO for duty after last light who will sleep in
Control Center.
10. Control Center shall maintain log of all events of the Camp in chronological
11. Preferably a covered shed shall be earmarked for the Control Center. In case
no covered shed is available then two EPIP tents shall be pitched in tandem for the
Control Center.
12. Refer Para 251 of Accounting lnstructions for NCC Camps. Following
documents & Procedure Is followed.
(a) Camp Report along with Annexure-I & Surrender Certificate where
applicable duly completed in all respect submitted to Accounts Officer
(State)/NCC Directorate in triplicate fo11owing:-
Accounting Procedure
(a) Joint account is to be opened in the bank, account holders being the
Camp Commandant & Dy Camp Comdt.
(b) Accounts to be closed in the columnar cash book everyday by last night.
(e) Before drawing cash from bank, a proper accounting & budgeting need
to be done as to how much cash is required to be drawn from bank for the
expenditure of the day so that at the end of the day cash remaining does not
exceed the CML.
(f) ‘P’ register to be maintained by CHM on daily basis, containing ‘P’ of all
,offrs, Pl staff, ANOs, civilian staff & cadets. This register shall be the basis of
the complete accounting system. This register shall be put up to Dy Camp
Commandant and Camp Commandant by the Senior JCO every day for perusal
& signatures. Columns of Daily Summary of ‘P’ Register are at Annex 11.
Appendix ‘O’
( Refer to Para 171 of the Pamphlate)
1. The Quarter Guard will consist of two Cadet NCOs and six Cadets, additional
cadets will be detailed for night duty. Two Sentries during night will be outside the QG
and one will remain inside Guard Room. Quarter Guard will be ceremonial by day and
tactical by night.
2. The Quarter Guard will be armed with Rifles and will be mounted daily at a time
to be notified in Camp Orders.
(e) To Officers on duty i.e. Adjutant, Orderly Officer and Orderly JCO when
4. The Guard will not be called upon to pay compliments between Retreat and
Reveille. The Guard Commander will, however, pay compliments to the Orderly
Officer and Orderly JCO when they turnout the Guard at night.
5. The Quarter Guard is responsible for the safe custody of the Regimental
Treasure Chest and for arms and ammunition inside the Guard tent.
6. The procedure for mounting, dismounting and turning out the Guard will be in
accordance with the orders published from time to time in Army Orders.
7. No Officers under the rank of General Officer will be entitled to the Bugle
8. The Guard will not turnout for Officers not in uniform except for the President/
Governor/Lt Governors or Officers administering for department.
9. ‘Present Arms’ will only be given to Officers of Field Rank and above and to
Armed parties. All other Officers and JCOs will be entitled to the Butt salute. Ministers
and other dignitaries’ will however, be entitled to a ‘Present Arms’.
10. The Quarter Guard will be responsible for persons entering the camp by the
main entrance between retreat and the reveille.
12. The Quarter Guard will be out of bounds to all ranks not on duty.
13. No NCO or Cadet on Quarter Duty will leave the premises of the Guard tent
without the permission of the Guard Commander.
14. No NCO or Cadet on Quarter Guard Duty will converse with others outside the
Quarter Guard without the permission of the Guard Commander.
15. A regular Army NCO to be detailed by the JCO assisting the Adjutant and will
be responsible for supervising the Guard. He will sleep in the Guard tent at night.
16. The Guard Commander will post and relieve all sentries himself or will
personally detail his 2IC to do so.
17. He will visit the sentries at least twice by day and twice by night.
18. He will not leave the Guard tent except to visit the sentries or the latrines. ln
such cases his 2lC will be present and will be informed as to how long he will be away.
19. No 2 sentry will be positioned near the door so that he is able to keep a watch
all round in the absence of No 1 Sentry.
20. He will not allow any member of the Guard to leave the Guard tent without his
permission and then only for a specific purpose.
2l. He will inspect the Guard and be responsible for its correct turnout at all times.
22. In the event of fire or other alarm he will turnout the Guard and will not dismiss
it until given permission to do so.
24. He will ensure that no member of the Guard removes any articles of clothing or
equipment from the Guard tent.
25. He will sent an immediate report of any unusual occurrence on or near Quarter
Guard to the Adjt, the Orderly Officer and the Orderly Sergeant.
26. The Guard 2IC will post sentries when ordered to do so by the Guard
27. He will ensure that Bugle calls are sounded at the correct time.
30. He will carryout the duties of Guard Commander during his absence.
31. He will not leave the Guard tent unless allowed to do so by the Guard
32. No. 1 Sentry will be responsible for the whole area of the beat assigned to him.
He will march or stand at his post in a smart and soldierly manner.
33. He will not quit his post unless relieved by the Guard Commander, or in his
absence by the Guard 2IC.
34. He will immediately inform the Guard Commander of any unusual occurrence
taking place on or near his post.
36. He will challenge all persons approaching his post by night and if necessary
turnout the Guard.
37. He will inform the Guard Commander when an Armed party or any Officer is
approaching to turnout the Guard.
38. No 2 Sentry will remain inside the Guard tent at all times. He will ensure that
the arms, ammunition and Treasure Chest are secure. He will warn No 1 Sentry to
sound the gong according to the correct timings.
39. He will not allow the treasure chest to be opened except by the Sub Maj.
40. He will not leave his post unless relieved by the Guard Commander or the 2IC.
* The procedure as in Navy/Air Force will be applicable for Naval/Air Wing camp.
Appendix ‘P’
(Refer to para l75 of the Pamphlet)
l. The Kote will be located in a central area adjoining the Quarter Guard.
2. A Kote Guard consisting of one NCO and 3 Cadets will be mounted daily along
with the Quarter Guard. This Guard will ensure that no unauthorized persons enter the
Kotes. They will be supervised by one regular Armed Forces NCO per Kote who will
assume overall responsibility for the arms in the Kote and will sleep in the Kote at
3. All arms (including private arms) and ammunition will be deposited in the
Kotes. Rifles, LMGs and other small arms will be secured by chains, pistols and other
control stores will be kept in locked boxes.
4. Live ammunition, blank ammunition and empty cases will be stored in separate
boxes marked as such. Explosives will be kept in pits underground.
5. The Kotes will not be opened between retreat and reveille except with the
permission of the Camp Adjt. On such occasions the Orderly Officer will invariably be
6. Separate registers will be maintained for arms and ammunition and for private
7. Private arms will be drawn only by their respective owners who will sign
receipts for them and will be responsible for their security until returned to the Kotes.
8. The Orderly JCO/CPO/MWO of the day will carry out a physical check of all
arms and ammunition in all the Kotes at a retreat and sign in the Kote register
testifying correctness. In addition the Orderly Officer will also carry out physical check
during his tour.
9. Sub Unit Commanders will carry out a physical check of arms and ammunition
belonging to their units twice a week and sign the Kote Register accordingly.
10. The regular armed NCO in charge of the Kote is responsible for the correctness
of all arms and ammunition on his charge at all times.
12. The cleaning of arms will be done outside the Kotes. Supervision will be done
by JCOs of the Sub-Unit.
13. Arms and Ammunition will not be drawn from the Kotes by individuals. Parties
will invariably be marched to the Kotes and issues will be made to the persons in
charge of the party who will sign the issue register in token of receipt. No rank below
the rank of NCO will be allowed to sign. The persons in charge of parties are
responsible to see that all arms and ammunition are returned to the Kote on
completion of duty. They will be held responsible for any loss or damage.
14. When the arms and ammunition have returned to the Kote an appropriate entry
will be made in the issue register which will be signed both by the Kote NCO and by
the person in charge of the party
15. Arms will not be issued after retreat unless so authorized by the Camp
Commandant when both the Adjt and Orderly Officer will be present whilst the kote is
opened and arms issued.
Appendix ‘Q’
( Refer to para l81 of the Pamphlet)
Fire Precautions
1. With a view to reducing the chances of outbreak of fire in the camp, precautions as
mentioned here under will be taken at all times-
(a) No naked light will be permitted inside any tent, store room or Kote. No
such lights will be allowed within I00 feet of petrol dumps.
(b) Only lamps, petromax and lanterns and hurricane are permitted inside
(c) Smoking will not be permitted inside or near store rooms, vehicles and
petrol dumps.
(d) Lighted cigarettes and Cigarette ends and match sticks will be first
extinguished and then deposited in receptacles. They will not be thrown in the
(e) No lights will be permitted after lights out except in places permitted by
Camp HQ.
Fire Point
(a) More extinguishers will be used in addition at the fire point near POL
4. In addition to the fire points mentioned above each tent will have a pile of loose
earth on the left of the main entrance.
5. The Deputy Camp Commandant will be the Fire Officer. He will hold fire alarm
practices as directed by the Camp Commandant.
Fire Alarm
6. The fire gong will be struck continuously with the shout of FIRE-FIRE
8. If the fire is a small one and is easily got under control there is no need to give
general fire alarm, but however small, it must be reported immediately to the Camp
9. If the fire is obviously beyond the control of the persons on the spot the person
discovering the fire must double to the Quarter Guard and inform the NCO I/C Guard
stating the location of the fire. He will carry out such orders as have been laid down.
10. The following procedure will take effect on an outbreak of fire during office
(a) The person notifying it will run to the Quarter Guard and inform the
Guard Commander to sound the Fire Alarm and bugle. He will be there and tell
all personnel responding to the fire alarm about the location and scene of fire.
(b) The Officer present in the office will inform the Adjt giving him the details
of the location and scene of the fire.
(c) All those present in the Office under command of the Senior
JCO/CPO/MWO and other ranks will try to put out the fire within the help of the
fire appliance available.
(d) In the absence of the Camp Commandant any officer present will
immediately take charge of the fire fighting and direct the fire fighting squads.
(e) If the fire is too big to be dealt with by the local fire squads, the officer
will ring up main fire station.
11. (a) One company will be detailed daily in Camp Orders to act as the fighting
(b) The Fire Fighting Coy will be divided into three parties:-
(a) Party l. Will double to the scene of fire taking whatever fire fighting
Equipment (Spade, Sand Bucket, Axes, Fire Beaters) is available. They will
work under the orders of the Officer in charge of the Fire Fighting Operation.
(b) Party II. Will double to the scene of fire with whatever bucket and water
tins are available. They will form a bucket chain between the fire and nearest
water point.
(c) Party Ill. Will double to the Kote, draw arms and ammunition and form a
cordon round the fire. They will allow no unauthorized person to enter the area.
13, All personnel taking part in the Fire Fighting will wear boots and will move at the
double in any dress.
Duty Clerk
14. On instructions from the Orderly Officer, he will send a phone message to Main
Fire Station to guide the Fire Engine Team to the scene of the fire.
15. On the fire alarm being raised they will fall in outside their billets with any
available fire fighting equipment and await further instructions from the Camp HQ.
16. No unauthorized person will be allowed to approach the scene of fire. This will
be the responsibility of the Senior Rank present.
Stand Down
17, Fire Fighting Squads will not disperse until the orders of the Officer or the Fire
Fighting Commander are received.
Appendx R
(Refer to Para 201 of the Pamphlet)
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
Undertake disinfection to free the camp site of flies NA Med Offr
and mosquitoes.
Medically examine all cooks and water carriers and Med Offr Camp Comdt
maint record.
Ensure all cadets have been medically examined Med Offr Camp Comdt
prior to commencement of the camp.
Brief cadets about the precautions/ prophylactic Med Offr Dy Camp Comdt
measures to be adopted against common prevalent
diseases during the camp.
Inspection of soakage pit. Nominated PI Staff Camp QM
Ensure no stray dogs are present in the camp. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Water Points.
Ensure water used in the camp is from auth source Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
and has been checked and certified as potable by
local medical auth.
Test water daily. NA Med Offr
Mark water point clearly with appropriate flags. Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
Ensure all drinking water is chlorinated. Chemical for Camp QM Med Offr
water treatment should be procured depending on
Ensure sufficient number of drinking water points Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
have been arranged for boys and girls separately as
also for washing.
Ensure RP is posted to ensure discipline at water Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
points and avoid water wastage.
Appoint a Sanitary Squad consisting of one Sgt and Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
three cadets.
Ensure that latrines and urinals are kept clean. Nominated PI Staff Camp QM
Ensure all refuse from the cook house is removed by Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
the sweeper every morning and evening.
Sanitary Diary is put up to the Camp Comdt before Med Offr Camp Comdt
1200 hours daily to enable him to take appropriate
action as recommended by the Med Offr.
Use of Mosquito nets. Nominated PI Staff Camp Adjt
Use of Mosquito repellent oils by sentries at night Gd Cdr Camp Adjt
and by cadets during night trg.
Check that spread of any type of disease does not Med Offr Dy Camp Comdt
take place and preventive measures are taken.
Undertake all measures as given out in the Instr on Camp Comdt Gp Cdr
Plg and Conduct of Camps for precaution against
preventable diseases.
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
4. Digging of DTLs, if applicable incl smoking and cleaning.
DTLs are provided at the scale of 10 seats per Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
100 cadets.
DTLs of the specification 3’ wide, 8’ deep and Nominated PI Staff Camp QM
length suitable to reqmt is constr and covered by through Safaiwala
proper latrine frames.
DTL pits are clearly marked and fenced. Nominated PI Staff Camp QM
through Safaiwala.
Partition screens have been erected for each Nominated PI Staff Camp QM
latrine seat. through Safaiwala.
DTLs are dug as per specification. Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
Night latrines have been earmarked and lighting Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
Adequate lighting arrangements have been made Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
along approach route and at the place DTLs.
Adequate facility of water and soap is made in Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
proximity to the DTLs.
Ensure safaiwala are on duty to keep DTLs clean. Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
Ensure DTLs are smoked every morning. Nominated Safaiwala Camp QM
Ensure the wooden frame is washed twice a day Nominated Camp QM
and treated with lime. Safaiwala
Ensure DTLs are inspected daily for cleanliness NA Med Offr
and hygiene.
5. Overall safety and security.
Ensure all ranks have read Camp Standing Camp Comdt Gp Cdr
Orders, Instr on plg and conduct of camps, Safety
Instr for trg activities and such other orders as
have been promulgated for strict compliance.
Preliminary recce for selection of camp sites is Camp Comdt Gp Cdr
undertaken as given out in the Instr on Plg and
Conduct of Camps.
Check perimeter fence for efficacy during recce. Camp Comdt Gp Cdr
Deficiencies in fencing to be made up before the Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
commencement of the camp.
Adequate protection of Camp Site against Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
possible contingencies.
Plan the No of guards’ reqd during day and night Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
to ensure security of the camp.
Ensure that the camp is adequately guarded Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
during both the day and night to prevent any
untoward incident.
Access control to the camp will be ensured by Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
plugging any breaches and placement of sentries.
Further security be augmented with the Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
assistance of local police, PMF and local army
units if feasible.
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
Review all places that the cadets are to visit and Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
ensure proper guards /PI Staff are positioned
where the need is felt.
Detail QRT to be present in the camp at all times Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
(Names to be pub in CRO incl PI staff).
Ensure day and night patrolling of the Camp site. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Camp Routine Orders to be published by 1700hrs Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
every day. Orders will be read out at Roll Call.
Issue passes to all civilian employees.
Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
Maint of Passes Issue Record Register.
Ensure police verification of civ employees is Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
carried out before issuing passes.
Ensure only auth civ employees have been issued Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
Ensure bfg of sentries about access by valid pass Gd Cdr Camp Adjt
holders to the camp.
Ensure civ employees suffering from diseases are Gd Cdr Camp Adjt
not permitted entry into the camp.
Civ employees staying in the camp are inoculated NA Dy Camp Comdt
and free from diseases.
Inspection of Passes Issue Register. Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
Ensure and supervise that all Camp ANO’s and Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Cadet appointments do their duties as per their
charter of duties.
Ensure no one leaves the camp premises without Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
proper authorization.
Ensure no visitor allowed during parade hours. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Bring to Camp Comdt’s notice anything and Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
everything, which requires immediate attention.
Ensure instruction on Security and Discipline are Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
implemented by all cadets.
Ensure all cadets move as buddies only. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Ensure no unauthorized vendors neither come into Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
the camp nor park their cycles or vehicles outside
the gates.
Pass relevant orders to Camp Regtl Police Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Sergeant and other camp appointments and get
regular feedback.
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
Carry out surprise check of sentries to find out if Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
they know their job.
Supervise, monitor and report about security or Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
discipline breach taking place.
Sentries will be placed on all important loc and Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
must be given in the CRO. At night, sentries will be
SW sentries to be only deployed in Girls living area Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
in mixed camps.
Carryout surprise check of sentries by the Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
patrolling party of PI staff.
Log of sentry duty to be maint daily. Gd Cdr Camp Adjt
Lights are out at the specified time. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
No indl be allowed to move out of camp after lights Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
out without express permission from Camp Adjt.
Baggage of all cadets be checked by the camp Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
staff for objects like knives/big pairs of
scissors/other such articles which could be used
Physical check of arms and amn in the Kote be Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
carried out daily and Kote Register be signed.
Check security measures in the camp. Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
Ensure checking of fire appliances in the camp Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
area for serviceability.
Check the following before duties start:- Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
(i) Sentries are in pairs.
(ii) Check duty roster.
(iii) Gd Cdr and sentries know their job.
(iv) Gd Cdr and sentries are aware of
action to be taken for various
(v) Sentries have a lathi and a torch.
(vi) Sentries have got whistles.
Out of Bound Areas Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
Strict check will be instituted by camp commandant Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
to check that these orders are not violated by any
Civilian, PI Staff, ANOs and Cadets.
Camp Security & Fire Fighting Officer Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
Camp fire fighting orders wil be published in the Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
CRO daily.
All the parties will be nominated. Cdts will be Dy Camp Comdt Camp Comdt
briefed of their duties and FF practice will be
organised regularly.
All FF eqpt will be checked for serviceability and Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
certificate to the effect rendered.
FF eqpt will be placed at nominated placed Camp QM Dy Camp Comdt
centrally for easy accessibility. All pers of the camp
will be made aware of its loc.
Lec demo on type and use of FF eqpt will be org at Trg Offr Dy Camp Comdt
the beginning of the camp.
Out pass. Record of out passes issued to the Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
cadets will be maintained and strictly monitored as
to their arr back to the camp.
Out passes will be issued to the cdts only after Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
interview with the camp Comdt on case to case
basis on extreme compassionate/emergency only.
Safety and security of the Camp area including Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Camp office area, kotes, cook houses etc to be
carried out.
No subversive literature falls into the hands of the Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Meet visitors to the Camp and not allow them Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
access into the camp area unless their identity has
Ensure detailment of Regimental Police consisting Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
of one Sgt and six cadets.
Ensure detailment of Life Saving squad of an NCO Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
of the regular Armed Forces and 3 cadets who are
good at swimming and conversant with life saving
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
Ensure safety and security of the Camp area incl wpn, amn, docus and eqpt.
Physical check of all arms, amn and controlled Dy Camp Camp Comdt
stores is done daily. Comdt
Controlled access to the Camp to incl proper Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
perimeter fencing/boundary wall.
Est Kotes for wpns and issue Kote instrs to all. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Ensure correct implementation of Kote orders as Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
specified in Instrs on Plg and Conduct of Camps.
Est quarter guard and ensure safety of the Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
treasury chest.
Ensure treasury chest is guarded at all times. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Briefing of sentries about personnel auth entry Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
into the Camp.
Publication of Duty Roster in CRO. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
Drivers will be briefed by MTO on the importance Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
of observing utmost safety precaution while
transporting cadets from one place to another or
moving the vehicle out of camp location.
6. Gen cleanliness of the camp site area.
Cookhouse, washing point, drainage area are Camp QM Camp SM
always kept neat and clean and free from flies.
Adequate No of safaiwalas are present to clean Camp QM Camp SM
the latrines and bathrooms.
There is regular supply of water in the bathroom, Camp QM Camp SM
cook house and Latrines.
The bathrooms and latrines are vis by camp Camp QM Camp SM
appts to check for cleanliness and hygiene.
Cook Houses must be kept scrupulously clean at Camp QM Camp SM
all times.
Waste food will be buried/ burnt in refuse pits, Camp QM Camp SM
which will be located away from the cookhouses.
Each cookhouse will be provided with soap and Camp QM Camp SM
water treated with potassium permanganate for
washing hands.
All servants employed in the camp will be in Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
possession of a pass signed by the Camp
Losses of these passes will be reported forthwith Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
to the Camp Security Officer.
It must be ensured that civil staff maint a high NA Med Offr
standard of personal hygiene during the camp.
All civilians employed in the camp will be Med Offr Camp Comdt
medically inspected.
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
No one suffering from any contagious disease will NA Med Offr
be engaged in the camp.
Cooking party takes bath daily and remains clean. Camp QM Camp SM
Any cooking staff not keeping well is not Camp QM Camp SM
permitted to remain in camp premises.
Ensure left over by cadets is thrown in dustbin Camp QM Camp SM
Ensure all dustbins are cleaned twice a day. Camp QM Camp SM
Enough water is available for cooking and Camp QM Camp SM
No stray dog or animals enter cookhouse or Gd Cdr Camp SM
meals distribution area.
Ensure all utensils are washed and dried up Camp QM Camp SM
Ensure there are no flies in cookhouse. Camp QM Camp SM
All cooked items to be kept covered (by cloth or Camp QM Camp SM
Ensure all knives, grinding stone and other Camp QM Camp SM
equipment is always in a working condition and
No person will be employed in any capacity in NA Med Offr
cookhouse in handling the food of troops who is
carrier of typhoid fever or para typhoid fever or
dysentery or diarrhea or from venereal disease in
an active state.
Ensure no smoking takes place in Camp. Camp Adjt Dy Camp Comdt
All cutting of meat and pastry be done on cutting Camp QM Camp SM
boards & pastry slabs provided for the purpose.
Peeling and washing will not be done on the
ground or gunny bags.
Ensure no cadet is employed in cook house. Camp QM Camp SM
Daily insp of cook house be carried out by med Med Offr Dy Camp Comdt
offr/ rep and remarks endorsed in the register.
Fly proofing of living area, cook house, dining hall Camp QM Camp SM
etc. will be done.
Electric Flycatcher will be kept in the dining hall. Camp QM Camp SM
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
7. Continuously monitor the training.
Issue trg pgme as per new trg curriculum by D- Trg Offr Dy Camp Comdt
20 and ensure all come prepared to take part in
the trg.
Ensure the safety instrs for trg activities 2013 Camp Adjt Trg Offr
has been read by all and trg is carried out in
Involve ANOs right from the preparation stage. Camp Adjt Trg Offr
(Give them specific adm and trg
Ensure adequate trg area and squad posts are Trg Offr Dy Camp Comdt
available for trg.
Drinking water is available during trg close to Camp Adjt Trg Offr
the venue.
Ensure trg of girl cadets takes place separately. Camp Adjt Trg Offr
Record of trg is maintained. Trg Offr Camp Comdt
8. Publication in Camp Routine Orders Camp Comdt Gp Cdr
S Appointment
No Execution by Supervision by
9. All necessary clearances pertaining to Camp Comdt Gp Cdr
safety & security for conduct of camp
Certificates to be rendered.
Appendix ‘S’
( Refer to para 202 of the Pamphlet)
3. On arrival, the VIP will be received by the senior officer serving with the NCC
and conducted to the saluting dais.
4. After the VIP has positioned himself on the saluting dais, parade will give
appropriate compliments as under :-
(e) Officer of the rank of Maj Gen and above - General Salute.
5. After compliments have been paid, the parade will order arms and the Parade
Commander will report to the VIP that the parade is ready for his inspection.
6. The VIP will be escorted by the senior officer serving with the NCC and the
Parade Commander during the inspection of the parade. Two stick orderlies will
precede the VIP during the inspection. Normally inspection will be carried out on foot,
but in the case of large parades, an inspection jeep may be arranged.
March Past
7. The parade will march-past the saluting dais in column of route/column of three
after permission has been obtained from the VIP by the Parade Commander. After
march past the parade will re-form on the inspection line in their original position.
8. Only if the parade is adequately practiced will it carry out ‘Advance in review
order’. Otherwise it will remain on the inspection line. At this stage, NCC activities as
indicated in para 15 (a) (ii) may be carried out. Whilst this is in progress, the parade
may be allowed to sit down, after obtaining permission from the VIP.
9. The parade will be ordered to close in front of the dais by the Parade
commander if the the VlP so desires. Platoons will be marched independently to the
dais by their own Commanders. This should be carried out in an orderly manner. The
platoons will sit down in front of the dais in the following order :
Three ‘Jais’
l0. The VIP will be applauded after he has finished his speech. The Parade
Commander will then call three ‘Jais’ of “Bharath Mata Ki Jai”. The parade will be
called to ‘Savdhan’ while sitting and they will remain seated till the VlP has departed.
After the departure of the VlP, the parade will march back independently to the
inspection line, from where it will be dismissed by the Parade Commander after
permission of the Senior Officer present.
Introduction of Officers
11. The officers will be introduced to the VlP before departure. Officer of the
Services on the permanent instructional staff will fall in on the right of the ANOs or in
the front rank, in the case of their being more than one rank of officers to be
introduced. The senior officer will call all the other officers to SAVDHAN. Other
officers will salute when they are introduced to the VlP. After the introduction is over,
the officer will salute again. He will turn to his right and fall out independently when
VIP has gone to the officer on his left.
Carrying of Arms
12. Only Senior Division cadets will parade with rifles. Girls of the Senior Wing will
parade without rifles. Before the Senior Division Cadets close at the dais, rifles may be
grounded on the inspection line and two sentries posted by platoon to guard the
Word of Command
14. The VIP will not be held up to give autographs after the Parade.
15. On receipt of information that a VIP is visiting a particular unit, the Group
Commander will take actions as under:-
(iv) Tea may be arranged whilst NCC Activities are going on as in (ii)
above to save time.
(b) Group Commander will see the rehearsals of the training to ensure that
a satisfactory standard has been reached.
(c) Invitations should be issued after the date and time of the arrival of VIP
has been confirmed as large gathering as possible should be arranged befitting
the occasion.
(d) Liaise with local military units and police for security arrangements,
(e) Obtain the services of bands from the Army/Police, wherever possible,
for the Parade.
16. Details of the function will be submitted to this Directorate General within 02
days of receipt of the information regarding VIPs visit under the following headings :-
(c) Parade programme as per para 15(a). This will also be sent by signal in
(d) A brief on the NCC Organisation in the State in general and the town
concerned in particular. This should not cover more than half a page.
Guard Of Honour
17. Guard of Honour will be provided by National Cadet Corps units only to the
dignitaries mentioned below. Other dignitaries specially invited as guests of honour to
visit units in camps may on special occasions be given Guards of Honour. Guards of
Honour should be provided with the prior concurrence of the ADG, NCC of the State
Senior Division
18. Senior Division units may provide Guards of Honour only to the following:-
(b) 100 rank and file for the Vice President and the Prime Minister.
NOTE - The President and the Governors/ (within their jurisdictions) will
only receive the ‘National Salute’; all others will receive ‘General Salute’.
Junior Division
20. Junior Division units may provide Guards of Honour to the person enumerated
in paragraph 18 above and, in addition to the following :-
(a) State Ministers when attending NCC functions in their own States as
Chief Guests.
(b) The General Officer Commanding the Area in which the unit is located.
21. The strength of the Guard of Honour in all cases will be 50 rank and file.
Girls Division
22. Guard of Honour may be presented by the NCC Girls Troops to VlPs when they
visit their institutions and camps only, as under :-
23. The strength of the Guard of Honour may be reduced if it is not practical to
provide the strength specified in paragraph 19 and 21 above. This may be done by the
Officer Commanding, unit in consultation with the ADG, NCC within whose jurisdiction
the unit is located.
Annexure I
(a) TA/DA Civs ANOs & Cadets & Rank Pay ANOs
(c) POL
(d) Incidentals
2. TA/DA
3. Messing
Annexure II
Annexure III
References to be Carried
3. Standing Instructions for Republic Day Camp Vol l & Vol ll (Red Book Vol l& II).
• TA/TJRA Officers
• TA/TJRA Cadets
• Messing Officers
• Messing Cadets
• TA/DA Civilians
• Rank Pay Officers
• Civilian Staff
• PI Staff
• Cooks, Servers/Helpers & Water Carriers
• Cadets of all participating units
Annexure IV
Cook House
Grinder wet - 01
QM Store
Condiments - -do-
Furniture Table - 01
Chairs - 02
Charpoy folding - 02
Steel Box For keeping docmnents - 01
Petromaxs 06 (incl for distr pts)
Sign Post 01
QM (JCO) - 01
PI Staff - 01
Lascar - 01
Sweeper - 01
Office Complex
Chairs - 06
Pedestal fans - 02
Side Tables - 02
Main Office
Quarter Guard
Rifle Rack - 01
Treasury Chest (with chain & lock)- 01
Pedestal Mirror - 01
Quarter Guard Chain with stand - 01
Flag Pole - 01
Flag Pole Base Stand - 01
Flags NCC - 01
National Flag - 01
Quarter Guard Bell - 01
Benches - 02
Sign Post - 01
Bugle - 02 (where bugler available)
Whistles - 02
File Covers - Kote standing orders
Camp Routine Orders
MI Room
Table - 01
Chair - 01
Torch with cell - 01
Pad for prescription - 01
Basin steel with stand - 01
Water jug - 01
Soap Case with Soap - 01
Hand towel - 02
Charpoy folding - 01
Durrie - 01
Blankets - 02
Bedsheets - 02
Sign Posting - 01
Petromax - 01
Control Center
Tables - 03
Chairs - 12
Trg Stores
1. Aiming Post.
2. Target and Repair Materials.
3. Training Charts
• Map Reading
• Drill
• WT
• Health and Hygiene
4. Generators - As required.
2. Camp Area - 02
3. Trg Area - 02
4. Quarter Guard - 01
5. Control Centre - 01
Annexure V
Officers Mess
Dinning Tables 02
Chairs 15
Peg tables 06
Full Plates 24
Spoons dinner 24
Spoons Serving 04
Rice Spoon 01
Fork 24
Tea Spoons 24
Katori 24
Saunf/Misri Container 01
Donga!Casorol 04
Water Glasses 24
Cup Saucers 24
Hand Washing Stand 01
Soap Case 01
Soap for washing as required
Soap for mess staff as required
Soap for cleaning utensils as required
Utensils for warming food 04
Buckets steel for washing 02
Annexure VI
1. By Camp Comdt
2. By Adjutant
3. By Dy Commandant
(a) Accounts.
(i) Budget.
(c) Water.
(e) Security.
Annexure VII
ANOs 12 12
Offrs 3 3
PI Staff 23 23
Civilian Staff 18 18
Total 44 42
Annexure VIII
1. ANOs Involve ANOs right from the preparation stage. (Give them specific
adm and trg responsibilities . Issue them trg pgme by D-20 and ensure they come
prepared to take part in the trg.
2. On the first day ensure all boy cadets have hair cut. lt is worth hiring a barber
for first 3 days.
3. Ensure cadets are able to wash their uniforms and arrange for ironing of the
uniforms. Arrange Dhobi for processing in the camp location.
4. Take a ceremonial drill sub unit vise on the second day of the camp to judge
the drill standard they have achieved as part of Institutional training. The affiliated
instructor and the ANO should be present.
5. Cater for minimum four to six Cadet Instructors as part of the Camp.
6. Conduct Training Coordinating conference once a day before Roll Call chaired
by the Adjt.
7. Arrange for minimum 2/3 Guest Speakers by D-20 with suggested topics.
11. The following recorded tunes will be played as per schedule of timings given
below: -
13. Ensure availability of drinking water during training close to the venues.